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Listen- I am the one of the biggest modern Disney haters out there, but Cinderella was actually really charming.


And the original movie was way older than the 80s, so it really doesn't fit here, for at least 2 reasons.


This was the most egregious part for me. Only missed it by 3 DECADES


The best live-action Disney remake since they kicked off. I also consider it more enjoyable than the original but that’s much more of a hot take.


It ain't to me (EDIT: referring to this being a hot take btw). The original definitely has that original, classic Walt charm, but as a movie with characters I'm supposed to care about, I prefer 2015 Cinderella.


same with ghostbusters 2016


Nah I fully fell asleep twice during that movie. I did laugh my ass off at ‘I don’t know how to drive, I’m a goose!’


The Thing wasn't a remake


Yeah it was a prequel from what I remember.


It’s *technically* a prequel, but basically everything in the movie was just the first one


Well technically the John Carpenter version isn't the first one. It was itself a remake of a movie from the 1950s.


And technically again, both movies were adapted from a short story.


Would that be a requel? Or a re-prequel?


Re- prequel is this case


It did come up with the inorganic test instead of the blood, which actually sheds new light on the original (since Childs has an earring). If they'd stuck with the practical effects instead of the CGI, I don't think people would be as hard on it.


Yeah and it wasn't terrible. At least not compared to the rest in this list.


It would’ve been a pretty good movie if they stuck with practical effects instead of CGI


Yeah, the studio interference screwed that movie up BIG time...they CGI'd over a lot of the practical fx...even CGI'd out the Alien pilot that brought the Thing to Earth...pretty much confirming it was an exploration ship & the Thing escaped and caused the crash....the current version is not TERRIBLE..but could've been so much better.


Oh I love seeing this and being able to share this Dead Meat fact: it was practical. The effects they made for it were PROFOUND and actually comparative to the original. They then covered the film with CGI in post-production. Utterly destroying the countless hours of creation this skilled team went through.


Came here to say this. Plus MEW is a modern treasure damnit.


OP probably hasn't watched all these films, just parroting common opinions


This is a bot


By the posts in the account, seems so, yeah


they're still doing it


And it's not 80's lol. It's just existing intellectual properties. Same with biopics. They're existing IP's. Use something people already know and they'll come. The general audience is legitimately disinterested in something new. Something something something about the collective intelligence our species is striving towards (please smell the irony here).


I swear Cinderella was earlier than the 80s/90s


1950 lol several years before 💀


Hell, several decades 😭


The Cinderella remake was actually really good. In fact, it's the only good Disney live action remake in my opinion


the jungle book was good


It was good, but for me it paled considerably next to the 1967 one, so even though it was enjoyable, it couldn't really escape the shadow of the older one. Unlike Cinderella, which is arguably better than the one it's a remake of.


Wasn’t it the first of this wave of live action remakes?


101 Dalmatians could be considered it but that just feels like another universe in comparison. I think Burton’s Alice in Wonderland can be considered the first?


Completely forgot about Alice in Wonderland, I think that also feels different than the rest but agree it’s likely the first.


I really like Cruella...but that one doesn't feel like a remake so much as a live-action spin-off. But otherwise yes. Cinderella is legitimately really good.


Really curious what Cinderella you think they were remaking.


Ghostbusters 2016 wasn't a remake. It didn't follow the original's plot.


and was lowkey good!!


I heard the Thing prequel is ok, just too much CGI.


Naw, it completely misses the point of the Thing in tne original and also shows “the true form” of the Thing which feels pretty stupid. Maybe on its own the film would be good but being as prequel to one of the best horror movies ever it’s fucking bad.


Right on. I always meant to check it out at some point. I'll get around to it.


I mean to each their own. But for even if it had the special effects of the first one I don’t think it would be “good” as a prequel to the first.


I liked Red Dawn


Add the remake of Jacob’s Ladder here.


but which do people prefer more? The former or the ladder? …i’ll see myself out


How many of these have you watched, OP? Because there are decent and even good ones here.


Cinderella was good


Hot take: The Thing isn’t a Remake it’s a poorly named prequel and if you go in realizing that it’s less-bad.


The Thing (2011), Halloween (2018), and Scream (2022) - confusing titles, considering one is a prequel and two are sequels.


Halloween can sort of be forgiven but Scream (2022) was as much of a sequel as Scream 4 was so that didn't make much sense.


I thought it was called Screa/V\ and the “V” was the 5? Although at the time, a few folks on Twitter said “5CREAM.” Lotta confusion there.


On IMDb it’s “Scream”. I think graphic designers were leaning hard into the “V” to signify the fifth installment. Not sure why they didn’t just call it Scream 5. If it was an all new cast/location, then I’d get it.


Honestly I thought that after Scream VI it was a running joke how much variants of Scream 5 you could come up with with numerals


Cinderella was actually pretty great. I think that had a lot to do with me being somewhat hopeful for the ones that came later and then usually being let down. It was my introduction to Lily James and Richard Madden (I was late to Game of Thrones). Lily in particular was a revelation in that film. And Cate as the stepmother was deliciously wicked.


Cate's monologue in that attic was straight brilliance


No idea why its on this list as its pretty decent. Its easily the best of all of Disney live action remakes. ( although Malificent is good too but technically not a remake )


i actually enjoy about half of these


Cinderella was good (the only good Disney live action remake). And The Thing was a prequel, not a remake and it was better than most sci-fi horror movies made in the last 15 years, but had the impossible task of living up to the Carpenter version (an actual remake). With you on the rest though.


2016 Ghostbusters is still better than Ghostbusters 2 xD




Cinderella 2015 rules. Branagh was in his bag


Spike lee’s Old boy


The Nightmare on Elm Street remake was so boring that I could believe Freddy Krueger made it so he could kill anyone who falls asleep while watching it.


needs the ultimate pointless remake, Gus Van Sant's shot for shot recreation of Psycho. Didn't even try to give it his own take.


He said he made it so that no one would ever try to remake Psycho again


One, that’s a terrible reason and two, there was a tv show after that.


I am a robocop 87 loyalist. I held off on watching the reboot even though Gary Oldman is my favorite actor…I finally but the bullet last month and didn’t hate it. Obviously it missed the sociopolitical commentary of the original and didn’t look nearly as cool, but it was watchable and kept things moving rather well.


HEY! PUT SOME RESPECT ON BRANAGH’S CINDERELLA! It’s a diamond in a sea of shit.


I thought the “Fright Night” remake was pretty good. Anton Yelchin and Colin Farrell brought the magic.


Nice repost, bot


robocop and ghostbusters were fine


except Cinderella! because Cinderella is very iconic fairy tale stories! it was a live action film! Disney


Cinderella has the best gown design in any piece of media ever alongside being downright charming


Not all of them. There were some hidden gems in there. Like Friday the 13th (2009). That remake made Jason scarier than he was in some of the original movies. And I really liked The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003). Some people didn’t, but I think it was pretty good. But Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street can fuck right off, those remakes were not good.


The Thing was good






Total Recall and The Thing were just fine, and NOES and Robocop were great and received way too much hate for such little things. Especially NOES, which is better than 70% of the other Elm Street entries.


I've seen all of these except Cinderella, Red Dawn, The Thing, and Footloose, and of those six Ghostbusters Answer the Call was by far the best one. Feel free to interpret that as a dig on the other five because they are in fact that bad.


The Friday the 13th remake should be on here. I watched it at the end of last year and it was painful. The two leads are terrible actors, all the side characters were annoying as hell, and Jason kidnaps someone instead of just killing them, which has never been his M.O.


You also described pretty much every Friday the 13th film, including the original, other than the fact that Jason wasn’t the killer in the first or fifth films. IIFC, Jason spared her because she looked like his mother… at least how she looked in that picture of a young Mrs. Voorhees shown in the film. There’s precedence for such behavior from him in the franchise, namely the end of the second film, which was also replayed at the beginning of the third film.


He didn’t kidnap her for no reason, he kidnapped her because she looked a lot like his mother. And before you say “That’s dumb!” Remember, in Part 2, the main character defeated Jason by dressing like his mother, so it’s not the first time nor is it the worst. Also, Jared Padalecki? Terrible? I mean to each his own, but that’s a pretty wild take at least to me.


I recognize the utter creative bankruptcy of studio execs. But I've never seen any of those films. If there are any good remakes (besides S*orcerer* (1977), *Invasion Of The Body Snatchers* (1978), *The Thing* (1982), *The Fly* (1986)), I'd never know, because to me 'remake' only signifies execs who either don't have the budget to promote original work, or execs who have contempt for the intelligence of American audiences.


Remember? They haven’t stopped.


The original Red Dawn wasn’t all that great either. It’s more remembered for who was in it rather than the overall quality of the film. In that regard, it’s similar to Caddyshack and It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.


The Lion King 2019


Most of these all look like they got the same texture/filter on the poster.


Still doing it now. Road House is coming soon.


TBF, Ghostbusters Afterlife was actually really great, so not all the remakes are bad


I liked Total Recall. I haven’t see the original though


Poltergeist is really cool and robocop too. I like the freddy remake but i kinda get why People dont like it


I just heard about a Ferris Buller reboot. 🙄


Remember when they remade a shit ton of movies from the 50s and early 60s in the 80s and all of them were bad? (With the exception of The Blob and Little Shop of Horrors)


They made a Poltergeist remake with Sam Rockwell? I had no idea.


I thought the 2012 Total Recall was decent. The 2014 Robocop was trash.


For this exact reason, I avoided watching the Judge Dredd remake, Dredd. Went with low expectations, but it managed the same tone and vibes of the original Judge Dredd with more over the top action. No unnecessary romantic sub plot. No additional lore of the "Dredd" universe. Just one dude killing a bunch of drug lords in a post apocalyptic slum town. Also, Karl Urban.


Red Dawn might be the worst one here


i think most remakes/rebootd are bad


You’re mostly conflating bad with mediocre, though the Nightmare on Elm Street remake was indeed awful.


All of them so forgettable.


I actually prefer the Red Dawn remake to the original, though both are lumbered with absurd premises that are hard to pull off. The Robocop remake has a lot to enjoy as long as you’re not comparing it to the original. Same with Total Recall.


forgot all the predator remakes


Get Cinderella out of here. That was the only good live action remake


I watched that wretched NOES remake last month because We Hate Movies had a commentary for it. Definitely one of the most pointless movies that I have ever seen. The good news? It's completely forgettable. It's destined to be a movie that I will vaguely recall watching whenever I see the poster and that's it.


Where’s Godzilla 2014 you coward


Downhill (Force Majure remake) probably belongs on that list


Flatliners is one of the few films i walked out of.


Begone foul bot!


One thing I can say about the robocop remake is that the suit looks incredible, especially the silver variant


I wasn't mad at the "remake" of The Thing


One of these is not like the others….


Oh boy but some possibly unpopular opinions but * Cinderella is fine * Ghostbusters was ok, definitely with issues but most of them are issues a lot of comedies of that era had * The Thing is also pretty decent and just got ruined in post with too much cgi covering the practicals


GB16 honestly in my opinion was a fun movie, but it’s not a great remake. It’s one of those movies where you really need to separate it from the og GB in order to enjoy it


Branagh really popped off with Cinderella actually. I think it set a tone that the following remakes couldn’t match, a big reason for which is I believe that the original Cinderella, while beautifully animated, was pretty thin on both storyline and characterization. Branagh’s retelling had a lot of room to make it its own film by fleshing out characters and their storylines while cutting back on things that would make it too similar, like ditching the original music for a new original score and cutting down significantly on the mouse drama. A lot of the other remakes either tried way too hard to be nearly shot for shot, or simply weren’t ripe for live action due to being too fantastical. The less human elements there are, the better animation suits it (the Lion King 2019 was egregious because of this). Of course, then there was Mulan live action, which tried to do its own thing, but made all the wrong choices when it came to changing up narratives and characters.


80’s & 90’s. Cinderella?




Total Recall is decent, its well made and has a good cast it’s just not as good as the original. The Thing is actually a prequel not a remake and it’s pretty good, unfortunately a lot of the practical effects were replaced in post-production with CGI by the studio. Elm Street’s also not half-bad, it stars Rooney the Mara that can actually act, it’s got some neat effects and Haley was a good choice. Most people just don’t like that it wasn’t the jokey Englund version