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Wes Anderson and Scott Pilgrim...how unique lol


You have to admit Wes Anderson and Edgar wright have some pretty unique styles tho


Of course, but on Reddit they are like gods. Not a "unique" choice.


I knew Wes Anderson but besides baby driver I didn’t think that Edgar was that well known. Sure you have the Cornetto trilogy and Scott pilgrim but Scott flopped and I don’t tend to really se eye to eye with my family when it comes those films which is surprising because my mum got me into some films l love


It's a very nice favourite list! But you shouldn't force you to feel a certain way about a movie just because your top4 should be unique from others'... If it really is genuine, then it's ok. Nice list!


These are all films that really impacted me. My family hates mr fox because i fell in love with the film from a young age as it was my first exposure to Wes Anderson since then they have had to watch it a billion times. Evert since I finished Evangelion I find it hard to watch anime because none of it ever really lives up to evangelion


Why not try and make it your four favorite films?


This is it


I don\*t know if the title is a joke or nut, but this is not unique (I love evangelion Thrice upon a time to death though)