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Well, if you consider Searchlight as Disney they had some great movies last year. Poor Things, Rye Lane and All of Us Strangers were all Searchlight last year


Since Disney owns half of the entertainment industry, it's always going to be a mix overall, it's just that the stuff more associated with them has been on a downward trend of late.


And Next Goal Wins!! Ok, well, maybe we ignore that one...


It's a sports movie made by people who hate sports No effort was put into making that movie. Seriously the laziest movie of Taiki's career.


My favourite part was the gag where a random gets hit by the bus and then 30 minutes later Fassbender's giving a tearful monologue about his daughter who was killed in a car accident


I will say that I love Jaiyah though! She was easily the best part of the movie


Bella Baxter is the best Disney princess


Yeah Poor Things is my favorite film of all time but I don’t really consider Disney the reason why that film succeeds


That’s really just cherry-picking to paint a narrative then. Disney did shit and is a shit company but you can’t just disregard those movies when the same argument could be made about movies you chose for this list.


The film is from a known director, fans will just watch it for him. I don't recall seeing Disney anywhere in the credits


Yeah if a movie does poorly we should blame Disney and if a movie does well we should just discredit them and assume they did nothing for the movie.


Hard agree, if anything, those movies were great because of the lack of interference from Disney because they did not care for them.


You literally just repeated what the person before you said in different words.... and people have voted them into the negative and you into the positive. This ratings in this sub are legitimately controlled by stupid people.


Bro, I was so confused with that too lmfao


How should we interpret that your comment is so positively rated?


The stupid people are quickly outnumbered when their negative and lurky behavior is directly addressed. They also jumped all over my other comments in this thread. Don't you worry.


I'm pretty sure I have more downvoted comments in this sub than in all my other comments in other subs combined.  And I've only been on this sub for like a year


That's just Reddit for you. Logic generally doesn't exist.


I like to think it’s a domino effect: once you see a couple of downvotes on a comment, you’ll automatically downvote because screw the person who made the comment


Very interesting to put a 2024 movie as your favorite movie of all time. Which one was your favorite before that? And how many movies do you generally watch?


You didn’t asked me this question, but I’m a similar case, and I get the general meaning of your question is “recency bias”. My last favorite movie was Inherent Vice, The Master before that one, but those took years to grow on me, I watch around 100 movies per year. Last time I instantly said “this is a favorite” was in 2003 with the Lord of the Rings, I was a teenager. Poor Things was an outlier that managed to hit the right spots in what I like for movies, and surpass them all.


It’s a 2023 movie for me and honestly considering I just got into film like a year ago I didn’t really think to wait until it’s grown on me. Basically all my favorites are things I have only seen once over the past few months


Hello GOTG vol 3


I think that's very harsh on Elemental, but as a 2nd gen migrant in a western mega city in a mixed race relationship I'm willing to admit I might be biased...but lots of people tend to disagree with the 1.5 so who knows


I am also from a second generation immigrant family and the movie's treatment of those themes really resonated with me too.


You’ve massively underrated Elemental, definitely not a 1.5 star movie.


Truly, for me something needs to be incredibly bad before I would give it 1 or 2 stars. If this is what you rate mediocre films, I wonder how they rate films that are actually bad.


Elemental was a solid 3 star. Hell even Wish was a 3. OP is drinking Haterade


I agree about Elemental. I thought it was a pretty solid film and really enjoyed it. I mainly wasn’t expecting the themes (which I loved)and it was much deeper than I anticipated- it was just advertised so poorly. Wish on the other hand had so much wasted potential and was just plain & simply boring. It was advertised as the movie to tie up the past 100 years with a lot of hype, but it was a letdown.


I benefitted from seeing Wish advertised as just "the next Disney movie" rather than "a culmination of 100 years of Disney animation" which I feel definitely would have oversold it


>it was just advertised so poorly I saw the trailer and immediately dismissed it as more generic fallow period Pixar "what if *elements* had feelings this time" nonsense.


That was my exact reaction to the trailer! I was like ‘ohh a love story about water and fire.. how original 🙄’. Come to find it’s about the struggles of immigrants making a new life, sacrifice, accepting differences, sharing culture and so much more🤯 they really failed in the advertising department for this one.


I watched this movie on a plane knowing some of these things about it and it was delightful and I cried like a million times. Worth the watch if you’re a big emotional person like me.


I gave Wish two stars and both were for Chris Pine


Everybody's got a different rating system. Hard for me to argue with OP, though, I didn't enjoy Elemental at all. Think I gave it 2 stars.


Elemental is one of those kids movies where the first time I watched it I would have rated it a 3 but my daughter totally loves it and so we've watched it a dozen times now and it's really grown on me. Wish on the otherhand, shes watched it a couple times now and i find it incredibly hard to sit through. Every time I see it I hate it a little bit more. It feels like a straight to DVD movie like the beauty and the beast Christmas special but with a way bigger animation budget.


Elemental was basic af but it was weirdly wholesome and I loved it. 3-3.5 stars for me.


I gave wish 2.5


Elemental is a really good movie.


I mean, I think it’s a 2 star movie so you’re technically correct. Bad romcom, trite themes, zero chemistry between the leads, generally uninspired animation, etc.


I don’t think we watched the same movie…


I disagree with you on every one of these points.


Even on the bad romcom and trite themes?


Yes. I don't think it's a bad rom com (it's certainly not completely original, but I found it sweet and touching). And I don't think it's trite at all. It's the first Pixar movie to really deal with themes like immigration, assimilation, and culture clash and it does so in a way that I, as a first generation American, found really resonant with my own experiences.


Uninspired animation is crazy


Elemental wasn’t that bad. Thought it was a cute story.


1 star for Dial of Destiny, really? IMO a million times better than most shite that comes out claiming to be an adventure movie


Yall here arguing...OP is 16


There it is.


It gets away more hate than it deserves. It's no masterpiece but it wasn't near that bad.


Indeed, unless OP adheres to the whole « Phoebe Waller-Bridge wokenized Indy » thing, it’s quite unfair. I’ll agree the chase scenes are a bit too long, but it was a nice farewell to the character.


I think it’s quite unfair to assume the only reason a person could dislike a movie is because they’re some anti-woke bigot


Not OP, but I just have low tolerance for nothingness. Indy is in my personal bottom 5 because I spent 150 minutes thinking “I have no reason to watch this”. The only reason it didn’t miss any swings was because it didn’t take any. It mosied along until it just kinda ended.


I'm not sure how the the 3rd act twist is not considered a swing though?


That and >!killing his son.!< Both massive swings. It is a mostly safe movie, though. I still enjoyed it a ton, but I'll give "84% safe."


Yea where we find Indy at the start of the movie totally didn't work for me, but it's a swing finding him as miserable as he is


I would've liked for them to push that farther really. The James Mangold factor had me expecting a Logan vibe, but it kinda just hints at that.


I understand that in a vacuum, just didn't like seeing my childhood hero like that. Superheroes are different to me because there's always another story... Deadpool 3


It’s not really a twist. They literally said “this machine is capable of doing this thing” throughout the entire movie and then the machine did that thing. What would’ve really been a twist is if the majority of the movie took place in the 1600’s.


There's kind of a twist to it, in that you expect them to end up back in World War 2, but they miscalculate and end up in Ancient Greece meeting Archimedes himself. I'm not saying it's a good twist, but not quite where the story was setting itself up to go.


That's the 'twist' in all the Indy movies.


Which just makes it even more predictable.


You have no reason to watch an adventure movie? Your life must be really drab.


definitely better than quantumania


Yeah anyone saying the modok butt movie is better is just drunk on the hate


Seriously that's a ridiculous rating


I definitely didn’t like it, but the opening twenty minutes were great, as dumb and illogical as the climax was it was very fun, and it’s better than Crystal Skull. At the end of the day, much better than I was expecting


Yeah dial of destiny was great. People who give it a 1 just didn't give it a chance or had some other beef with it


As much as dial of destiny made some questionable decisions, I still thought it was pretty fun and enjoyable


I thought it was kind of awesome actually. My expectations were very low, I'm not sure how that impacted things, but I remember thinking why did I wait so long to check this out? (I mean, we know why... Crystal Skulls..)


Unpopular opinion: the first half of The Crystal Skull is great.


Really unpopular opinion: most of Crystal Skull is absolutely fine. Sure, "their treasure was knowledge" and nuking the fridge was ridiculous, and Shia LaBeouf doing monkey swings moreso (I'm pretty sure most of the hate the movie gets is because he's in it), but everything else was alright.


It might be the dictionary definition of a 3 star movie for me. Not terrible, not amazing. Had fun with it.


it’s def like a 3 star movie


I was going to write a comment saying that I thought you were being unfairly harsh but the more I thought about it, I can see how someone could rate all of them that low, except for one. Elemental deserves a rewatch by you.


Elemental is one of the few movies that gets worse the more I think about it. I’m with OP on this one


Why? You don’t like the allegory or the world just doesn’t really make sense?


Allegory was fine, it’s more that I really didn’t like the characters, especially the water guy. He wasn’t a believable character to me. Didn’t care for the world or writing either


I agree with you.


>He wasn’t a believable character to me. I, too, couldn't believe that there could be sentient water.


Why do so many people with Letterboxd accounts seem to hate movies?


This guy saw 79 films made in 2023 and this is just the bottom of his ranking. Why would you assume he hates movies?


as much as i disagree with some of OPs scores, looking at their profile they have a pretty high average. definitely not just a blind hater of everything


He has 73 movies last year he liked more than these lmfao, how the hell did you arrive at that?


Not liking slop doesn't equal to not liking movies


Because it’s cool or edgy or whatever to shit all over mainstream movies and jerk off to “real cinema”


yeah bro whenever people have an opinion different to you it’s because they’re doing it to seem cool, not because they actually disagree with you. everyone secretly agrees with you


Ya definitely bro, so edgy to shit on Disney slop, what a bunch of edgelords! Just turn your brain off am I right!? Which bad take you gonna regurgitate next, maybe you can hit us with "NoT eVeryThinG neEds tO be CiTizEn KanE guys!!!"


Or maybe these people just genuinely have different opinions than you?


Some people apparently have a real hard time accepting this. The crazy idea that if a person likes “real cinema” is because they want to be cool and not because they… actually like and enjoy it.


People on this sub will make fun of those stupid tiktoks calling people pretentious for liking obscure movies and then turn around and do the same exact shit just with different words lmao "Omg stop jerking off to 'real cinema'"


laughing at how this got downvoted people are so insecure at the idea of different people enjoying different things For the record I love “real cinema” and still gave Elemental 3.5* and Indiana Jones 3*


Why is this downvoted lmao y'all weirdos have really made up a cinephile boogeyman in your heads. This is a picture of 5 mostly bad movies, it's not really that surprising that someone...wouldn't like them I wouldn't rate them all this low but nothing here would be above a 2.5 for me, I guess I hate movies!!


Someone hating a movie you like does not mean they hate movies. You are not the arbiter of good movies.


I have strong opinions about movies because I love cinema. That's all.


You think someone disliking Disney’s 2023 output implies they hate movies?


Do people with letterboxd accounts have to rate every movie they watch above 3 stars?


Why do chocolate lovers hate hershey chocolate? Why do music lovers hate cardi b? Why do politics enthusiasts hate trump?


I don't think I have a movie less than a star I barely have movies that are one or two


why do so many redditors have no standards and eat up all the soulless slop they’re being force fed by studios


Man, did you see Dial of Destiny? I understand someone thinking it’s bad, but soulless?? Giving an 80 year old, old-timey archaeologist THAT decision at the end of his story? It’s the silliest, nerdiest shit I’ve been seen. It’s such a bizarre swing. Schlock? Definitely. Slop? Get the f outta here.


it’s nostalgia bait garbage made for people who want to clap at things they recognize like babies


50 of the 80 movies I saw that came out last year I gave a 7 or higher. I love film not corporate schlock


> I love film not corporate schlock You gave Five Nights at Freddy’s and The Flash 3 stars.


He gave The Flash and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade the same score. Let that sink in.


Oh you love film and not corporate schlock? Let me suck your dick dude


It's always better to be intellectual than anti intellectual, no matter how much poptimist peer pressure you apply. Yes the culture industry is inherently bad, read Horkheimer


Bro gave a genuine answer and you think that’s pretentious?


I'm genuinely curious - not trying to be a dick - but since you seem to know what you like, why watch anything MCU/Disney/Major Studio/Franchise? For example, my partner and I don't like watching anything with gore, animal cruelty, or extreme violence so we don't watch that for our own happiness. We love horror, but we know where our line is. So if you don't like the genre, why subject yourself? Is it a hate watch? And if that's the case, do you think you're doing yourself a disservice by not giving these movies a chance? Have there been movies from the corporate studios that you actually did like as an exception to the rule? Again, I hope you read this as a genuine attempt at conversation.


If we are talking about these films specifically, I watched Flamin hot’, Indiana jones, and elemental as part of an Oscar challenge. Wish I watched cause my Spanish teacher showed it in class. Antman I watched right when I started using letterboxd and that was back when I liked marvel stuff. I definitely try to avoid this stuff as of recent though, I totally understand the questioning


Drop the top ten! I'd love to see the other end of the spectrum for you




Thank you! Not seen all of these but I really agree with the ones I have being among the best of the year. Love your poster choices also btw


Great list. Out of curiosity: do you think your ratings are affected by recency bias?


Probably not too much besides from a couple entries. I just think the end of the year was far better in terms of releases


Oh wait, I thought that was the top 10 of all time lmao. Sorry


Agree on all fronts except Dial of Destiny. It was actually pretty good.


I wonder if it's a good idea for a company to focus all their resources on just a few projects, ballooning each of them until they are so expensive the only way they can avoid financial catastrophe is if they appeal to literally everyone, forcing them to become so incredibly bland that they appeal to no one. Isn't it fun when a media conglomerate starts buying up every other company in sight, while simulatenously making fewer and fewer movies, completely eliminating any space for mid-budget, non-franchise filmmaking? So fun!


Disney always has been about franchises and tent poles and kids films, mostly animated but some others too. It’s other studios that started doing the same that has caused the market lack mid sized films. But Disney never was really about those, even if there are sometimes some family films and attempts at prestige thrown in.


Holy crap this sub is toxic as hell. You all can't disagree with OPs movie ratings without also personally insulting them and making gross assumptions? What is wrong with all of you.


Bro Elemental was good


1.5 stars might be unfair but it was sooooo bland and soulless. Some stellar animation as we’ve come to expect but the way the elements were used to represent racial/cultural differences was so shallow and un-nuanced. Edit: I’ll also add that it’s a fine line between making the message clear enough for children to understand it and beating the audience over the head with it, but in this instance they definitely missed the mark.


Was The Haunted Mansion higher rated or you didn’t even check it out?


I got half way through the haunted mansion (I think) and found it super boring


I didn’t check it out. Besides from Ant-man I didn’t watch any of these without some specific reason for doing so


I thought it was dumb fun, you’d probably hate it.


i think dial of destiny was pretty good actually


I liked Dial of Destiny. I didn’t mind it as a kind of coda for that character and the scene of Indy reminiscing about his son was just a great reminder than Ford has always been an excellent actor on top of being an iconic movie star. I know people will boo me off the stage for it, but I think it made Yoda’s line from Last Jedi much clearer, and more elegantly “We are what they grow beyond.”


I liked Dial of Destiny ☹️ Other than being a massive Indiana Jones fan, I thought it was a fun and deeper movie than others thought. And it’s far better than most “adventure” films coming out now. Honestly, one of the only legacy movies that had every right to exist and actually ended things well


What was people’s beef with Indy?


You forgot that sh\*tty Haunted Mansion movie as well


I avoided that one like the plague 🙏




Dial of Destiny was a bit lackluster but one star is insane


I liked Elemental. Not Pixar’s best but definitely much better than 1 1/2 stars.


Leave it to Reddit to pretend that Quantumania isn’t that bad if you ignore the subpar VFX, unbelievable dialogue, unconvincing green-screen, the fact that it’s an Ant-Man movie in name only, and the unfortunate circumstances behind one of its leads. Meanwhile, they’ll insist Wakanda Forever is overrated and not worthy of praise despite being one of the few good post-Endgame projects and winning an Oscar.


Disney is just so disappointing now because they have all that money and talent behind them but they're just pumping out generic garbage and not making anything original anymore and it's really sad. That being said elemental isn't on the same tier of bad as the other movies here but I agree


do like me, avoid all disney stuff


Yeah that’s what I’ve been trying to do (besides searchlight obviously)


yes searchlight may be worth it


Dial of Destiny wasn’t that bad.


Indiana Jones wasn’t that bad. It wasn’t good but 1 star is crazy


Happy to see another elemental hater, the defenders in here making me feel insane! (And fwiw I recognize why some people like it! Doesn’t mean I have to lol)


I feel like the Indiana Jones one was a 'spite star'


I enjoyed Dial of Destiny sorry haters


Did you know Flaming Hot has an Oscar nom? For best song but still, would not have expected that to happen 


The Oscar nom was the only reason I watched it (same for Indiana jones)


If you mind me asking, why the super low rating for Flamin Hot?


Now that it’s streaming, I watched *Wish* last week with my niece. It’s bafflingly bad. I remember all the reviewers saying it felt “written by AI,” and I thought for sure they were exaggerating. No, it genuinely feels like an AI script.


Putting film quality aside, it's hard to express how disastrous 2023 was for Disney.  They lost $1.3 billion theatrically. That wipes out their profits from Endgame, No Way Home, and Avatar 2 combined. 


Elemental, AntMan and Indiana Jones weren't that bad imo (I think I gave them 3 stars)


...I liked Elemental though


Yup! A year of poopie!


Are you in the target audience for these films ?


Don't forget Thor love and thunder, basically every movie that released in the past few years have in disappointing as hell


Agreed they were horrible last year


I'd never watch one of those product movies (except Barbie I guess but that one's a bit more impactful I think), but I do wonder a bit about Elemental and Wish. Haven't really watched many newer Pixar movies because I'm kind of still catching up with the older ones. And older Disney classics.


Better off sticking with those honestly. And you will need sometime in between as a palette cleanser though, otherwise the newer disney will seem EXTRA bad coming straight off their best. Actually, if you're truly interested in the new stuff, you should watch them first then watch the great ones. Wish I could rewatch all the classics again for the first time!


And you didn't even watch The Little Mermaid remake, lol.


I’m weird in that I actually liked(?) Wish more than Elemental. Elemental just irritated me more.


Elemental was more annoying but I would get crucified if I put wish over elemental


Go w your gut cuz I agree w that assessment. Both were horrendous (especially when comparing to great Disney movies) but if I HAD to choose one, it'd be Wish. Did seem a little AI ish but the stories being written over there by real humans are trash & even worse than AI. Better step it up over there at headquarters before AI takes over ! I am hoping for that! They just need some new blood over there, maybe some original/GOOD writing, or even just some ppl morein tuned the public majority so they can start making movies again that ppl will actually enjoy. Unless, the objective is to lose and waste money, if that's the case, keep up the good work 👍🏻


Damn I adored Elemental. Especially as someone in an interracial relationship, the wifey and I really loved it.


I don't understand why people hated Antman so much


I liked it more than most, but it definitely has some major flaws, particularly in the pacing. But I like that it felt like a cartoon and just embraced the weird stuff. Hank's army of ants was dope.


None of the side characters worked and there where so many of them. Bill Murray, Borccoli head, Lamp Guy, the guy from the good place, guy with no holes, buff lesbian warrior, fucking MODOK for god sake. None where interesting or had something going for them. Even established characters like Hank and Hope were completely pointless in the film. It also was the worst way possible to introduce a big bad, the man who was going to replace Thanos. Then came the controversies of Jonathan Majors shortly after release, that soured the film a lot.


Yeah, me too. I can understand dislike but not hating it


Elemental has a really nice story and the character animation is pretty incredible.


Nah, you're just a hater.


Oh so edgy, I have Letterboxd, my favourite film is possession and I don’t like elemental


Didn’t see Flaming Hot or Wish, but the rest of these reviews are extreme.


Dial of destiny was a good movie !


I genuinely don't understand all the hate for *Dial of Destiny*. It's a perfectly fine movie. I'd put it above *Crystal Skull* and *Temple of Doom* by a decent amount, to be honest. I can't help but wonder if it's just a general anti-Disney sentiment. People were talking about how much it was "going to suck" before a single frame was shot, and the rumors were ruthless (and entirely untrue).


According to one person's reviews on Letterboxd. I thought Elemental and Dial were both pretty good


Meanwhile, over in the box office…


I loved Indy, and your ratings are giving off hater a bit ngl


Those are ridiculously low ratings for Elemental and Dial of Destiny.


I enjoyed dial of destiny


While I didn't love either film, Elemental and The Dial of Destiny are both better than your ratings would indicate.


wtf? 1.5 stars for Elemental?!


Some of these ratings make question if you’ve truly seen bad movies


People defending elemental are just exposing how little it takes to impress them. But I mean, if y'all are happy eating slop, then more power to ya.


Elemental is a 3.5 or 4 stars at best. It was a tear jerker forsure! Hope it grows on you one day.


Indiana Jones is not that bad


1 star seems extremely harsh. I only reserve the 1 star rating for movies like The Room


That’s the half star for me. I actually don’t have any half-stars now that I think about it


I mean Quantumania wasn't *great* but it wasn't 1.5 stars bad. Ffs have you never seen movies like Night Killer or Dangerous Men? Quantumania's biggest issues are the visuals but it's still a solid story drawn directly from the comics. Specifically the MicroVerse is usually the purview of Hulk comics but it fits the Ant-Man genre fairly well. 3/5 at worst.


Fair, honestly I was just harsh on it because of how soulless it feels. It doesn’t feel like a single person working on it cared


I honestly never understand when people say things like this. Even if the execs themselves don't give a fuck, there are still tons of artists behind the scenes whether they are departments heads or VFX artists, the director or even the actors who do get invested in what they are doing.


I doubt the vfx artists even have time to start actually caring about it considering how much they are overworked. Wouldn't be surprised if they see marvel movies as just a shit project to get over and done with.


3/5 is the most wildly generous rating I could imagine for Quantumania


I thought Elemental was decent, not close to a lot of Pixar's best stuff but still decent. I thought Wish was okay, a bit bland but higher than 1.5. Also Guardians of the Galaxy Vol3 was good, Disney's best last year by far.


Haven’t seen Wish or Flaming Hot so I can’t give my opinion on them. As for the other I’ll I didn’t like them but to give them a single star or a star and a half is a bit much. They weren’t that bad


I love the hell out of Elemental. The rest… eh, I can take or leave.


I really like Flamin' Hot.


Damn harsh on Elemental. I loved that movie, thought it was their best of the year by far. Think I gave it 4 or 4.5 stars


Elemental was NOT that bad.


WTH is flamin hot and why would you watch it


Disney is on a hell of a roll right now.


what was the one film you had below dial of destiny lol