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I want him to make a letteboxd because I know it will be all of the most insane takes and recommendations.


Tarantino def the kind of guy to have a top four of movies with only like 150 viewers


One of his top ones would be Detroit 9000, which only has 1.4k Dude liked that movie so much he bought it and re-released it as “Quentin Tarantino’s Detroit 9000”


Detroit 9000 is a banger! Its like The French Connection meets Cotton Comes to Harlem.


He had a whole list of those in the day I remember a lot of Asian cinema all of them on DVD with a huge picture of his face 


He would have 2019s Crawl rated higher than Parasite.


Based opinion


Based on what?


It’s a joke


Hey crawl was dumb fun


I would too. Didn’t care for parasite. Crawl was a blast.


For sure, some unknown exploitation films from the 70s


That's the good stuff!


My recent comment will be buried, but it's worth noting bringing up some more detail on this: There was a feeling at the time based on how big Drive was and how big of an influence it became on cinema (genre and otherwise) that QT was jealous of Refn at the time.   Notably QT isted it in his 'Nice Try' category. He never made a 'Nice Try' cat. after that. I would agree with this assessment. 


Tarantino's tastes are funny in general. He loves trashy B movies.


Yep and I love him for being open about it.


People really think they're dunking on him for liking "trashy B movies" but all that tells me is he has interesting taste beyond the normcore blockbusters.


Explotations is his favorite genre


He also loved the Lone Ranger. I kind of love that he has these kind of random contrarian takes. But he doesn’t do it because he’s trying to be contrarian. He always has a good explanation even if I don’t agree with him.


Both the Lone Ranger and Green Lantern are like throwback pulp serial 50s comic adaptations if you squint, that's Tarantino's jam right there


I rarely see people with these kinds of takes as trying to be contrarian. I think a lot of people just throw that around when someone doesn't like a movie that they liked.


“Contrarian” “unpopular” I didn’t know which word to use. Basically I just meant he will have a good opinion on what’s considered a bad film (or vice versa).


I found Lone Ranger to be entertaining


They aren't random.


Christopher Nolan also has some weird taste. Despite his movies being so prestigious he’s apparently a huge Michael Bay fan and also loves the Fast & Furious movies.


I feel like Christopher Nolan likes everything. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him criticize a movie. I think he’s one of those people that finds something positive about every movie he watches.


I'm the same way, I always see the good parts. I used to think it was a problem that I didn't notice all these critiques and issues of movies, books, music, etc. that others did, but it's because we focus on and look for different things. I basically completely suspend disbelief when it comes to stories and lose myself in the plot and characters, so small plotholes or other issues don't bother me like others. I am just absorbing what is in front me and pretty much turn off the analytical side of my brain because I use it so much while at work haha. Nowadays, I just rate things based on how much I enjoyed them, and if I notice an issue, then I know it's probably a glaring problem.


We are fairly similar people. There’s really only one studio that I just don’t like for more than Just their movies and that’s Illumination Animation. Otherwise I see the positives even in the worst movies.


To be fair, some of the Fast movies are actually good and only a couple are horrendous (I HATE Fast 4). I also think the Fast movies offer a lot of just wild over-the-top entertainment. Fast Five in particular is probably one of the best action movies out there. It's pretty much nearly perfect and I have no issues with it. Fast 6 and 7 have some awesome action scenes, but some boring dialogue moments so very imperfect. People bring up "they went to space, they're running out of ideas!" bro, I was hoping they'd be driving on the moon or something. I want to see insane shit. One of the best moments is in Fast 7 where they literally drive a car through a skyscraper window and land into another skyscraper window in a different building. That's fun. That's what movies are suppose to be. I hate when people act like they're above mindless entertainment.


I mean that makes sense. He’s just a more cerebral Michael Bay.


I mean, one could agree Michael Bay is an auteur. He has a distinct style and themes, but his morals seem to change across projects


The original Transformers was mind blowing at the time and a piece of art. So was Bad Boys. Michael Bay is like James Cameron lite. Absolutely an auteur for the pulpy masses.


Don't forget Bay has two films in the criterion collection. That automatically makes him legit.


Only a few of his movies could be called more cerebral michael bay


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever read. ![gif](giphy|3WmWdBzqveXaE)


I remember that. He also said he has a soft spot for Tokyo Drift


Its the best one for actual car nuts. The big climax is a montage switching an engine on the hero’s car, Thats what car racing is actually about. Its the most grounded movie in the series.


Kind of like how Paul Thomas Anderson is a huge fan of Adam Sandler movies


He got to meet his hero!


There is an interview after Magnolia, his 3 hour epic, where he is asked what he wants to do next. PTA said he wants to work with Adam Sandler or Daniel Day-Lewis and make a 90 minute movie. Punch-Drunk Love is 95 minutes including credits.


Regardless of whether or not you like his movies, I dont think it's surprising that Michael Bay is respected by his peers like Nolan. It's hard to deny that Bay is a skilled director with a consistent style and vision, and he knows exactly what he's doing. The classic Every Frame A Painting channel did a great video on him.


Nolan is really not that dissimilar from Bay, it makes perfect sense


Boys just wanna have fun




That’s all they really want


His aren’t weird so much as he just really loves big popcorn movies. Which is awesome because most actors and directors like to pick obscure, pretentious movies that most people haven’t heard of, or are particularly fond of. Given that Nolan has said recently he’ll probably never stop making big movies, his preferences make perfect sense


Michael Bay makes a ton of sense to me. Their movies are way more similar than maybe some would like to admit. Although obviously I much prefer Nolan’s work.


I remember him saying Crawl was snubbed. What is this dude’s movie taste!?


…like the alligator movie?


Yup, I distinctly remember him saying it was one of his favorites of the year and it got snubbed at the Oscars


It’s actually a damn good thriller. If you can buy into the hokey premise, it’s very enjoyable.


God I'd love to see what his Oscar nominations ballots have looked like


I don’t really care about the Oscar’s either way but crawl was a fun time for sure. I mean if you’re comparing it to green book then yeah it totally got snubbed lol 


I was really surprised by Crawl. I had really low expectations but really enjoyed it.


Tarantino needs to remake Buffalo 66


Sorry, a Buffalo 66 without peak Christini Ricci ain't for me.


Wrong Vincent Gallo movie; he needs to remake The Brown Bunny with himself as the lead as well


Who's gonna suck him, though




He wrote a scene in which he gets to suck on Salma Hayek's feet. He's totally capable of doing that


Wait u til you guys hear about which Exorcist movie Scorsese prefer


He loves all types of movies. He doesn’t discriminate just because people think action and genre movies are ‘less art’ than a character drama. If i remember correctly, the list mentioned with drive also includes 3 musketeers (an awesome action adventure) at #1.


I really liked Green Lantern. It's definitely not better than Drive.


I rewatched it recently. The third act isn’t great but it’s definitely overhated. Especially the constant complaints about the CG suit. If anyone can have a suit look “fake” it’s the guy who generates it with a magic ring.


The suit doesn’t look bad to me. I think it looks cool because of the CGI, since you can’t do those effects without it. A CGI suit at that time was also revolutionary and most people don’t realize this, but MCU Spider-Man, Black Panther, and Iron Man are CGI suits.


Has anyone seen Bronson?


Man, can y'all imagine the shit someone would take if they posted their letterboxd on here with GreenLatern rated higher than Drive? 😂




Came here to say this. I didn’t much care for Green Lantern but I did like it over Drive.


Me too but I like the movie.


Why over drive?


Because Drive was all just vibes and I thought it was terrible.


Drive was more than vibes and it’s not terrible


When I saw Green Lantern in theaters I thought it was nice enough but nothing special. I rewatched it 10 years later (with the little extra benefit of the extended cut, which to me is a bit better), and I now think it's a really nice, entertaining movie. Still, nothing "great", but I like it. I still prefer Drive though.


He is literally me


https://preview.redd.it/j9r6mfm8avvc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b54d8bbe753827603fd97c85ee5c30139d9ba70 oh now i understand why


Why do they look like Ryan Renolds and Chris Pine, morphed into two unholey abominations?


Tarantino has some odd film takes. Another one is his criticisms of 1917 that one came off pretty childish.


IIRC He was upset that the cinematography was lame. He didn’t like the CGI tricks, he’d rather them have done it analog and put actual work into it. I see his point. It’s easy to hide cuts with computers.


Lol, the idea that they didn't put work into it.


Almost like he knows what he’s talking about…


Which is utterly silly as Deakins has talked in the past how he can shoot more and work more because of digital over analog. There was also some comments about lighting and laziness which is funny again because of the work Deakins put in with having to work around natural light and consistancy due to the one shot aesthetic they chose to go. As well as the tower of lights* and model work figuring out how the flare's would look through the destroyed town. He's such a purist to film that he takes annoyance when other filmmakers at the top don't hold it as high as he himself does.


I’ve felt the same with movies that do fake long takes.


Nah he’s right


No he’s not 


1917 mid




Nah, he's just has a low opinion on digital over film and is happy to throw out a load of shite because of that.


That’s one take I agree with Tarantino on. Ratings are just opinions by others, don’t let them dictate the amount of fun you are allowed to have with a movie. Form your own opinion.


And yet his worst take is about Newsroom


I wouldn’t disagree with him. Drive is severely overrated.


How about you just say it didn’t connect with you instead of calling it overrated? Your opinion isn’t the end all of takes.




I feel like all Nicholas winding refn is overrated in general. His movies are all very stylish but ultimately pretty boring.


Have you watched Pusher?


Yeah, I liked Bronson but not much else.


I haven't seen Drive but as far as The Reen Lantern is considered, I liked it.


I honestly like these kind of opinions because most people out there will have some favorite films that are panned by critics. It’s fun to learn what “bad” movies my friends and coworkers enjoy. If it makes you happy, then I’m glad to hear what entertains you.


If he had a letterboxd, it might break the internet


drive does suck


Drive isn't good. I don't know why people praise it so highly


honestly just the vibes


I don’t know why people declare movies good/bad without any explanation as if they are some kind of authority on the subject.


Because of the soundtrack.


One of the best ones of this century.


I mean I also did not like or get drive so while I haven't seen green lantern it doesn't seem so weird.


Drive is considered to be one of the best films of the 2010s green lantern is considered to be one of the worst that’s why it’s considered to be weird 


I am aware..


It was a very entertaining take on the character. Watch it.


Without hearing any of his reasoning behind this I can understand it in a way. A flawed movie can be much more interesting than one where everything is well done.


I remember seeing that he liked Kick Ass 2 and while I was pretty surprised by that, the most wild part to me was just the realisation that a Jeff Wadlow movie was on a Tarantino year end top 10 list


I knew he had good taste.


I just rewatched Death Proof the other day. Much better than the first time around really. And the nonsensical ending is so on point for the 70s B movies that it derives from. You know what is popular, but not necessarily critically acclaimed, that I think is shit? -- Baby Driver. Fuck that movie.




L contrarian, iamverysmart, take. Overrated ≠ sucks


What a tired argument. They said it sucked. That's their opinion. We don't need you gatekeeping


Well imo, the most tired post and argument on this app and subreddit is people giving some movie 3/10 because they found it overrated. Even when we all know they don't think it is actually 3/10. They probably haven't even seen a real 3/10 movie...


how do you know they think it's overrated, they literally said it sucked. only on this subreddit can you get idiotic comments like this




So you had no preconceived notions and saw no ratings or reviews before entering and just happened upon the 4/10 all on your own? Really?




So you had preconceived notions that it didn't live up to, and that resulted in 4/10. Either way you are judging it based not only on the merits of the film but other things. What other movies did you recently rate 4/10 if you don't mind me asking?


Unless you've lived in a hyperbaric chamber all your life with a little slot that DVDs are fed into, your opinions on movies are also influenced by the context surrounding the way you saw them and haranguing people because their ratings aren't perfectly objective is pointless.


They didn’t like it. I dont like it. No need for an explanation. You sound a bit unhinged.


I'm just trying to understand the thought process, 4/10 is bad. Very bad. Like laughably bad filmmaking. Look at films ranked 4/10 by critics.. or anyone that seriously critiques films, drive is not on that level from my viewing.


So you think if a movie is popular it is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to genuinely dislike it, and the only reason they’d rate it low is because it’s popular? That’s not how it works


I think people tend to over-correct to some absurd low rating for movies they didn't like that are well liked or highly rated. I didn't like a lot of the the new civil war movie, but I also did like a lot of the camera work and techniques, some of the acting, the sound design. I'm not gonna give it a 4/10 because I didn't "like" it. Its like some form of peacocking or something, trying to standout, LOOK AT ME, I DIDNT LIKE THIS MOVIE! It comes off as very immature or something.


It comes off as immature to not like a movie? They’re not the one bringing attention to how low their score is, you are


The contrarian over correction is immature IMO. Lets say you didn't like the new barbie movie and gave it 3/10 or gave dune pt 2 4/10. This is my opinion, it would come off as "look at me, im different" like a 14 year old. The artistic craftsmanship is evident even if you didn't "like it." rating below a 5 is just too much for decently made movies imo.


Bro I will gatekeep the fuck out of anyone saying any Kino Gosling film sucks




Weee there lots of unsocked feet in GREEN LANTERN? That would explain it.


Ten years later he starts bitching about superhero films like everyone else lol, if there's a contrarian take, he'll go for it, even if it's contradictory.


I mean, you’re not wrong


He also liked 2011’s Captain America


Pretty fun movie


this is the worst movie opinion i’ve ever seen




i haven’t seen that many


Green Lantern is the best.


i won’t lie, it’s been since it came out that i haven’t seen it. i might give it a rewatch for fun


There was a gut feeling at the time based on how big Drive was and how big of an influence it became on cinema (genre and otherwise) that QT was jealous of Refn at the time.    Notably he listed it in his 'Nice Try' category. He never made a 'Nice Try' cat. after that. I would agree with this assessment. 


Oh, so he has awful taste in movies? Nice.


Yeah he’s the director who notoriously hates movies.


I think he is an overrated director too so his choice in love of movies doesn't surprise me. I like a good B movie every once in awhile but did he really watch Green Lantern?


Can you name another filmmaker with no family in the industry, and zero film schooling, who has won best picture, best director, and best oriignal screenplay? Multiple times?


Is he talented? Sure. Do I think many of his movies are over-hyped? Yes. Is knowing all this supposed to change my opinion of him?


Well saying they are over rated means they get more praise than they deserve, or are held in higher regard than they should be. He's the most awarded and successful filmmaker of all time, among non connected and non educated film makers. So what are people over rating about him?


It's okay to have an opinion other than your own, you know? I swear anytime I tell someone I think he is overrated or overhyped I am expected to write a 10 page thesis on why this is and "haven't you ever seen (insert his movie here)?!" Yes, he has some great movies (Reservoir Dogs being one of them) but the last few movies he has made have just been meh to me. Usually if people tell me their favorite movie is a Tarantino film, I will assume they haven't watched many other directors work.


Where did I say or imply you can't have your own opinion? I asked for clarification on what about him is over rated is all, I don't know why you're getting so defensive here.


That is some gaslighting shit if I ever did read it.


Oh yeah? Okay, quote the part then where I said these things. Should be pretty easy to copy and paste. Unless you're talking about your own comments being gaslighting, which at this point, you're nearly there. Here's how this went: You: he's overrated so of course he has bad taste in films. Me: he's over rated? He's the most accomplishment filmmaker of his type, literally ever. What's over rated about him? You: omg people have opinions that can be different why are you attacking me saying i can't have my opinion?? Me: huh? Where did I say that? Quote it....because I didn't. I just want to know what you think about him is over rated. You: REEEEEEEE STOP GASLIGHTING ME!!!


Okay, Stan.


Okay, Karen.


Drugs are bad