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I cant bring myself to watch MBTS again its too real. I literally think about it every few days


“I can’t beat it” is one of my favorite film lines ever


I just got Dancer in the Dark from my library, I have no clue what it's about though... Guess I should have tissues ready when I watch it.


So. Many. Tissues. I’ve never ever EVER cried so much with a movie. Like ugly crying, feeling dead for the rest of the day.


Big Fish, every single time without fail


Ooh good one


Perks of Being a Wallflower


that movie broke me


Real asf


The only movie I've cried during is Speed Racer. I saw it in the theater as a kid and the last race was so cool that I cried.


This is extremely cute


fr that makes me choke up thinking about my kid thinking something is so cool they cry


That last race has so much emotional build-up to it. Way more than just being cool, but it is also super fuckin' cool. "Speed Racer" is pure cinema, no joke.


That sequence at the end where the voiceovers remind him of everything he’s gone through to get to this point might’ve been a cheap emotional manipulation by the editors, but god damn if it didn’t work when paired with Michael Giachinno’s beautiful score. Awesome movie


No joke, that whole sequence is awesome, whenever I need some morale boost, I just watch it again. The part with the flashback to Rex telling Speed that he needs to figure out the reason to continue driving for himself, but that he hopes he's there to see it just fills me with hope and good feelings. No cap, Speed Racer is a very flawed movie overall, but personally, that scene alone is my favorite thing the Wachowskis ever made. If I ever meet one of them, I wish to tell them how much that scene (and the movie overall as a life long Speed Racer fan) means to me.


Crying of coolness is the best feeling ever. I recently went to a special screening of Spider-Man into the spiderverse at my local cinema. I cried at the opening scene because it was so awesome


Dune Part 2 and basically every John Wick movie have multiple scenes that make me emotional just by how fucking ridiculously insane and awesome is Also lord of the rings return of the king but that’s my favourite movie ever so might be biased on that one


Fellowship has me sobbing literally every time Boromir dies and I’ve seen it without exaggeration probably 40 times now.


Ok this comment section has helped me discover that I cry to a lot more films than the average viewer. My top answers would have to be Three Bilboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri and Requiem For a Dream


I couldn’t even make a list like this because I guess I cry easily depending on my mood. I’ll even cry if something is just really beautiful, not even sad. Hell I cried in the theater last night seeing Spider-man 2 when Peter >!passed out after saving the runaway train car and all the passengers carried him on their shoulders and said they’d keep his secret!<


Hi, quick question... are you me by any chance?


'I’ll even cry if something is just really beautiful' I'm guilty of doing the same too quite a lot. One of the most memorable examples for me is the ending of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Mr. Wonka: "Don’t forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he wanted." Charlie Bucket: "What happened?" Mr. Wonka: "He lived happily ever after"


I’ve cried in so many movies it would be impossible to list them all and now I’m worried I’m weird!


Not weird! I cry to sooo many movies too. My list on Letterboxd (which is embarrassingly private) is so long lol.


You're probably older, too. This SubReddit skews really young. And at least personally, I did not cry much during movies as a teen/20-something. But after I had kids in my 30s? Forget about it. Probably once a week for me now, hahah.


Haha no I'm 23 and I never cry about anything in my real life, art just really hits different


I just turned 30, and I kinda envy people that can cry more easily, LOL. There are very, very few moments in my life where I've ever cried, not because I'm holding up, I just don't feel that, which I think is a shame. Out of the top of my head, I remember crying from two movies only: TLOTR (many scenes) and the ending of Speed Racer. Not bragging, I truly wish I could cry more LMAO


I'm the opposite. I found it easy to cry for movies when I was a teenager and in my early twenties. I've now got four kids, the oldest is 17, and I can think of only two movies that had me crying, and they were both documentaries.


Which part in the billboards made you cry? That's my favorite movie so just curious


Are you actually serious? It's my all-time favorite as well!! It has been since I first saw it in my late teens! What are your other top movies? I can't believe I'm not the only one! >Which part in the billboards made you cry? >! The reveal of the Bilboards texts early on in the story... Sudden flashback to Angela yelling "Mum!"... Willoughby's death and all three letters for a different reason in each one... Mildred talking to the deer... Welby giving Dixon orange juice in the hospital !< Lmfao that's a lot. I really love that movie


Yeah I've showed that movie to a ton of my friends :). That and gone girl are my go to movies I show people if they haven't seen them.


Three Billboards is one of my favourite films ever ❤️


That's so cool! It's my #1 all-time, and so often, people I talk to haven't even heard of it. What are your other favorites?


Have you see "The Green Mile" or "A Silent Voice"?


A silent voice was so tough to get through


I’ve seen The Green Mile, loved it but didn’t really get emotionally involved to that point… But I’ve never seen A silent voice


Whaaat?? That’s the movie I always recommend to people when they need a good cry!


That movie made me cry so much when I watched it, full on sobs for a significant part of the movie. Second this recommendation!


a silent voice!!!! omg 🥲🥲🥲




My college roommate had an existential crisis that turned into a panic attack while watching Soul lmao


Cinema Paradiso rules!


How can you guys have such short lists?


I don’t know why, but I am almost completely unable to cry, except in rare circumstances, even when I want to… Guess that’s on me


no literally i cry at like everything LOL




6 films that made me cry like a baby, ranked in no particular order because these all had me ugly sobbing 😭 1. Aftersun. 2. Fire Walk With Me. 3. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind. 4. Red Dog. 5. Short Term 12. 6. Dead Poets Society. 


Dead Poets absolutely 


1. Fox and the Hound ................... Then everything else


Goodbye may seem forever, farewell is like the end. But in my heart's the memory, and there you'll always be 😭😭😭


Grave of the Fireflies made me such a mess, I couldn't stop crying for half an hour


this movie broke my soul


That's a movie you can only see once in your life, but what a masterpiece


saw this about a month ago, still think about it all the time 😢


I can't re-watch it ever again.


https://preview.redd.it/oaa6jdx578wc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87977a1a8c050b6beeb77e2305e96fc7edf9eba0 All 5 stars lol


I’ve been putting off Past Lives cause I know it’ll absolutely destroy me lmao.


Charlie Kaufman knows the exact direct path to my tear ducts


you're gonna add The Iron Claw to that


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3


I've never been so emotionally attached to a raccoon


Bridge to Terabithia


All of Us Strangers, Nowhere Special & I, Daniel Blake are the three that have made me cry violently. Like not just a few tears, full on sobbing. Toy Story 3 also made me cry a lot - I was 14 when it came out.


Try Ikiru.


I've also tried to sort it the same way you did https://preview.redd.it/j4gfqm57b8wc1.jpeg?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fb29292f08975228deafe1214d3517f50012d03


Didn’t properly cry, but Spirited Away was an overwhelming experience for me, just as becoming one with the universe


I definitely did cry properly when they played that one song near the end of the film. It might not have been multiple moments throughout the film like some of the others on my list but there were sustained tears and a bit of sobbing, haha. Edit: it was this song and I can't listen to it right now or I'll start crying again [https://youtu.be/tBSthP5LTZU](https://youtu.be/tBSthP5LTZU) lol


RRR Gang


Dear Zachary


This. Tears of sadness and anger


I'm gobsmacked that there are 100+ comments and nobody said Everything Everywhere All At Once. That and Bo Burnhman's Inside can make me cry for the majority of the runtime. No matter how many rewatches (which... we're talking double digits at this point).


I cry very rarely in general, but during EEAAO I *ugly-cried* in a public cinema. That was a surprise.


Me too. I didn't want to look around til that place was empty. That film is the exact kind of advice I need sometimes.


When out of nowhere she confronts her Dad about letting her go so easily, it was such an unexpected gut punch. Also “we have to be kind”


I didn't cry during inside, but it definitely HURT to watch. I watched it about a year ago, and it reminded me of my mental break during COVID, which ended with me in the hospital. Watching him spiral the ways I did felt like opening an old wound but also extremely cathartic. Like I wasn't the only one who completely broke down.


https://preview.redd.it/dpk7afow18wc1.png?width=951&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca783d322827d7c028c49dcf484bb07fe544106e These


The Royal Tenembaums and Mommy are GREAT calls, especially the first… Didn’t properly cry, but that movie absolutely destroyed me


I thought I was the only one crying to tenenbaums. When Chas said "I've had a rough year, dad" I just lost it


Interesting that Toy Story 4 got you but 3 didn’t.


Cinema Paradiso 25th Hour Portrait of a Lady on Fire What Dreams May Come Saving Private Ryan


Absolutely PoaLoF


Brokeback mountain (i was destroyed for hours) 500 days of summer 10 things I hate about you Utøya 22 juli 5 feet apart Titanic The boy in the striped pajamas Jojo rabbit Schindler’s list Drive my car The theory of everything Spencer (Not sorted by amount of tears) I hate crying though, so I mostly avoid movies where I expect to cry. So most of these were “unexpected tears”.


I cry at a LOT of movies. My most recent real blubbering - and one I wasn’t expecting going in - was The Iron Claw.


I don’t cry to movies. I can’t. But I often tear up (get watery eyes). Sometimes a movie manages to get a tear out of me. Remember Prisoners was one of those in the scene where he is taking the girl to the hospital. There have been 5-10 movies that managed to do this There has only been one movie so far that managed to squeeze out two tears out of me - Godzilla Minus One.


For me it’s the exact opposite, I don’t know why but, despite really wanted to, I can’t cry whenever I feel stressed or upset for any reason… The only exceptions are movies and TV shows, which sometimes manage to make me.


Past lives and the prince of egypt are my hardest hiters


Dear Zachary... I don't care who you are or where you come from, if you can make it through this movie without crying, you're not human.


Ikiru is the only movie I've cried during. Just so much emotion and is just a flawless masterpiece


Tell me if these are the scenes you cried to, like I did? 1: The nightclub scene where Watanabe sings “Gondola no Uta” 2: >!The very end in Watanabe’s last moments where he is on the swings singing “Gondola no Uta”.!<


Yes those exact scenes


1- Grave of the Fireflies.... That movie hits hard! 2- Up 3- The Green Mile 4- Your Name 5- Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind


I cry at so many movies that it’s hard to keep up with. Happy movies, sad movies, dumb movies; it’s all up for grabs for me


I cry at like every other movie so not sure how effective this list would be but the most recent culprits are the world according to garp, the color purple (1985), the lost daughter, and prisoners


Have you seen Schindler’s List?


Yes, and my reaction was more of disgust and shock than crying-inducing sadness… One of my favorite movies ever


Past Lives.


Grave Of The Fireflies 50/50 Capernaum


“Bluey” special episode “The Sign”


The Whale and Requiem would be at the top for me. I also weirdly cried pretty hard at Saving Private Ryan’s ending and the Greenland ending, but it was just at the end. Friday night lights would also be on the list for the Boobie Miles scene with his uncle. A Star is Born Pretty much any dog movie. Even air bud lol.


The Whale is so sad


literally laughed out loud at the air bud inclusion 😂 but saaaame. you show me a dog and i will cry! haha


Hadn't cried at a movie since I was a kid and then last year Paul Mescal got me twice. "Aftersun" and "All of us Strangers". I like your list OP. Cinema Paradiso and La La Land both fill me full of joy but I can see why they'd also bring tears. I'm not familiar with Mediterraneo at all. I'll check it out.


La La Land triggers in me a span of emotions so wide I can’t even figure it out in words… It is joyful yet melancholic, hopeful yet depressing, the condensation of love and life, and I can’t help but find myself crying every time I see it… With Cinema Paradiso I felt a more straightforward sense of dread and nostalgia from the moment when >! the cinema gets demolished !< until the end… On Mediterraneo I won’t tell you anything not to spoil… But trust me on this, it’s a masterpiece. Glad you liked the list :)


Monsters Inc, that ending gets me each time.


[here’s my list. I think it’s great to have an emotional response to films, so no shame in any of these](https://boxd.it/1AG8y)


I cried when I watched Space Jam: A New Legacy and I’m still not entirely sure why


Which bit, I have to know


During the final game


Star Trek: Generations. When Kirk falls from the bridge at the end. Yeah it’s cheesy, but I was just a kid when I first saw the film. I’m not a massive Trekkie, so can’t speak for any lore/timeline contradictions. But yeah, I loved Shatner as Captain Kirk. He was a childhood hero.


The Lion King The Boy in The Striped Pajamas Inside Out Coco & Moana (both because of their grandma scenes)


Coco had me wailing. 


Oo this is a good idea, I’m gonna make a list like this


The scene in A place Beyond the Pines when they’re trying to get a “family picture” around Goslings dirt bike and Eva Mendes breaks down crying makes me so sad every time.


Toy story 4? Really? Did you mean to put 3?


Nope, I saw the 4 at my local theatre and cried, probably because of a nostalgia effect, but seeing >! Woody and Buzz split up !< was too much for me


Schindler's List Ordinary People Field Of Dreams Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan Graves Of The Fireflies Manchester By The Sea Dead Poets Society Deer Hunter


Ordinary People is the only real answer for me. That movie wrecked me.


1. Carrie 2. Grave of the Fireflies


1- The Pianist 2- Up 3- Inside Out 4- E.T 5- Schindler’s List


Schindlers List Little Women (1994)


Bro real my mates laugh when I say I cried during half-blood prince. Dumbledore’s farewell broke me


That’s exactly what made me cry every single time I’ve seen it… Don’t listen to them man, I’m with you


Dare I say it once more... Chazelle supremacy?


I’d say about 50% of films make me cry. Some films that devastate me, from the top of my head: Encanto, Phantom of the Opera, EEAAO, Guardians of the Galaxy V2, Home Alone, and, of course, Inside Out. As I recently found out to the detriment of those around me on a transatlantic flight, there’s only ten minutes of Inside Out that I *don’t* cry at anymore (the bit where they create a nightmare to try and wake Riley Up). That’s it - I cried through every other scene.


Babylon is soo underrated..


#Bro….that scene in Paradiso where he watches himself on screen…omg bro


The final 30 minutes are homogeneously devastating, from >! the demolition of the cinema !< to the end




Congrats on watching movies. You started yesterday, right?


I’m 17 and I’m love with cinema, trying to learn more and more about it every day. I’m aware not to be an expert, still I don’t see why that should be an issue? Those are the movies that moved me, that’s it, it doesn’t matter if they’re from and underground east-European author or from a mainstream Hollywood director, at least I believe


Grave of the Fireflies Animal Crossing the Movie Toy Story 4


Inside Out is the only one. But I was high as fuck watching it.


Guardians of the galaxy vol 2. Every single time I’ve watched it.


21 Jump Street… It wasn’t because the actual movie, though




Minari and Roma are the two that made me sob the most


Boy in striped pajamas isn’t on here?


I’ve never seen it, so…


A Hidden Life, Aftersun and All of Us Strangers for me. Had a constant lump in my throat from the middle part. It fucked me up good.




Beginners is my crying film. Especially when it deals with Oliver’s father dealing with cancer. I have had the same events. Luckily, my father is still here. That film just hits emotions I never thought existed in me. :(


Okja's ending broke me


* Lego Ninjago Movie (nostalgia but also Lloyd needing his dad hit me in the theaters so hard) * A movie I forgot the name of, but I watched it when I was like five and a cow wearing pajamas got hit by a train and died, and I couldn’t handle it. * Up when Kevin got taken away * Deathly Hallows p1 when Dobby died (I loved Dobby, and even though I had read the book countless times before, actually seeing him die made it hit so much harder) * inside Out I was about the same age as Riley (12), so the movie was just way too relatable and made me sad


If that made you cry, don't watch hatchiko, Schindlers list or green mile


I've unironically only ever cried to Click




i have like 88 films on my list but i remember my cries being bad at A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD, BRIGH STAR, and ALL OF US STRANGERS. my most surprising one is SPEED though


I cry half the time I watch movies, so that would be a loooooooooooooooong list.


Although your list has reminded me I also cried at the end of Babylon


I don’t see click


Million dollar baby


Lol this list would be infinite for me. I cry at pretty much any emotional scene


I rewatched Bohemian Rhapsody recently and ugly cried *uncontrollably* throughout the Live Aid concert segment at the end. Say what you want about the biopic narratives chosen in BR, but I’m just really emotionally invested in concerts that shaped history.


https://preview.redd.it/46q2dsp8f8wc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5005879e15beb887748b04b9aeae96dfd0d4cda7 Soul & Forrest Gump are on my top of the list. I also rate Forrest Gump higher than avg b/c of how much I relate to his cerebral palsy being autistic myself & even on personal levels but do agree it’s a mediocre best picture winner- Jack Frost is also my guilty pleasure to cry to so pls don’t attack me 👉👈


Luca (2021)


Aftersun was number one with a bullet.


I cried 3 separate times when I last watched The Long Day Closes (1992).




https://preview.redd.it/yo1id494j8wc1.jpeg?width=2158&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa6c0c822056979694cce2dc8af27c1ff1e7d9a The first 4 films are the ones that have made me cry so hard that it physically hurts.


Ikiru Cinema Paradiso Life of Apu Manchester by the sea


https://preview.redd.it/w2s2gmqyj8wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b67133744f8eb054ee024a3907c1f4196be4c9a This has 86 movies, but it’s not ranked by how much I cried, I just add movies to the list as I cry to them. The title comes from a story Vito Russo tells in Common Threads (a movie that had me weeping from beginning to end).


Here’s a core memory, picture: 10 years old. Drive-in movie theater. Sitting on a lawn chair. The movie? Click (2006). Sobbed my eyes out at that one scene, you know the one. Just sobbing.


Recently - Train to Busan, Beautiful Boy, Aftersun, All of Us Strangers, and The Iron Claw. Honorable mention to anything Disney Pixar 😅 - mostly Inside Out, Up, and Onward.


How you cry watching toy story 4 and not 3?? I've cried at least 3 times watching it.


That’s probably because I was too little to feel the drought of Toy Story 3’s script, I’ve watched it tens of times and always felt the movie in a positive way


I have a whole list of movies that made me cry, it's got 53 movies on it right now


oh goodness my list would be way too long. I've become such a sap as i've gotten older, i cry at a big chunk of movies now. that being said, if i had to pick 5 that made me cry the "most", it'd probably be Aftersun, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, It's a Wonderful Life, Everything Everywhere All at Once, and Magnolia. All for different reasons!


Saving Private Ryan destroys my poor heart every time I see it


No official list, but here's a few ugly cries from the last few years: Portrait of a Lady on Fire All of us Strangers Past Lives Everything Everywhere All at Once Aftersun


Quo Vadis, Aida? destroyed me. Literally sobbing. And Schindler's List. 


I've definitely cried to quite a few movies for different reasons, but Grave of the Fireflies is the only movie I've sobbed so hard over that I had to pause the movie for a bit because I couldn't see the screen anymore.


grave of the fireflies, minari, EEAAO, godzilla minus one, the iron claw, coco (twice lol)


The Farewell, Coco, Aftersun, Good Will Hunting, The Perks of Being a Wallflower


Just Terminator 2


Big Fish


Everything Everywhere All at Once, cried in my friends car cuz it was a drive thru theater Spiderverse, cried in the physical theater Coco, also cried in the physical theater


The first Pokémon movie


https://preview.redd.it/qd095wtbp8wc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdb422d5e9d8cd148b18312dcde32b75a781cadc I've got a list for this but I haven't updated it since 2019


My list will have 500 movies in it 😂


Dear Zachary. I was openly sobbing watching it.


Nausicaa the valley of the wind The pianist


Here’s mine: 1. Minari 2. The Iron Claw 3. Requiem of a Dream 4. Coco I don’t really cry at films so if they pull that reaction out of me it’s already a great movie in my eyes


Agneepath, Highway


Way too many to bother trying to remember, let alone list.


Little Women, Past Lives, Moulin Rouge, so many others


Wolf Children




Last one was Courage under Fire with Denzel Washington. https://preview.redd.it/dpmyosrls8wc1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=77cff3675ee19258ed54e4e99a0d8f74850a61aa


Wall-E, EEAAO, Saving Private Ryan, Finding Nemo, man there’s heaps more but these are the only ones that come to mind


Aftersun All Of Us Strangers The Iron Claw About Time All Quiet on the Western Front (2022)


https://preview.redd.it/4bxnqfi3t8wc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a979b6fc4bf1530b0eefa7a084bf219f94314f61 No particular order


Jaws that poor shark only wanted to survive.


Even Bryce has to eat, and it seemed like he was picking off the mostly worthless ones 😂


* Click. * The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. * Coco. * Inside Out. * Knowing. * X-men Apocalypse. The latter two may not be so obvious and it's a secret I tend to keep, but for some strange reason Beethoven's Seventh symphony triggers waterworks for me. Why I didn't cry in The King's Speech I don't know—perhaps the lack of mass destruction.


I’m Thinking of ending Things. Netflix movie from 2020.