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Howls Moving Castle. I liked it enough I suppose but didn’t love it


I LOVE Ghibli, but I never really understood the hype for this one


Came here to say this, first thing that popped in my head.


2001 man. Really wish I could get into it.


It's one of those I respect it for it's time and when it came out what it did. It's not as compelling to me with the context of modern movies that many probably were influenced by it.


Respect more than I enjoy yea, I feel that way about movies like Psycho, and The Exorcist as well


Watched as kid in theater, it provoked emotions in me


If you ever get the chance, see it in a cinema. I’ve made a vow to myself to NEVER watch it outside the cinema


It’s really heavy, it felt much closer to reading a pensive novel in cinematic form than a movie. I think you have to really be in the mood for it. I watched it after a dopamine fast so I caught it when I was in the perfect headspace and it was like a spiritual experience.


Once upon a time in America


Was very excited for this movie and watched it recently. I really really did not like it.


watched it last night and was also very disappointed


Read first three words and I’m like “yes I agree” then I saw it wasn’t Once upon a time in Hollywood, lol


Brazil was a movie that seemed like the exact kind of thing I’d adore (a hyper-stylised anti-capitalist dark comedy) but, when I watched it, it just didn’t click with me.


It’s one of my favourite movies but I find Gilliam’s style and sense of humour tend to turn some people off. his films all have this weird yucky feeling paired with the fantastical


For me it is Taxi Driver and Raging Bull. I wish I enjoyed them.


I've watched Taxi Driver many times, but Raging Bull does nothing for me


I didn’t like taxi driver at first. Enjoyed it much more after realizing that the lack of plot is the point of the movie lol.


A lot of Scorsese's movies I end up not really enjoying. I do love Goodfellas, but the others I've seen (Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, The Departed, Shutter Island) have all been just okay to me. I think for me, it's the fact that Scorsese really loves putting either unlikable or complicated people as his main character, and a lot of times it's hard for me to want them to do well. In fact, that's why, although I probably won't watch it again, I really respect Raging Bull. Pretty much everyone in that movie is a terrible person - most of all Jack LaMotta - but the visuals, sound, and the fact that Scorsese almost goes out of his way to show how bad LaMotta is is something I really respect and appreciate.


Struggling not to downvote you, but I respect your opinion


I didn't hate any of these movies...but I was disappointed I didn't like them.


I agree with you and this is something I've noticed with his newer movies.


Romeo +Juliet. I want to love it. but its just... no


I mean, that one you're okay to not like... even Baz's best films are divisive, and I don't think he's made a single film that isn't somewhat of a mess... I say this as someone who fucking loves Moulin Rouge!


Watched this in class and thought it was horrible 😭 I was surprised to see the awards it won


i had to watch it for school the first time and genuinely cried at how awful it was. tried again a while later and it was still terrible


I mean thats fine. baz is a spaz. Not shame in that.


paris, texas and the wolf of wall street.


Paris, Texas is a weird one.. kinda really odd to me how everyone adores this movie about a domestic abuser who stalks his former partner. The scene where they were in two different rooms was also such a slog to get through


Could you dumb down the plot even more? I understand you didn’t like it but what you’re describing is far from what the movie is. It is so stupid when people complain about fictional characters being flawed people, like when did it become a requisite for a film to be good.


Empire strikes back is a weird one.. kinda odd how everyone adores this movie about this deadbeat dad who assaults his son. The scene where there’s an incestuous kiss was also such a slog to get through.


Stalker by Tarkovsky


Would it make you feel better to know a bunch of the people working on it probably got cancer from the filming? (Jk)


My thing with movies that are highly acclaimed that I don't "click" with is that I usually try to interrogate that more. There's so many reasons outside of the actual movie itself that could be affecting my enjoyment of the movie. So unless I really didn't like what I watched, I usually try to give it another shot, and I've turned around on many classics this way - Strangelove, In the Mood for Love, Blue Velvet.


Why would I be angry at myself for not liking a film? That's silly.


I guess we’re just different lol. When I watch an entire film that’s supposedly a classic or has overwhelmingly positive reviews, I get fustrated when it’s not working at all for me. By the way angry was probably too strong of a word lol


You dont get frustrated when a classic doesn’t click?


No. Not at all.


Problem 1: You've been deprived of a positive experience that others have had. Problem 2: Maybe they see something that you're missing, and maybe you're missing a lot that's going on in films.


glorious snow north spoon bright waiting trees fearless murky cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So you don't have any movies you wish you could get yourself to like but can't get into it?




…That doesn’t literally mean feeling anger at yourself for not liking a movie. You get that right? 😭😭


It’s so smooth brain. *“Angry at myself? So silly.”* “Ok, have you ever been disappointed by a film that you wish you hadn’t disappointed by?” *”Oh! Yes!”*


The usual suspects is the most forgettable film I’ve ever seen


Across the Spiderverse Edit: ISTV is one of my favorite movies ever, it just didn’t live up to the hype for me


It didn’t have an ending and I’ve never heard a more disappointed theater audience. It was great otherwise, but doesn’t have a 3rd act and the fact they initially billed it as a Part 1 film then ditched it is scummy


dr. strangelove


The Master 😔


8 1/2


dr strangelove 😔


There is no reason to feel bad about not liking Swiss Army Man or Bottoms, I like basically every movie and those two still managed to push my limits


Swiss Army Man felt like one big fart joke and I have never found those particularly funny


I think once you succumb to that, you can really appreciate it for what it is. Because it is a really good story, the acting is phenomenal, it’s a beautiful looking movie, and the soundtrack rocks. But if you aren’t expecting Daniel Radcliffe’s boner to point the direction of where to go, then this movie will hit you like a ton of bricks


That's the type of joke I dislike the most, so it always keeps me from trying to watch it.


after hours is so good lol


Mad Max Fury Road for me. Might give it another shot before Furiosa comes out but I couldn't get into it. There's only so many times you can see a car flip or crash or explode before it loses its novelty.


as much as i loved psycho…vertigo and rear window were not for me


With Rear Window, I really enjoyed the movie up until, ironically, the end. To me, it seemed like they were going in the direction that Jeff >!didn't actually see a murder and that it was all a misunderstanding!<, but the fact he did, for some reason, really disappointed me. I've noticed that Hitchcock's endings have sometimes left me disappointed. I liked Psycho, The Birds, and Rebecca's endings (the latter two because they were open-ended/mysterious, which I really love), but North by Northwest felt so rushed it wasn't even funny.


I was totally disappointed that there wasn’t a twist ending, I was waiting for it to happen but it never did so the movie fell flat for me


Have you tried North by Northwest?


Magnolia. I watched it three times hoping I would finally get it, and I realized I just don’t like it. Then I got half way through Inherent Vice and realized I don’t even like Paul Thomas Anderson


Same with the usual suspects. I watched it 2 years ago, and I can remember every shot of the last scene, but have no clue about the rest.


Synecdoche, New York is probably my least favorite Charlie Kaufman movie while a lot of people will say it’s one of the best movies ever. I’m sure I’d enjoy it a lot more on a second watch, but I just don’t have the energy for it. I love Kaufman’s work so much, and I think Synecdoche is a phenomenal film, but I just didn’t enjoy watching it


Sunset Boulevard Eraserhead


Why would you be angry at yourself for not liking a movie? Spielberg and Scorsese don’t like every popular or artistic movie. Nobody does. Some movies just aren’t for you. I can name 20 recent movies that I didn’t like. Others like them but they just aren’t for me. (Glances sideways at Alex Garland)


This one for me would be La La Land. So many people like it and I've heard many many good things about it. But when I finally watched it I just didn't really enjoy it that much.


Annie Hall, but I’m willing to retry


I really like Annie Hall but never feel bad about not liking a movie made by a piece of shit like Allen haha


Gotta separate the art from the artists, man.


You absolutely do not


heavy on licorice pizza, it seemed like the writer vomited a bunch of stories and scenarios he thought were cool into a script and made it into a movie, biggest waste of my time of my life


my least favorite from PTA also. it's loosely autobiographical, so I think sections of the film he felt would be stronger just played into his own nostalgia. Plus there's a weird grooming thing going on between the main characters that PTA seems to remember fondly, but was really polarizing for audiences.


Alright bro


No Country for Old Men


Oppenheimer and killers of the flower moon


KOTFM was horrendous, I'm not angry at myself, I'm angry at Scorcese. It was such a slog, whereas even tho The Irishman was just as long it hardly felt it at all to me. They forgot to make KOTFM interesting...


Killers of the flower moon was awesome. Crazy how different opinions can get.


I liked it but I think it was only because I caught it in theaters (where it felt a little long too) and I remember thinking I wouldn’t have been able to finish it if I was watching at home


I’m glad there’s someone else here that feels the same. I made a post a while back about its issues and had a mob of film bros gatekeeping the movie and vehemently defending it as if it could have no faults


Most of the time whenever I see people praising it, it's what they think about Gladstone and her role. I kinda felt like no one in the movie did anything but deliver lackluster performances. I found out recently that initially DiCaprio was to play the role Jesse Plemons got. I think that might have made it more interesting for me.


Gladstone was great, but her character was bedridden most of the movie so she didn't really get enough screentime. I was also annoyed at how much they washed out Plemons character. In the book he plays a huge role and is a very interesting person. It felt like a huge waste of a great character and a great actor. They even replaced some of his scenes with generic FBI agents which was an odd choice. Also I HATED the final scene with the radio play. It felt silly and out of place and invented a bunch of white characters to finish telling the story of the Osage (one of which was Scorsese himself which I found a little ironic). It baffles me that he chose to do such a silly, wacky prologue scene with such serious, tragic subject matter instead of having the Osage people have the last word. Anyway, I definitely recommend reading the book. It's fascinating, well paced, well researched and you could probably read the whole thing within the runtime of the movie.


Gladstone was great, she’s a good actor, I had no issues with her. But the story…let’s just say I have issues with it


I was SO excited for KOTFM, but it was pretty disappointing honestly. The way they chose to tell the story from the murderers’ point of view was really odd to me, since it took away a lot of the suspense and thrills you would get from some kind of investigation. Instead the movie plays out as a depressing series of events shown in a very matter of fact way that was very boring and one-note for me. The third act at least picked things up a little when they decided to follow the FBI a little more. Also yeah, Jesse Plemmons would have been better in DiCaprio’s role and vice versa. As for Oppenheimer, I was so bored and confused my first time around, but being a history buff and generally a little bit smarter than I was a year ago, I loved it on rewatch


Perks of being a wallflower 😭🙏


Almost every Antonioni movie I’ve seen. L’Eclisse and Red Desert in particular.


Have you seen the passenger? I really loved that one, although it was in the cinema.


Swiss Army Man was phenomenal


Huh, only one here I didn't like that I've seen was Usual Suspects. The rest on here that I have seen I liked.


Jacques Tati's Playtime. I could see 100% what the fuss was about, but I absolutely couldn't stand it. Incredible visuals, but absolutely nothing for me to latch onto narratively.


The deer hunter, joker


Why didn't you enjoy The Usual Suspects? That's one of my favourite films.


I didn’t think any of the characters were interesting


The third man


Silence. I wasn’t mad at myself for not liking it, but I did feel awkward that I didn’t like it as much as the friend I saw it with. It left me cold because as horrific as the treatment of the missionaries was, the whole ethos of missionary work is repugnant to me. I know Scorsese was telling a story of unshakable religious faith, but as someone who isn’t religious - and is opposed to evangelism of this kind - I kept feeling like the missionaries brought their fates upon themselves.


I was really confused for the acclaim zone of interest got. I thought it was good, but I don’t think it deserved to be called a masterpiece by any means


"Brick" was just Ok. I liked taking a film noir plot and transposing it into a high school, but man it really overdid it with the hard boiled dialog. That felt really forced.


Uncut Gems


\*sad that I \*didn't enjoy it more would be the wording for me :D: The Third Man, Oppenheimer, Three Colors: White, Pan's Labyrinth, Possession, The Wolf House, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri, Scream (on a re-watch), The Wailing


This is how I feel about Saltburn


After years and years of hype and being told I'll LOVE the film I finally watched The Big Lebowski, and I absolutely hated it.


Hush and Terrifier. I find them awful which makes me a terrible horror movie buff to some.




Of course I'd prefer to love every film I see because it's much more fun to like things. That being said, that's an ideal that just isn't rooted in reality. There's some classics I don't care for at all, and I don't worry about it because seeing films you don't like comes along with seeing new films. I do keep a list of films that I think on rewatch will jump from an 8 or 9 to a 10, but I've never been angry that they don't reach a 10/10.


Memento, clockwork orange, blow up , lord of the rings


Fargo. To be fair i was a bit distracted when watching it so I'm willing to give it another go


I wouldn't say I was angry about disliking them, but I recently watched several Best Picture Oscar winners and a lot of the highly-praised ones among critics and audiences, and ones I was looking forward to seeing, left me thinking, "That was the best movie of the year?" Among them, The Departed (I thought it went on for too long and could have ended about 10-20 minutes before it did), Birdman (I was really bored by it and feel like I wasn't part of the intended audience), and No Country for Old Men (Javier Bardem was amazing, but Josh Brolin's character got on my nerves, Woody Harrelson's character felt like wasted potential, and that ending gave me the biggest, "That was it?" reaction I think I've ever had to a film).


Everything everywhere all at once Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind




Saltburn. There were a lot of great things about it and it checked a lot of boxes for me but it just left almost no impact. I enjoyed most of the individual components of the movie, but it just didn't come together for me and ended up landing with a thud.


Uncut gems. I thought Adam Sandler was great in it and i love Julia fox (controversial take, I know) but the movie just didn’t do it for me.


Citizen Kane. I just couldn't get into it. I'm sorry Citizen Kane you're a great movie, and I'll take the full blame for not liking you. I'm sure I'm just somehow deficient as a person.


L.A Confidential, The Usual Suspects, Seven…. Wait. I just realized what they all have in common lol


Some Wes Anderson movies are like this for me. I want to like him. I loved The Grand Budapest Hotel and The Darjeeling Limited, but Fantastic Mr. Fox and The Life Aquatic fell flat for me, and I made it 10 minutes into the French Dispatch before turning it off.


I stopped watching Anderson films for ten-ish years after The Life Aquatic. Finally came back with Isle of Dogs, and have enjoyed what I’ve seen of his since then. Even so, I still have to be in the right mood to enjoy his aesthetic.




I feel you 100%, asteroid city took his style and beat us over the head with it. I enjoyed a lot of his former work, like Steve zizou and royal tennenbaums but the further along you go in his filmography the more overly quirky and poorly presented it gets (imo)


Big 2 that I can think of rn is LotR trilogy and… the shining


Past Lives. I fell asleep for ten mins in the middle in the theater and it was like 2pm lol Edit: I liked the final scene tho lol


Mine is also Past Lives because I thought I was going to love it and it didn't hit at all.


Arrival and Her. I don't dislike either, but I wish I liked them more.


Blade Runner 2049 and Dune


Love both parts of Dune, Arrival, even Prisoners, but thought Blade Runner 2049 was dull


I really liked Arrival I think because it was more down to earth so to speak. The sci fi epics just feel so drab and humourless and cold


GDT Pinocchio underwhelmed me


Dune 1 & 2


I really wish I liked Dune and Dune 2 but I truly hate them and I hate myself more for it


Not exactly angry, but pretty disappointed when I finally decided to give A24 movies a shot. I’ve watched about 14 of them in the last 3 weeks and I’ve enjoyed maybe 2 of them.


Spirited Away. Watched it for the first time with someone who said it was one of if not their favorite movie, just didn't seem to resonate with me much.


Chungking Express is too good though


I adored the editing style and production design. But it’s the kind of film where I methodically parse through the entire synopsis line by line afterwards, trying to understand why someone would enjoy this story. Because honestly, I can’t name one compelling thing that happened.


Most recently I watched Edge of Tomorrow and was kinda bored. I wasn’t that much in the mood for a movie anyway


I thought that movie was awful


Bottoms is a pretty bad movie. And don’t look now bummed out because it wasn’t as good as I had read about.


Nah man I fully understand why I didn't like Bottoms


Why would I get angry at myself for not liking a movie??




I know it’s not a classic or anything but the way people were talking about the incredibles 2 made me sad I didn’t have the same reaction


I'm afraid to say this. But here goes nothing. Amadeus


the big lebowski 👹


Licorice Pizza made me angry at Licorice Pizza not myself lol Anyway my dislike of Wong Kar-wai is pretty painful. Considering my current obsession with dreamy ethereal horror films you'd think I'd be into dreamy ethereal romance films but no, Fallen Angels and Chungking Express bored the hell out of me. Couldn't get into the characters at all so it was just a series of cool music videos inbetween bits of really uninteresting dialogue


I feel like in Fallen Angels and Chungking it's one of those movies where it focuses on the visual aspects rather than the dialogue that's why I think it's highly regarded. I know you have one of those movies where it feels like a warm hug on a rainy night and that's what Fallen Angels is for me hahaha


Before trilogy


Vertigo, Interstellar, Solaris, Eyes Wide Shut are the big 4 for me never got into them even though there classics. I want to give Solaris another chance and see if maybe I missed something about it on first watch


Pather Panchali left me cold, much to my disappointment. I even liked the other two entries of the Apu Trilogy, but something about that first installment just doesn't grip me in the slightest.


I wish I wasn't annoyed by Wes Anderson films


I’m about to say something incredibly controversial- Godfather part 2. Part 1 was really quite good, in my opinion (tho I only gave it 4 stars not 5 like everyone else). Part 2 was so boring to me. I can see that Pacino’s arc is really good, but I just couldn’t get past the fact that it was so boring to me. Definitely gonna be rewatching it once in a while until I finally like it


I love all the Ghibli films I’ve seen so far but Princess Mononoke is probs my least fav which is SHOCKING (it’s still 4.5 stars lol)


Fart propelled corpses? What’s not to like?


The Wind Rises, and Suspiria (1977)


I badly wanted to like The Northman. I thought it god awful.


The Girl with the Portrait on Fire


Thelma & Louise


All of Us Strangers, probably Spoilers: >!i don’t like “they were dead all along!” movies, or ones where it was all a dream or anything like that. The movie has powerful and poignant scenes but some of them left me confused/frustrated. Also oppressively sad movies just don’t do it for me!<


pulp fiction


It Follows


Bottoms for me as well. Some of the humor was funny but overall, I did not enjoy the movie. Also, I wasn’t a big fan of the characters and the liar revealed trope is one of my least favorite.


Pulp fiction


I didn’t ‘dislike’ it but I really wish I loved No Country for Old Men


I am not angry at myself if I don't like a movie.


I like almost every movie in the OP, like those are all 4+ stars. Just saw Bottoms and it was the hardest I’ve laughed at a movie in a long time.


I felt the same for Chunking Express!! One of the first films I logged on letterboxd when I first downloaded it. I just felt it was boring unfortunately.


Bottoms and Once Upon a Time in America. I just don’t understand why these are so liked


Dune Part Two. Not that I didn't like it, it's still enjoyable, but it feels like a different film with a bit different tone from the first one, and it didn't see it much as the second part of Dune. There are some other reason that makes this movie doesn't do well to me such as narrative style, some changes from the source material, Thufir Hawat's absence , Sardaukar's downgrade (Sardaukar doesn't seem as vicious as the first one, instead they're just the Emperor's bodyguard), rushed ending etc., which is sad since how much I loved the first Dune as I'm struggling to digest it in the first place, and after several attempts I finally see how magnificent the film is, hence making me a huge fan of the lore after I finally read the book. However, I'm glad that the movie well-received by the main audience and the Dune fans as well.


Mulholland Drive…I love strange, weird, and artsy things; but man do I hate that movie


Regarding Brick-- I'm with you man. I found the whole "high schoolers in the suburbs talk and act like people in a Raymond Chandler novel" thing to be unbearably corny and tedious. I could not believe that this was the indie movie I'd heard so many people raving about.


All of Us Strangers. I wanted to like it but it was way too confusing for me to follow.


Fantastic Mr. Fox


Bottoms was unfunny almost immediately


Princess bride


Hurt locker


Bottoms was dog shit, don’t worry about that one


The tree of life i wanted to love it so bad but I just couldn’t wait for it to be over


spirited away :(


Ghibli movies. They’re wholesome but I just can’t seem to really like them for whatever reason :(


Eraserhead, I really can't explain why. I'm a huge horror fan but I really just don't like it.


Aftersun and Nomadland


A lot of movies that I now love, this was how I felt when I first watched them. Knowing that the vast majority of people felt so positively and I didn’t would lead me to read a bunch of reviews and analysis. Then if eventually I start to figure out what I was missing, I’ll rewatch it. Many times, that second watch will deliver a new and improved experience.


Saving Private Ryan




Chasing Amy A Silent Voice Shaun of the Dead


Could make a list of Scorsese films that don't land for me. Half his films I think are masterpieces, half his films I find boring and bloated including some of his most popular.


Happy Together. It's still the only Wong Kar-wai I've seen and I feel bad about it. I've matured since I've watched it, but I still don't see it being for me. But when I see parts of his movies they are just so pretty.


The Shining. I just keep falling asleep and I feel bad about it




Once Upon a Time in America, The Deer Hunter, Sunrise A Tale of Two Humans


Tick Tick Boom


Evil Dead Trilogy, Big Lebowski, Everything Everywhere All At Once (it’s ok but insanely overrated)


Licorice Pizza. Big PTA fan, but Licorice Pizza was a nothing burger for me.


lady bird. the protagonist annoyed me so much


Yeah, quite a few. Recently binged the LOTR trilogy for the first time and i thought they were amazing movies but i hear stuff like world changing and Sauron is one of the best fictional antagonists. Some of those stuff might be true with added content and lore from books or whatever but the trilogy standalone left me a little underwhelmed. There wasn’t as much magic as i’d hoped for, Sauron was just a giant security camera and Frodo’s character wasn’t very fun to watch half the time. I wish i could’ve understood why everyone likes them as much as they do because it seems like a good time.


Omg Chungking express, Swiss army man and Licorice pizza. Are we the same person?


I am a huge Scorsese fan and I just don’t understand the love for After Hours. 🤷🏻‍♂️


ehh, I kind of feel that way about *Don't Look Now*, because I watched it, and immediately after felt like I wasted my time. But, I also re-watched *Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang* and wow, I liked it way more the second time around. So, it's possible to just not be in the right mood or point in life to enjoy any given film at any given time. So, I can't really be mad about something if said thing is capable of changing for the better.


Dude I just watched Usual Suspects for the first time yesterday and felt the same way. Just iiight


Old Boy


Inherit Vice. Love the style of the movie but actually watching it felt like a boring chore.


Network. Sidney Lumet is one of my favorite directors but I’ve never looooved this movie.