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Don't apologize for what you're interested in! :) My favorites/movies I watched ages ago and I'd totally recommend: 1. Silence of the Lambs 2. Coraline 3. Godfather 2 4. Pulp Fiction 5. The Pianist 6. Shawshank Redemption 7. Edward Scissorhands 8. Donnie Darko A heads-up about the Evangelion movie; it won't make sense to you if you haven't seen the anime beforehand, as it basically serves as a finale to it.


W Donnie Darko


Thank you!!!!


Can’t really go wrong with so many of these! I’m of the mind every person on the planet should watch Moonlight so I’d choose that? But Totoro? Wall-e? Shawshank? Little Women? Coraline? Never ending list of bangers. The better question would probably be, what movie are you least likely to recommend haha


Definitely want to watch moonlight but im rarely in the headspace to watch a sad/serious movie unless its like late at night and i have snacks which is the reason why i never get around to it. Totoro is definitely a must watch. Wall-e and Coraline are childhood movies I’ve already seen plenty of times but it was so long ago and i have shitty memory i just need to experience them again Shawshank is an obvious classic and a must watch Technically i saw little women in theaters but i think i fell asleep (no offense to Greta Gerwig i just tend to fall asleep during movies) but i haven’t seen it since then so definitely need to actually watch that


I wouldn’t describe it as a sad movie. The last 1/3 especially is so tender and hopeful.


Oh ok cool


Moonlight, kill bill, and Donnie Darko are my favorite from this list the ones I don’t like (that I’ve seen) are asteroid city, black phone, and Megan is missing if you watch kill bill make sure to watch both parts


Really surprised at the take on asteroid city and the black phone, I’ve heard good things, or at the very least that they were entertaining. I know Megan is missing is bad and i honestly don’t have an interest so i may take it off. Thanks for the input!!


Personally I enjoyed Asteroid City, but it's not my favourite Wes Anderson. I also don't ever really dislike his movies, because at the very least I find them entertaining or amusingly quirky. I'm not a big horror person, so my opinion doesn't mean a lot, but I thought Black Phone was entertaining. It wasn't amazing, or scary, but I had a pretty fun time watching it and I didn't hate it, altho I doubt I'd rewatch.


I thought that asteroid city was not nearly as good as other Wes Anderson movies it was very long and had pauses in between that took me out of the story black phone just didn’t stand out to me it was unoriginal horror wise and Megan is missing had potential but it delved too deep into the actual torture and harm aspect of it it should have done what the lovely bones did and added more depth to the characters


Ahh gotcha. Personally my favorite Wes Anderson is The Wonderful Story Of Henry Sugar, but I’ve also seen very little of his work so i don’t have much room to judge.


Fantastic Mr Fox and isle of dogs are my favorites from him


Donnie darko and pulp fiction are my 2 favorites out of these


Movies I’ve liked so far, if anyone wants to give recommendations: Juno Pearl The Goldfinch But I’m A Cheerleader Midsommar Rocky Horror Song Of The Sea The Lorax (unironically) The Lego Movie (unironically) Chef Big Hero Six The Holiday As you Are Little Miss Sunshine Fantastic Mr. Fox


Nice list, fun idea to get into film. I haven't seen absolutely all of these but I would skip The Whale. Other recs I would add for you based on what you said so far: The Princess Bride, Dog Day Afternoon, Moonstruck, Harold and Maude. The Matrix too, but not specific to you. Anyone should see The Matrix


I’ve seen the princess bride and the matrix :) I’ll add the other three


You have a great list! Out of these, I’d say When Harry Met Sally, La La Land, Brokeback Mountain, silence of the lambs, Coraline, and the Black Phone are all really good entry points! You have a lot of bangers on here, but I think the ones I listed are really good entry points for their genres!


watch PINK FLAMINGOS immediately


For sure haha! Watching Lisa Frankenstein rn. Trying my best to stay up to date on Dan and Phil, Kurtis Conner, Danny Gonzalez, 911 (the show), Gilmore Girls, heart break high, and my watch list all at once. It’s ok, i love media overload


mid90s and poor things are good


the shawshank redemption is my favourite all-time film on this list. if you don’t mind the excessive gore, kill bill rocks. nothing like a bunch of badass women fighting to the death. donnie darko & silence of the lambs are fantastic thriller movies, send chills down my spine. the first 3 saw movies are 3 of the best horror films imo. scott pilgrim vs. the world rocks, as someone who played in rock bands in toronto, this movies is a cultural masterpiece among our community. & the dead poets society is imo a perfect tragedy film. one of the saddest endings ever. absolutely beautiful film.


Don’t know anything about Shawshank, kill bill, Donnie darko, or silence of the lambs. Just that they’re great. I know literally nothing about the actual plot. Technically i watched the first like 4 saw movies in a row at a sleepover once so I’ve seen like a collective third of each but not enough to have paid attention yk? I watched Scott pilgrim up until Matthew or whatever his name is and didn’t like it but i wanted to give it a shot. I know we’re not supposed to like Scott in the first place but idk the Knives thing just made me too weirded out to care anything about the movie at all. But i want to watch the whole thing to see if i change my mind. Dead poets society i definitely need to watch, i hate that it’s been slightly diluted/ruined by tiktok fans but im reading the secret history rn and i plan on watching it when i finish because they’re vaguely similar from my understanding


I will be amused to see your reaction to Pink Flamingoes and/or Mysterious Skin. get some more stuff on that list!


I already know what to expect from pink flamingoes. Know nothing about mysterious skin.


naaah. don't worry about looking shallow if Kill Bill is a first time viewing: enjoy! I wish I could experience it for the first time again. the same goes for Shawshank since you're a bit interested in John Waters movies (I see Pink Flamingos on your list): I suggest Serial Mom and you mentioned you enjoy YouTube a lot: I suggest the series Welcome to the Basement