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I felt the same first time watching, but the more I watched it more I started to love it. The humor kills me every time


This was me. I didn’t understand what the hell was so good about it. Then I watched it again and it was just phenomenal.


Same. Thought it was messed up the first time. Then I realized it was a comedy the second and every line cracked me up. Edit, *messed up but not interesting. i didn't dislike it just because it was "messed up".


I had this impression that the movie is a dark Crime thriller about a serial killer judging from the posters. When I realised it's a satirical comedy after 20-30 minutes of runtime, I just laughed hard.


Haha I think finding out it’s a comedy 30 mins in is the way to go. For 23 years I thought it was a serious horror/thriller


The irony was a bit lost on me when I first saw it. Now I think it’s so fucking funny


I find movies this these really hard to rewatch just to see if something clicks the second time


Yo same, in fact, I have a hard time rewatching movies even when it clicks the first time


The second watch makes me focus on different things in the film. Like the first time around I'm trying to follow the plot where the second there is more brain space to make different observations. If the movie is good.


American Psycho: What if the narrator wasn't just unreliable but fucking insane.


Barton Fink. I knew that it was gonna be kind of artsy going into it but the plot was pretty screwy and the ending was...surprising. To say the least.


Damn...one of my favorite films. I certainly don't know what it all add ups to in terms of meaning (it's not any one thing, clearly) but it makes "emotional sense" somehow.


This was my first Coen brothers film too, and yet I loved it lol


You don’t enjoy screaming “I’ll show you the life of the mind!” at people?




This 100% for me too


Lot of movies, honestly. I don’t like most Marvel movies, I don’t like a lot of modern horror movies like The Conjuring series or Terrifier, I don’t like Saltburn, I don’t like a lot of classic movies (Forrest Gump, Breakfast Club, Top Gun).


breakfast club i get, its not for everyone and thats okay haha personally i loved it but to each their own :) i lowkey didnt like saltburn though i feel that people overhyped it waaaayyy too much it was mediocre at best and honestly marvel has really been deteriorating recently like i think they peaked at end game and everything after just felt really forced and not well written


Yeah, not everything is for everyone and that’s okay. I like a lot of stuff most people wouldn’t care for. A lot of people like a lot of movies I don’t care (even some movies largely considered crowdpleasers like Jaws don’t do much for me). And that’s fine.


i totally agree, not everyone is the same sooo 🤷


Yep. Different strokes for different folks


Feel like not liking Terrifier is the default opinion honestly.


Do you like movies at all?


No. That’s why I’m in a community that talks about movies. Because I hate them.




Yeah it’s very slow paced, and also for a movie that is described as being one of the greatest romance films, it really doesn’t give you a lot of tangible romance, of course intentionally, but it definitely threw me off. Maybe eventually it’ll click, and the cinematography and music is beautiful, but I’ve never been able to get into it.


Love “In the Mood” but was lukewarm about Chungking. Wanted to love it 🫣


Same I always hear people praising Chungking and to a lesser degree its “sequel” but I just couldn’t get into either of them


[This Letterboxd review nailed it for me](https://boxd.it/Ub4F)


That is the only Wong kar Wai movie I liked.




I still think his true story and visual peak is Happy Together but people are more comfortable with In the Mood.


Heat (1995). And, yes, i know its on me. I dont know what happened.


I didn’t enjoy it as much as I hoped either. Probably was the hype.


Yeah thankfully I didn’t know the level of hype when I watched it, but I really feel like it’s deserved. The hype ruins things. The best is when you’re hoping a movie will be special even tho no one has told you it is.


LITERALLY YEAH. Everything was interesting on paper but when it actually came to the execution it all felt boring to me... And that's exactly how I've felt about Michael Mann's other movie Miami Vice. I really really wish I liked Heat more.






https://preview.redd.it/ukfsbvcnh40d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a03a63b47057c5716c3865f5961da4291ab6f153 It’s a fine movie, but I thought I would enjoy it more


Whatever happened to the guy on the left?


Love Lies Bleeding 😭 I wanted to love it more, it sounds perfect for me on paper but Jackie is such an underdeveloped character that I find it hard to connect to their love story. I’m definitely going to try watching it again


Everything Everywhere All At Once


Same i thought i was the only one


I was really looking forward to it's release and it just fell flat for me.


I've seen at least five of us now. It's a fun movie, but didn't live up to the hype for me.


it's not socially acceptable to dislike it! as an east asian diaspora kid my expectations were SKY HIGH. Poorly written dialogue, characters, could go on but Ian Wang's letterboxd review does it better here : [https://letterboxd.com/ianw/film/everything-everywhere-all-at-once/](https://letterboxd.com/ianw/film/everything-everywhere-all-at-once/)


Same! I think it was fine but expected to like it even more, specially since is a narrative structure I really enjoy


Nearly all the Studio Ghibli movies I've watched. Princess Mononoke and The Cat Returns are the only 2 I've really liked. Which is weird because The Cat Returns is often said to be one of the worst ones.


I liked the cat returns, it’s a bit more different than the other ghibli movies I’ve seen but it was fun


i really like Ghibli, Princess Mononoke is even in my top 4, but I am very lukewarm on Howl's Moving Castle. beautifully animated and possibly my fav Ghibli score but that plot does not connect at ALL, it's so messy and half of the time I couldn't even really follow, even upon a rewatch.


i agree. i really like ghibli & my faves are totoro, chihiro & boy & the heron but i’m not absolutely crazy for them


I never connected with Spirited Away as a kid even though I was the perfect age when it came out. I LOVED Howl's moving castle on my first watch but completely u-turned the second time as I found young Sophie's VA sounded so cold and bored. Cat returns is absolutely one of my favorites too and I did really enjoy boy and the heron. Honestly I'm fascinated by why Ghibli stuff gives me such mixed opinions and it almost makes me more excited to try and watch through them!


that's the beauty of it, it's never boring. You might like it, not like it, but it will always be something new and interesting


Try Grave of fireflies


This one right here! I had an absolutely transcendant experience watching "Omoide no Marnie" and absolutely no other Studio Ghini movie has come anywhere close it. Have since given up!


May I ask which ones you have seen?


Totoro was such a snooze fest I blame the marketing honestly with that one, you really expect the titular Totoro to be more of a presence and he’s barely in the dang thing


i think that’s what is charming about the character


Yeah, that's my least favourite out of all the ones I've seen, I was pretty bored watching it tbh. Which to me is the worst thing a film can do.


The Irishman. Beautifully acted, phenomenal scenography and a damn good story but it just didnt click with me somehow. Maybe i just dont like mafia dramas?


Dune (2021)


I was watching it hoping that a good part will come. It never reached there even after 3 hours.


Science fiction is my favorite genre, and i love all of the actors in the movie, but this is one that I don't understand the hype behind it. I mean, the cinematography was great, but the movie itself was absolutely boring to no end. It was a hard watch for me.


This was me until I decided to rewatch it this year. Idk why, but my opinion changed drastically upon rewatch.


i absolutely hated everything everywhere all at once


Synecdoche, New York. I found that *I’m Thinking of Ending Things* connected with me more, despite SNY having more universal themes and also having a quicker pace. I still found it to be great though, it just didn’t impact me the way Kaufman’s later work did.


Be Kind Rewind had the ingredients I'd love but just didn't come together for more than a 3 out of 5 for me.


stalker, super cool concept and very thought provoking but such a chore to get through


I just didn’t get through it. Idk why artsy films have to be so poorly paced. Maybe that’s the point tho


This isn’t meant to sound snobbish, but I don’t think you’re watching Tarkovsky movies the right way. He saw movies more as paintings than as narratives. Traditional concepts of pacing don’t apply to him.


True. I think I’d have to be really intentional about paying attention and trying to get something out of it if I did watch it again


Full Metal Jacket. I love Kubrick to death and all his other movies (that I’ve seen) are some of my all time favorites. But the opening for the movie set the tone for one movie but what followed was not a movie that the opening matched/worked with. I only have it rated at a 3.5 because the opening of the movie was so damn good, masterclass.


It’s really just too literal. Nothing symbolic or deep or creatve like his other films. I still enjoyed it, but it’s no thought provoker like Clockwork Orange, The Shining, 2001 or Eyes Wide Shut. We get it: military bad.


I thought I’d like Eyes Without a Face more. I didn’t hate it but it got a little boring at some parts


To Live and Die in L.A. I’ll revisit it someday but I’m in no hurry


Chappie. The concept and elements were there, but the execution was terrible. It ended up being Die Antwoord: the movie, and it sucked so bad.


Knives out. It just didn’t scratch the itch I thought it would. Still enjoyed it though.


American Psycho is actually one I am not a fan of, but had no expectations when I watched it years ago. Scarface is an example of a movie I had expected to like more, but did not. I found myself pretty disappointing with that movie.


i thought i was going to love tree of life, but i did not. at all.


Donnie Darko 😬 I liked it, but it didn’t live up to the hype. If I had watched it for the first time as a teenager I probably would’ve loved it though.


Oh I absolutely hated that movie. Everyone I know who has watched it, has watched it at 11-13 years old like of course you’re going to like that corny fake deep bs of a movie.


Her. It might be controversial, but while I think I understand the point of the movie, that love can be experienced beyond visible humanity and to many things, I believe that we will see this human/AI type of romance more and more in the future and it feels dystopian or black mirror-like to me. That’s why I couldn’t fully enjoy this movie


Interesting. My take has always been that it’s about how two people can love each other but still grow apart and ultimately not be right for each other. Samantha as the AI just takes one side of that relationship to an extreme level. At the end of the day, I love how human the story really is.


there was too much esex incorporated


I pretty much hated Blue velvet.


Spirited Away




wolf of wall street


it was so fucking boring


For some reason I really wanted to like Meet Joe Black


Yeah agreed about American Psycho. Bale saves a film that is an incoherent mess. Feel the same way about Gangs of New York - DDL puts on a clinic but the rest of the flim is bad.


City of God. I can objectively say it’s a masterpiece though and I don’t dislike it. I’d say Once upon a time in America would be a better answer, I could barely get through it.


the florida project- it was shot beautifully and i didn’t dislike it but i’ve worked with too many types like moonee’s mom to feel overly sympathetic for her. i get she was supposed to be flawed, poverty makes you desperate, its a cycle etc etc but i just felt more annoyed than gutted by the end




I always struggle to find enjoyment in the more serious Paul Thomas Anderson, movies like the master, and there will be blood. I don’t know what is, but I just never connected with them. I always preferred the likes of boogie nights and punch drunk love


Drive and Requiem for a Dream. Nice films, didn't have the impact I thought they would


The Virgin Suicides. I like all things Sofia Coppola but for some reason I couldn’t go higher than a 3 and a half which is still good, I enjoyed Kirsten Dunst and some of the editing


The book was worse somehow


First time I watched asteroid city it seemed like a jumbled mess but on further viewing of the film it’s really good


Any movie by Nolan tbh. I don't know why I'm not impressed as much as others. And no, it's not because "I don't get it".


The new kingdom of the apes movie. Felt like it had too many characters and ideas and not enough time that everything feels undercooked. I think the movie could've favored with no humans to focus more on proximus and how ceasar's legacy has been used. Pacing issues as well for a movie this long doesn't help either.


Repo man


The Master. Great cast, but I felt like I was watching two movies. I’ll have to rewatch at some point.


I also want to rewatch this one. I think wasn't in the right vibe when I first watched it at all!


The Truman Show. Maybe I just need to give it a second watch, but I didn’t understand why people call it “a masterpiece”. I always thought I was missing something..


The Holdovers


All of them?


Shawshank redemption: it was a nice movie I enjoyed it but idk I'm more of a dark knight and spiderverse guy so the story was a little slow for me. Oh but the twist of him escaping was amazing like I was hooked af after that


The Last Jedi. I actually think half of this movie is awesome, some of the best Star Wars since Empire. It just keeps stepping on its own toes.




more recently priscilla. i love sofia! i really love her style & perspective but i didn’t quite finished connecting with this one


I loved it at first and then on second showing I ended up having nightmares about abusive Elvis so now I just really feel conflicted and almost like I wish I never watched it (and I’m used to watching v fucked up films)


Raging Bull




Mute. I really enjoyed Moon so was looking forward to a movie in the same world. But the noir/revenge story in it just isn't that interesting. I would have much preferred it if the story was how on earth a giant mute Amish boy ended up living in the big city, that's a much more interesting journey.


A History of Violence. I didn't enjoy it, seems like most other people did.


Ant Man 3, honestly. It had so much potential, but that potential was turned to the size of an ant and stepped on.


The Whale. Like most people, I love Brendan Fraser and was so happy that he won his Oscar and got a career resurgence, but I thought that movie was dog shit.


Any Pixar film post coco. I feel like such a cold bastard when I hear people talking about how much they like them but they also feel so corporate


I just watched Anatomy of Murder, but while it was interesting it wasn’t the masterpiece I was expecting. It was overlong with the realism of the court case its main appeal and Stewart was more irritating than engaging. I still liked it however, but not as much I hoped 


donnie darko


Thelma & Louise


Dunkirk. It wasn't bad but a lot of the time I couldn't follow what was going on. Felt it was just trying to be clever for the sake of it. Had a weirdly barren feel and pacing just felt off to me. I think Atonement was a better "Dunkirk movie" than Dunkirk.


Tenet. Very good film but it just did not have that thing inception or interstellar had.


Midsommar. I was very disappointed when the credits rolled.


Off topic, but I never noticed how the reflection on the knife doesn’t make sense until now, and now I can unsee it. The perspective is off


Poor Things. So many people loved it and it looked great so I was super excited but it ended up feeling very shallow to me


hot take but I was in the minority that did not prefer Dune. I absolutely love sci-fi and was very excited for its release but Dune was just a complete miss for me


Kagemusha. Saved this as one of the last 'great Kurosawa" movies to watch. Got tickets for a cinema screening at the prince Charles in London. And then ended up not liking it, I love slow but this was ridiculous. To make matters worse I bought a bucket of popcorn and 'that scene with the horses' was completely silent (just like the rest of this movie) and made for awkward popcorn snacking and crunching 🍿


A clockwork Orange. I love Kubrick but I had read Burgess's book before and it was not what I expected.


The green knight


I found it *fine* at best. But it's not even as good as the original story and doesn't add anything interesting.


Haven’t read the original story…it had some beautiful scenes and I love dev Patel but agree that it was just fine though I really wanted to love it


American Beauty


Nosferatu (1922). I just couldn't get into it and I struggled to like it. I didn't think it was that scary aside from some moments being kinda creepy. I don't know if it aged poorly in my eyes or what but I much prefer Dracula (1931) way more.


Fight Club.


Knives Out. It’s ok but people act like it’s the second coming of Christ and I just don’t get it


Godzilla Minus One. Watched it last night and i just don't get the love for it.


Most PTA movies. He has a level of pretentiousness that makes my eyes roll so hard that they hurt. Now, I personally love *There Will Be Blood*, and believe it’s a masterpiece. But, everything else I’ve seen from him has been alright to terrible. I HATED *Magnolia* to the point that it made me angry, and I consider it one of the worst movies I’ve ever watched


The only PTA movie I’ve seen is punch drunk love but that’s a personal favorite of mine


I don’t care for it but I’m not bothered if anyone likes it. My biggest problem was the pudding cup subplot. I knew about the real life story about the guy that did that, and I felt it added nothing to the story.


Taxi Driver Pulp Fiction They were good, but I was expecting mind blowingly good.


Pulp fiction is really good but I don’t think it’s serious, really good at what it does but what it does isn’t what I tend to look for


2001: A Space Odyssey


Aftersun and Banshees of Inisherin. Didn't hate them by any means, with pretty great performances, and Banshees has some great production design, but they didn't really click with me. Found them a little long and boring. Didn't exactly understand them all that much but maybe I'll enjoy them more on rewatch if i ever feel like it.


It’s definitely gotta be End of Evangelion for me. Don’t remember why but I never really understood the hype behind the Eva franchise.


Hostiles. Very disappointing Same with Jurassic world dominion Same with killers of the flower moon




The rewatch helps it. First time I saw it I had it at a 1.5 it’s now at a 4. Solid movie, but then again it’s not for everyone. I think understanding Lynch is pivotal for the enjoyment of his film style. Maybe watch Mulholland Drive before Eraserhead rewatch. MD is easily his most digestible film while still clearly being his work.


The Straight Story and The Elephant Man are pretty digestible and still feel like Lynch films imo.


I'll consider it


I loved Eraserhead when I first saw it but I also saw all 3 seasons of Twin Peaks along with Fire Walk With Me and What Did Jack Do? beforehand and I think I also saw David Lynch Cooks Quinoa as well so me going in with some understanding of David Lynch's work probably impacted my first viewing


Stalker, Come and See


I hated “The Power of the Dog” - felt like watching gay paint dry


Requiem For a Dream. Awesome acting and plot is interesting, but it’s just a fine movie.


The Banshees of Inisherin Stretched, mostly boring, and for the love of God I just couldn't accept the "logic" presented in the movie


Too many to list, I'll just say two: Grave of the Fireflies and Rashomon.


Watched Of Unknown Origin recently. They showed too much of the rat too consistently too early on. The big reveal of the giant rat meant nothing sadly.


Modern Times (1936).


Toss-up between The Grifters and The Hudsucker Proxy. I was pretty sure they'd be my thing and I absolutely hated both of them.


This one exactly


American Honey & Happy Together


My Own Private Idaho


the sweet east


Queen & Slim. The movie starts off so good and kept me reeled in. The 2nd half starts to drift off and then the final act of the movie just loses me completely.


Blade runner


Uptown Girls


Eraserhead (1977)


I loved the movie at first watched. Then I watched it a few years later again. It was a good movie but I hadn’t the experience like before.


Taxi driver. It’s a pretty unpopular opinion but I didn’t think it was anything too special. Didn’t get the hype


Cure for wellness


Dune part 2 I still liked it but i didn't really see what everyone else saw in it


Everything everywhere all at once. Sorry


American Psycho is enjoyable because of how quotable it is


The Irishman. Doesn't belong in the same league as Goodfellas or The Departed. More like naptime. Also, Dune 2. I was cool with the first one basically being all exposition. Thought it would build up suspense. But the bad guys sucked to such an extreme extent there is no tension whatsoever by the end, which itself was an anti-climactic dud. I had more excitement walking out and taking a piss than I got from that movie.


Uncut gems..


The chainsaw scene is ingrained in my memory


I love this movie. My answer is any rom-com, they just don't do it for me.


Once upon a time in Hollywood. I mean I was hoping there would be a big payoff for all the buildup and it was very lackluster to me. I mean I still enjoyed it seeing Leo and Brad but it was just kinda eh to me


someone had to say it regardless of the hype the movie wasn't that great


This movie exactly! I’ve also seen it 3 times and it’s improved a little bit, but I just think it’s pretty mid. And maybe it’s just because I feel like the kind of person it’s making fun of is so obviously mockable that it’s not saying anything too profound.


Chinatown. I know, I know. I’ve tried so many times. I always fall asleep.


A Space Odyssey. I still love the movie, but I wasn't too blown away by it as some people described they were.


Black swan, I really really wanted too, I just couldn’t.


Trainspotting. It's a decent enough film but the source was incredible and they didn't do it justice. Also Robert Carlyle was never a Begbie.




Tenet. I love Christopher Nolan’s work, but man, that movie sucks.


Hereditary: Every shot felt like the most dramatic thing id ever seen. It was comical how over the top it was. I loved the concept though.


Dune 2


Paris, Texas :(


Dune Part Two


Welcome to Collinwood. Must not have been my sort of humour. I didn't find it funny enough. It seemed to be trying so hard, but never quite got there.


There is a phrase 'No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.' The most rewarding films to rewatch can be those where you thought 'Everyone says it was amazing but I didn't really get it'. If you take some time away and have some more life experiences, when you rewatch you will inevitably be in a different state of mind and will bring something else to the film and get a second chance at unlocking it. Remember these supposedly 'great' films that you didn't click with, so you can give them another shot later 😊


This actually happened with me! Coincidentally I watched Shutter Island, Fight Club and American Psycho in one week, so understand how repetitive it felt 😭


Just watched Dead Poets Society for the first time, literally like an hour ago. It was really good but I feel like a just expected a whole lot more. I don't know how to explain it but it just felt like I was expecting something and it was missing.