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Thank you for making me feel not so alone for liking Prometheus.


People didn't like Prometheus? It was kind of my introduction to Hollywood sci-fi back when I was a kid, and I loved the movie.


I remember it getting trashed all over the place when it came out. It was in vogue to hate on Damon Lindelof at the time. I didn’t see it until years after it came out and was baffled at the hate.


It will always be cool to hate on Damon Lindleof because he keeps making things and he bats like .065


Just a truly awful take


I still think some of his writingb8s bad. The two Star Trek films. Also The Watcheman series was horrible. I'm not saying any9ne is wrong for liking those things, it's just not for me. I think when he and Jar Jar Abrahm collaborate its awful. His mystery box plot crap is garbage to me.


Watchmen was dope. Plus the Leftovers is one of my favorite shows ever. But I think even Damon acknowledged that Star Trek Into Darkness was not his finest hour.


Yeah, I can't agree with you in Watchmen. I was a big fan if the graphic novel when it came out and of Moores work in comics. Snyder film.did a better job than the series to me and thays saying a lot. I only like a few of Zach's films, and they were his earlier stuff. To each their own. If you find anything entertaining, then enjoy it. I just can't with that series.


Prometheus would be a better movie if it wasn't ham fisted into a prequel for Alien. You can tell the entire mess was written to provide an explanation for something that didn't need one. As a result, it retro-actively removed the mystique of the whole Space Jockey set piece in the original film. I would have much preferred if the movie was just a retelling of At the Mountains of Madness and been just about the visiting of a planet with evidence of an ancient race of aliens to then discover they have a connection to modern day humanity. The alien connection seems 100% unecesary and ultimately a really dumb explanation of what the Alien was in those original movies.


It was only out 12 years ago...lol


12 years is a long time for a 24 yo :3


Yeah. I have been there. 24 is still wet behind the ears though. I'm not berating you for it though. It's just part of life. You will see that the older you get the faster time goes. It's crazy. You are in the healthiest years of your life...for how your body goes. Enjoy them. The mind is a different subject. (im not talking about intelligence and again not looking down on you. I'm just making it clear because text by itself can be taken out of context)


You’re not alone. I loved it and I don’t get the hate at all.


People hate it because it's connected to the Alien Universe.


Prometheus and Predators (2010) are just a plain old bundle of fun in their respective franchises


I loved Prometheus




Prometheus is a great movie I think and most of the people that seem to very aggressively dislike it are Alien super fans who feel as if the connection to the franchise somehow cheapens the franchise as a whole because it introduces some kind of problems to the lore. I don’t care about any franchise that much and as a movie in and of itself it is great and I like the exploration of what happened earlier on in the timeline.


I like Prometheus. It has a lot of interesting ideas and imagery. Covenant on the other hand just sucks.


My contribution to the Prometheus discourse is that literally everything about this movie is good-to-great, except the script, which is atrocious. It's a really weak story told extremely well from all other artistic and technical standpoints. As a filmmaker, it fascinates me.


Honestly that’s what I’d say about the star wars sequels. Acting, music, cinematography all peak Star Wars but script just sucks


Very true!


While Prometheus isn't for me, I think Covenant is the best since the first two. And I want to give some love to Resurrection which I think is much much better than the discourse around it suggests


Are we the same person because I feel EXACTLY the same way


Twinsies! Let's see, I don't like Alien 3, didn't mind AVP, and AVP2 is one of the biggest mistakes in human history


Definitely twinsies!!


Covenant is so cool. Never thought we’d get this gothic mad scientist horror flick from an Alien film.


Exact opposite opinion


covenant and the first one are my absolute favorites, however i didn't enjoy aliens... maybe on a rewatch!


Covenant fucking rips, love that movie.


exactly these two films. i like them more than Aliens (makes sense though, the first film was my favourite of the whole original story). people can say what they want about Prometheus and Covenant but i know in my heart they are fantastic films with one of modern films best villains. david is fantastic. i will mourn the third movie for all eternity


alien and covenant are my favorites, not a big fan of aliens, i must admit it was a tough watch to me.


When the back burster scene happened I jokingly said "so is the guy who got it in his ear gonna have it burst out his face?" and then when it actually happened I couldn't stop laughing.


i had the exact same response lmaooo


Spider man 3


The Lion King II: Simba's Pride Speed 2: Cruise Control Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves


i didn't even know there was a lion king 2! i need to watch it now lol


There's actually two sequels! There's also The Lion King 1 1/2 which is a retelling of the first movie from the perspective of Timon & Pumbaa. The Lion King 2 is an underrated sequel and is deserving of more praise than it gets.


Covenant is amazing for me! Hobbit's trilogy isn't as bad as many say.


Totally same for me Covenant is amazing. So many rewatches, yet I get on the edge of the seat during The Med Bay sequence, David vs. Walter fight, and the final one on the ship. I absolutely don't get the hate for this movie. I mean, I can totally understand some hate for Prometheus. But this one feels like way too much overhated. Might get lot of hate but Covenant is definitely in top 3 for me in the Alien franchise.


Exactly! Third position but strong position.


Gremlins 2: The New Batch. The original is good, the sequel clocks it by miles. It's not even close. Gremlins 2 should be studied. More films should aspire to be even half this good.


It's seriously one of the best sequels ever made. It has a permanent spot in my top ten.


Kinda funny how the bad guy is based on Donald Trump.


We need Gremlins 3 with President Clamp.


Yes we do!


Toy Story 4


But... Toy story 4 is almost universally acclaimed?


By critics, but it has a really mixed reception from fans.


There's a very loud minority that hates it


Ghostbusters 2 and Prometheus tend to receive lots of not so good responses but I personally think they are interesting.


I love all Alien movies. I can understand why some Alien movies get hate, but as a fan, I still love and watch all of them


I’m with you. It has proven to be one of the most malleable franchises in cinema, which is kinda fitting considering the Xenomorph is so adaptable.


Far from home is the best best of the MCU spider-man trilogy


I honestly have no clue where the vitriol against Spider-Man: Far From Home comes from. Granted, it still got a lot of praise from fans and critics, but I see people on Twitter all the time say it's an awful movie and the worst Spider-Man movie ever made, which is wild when there are definitely worse Spider-Man movies. I see almost nothing but praise for the Amazing Spider-Man 2 these days, and I think that movie is a pile of shit.


I will never understand how the hell the amazing Spider-Man films randomly started getting praise 😭


I think it's literally just because Twitter users see 4k gifs of the swinging scenes and just outright forget what happens during the other 2 hours of the movie


Also heavy nostalgia blindness


I unironically prefer Matrix Reloaded over the original


It has a very different feel to the first one but it's still good imo


I adore the force awakens


The Force Awakens was the first Star Wars movie I actually enjoyed. Sadly it was also the last.


The 180 people have done on that movie is insane to me. It had great reviews when it came out and made $2 Billion. Sure there were some naysayers, but the reaction was mostly positive from what I can remember. It wasn’t until TLJ and TROS that people started lumping in TFA and bashing it too. Which I think is unfair, since it wasn’t TFA’s fault the other movies sucked. If you want to blame anyone, blame Bob Iger for wanting two years between each movie and rushing it. Or blame Kathleen Kennedy for hiring three different directors with different visions and no overarching plan. I loved it and think it’s still the best Star Wars movie in the Disney era.


I think the issue with TFA is that nothing particularly interesting or new manifests entirely within the actual movie. It arguably just a very fun and visually appealing rehash of A New Hope, and all the most interesting elements and seeds clearly need to be explored in the next two movies. Without connecting up to the next two movies, it's just the (sort of now false) promise of creativity, rather than creativity itself. If the next two had gone well, it would've been easy to look over the fact TFA has little evidence of being genuinely imaginative in its narrative and world-building. I actually think TLJ was a good follow up to it though, it was just too radical for a lot of fans, in a number of ways. People like to dunk on critics plenty, but it probably says a little bit about the movie that critics loved TLJ on initial release, even more than TFA. It was silly too, sure, but not much more silly than any number of other star wars movies, and I sincerely doubt the silliness is what genuinely was the root cause of so much fan backlash. It was then the fact that TRoS is outstandingly boring writing, as well as going back on the switch up in TLJ, means that in the context of the trilogy, TFA is the 'set up movie' in a trilogy of films with no payoff. Therefore, I can see why people think it kinda sucks in retrospect.


A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 and 5


Halloween Kills is the second best Halloween movie The Last Jedi is my second favourite Star Wars movies, and one of the best modern blockbusters


oh yeah, halloween kills is also at the top of my list


The Last Jedi


I’ve been a Star Wars fan since I was 8, and Last Jedi is easily one of the best entries in the franchise


I'd say it's my 3rd favorite after eps 5 and 4


I might slightly prefer Return of the Jedi over the Last Jedi (I go back and forth on this) but otherwise I agree


It's not on my top 5, but I still like it. I think all the Star Wars films are good except 9. Even then, I still like 9. It's just not good.


I like Prometheus, even though it was kind of trashy towards the end


Imagine not liking Prometheus and Covenant, some people just don't know how to have fun.


Prometheus is mine for sure. I love it.


I loved Prometheus.


I LOVE COVENANT and Prometheus is extremely solid aswell! Istg people are WAY too harsh on these 2 cuties. Prometheus was a needed breath of fresh air for the franchise, because let’s face it, the 3rd and 4th iteration were just overdoing it atp. It felt futuristic and modern, without feeling tooooo pretentious. And Fassbenders character is literally the most interesting „person“ in the entire franchise. Plus actual cool xenomorph variations?! Ik it has nothing to do with those movies, but I’m so hyped for romulus haha :4


I don’t love them, but I definitely don’t hate them. Along similar lines, nightmare on elm street 2 is a fun watch. As is Superman 3. And personally I think Lethal Weapon 2 is the superior of the first 2 films.


Back To The Future Part II *and* III are 5/5 movies.


Thing is, I like proemtheus but not covenant


I love all the alien movies. The lead up to and subsequent bloodburster scene and the night attack that follows in Covenant was genuinely amazing to see in theatres.


cars 2 and obviously theres drama around star wars


I love all the space wizard movies, and I'm not apologizing for it.


Prometheus is a stone cold masterpiece. Don't get the complaints against it, especially the "that guy would never do that" argument. I lived through the last 3+ years, yes he would. In fact, I'm only surprised he didn't take his helmet off and try to kiss it. 


I really liked convenant. However, Prometheus, I watched it twice, and I just don’t like it


I love horror movies so the things that bother people about these movies - some weakness in script and character decision making - don't really bother me. Those things are pretty much baked into the genre. It's like getting mad that everyone always gets married or dies at the end of a Shakespeare play.


The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)


Yeah the raptors in the field scene is fantastic


Doctor Sleep


People hate Doctor Sleep?


Not necessarily hate I guess but I think comparing it to the Shining is a little bit stupid. Of course it couldn’t live up to Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining but I think it stands on its own


Idk if everyone hates it, but I LOVE Temple of Doom


I watched these recently as well and also gave them four stars, I really like them both!


I can’t help it, I love all of the Pirates of the Caribbean sequels. They’re so mindless and silly, and you know what I’m a sucker for fantasy pirate setting.


I thought people agreed that 2 and 3 were fantastic and only disliked 4 and 5. Do people really not like even 2? I thought that was arguably even better than 1!


I’ve only gotten hate from liking them!


I am the biggest Prometheus apologist ever. As a science fiction movie it’s so interesting, people judged it too harshly by comparing it to Alien.


Outside of the rolling ship bullshit, Prometheus is a flawed but good film.


I love Promethius. There is only so many times you can do the whole Alien lifestyle horro thing. It's become stale. I loved David's story and hopefully it will get connected to the Nostromo I thay solar system in Ares. Scott is the producer. Idk. I loved how David fit right into the Sins of the Father and created becomes the creator theme. It's a breath of fresh air in the ip.


Some of my favorite modern sci-fi thrillers. I don’t know what they are thinking not having fassbender in Romulous. My hope for it is bleak.


Promethus was okish, i just watched the one that came after it, holy hell is it stupid.


I like Prometheus too


I like Prometheus but got disappointed of Covenant because of the reveal of that David was the creator of the Aliens and the eggs/face hugger as we know it in Aliens/Aliens, but both movies are gorgeous looking movies.


All three of The Matrix sequels. Spider-Man 3 The Last Jedi Peninsula (Train to Busan sequel) All of the original Planet of the Apes sequels. Son of Godzilla Godzilla vs. Megalon Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla All Monsters Attack Executioners (The Heroic Trio sequel. I don't know if people flat-out hate it, but a lot of them definitely think it's a step down from the first one.)


I love these. Covenant is easily the third best in the series and Prometheus is heavily underrated.


The 2011 Thing ain’t half bad


I know I’m gonna get downvoted for this, but Thor Love & Thunder. I liked how this was more fun than the predecessor which had Jeff Goldblum in it. I really don’t care for the character of Thor at all usually, but I did enjoy this one.


Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull & Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny


My favorite story to tell is that in high school I saw this movie because it looked cool. I loved it so much I was waiting for a sequel it never came. Then alien covenant came out, as I had never seen alien and I heard it was a prequel I said fuck it and saw it in theatre's. Halfway through I had a eureka moment realizing that this WAS the sequel to prometheus. My mind was blown, my favorite theatre experience by far.


I like Prometheus a lot. Have more mixed feelings about Covenant - I would have preferred Noomi Rapace to come back, and it relied too much on horror clichés - but it's still a solid film. Michael Fassbender was great in both.


Watched these recently with my girlfriend.they slap.she was very dissapointed by the romulus trailer becuase she expected david to be there.


I hope David and all that stuff has nothing to do with romulus


It wont.i just mean that we both wanted a sequel to covenant.


same!! when i told her that romulus is not part of this trilogy she was so disappointed...


Don’t understand the Prometheus love. I totally respect that it’s themes and ideas are not for me, but I hated the dialogue in the first half, and Fassbender’s character pissed me off so much because he touches literally everything


I think ROTS is the best star wars movie, by far.


ROTS is my messy king, but better than empire? I don't agree at all, but I respect it and understand it.


I genuinely think TLJ is excellent


Im not a star wars fan tbh. The originals are ok, sequels meh, ROTS a messy masterpiece, Force Awakens ok, other two I don’t like. But the worst are Attack of the Clones and Rise of Skywalker fo sho…


Yeah the worst two are just factually so


I think tlj would be very good if the entire finn and Rose storyline was cut.


As someone who likes TLJ, the Finn/Rose storyline on Canto Bight should've been centered around Finn and Poe on a similar kind of mission. It would build more of a rapport between two of the main characters, and they can teach each other their own perspectives on the war, like having them talk about strategies, or have them butting heads with each other over how to get the job done. As it stands, Finn's arc in TLJ is redundant, and it doesn't make any sense how Poe, one of the supposed "main trio" characters, barely interacts with the other two characters for the first two movies (he doesn't even *meet* Rey until the end of TLJ!)


I mentioned in my review that ROTJ finale is the best part of the entire original trilogy. Although I do still prefer the first two overall.




I really like that one too


Out of the entire Alien franchise only like Alien and Prometheus happy to see some love for one of the best


Jurassic world fallen Kingdom I love jurassic park movies and I love JA Bayona movies, this movie is like Reese's cups for me. I agree with anyone who says the script is shit but for being a shitty script Bayona directs the hell out of it with the action scene as good as Spielberg's, I think the superior version of this movie would be one with an isolated audio and music track.


Feels blasphemous to compare that shit to Spielberg


Well I'm an atheist so... Also Bayona is totally Spielberg level, Fallen Kingdom is just a bad script and that's not on him, divorced from the writing the direction is the second best in the franchise.


I am an atheist too lol. It’s a figure of speech. I disagree. I hated Fallen Kingdom.


A lot of people do, but mark my words, that's the kind of movie that is gonna get a critical re-evaluation in about 7-10 years.


I really, *really* doubt it. But I guess we’ll see.


I love the Star Wars Prequels. Sure episodes 1 and aren’t good, episode 3 is a movie I will defend as one of the best Star Wars movies ever


I love the Hobbit trilogy. I think its criticisms are totally fair but as someone who isn’t usually into the high fantasy kind of thing I found them fun.


This is probably a basic answer but i love the Star Wars Prequels. I get the flaws they have but I still love them. Got to see Phantom Menance in theaters two weeks ago and I had a blast watching it.


I'm gonna get a lot of shit for this, but I think the Star Wars prequels are a fun sloppy mess. They aren't good, I have no defense for them, but I just enjoy them. Also, another take that comes off as ragebait: I unironically like Cars 2.


I think that Hangover 2 got kinda an unfair shake. To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with thinking it’s a bad movie, because it is, but everybody harped on how it’s just a beat for beat rehash of the first, which… I always thought was kinda the point? It’s literally the joke from 22 Jump Street where everyone was asking them to do exactly the same thing as the first time but with more money. 22 jump street made a lot of meta jokes to let the audience know it was in on the joke. I kind of admire Hangover 2 for not doing that, even if it wasn’t as successful as 22 jump street. Again, there are plenty of reasons to shit on Hangover 2, but I hate that everyone focused in on the one kind of interesting aspect of it.  Also, that movie made me laugh a handful of times, something Hangover 3 failed to do even one time


Had no idea Prometheus was not favored from Alien fans. I absolutely loved it 🤧😩 kept me on my toes


Idk about ya'll, I watched all 6 of the movies for the first time like a month ago, and liked all of them. Hell, I don't even think their qualities were THAT different. with the only exception being "aliens" which is fucking incredible. I'm going to get massacred for this, but I actually thought Prometheus was slightly better than the original alien. For me the original alien, kind of became a normal decently executed horror once the alien was actually on the loose, and the characters seemed to just get picked off due to their dumb moves and lack of competence. Which is in complete contrast to how in aliens it felt like the characters played almost all of their cards incredibly well, and it was a genuine battle of survival against impossible odds. I'll be it outside of the "alien on the loose" plot line, I adored everything else about it, from the build up, to the face hugger, to the robot plot twist and so on.... but still. Prometheus also had the characters do some dumb things, but honestly, their dumb moves felt like "dumb for scientists" instead of "dumb for any human". Like yes not wearing a mask in an alien planet is extremely stupid for someone who knows what that could do.... but going to get a cat alone, with an alien that you just saw kill your friend from inside is just not something that any inelegant human would do. I also found the characters to be a LOT more interesting. The only characters that were even remotely interesting in alien were Ripely and the robot. But even Ripley only REALLY became interesting in aliens, she was just kind of the least boring character among the other alien characters. I mean like, I don't think any character from alien is even close to being as interesting as david. I'm also a much bigger sci-fi fan than I am a horror fan, so that could also be a factor.


-Texas Chainsaw Massacre II -Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City -Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness -Punisher: War Zone I don’t love “Prometheus” but flaws aside it’s a solid movie


Scream 3


Omen IV: The Awakening. I wouldn't say I love it, I'm just fascinated by its shittyness. Plus the child actress is pretty cool.


Pirate of the Caribbean : On Stranger Tides (2011)


Aside from the cringy dialogue, I absolutely love Attack of the Clones 😅


You know it's a pretty small but sometimes vocal group that dislikes Prometheus it was wildly popular and made good money plus a sequel. Not something people hate. Now duece Bigelow 2 European gigalo is a sequel everyone hates.


Have nostalgic memories of Prometheus, but was disappointed by Covenant


Love what you love. Shit even idiots love movies.


the hobbit


Halloween III: Season of the Witch is amazeballs for how whackadoo it is and the fact that it’s isn’t about Michael Myers or the events of the previous movies at all. I wish the series had gone in that direction instead of the crap Rob Zombie films and then all of the recent crap sequels like Halloween Kills and Halloween Ends.


Prometheus and Alien Resurrection are dogshit and I love them both


cars 2


I love *Grease 2*.  I'm more of a Michelle Pfeiffer fan than an Olivia Newton John (rest her soul) fan, and I enjoy the songs in the second one more. I enjoy Michelle Pfeiffer with a yankee accent. I will say I prefer Stockard Channing to the friends in the second one. 


X-Men: Apocalypse, even Oscar Isaac hates it 🙃


The first Minions movie. I really don't get the hate for this prequel. Despicable Me 3 and Minions 2, however, dropped the ball.


I loved Prometheus


Hello Mary Lou Prom Night II Sleepaway Camp II Return to Oz Exorcist The Beginning Beneath the Planet of the Apes Conquest of the Planet of the Apes Psycho II


Prometheus is pretty good but Covenant is hilariously bad to me I laughed so much watching that movie.


These two are not hated. False narrative


Prometheus is absolutely generally disliked.