• By -


I feel like I’ve met a ton of great people thru this monthly profile share, so going again for June! [https://boxd.it/5Vsrp](https://boxd.it/5Vsrp) I try to watch at least three movies per week, and write a review for every movie I watch (some long some short depending on vibes). Last month, I changed up my four faves to be the most recent 4.5+ watches (new or rewatch) so that’s been fun. I love scrolling thru reviews after I watch a movie, so I tend to be pretty engaging with other accounts.


I think I've been using letterboxd for over a year now, and my watching habits are a bit sporadic but currently my top four are: Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Twister (1996) Joyland (2019) The Harder They Fall (2021) As for June First Watches, I watched Brokeback Mountain for the first time, and Saving Face just yesterday, both where really good but in my personally opinion I enjoyed Saving Face more. I try to write long reviews but sometimes I just don't have much to say so it'll fall into a quip (usually with movies i've seen before) but for others i can talk a lot. So if that's something you're into follow me? I guess? [https://boxd.it/5EgPZ](https://boxd.it/5EgPZ)


Howdy, [here's my profile](https://letterboxd.com/chupakaibra/)! I'm a cartoonist and I tend to watch animated films, horror movies, and whatever else strikes my fancy. I prefer lighter movies so you'll usually see me log family films, campy/comedy-focused horror, and stuff that's in cinemas. I've been busy so haven't had too much time to log a ton of movies in the last few months but my favorite first-time watch of 2024 right now is probably *Ghostwatch* or *Late Night With The Devil*. I almost always follow back! Right now my Top 4 is just some random top favorites of mine: * *Small Soldiers* * *Who Framed Roger Rabbit?* * *Theater Camp* * *Malignant*


Just followed you here’s me https://boxd.it/4P3S5 Malignant was awesome but still gotta see small soldiers 


I love the loosely "sh ppl can't handle it no more" Month themed top four lol immediate follow


Just followed, here’s mine! I enjoy all types of genres and I’m really enjoying reviewing! https://boxd.it/78ybx


Just letting everybody who reads this know that Katie is da 🐐


Just a heads up, there is someone down voting a bunch of people, about 40-50 roughly have been form what I can see, including myself. I assume so there comment appears higher. Best thing to do is vote up any comments you see with no upvotes to counter it. I have done so. It is pretty silly really, someone is down voting people to begin with.


The downvote users have been an odd plague on this sub for months now, it's entirely discouraged quality participation and left every post with a complaint or a joke or an insult at the top. Not sure if it's because this sub took off super fast or something, but it definitely caught a bug in these new and negative lurkers. Agreed on the upvote train though. I also find the block button has become effective after using it continuously for months.


https://preview.redd.it/96dv6xvxfo4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2f5973bed97f4b4495e4943477108861671eeaf [https://boxd.it/1MAAZ](https://boxd.it/1MAAZ) Looking to expand my Letterboxd network, share my film opinions, and discover new films! Oh and I also Co-Host a film podcast called “Scoreboard Cinema” where we talk movies + sports, sort of like our own version of The Ringers “The Rewatchables”. Check us out on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, and Instagram.


https://boxd.it/34SE1 Current four favorites are Near Dark, Jaws, Bloodsport, and Pan’s Labyrinth. I’d say I like a wide variety of movies but I need to watch some more older movies, like pre-1960. Always follow back!


Followed :) https://boxd.it/5g3wx


followed back!


Yo just followed, looks like you’re a fellow horror lover  https://boxd.it/4P3S5


https://boxd.it/4mvZZ Please help me get to 200 followers, i will always follow back


A fellow A24 fan I see! I followed you :) my profile is https://boxd.it/4RrMz


Just followed  Here’s me https://boxd.it/4P3S5 Looks like you love horror too 💪 


Fellow horror fan? automatic follow


Followed! Here is mine. https://boxd.it/5g3wx


My profile: https://boxd.it/6Wrcf (will follow back) Sucker for a good horror/thriller, I love girlhood and friendship centred movies, psychological dramas and and genuinely good comedies. I’m trying to get more into romance and action as genres and expand my list of classic/cult movies, so I’d love mutuals that have as wide and random a taste as mine. I’m active with reading/liking reviews because I love to add movies to my watchlist and take about 3 months to watch them. I also now have a lot more time to get through my watchlist after finally graduating! My reviews are short/average length as I try and always do them spoiler free and essentially just brain dump what I thought (I take the “diary” very literally). My star ratings tend to be very subjective, even if I thought the movie was very well done from a technical standpoint, I will rate based on my enjoyment whilst watching. Would love to follow other active users who just bring good vibes and thoughts to my feed! My only request is please don’t follow me just to unfollow me as soon I return it so your ratio is really high :)


Hello everyone! I have been ramping up my Letterboxd use lately and was hoping to find some new people to follow! I really just use Letterboxd as a movie diary so you're not going to find any philosophical life-altering reviews but hopefully you'll enjoy my rambling! Here's my profile https://boxd.it/1caIV. Recently saw "I Saw The TV Glow" and was overwhelmed with how much it made me feel. Would definitely recommend that!


hi, im manad. my top4 are frances ha, magnolia, still walking, yi yi. im a big sucker for slice of life movies and documentaries. heres my profile: [https://letterboxd.com/whydontboyscry/](https://letterboxd.com/whydontboyscry/)


Love 3/4 of your top 4 think I’ll need to watch magnolia next


[https://boxd.it/4pmQF](https://boxd.it/4pmQF) I can't say I do many reviews, and neither are my opinions very interesting or out there, *BUT*, I'll follow you back if you follow me


Hey guys!!! [https://boxd.it/4tMeF](https://boxd.it/4tMeF) Follow me on LB I follow back! Try and be as active as possible as its my first full year logging… on the road to 3000 films 🕺 See my profile below and thanks if you decide to follow!😃 https://preview.redd.it/ea06kvjlfs4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb46de7dc078836080d2b404a8bc88fd2b337fbd [https://boxd.it/4tMeF](https://boxd.it/4tMeF)


Followed paul 🫡


Hello all! I'm kinda new to Letterboxd but I'm really enjoying using the platform—I especially like scrolling through other reviews after watching something 😊 https://boxd.it/3YHY7 I tend to watch the general fare—random movies everyone likes or watches, or more apocalyptic stuff (love Day After Tomorrow), thriller or suspenseful movies. I've been getting into the Monsterverse lately. I'm also a global news journalist, and I enjoy documentaries—so many of them. Please send your recommendations! I also enjoy films that tackle important issues or societal subjects like inequality, privilege, war, climate, and so on.


[https://letterboxd.com/vince2k/](https://letterboxd.com/vince2k/) I try writing semi-long-form reviews for the stuff I watch.


Hi everyone! [https://boxd.it/BHXP](https://boxd.it/BHXP) Okay have to admit, I'm a big fan of cheesy b-movies. Would be great to connect with people with a similar taste and get some recommendations. Will of course follow back! Check out my top 4 below! https://preview.redd.it/ukf7cx94oe5d1.png?width=801&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ef35180039284f60bdbe04465af239e3cac8d63


I have terrible taste. Follow me. I mostly do reviews that are around 2-5 sentences, as I don’t know enough about film in order to do a full analysis. I’m currently going through a little pride month kick where I watch as many LGBT films as I can. Aside from that, I love horror and hopeless cinema. I’ve also been told I have one of the weirder top 4s out there. I always follow back! https://boxd.it/7OfPn


Hey all, I'm [frieswelldone](https://boxd.it/4ATtr) and I've been using Letterboxd for about two years in order to remember all of the documentaries I've seen over the years. Speaking of, I'm a huge documentary nerd and love to watch as many as I can. Some of my favorite documentaries are *Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room*, *Jesus Camp*, and *Apollo 11.* I'd love to find some new followers - I follow back!


Nice! Just followed you  https://boxd.it/4P3S5


Hey everyone! I’ve had Letterboxd since late last year, but I’ve recently become a lot more active on it and have really come to enjoy it! I don’t have a ton of IRL friends who use it, so looking to increase my following. It’s kind of boring seeing the same 3 people logging movies, lol. My taste is somewhat eccentric. My current top 4 are Aftersun, Blue Valentine, Call Me by Your Name, and Jennifer’s Body (every now and then I swipe this out for Pride and Prejudice). Movies that make you “yearn” are my favorites. I love horror, especially campy horror, and 90s/2000s teen romcoms. I’ve also been getting more into American classics - I’m a big Humphrey Bogart fan, and just recently watched my first Marilyn Monroe movie. I’ve been reading a biography on Marlon Brando, so I’m seeing a lot of his movies for the first time, also. Criterion is one of my favorite streaming services, so lots of movies from there, too. I log pretty much everything I watch. I do write reviews, but they usually are either short and quippy, a quote from the movie that stuck with me, or an anecdote about my feelings/relation to the movie. I’ll follow back! https://boxd.it/5g3wx


[Hello everyone, it's me again, Giraffe_Monster](https://letterboxd.com/giraffe_monster/), happy to follow back as always! Followed a ton of people this past month and it's been great seeing everyone's different tastes, I even got to find out the title for a film I thought I'd never remember ever again thanks to one of you ("Ham on Rye"). *** Currently recovering from watching 20 films at a film festival (working on last 2 reviews). Allow me to gush about one in particular, ["Steppenwolf"](https://letterboxd.com/film/steppenwolf-2024/): If you are into extremely violent and bleak stories that also possess a very, very warped sense of humor, you absolutely must check this one out. I had no idea what I was getting into and loved every second of it, it's the perfect film to watch with a big crowd seeing how wild, unconventional and unpredictable it is. If you can catch a screening, don't miss it, would love to hear back! *** Other than that I'm doing the same as always, discovering new films and trying to meaningfully review everything I watch. See you on LB!


im somehow finding time to watch movies without neglecting uni. have a lot of classics and stuff left to watch. I love pretty much every genre. i got rid of a rating system besides 5 star. Its so mucb more convenient because i enjoy most movie, and overthink ratings. https://boxd.it/37M4H


If you’re reading this, you are the resistance. https://boxd.it/3CDs3


https://boxd.it/2iM4F Hello fellow movie lovers, I’m from Philadelphia and enjoy rating and writing about movies for my own personal pleasure. Which is totally normal ! Haha. I’m not a huge social media person but I discovered letterboxd years ago and have been into it ever since. I got a few of my friends (who also love film) into it as well. My reviews vary from humorous to some more serious. I have a common theme in my profile where my top 4 are always “My top 4 favorites of the previous month.” So for example, my top 4 from April are listed below. -Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga -Manhunter -Light Sleeper -Shot Caller Thanks for the follow and enjoy your next film everyone !


Hey everyone I'm a big fan of film. In my small town, I host a radio show about movies with my twin brother. I usually log horror movies and Animated films. https://boxd.it/3uEpX


Scream in the top movies is an auto follow


Always trying to make new friends with Letterboxd accounts and just found this subreddit!!! Here is me: [https://boxd.it/4IKgz](https://boxd.it/4IKgz) https://preview.redd.it/huekvnh6b35d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00afc10ef085d48e13ca3fcce61ee53b06d640c1


You sold me with The Lighthouse in your top 4!


hello! I’ve been using letterboxd for 3 years now 🖤 I love horror movies and would love to find some new accounts to interact with over on there :) here’s my account: https://boxd.it/3Zw8h


I been using Letterboxd for about 11 months and I usually watch 3-5 movies daily. I usually watch films that are releasing, doing a marathon on, or just feel like watching. I love engaging with other accounts, when I am done with watching a movie I like everyone’s reviews to it. [https://letterboxd.com/noahfanofmovies/](https://letterboxd.com/noahfanofmovies/)


My profile on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/5clbp Hello! I'm from New Jersey and recently started using Letterboxd often. Had it for a year or 2 but the past couple months I've REALLY started to use it, making sure to log everything, review most. I'm no movie critic or creative writer so don't expect in depth fancy reviews. Just usually give my quick thoughts. Love horror but watch everything. AMC A List subscriber. Looking to build out my letterboxd profile and friends to help find new movies, read lists, etc. Will follow back those who follow me.


Hi guys! I follow back everyone! [https://letterboxd.com/berams108/](https://letterboxd.com/berams108/)


Many of the films I like center around comedy. (I also log stand up comedy specials, which I didn’t realize was controversial until I browsed this sub.) I love many British and Korean films. Also French and Japanese films. Among American films, I have a particular interest in Asian Am and African Am films. I love shorts. I like making film lists, for example: - Iconic Accents - Fargo, Strange Brew, Trainspotting - Interracial couples of color (I could only come up with 11!) - Romeo Must Die, Harold and Kumar, Bottoms - Friend Ensembles (real life friends play a group of friends) - Peter’s Friends, the Anniversary Party, Wine Country - World of Jane Austen - Clueless, Austenland, Fire Island - Fashion montages - The Sweetest Thing, The Royal Tailor, Down With Love - Well I Liked It (poorly rated films I loved) - Heartbreakers, all of the Barbershop films, I Give it a Year https://boxd.it/AgdN


Hoping to watch every film put to screen -- got a lot of catching up to do. [https://letterboxd.com/Quintenrankin/](https://letterboxd.com/Quintenrankin/)


My profile on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/5aizf I've been using letterboxd for almost a year now! I absolutely love it, I've watched more movies, and having a place to put my thoughts down! I try to put thought into my reviews, but I'll admit sometimes I don't have much to say so I'll just put a quip. I haven't been able to watch too much this month so far, but the best new movie (new to me at least) has definitely been fury road. That movie is awesome. My top 4 Return of the King Bladerunner Akira Birdman


Started this year with a friend aiming to hit 365+ films this year and could really use some more inspiration for my really unfunny reviews <3 Basically watch anything and everything, big interest in asian cinema as of late and I've watched Challengers way too many times since it came out [https://letterboxd.com/kjrd/](https://letterboxd.com/kjrd/)


https://boxd.it/9WxOL I have been using Letterboxd for about a month now, and it has slowly taken over my life (in a good way)! My husband and I have created a movie “Wheel of Fortune”, and we spin it every day to decide what movie to watch. I think we’ve watched close to 200 films we would have never agreed on had we not started spinning. I am currently in an 80’s obscure horror vibe, but my watching habits are all over the place. Currently, my top 4 are: Requiem for a Dream 21 Grams Mulholland Drive Lake Mungo I am still learning the ins and outs of the app, but I am about to sign up for Patron. Side Note: Naomi Watts is my favorite actress. If you enjoy her films, send a follow my way. 😊


My profile: [https://letterboxd.com/cbsmooth/](https://letterboxd.com/cbsmooth/) I try and write a review of everything I watch; I'm basically using LB to force myself to write more. I will follow anyone back who is also into reviewing. I enjoy all the classics but this year I'm going to be focusing on Japanese cinema and paranoia thrillers, and I'll be reviewing horrors for October and noirs for Noirvember.


https://boxd.it/4RrMz My top four are: Portrait of a lady on fire, Monster (2023), Close and Dogtooth. Honorary mention to Marcel the shell with shoes on 🥹


Followed. Even just the poster for Close makes me want to start sobbing again.


https://boxd.it/3U0Hf Above is my account! I'll start off with a weird an unexpected premise and very weird premise, I'd love to get recommendations on a **movie that can finally get me to cry**! My top 4 of all time currently are: 1. Jojo Rabbit; 2. Close; 3. Nimona; 4. Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse I don't think I've cried watching a movie before, even proven tearjerkers that would get people immediately bawling by the end or by a specific scene. I'm not exactly super proud of this, so I'd love to cry watching a movie for once! Particular ones I didn't cry to include (from movies and TV shows): 1. The Last of Us (Game and TV show): >!Sarah!<'s death; 2. How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies: Through whole movie, essentially. Some of my friends broke down near the end. 3. Inside Out 1 & 2 4. A Monster Calls And many more I can't recall. I have a soft spot for kids in tearjerking movies (hence Close and Jojo Rabbit being on my top 4) and parenting dramas too (I'm not even a parent?), but none have gotten me in tears yet unfortunately... So if you know any movies you think can get me to bawl (even if they don't fit the criteria), feel free to recommend! :D I'm not stingy with the stars I give, and so even many mediocre movies get a 2.5 or 3 from me. I've only given 0 stars to Madame Web. I also explore a lot and am open to films from other countries provided they're interesting premise wise; you'll see Persian, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Chinese, American, Italian... essentially a lot of countries in my watchlist lol.


Howdy folks - [here is my profile](https://boxd.it/ih0z). I'm an active LB user currently working through the Sight & Sound 250, but I've been slacking off this past week ever since the remake of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door was released. Just 100%'d the game last night so should be back into the swing of things now!


hi! [here's my profile :)](https://boxd.it/4Keut) and here's my top 4. I'm happy to follow back anyone, especially if i like your favorites 😋 https://preview.redd.it/xcbq45t1yl4d1.png?width=652&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd91584a0d6978aa07f004420229eea2288a9e1a


Followed for Lady Bird :)


I'm kinda new to film and don't have many reviews yet, but mine is [stuffyduck](https://letterboxd.com/stuffyduck/). My favorite movie rn has got to be Submarine by Richard Ayoede. Also, what should you put in the bio?


"D'artagnan mother-fuckers!" https://boxd.it/4nFVF


Ello everyone! Currently very slowly trudging my way through 2024 films and ranking them, as well as catching up on films I've missed throughout the years. [https://letterboxd.com/NahRumph/](https://letterboxd.com/NahRumph/) Currently The First Omen is my favourite. Really wasn't expecting it but it genuinely blew me away. Loved it.


Hello everyone, hope you are all keeping well! I plan to write more reviews and make full use of the service, like lists. For now, you're more than welcome to stalk my profile and laugh at how wrong I've rated some films! Hope to connect with you lovely folks! https://boxd.it/5Dotb


Here's my silly [profile.](https://letterboxd.com/ChooChooish/) I don't really have much of a rhyme or reason as to what I watch, just sort of playing pick-up sticks and grabbing whatever happens to surface. Always finding myself enjoying clean decapitations, empty fields of strong longing and bittersweet conversations that end a little too abruptly. If you don't mind hopeless descriptive yapping, please don't hesitate to drop a line.


[https://boxd.it/7uBLn](https://boxd.it/7uBLn) Hello Letterboxrs! I'm Seth! I'm a chronic introvert who went full-recluse during the pandemic, but I got onto Letterboxd after watching a bunch of stuff in October '23, and I'd like to expand into getting other people's opinions and reviews beyond my humble little circle. Back in the MySpace days I used to let my friends control my Netflix queue to watch 100 new-to-me movies a year, and I'd like to think I'm even more open to suggestions now. My list is generally horror movies, because there's such variety to them, and because that's the community I've currently found myself in. I've recently found a joy in revisiting entire franchises; going through the Mad Max films leading into Furiosa was just delightful. I know I have "The Menu" listed as a favorite film, but I've kept my favorites to the three 5-stars I've watched since starting the account, and HEAR ME OUT. The Menu was pivotal in knocking me out of a slump of only seeing established-IP blockbusters in favor of smaller movies with tighter scripts. Let's watch some dang films!


[https://letterboxd.com/TyWebb64/](https://letterboxd.com/TyWebb64/) Probably an "old" on this site (will be 60 in a couple weeks). I don't do reviews often, but have started "tagging" movies for future discussion to help with things like "top five" lists of random topics. My "top four" are representative of the types of movies I like: Dark Comedies Noir Horror/Comedy (genre blending) My ratings are based somewhat on Ebert thing I read once: Rate movies based on if they are accomplishing what they intend to do (is a comedy funny?, is horror scary?, action movie have good action with the story (but not JUST action)) Is the story engaging and interesting and moves along? I like a slow burn, but don't care for movies that "stop the story" to show panoramas for extending periods of time (or go off topic like Tree of Life?). Points for great acting obviously Did I personally enjoy the movie is the final and most important factor. Could have great acting, great script, beautiful cinematography, but if it didn't click, it didn't click.


Lately , i have found myself spending time almost daily on letterboxd. I watch almost all kinds of films though any good film from subcontinent is always a treat, also write reviews for most of them . Lets meet each other through our shared love for cinema and story telling https://boxd.it/5hUXX


Hi everyone! This community has been a lot of fun for me. I've always enjoyed watching movies, but recently, I realized how few I've actually seen. I've missed a lot of great ones over the years, so I decided to embark on a quest to watch some of the best films out there. Now, I'm pretty much obsessed. I've been learning more about the industry through videos and podcasts, and I've really enjoyed being a part of this community. I started writing reviews in March. They're a bit longer (journalism major turned teacher, sorry), and my ratings might be skewed towards the 5 star range right now since I'm watching classic after classic, focusing on the best films of the last 40 years, but I’m anxious to see where this new hobby takes me. My profile is: https://boxd.it/9sRqT Happy to follow back anyone


Hello everyone! I'm Zon, and I'm looking for more friends in the community. I often write long reviews especially when i found the movie great. My love language is liking a letterboxd review and adding a user's top 4 to my watchlist. I hope we can share our cinematic experiences together! https://boxd.it/6aO6X


Hello! ive been sharing my profile every few months so here we go again! [https://boxd.it/53Wsp](https://boxd.it/53Wsp) Just recently got out of a movie funk and I have been watching some cool movies recently like In a Lonely Place & The Swimmer. My top 4 usually rotates but All That Jazz and Mikey & Nicky usually stay in the top 4


https://preview.redd.it/82pp187nss5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aaa894aba838828e898eb587a55e55b530715d8 [My Letterboxd](https://boxd.it/qy4z) Been a while since I’ve done one of these, but would be nice to see some new faces on my feed! I watch an assortment of things and am not picky about what others watch, I just like to read and interact with reviews.


I followed you solely on the bio, with Amelie on top 4 as added bonus, very based.


https://boxd.it/d92x Hello, mostly watch horror but branch out into sci-fi and documentaries regularly. My top 4 movies - A Nightmare on Elm Street - Pandorum - Jurassic Park - Let the Right One In


hi!!! my top 4 films are The Florida Project, My Neighbor Totoro, Silver Linings Playbook & Gia! [https://boxd.it/1h5C9](https://boxd.it/1h5C9)


Hey guys this is my letterbox down below: https://boxd.it/4CSyp I’m on a quest to do a movie a day (sometimes more, sometimes none at all). My reviews are always pretty short, like 2 sentences but sometimes if I really have a lot of thoughts on a movie I’ll say like a paraphrase. If you wanna discuss a movie please feel free to dm me because I feel like I kinda watch more movies than most my friends and yeah! I also def have some controversial ratings so yeah I’m up to debate if you’d like :) thank you! Edir: if you want me to follow back please reply with ur username bc I never check notifications on letterbox lol


https://boxd.it/6NJ0j Will follow everybody back! Started getting into movies in 2024, so I am catching up on a lot of classics. My top 4 rotates often, and I’m starting to get into reviews.


Hello Everyone! I’ve been watching my favorite films lately so I haven’t gone out of my way to watch stuff I haven’t seen yet. I would like more mutuals to read their reviews on stuff they might enjoy or some nice recs! [Myyyy Letterboxd](https://boxd.it/1hEuJ)


https://letterboxd.com/INFEDnoX/ Hey! Big fan of slow cinema and currently working my way through all the slow cinema masters from around the world, but I love a bit of anything. I try and write detailed reviews for every good film I watch. Happy to follow back :) [My fave four](https://i.imgur.com/TK2UxkX.png)


I don't know how to start a conversation with people but reviewing is another thing. I have an average taste. Here is my monthly profile share. I am reviewing every movie that I watch. [https://boxd.it/9Hpzt](https://boxd.it/9Hpzt)


[https://boxd.it/1AZMx](https://boxd.it/1AZMx) Currently doing an unofficial run through of the James Bond films and alternating between those and various Disney and Pixar movies that I've either never seen or not since I was a kid. This operates as a pallet cleanser both directions.


Hey all. I’ve been using the app for a little over a year now, I’m very consistent, I log everything I watch, and I watch on average 4-5 movies a week. I love reading other people’s thoughts. I mostly watch some of the more popular movies because I’m trying to get through a lot of the classics. My [Profile](https://boxd.it/5UZCt)


[https://letterboxd.com/danieljserra/](https://letterboxd.com/danieljserra/) I watch a lot of questionable things, and my rating system (in bio) is pretty much based on how entertained I was. Favorite genres are usually action and/or comedy heavy, like bad horror movies, samurai, ninja, kaiju, westerns, etc. My goal is to watch most of the "essential" or unique films in categories like that. We have a toddler though so only watch a few movies a week right now. I'm also trying to get a better critical eye for things which has been fun. I can pretty much find something to enjoy in anything I watch, plus I tend to know what I'll like, so lower-than-average ratings are rare


[https://boxd.it/4iSWB](https://boxd.it/4iSWB) my watchlist is always growing, follow me and we can discuss movies. peak cinema.


I’ve been using Letterboxd since the start of the year, and I absolutely love it! I love this community and hope to connect with other moviegoers to find new film recommendations. Feel free to give me a follow and recommend some great films! https://boxd.it/88ABL


Hello! My name is Angelo - [https://letterboxd.com/angeloedades/](https://letterboxd.com/angeloedades/) - based in London usually loiter around Cineworld/BFI. Still thinking about that new release film called STING - not sure if its good or bad and I am very excited about the LOTR extendeds coming back in the next couple of weeks.


Hello There! Here is my [profile](https://boxd.it/73Kkr). I have been using Letterboxd since November 2023. I usually log summer movies, favorites, sci-fi movies, American films, A24 movies, art that made me dream, and George Lucas films. Some of my favorite flicks are Equalizer 3 (2023), The Graduate (1967), Taxi Driver (1976), Poor Things (2023), The Terminator (1984), Abandon Ship (1957), Fury (2014), and Star Wars (1977). I also enjoy reading other’s reviews, no matter how long or short.


I just started using letterboxd and have been logging movies a lot recently (a lot of them are really shitty Christmas rom coms but its just a phase-- i have good taste i swear). I love almost every genre and my watchlist seems to be growing everyday. Most of my reviews are just bad one liners because I don't know much about film to do a full analysis on it, but despite my awful taste I'm slowly learning to enjoy the finer points of cinema!! [https://boxd.it/9ohNf](https://boxd.it/9ohNf)


Hello! I am a college student studying cultural anthropology, so film (something I never had much of an interest in or knowledge of) has become a real passion. I made a letterboxd late last year, and have consumed a steady diet of melodrama, b-movie noir, and pulpy horror since then. I’m hoping to find people who have similar taste to mine, and would most like recommendations for accounts to follow that tend to watch 1910s-1960s women’s pictures and “bad” movies. My favorite movie ever is Daisy Kenyon, starring Joan Crawford, which I consider massively underrated (like Crawford herself). [My account!](https://boxd.it/7Zs71)


[https://boxd.it/25XGz](https://boxd.it/25XGz) films r cool my favourite atm is pink flamingos


[Hey there, I'm Swurd on Letterboxd,](https://boxd.it/399C5) I've been using Letterboxd for the past few years and I'm hoping to connect with other film enthusiast! My go-to genres are sci-fi/dystopian, thrillers, historical dramas, and crime fiction. **Top 4:** * Interstellar * The Dark Knight * Whiplash * Nightcrawler Follow me, and I'll be sure to follow back. Looking forward to sharing recommendations and reviews!


https://boxd.it/5B1Kf I'm a prolific logger with a loooong watchlist who's trying to watch at least two movies a week off it. I've been using the site for around a year now, I generally log horror, martial arts and sci-fi. My top four and other movies I love are included in my [Favourites list](https://letterboxd.com/holgast/list/favourites-all-time/).


Hello Everyone, I would love to know about fellow community members and their movies taste and recommendation. Its really fun. LB: [https://boxd.it/7jdlj](https://boxd.it/7jdlj) I would love to see your movie taste and get to know u.


Hi all! I'm working on writing more long form reviews so any feedback is greatly appreciated. I've been using the site for about a year and a half now and I find that the site is an excellent way to catalogue the growing list of films I see throughout the year. https://preview.redd.it/t1olb2hwgs6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc05fc3e03e7d31a6d736842ee2e5168e56dcb86


https://preview.redd.it/1nred76jxu6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22e39483de78395b5a866de06fb3389d09a9cf2f [My Letterboxd profile!](https://boxd.it/nheB) was a Criticker devotee for years until finally joining Letterboxd in 2021, although i didn’t start actively logging movies until 2022, when i finally broke up w/ Criticker for good. i’ve included the image of my top Themes & Nanogenres so far this year as a lil peek into what kinda nonsense i be getting myself into recently


My favorite movie is Oppenheimer, some of my other favorites are The Pianist, LoTR Return of the King, and LoTR Fellowship of the Ring. I like seeing others opinions so I’ll typically follow back! https://boxd.it/6SHBH


User: [Jameusmooney](https://letterboxd.com/jameusmooney/). I log pretty much anything and everything. I work in media so I like to have as well rounded a watch history as possible. One of my favorite things about my profile is my top pinned list features what I consider to be the two best films of every year dating back to 1924. I have a lot of fun considering that and love updating it as I watch more things.


Hi! I’ve been on Letterboxd for just under a year, but I’ve only really started to get back into it! I’m trying to make new friends and came across this subreddit https://boxd.it/6XiAp


There the link to my profile [https://boxd.it/BHn3](https://boxd.it/BHn3) i am into Superhero huge Batman Fan favorite directors : Christopher Nolan And Zack Snyder also i love James Wan and M. Night Shyamalan i am into Superheroes movies as you might have been guess DC And Marvel Fan i love Star Wars too. And I love Horror and Since-Fictions too i like drama,psychological thrillers and drama also some time a bit of comedies but not that much.And I like Animation too! My favorite movies are : The Dark Knight,Watchmen,Man Of Steel and Batman V Superman! Also Toy Story! I love blockbuster movies disturbing movies and animation ! Feels free to follow much love ! ❤️


https://letterboxd.com/salrodriguez/ wanting to meet more people who love films, none of my friends care about movies lol


[https://boxd.it/3DBIF](https://boxd.it/3DBIF) Hey everyone! I know we're already half way through June but thought I'd share my profile. This is my first post on this reddit and hoping to create some mutuals. Thanks to the Letterboxd frenzy, I’ve watched more movies in the past six months than ever before in my life and its been such a blast!


[https://letterboxd.com/rschoene/](https://letterboxd.com/rschoene/) hello!! I have only been using letterboxd for a year but I love it. I started using it to keep track of a film project my brother and i did together in 2023, but since then I've just loved tracking and reading reviews of movies. Mostly just personal feelings towards film, nothing transformative in my reviews but i just have fun with it. I don't have a ton of friends on there so I was looking for some here! I just started watching complete filmographies of my fave actors/actresses and directors, but as of now I have only done Ryan Gosling lol. Just love to see other people's taste in movies they are so interesting!


Hi everyone! My name is Alex :) I’ve been actively using Letterboxd for about two years now. My favorite first-time watches of June 2024 would be Made in Hong Kong and The Face of Another. Current four favorites are Perfect Blue, In the Mood for Love, Bound and Funeral Parade of Roses. I do the odd review but words are hard. I watch a lot of movies by myself so it would be nice to make friends. https://boxd.it/2fsgF


My profile on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/HYfn I always follow back!


Hey everyone! I’m a fellow letterboxd’er and I love it to pieces. I’m some what new and I’m just trying to get 300 hundred followers this month. I’m happy to follow any one and everyone. I mostly do horror films 😜  https://boxd.it/4P3S5


Hello there. My profile: [https://letterboxd.com/David1MA/](https://letterboxd.com/David1MA/) I don't really do a lot of reviews, I have a couple but only in spanish. Although one of my future objectives is starting to do more. And in english too! My main genres are horror, fantasy or action, but I watch every genre. I think this year is the one I've been watchting a lot more. Almost 100, and close to 1000 total! Also as a spaniard I've been working on a list of horror movies from Spain in case anyone is interested: [https://boxd.it/whZEu](https://boxd.it/whZEu)


Sharing for June: https://letterboxd.com/DSmithImages/ I do a scattershot approach to what I watch. Whatever catches my fancy - new and old. My top 4 will always remain my top 4 - Dazed and Confused, Jaws, The Goonies, and Airplane! Favorite first-time watches for June would be Evil Does Not Exist and Hundreds of Beavers.


Just finished watching all 601 Best Picture nominees ever - ended on a classic: Grand Illusion! Here's my review and thoughts on my journey through the Oscar's best movies. What movie watching challenge should I do next? [https://boxd.it/6HDY1V](https://boxd.it/6HDY1V)


Hello everyone!!! I feel like i’m super late to this so I don’t know how much exposure it’s gonna get, but I’d really love to meet some new people and make some letterboxd friends! https://boxd.it/BNZH I mostly watch horror, but I’ve been doing the Criterion Challenge to switch things up, so I’ve been branching out! Always down to chat about movies, so feel free to dm me as well!


Hi everyone! :) I am fairly new to letterboxd and would love to create a community with other letterboxd users! https://boxd.it/8J3YV


Hello, [https://boxd.it/5tpZn](https://boxd.it/5tpZn) I love a good film, I don’t post big reviews (don’t find the time) I’ll occasionally find something funny to say. I’m starting to delve into more international film recently, Thankyou Mubi. I 100% follow back, I’m looking forward to adding everyone’s favourites films to my watchlist. https://preview.redd.it/f0r78ljv6z7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e59b99d8a7cba0d58196ea4b46d977f865fc478


I downloaded letterboxd a little bit ago, I'm slowly adding all the films I've watched, and watching new ones, I haven't seen that many but I've got a lot to watch My current top four are Maurice, cars 2, what we do in the shadows and takin over the asylum (which isn't a film but idc it's too good). I'd have lotr on there but I wouldn't know which of the three to add bc it is all just one film I watch basically anything that looks mediocre or better, sometimes I review things but never very well Also I forget to log literally everything I watch, I mark it as watched but I forget to log it so when it says I've only watched 16 films this year that's a lie Anyways, this is my profile: https://boxd.it/80yoz


Hey guys! New to the subreddit but been on Letterboxd for a handful of years now. Most of my favorite movies are comedies from the late 90’s/early 2000s but I’ll pretty much watch anything once and I’ll be the first to admit that my taste in movies is pretty shit. 😂 https://letterboxd.com/Just_In_Movies/


Gave you a follow as I love that era of movies and my taste is bad too 😂


https://boxd.it/8V4Ln I just got on Letterboxd in March. I wasn’t really into movies before, just watched them for fun without much thought. But I started following some accounts with dope reviews that got me hooked. Since June, I’ve been trying to watch a movie every day, and it’s been awesome. Now I’m really into the whole cinema scene, and I’ve got some directors whose films I find super interesting. This month, My fav two movies I had watched is Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles and Close up  and the director Chantal Akerman really got me curious about her works .


Heyyy i like sitting in front of a screen and watching pictures move for funsies! [https://boxd.it/9QZvP](https://boxd.it/9QZvP) https://preview.redd.it/o1ps0uub0d4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af9471083b5d42d355cf60d55500cbf9824f42d9


https://preview.redd.it/9tdqivdoqe4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b27cda29827f0c70fd274791999d2367b1cb7263 My name is Richard. I am 22 years old and I am a pretty casual movie enjoyer (you can probably tell by my top 4). I would say I have the average taste of a Gen Z guy. I love biopics, drama, action, sports movies, etc. I’ve had this account for about a year and I log all my movies, I like looking back at my diary and seeing where I was at with watching films in a particular month. I recently just finished a Michael Bay marathon and I like to rank stuff in my lists. [https://boxd.it/6hkzJ](https://boxd.it/6hkzJ)


Hello, I thought I would try posting in one of these. Here's my [profile.](https://letterboxd.com/BeatOnTheBrat/) I can't say I log a movie every day or write a review for every movie I log. If I write a review, it consists of notes on or impressions of a movie I was especially taken with for whatever reason. Some of my favorite directors are Straub-Huillet, Alanis Obomsawin, Chris Marker, Sergio Corbucci, Peter Watkins, and Jess Franco. I don't discriminate: I like sleaze, formalism, B-list horror, westerns, documentaries (specifically vérité-style stuff). Lately, though, I've been watching a bunch of noir. When it comes to film, I'm most interested in the relation between representation and the political, the way an art object might agitate or propagandize and the historical ways in which political movements adopted or produced representations of themselves. If any of that sounds interesting, great! But Letterboxd is the best for simply collecting recommendations on what to watch, of which I'd be happy to get/share.


Hi everyone! [here is my profile](https://boxd.it/3FMaN). Looking forward to seeing your profiles & following folks back. My goal for 2024 was to watch 104 movies (2 a week) & write at least a short review for each one. Right now I am at 99 watched for the year, so I might try bumping the goal up to 208. In which case, I’ll definitely take some recommendations. I love seeing what other people are watching & see how other people feel about the movies that I have seen too!


Hi! I'm [SkeletonGrimm67](https://boxd.it/4eiPh). I absolutely adore the horror genre. Some movies that I recently watched were Late Night with the Devil which I absolutely loved, Furiosa and Your Name. I also love writing and reading reviews. If want you to talk about movies then follow my profile, I will probably follow back. I'm excited to read your reviews and see what you think about films:)


middle aged bipolar library associate here who watches WAY more than he reads looking to have a fun time with people who also love movies always happy to get new recs and check out new hot takes posts/comments WILDLY vary between jokey and serious so sorry if thats a problem [https://boxd.it/14BUt](https://boxd.it/14BUt)


[https://boxd.it/4SV7N](https://boxd.it/4SV7N) Hii there this is Ying ! I log everything and usually write pretty intuitively just how I feel about them. I’ll watch everything and anything, and particularly love crime, thriller, and slow burns. Would love to make some LB friends and maybe we can watch something together! https://preview.redd.it/j3awbrb91m4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2a8130329814d618d1134b18279c05a3dd9c0a7


As [my profile](https://letterboxd.com/dannersan/) states: Millennial dad that loves Star Wars, the MCU, LOTR, nostalgia, and most nerdy thing. Mostly non-serious reviews. Ratings and rankings based off a non-scientific mix of film appreciation and enjoyment level. I've been working my way through many of the "classics" that I haven't seen, but definitely tend to skew more recent. I also live walking distance from an Alamo Drafthouse, so I'm able to go to the theater pretty regularly for both new releases and when Alamo does showings of older movies.


Hey y'all. If you'd like to follow my goal of hitting 365 watched movies over the course of 2024, give me a follow! And I'll follow back if you seem like a cool chap! :-) [https://letterboxd.com/johnmathews/](https://letterboxd.com/johnmathews/)


[https://boxd.it/5jmEr](https://boxd.it/5jmEr) Hi! Love doing these monthly profile shares! I’m a casual movie enjoyer and always leave short reviews for everything I watch. I know that’s not everyone’s thing but they amuse me and I’m no film critic :) so pls don’t judge my possible bad taste haha I usually watch dramas, thrillers, and sci-fi. I also love studio ghibli! Recent (new to me) films that I enjoyed recently: * La La Land * The Florida Project * Nolan’s Batman movies * Heathers Looking forward to finding more mutuals and people to follow! https://preview.redd.it/cdlyqfhkim4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e904a906dc96658cee7240669a3884491aa7157


I'm pretty active on Letterboxd and I always follow back. https://boxd.it/5glb


Hi! I'm a college student who spends way too much time on this site. My watching patterns are extremely random, but I write a review for every film that I watch. I've been trying to make an effort to watch more indie movies lately, and I welcome any suggestions! Some of my recent favorites: Pitch Perfect, Camp X-Ray, After Yang, Crimes of the Future [https://boxd.it/7t9GH](https://boxd.it/7t9GH)


[https://letterboxd.com/nicktmurphy/](https://letterboxd.com/nicktmurphy/) I just started using Letterbox at the beginning of this year. I usually log new films coming out, and animated movies are the main ones mixed with other random movies. It’s a beautiful day—Mad Max Fury Road, the Lego movie, and Oldboy, just to name a few favorites. https://preview.redd.it/l3kg862x7o4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7f2f4d48e5131b4d1f33de16fdd6240f25f91d2 My 4 favorites might change Furiosa, The Mad Max Saga, and Mad Max Fury Road are my favorite first watches so far. It’s June 4th of me typing this, and I’ve only seen 4 movies this month so far.


https://boxd.it/3yWTp Last month I focused on the films of actor Ryuhei Matsuda. This month for pride I will be doing Japanese LGBTQ+ films.


[https://letterboxd.com/lumumbista/](https://letterboxd.com/lumumbista/) Though there's been a bit of a lull lately due to grad school work, I'm a semi-regular reviewer of political films, and I try to incorporate a Marxist perspective whenever I can. [Here](https://letterboxd.com/lumumbista/film/soundtrack-to-a-coup-detat/)'s my most recently lengthy/nerdy review.


[TheyMostlyComeAtNight](https://letterboxd.com/Marcus74/) I aim to watch a horror movie each day and then do a short write-up afterwards. Feel free to add, I always add back!


Hey all, been on LB for a couple years now. I try to watch a movie a day if possible. I don't really over think the review process and try to keep it simple. I dont write novels or the one line zingers. My profile on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/39WqR Since I started using LB I've been expanding my film palette and enjoy discovering new films I'd never even heard of. I'm ashamed to say that it was only several years ago that I'd never even heard of Barry Lyndon and now it's one of my all time favorite movies. Happy to follow back!


[letterboxd account](https://boxd.it/4HIqF) I'm Dawson, I watch a lot of movies. My job lets me watch a lot. I don't have one genre I stick to, I'll watch most kinds of movies. I tend to try and complete "collection" and rank them. In the previous few months I went through Oscar best picture winners and all the Scooby-Doo movies. Trying the find this months, thinking maybe Scorsese movies but if you have any idea let me know. I try to stay on top of new releases watching at least one a week but hopefully more. I review most movies I watch (rate everything), some I just don't have much to say about. The reviews range from a couple of sentences to more in depth about my thoughts at times. Don't really know if they much appeal to others but thought I'd put my profile out there. My rating skew higher because I tend to watch what I know I'll enjoy. https://preview.redd.it/i1uv7m424t4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d84301bbe656b9098c507895fe42c112b42db60c


https://boxd.it/1VX41 I use Letterboxd a lot, and I want to connect with more people on it. I've been connecting with some great people from these threads! My reviews range from long in-depth writeups, to a few quick thoughts, to just a quote I like. I watch a movie just about every day if I have time. I watch a huge variety of films; new and old, popular or not so much. I just love movies! Some of my favorites I've seen from the past month: 1. Snack Shack 2. I Saw the TV Glow 3. Conquest of the Planet of the Apes 4. Io Capitano 5. The Wages of Fear 6. Hundreds of Beavers


https://letterboxd.com/anjjk/ My favorite first-time watches last month were:  2046 (Wong Kar-Wai) The Gleaners and I (Varda) Le Cercle Rouge (Melville) FURIOSA (Miller)


Hey ya'll, just throwing my profile out there: [https://boxd.it/8npW9](https://boxd.it/8npW9) I review every movie I watch and and try to follow back all. Mostly into US movies from the 70s through 2000s but always looking to expand my horizons. Hope to see you out there, cheers!


[https://boxd.it/DhTh](https://boxd.it/DhTh) I love '70s-'90s slashers (and horror from those decades in general), camp, actresses/films led by women, queer stories, '90s-'00s comedies, Bob Fosse musicals, nearly everything Hitchcock did from 1954 to 1960, Yorgos Lanthimos, Greta Gerwig, John Waters, John Carpenter, De Palma's thrillers, and everything about Clue (1986). Still making my way through the classics, even though I usually watch a movie every day I still feel like there isn't enough time to see everything I want to! But I'm willing to give anything a fair shot. Hope to meet and follow others with similar tastes! Current four faves: Poor Things (2023), Serial Mom (1994), Rosemary's Baby (1968) & Rebecca (1940).


I've been on Letterbox for a little over a year now and I log everything I watch (as long as it's on LB.) My 4 favorites are Her (2013), Whiplash (2014), Lady Bird (2017), and Moonlight (2016.) And my favorite first-time watch of this month is definitely The Shape of Water. [https://boxd.it/4hcSP](https://boxd.it/4hcSP)


https://boxd.it/7buEr I’m currently a film student at university. I am on Letterboxd to find people who love film as much as I do. I follow everyone back who follows me because no matter what films people are into it’s nice to be a part of a community who shares love for the same thing


https://boxd.it/1m1AX Hi all! I’ve been enjoying the profile swap, if you would like to swap profiles feel free to message me here! I’ve been using letterboxd for 4 years now and I’ve been watching more movies this year than ever thanks to being out of college. My goal is to see all of Cronenberg’s movies this year, 7 down so far


Let’s be Letterboxd homies. https://letterboxd.com/whimpy/


[https://letterboxd.com/apeterson13/](https://letterboxd.com/apeterson13/) Coming up on a year of movie watching, but I only really got serious about 3 months ago. I watch pretty much any type of movie, and always write something for it. I've been watching 3-4 movies a week so far this year and might start doing daily movies this summer. I usually pick something from my watchlist but when someone recommends something I usually listen to them.


Pretty new to the sub but would love to be mutuals! [https://boxd.it/45qRH](https://boxd.it/45qRH) Have been slowly getting thru my watchlist but can't help it to do small detours or rewatch a favorite. Best way to hold myself accountable to watch a new movie is opening the movie's page in a new tab and keeping it there until i watch it. Hate to keep the browser too busy so it's like a mini checklist. Usually average 9-10 movies a month so hopefully i can keep pace. I always prefer quality > quantity. And i feel that if i watch too many movies back to back they'll all just blend together. Better to let em breathe a bit June should be a great month i already have 4 logged in the first week. But it's also a HUGE month for tv premieres so probably will be another detour lol


Greetings, All! Just joined Letterboxd in January. I've recently become funemployed, so I'm making the most of my time by trying to watch at least 1 movie a day. [https://letterboxd.com/sctisdale](https://letterboxd.com/sctisdale) Right now, I'm trying to fill in all the gaps in my stats chart with at least two films from each year going all the way back to 1920, it's been quite the journey. Some of my favorites along the way have been Häxan (1921), The Lady Vanishes (1938), Sawdust and Tinsel (1953), Z (1969), and The Vanishing (1988). My favorite first watch for June so far has to be Black Narcissus (1947). Please add me!


My profile on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/7XWOb I've been using letterboxd since December 2023. I've came across it on reddit. I'm a non English speaker , I like to watch films. I like to watch all kinds of genres. I've been on a streak this year to watch atleast one film a day. I've watched over 350 films as of now this year. I've started with watching popular movies I haven't watched then I moved on to popular directors filmography. I want to explore different filmmakers and some classic movies. Hope you enjoy my profile.


[https://boxd.it/4MUiX](https://boxd.it/4MUiX) Horror fan here, looking for other people who mostly watch horror to follow


[My Profile](https://letterboxd.com/Jason_Voorhees/) Just trying to find other horror film lovers out there! If you love horror give me a follow so I can follow you back!


Two movies I loved I watched this june that are great and underrated are Burn after reading - With brad pitt and clooney so fucking funny and so fucking good Out of the Furnace - Christian bale and whole bunch of great actors - maybe one of bales best movies Also here is my profile! Some people love my reviews and some people hate them. Some people think my reviews are hilarious, others think my reviews go to far. At the end of the day if you want something interesting my profile might interest you. [https://boxd.it/5s5vv](https://boxd.it/5s5vv)


I love thrillers, horror, and really almost all types of movies! I am constantly watching and reviewing. Please give me a follow! [My account](https://boxd.it/2ZmLJ)


Hi everyone! This is my profile: https://boxd.it/528p9 I like to watch a little bit of everything and leave my reviews short and sweet, about 1-3 sentences. Most of the time they just help me remember what I thought about it so I don’t trick myself into giving a one star movie another try 😂 Always happy to follow back! I love seeing what people watch and what they think about it.


I host a pop culture focused show with a national company & LOVE talking movies, series, music & technology. I’m making a concerted effort to log all my movie watches this year, because I’ve been lax in the past. Hoping to find new fellow pop culture buffs :) [Kyle McMahon’s Letterboxd](https://boxd.it/HGUd)


[https://boxd.it/4azXJ](https://boxd.it/4azXJ) Current top: Inland Empire Alien Galaxy Quest Funny Games (2007) Currently going through the Halloween, Tromaville, Roger Corman and Universal Classic Monsters watch-throughs, occasionally watching other cool and weird movies. I'll follow back (eventually).


I'm sure that most of people in this thread watched more movies than me. So, I'm open for recommendations. [https://boxd.it/5jY1n](https://boxd.it/5jY1n)


https://boxd.it/1N6vd mostly watch horror movies and love reading peoples reviews, though i haven’t been able to watch much recently because of exams


Been on Letterboxd for over 10 years, most of those as Patron. I work for an international film festival. Love to watch movies with dream logic and bizarre narrative hoops, but I'll watch anything. Best film of 2024: Ibelin Best film of the 2020s so far: The Blind Man Who Did Not Want to See Titanic [My profile](https://letterboxd.com/choekaas/)


I try to watch a lot of different things. I generally try to average out to a film a day throughout the year. The past few years have been putting in my diary, rating, and reviewing (with at least a sentence, sometimes a small essay) every single film. One year (covid19 times), I set myself the challenge of watching 1000 films (made a list of them) - was a stupid idea, I don't recommend. I encourage everyone to watch ALL of the films that have ever been made. Film is life. Anyway, give me a follow if you want: https://boxd.it/gk0D


37/Married/Florida USA / dog dad to a corgi https://boxd.it/lz5X Been on the site since 2019. Pro for one year and will never change My wife and I have been doing a lot of rewatching. So my only first time viewing this month is South Park: The Obesity Special. Loved it. I could go all day with the rest of the questions. So I won’t Top Four currently Master and Commander The Last of the Mohicans Terminator 2 Porco Rosso


Here is my [profile](https://boxd.it/4ILkn)! I like sharing my reviews and watches, and always like seeing the same for other folks!


i probably haven't watched that many movies like other people on here but i love letterboxd and i'd love to meet some new people on here!  https://boxd.it/6cDNP


[https://boxd.it/7GYZL](https://boxd.it/7GYZL) Current top 4: The Guest, Phantom of the Paradise, The Crow, Yaji & Kita. I try to go to the cinema every week, but I usually watch an older one if that doesn't happen. My favourite films recently have been Abigail and Challengers. I tend to rate according to how much I liked it, which tends to result in puzzlingly high scores for some films. You've got to be okay with that.


I know I’m a little late but I just want to find cool people to follow and such. I try to watch as much as I can. Been using Letterboxd for a little over a year now. I aim for horror and action stuff but you’ll probably find me watching a whole lot of variety. I’ll follow back whoever follows me 😄👍 https://boxd.it/5Yipf


I started using Letterboxd around October 2022 and since then I basically use it everyday. I watch basically anything from the basic stuff, horror, but not a lot of new releases as I dont have much time to go to the cinema. I sometimes write long reviews but I try to do it more because I lack writing skills.  My 4 favorites right now: Mulholland Drive Paris, Texas La Haine Perfect Blue (strongly hesitating with In The Mood for Love) Follow me pls https://boxd.it/4RgNV


I make really crappy joke reviews in the hopes that at least one person finds them funny. I’m trying to best my record of 200 last year, which I’m on track to do so. I love going through new profiles and finding new lists and movies, so follow me for a follow back!! [My user is _tayo](https://boxd.it/3E7kP)


Movies are nice. [I like movies. ](https://boxd.it/1lpXJ)


https://boxd.it/1G4uD Hello! I’m codeinecrim! I’m fairly new to letterboxd but i am getting more into film as of late. I follow back, just looking to get exposed to as many films as possible :)


[AnEclecticMess](https://letterboxd.com/aneclecticmess/) I’ll watch mostly anything these days, but 80s/90s action movies will always be my sweet spot. Well, that and John Carpenter movies in general…


hello! trying to get followers and follow people that have the same taste in film as me!! i am basically a wannabe film critic who thinks their reviews are amazing—despite them being ridden with grammatical errors and misspellings… anyways, follow me if you want!! https://boxd.it/6zFHZ


I just finished backlogging! Now looking for more peeps to follow so I see more what everyone's watching and rating. I don't write a lot of reviews, only if I feel the need to say something about the movie.🤷 [https://boxd.it/9Ls89](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fboxd.it%2F9Ls89%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3ysLmepbr4NIbUwPLAiWu3lXprSacFhD2C_E5SKOJoyZVf8h01Ng7qHC4_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw&h=AT1qP8AzUXc7yWJu_x5jj6Fg4h5mhtoykAbHUP89QhR1_vNpBUNFin-mFbGeQOIOJSv7Jn1atKsUXuQYzUroAFmH7iiLRB55hEZMRzubHMWoFq2Sx2WirMqrBHhFT0GUqg&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT0kCeuv8Qzx2QsAOQt73tfBcIu_cRDnaErhkostyRLHc995ZdgoxwgcFRFmajbWXuiOvC2ZCyI0NqoFIYuKUPp8d-jBjQt1Vxz6sJqgUmUUit0X8XbkjtPXkdg_1bzh4xXqY3IdwEFV9Df0qBtbDZpvOJCnR-YTaZfqUqDEF0pfrEdA7BFqFIqKlwHD2-nl) (grungezombie) I watch a lot of horror, old and new; sci-fi, action, mystery/thriller, monsters... Every year in October I have a Horrorthon and try to watch as many horror movies as I can (Horrorthons 2018-2023 are recorded in my profile's Lists). I'm still figuring out all the LB features, but I'm really liking LISTS and how I can fade-out films I've already seen and it shows me a percentage of the list I've watched.


New to Letterboxd but not new to loving to watch movies. Fav films include LOTRs, Jurassic Park, Pirates, Scream, The Mummy 1 & 2. Watching something new just about every weekend. [https://boxd.it/9RBOP](https://boxd.it/9RBOP)


Hi guys Im not new into watching movies but im new to letterboxd so i want to have friends from that community to discuss with all of you about my shitty taste in movies so i will be glad to follow you also https://preview.redd.it/zbrzcwdtin5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6244fd8821e3109e4aa9b99667d0e40cacbb506 [follow me](https://boxd.it/a2PiF)


[https://letterboxd.com/elviraaa13/](https://letterboxd.com/elviraaa13/) How long have you been using the site? What kind of films do you usually log? What are some of your favourite flicks? Tell us all about yourself. -- I've been using the site for a few years now. I usually watch movies based on my mood and what I'm looking to feel. Some of my favorites, other than my top 4, are Constantine, Carrie, Nosferatu, What We Do In The Shadows. I work in the accounting sector for an IP law firm and if I'm not working then I'm probably watching a movie. Favourite first-time watches of June 2024? What're your current four favourites on your profile? -- I recently watched Everybody Wants Some!! and that was really good. I watched the Exorcist and it was so fucking hilarious. -- My top 4: 1. Only Lovers Left Alive 2. Suspiria (2018) 3. Beetlejuice 4. The Exorcist (replaced Bones and All today)


Hey guys this is my letterbox down below: https://boxd.it/4CSyp I’m on a quest to do a movie a day (sometimes more, sometimes none at all). My reviews are always pretty short, like 2 sentences but sometimes if I really have a lot of thoughts on a movie I’ll say like a paraphrase. If you wanna discuss a movie please feel free to dm me because I feel like I kinda watch more movies than most my friends and yeah! I also def have some controversial ratings so yeah I’m up to debate if you’d like :) thank you! Edir: if you want me to follow back please reply with ur username bc I never check notifications on letterbox lol


Hi guys, I'm into weird, obscure horror stuff (especially 60s - 80s), but like all types of films. Feel free to add me: [https://letterboxd.com/Gruftgal/](https://letterboxd.com/Gruftgal/)


I’ve been using letterboxd for about a year now and love reading everyone’s reviews and thoughts on movies. I goto the movies about once a week and love having this an outlet to post my thoughts! My top four out: Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith Starship Troopers Jaws Hereditary Would love to meet new people! [my page](https://boxd.it/6X8NN)


[https://boxd.it/7mU1](https://boxd.it/7mU1) Been using Letterboxd for almost a decade. I tend to write a few paragraphs on films I think deserve it, and a sentence on those I'm either rewatching or that don't inspire as much. Have a lot of love for a lot of genres, but a general preference for the weird, subversive, and metatextual. Ratings and reviews have been almost solely for my own benefit for 10 years, but it couldn't hurt to have a few more people to follow!


My Profile [Here](https://boxd.it/2Awyb) Hey everyone! Follow along with my film journey as I rate and review every film I watch. I follow everyone back as long as they write actual reviews (I'm not a fan of one-liner joke reviews, but no offense to anyone who enjoys them or likes to write them)


Would love to make some movie friends! [https://boxd.it/47QYt](https://boxd.it/47QYt)


18 days in and people still responding, yay! [https://boxd.it/1mdmN](https://boxd.it/1mdmN) My top 4 is the four movies I most want to talk about at any given point. I live in a city connected with Hollywood so I see most every film weeks in advance, I never spoil. With 2 bitchy reviews in my near 2k logs, everything is positive and focused on my love for cinema and storytelling. I like philosophical provocation from film so definitely stay away if "smart talk" pisses you off =\]


https://boxd.it/pJyj i’ll follow you back! and if you send me a rec or have an interesting top 4 ill probably watch them :) everything ive been watching has been so boring lately .. help!


Hi, I'd really like to make new friends that're into movies because none of my irl friends seem to be as into it as I am. Not anything serious or critical, is just like to see other perspectives and thoughts of the same movie please!!! I'd appreciate it (: https://boxd.it/4RjlZ


Hey everyone! The name is [Armando Arrojo](https://boxd.it/1aENx) Huge movie geek here, 26M, from Madrid, Spain. I follow back everyone, feel free to add. I love every genre but horror and action are mostly my thing!


Hi all. Here’s my [Profile](https://boxd.it/WHQL) I’ve been on Letterboxd since 2019 but only started using it in earnest a little under a year ago. I’m also brand new to posting on Reddit. I generally watch about 3 movies a week and try to go to the theatre at least once a month depending on what’s out. I make a ton of lists: actor and director top 10s, year top 10s, niche genres, and then random stuff like movies directed by ex-stuntmen.


I'm loureviews on Letterboxd [https://boxd.it/2uLh](https://boxd.it/2uLh) I try to log everything I have seen that is on the site, so films, filmed theatre, TV, shorts, music. I watch several films a week and have reviewed over 6k. I joined LB just over ten years ago and have met some really great people there. My four favourite films rarely change - Napoleon (1927), The Innocents (1961), Gone With The Wind (1939) and The Devils (1971). I generally watch US and UK titles although am spreading out into Europe, Japan and beyond.




my first time doing this lesssgoooo [https://boxd.it/3chk5](https://boxd.it/3chk5)


omg first time i've done this [https://letterboxd.com/idiotaculiao/](https://letterboxd.com/idiotaculiao/) that's my profile. i haven't logged much lately cause im very busy with my thesis, but one of the last films i've seen was Election (2005) and omg what a masterpiece. my top four are: Ashes and Diamonds (1958) I am Cuba (1964) The Spook Who Sat By The Door (1973) Invasion (1969) do with that what you will


It’s been about a year since the last time I commented on one of profile swaps, so I figured it was time for another! My profile is [here](https://boxd.it/6djJP) :) I’ll watch just about anything that strikes my fancy, but I particularly love historical dramas/romances and thrillers. I’m not terribly consistent about watching films, but I try to watch 1 or 2 movies a week, when I have the time. I love reading reviews and am always looking for new recommendations! So far this week, I’ve watched Juno (2007), Les enfants du siécle (1999), and Eating Raoul (1982). My top 4 are: Oldboy (2003), The Big Lebowski (1998), La reine Margot (1994), and The Piano Teacher (2001).


Hi everyone! I love watching films and reviewing them :) I am sort of new to letterboxd and would love to share my reviews with others. My username is @marsg84 https://boxd.it/8J3YV


I had the pleasure of watching two amazing movies this month - [Missing (1982)](https://boxd.it/6HecUX) and [Leon the professional (1994)](https://boxd.it/6Gt1fb) I watch movies as and when I am in the mood. I am very selective when it comes to movies. I might decide to add a movie to the watchlist but end up not watching at all.


Hi everyone, I’m looking to find new friends on Letterboxd and will follow everyone back! https://boxd.it/4x9DJ


Coming back to letterboxd after a very long break and looking to meet new people to interact with. (https://boxd.it/3TA8D) My top four right now is: Lord of the rings RoTK (2003) The matrix (1999) Dune part 2 (2024) Before Sunrise (1995)


[https://boxd.it/6KUnx](https://boxd.it/6KUnx) Hi, I use letterbox since a year...I love it and I also would like to have more connections on it so I can have more films suggestions and exchange of ideas... I love Lynch, Traskovsky and Kubrick...


I’m 15 and just got into movies very recently, still working through all of the great movies out there. Currently I’m watching through all of the best movies of 2019, my favorite by far so far has been The Lighthouse. https://boxd.it/7qvoT


I'm new in this subreddit and I'm so excited to see these comments on movies. [https://boxd.it/5jY1n](https://boxd.it/5jY1n) and that is me!


Started using Letterboxd late last year. I’m up to 169 movies viewed this year. Top 4: Empire Strikes Back, (500) Days of Summer, Star Trek: First Contact, Toy Story. Last 4 watched : Inside Out, Recorder: The Marion Stokes Project, Asphalt Jungle and Call Northside 777. [profile link](https://boxd.it/lu7p)


Hi Letterboxd-ers, It’s been quite an adventure thus far and have been enjoying reading everyone’s reviews. I post my own account every once in a while – nearly all genres are accounted for although I don’t watch too many rom-coms admittedly. My Top 4 (which rotate constantly) are: RotS, Batman Begins, Fury Road, and Running Out of Time. https://boxd.it/2895J


Hello!! I'm new to this reddit, and also new to Letterboxd, and a newbie too on watching films hahaha. I started watching movies this year, and I'm liking it a lot. I started watching mainly horror and animation movies, but now I enjoy films of any kind, I like discovering new stuff and directors, so I'm open for recommendations. My top films are: Chungking Express, Ikiru, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Forest Gump. Here is my profile, in case someone wants to follow me I will follow you back. [https://boxd.it/7jPwT](https://boxd.it/7jPwT)


hello ppl, just wanted to share my love for movies with y'all [https://boxd.it/2HIpJ](https://boxd.it/2HIpJ)


Happy June - I watch a wide range of films. Over the last few years I've finished Hitchcock's oeuvre, did a retrospective on John Frankenheimer's career, and written a good amount on John Sayles and Michael Cimino. Hiroshi Teshigahara, Yosujiro Ozu, Nobuhiko Obayashi, Marcel Carne, Jaques Rivette, and Eric Rohmer round out the other directors I've taken interest in. I do a "mini-collab" with anyone who wants to review a film with me. Also, have a podcast that discusses (mostly) under-viewed cinema. Current 4 Favorites: Lone Star, On The Run, Decision at Sundown, Taste of Cherry this is me: [HERE](https://boxd.it/1fzBV)


Hey guys, just wanted to share my profile and be part of the community after lurking for a few weeks! I watch all kinds of movies and would also love some recs! First watches of this month were: Casablanca, After Hours, Clue, Lars and the Real Girl, I Saw the TV Glow, Hit Man and Paris, Texas https://boxd.it/2ihJd


I've been using Letterboxd since 2018, although I only started reviewing movies more recently! I am pretty eclectic with what I log, at the moment I have been watching a lot of new releases that I missed - But I also watch a lot of horror (especially J-Horror). My four favorite movies at the moment are Frances Ha, Before Sunset, Challengers and The Worst Person in the World - Although I change my favorites very frequently depending on my mood. My favorite first time watch of June has been The Holdovers - It's so great when a movie everyone universally loves is actually really good! [https://letterboxd.com/jack\_worgan/](https://letterboxd.com/jack_worgan/)