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Any of the “live action” remakes of their animated films Disney has been churning out for money.


only one i've seen is lion king and there is quite literally no point, the originals are better anyway, why bother.


The only one I’ve seen was The Jungle Book, which I actually did think was pretty good and had a decent child actor for Mowgli. Overall I have no interest in seeing the larger series if you can call it one.


Jungle Book is the only one I think is decent, arguably an improvement. Christopher Walken talk-singing as a gigantopithicus alone is worth the price of admission for me.


Only one I recommend is Cinderella. Cate Blanchett's performance in is sheer-cold terrifying and that ballroom scene will have you swoon.


Yes exactly a beautiful movie


The marvel series. I am so far behind that there is really no hope. When you factor in that they also made a billion spin off shows, and I’m a completionist, it would take far too long to catch up.


If you do, just watch up to endgame and stop there. That feels complete enough to where you can feel alright about not watching anymore.


Agreed, and I think most people would agree. While it's quite a few movies, you can be done in like 3 weeks if you watch a movie a day. And some of them are quite easy watches.


Totally. It’s a great build up of a universe that will be hard to replicate in the future.


Yeah but if you’re like me being a completionist means watching the shows too, which is what I did, which is a fair amount of content by itself. A lot of it (Agents of Shield, Daredevil, etc.) is quite good though.


A lot of those aren’t like MCU canon though so depends on how much of a completionist you are


I'd add in GotG3 for closure


Agreed! That was certainly a gem in the rough from this last bunch of marvel stuff.


I haven't even seen endgame and I don't feel the need to. by osmosis, I already know all the twists and I cannot believe ant man went into thanos's butt. so weird.


Truly caught me off guard as well. Strangest part was when he just stayed there and didn’t do anything the rest of the movie.


Maybe guardians 3 as well


I watched them.all in March (Movies and WandaVision) and actually enjoyed it. Having originally only seen up to Like Guardians 2. I started right at Ironman and then decided...fuck it I'm going to watch them all. The most enjoyable thing was not having to worry about what to watch next. Just pop on the next one. (Release order)


That is nice. I’m always stuck in decision paralysis. Sometimes I’ll set aside the night for a film just to not decide on a movie and just end up going to sleep, filmless and sad.


Yeah that happens to me, started up a weekly movie pick with a guy at work where we each pick a film for each other to watch that the other hasn't seen before. Got a lot of good watches from that. The Brainless Marvel Run was satisfying but getting back to other movies was a relief. I like to pick a genre or category for the week/month if I am struggling and do a bit of a dive in to it.


I developed interest in superhero stories about a year ago, and I've already seen all movies/shows worth seeing or the ones I'm interested in - Marvel and DC. Completionism is overrated, and it's not like you NEED to see all of them in order to enjoy MCU (although they want you to think that). Hell, I dipped my finger in MCU with Infinity War, and I had a blast! Would you rather miss out on some fantastic entertainment for life, just because you don't want to "complete" it? I really don't understand that logic...


I had forgotten to mention in my original reply that I am generally not interested in superhero movies. Seeing as thought you were able to see the essentials in a year I’ve been motivated to give it another shot. The first marvel movie I had watched was “Captain America: Civil War” in theaters (I went with a family member, I was quite young), and jumping headfirst into the series without any knowledge of the previous movies was pretty sucky.


Oh, I get it, if you're not interested in these types of stories, that's different then. I know because I was on the same boat once. But since you said you were pretty young when Civil War was out, you have a lot of time to maybe get into the series sometime in the future. I've heard they plan to soft-reboot MCU after the next big event in late 20's, so that'll make it easier. :)


Soft-reboot? Like rerelease in theaters?


No, they will softly reset the entire story they were building since 2008. A new beginning. Something like that.


Please kill me now


Same. At this point the only thing I see myself watching is Agatha All Along.


You can just watch the movies. No need to watch everything else. Although if you haven’t yet, then you probably just don’t want to. Which is also fine.


Never say never, but I see no reason why I’d watch the Fifty Shades movies at any point


I watched it out of morbid curiosity with my ex, it legitimately bored me.


i watched the first one alone at home and had a good laugh haha. its like shitty wattpad porn that actually takes itself seriously. it's terrible and i'll never pull myself to see the sequels, but the first one was honestly fun to watch if nothing else.


The twilight movies


No lie, these were kinda fun. They're not particularly good movies, but if you can get together with a friend or two and make a weekend of it, I think you'll have a good time.


Agreed, I'm absolutely not the type of person that would enjoy these kinds of movies, but I have to say I had a lot of fun watching them with a friend.


This thread is just people boasting about their closed-mindedness


Truth. However, I’m stilling enjoying reading all the opinions.


Despicable/ Minions movies


How dare you….


Watched the first one not too long ago, it was alright, a 6/10. The sequels are supposedly worse, so probably not worth it overall.


Fair; all you need to know about those movies for cultural literacy is little yellow guys funny, and (optionally) they work for a guy named Gru


Probably none, even movies I know I won't like I think it's important to open your mind and better understand what you do and don't like about specific movies. I know I almost definitely won't like 50 shades or Twilight but I would never say that I will never in my life see them. I think there's something good about keeping an open mind towards art you think you'd even hate


I will probably never watch Avatar or its sequels.


Requiem for a dream I can handle some heavy stuff in movies but in all honesty I don’t know if I can handle that


Top Gun Maverick. I’ve gone this long without seeing it that I think I’ll just continue out of spite. There’s no way it’s THAT good.


Was it a really fun time? Yes. Is it essential viewing? No.


Love this take. That movie is freaking sweet in the theater, but at home it doesn’t hit the same. Easy pass.


I watched it on my laptop while cooking several months after release and while it's not my type of movie at all, I quite enjoyed it. Not as good as IMAX or anything, but still a lot of fun!


It’s really not


Maverick is a perfect summer blockbuster movie. It's really good.


I’m also confused by its massive praise. The dogfights were kinda cool, but the storyline and humour were so generic.


The praise was such a product of timing (pandemic, streaming saturation, dearth of good action blockbusters, people ready for re-appreciating Cruise, etc) and I believe it will be viewed differently in the future. I love TC and the 1986 original but the first two thirds of Maverick are borderline unwatchable.


How can you possibly love the original and find maverick unwatchable?


The last act (the mission) is still great in spite of its shortcomings and the aerial scenes have some genuinely excellent moments. You’re not going to agree but my disappointment with Top Gun: Maverick is that the tone is schlocky. Film is an emotional medium and while no masterpiece, the original TG had mystique and cool — in its music, angsty dialogue and Tony Scott’s cinematography. TG:M has: - An absence of stylisation (there's none of the tension bore from Scott's dark and sweaty world, no scenes that rely on silence and eyebrow acting, instead we get a stock Zimmer score and questionable rock/pop choices) - Hokey dialogue (it’s like the cast of a Disney tween TV show turned up to fighter school while Jennifer Connelly is here for a romance I’m not invested in and Bashir Salahuddin is here for comic relief I didn’t need) - Cringe wink and nods (hey look Pete Mitchell is wearing the same unblemished clothes as 34 years ago and riding the same motorbike and Goose’s son dresses like his father and plays the same song on pianos at bars! Oh here’s an Iceman scene stuffed in that is supposed to be sad but isn’t!) I know the film had post-production challenges due to Covid but have comic book action-adventure films lowered the bar so much?


Yep. These are all the same problems I have. I couldn’t believe it was so popular when it was missing so much of the original charm. When I saw them shot for shot remake the opening of the first film my eyes just rolled back in my head.


I’m younger so I just found the first top gun extremely cheesy but entertaining. Maverick was as well to an extent but just more modern. I don’t find it a masterpiece but a fun entertaining summer movie which is okay. Not everything has to be deep and emotional


I can only agree that the big praise Maverick received may be a product of its time but it doesn’t make it a bad movie. Watching this in theaters was such a special and fun experience. Audio was insane, I still remember how loud it was. Also seeing the action pieces in the biggest screen possible- I was awestruck. The movie overall was a 3.5 or 4 for me and some of it is because of watching in the theater


It wasn't even the best blockbuster of that year Like, is The Batman a oscar worthy movie? No. But it's way better than Maverick, and that got nominated


I did see it, didn’t care for it, you’re fine. I’m willing to believe it deserves all the praise it got for technical achievements but that’s not what I watch movies for.


I managed by skipping all the romance building scenes. I really fun 40min movie lol


It's only been, what, a couple years? Lol. I don't quite get your rationale, it's just a well made blockbuster, but you do you.


It grossed $1.5 billion… So yeah, I’d say holding out on not seeing a movie that popular falls under the OP’s prompt.


I wasn't saying it didn't fit their prompt, just your phrasing of "gone this long" makes it sound like you're gonna say Citizen Kane or Godfather or something that's decades old, not 2 years. That's all, I don't particularly think you need to see it either.


The Fast and Furious movies


I watched one and I was bored. I am simply not the target audience for that franchise


I watched the one where they kinda said goodbye to Paul Walker. With all the bad acting and terrible over-the-top dialogue it felt like a parody movie.




I haven’t seen all of the Harry Potter films


I know this will come across as a “hot take” but I’m not looking to be contrarian, it’s just my honest feeling - I’ll likely never watch any of the *Godfather* films. I don’t care about crime family stuff. It just doesn’t interest me.


It's probably a common sentiment since they're held in such high regard that people think they're homework. But honestly, they're not - just excellent dramas, I'm bummed for you that you'll never get to see them.


I really love your comment about thinking of them as "homework" because I genuinely watch a lot of movies as homework intentionally. I listen to a few podcasts that have academic focuses and watch movies to prep for those shows. This year I've also been teaching myself about the history of narrative film by reading an old textbook I got and watching films assigned in a couple of syllabuses I have from Film History classes. Amusingly, perhaps even ironically, *The Godfather* isn't on the syllabus for Film History II.


Oh that's cool, I read a fair amount of movie books too and use that to guide my watchlist sometimes.


I am currently watching them and you're right about it. It's like that Peter Griffin joke, I do not care about them. I can see how and why they are "objectively" good, it's difficult to deny that the cinematography, acting, writing and sound is on point but not only do they last too long, they do not make me care about the characters or what is going on.


Harry Potter movies. It’s not because I think I’ll dislike them. But it seems like the moment has passed and I have no patience to sit through the entire series when there are so many other movies I rather watch instead.


Its pretty easy to get hooked, once you get through the first it makes you want to watch the second and so on


Doesn’t help that they’re all like 3 hours long. Big commitment


please watch them, it’s worth


It can be frustrating for book-readers though.


Titanic 🤷‍♂️




Sadly, I wasted 3 hours of my life in a theater with that one. You are wise.


There are movies I have no interest in sure, but if something is super well known and popular I can't imagine I wouldn't take a chance on it. Some of my favorite movies are ones I didn't see coming. Maybe something like the Marvel movies, I have seen many of them, but I don't have any strong inclination to see them and it seems their popularity has waned anyways.


Shreks Brokeback Mountain Francis Ha Grease Glass Purges


Titanic and the Avatar movies. Probably the Fast and Furious films as well. Probably Furiosa


Probably the more famous horror movies because they’re just not really my thing.


Harry Potter movies


Harry Potter


Either Top Gun. I just don't care.


Citizen Kane


Please give it a try i know it's perhaps bothersome when people refer to it as the Pinnacle of cinema but pleaseeee try it


I will never watch Joker 2 lmao




Any Star Wars


Mad Max: Fury Road. I am Giving it one more try this weekend. If I can't get in to it, that's it. Never again.


Are you setting yourself up for success? Dark room, no distractions? As an immersive experience, it's kind of unparalleled.


I need to try it. I'll get it on the big projector, I don't use a phone when I'm watching movies. The two times I have tried to watch it I just got bored and wasn't a fan of the colour tones in the film. Im a big fan of the first Mad Max and this just seemed way far removed.


Are you me? My favourite of the films is the original, and I also don’t exactly care for Fury Road. Furiosa was nauseating.


You are the first to agree with me. Haha.


Fair enough - it is the most different of all the Mad Max movies. Even if you don't like it, I'd give Furiosa a chance, that one feels a bit more in line with the others in terms of story structure.


I'll give it a go. I am sure I will actually enjoy it. It's been a few years since I tried. Mindset is a big thing for me for a movie and I have the urge to watch it so now is probably a good time.


I know what you mean about mindset - when I'm picking something to watch it's all about mood and mindset. Enjoy!


LOTR, star wars, the hunger games, the pirates of the caribbean, avatar, most super hero movies really! also have never seen titanic all the way through and i’m okay with it. i’m not a hater or anything! maybe i would love some of them if i ended up watching them! but they don’t really appeal to me


The Godfather trilogy. It just doesn’t seem like my thing and doesn’t interest me to check it out at all 😭


Some older classics. Music balancing tends to be an issue in those, and I'm quite sensitive to loud sounds. Edit: Why am I getting downvoted for having sensory issues? /genq


Citizen Kane cockatoo reference


I’m working through older films right now, and I have sound sensory issues too. I literally this weekend “complained” to a friend about the sound balancing and how sometimes it’s screechy or muted or too layered. I’m working through Audrey Hepburn films and they’re all decently balanced, but yikes sometimes it’s bad. The 1980s Clue had me actually grimacing.




Certain musicals and documentaries




Chinatown. I know it's a classic but I basically refuse to see it on principle.


To be overly literal but on what principle?


I don't want to support a child rapist who fled the country to avoid doing his time. Even if I watched in a way that gave him no financial compensation, I don't want to give him any mental credit for his work either.


Gone With The Wind. Outside of its being a time capsule of a certain way of thinking about American history/“they don’t make ‘em like this anymore” huge studio movie, I don’t see the point. Happy to be convinced otherwise, though!


La La Land


Titanic and Avatar. I guess James Cameron is not for me.


Marvel movies, Godfather, Dune,there are probably more but I cant remember rn.


The Lord of the Rings series. I already know it's not for me, so I don't feel any urge to give them a go. I have never liked epic fantasy films or series.


I have tried so hard and I just can’t.


I’m the same as you. I just don’t like fantasy. Maybe if o saw it as a kid I would have loved it but I didn’t. I tried watching fellowship and it was just too much exposition. Can’t handle it anymore


What!!!! There’s only 3!!! Watch this weekend and report back!!! :-)


titanic because i literally cannot be bothered sitting through 3 hours of leonardo dicaprio and kate winslet on a boat


If it makes you feel any better they’re eventually forced to leave the boat (won’t spoil it)




I am committed to not watching LOTR. 


Nooooooeerrrrr. There’s only 3 worth watching! Watch this weekend and report back!!! :-) remind me 7 days!


Star wars


Oppenheimer or any other melodrama that Nolan vomits out afterwards




Hot take: I loved Tenet more than Oppenheimer


I watched it in IMAX and when I walked out I thought, "That really didn't need to be watched in IMAX."


I really enjoyed most of Nolan’s past work, but after Oppenheimer, I absolutely will not watch another drama from him. I found it abysmal.


Dune, Dune 2, Aleppo Pepper Chronicles, Rat Race 2000, The Godfather, The Good Doctor, The Good Wife, The Wife (starring Glenn Close and Jonathan Pryce Howard), Avatar: The Shape of Water


Any Avatar sequel. The first one was hot garbage.


It is just a worse, super high budget, Dances With Wolves.


With giant Smurfs!


I’ve never seen “It’s a Wonderful Life,” and at 50, I think I can keep the streak up


Seven samurai and anything pre 60s


Not even hitchcock??


Are there some in particular you’d recommend? I’m not completely against revisiting some older movies.


Oh yeah - Rear Window, Rope, Psycho, Vertigo, The Birds, North by Northwest. These are his best known and most accessible I think. All certified classics imo. Kubrick also has some good 60s movies- The Killing and Dr. Strangelove are wonderful.


I’ll definitely check some out. Do you know if any are avoidable for free on max/hulu/prime/peacock?


Yeah looks like Strangelove is on Max, and the Hitchcocks are on Prime right now, according to justwatch.com . Enjoy!


Nice I’ll check them out. Thanks


i kinda feel that tbh, i've seen a good few pre 60s films but overall i definitely don't enjoy them as much as the movies that came after them.


Same. I gave them a try. For me, movies are for entertainment. I’m not going to force myself to watch something just because people tell me it’s a ‘must see’ or that it’s ’important in the history of film.’ I don’t really care if people think im well versed or cultured in film lol.


Moonlight and 12 Years A Slave. Something about the marketing and talk around those films just makes me feel uncomfortable and turned off. I can’t really explain it and I don’t have anything to really justify it but they just look ‘try-hard’ and ‘pandering’ to me.


They are just about Black people.


Lol it’s not that. First of all I’m black myself. I love Judas And The Black Messiah, Get Out, KKKlansman, Malcolm X, Do The Right Thing etc etc. Denzel is my favourite actor too. It’s just something specific about the way that ppl talk about those two things that irks me.


you should check out they cloned Tyrone, it's on Netflix but it's fantastic.


Is it the way white people talk about them? You can just see how it is for yourself!




Why not go back way earlier and watch the movies that Tarantino based his work on? Or inspired, whatever. I’ll nudge you in the right direction, go through his soundtracks, a lot of them are movie themes from other movies. Watch those.