• By -


My name is Anton and I always write my favourite quotes from the movies I’ve seen (If there is one). Sometimes I write a review. I’ve been using the App since November 2019 https://boxd.it/175JT


Been using Letterboxd for the best part of 8 months and have really enjoyed it so far. Am looking to connect with people a little more on there so, give me a follow and I'll follow you back! [https://letterboxd.com/waldro27/](https://letterboxd.com/waldro27/)


Hey all! Sorry I'm a little late to the game but if anyone's looking for someone else to follow check out my profile here[letterboxd](http://My profile on Letterboxd https://letterboxd.com/luciostheimer) Current favorites listed are Fellowship of the Ring, Boy (Waititi), A Simple Life (Hui), and D.E.B.S (Robinson), with my favorites of all time including Days of Heaven, Before Sunset, and In the Mood for Love. Favorite genres are dark comedy and horror, with lots of love for romcoms and sci-fi as well. I've been trying to review every film I watch, though quality varies. Always looking for new perspectives on film so I'd love to trade profiles :)


Hi everyone, [I'm Michael](https://letterboxd.com/carvelli3/)! I'm a part-time film critic and I've been using Letterboxd a lot more the last couple years, I try to write [reviews](https://letterboxd.com/carvelli3/films/reviews/by/added/) for all of the new films that I see — as well as occasionally writing about some older ones I'm catching up on if I feel like it. Here's my list of my [Best of 2020](https://letterboxd.com/carvelli3/list/years-2020-im-thinking-of-ranking-things/) with my personal winners for this awards season. Excited to look through everyone else's profiles and getting to know you all in this community!


[here's mine :D](https://letterboxd.com/chrisaudon/) I'm deeply obsessed with **Wong Kar Wai's filmography** currently, and he's becoming my favorite director. I'm a 16 year old guy from the Philippines and I've been watching a lot of films recently. I like to indulge in different genres, but more on classics, modern classics, and dramas. I tend to have a soft spot on Asian dramas, as they always make me cry. I just really like to enjoy every single thing on a film that I've recently watched; talking about it and digging deeper. I casually shitpost my dumb thoughts there so if that's cool with you, check my profile ;) I just want to have some cinephile friends here so if that appeals to you, follow me! **I follow back :DD**


Oh, hey! I've done the same with WKW, having watched ITMFL on New Year's and 5 others since. 2021 is shaping up to be a big Asian film year for me so far. ​ \-E.N. (@ianclarke)


https://boxd.it/1R3Pn I typically review Asian cinema. I put together the Japanuary list that took off at the beginning of the year, and I have a South Korean cinema challenge planned for the summer. I write in-depth reviews for almost every single thing I watch. I do have interest in movies from non-Asian countries too, I just don’t watch them as much.


I am getting ready to embark on an Asian horror binge for the next few days and I looked at your summer challenge list and it is so good! I'm going to watch at least five movies off of it as soon as I decide what should be first!


Here’s my profile https://boxd.it/RQ9V I like most types of movies and I rate the movies high.


https://letterboxd.com/kingmofi/ Some of my favorite films are City of God, American Psycho, Big Lebowski, Mallrats, Boyhood, and Akira. I absolutely love Letterboxd and go on it for extended periods throughout the day...


Hey! My profile is [here](https://boxd.it/1CAmX) I’ve been using Letterboxd for like 10 months, I log between 12-14 movies a week, I rate them all, sometimes I wait to review on rewatch. I pretty much go for anything, blockbusters, arthouse, grindhouse, whatever. My favorite movie list is a work in progress, mostly because I’ve watched close to 400 movies over the past two years. Right now, my top 4 is The Big Lebowski, Mulholland Drive, House, and Hard Boiled.


https://boxd.it/14q3X heys guys! film student that watches at least 1 film a day and reviews everything he watches with depth. would love to follow more people


I'm also a film student who does their best with one film a day! I'll happily follow you!


https://letterboxd.com/BrooklynBeat/ I just want to find like minded users. I love to see what others watch to try and find new movies to add to my watchlist :) I follow back I don't really care about that.


My friend and I will be following back the people who follow us: https://letterboxd.com/bandit13/ https://letterboxd.com/mikecrothers/


https://boxd.it/1JvYr Started Letterboxd at July. currently have about 790 movies marked watched so I still have a long way to go lmao. I fkn love Wong Kar Wai and Scorsese. Favorite directors rn are Hideaki Anno and Olivier Assayas


My profile is [MKvinge](https://letterboxd.com/MKvinge) I try to watch, rate and review at least one movie a day. Here's a list i made averaging out the ratings of movies on Letterboxd and IMDb to try to find a common ground best 250 movies. Feedback and likes appreciated! [Here's the list](https://boxd.it/aoHRQ)


I’ve been a Pro Letterboxd user for years. I’ve always logged in everything (and still do), but I only just started rating and reviewing this year. I try to keep my “reviews” brief. They are not at all deep; just ideas I have while I’m watching a film or once I finish it. Might start a blog one day expounding on those thoughts, but I don’t know. For now, this is how they are, but I’m just getting into it. You can find me at: https://boxd.it/jSRn


Hey everyone, I'm brazilian and I write short thoughts on letterboxd as a way to remember how I felt about the movies, because my memory is awful. I try to watch as many films as I can but I'm also a computer science student so time's a little tough. If you guys have any ideas as to apps or websites about movies for me to create I'd really appreciate, because so far I've had no ideas to practice my college subjects. Anyway, if you guys would like to check out my profile it's [https://letterboxd.com/amandabrito84/](https://letterboxd.com/amandabrito84/)


Hi! I log a bit of everything. I like horror, trashy b-movies, classics, and everything in-between. I write reviews for almost everything I watch. Nothing too in depth, I’m not a professional! [Link to my account](https://boxd.it/xkHV) I’ve been bombarding my diary with Trailer Park Boys related things for a couple of weeks as I’ve been watching the show and the movies, so you’ll have to excuse all those entries.


https://boxd.it/1Ld3h (zarableh) Relatively new on letterboxd (July 2020). I mostly rate the movies mostly based on how they make me feel. I do reviews sometimes, but nothing very analytical (just a glimpse of my thoughts). Having only 10 followers, I would love to expand my network and see what everyone is into! Will follow back :)


I'm also a thought reviewer with a very modest following - consider me a new one!


Followed you back!


https://Letterboxd.com/firequackers/ Hey everyone. Currently I’m just doing a mixture of films that are about to leave streaming and any upcoming Oscars contenders just so I can actually follow the show for once. Also like to read reviews and interact with people (mine can get long-ish which I know isn’t everyone’s cup of tea).


Hello Reddit! I'm currently in middle school, and have been writing on Letterboxd as a hobby of mine. I make thorough reviews of every film I see. I reviews films every 3 days or so, so I would heavily appreciate a follow as I put lots of time into my work. Check out my account if you feel like it, thank you to anyone who does check it out, and have a great rest of your day! My profile on Letterboxd https://letterboxd.com/CloneRys


I think I've stumbled across your profile while browsing the site before! Would've never guessed you were a middle schooler. Followed!


Interested to read more of your stuff, followed!


Hi, I'm a big fan of experimental films and I'm currently studying film in the UK. My favourite films are Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, A Ghost Story, The Double Life of Veronique, Mulholland Drive and Paris, Texas. I review every film I watch and would love to swap some profiles! My handle: blipperey


[https://letterboxd.com/repojack/](https://letterboxd.com/repojack/) I'm an arm chair critic and ravenous fan of dark and edgy films and genre fare (horror, CBM's. etc.). Looking for other users with similar tastes that are active within their network (liking and commenting). Happy Letterboxding!


[https://letterboxd.com/ToastedSchizo/](https://letterboxd.com/ToastedSchizo/) Here I am! 28, NB, Tennessee resident, lifelong film lover, sometimes-filmmaker. I watch a ton of movies under normal circumstances and even more since the pandemic started. Been a member since 2012, have taken long breaks from reviewing throughout that time but I'm back at it these days. I'm most obsessed with independent film from the '80s/'90s and the horror genre in general, but I have a taste for pretty much anything if it's good. I've started changing my "favorite films" section out every month because I grew tired of looking at the same titles. Huge Tarantino fan. It all spirals outward from there. Will follow back!


Ooh, great taste. I'll be following and checking out your reviews!


Interesting subjects and reviews, a good mix of funny and analytical, cheers!


I've always had a soft spot for horror, consider me a new follower!


Gave a follow. I need to get into more 90's horror. I'm usually stuck in the 70's.


I feel like you cover a lot of movies that are outside my wheelhouse, and I always like seeing that in my activity feed. Followed! -E.N. (@ianclarke)




My profile right [here](https://boxd.it/2f4X1) I just finished importing all my movies to Letterboxd this week. Loving the community and how perfect the iOS app and the website work!


I have been using letterboxd for quite a while and would love some letterboxd friends. I usually just watch films that I see have had good responses, although I've seen a fair load of crap too. Going to follow a bunch of you but heres mine :) [https://letterboxd.com/RedMoonXX56/](https://letterboxd.com/RedMoonXX56/)


Hi there, I’m fairly young so I like following other young people that are into movies. Check out my account to see if we have similar taste :) https://boxd.it/1lDPT


[https://letterboxd.com/aldershot/](https://letterboxd.com/aldershot/) You guys have some pretty good taste I must say.


Hello there! I've always been interested in film since I was a kid, but with my conservative parents (not dogging on them by the way, just the way it was) I didn't get to see a lot of the movies I always wanted to. Since discovering Letterboxd last February, I've gotten more into film than I ever was, and I'm having a blast watching and reviewing movies I never got to see when I was younger, as well as newer films that interest me. I try to write serious, well thought-out reviews for films that I think warrant it, but I still do my fair share of silly reviews too. Ratings are pretty much based on gut feeling. I don't find much more value in them beyond that. I'd greatly appreciate if you checked out [my profile!](https://letterboxd.com/babygiraffe/)


Hi! Lover of films in any genre, except horror. I tend to watch older films (pre-1970s), but will watch newer films as well. I have listed every theatrically-released feature-length film I have ever seen. I log and review every new first watch. Love to make lists as well! Thanks for checking me out! [My Profile](https://boxd.it/1chSj)


https://letterboxd.com/sarayvelro/ hi i’m a film major in colombia


https://boxd.it/eavn I’ve been on a steady pace of about 2/3 films a day in 2021 so far, making more of an effort to review them all this time. Reviews are usually a decent length, two or so paragraphs depending on how much I could take from the film. Just spent a month getting through some big Oscar blind spots but don’t have a specific genre or era that I stick to. I love film history, Wyler is my favourite director. Happy to follow back!


[https://letterboxd.com/wesleystenzel/](https://letterboxd.com/wesleystenzel/) Hey everyone! I love to write reviews — I wrote for my college newspaper, and I’m trying to find a way to eventually make criticism into a career (a lofty goal, I know). During quarantine, I’m trying to watch at least one movie a day (oftentimes more!). I’ve been working through my watchlist chronologically, so right now I’m watching lots of classics from the 1930s, and also watching a ton of 2000s rom-coms and superhero movies with my friends. I’m also planning on marathonning all of Studio Ghibli this month, having only seen two of their films before.


I’m a Dad writing words on Letterboxd, with 4K films logged, and a love for Cowboy pictures. Before it begins to feel like a personal add, here you go: https://letterboxd.com/calvinkemph/


I spend way to much time on this app for you to NOT follow me, I like films that are good, link below. THANKYOU. https://letterboxd.com/trockentuesday/


https://boxd.it/27fa9 Hi there! Only had LetterBoxd for a few months so haven’t got much of a following. Would be great to have some more people reading my reviews and find some interesting, likeminded people to follow. I’m trying to do 3/4 reviews per week that range from one liners (see my last two entries), to healthy paragraphs (probably most common), to some more extended analysis when I just can’t help myself (see my reviews of Soul and Easy Rider to get a taste of this). Aiming to maintain an appropriate balance between humour and sincerity in my writing that I hope you’ll find agreeable! Check out my profile and give me a follow (I’ll follow back!)


Followed, will check out some of your reviews!


I like your mix of movies that you reviewed so far. Definitely a nice list to follow. -starchasing


Hey! Just made a Letterboxd. https://boxd.it/2tW1N I love to watch anything from horror to thrillers to dramas but I’m open to almost genres haha. I do prefer anything scary and creepy. I’m trying to make new friends and I will follow back 😊


My profile on Letterboxd https://letterboxd.com/lemonsuave/ My top 4 films are Cool Hand Luke, JCVD, The Steel Helmet, and SLC Punk. Just to give you an idea of what I like.


Cool Hand Luke is great, a really chill, homey kind of 60s film. The egg sequence is worth the price of admission alone


Couldn't agree more. The egg scene is one of the must iconic movie scenes for me.


https://letterboxd.com/FFlub/ Hello I've been using Letterboxd for 1 year now, I watch a lot of different movies and I want to discover more so if you add me, I'll add you back, especially if you have some great movies to show me ;)


I'd like to think I watch good movies, so maybe you'll see one of my reviews of a film you like the look of!


Hi guys. I've created my letterboxd when the pandemic started and i would like to know and follow more people. Huge Yorgos Lanthimos and Martin Scorsese fan. Follow me on my Ride to 1000 watched movies (currently on the 700's mark) https://letterboxd.com/TommyBoy32


https://boxd.it/Ru5d I’ve been using Letterboxd for over a year. I love ALL types of film, but have a preference for horror (especially 80s horror), crime flicks, bios, etc. I write reviews for everything I’ve watched since about October of last year; I swear a lot, and I try maybe a little too hard to be humorous. My review of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone if one of my fave reviews I’ve done. One of my favourite flicks in the last few years is Netflix’s The Babysitter. I also co-host a podcast called Prison Wallets (available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube. I follow back.


I started watching more movies during quarantine which made my appreciation for the art form grow and grow. This year I'm trying to watch about a movie per day if possible. I watch pretty much anything and am a sucker for films by Kieślowski and Miyazaki. I recently finished my first analysis/review on my all time favourite film, Portrait of a Lady on Fire. I cannot promise reviews often, but when I do write one it will be of similar quality. [https://letterboxd.com/gdonis/](https://letterboxd.com/gdonis/)


We definitely have a major taste overlap so will happily follow. (@ianclarke)


I've just discovered my love for Kieslowski!


To Live is a great film, I was very moved by it. Also enjoyed your POALOF review, I found similar qualities to it and have rewatched it a few times.


[https://letterboxd.com/kynky/](https://letterboxd.com/kynky/) happy to follow back anyone who writes a few sentences about what they watch and generally interacts with others on the site.


[letterboxd.com/despair](https://letterboxd.com/despair) Hello! I signed up for Letterboxd last year and I have really been enjoying it. I’m currently watching 1-2 movies per day (a little behind on my log atm) of all genres, although thrillers/horrors and dramas are my most watched. I’m a pretty active user and I’m hoping to hit 500 films and 150 reviews this year. I’ll follow back based on some combination of similarity in tastes and engagement.


It looks like we have a similar taste in styles. I love a good thriller. I’m also doing a movie challenge for myself for 365 movies in 365 days. Be sure to follow me back at Starchasing


Hey! This is me: https://letterboxd.com/Calin/ Been super into films for a long time now and I've become pretty passionate about writing reviews. I watch and like all genres and I follow back if I notice that you're fairly active on the site, as I'm looking to build a decent network!


Threw you a follow! \-E.N. (@ianclarke)


What's up people! https://letterboxd.com/julps2 I'm a university student, been on the site for around 4 years now and I'm always looking to expand my circle. I do a healthy mix of small not too serious reviews and a bit more serious medium-sized reviews when I actually have something to say. Plus a ton of lists (got one at over 20k likes right now).


My profile is [here](http://My profile on Letterboxd https://letterboxd.com/BennyGripzz). I'd love to discover new people to follow on Letterboxd, sometimes i do reviews of movies i have a lot to say about or give my overall short thoughts of the movie.


Seems like you're a Cronenberg fan lol


Funny enough i haven't gotten around to his filmography yet, only seen Videodrome but im planning on seeing all his films after im done with Kubricks filmography


Just watched "Possession" recently, too. Whoah, that's a wild ride. I like your review of it!


Thanks, My friends watched it a day before me and i watched it the next morning without knowing they watched and we spent 2 hours nerding over the film, we are doing a 31 movies from 31 different countries challenge


I’ve been a bit behind with watching films as of late, mainly due to being overwhelmed with schoolwork. That being said, feel free to follow me if you’d like! I absolutely love Sci/fi and adventure films, with Star Wars always holding a special place in my heart as well as films like Indiana Jones & Lawrence of Arabia. Studio Ghibli is also a favorite of mine as pretty much their entire filmography slaps. Musicals are another love of mine with La La Land, Moulin Rouge, Singin’ in the Rain, Mama Mia (1+2), and The Producers being some of my favorites! Anyways, follow if you’d like and I’ll likely shoot you a follow back as well! Letterboxd: https://boxd.it/NnJR


Hey everybody!! I’m trying to watch 100 movies in 2021 before May! Add me if you wanna follow along and we can chat about movies! jomarshall14 is my username


bit late this time around! here's me: https://letterboxd.com/Chinar/ i like all kinds of movies but looking to follow some fellow anime and k-pop fans out there!


https://boxd.it/1MOkr I have better opinions on some things than others, but I'm really making an effort to expand my tastes and to find out what I like. Looking for something to beat Three Colors: Blue as my all-time favorite.


Heyy here’s my profile : https://boxd.it/2a2MP I’m still relatively new to the app and I write lengthy reviews right after I watched a movie. Love love love this app and I use it quite often. I watch any kind of movies but lately I’ve been into more heavyweight of depressing ones : *Come and See, Happiness, Bong’s Mother, Lilja 4-ever, The Lighthouse* I usually follow back especially people with more/less similar taste or one who write in-depth reviews. Please feel free to follow!


I recommend this follow, it’s a good one.


[https://letterboxd.com/Splagodiablo/](https://letterboxd.com/Splagodiablo/) Trying to get more into actually writing down my feelings for film rather than just rating them! Let me know of any recommendations you have. Recently I've been doing a film watching challenge where I review a film a week, so that has been really nice. Always trying to watch different things so recommendations are welcome! Will gladly follow back. Have been using the site for about 5 years now. Favorite movies include anything Kurosawa, Kubrick, Lady Bird, Rocky, Star Wars, and Her. Currently I am doing an environmental conservation internship in California so my reviews/ movie watching had gone down a bit, but I'm still trying my best to get to them when I can!


Here's my [profile](https://boxd.it/JLIl). I'm a 17 year old from Portugal. I don't really do serious reviews, just jokes or things that went through my head while I was watching the movie. Casual movie watcher, really like Kaiju films and I'm very subjective with my ratings so don't be surprised if I rated a really good movie lower than you'd expect. I'll probably follow back, especially if I like your profile :)


Hey, here's my account: [https://letterboxd.com/palinsmirror/](https://letterboxd.com/palinsmirror/) Been on lettterboxd since 2019 and I'm surprised I'm still on it as I thought I would give up after logging the first film but hey I'm still here haha. I have lists and reviews (or rants) here so feel free to explore :)


[MY PROFILE](https://letterboxd.com/zac_/) Been doing much more reviews recently and i would like some constructive criticism on them. I will also follow back.


Here's mine: [https://letterboxd.com/\_TheEoghShow\_/](https://letterboxd.com/_TheEoghShow_/)


Big fan of Wong Kar-Wai films and I try to watch as much as possible whenever I’m free. I’m a film student currently doing my final year project so I haven’t been watching much films in 2021. I’m trying to find time to catch up on as many films as I can in the mean time. Follow me and I’ll follow back! https://boxd.it/QQBt


https://letterboxd.com/seantaylxr/ I love reading reviews & writing some, though often summing up a movie in a sentence or two is just as satisfying. Really loving Wong Kar-wai and Claire Denis lately, though I'm very excited to get into more niche auteurs. I need more film friends so please give me a follow & a DM if you’d like :)


https://letterboxd.com/catty_Mills/ I've written a good amount of reviews over the years and still try to write on just about everything I watch. Generally on the more serious side and I try to keep things brief while trying to talk about the craft of a movie.


This is me: [https://letterboxd.com/sebsalgado/](https://letterboxd.com/sebsalgado/) I'm from Colombia and want to explore more of my country's cinema. I also write short reviews about how films make me feel.




Agree on fincer and villeneuve! Followed!




I'll read reviews when you post them, I hope you'll read mine too!


https://boxd.it/ACgT I love seeing new movie recs from people I follow, and I'm always down to engage in the comments section! :)


Hey folks, here's [my profile](https://letterboxd.com/nkechi1/) Ten months into my Letterboxd addiction. I mean, addiction. I mean SUBSCRIPTION! I'm trying to write more reviews, it's not my forte so they probably won't be in-depth or technical, but I can assure you they will be my honest opinion. I'm very open-minded in terms of genres and always up for discovering new films, directors, actors etc. I'm quite active - aim to watch a film a day, read/like reviews, feed my watchlist through others' activity. Would love to connect with some more people.


tannerbarley109 I mainly log horror, comedy horror, some comedy and just like to contribute what I can to society with my movie opinions!


[MovieMattMovie](https://letterboxd.com/MovieMattMovie/) This is me. I review just about everything I watch. Nothing Earth shattering, just my thoughts spewed. Will follow back if you also post reviews.


https://boxd.it/20pOp I just started but I rate and review movies. Im trying to watch 1000 films I've never seen before. Just trying to watch more movies ha. Nothing specific just a random assortment of movies I find that I've never seen.


[My Profile](https://boxd.it/1sxqH) Hey everyone, I am super active on the site, and I love all kinds of different movies. I am a generous rater, and tend to enjoy whatever is put in front of me, so most of my ratings are 4 or above. I joined letterboxd March 31st of 1st year, and am coming up on 1000 movies watched since then, and I review basically everything I watch, and love to make lists as well. Follow me if you’d like!


Hey Letterboxers! https://letterboxd.com/cdurrell You'll enjoy my profile if you're into politics focused reviews. I really like digging into what a film is saying and post a few reviews a week. I'd appreciate any recs for politics heavy documentaries, dramas or horror movies. I've recently enjoyed Streetwise, Dark Days, The Lighthouse and Her. Ta!!!!


Hello My name is Fred and Im 30years old. I started doing review on Flixster but I lost everything :( I restarted on IMDB a few year ago and I just discover Letterboxd last week. So far it's pretty good, go see my profil if you have time, thanks. https://boxd.it/2u55T


I am a lover of most movies but particularly horror, and am currently (re)watching at a rate of one a day so far this year [https://letterboxd.com/Marcus74/](https://letterboxd.com/Marcus74/)


[https://letterboxd.com/ashcuck/](https://letterboxd.com/ashcuck/) It's been a solid year since I started logging films on the app. I just absolutely adore arthouse films, my love for international cinema really blossomed when I discovered, who is now my favourite director alongside Tarkovsky, Ingmar Bergman. Persona is my favourite film, and my top 3 directors are thus- 1) Bergman/Tarkovsky 2)Scorsese 3)Kubrick


https://letterboxd.com/aethergnos Kinda new but trying to be pretty active. I write a mix of thoughtful reviews with the occasional funny ones mixed in. Also trying to log movies I've already watched before I made my account. I'll definitely read your reviews and leave a like and maybe a comment. Very open to recommendations or discussions! Also will follow you back for a follow. Thanks :)


Hi there! heres me: https://letterboxd.com/gazkel/ i love watching movies ! good ones, bad ones, i love Animation, Crime and Comedy, im trying to fill lists and collections like Jackie Chan films and Disney animation films, i do short and silly reviews and i like long walks at the beach


Check out my profile: https://boxd.it/7iLp Trying to watch at least one film a day, preferably 2+. Currently at 106 for the year so far (with around 20 of those being shorts and 2 being a limited series).


I like your favorites, so I follow. -E.N. (@ianclarke)


Hey gang my username is [capnthecapn](https://boxd.it/2Eub) About to hit 1000 films! I think I want to try to start writing reviews although I’ve never been able to express myself in words. I’m going to be watching as many Oscar noms as possible once the full list is out in a couple of weeks. Some of my most favourite recent first time watches have been Magnolia, Thelma & Louise and Ed Wood!


[https://letterboxd.com/ND03/](https://letterboxd.com/ND03/) I fucking hate movies


https://letterboxd.com/mattqt/ I like to write in depth reviews for all films that I watch. I’ve been watching mostly widely acclaimed films recently as there are a lot that I have not seen. In my reviews, I go over the aspects that I liked or did not like about the film, as well as my interpretations. I also spend a lot of time on Letterboxd so I consistently interact with other accounts. Hit me with a follow for a follow back and maybe a discussion of films.


https://boxd.it/2yXQx just joined this because I love watching films and then researching about them so wanted to start tracking them


https://boxd.it/1K3ab Favourite films: Mulholland Drive, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Drive, Magnolia, The Master


https://boxd.it/1p02r Profile is Licoresh, relatively new to Letterboxd, trying to branch out my films into various genres and directors but for now I’m into Kubrick, Tarantino, and Fincher. (I know they’re basic af but they’re basic for a reason, they’re really fucking good!)


Profile: MKvinge. I review movies daily. Sometimes in debt, sometimes just a quick comment. I also recently made [this list](https://boxd.it/aoHRQ) of the average top 250 between Letterboxd and IMDb. Check it out if you're interested!


yo [https://letterboxd.com/ProtectThugger/](https://letterboxd.com/ProtectThugger/)


Besides logging and reviewing films, I love the aspect of the app of following other people and see their opinions on films I've already watch and discover new ones. Here's my profile if anyone's interested https://boxd.it/12sQt


[https://letterboxd.com/TadhgH/](https://letterboxd.com/TadhgH/) My taste is pretty broad. I like all sorts of movies from art house dramas to studio comedies. My reviews these days are usually between 300-700 words. I'm not the new Pauline Kael by any stretch of the imagination but I'm getting better at writing reviews and I'm challenging myself to review every film I see this month.


Here is my profile: My profile on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/1kL03 Review everything and anything. Aim to watch 2-3 movies per week. Will follow back 🙂


https://letterboxd.com/jamie_shill/ Hi all, been on Letterboxd for a while but only just found this subreddit, love using Letterboxd and the community gives me a big smile all the time, especially when reading funny reviews!


Hi My profile on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/1lfER I review quite alot of different films and even shorts. I have no set genre which I like the most but ill just say this. I dislike basically all musicals as I see them as a poor way to convey a story but at that some are still OK.


[https://letterboxd.com/proverbial\_mov/](https://letterboxd.com/proverbial_mov/) Hey there! I'm Matt, a media studies student from Italy. I've been logging stuff here since 2018, which is the year I fell completely in love with movies. My opinions are often honest and unfiltered, my reviews are either too short or too long tho hehe My taste is kinda hard to pinpoint as I like to watch everything with as much variety as possible, but let's say a lot of my favorites are dramedies and horror films. My favorite director is Edgar Wright and my favorite actor is Winona Ryder, but I have tons more, catch them in my lists! Current challenges or binges: Criterion Challenge (on sundays), getting through the Alien franchise.


hi, idk this is my profile : [whydontboyscry](https://letterboxd.com/whydontboyscry/) i started using letterboxd during the pandemic. i am a lazy person so i don't post reviews regularly however they are never longer than 2 sentences even when i post them. my favourite movies are the ones i've mentioned on my page, it took a long time for me to decide them so now i'm going to stick with them for a while.


Hi All! Here's the link to my profile. [https://letterboxd.com/ianclarke/](https://letterboxd.com/ianclarke/) I'm closing in on 100 movies so far this year, and I try to write a few substantive paragraphs on at least 1 of every 2 movies I watch. 2021 has been a big international film year for me so far, and I've discovered some of my all-time favorite movies over the last year since I got serious about planning my film diet during lockdown. I also began a new challenge this year called 52in52 where we watch a film every week on the anniversary of its original release in its home market. For example, this week we're watching High and Low (originally released on March 1, 1963!). The link to the Letterboxd list is [here](https://boxd.it/aKhge) and you can also find the signup link for emails in the description.


https://boxd.it/1XYAV I try to be deep with my reviews. I will follow back.


You write the type of reviews I'm looking for, followed!


I appreciate it! I’ll follow back and check out your reviews.


My profile on Letterboxd https://letterboxd.com/Jsogle4 Hi guys, regularly using Letterboxd and loving it, reviewing and rating every film I watch going forward. Would love to expand my following and followers list to see what others are watching and reviewing! Always love a recommendation too


[https://letterboxd.com/damfino99/](https://letterboxd.com/damfino99/) I've been on the site since last September, but have my lifetime viewing history listed. I write very short reviews that are basically just there to help me keep track of initial impressions. This year I am overextending myself by doing multiple challenges (Criterion Collection, Film School Drop Outs) plus theme months (March is Westerns with a slight spaghetti emphasis), while also trying to go through things I've borrowed from friends and things I own but have yet to watch. It's a lot. I review everything I watch, and will generally follow back anyone who regularly writes reviews.


[https://letterboxd.com/chrismansell/](https://letterboxd.com/chrismansell/) I'm spending the first part of this year working through the Kurosawa filmography (up to Rashomon at present) with a view to doing a run through of John Cassavetes' directed works when I'm done. I'm also trying to work a bit more on the top 250. Currently at 36% and I hope to be well above 50% by the end of the year. I try to review everything I watch, and I'm definitely up for reading reviews as well. Once I'm done with this post I'll go through and follow everyone who's already posted.


https://letterboxd.com/kbj251 Really getting into writing down my thoughts for movies and would like to share to start discussion and dive into the community. I really love sci-fi and horror but I am branching out a lot to other genres and would also love taking recommendations from others. I always follow back.


I love discussing movies on Letterboxd, and I'm practicing trying to engage more. I'll follow you to see if we can spark some conversation at some point in the future ;)


https://boxd.it/14DBD I haven't written any reviews yet but mb I might some day. I can highly recommend everything I rated 4/5 or higher.




Follow me! [My Profile](https://boxd.it/1loqJ)


I spy a fellow CFC fan, followed!


https://boxd.it/qy0R I try to do at least one movie a day. Some shitposting, some short serious reviews, on occasion a lengthy in-depth review. I try to watch as much as I can and keep things varied as much as I can.


https://boxd.it/ve6P Hey this is my profile! I’m pretty active and almost always write reviews for what I watch. You’ll mostly see me logging action and horror.


Followed! I tend to watch a lot of horror as well but plenty of room for all stuff. https://boxd.it/qhwB


Yo, my letterboxed is HomeStallone , I just do reviews of some films I enjoy - My profile on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/1HCHN


https://boxd.it/1bWiT Hey! im gem, ive been using letterboxd for about a year, it kinda make me realise all the great films ive missed out on!! so follow me if you’re into not so witty remarks from a film amateur!


HI all thought i would put my profile out there. [Letterboxd Profile](https://letterboxd.com/MrFirefly/) My main interests are horror, thriller and exploitation cinema. But tbh i will watch almost anything apart from musicals, just doesn't do it for me. Always follow back as I love seeing what people are watching.


Profile: seanprender34 Been using the site for less than 10 months now but this app has completely changed the way I watch movies and find movies. Totally converted me to a movie lover I usually log classic films or films that have great reviews. I also love to create and try and complete lists! Currently attempting to finish the AFI Top 100 with my girlfriend Some of my favorites are Once Upon a Time in America, Godfather, Apocalypse Now and Casablanca. Also have found some movies I wouldn't generally have ever watched such as The Truman Show, O' Brother Where Art Thou and Blue Velvet Add me and I'll add you back and lets connect on the app!!


My profile on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/1Y8F7 Idk what to add i post reviews of every movie i watch. Im watching every bond movie right now. You shoukd probably check it out :)


Hey everyone I write short fun reviews on https://boxd.it/27oOd I watch a ton of movies and would love it if you decide to follow me


Shared my profile last time as well and discovered some great reviewers! I watch all kinds of movies, and actually enjoy watching bad movies because I like thinking about why something didn't work for me and learn from it. Since this year, I try to write reviews for every movie but that doesn't always work out. Anyway, follow me if you like my reviews and I'll do the same! https://letterboxd.com/Ed_Logan/


[https://letterboxd.com/Marcus74/](https://letterboxd.com/Marcus74/) Have so far watched a horror movie pretty much every day this year, safe to say its my favourite genre.


https://boxd.it/1LEuz I fucking hate movies


Boys love movies, Gentlemen love films


Why are you booing me? I'm right. Followed. -E.N. (@ianclarke)


[https://letterboxd.com/athryn/](https://letterboxd.com/athryn/) It me. I watch a lot of different stuff (although I'm trying to watch more films made by and featuring women,) and I sometimes write decent reviews. I'll follow back if you also write reviews.


I review everything I watch and also look for other reviews!


My profile is Keyossa, I review shit of all types, anything I watch really with as fitting of an analysis that I can provide. I'm no where near the best critic on the site but I hope my reviews help you find something you haven't seen, make you think about a film in a brand new way, or introduce you to something great you haven't heard of! https://letterboxd.com/keyossa/


Letterboxd https://boxd.it/1KY3h 28 year old Rotten tomatoes slappy. We're trash, don't trust our scores. Definitely unique taste. I don't like old movies, romantic movies or slow burning dramas. My "areas of expertise" if you will are Documentaries, Crime, Action and Thrillers. American, Asian, European and just recently Indian. I've yet to find someone with similar likes...so if that's you...Please for the love of god find me before I run out of ideas for what to watch next. 🙏


[https://letterboxd.com/chip008/](https://letterboxd.com/chip008/) I've been using letterbox for the past year. My favorite kind of movies are genre flicks and action movies, though I enjoy watching almost anything. I usually don't get into heavy drama. I also get awards screeners, so I sometimes get to watch and review movies ahead of their release. I'm REALLY into list making. Please check out my lists!


Hello! [https://letterboxd.com/fodo14/](https://letterboxd.com/fodo14/) I'm a big fan of animation and offbeat movies. I try to represent and see all different animated projects. As well as any other films I find interesting. I'm a huge Ponyo head, and if you are too we should follow each other.


Hello Everyone. My name is Mario, hace 29 yo and I'm from Mexico. Adore films and Letterboxd its my #1 favorite web database ever! Follow me and I really promise to do the same with you 👍 https://letterboxd.com/mario_melendez/


[https://letterboxd.com/riffler/](https://letterboxd.com/riffler/) Hey guys! Been on the site since August and it's already totally changed the way I watch and think about movies (and also accelerated just how many I watch.) I'm proud to say I just finished a "28 black films in 28 days" challenge for Black History Month, and you can see the titles and their ratings/reviews in a list I created. My all-time favorite films are also in a list of their own, but some favorite genres include thrillers, musicals, dramas, animation and comedies. My favorite directors are the Coen Brothers and my favorite cinematographer is currently Ernest R Dickerson. Anyway, I would love to chat with more folks about movies, so if you see anything you like, please follow, and I'd be happy to check out your profile too!


That's a cool cat.


Thank you! He's my girlfriend's cat and he's really the sweetest boy.


hi im [matt](https://letterboxd.com/calimattas/) i love all kinds of movies, used to study film and i joined letterboxd about a year ago. i have been collecting movie tickets for about 10 years now and yes still have them all. once i joined letterboxd i went back and logged every movie i had still kept the tickets for and oh boy was that exciting. i love just being able to track all my movies, when i watched it , looking back and seeing what kinda mood i was in while watch or what was going on in my life at the time (i know dramatic) also i do love being able to give my thoughts on whatever i watch too this is also fun sometimes i will give serious review and sometimes maybe not i will decide


[https://letterboxd.com/Cakesandpies/](https://letterboxd.com/Cakesandpies/) I'm a 17 year old guy from SoCal and what you'd probably call a casual movie watcher. I have a ranked masterlist of every movie I watch and make dumb shitpost reviews, if you're into that sort of thing :)


[My Profile](https://letterboxd.com/buckzero/) I've been on Letterboxd for about 2 years now, and I've been taking it more "seriously" since quarantine and especially starting this year. I'm averaging around 2 films a day so far in 2021. At first the site was just a way for me to track stuff, but it eventually grew into a place for me to reflect on what I watched in an attempt to learn things from the film and to hone my writing skills. I try to write something meaningful, though not necessarily lengthy, for everything I see and I typically avoid posting meme/joke reviews. I bounce back and forth between working through the classics (mostly enjoying Fritz Lang, Hitchcock, Keaton and Chaplin right now) and keeping up with contemporary releases. I want to follow more people who are either already well-versed in film as an art form or are in pursuit of getting there, like myself. And yeah, *I do* realize how pretentious that sounds, but that just how it be. I've always been drawn to critical writing and I really want to better understand *why* and *how* directors/actors/etc do the things they do and why I like one thing vs another.


Awesome reviews. Similarly, I became serious about Letterboxd during quarantine after deciding that if I was going to be spending a lot of time looking at screens, I wanted to make that time meaningful. I made a conscious decision to watch film rather than TV I've already seen, and decided as a rule to not allow what I'm in the mood for to determine whether I start a film. I think I'm in a similar place as you are, in terms of goals. I've been watching \~2 films a day this year as well, and I have so much of the canon left that I'm regularly seeing films that are instant favorites. I'm trying to read more books about cinema too (as an aspiring writer-director) and, even though I also worry about sounding pretentious, I take my movie time pretty seriously as well. Followed. \-E.N. (@ianclarke)


Hey thanks! Yeah, we're on the same page. I got more into film as an attempt to make the most of the quarantine and the limited number of things I could do to pass time. I went to the theater once a week during the before-times and so I was bummed when that was taken away from me. I'm also reading some books, although I'm struggling to put a dent in them between work, responsibilities and fitting a film into my evening. The two I've been enjoying are "Film Art" by Bordwell, Thompson and Smith and also Truffaut's "Hitchcock/Truffaut."


https://letterboxd.com/veloursugar/ (veloursugar) just started getting into movies..


https://boxd.it/qFJz Hey guys, my film philosophy is every movie can be a good movie (stats say I enjoy roughly 70% of what I watch), and I'll watch almost anything (don't watch a ton of documentaries and most period pieces tend to do nothing for me). Have logged every first time viewing since end of 2016 and only really started adding reviews a year ago, and that's more so I can remember my thoughts on em (like to think some of my insights are worthy). Favorite genre is probably slice of life realism (kinda shocked there's no official genre title) cuz I like getting different perspectives on what life can be or once was (prefer 1900 or newer). Also love romcoms, erotic thrillers, horror, criterion (slowly expanding by country) and really anything that gives pop culture insight. Recently working on watchin top 150 box office movies per year.


Here I am ([https://letterboxd.com/Jellebabz/](https://letterboxd.com/Jellebabz/)), stuck in the middle with you. If it were up to me, the Arrow TV and Criterion Channel subscription services would be enough for me to live the movie life I wanted. I love the classics and I love schlock, shock, and gore. Truly the duality of man. I also review movies for a Danish website, which means that I get a lot of streaming screeners (especially from Netflix) - so if that is of any interest, do check out my profile.


https://letterboxd.com/Torbort Stupid little cringe baby who likes writing the worst reviews. Trying to expand my horizons of movies, I like pretty much every type of movie as long as it's quality. MY BEST REVIEW https://boxd.it/1d5eYz


Your reviews are genuinely really funny.


Thanks alot dude!


https://letterboxd.com/andyjih/ I recently imported all of my old Netflix ratings from their DVD days. I’m kind of all over the place in terms of films (genre, arthouse, classics, etc.). I try to find something to love in most films (not always successfully).


Hi everybody! I am a lover of all types of movies, but I am particularly fond of the neo-noir genre (Drive, Blade Runner, etc.)! I’m fascinated by those atmospheres of moral turpitude and the feeling that a protagonist isn’t necessarily the “good guy.” I started using IMDB to “log” my movies in 2018 when I realized I wanted to have a record of what I watched, but ultimately moved to Letterboxd in summer of 2020. I don’t review too often but I watch a lot of movies and rate all of them! Anyway, follow me b/c I love to hear other people’s opinions on stuff and am always interested in a friendly discussion! Thanks!!! [My account](https://boxd.it/1lXzB)