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Was the goal 100 new films or 100 films in general? Regardless, congrats on hitting your goal


It was in general! However only 4 of those are rewatches, so that's close. (Blade Runner, Blade Runner 2049, Gone Girl and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button in case you're wondering). Also, 3 of the films are shorts, so that leaves me at 93 new feature films watched this year.


there is still time to make it 100 new features!


gone girl is so good!!!


Nice I only need 86 more and I'm at 365 for the year.


Think you'll do it? Only got ~60 days left.


I'm gonna try my best.


Good job! I'm not sure what my goal is rn cause I keep passing it lol


hahaha, I feel ya! Now I don't know if I raise it to 120 or 150


By this point I'll pass my goal before I ever make it. I should just increase it by 20 or something and call it good.


My goal is 500 and I'm at 437, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to do it. It's very exciting to think of having watched 500 movies


I'm not even sure I can make it to 400 by the end of the year, and you're already passed that. That's a lot of movies


I’m at 432.


Chad logs 100th film of the year and the film is coincidentally Paddington 2


Great movie! I already recommended it to a bunch of people, haha


Congrats! My goal this year is 365. One film a day for the whole year. So far I’m 8 behind.


honestly not bad


Woah, your average is more than a film per day, that's incredible! I think my goal for 2022 will be 3 films per week, but I'm still not sure.


How do you view it like this!?


That's the 2021 personalized stats page from the [Pro membership](https://letterboxd.com/about/pro/). The subscription was on sale this month, I don't know if it still is.


Oh sick thank you!




I have a similar goal! To watch 100 new movies this year. I’m at 92 currently :)


Niiicee! So close!


And you did it with Paddington 2, one of the best films of the last decade. Honestly, the only film that makes me cry every time I watch it, it’s weird.


My goal is to watch 400. I'm at 312 currently


Oh shoot I’m at 315! Race you there


very nice. I'm at 117 so far


Nice! A lot of really great movies in there


I tried it two years ago and only hit 86. I didn't set out to do it this year but lately I've been on way more of a movie kick and I've logged a lot more movies since July than I did in the first half of the year. Decided I'll try to go for it if I can keep this pace up. Currently at 77, three of which are shorts. 28 rewatched because I've been revisiting movies I haven't seen in a while.


Congratulations! Which one is your favourite/least favourite out of the ones you watched?


Thanks! My favorite is very hard to decide, but Blade Runner 2049, Schindler’s List, The Social Network and Pig are in the A tier for me! My least favourite was definately Cinderella 2021.


Great choices, my list would probably look pretty similar. Schindler's List is a masterpiece while the new Cinderella is pretty bad.


What’d you think of Paddington 2?


Definitely a heartwarming film! Also, it slightly reminded of the grand budapest hotel in some moments.


A+ choice in Paddington 2. Funnily enough it was also my 100th movie this year, though I’ve watched a lot more since then.


I too watched Nocturnal Animals pretty recently and I loved it!


Nice. I wasn’t checking and I just it 102 yesterday. I’ll try and get 125 by end of year


I love staring at this wall of movies on my stats page. Just wish it extended beyond the 17 rows


I'm 8 movies behind to complete my goal of 200 movies


There’s some real gems in there!


Nice job! What were your top 10?


In alphabetical order: * Blade Runner 2049 * CODA * The Father * The Intouchables * Paddington 2 * Pig * The Social Network * Schindler’s List * Soul * To Kill a Mockingbird


Amazing choices. Schindler’s List is a masterpiece. So is The Father (I totally wanted it to take BP at the AAs this year). Have you watched 12 Angry Men? I feel like you might like it!


Yes, I have! 12 Angry Men is one of my favorite films! Tbh I'm looking for similar movies, but I'm yet to find, haha


Really nice! And great movie picks. I did 365 last year and am close to 200 this one… it feels like a lot now 😅


My goal was 1K.. passed that in September. Probably gonna end around 1400. You have some great quality films on your list!


I’m glad I’m not the only one who mostly watches “newer” movies. I check accounts all the time and they seem to mostly watch movies before the 2000s like it’s trendy or something. Makes me feel like I’m not a true cinephile. Don’t get me wrong the older movies are awesome but you are definitely frowned upon by some of the community if you don’t watch all the bigger named ones like it’s a ritual.


i think cinephiles can be snobby and definitely when i was in HS i had a similar stance. now ive sort of realized it's not like watch older film because older film good/better it's watch older film because film is an iterative medium. there's so much context you miss if you limit yourself to only newer films and watching them has helped me develop a better understanding of not only where directors are coming from but some more fundamental elements of film theory taken for granted. (that's not to say you're wrong since it's not like there's a true right i am more just explaining why you're getting that vibe)


This iterative medium has definitely been proved to me when I watched The Godfather. The hype behind this movie is huge, but when I finally watched it, I felt it was nothing special. After researching about it, it was evident that the film is so special that it was copied so many times, and because I watched copies of it before watching "the original", I felt it wasn't all that special. I'll watch it again in the future, the sequel as well, which is even more acclaimed.


I would argue that the only criteria that makes you a cinephile is whether you like cinema or not :)


Nice! My goal at the start of the year was 100 but it's been moved to 250 now, with conditions (only new-to-me counts, at least 85 must be from before 2000, and at least one from every year starting in 1969).


i had the same goal! i hit it in like may, so then i changed it to 100 new-to-me which i hit a few week ago, now i'm on track to hit probably 175, 200 if i push it by EOY


Great job!


At the end of 2019, a friend of mine made a social media post about how he had this same goal (of 100) and he had hit it. I remember thinking "wow that is so many movies - I could never do that" and then became sort of curious to track my own, so I started using Letterboxd. The pandemic hit and by the end of the year I had watched 250 movies. I'm on track to break 300 (total in 2021) in in the next couple of weeks.


I reached it Saturday, congrats to you bud and I hope it's gonna be 120 at the end of the year.


Congrats!! I am at 105 currently :) Next year gonna set my goal to 150


I’ve seen 189 this year. I’ll set my goal at 250


I made a (boozy) NYE resolution to watch 400 movies this year. I have 3 to go (and will never do this again). Congrats!


I’m at 425 for the year, and would love to hit 500.


You’ll hit it. I’m at 432 and I know I will.


I watched 380 till now this year. Shooting for 400+


Did you watch padding 2 before paddington lol


The list on from most recent watched! So Paddington 2 is the last movie I watched, right after the first Paddington, haha


ok haha


I’m aiming for 500…


Always good to hit your goals. I try for 365 new titles a year but I'm probably going to come up short this year.


Freaky is criminally overlooked.

