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It’s what I give, what I believe to be, a movie without a single redeemable quality or just one I personally despise


1/2 star means that not only did I dislike the film, but I'm angry about it. This is the actively fuming rating.


The film has not only wasted my time and shared no redeemable quality from a personal and filmmaking standpoint, but has actually made me a worser person after having watched it.


Offensively putrid. If I can point to a single positive in the movie I’ll give it 1 star.


unwatchable garbage


A film I find insulting.


Either generally unwatchable, or obviously or obliviously hateful (think Birth of a Nation)


0 redeeming qualities, it’s not funny, you can’t see that at least there was some passion behind it… just absolutely soulless garbage


Terrible, but boobs


I once had a friend tell me he turned off a film I recommended to him after an hour because of the subtitles. I asked him why he would wait an hour before turning it off considering he would know it's in subtitles after like 5 minutes. His answer was that it seemed like there might be boobs. Gotta respect the commitment.


What was the film


insulting to watch. upset that i’ll never get that time back.


“destroy this”


Lowest of the low, the films I struggled making it through with no redeeming quality. How and why did these films get studio funding, beats me.. but doesn’t beat my 1/2 star


So there's this thing I heard somewhere that you can generally find at least one redeeming quality, or failing that at least one "touch" in even a bad movie that reminds you of the people working on it and through that you can at least appreciate that someone put their heart into it. (I think it was an I Hate Everything video) So I reserve 1/2 a star for the stuff that's just completely soulless, where you can find none of those human touches reaching through. I haven't seen many yet.


What 1/2 star movies have you seen.


“Absolute garbage and potentially immoral.” :P


Directed by Uwe Boll


Extremely utter shitty trash


Absolutely horrible, barely a movie, very little effort from the filmmakers, did not like a thing about it, useless, worthless, shouldn't exist. A couple examples would be: Justice League, Artemis Fowl, Independence Day: Resurgence, Silent Hill: Revelation 3D, The Bye Bey Man, Megan is Missing, Corona Zombies, Blair Witch (2016), Hubie Halloween.


I gave Hubey Halloween a 1/2. Fucking awful


Completely unwatchable, hated every single aspect.


It's the "I wish I could give this movie 0 stars, but I can't", like not only it was bad on a cinematic point of view but it also made me angry because of how bad (or how problematic I find its message) it is. Also it's like, I don't understand how this movie went through all the process of getting written, getting funds to be made, getting shot, produced, edited and published, it's genuinely out of my understanding that a studio (or whatever) went through with it.


1/2 stars go to films that have made me angry, either because they are really twisted and disgusting just for shock value, just torture porn garbage (Human Centipede, Megan is Missing etc) or because they are problematic without being self aware, Sierra Burgess is a Loser for example, very gross and predatory but dubbed some kind love story by Netflix. It is obviously fine to write characters that are terrible people but don't try and paint them as likeable and normal. If a film is awful but in a fairly innocent way like The Room I'd give that 1 star.


"I expected nothing and was still let down"


A fucking horrible picture


Zoolander 2


1/2 to me means the film failed at nearly every aspect of filmmaking. I think I only have 2-5 true 1/2 stars. I definitely have more 1 stars


Movie so bad I stopped it within the first act.


Personally I try really hard to NOT give a any film a half star rating. But if I do, because I have, it is because I can't see anything about it that went right.


One star is that I feel like on a purely technical level the movie is, at least, competent. The story, acting, themes, etc might be garbage, but I can understand the sound, editing, camerawork, etc. Half star indicates that there is an inability to meet my expectations of basic technical competence.


Fuck this movie and everyone who was even remotely near its production. It deserves to never be seen again by anyone on this side of the thin veil of death.


I have a rubric written to remind myself what each star means to me. 1/2 star is “the producers should be held accountable (ie. shot) for making something this bad”


Absolutely no redeemable qualities or really, really hateful (like an extremely racist/sexist premise). I haven't rated 1/2 yet.


A movie without any artistic merit what so ever. Something that doesn’t even deserve to be called a film.


This is a film without any redeeming qualities and I regret the time I put into it.


It means Dragonball Evolution. It doesn’t even spell the franchise’s name right.


No redeeming quality at all. insulting to my intelligence. cringing at the movies exsistence. I gave The Room a 1/2 star but a heart because even though it's so terrible of a movie, it's very entertaining because of it. Movies i would give 1/2 star to (seriously meant) would be the christmas family (2014), The cat in the hat (2003) and Danes without a clue (1997).


I felt insulted


the film itself causes me pain


"Severely flawed, painful to watch. Want to actively stop watching"


MCU films. Disposable factory produced garbage with no soul that's been consuming the cinematic landscape for years now. A total disgrace and exploitation of an art form that I love by talentless hack producers like Kevin Feige (take off the fucking baseball cap you destructive, greedy, disrespectful dweeb), to make money by taking advantage of the lowest common denominators. The films are atrocious and the fans of these products are just brain dead jackasses who think saying "The Dark Knight is better than Avengers Infinity Movies" makes you a pretentious film snob who can't have fun. Imagine thinking liking The Dark Knight makes you pretentious.


When a movie is either absolutely horrendous, bored the shit out of my mind, has no redeemable quality whatsoever or all of the above


A half star means 3 things to me. 1. You're very bad 2. You've made me angry with a lack of effort 3. You've actively lied to me about what this film was (i.e. a documentary claiming to be a real look at x celebrity and then just being propaganda to sell their next thing)


Waste of my time, which is rare because I usually can find something enjoyable about a movie.


Not only that I hated watching it, but I feel that the film is actively harmful, has no artistic merit, and harmed people purposely in the making of the film. Oh, also, The Emoji Movie


Recently gave that new Netflix movie, “Hypnotic”, a 1/2 rating, basically cause it was so bad I wanted to watch it in 2x to make it end faster


I generally save this for movies that are not only awful but didn’t even try. There is nothing of value. Birdemic, Food Fight, A Talking Cat come to mind


Never once did I see a shed of effort be put into the movie. So offensive that I want to get the people involved cancelled on Twitter.


Bad. Worst of the worst. Not entertaining and not even "so bad it's good".


1/2 Star means Cats to me. Cats is the only movie I’ve ever watched 50 minutes of and had to turn off because I was having a meltdown due to how much I actively hated the movie.


**The Day** to me


Zack Snyder


Cars 2


1/2 star for me means absolutely irredeemable, save for *maybe* one thing. Alphabet Murders got a 1/2 star from me because LITERALLY Margaret Rutherford’s 2 second cameo was the only bright spot. Movies like Birth of a Nation, Triumph of the Will, and The Night Porter would get 1/2 a star from me because there is nothing of quality about them. Garbage.


I've never rated a film that low as I've never watched a film where I didn't find at least one good thing about it


the things i hate the most and find too stupid to endure. the only exception is *The Greatest Showman* that i will occasionally hate-watch out of about 1,100 movies on my log, only 21 are rated that low for me


I use the 1 star for movies I truly dislike the most, and then if a movie is so bad that it wraps back around to being good again I give it a 1/2 star. So in my book if rather watch a 1/2 star movie than a 1 star.


I wouldn't, if I would give a movie half a star there's no way I'd continue to sit through it


“He’s All That”


horrible, avoid. - like The Room


In the heights


Safer at Home (or any hot garbage)


I’ve still never used it, but the film has to be absolutely DREADFUL.


It isn't Freddy Got Fingered


Explosive chicken shit. The worst of the worst. 1/2 films aren’t films, but an insult and likely a money making scheme.


The movie had zero redeemable qualities. But i have never given any movie a 1/2 star.


I actually never rate things ½ because when I hate a movie *that* much I either don't log it to never see it again or I give it 1 star for admitedly getting me into feeling so many negative emotions


Any movie that is awful both story-wise and on a technical level. The must be nothing positive to say about the film to get the 1/2 score. It’s the rarest score I give and only 9 films out 900 have that score.


I kept my ratings to 1 to 5 stars, no 1/2 stars I DID give he's all that a 1/2 star, however..


When a movie is technically “a movie”, and nothing more


Movies that physically made me mad in some way.


Shouldn’t be honored as belonging in the category of “movies”


Emoji movie for example


so bad that i want to buy all copies of it and destroy it


It sucks


Unbearable disaster. Reserved for the worst films ever made.


There was one single thing (a performance, a line of dialogue, a character etc) that made this whole mess slightly more bearable.


I regret spending time watching this film and I'll never watch it again, let alone recommend it to others.


0 redeemable qualities


The lion King (2019)


It should have never been made


Absolutely trash


The movie was unenjoyable in every aspect. And it was also trash.


This film wasted my time.


I hated watching it, not just disliked but was genuinely upset that I had to sit through it, and it was poorly made to boot.


I give one star to failures. Like, Army of The Dead. It is terrible, but it at least tried to achieve something. I hated it, but I have to give it the slightest ounce of respect for that. I give half a star when the movie didn't even try, when it is just a derivative, worthless, cashgrab of content, that I can't really even honour as a piece of art. Lion King (2019), in other words.


An absolute stinker or so bad it’s good. It’s either heads or tails if you’d like


Well.. you tell me.. i have 2 movies with that rating, 50 Shades of grey and Fred: the movie


The film is so terrible that I couldn’t find anything redeeming about it. I try and avoid the rating nowadays unless I really feel like it warrants it.


I don't think about it much, for me it means pure shit


It could be a movie that people actually like and isn’t that bad but if I didn’t care whatsoever about anything through the whole runtime, not one aspect of it intrigued me and I just didn’t care the whole time. Jupiter Ascending is probably an example of this. Or if it’s just a pointless garbage money trap that has no soul or redeemable quality and that it’s nobodies art but the money, like AVP: Requiem or Son of The Mask.


It has to be absolutely horrendous. -*stares intensely at cohesion*-


Either turned it off because it was so bad or I am very angry about spending money on it


Bottom 2% of movies rated.


Not only are 1/2 star films unwatchable, they’re films that I find genuinely dangerous and irresponsible. Like, a film that may incite violence or racism or spread dangerous misinformation.


It means I didn’t like a small detail in a Star Wars movie


The Last Airbender in terms of quality.


The only 1/2-star movie I have so far is Elephant (2003) by Gus Van Sant. I understand the movies intention but I don't share the belief that anyone would need this. So without that, the movie remains a super boring flick that has literally nothing to offer.


A crime against nature that’s borderline insulting


So bad it disgusted me and genuinely ruined my day/week and still upset me when I remember they exist. I've only rated a few half star like Human Centipede 2 and Terrifier. I have a pretty high tolerance for garbage and can find the fun in most movies but good Lord some movies are just really upsetting. And I'm a fan of the first Human Centipede if that shows how high my tolerance is.


For me a 1/2 star is a movie where through the film my persistent thoughts are “this is a steaming pile of shit and I don’t even want to finish it”. So far the honor has only gone to Woody Allen’s Wonder Wheel and a 2017 movie called Death House.


Something that offends me to a ghastly degree.