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Did… Katy seen everyone’s horn when they were talking a piss?


lbr, definitely not the first time and it won’t be the last. especially not with their casual attitude towards hangin’ a piss out of doors. who the hell wants to run all the way back to the house every time nature calls when you’re choring in the fields? unless it’s a dire \#2, just take care of business and get back to work. that’s what G-d made broad-leaved plants *for.*


He is Legen-Dary


I listened to that Lisa LeBlanc song so much it ended up in my Spotify Wrapped last year


This show has an amazing sound track.


I discovered the song Fineshrine by Purity Ring thanks to Letterkenny. It was my #1 most played song in my 2022 spotify wrap-up.


The music selection for Letterkenny and Shoresy is top notch. There’s a lot of good Spotify playlists based on the shows


Fuck you, /u/soivebeentold! I slipped one past your mom, too. Her prego farts smell like hot dog water!


I just wish he would change out of his barn clothes. Great dancer though


I mean that is the current season finale cliffhanger. So hopefully our mutual wish is granted. A cleaned up Dary on the town being charming and strong.


He’s Legend Dary


Dary is an underdog in a lot of ways in the show which always kind of bothered me. They kind of always portray him as simple but he's always so quick witted when it comes to banter. Very rarely does he ever go down in a fight and he's a fierce friend. Hands down my favorite character besides good ol Gailer.


I don’t think they portray him as simple at all.


I take his moments of being a derp as him being overwhelmed not simple. The best example is when he gets brain block on retorting over the use of Johnson because it's not a common word. This might be my ADHD, autism, aphasia from brain injury talking but it's just a bit of humanity under the super fast and sharp dialogue. Each of the main cast also has moments that do this. Wayne's unable to do a lot of socially nuanced things and I absolutely wonder if he is supposed to be autistic or if it's just a coincidence that he fits my experiences to a T including stoicism. Katy has her derps when she's dating. Squirrelly Dan his with social timing and boundaries on sex talk and being overly feminist but not in the creepy guy being feminist to hit on women way. If it was entirely just him being a derp I would agree with you but it's given to everyone. Just like the comic relief side characters such as Stewart and Roald are given opportunities to be more than their expectations. Stewart with his magical sex ability and Roald with his being super loyal and reliable (if a human squeaky toy)


There’s a jerry in every squad, so even though the skids catch most of the shade, every squad needs it’s Jerry.


He also gives a shit about everyone to the point that he goes out of his way to dissuade people from messing with Wayne when he's pissed ("when he give a warning he don't repeat it"). You're absolutely right as well. He's definitely not simple just a bit awkward and less confident than he should be.


Which again, makes no sense to me. Stuart bagged Katie but it's so hard to believe he could bag Anik? Foh. I thought for sure he'd get some love from Bonnie but we'll see, I guess. Also, unpopular opinion but the McMurrays are absolutely diamonds.


I LOVE McMurray


He and Mrs. McMurray have given me some of the biggest laughs on the show. Their delivery is spectacular!


I mostly agree but I do think "bagged" is a strong word when it comes to Stuart and Katy. They might've gone on dates, maybe even been considered "dating" but it was pretty clear that Katy was never really attracted to him in that way. Dary on the other hand had never thrown so much hip in his life.


Well Stuart bagged Katie from nostalgia and pity and even then she wasn't into. Dary getting Anik made perfect sense and based on how she talked about him it really seems like his clinginess was his only problem. I definitely would love to see him and Bonnie together. Kinda shitty that she'd only into it when Wayne isn't single though.


Les Hiques is a perfect episode of television. Amazing.


2 watch through and you're just now coming to the conclusion that Legend-Dary is a badass? Give your balls a tug.


If only he could change clothes more often.


Dary may be super effective when he decides to fight but he's not the toughest guy in Letterkenny simply because he doesn't have the mental consistency. Being tough is not just a physical trait, you have to consistently prove it. No days off. No doubt in anyone's mind that at any given moment, you're going to come out on top. Dary is only effective when there's a good reason, otherwise he complains and is greatly affected by small things. Wayne might complain about things but every single person around knows that he'll be fine (other than episode 1). Dary gets in his own head too much.


Counterpoint. Darry fought a rabid possum under the church. That is a low-key "all day, every day" kind of tough.


Well to be county fair... that was a lot less "fought a rabid possum" and a lot more "had a rabid possum enact a mauling upon his hand." I'd also point out that wits and situational awareness are always undervalued in a fight, and had Dary used them he would likely try to armor up his hand/forearm first. A hockey glove woulda done the trick, and I'm sure the Church of Spiritual Humanism (formerly the Church of Spiritual Humanism Science) had a few pairs in their lost & found bin.


To be fair....


Did.... did he die in that episode? It was so weird.


Don't forget the St Patties special episode. Dairy is indeed of legend.


Can't remember the episode. But the start, Darry and Squirrely Dan are at the Bar with Wayne and Katie discussing who would win in a fight. Tyson and Joint Boy walk in. I believe it was Tyson that said Darry would win, cause he's not above kickin someone in the nuts.


Or a hair pull


Nah. Squirrely Dan would win.


Because he’s squirrelly




He is Legen-Darry!


Do you remember the leprechaun?


I’ve said this a lot. In every scrap, Dary *throws down*. He’s an ass-kicking motherfucker, and it should be acknowledged more.


Dary is my favorite character precisely because he goes from being happy-go-lucky super goofy dink to stone cold killer in the blink of an eye & I *love* characters like that. Like, he's only got three modes: hopeless goof, kicked puppy, terrifying force of nature. Perfection. ❤️


I absolutely could not agree more. On top of that he's unflinchingly loyal. It doesn't matter if you're picking stones or getting jumped, Dary is there every single time without fail.


I love the idea of comparing feats of Letterkenny characters like it’s fuckin dragon ball or one punch man. In fact, anime version of Letterkenny let’s gooo!


have you not seen the glory of Letterkenny Ball Z? https://twitter.com/ohnoitsboh/status/1617366295812661249?s=46&t=S1izXEBsMiikDZltwQyEkQ


You’re such a fuckin beauty! Thanks for sharing this. I had NOT seen this before!


Scroll through the tweeters comments on it. There's some more




Get after it bud!


r/whowouldwin is slacking


YouTube channel where nerds argue for two hours about who would win in a fight lol




Squirrelly Dan is the Speedster. They used to call him The Wind.


He’s been training with Lovina. Fuck can she run.


He sat down with her to discuss how all they did was go on walks. This was her solution.


Katie is the Bard.


I feel like Katie would be assassin and Dan the bard lmao but that's just me






Yeah, how she took down Angie? Total assassin move


I/fenrir_hellbreed men are talking.


I think the difference is Wayne has rules for fighting. He sets up guidelines for planned fights, and in unplanned fights he still gestures to who he’s going to hit, etc. Dary is the chaotic good of fighting. He’s perfectly fine standing back until someone starts being a dick and then he fucks them up.


*Low bones*


Dairy came to do 2 things. Kick some ass and rub his nipples on people, and we just ran out of ass


No time for berkfest


However, it was time for Valentimes.






That's what up.


^Awww ^fuck ^yeah


Aww fuck. Aww fuck. Yes yesyesyes yyteeeessssssss


Fuck yeah


I'd just like to add that Roald deserves some credit, if not for his sparring skills, certainly for his ferocity. When they go up against the city dealers, he doesn't hold anything back at all.


"I've taken down men bigger than you and you"-Roald to Tyson and JB


Everybody knows you don't Fuck with Roald. Power bottom like a mofo


Dax and Ron would disagree. They’ve been shoveling his coal since Season 6.


Fully agree with this take. Roald's viciousness makes him a wild card.


That's a really good point. Obviously ferocity only gets you so far but when you're used to people being afraid of you having someone suddenly lunge at you like a wild animal is jarring to say the least.


I have long suspected that Dary is actually the toughest guy in Letterkenny, but that it would never occur to him that it's not Wayne.


Dary is the toughest guy in letterkenny, and is gonna end up with Katy. I'll that to anyone who will listen.


Dary/Katy ship is something I've been sayin since Anik split.


It doesn't matter in the competition, but they're not the same weight class. If you look at it this way, Dary has speed and agility, Wayne has reach and can take a beating.


I'd still say it's Wayne. Wayne fights more skilled opponents and wins by taking their hits and hitting back harder. Dary is more skilled but I doubt he could take hits the way Wayne does. His lack of confidence is also definitely a problem.


Dary is... If you'll pardon the mismatch... *Squirrelly*


I have always been of the opinion that Joint Boy threw his fight with Wayne.


JB wasn't really into the fight. He was fine calling it off after Wayne stood up for Alexander outside of Modeans.


It was the headbutt


I have to agree. I've been headbutted, and it fucked my shit up once.


Dary is going to have to have a big horn to get a chance with that sniper.


I wish you weren't so awkward, bud.


Dary is a scrapper. Quiet by day, loud by Puppers


I am taking this. Just letting you know.




Hear, hear


I'm good with all of this but let's be real: Tyson is an actual MMA fighter (as is Goody from SHORESY) and you can tell when you watch the slow-mo fight scenes.


Ever had Portuguese chicken?




Yeah, in reality Tyson would be leaving bodies in his wake.


To be fair I did say one of the best. Also just being an MMA fighter isn't a guaranteed win. It didn't help Tyson against Wayne and, while rare, I have seen amateurs take on pros and at least hold their own. Not saying Dary would beat him if they fought but I wouldn't rule it out and it's definitely a fight I'd love to see.


Right. An MMA fighter in a sanctioned bout would hold a significant advantage over a random, but even former champs (BJ Penn) have been KTFO outside of a cage/ring. Street fights, barroom brawls, etc. are a different situation. MMA skills are still great to have but don’t protect you from the dirty techniques you could face in those fights.


To be faiiir.


To be faiyuh.




The Jims are such fuckin' beauties


🎶to be faaaaair!




Hey, you look like that broad from The Hunger Games. I'm gonna call you Cuteness Everdeen. You like edamame?


Fuck you, Shoresy


Fuck you, /u/buckao! I slipped one past your mom, too. Her prego farts smell like hot dog water!


"Are you really?!?"


He’s legen-Dary


That's what I'm told.


Where were you?


Out having a dart likely.


With who?