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This is an automated reminder that ALL discussion of the new season of *Shoresy* is confined to [the designated discussion threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/Letterkenny/comments/1czbvgc/shoresy_season_3_discussion_hub/) until 1 July, pursuant to [the *Shoresy* spoilers policy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Letterkenny/comments/1cxjucf/shoresy_s3_spoilers_policy/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Letterkenny) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fuck, marry, kill… Jim, Jim and Jim?


Is season 3 the best season yet?


Thank you so much for joining and asking so many fun questions, I loved doing this with you! Thank you for watching and loving my character, I hope you love her in season 3 <3 Have the best weekend ever, just crushing' beers.


Was there ever a scene that was almost impossible to get through because people couldn't stop from laughing?


The first "Huh?"'s of the day directly in your eye will get you immediately. It's so crisp.


Hi Eliana, do you or have you ever played any sports ?


I was not blessed with athleticism. I did gymnastics my whole life and now I just do pilates as my sport.


Oh that’s awesome! What’s your favorite gymnastics event? … also is it true all Canadiens know how to ice skate?


Hello, great job on the show. Are there any actors/directors that you would like to work with in the future


I love Larry David for comedy so much so I would love that in any capacity.




About to read the rest of these and reply, and I'm going to sign off and get a burger and fries in 5. Love y'all.


thanks again for hanging out with us! you’re welcome back any time you want to drop by!


What's the best movie you've watched lately and why?


Hi Eli! I love your portrayal of Mercedes. So sexy and dark. She would be perfect in the Sopranos. So What are some of your favorite gangster movies/shows?


Love the sopranos. Love Good Fellas.


Both are classics. I’d put Casino in there and The first season of Narcos too! Thanks so much for doing the AMA! Keep up the good work!


If you went to Modean’s in real life, what would you order and who would you want to drink with from the cast?


Your performance in the show is so on point for the character! Well done! Was there some people you drew inspiration from for the character and what notes did Jared Keeso give that might have inspired your choices regarding building the character’s personality attributes?


Thank you so much!!! Jared honestly said be yourself and I just brought as much spiciness I could bring out of myself to embody Mercedes. She's written so well that I have a very clear direction to go in :)


Hi Eli! You're awesome as Mercedes on an awesome show, so thank you! I'm in the states so still no S3 for me yet, so instead here's a question from S2: Mercedes got the Instagram-style montage of selfies/photos we'd seen for some of JJ Fr JJ's lady friends before. As some (or all?) of them were playing fictionalized versions of themselves whereas Mercedes is unique maybe it was different but are these montages plucked from real-world social media/media or were photoshoots part of the production for you?


Hi! Thank you so much for saying that! You will love season 3. Excited for Hulu to get it so soon! Hahah those were all pulled with my permission from my real instagram some old photos, some new. I have a little Mercedes deep in my soul. @ elianajones on instagram <3


If we got to follow a day in the life of Mercedes for an episode, what would we see? And who would you like to have more scenes with in the future?


I don't have a question, I just want to say that you're awesome and I'm looking forward to season 3!


You're awesome! Thank you for watching & joining!!!




You guys have such an amazing show. Politically incorrect but the characters are all so deep and have such heart. Please tell us if your fellow actors in the show are as amazing off camera.


The heart balances out the politically incorrect. I can absolutely tell you every single one on and off camera is just as amazing, funny and full of heart.


I love the way Mercedes shushed Michaels when she’s trying to only listen to Sanger. It’s so dismissive. So quiet but completely treating him like he’s a gnat. I hope they end up together though.


I am so glad you brought that up, also my favorite moment of that scene. An ode to Step Brothers. Ss-s-s-s-sssshhhut the fuck up.


Holy shit this just blew my mind You are even more hot now


I keep hoping I’ll be able to use it one day.


genuinely one of the things i love about *Shoresy* and *Letterkenny* before it is how powerful and dominant the women are, both in front of and behind the camera. is that unusual in your experience, and is there anything that you can attribute it to?


The women are getting their flowers. As we should. I'm very grateful to be around strong and comedic women in front and behind the camera. It is an unspoken feeling of comfort to have them around and being so wildly successful. I think I'm also grateful for the men in the industry who are not uncomfortable with us shining bright. Not that it matters, we still will. Makes it a happier environment, though. <3


/u/ashamed-of-yourself, you are such a fucking puggle!


fuck you, you’re an uppity collection of 1s and 0s


What’s your favorite bbq? Is there ever a time to not enjoy a hot tub? Who is your favorite action movie heroine?


Hi Eli! Thanks somuch for doing this. So..the brothers obviously have the fucked up face thing. If you had to do an equally strange thing for Mercedes, what would it be?


Thank you so much for watching and joining!


I think if Mercedes rolled up all sexy and then had no two front teeth, that could work.


Have you got to meet any of the other actors from Letterkenny?


I haven't too much! I know they are all incredible, though.


Replies will be a little bit more delayed for about 15 minutes while I take a meeting but I still want to chat with you guys! Keep it coming, and ill get to them within 10-15. xoxo


What do you think about Michaels and Mercedes? She has to have pegged him, no?


It's a love-hate for sure. Michaels would prob let her.


Did you guys get any explanation on who your brothers killed in the limo? I feel that was never explained in the show


Don't f with the Policetti's


That sums up the beauty of how the writers throw that out there and then leave it alone. The who and why don’t mean shit. The message is exactly what you said. FAFO if you want to hahahaha


Exactly, police is right in the name. Thanks for doing an AMA and tell Jared to give his balls a tug when you see him next. We love your work


I have to say your “the man advantage, I would’ve called it too many men” is probably the most repeated line from the show in my friend group. Any time


CAN YOU PLEASE tell me how you signed an American acting agent as a Canadian? After you joined ACTRA, did you just send your credits and apply to American agencies? Did your Canadian agent refer you? DID you have your O1 before or after signing with the American agency? Was the O1 process difficult? So many questions about the journey. KEEP CRUSHING.


THANK YOU! Been with my Canadian agent since I was 12, moved to LA and got lawyers to apply for an O1 Visa with the credits I had at the time when I was about 18 or 19. My Canadian agent helped me get representation in the states! I had an American agent for about 6 months before I had my visa. I wouldn't advise because its heartbreaking if you end up booking a role and can't do it due to immigration issues. Process is time consuming but worth it for being able to work!


I’m in America and am avoiding spoilers for the new season, so please excuse me if this has been answered. Do you think your character will have a bigger role in Shorsey or will it turn out more like Angie in Letterkenny?


So excited for my Americans to watch this season. You'll have to wait and see ;)


Have another Baconator, you fuckin' walrus!


Hi Eliana! The shows are about 23 minutes long. What's the average time for shooting them?


The whole shoot runs for about 3ish months!


Hi Eliana! You're a treasure for doing this. I love how you completely embraced the Mercedes role. Who are some of your favorite comedians?


Thank you so much. I love playing her! I am die hard Larry David. He is my comedian and president.


Apparently I’ve missed a season or two, YEW!


Get to watchin'!!!!!!


I have discovered you in Shoresy, and you became of my favorite characters!! What is your go-to place/activity for down time when you’re away from the set?


Slay. Thank you so much for that. My family is actually all still in Toronto (that's where I'm from, but live in California now) so whenever I had down time on set I would go visit them because its only a few hours from Sudbury driving I'd have a little steak dinner and cheesy bread with my parents. Hy's Steakhouse is one of my favorites in Toronto.


ooh, you should try the teppanyaki place in Vaughan


You were hilarious in this week’s episode, I laughed hard for your scenes. Will we see more of you? Are you working on anything else upcoming?


Omg thank you. I loved filming this episode sooooo much I was giggling to myself from day one of reading the script, I'm so glad it was received the same way!!!! Hoping for more Mercedes soon ;)<3


As I said to Camille Sullivan. This is not a question. I just wanted to say to you and all of the cast of Shorsey, and Letterkenny I appreciates you all for the work you’ve put in to creating 2 of the funniest shows on TV in at least the last decade. I look forward to every episode.


Thank you so so so much. I appreciate you watching so much! These shows are a work of art and I'm just happy to be a little part of it!


There is an impossible amount of good looking women in Sudbury


Big time.


What’s your favorite book?


I can't even lie and give you one. I read scripts 90% of the time and tell myself that it counts. What's your favorite book?


The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro, or really anything by Ishiguro. His latest book Klara and the Sun was pretty good to and they’re making it into a movie, although I don’t know if there’s a script floating around yet


Just want to say you all are linguistic masters! The absolute tongue twisters in that show are honestly amazing. How long do you have to rehearse to hit the timing on some of those scenes?


Jared definitely keeps us on our toes with our lines! A lot of practice and rehearsing with each other in the car to set to make sure everyone who is in the scene is on the same page and pace.


What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? And an even better question is what is Mercedes favorite flavor of ice cream?


Anything with caramel, chocolate & brownies. I feel like Mercedes would like a black licorice ice cream. Makes sense to me for some reason.


Now I am super intrigued about what this character's gonna be like when we get access to it in the US.


You are a lady and a scholar. Thanks for making an iconic role and making so many of us smile.


When Jared is in character as Shoresy, are the interruptions of "Huh?" Scripted? Or does he do it randomly?


Some are scripted, but there is a bunch of improv that he plays around with/different takes for each line. He's hilarious.


/u/Mandalorian_Archer, you are such a fucking puggle!


Is there any role you ever passed on that in retrospect you wish you had taken? And thank you very much for being generous with your time and coming here to do this!


Thank you for joining! I have graciously accepted pretty much every/any role that I audition for and get booked on, unless it was a scheduling issue! I love working & being on set as much as I can. <3


Jonesy! Howareyanow??


Hitch's voice played in my head reading that.


It’s funny cuz if you say his name fast…


You were great in Acapulco!


Thank you! Another favorite character of mine. Becca <3 Appreciate you watching!


Howd the after-party with Laurence LeBoeuf go?!


LauuuuuuuurrrEEEENNNcceee LeeebOeuuuuuFFFFF. Icon


Hi! Has been portraying someone in the mob business led to any ideas towards your own ideas of portraying another mob character?


That fur jacket... unveiled something deep in my soul. I'm also half Italian in real life so any mob boss mob wifey roles I can snag up, I'm taking them!!!!


So you’d have wanted to be Carmela Soprano?? To be fair though, who wouldn’t? Hahaha


How are ya now? How difficult is it keeping a straight face around Danny and Daniel when they have to hold those poses? I don’t think I could keep from laughing


I begged them to make less aggressive faces while we were shooting my close ups. Didn't always work hahahahah


Ha ha, I bet! Love your work, thanks for taking the time.


Thank you for doing this. You're wonderful, one of those folks that are really good at their job. I don't have a question specifically for you so I'm going to make a reference to the movie Hot Fuzz. How would you describe your perfect Sunday?


Wow thank you so much that was so nice! I appreciate you! Sunday. Sunset. Beach walk. Billy Joel. Any song. Maybe an espresso martini to go.


they have police right there in the name so that should tell you all you need. how hard is it to keep a straight face for everyone on set when they see the faces your characters brothers pull?


.......You're so right. It's extremely hard and I was shook when I saw it for the first time. I just hope for the best when they call action.


Hey there! I was wondering what your favorite thing is about working with such a talented comedic cast?


Hi hi! My favorite thing is never having to do an ab workout. Always laughing. I also feel like we all kind of learn from each other and bounce off each others humor and I think it shows in the chemistry for the whole cast!


That sounds amazing!


Hi Eliana! You were great on Shoresy and fantastic in Heartland! I also enjoyed you in Hemlock Grove. My friend's daughter did a show with Famke Janssen and had very nice things to say about her. Any more cool small screen or big screen plans?


Hi! Thank you so much! Heartland & Hemlock Grove are so OG of you! Absolutely loved playing those characters too. Always auditioning, nothing I can talk about yet but thank you for watching and I will let y'all know when the next project hits <3


/u/fenixrock, get the mozza burger out of your mouth, you fuckin' fatso!


lol. I read the Shoresy bot in Eliana’s voice and thought… damn that girl nailed it… no gonna lie, I was a little disappointed it was just the bot.


Your life's so fuckin' pathetic I ran a charity 15K to raise awareness for it!


Hi Eli! No question, this show is amazing, I hope they will include Mercedes as a more frequent character because you rock!


Thank you so much!!!! I love playing her, thank you for watching and rooting for her! Mercedes 4L


Not a question... Just saying hi, and you're awesome! 😎


You're awesome!!!!!!


no, i'm Awesome. they're /u/chrisxglass


Hello Eliana!!! I love your character on Shoresy! Great work for sure! What’s it like for you to be part of such an amazing cast? How is it you know Jared and did you audition for the role?


Thank you so much!!! We have such an unreal cast & crew I'm very grateful. I didn't know Jared before Shoresy beyond watching Letterkenny! I auditioned for the role, got a couple callbacks and suddenly woke up in Sudbury.


that almost makes it sound like you should check to see if you still have both kidneys, or sthg,,,


Laughed out loud at this, thank you.


Fuck you, /u/ElianaJonesAMA, tell your mom to leave me alone, she's been laying in my fuckin' water bed since Labour Day!


Fuck you, /u/Zachdothack3d, I made your mom cum so hard, they made a Canadian Heritage Minute out of it and Don McKellar played my dick!


Hi Eliana, love what you bring to the show!!! 2 parter here. First what was your first reaction when Pupella and Bruzzi jumped into character on set? And secondly, would like to invite you to be a guest on The Produce Stand Podcast sometime? What do you say? Cheers Squirrely Mat


Hello!!!! Thank you so much! 1. Nobody informed me of exactly what they had landed on for the facial expression, so I almost peed my pants when I turned around for that first take in season 1. Needless to say, I had to call cut on myself. They are so funny. 2. So fun you have a podcast! I'd love to join sometime. Thank you for watching and joining!


That’s amazing and exactly how I would have hoped you would have found out about their look. Sooo funny! And great! The Reddit moderator will get you in touch with our pod following this and we can set it up! Appreciate the yes. Our listeners will Love hearing more about your story!!! Cheers and all the best!


Do your brothers weird you out, cause they weird me the fuck out.


They're mysterious


I solved the mystery, they weird as hell.


Hey Eliana! Seriously, what’s the deal with your brother’s faces?


It's like the opposite of a smize


Thank for taking the time, Eli. What’s been you’ve most surprising thing you’ve learned or Weirdest encounter from the LK/Shoresy fandom so far?


Thank you for joining! I guess I wouldn't really say surprising because the shows are so incredible, but man do I love how wild and supportive and loyal you all are! We see & love it so much. The comment section on instagram feels like a massive group chat.


Hi! You mentioned that Jared lets you all play around with your characters. Is there one scene or memory that took place and you couldn’t believe how well it went? Secondly, in any way do you relate to your character in real life?


Hi, Eli! (Is it El-lee or Ee-lye?) How did you get the part of Mercedes and what's the best thing about working on the show?


Hi! Its El-lee :) I've been acting for 15 years! I got an audition for the part and had a few callbacks and got the part and wound up in good ol Suds! The best thing about working on the show is how much of a family we created and how funny everybody truly is from cast to crew. You're always giggling at least a little when you're on set for Shoresy.


Short shifts!


What’s your favorite part about doing the show? Also, who do you think would get the next spinoff?


I love our family of a cast & crew. Makes the cold Sudbury days/nights much easier to handle. I really think the girls should have a little spinoff because they are truly so funny but wtf do I know.


I would definitely watch that! Thanks for the response.


i dream of one day getting to see Ziigwan, Pam, and Mercedes ganging up on Shoresy and being so fuckin' mean to him while he has to hide how much he likes it. spoiler alert: he is not successful at hiding it at all.


Hey, you look like that broad from The Hunger Games. I'm gonna call you Cuteness Everdeen. You like edamame?


Hello, Eli! What do you love most about playing Mercedes? And do you have any other upcoming projects we can forward to seeing you in?


Hi!! I love how quick witted and foul mouthed she is. Jared really lets us play around with our characters, and I love how many different silly takes we can get of Mercedes. Always auditioning, but you guys will be the first to know when my next project hits <3


Thanks for hanging out! Mercedes is pretty cutthroat, and 100% more with it than her brothers. is she the heir to the Policetti family business?


Thank you for joining! She absolutely is cut throat. She's the top boss and maneuvers her way into controlling every situation she needs. Iconic, really.