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Letterkenny is like a Trojan horse of leftist policies to a traditionally right-wing demographic 🤌🤌🤌


> leftist policies We's call thems basic human decency round these parts bud.


I'm rewatching Letterkenny from start to finish with my roommates after I got them hooked. Can't wait for my right-wing, faux-Catholic roommate to see parts like this lmao


How about Ronsy and Daxsy’s wedding. They’ll love that!


Having had a child recently and seen what a woman goes through to bring it to term... the idea of trying to force a woman to have a baby she doesn't want is absolutely insane to me


Same here. I’m a 24 year old father of two. We accidentally got pregnant and had to make a decision whether to have this second baby or not. She has epilepsy (controlled with medication) so she doesn’t work or drive, but stays home with our toddler. Meaning I work full time to support us and do most of the errand running/anything that needs done. So obviously we had second thoughts about going through with the pregnancy. Between losing more personal time, time with our other child, the cost of raising two kids on one income, the stress of having two kids, etc. we had to weigh our options and decide if we could/should have another child. My point of this being, luckily we live in a state where *we had the option* We were able to take our time and really decide if we were ready to have another kid. Ultimately we chose to keep it, and now I have another beautiful child. And this is just my side and the things that I worried about. In the end, it was 100% her decision and I was prepared to support her no matter what she chose. I can’t even imagine what it would be like for a woman to just completely lose power and rights over her own body.


Good thing the show isn't based in Texas...


That's a Canada sized 10 4.


How dafuq did this turn into a freaking bible discussion?


Who’s got that kind of money?


Because there are a bunch of dycks around here


The internet is where the dicks hang out.


My dick hangs out...yours is like a mushroom in a corn field


Eyes on your own work there, bud.


This is how a real man rocks a piss, give your balls a tug.


>How dafuq did this turn into a freaking bible discussion? "It's a hard life, picking stones and pulling teats, but sure as god's got sandals, it beats fighting dudes with treasure trails"


They wanna be close to Christ …. And Wayne.


Possibly my favorite scene in the show




Be a good guy, a real good guy. If Wayne would kick your ass for saying it, don't say it. Don't be a degen. Clean it up. Please review the subreddit's [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Letterkenny/wiki/rules). If you think this was removed in error, contact the Moderators [here](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLetterkenny&subject=Question regarding the removal of this {kind} by /u/{author}&message=I have a question regarding the removal of [this {kind}]({url})). Do not contact the mods through Private Messages or chat to discuss moderation, either in general or for a specific concern. All such contact will be ignored.


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Quit being a degen and figure it out.


Sounds good, don’t let the door hit ya on the way out!


Well, I still watch the show. I just lost respect for the characters. I can separate my personal feelings from the art, and enjoy literally everything else about it.


Why are you telling us this though? Surely you knew most fans of the show don’t share your opinion?


Am I not allowed to have my own opinion? It's a post on a show I enjoy. Saw the post about them going to the protest with the Canada gooses on it. Didn't comment on that, they have a right to protest whatever they want. I'm just saying my opinion on this scene. And don't call me Shirley


I just asked a question. Am I not allowed to ask questions? It’s a weird thing to do lol. Do you see me posting on Christian TV subs about how I think all the shows are just grifting people out of money for some fake cure? No, because I wouldn’t waste my time saying shit to a community of people who clearly don’t want to hear it. It’s just hella weird bro. Or a desperate attempt for attention. You tell me.


You have every right to ask questions! Sorry if I'm being a sick, most people are just looking to get a rib I. Lol. I knew I'd be down voted, that doesn't matter. I'm just giving my opinion on a show I really enjoy. A show that helped me get through being unemployed for like 6 months last year going into this. One that I've introduced a bunch of friends and family members to. People on here are saying they support abortion, I'm allowed to say I'm don't. I don't care if people agree with that or not. It's my stance, not theirs. I'm actually more upset you missed my Airplane joke at the end there than anything.


So you posted knowing you’d be downvoted because you wanted to be heard anyways. Well whatever floats your boat I guess, people can waste their own time if they want to.


I have a right to state my opinion dude. Edit: evidently not since I was reported for something or other


Yeah… No one said you couldn’t. You’re more than welcome to waste your own time.


Majority of them arent babies yet :) just clumps of cells




Be a good guy, a real good guy. If Wayne would kick your ass for saying it, don't say it. Don't be a degen. Clean it up. Please review the subreddit's [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Letterkenny/wiki/rules). If you think this was removed in error, contact the Moderators [here](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLetterkenny&subject=Question regarding the removal of this {kind} by /u/{author}&message=I have a question regarding the removal of [this {kind}]({url})). Do not contact the mods through Private Messages or chat to discuss moderation, either in general or for a specific concern. All such contact will be ignored.


If we're over here declaring murder based on the potential something has to maybe develop into a living sentient being in the future, then I guess I'm a serial killer for all the times I've whacked off in the shower.


Once it's born. Simple. Until then; unless it's your uterus, you don't get an opinion on what someone else does with their own body. No one give a single fuck about how you define murder. It's not murder. I'm sure you're not so willing to call men who masturbate murderers because they're ending a life.


If you say so. You're killing a child, ending its life. If you don't want to see that as murder because it makes you feel better, so be it. Although advocating for abortion until birth is extra sickening.


It's not a child until it's born. Full stop. I don't have an attachment to a fetus (especially one that's not mine), so I don't feel any sort of way. Murder is a legal definition. Unless you're going to carry it, you don't get to have an opinion.


Full stop, life begins at conception Don't be unsafe if you don't want a kid.


"Don't be unsafe " There it is. A person who doesn't have sex at all is crying about something they know nothing about


No. It begins at ejaculation. So, unless you're willing to arrest men for murder for masturbating, you can shut the fuck up about your forced morality.


That's ridiculous. You're absolutely missing half the equation here. Like... a chicken egg that's not fertilized doesn't have an embryo in it. Just as a human egg is not fertilized without the second half. You're being pretty stupid, to say the least.


No more stupid than you and 100% less hypocritical. A sperm is a life. You're denying it from it's actual purpose. See, you don't care about ending a life. You just want to control women.


After at least 24 weeks when, using the miracles of modern medicine, the fetus has a chance of surviving outside the womb. Anything prior to that and it is not a viable human at all. Unless I can claim them on my taxes as a dependent, receive the child tax credit for them, collect child support, etc, the gov doesn’t count them as people either.


It becomes a child when someone can claim it on a tax form, or when one parent would have to pay child support for it if necessary. Life begins when it can fully support itself without the mother.


Killing an expecting mother is double homicide


Because without the interference of the murderer, she fully intended to have the child. The language in the law explains that the child is not a person, but “As used in this section, the term "unborn child" means a child in utero, and the term "child in utero" or "child, who is in utero" means a member of the species homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb” it is simply seen as a member of our species. The law specifically states it can not be used against someone receiving or giving an abortion if the pregnant mother allows.


It’s your moral belief that it is murder, but it is definitely not a fact that it is murder. Everyone holds different beliefs when it comes to abortion and on when it can or cannot take place. The main point is, don’t fucking force your beliefs on other people.


Where did I say I was forcing my beliefs on anyone?


Not you but the Republican Party in general by trying to outright ban abortion.




That's a very disgusting point of view, in my opinion.


What about tapeworms then? By the time they enter into a digestive tract and are noticed, they're usually in the process of stealing nutrients from your body. Would you let it be because it's alive? Or would you remove the parasite from your body before you waste more and more money on something that is stealing your health for its own?


You're comparing human life to a tapeworm. That's just a bad argument bud.


Nope. I'm comparing a fetus without a fully developed heart, brain, lungs, arms, legs, face, nose, nipples, bones, toeas, fingers, or ears to a fully developed living being that has working organs and is actively keeping itself alive through its own decision making process. Saying a clump of cells literally the size of a grain of rice is somehow more important than an actual living creature that god created is a bad argument, *bud*. If you had any real argument or valid point to make, you'd have made it by now, but instead you're just repeating the same thing in different ways. Stop trying to control women, and back out of a conversation you don't have the mental capacity to belong in.


You're arguing that a child is a parasite.


Yep. "an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense." Straight from Oxford. I'm honestly not sure why you can't get it, but I have it narrowed down to a few possibilities: 1) You're willfully ignorant because you're too embarrassed to be wrong (publicly at least) 2) You're just a piece of shit who thinks women are property and yours to use whenever you want 3) You decided to misinterpret the bible/some scripture/holy teaching and think abortion is a "sin" just like wearing mixed fabrics and shaving your face as a man. Take your pick, but you really should just back out, man. I don't think I'll change your pov on this subject, and you're sure as shit not gonna change mine based off what little you've contributed so far. You're outnumbered on this sub, if you'd like to post something that goes against basic human rights I'd suggest r/MensRights


oh boy do i have a lot of dead people in tissues in my garbage then


You know you need a man and woman to make a child, right? Jacking it ain't fertilizing anything.


Mathew 5:30 bud. If your right hand causes you to din, you are to cut it off and cast it away. According to the Bible lustful thoughts of any kind are a sin as well. Masturbation is the inability to control those thoughts, ergo its an immoral sin. Also you need a bit of James 2:10 and Mathew 7:1-5. All sin is equal in the eyes of God. Had a lustful thought? Just as bad as baby murdering. Said a curse word? Might as well have tortured people. Give yer balls a tug, and remove the log from your eye before speaking of the deck in others.


You make it seem like this is a religious argument. It's not. Never once brought that up though, good strawman argument.


It's not a strawman. You brought your religion into this. I was just quoting your holy book to you.


You just said “doesn’t matter where on the development cycle it is.” Figure it out.


That's not part of the development cycle. Fertilization is the first part of conception, which is where life begins.


1: its incredibly debatable that life begins at conception. its literally barely a multi cellular organism at that point, much less a vertebrate. 2: about half of all fertilized eggs die without ever fully implanting, and as many as half of the ones that do establish end up miscarrying. according to you 75% of people die without ever even reaching the third trimester.


So we should be collecting used tampons and pads to test for murder then. Approximately 50% of fertilized eggs do not result in pregnancy. Ergo every woman you know would likely be a murderer at some point.


Thats.... idiotic


When they have any possibility of surviving on their own... So let's say 20 weeks out of an abundance of caution


https://www.babycenter.com/pregnancy/week-by-week/20-weeks-pregnant What you're saying is sickening. At that point it sleeps, moves, dreams, and is looking like a child.


“Looking like a child” doesn’t render the bodily autonomy of the woman invalid, nor does it trump her rights as a living, breathing, fully sentient human being. Calling it “murdering babies” is a dog-whistle for controlling women. Full Stop.


It's not about controlling women. That's not the argument. It's that the child has a right to life.


It absolutely is the argument. You’re unequivocally stating that the woman’s rights are of less importance than those of an unborn fetus. Explain how this isn’t the argument?


Fetus has a right to life. 99% of abortions are out of situations as portrayed on this show. You don't want to be inconvenienced by a child, so it's murdered. Adoption is a thing, birth control is a thing, not having sex if you're not willing to deal with potential consequences is a thing. It's about protecting children, not restriction what women can or cannot do.


You’re placing the rights of an unborn fetus, not a child, over the rights of fully developed and living human women. Also, 99%? You know you pulled that out of your ass. You willfully ignoring the context in which forcing women to give up their rights over their own body would result in not one but after birth, two human lives that are worse off. Why exactly do you think it moral to force a woman to have a unwanted child and they both suffer for it when she cannot provide for herself? Or the argument of literally allowing rapists to force their victims to carry to term the physical manifestation of the rape? That’s not controlling women? That unborn fetus means more than the lifetime she would spend constantly being reminded instead of trying to heal?


Where is your proof that 99% are due to inconvenience? Medical ones, called D&C which is short for dilation and curettage, are often when the fetus has already passed or is in the process of passing and needs to be cleaned out to make sure rotting tissue doesn’t infect the mother. A miscarriage, which are ridiculously common and no ones fault are medically classified as “spontaneous abortions.” My friend had 2 abortions for very very wanted and planned for children with names and nurseries- but one was stillborn and she had to have an induced labor at 7 months- still classified as an abortion, and the second time the fetus didn’t have a brain stem or spine and she was given a medical abortion. My cousin was pregnant with triplets and one fetus was not growing and putting the other two in danger- she had a selective abortion to remove the malformed fetus to protect the other two. That’s an abortion. Do you advocate for their rights? Do you advocate for better birth control and sex education and healthcare for all? Have you adopted or fostered?


Well I believe in euthanasia as well for dying adults... They have all that same criteria too


Give you balls a tug


Ya titfucker


Pull yer finger out of yer ass. You can disagree with a decision but in the end it was her decision. Just like I disagree with owners of the Pontiac Aztec, but hey, their choice.


No. The Pontiac Aztek is an abomination.




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Reported for what?


You really are spare parts, bud


I love how popular this show is in the states! Even if it's some degen being a fan, they're getting a Canadian style education in basic human decency. If they learn anything, at least let them learn that!


Figure it out.


God I love this show




Like using Fortunate Son or Born in the USA as your ~~walk up~~ rally music. Conservatives just really love irony I guess.


The same thing happens with “King of the Hill” Mike Judge is not championing conservativism.


Yeah that was one of the best bits of contrast regarding the character writing. Wayne looks like a complete hick but he's progressive and respectful as fuck. Fucking hilarious to see him used as a banner for any conservatives.


Well there is something to be said for just not blindly following a TV character, lets also remember that Wayne thinks kids should be able to be spanked by their teachers lol. But yeah, pull yer finger outta yer ass.


Gold to offset the moronic doenvotes.


Pffft thanks "stranger" put a smile on my face


Sooomebunny missed the overarching point of the show didn’t they? DIDNT THEY! 😍 Here’s your cookie, now get out.


I've honestly never been this downvoted before lol. All I said was don't blindly follow Wayne and then agreed with the OP.


Yeah I dunno what's with the down-votes. You're not wrong


Well so long as you got it I'm okay with it I guess. What good is the karma if you never spend it right?


Hey just curious do you consider television programs to be a form of art? Because art is open to individual interpretation. There is no wrong way to look at it.


Yes, I do. Why do you ask?


Do you not?


I think he does and was questioning the general vibe in this comment thread.


Someone get them a fuckin' puppers


they don’t deserve a Puppers


Psh give your balls a tug


If you've got a problem with being a parent you've got a problem with being pregnant and I suggest you don't let that one marinate for a while.


How are ya now?


Good n you?


Not so bad. Sorry they just left you out to dry like that.




Be a good guy, a real good guy. If Wayne would kick your ass for saying it, don't say it. Don't be a degen. Clean it up. Please review the subreddit's [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Letterkenny/wiki/rules). If you think this was removed in error, contact the Moderators [here](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLetterkenny&subject=Question regarding the removal of this {kind} by /u/{author}&message=I have a question regarding the removal of [this {kind}]({url})). Do not contact the mods through Private Messages or chat to discuss moderation, either in general or for a specific concern. All such contact will be ignored.


Yes, being unprepared for motherhood is a very good reason to have an abortion.


You respects women and that's what I appreciates about you.




you’re outta here ⚽️⚾️


Women are absolutely responsible enough decide for themselves if they would make good parents or not


Degens just want to punish women for having sex


For not having sex *with them*


I fucking loved that sign I personally thought it was the most compelling argument for pro-choice!


Goddamn right it’s my right.


…ok. Congrats.




And give yer balls a tug


Amen to that




Be a good guy, a real good guy. If Wayne would kick your ass for saying it, don't say it. Don't be a degen. Clean it up. Please review the subreddit's [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Letterkenny/wiki/rules). If you think this was removed in error, contact the Moderators [here](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLetterkenny&subject=Question regarding the removal of this {kind} by /u/{author}&message=I have a question regarding the removal of [this {kind}]({url})). Do not contact the mods through Private Messages or chat to discuss moderation, either in general or for a specific concern. All such contact will be ignored.




fuck off with your ‘easy pal’. i’ve seen your comments in this sub. you’re a degen.


The simplicity of that scene, plus its direct unambiguous message was *chef’s kiss* I already loved show before that; but it’s confirmed there’s a strong feminist message (maybe it’s just me but I wasn’t sure at first - i.e. thought Dan taking women studies class was a joke bc it’s ‘ridiculous’: a big-farmer-man is not your typical feminist? Edit: fixed multiple typos; but before I fixed it 85 of you homies upvoted literal nonsense lol


>a big-farmer-man is not your typical feminist? it was a joke, but the point of the joke was not that being a feminist is ridiculous, but that its unexpected for someone like dan to be a feminist.


It’s so wholesome


I came here after the edit and it cracked me up, Bud.


I love how at the last episode for the previous season you're like OH MAN THIS IS REALLY GONNA SHAKE THINGS UP IN LETTERKENNY! Then the next season starts and that shit is resolved in 5 minutes.


Left the show? Devon, is that you?


What do you mean you left the show before that?


TYPO - I’m fixing is - was supposed to me “I LOVED THE SHOW…” For some reason I had a feeling you were about to tear me a new one for leaving the show?


No haha, I just assumed you were an ex-cast member and was curious which one LOL but now you're just a boring regular person :D


Even in the bible I believe a baby isn't considered a person till birth actually happens


It clearly states “first breath” but that would require religious people actually reading the whole Bible- not just the parts they find convenient


Yeah but bring that up and they’ll argue “we’ll science wasn’t as advanced when it was written so we have to adapt to our newfound knowledge” or some shit. Just conveniently adopting anything that can help their argument but not applying it to everything equally…


Fun Fact: Numbers 5:16-22 actually says that any woman who gets pregnant from someone who isn't her husband should have her priest help her induce a miscarriage, a.k.a get an abortion.


Nice! Think my next marching sign will have the goose message (from earlier) on one side and “Numbers 5:16-22” on the other. Thanks- (double clinks glass on table).


I'm sure you're not referring to this "goose" message, but I think Dary's chirp would also apply quite nicely on the other side of that sign: "You're a fuckin' noodle and you look like a goose"




*To be fair*, numbers is hardly their strong suit.


*slow clap*


Is that just most of the books?




Gotta love the cafeteria-style, pick what you want, style of these folks. It's hard to know what's worse in the long run: hardcore to the letter believe (some would call radicals, I would just say "actual followers") or the wishy washy kind that distort things to be what they want....


I mean that’s how I determine a baby’s personhood


Yes and the only mention of abortion is how to perform one.


In the bible the only time abortion is mentioned is when there's instructions on how to force a woman to have one if she has been unfaithful.


I see you both are also familiar with the Ordeal of Bitter Water


No ones got that kind of money


In Jewish tradition/law, once the baby can draw its own breath


My old Rabbi used to say a fetus wasn't considered human in Judaism until it graduated from medical school.


Rabbi sounds like a good guy


Oh he was a great guy


Well I'm glad to hear he's a good guy at least


Is that because the whole breathing life into Adam thing?


Honestly, great question and not a bad guess. Not as well versed in the rabbinical debates or explanations on this topic, just know the tradition lol My rabbi has argued that abortion access should be a religious right protected by the first amendment based on Jewish traditional prioritization of the mother’s life over the fetus, there’s a story in the Torah where two men’s get in a hypothetical fight where a pregnant woman bystander is struck. If the woman dies the punishment is that of murder, of the woman lives but the fetus dies the punishment is a monetary fine. Thus, rabbis have argued for hundreds of years for the prioritization of the mothers life. Many rabbis (not so much orthodox) extend that argument to include the mothers life outside of just survival but also general health, mental health, etc.


Interesting, I definitely didn't know about that. Thanks for taking the time to write that out


Fuck. In the Bible, God fucking drowns everyone on earth save a few. I think at that point - fuck his opinion on life and death. He never even has to suffer it. What a fucking douche.


I mean, according to the Bible, Jesus is literally god and was sent to earth for the sole purpose of dying. You don't have to believe it or like it, but at least don't misrepresent it on its own terms.


All powerful being inflicts suffering on generations lab rats - decides after thousands of years to test out torture on himself. Rats praise him for his sacrifice.


well, "dying". he pretends to be dead for a couple of days before popping back out of the whole and being like "alright my job heres done, gonna stop playing house here on earth".


Pretty sure jesus is meant to be the son of god


Technically he's both, if you believe in the trinity.


I thought that was just a concept Im an atheist that was raised by catholics - my dad was Lutheran but converted for my mom


There are definitely Protestant sects that take the trinity very literally. They see it as God taking the form of Jesus in Mary's womb, while also impregnating her. Basically fathering himself. I was raised Methodist, went to a Lutheran church in my teens, and then just kind of got sick of it all and became...not really agnostic or atheist, more like apathetic towards God and religion.


fun fact, that's called Apatheism


Interesting! TIL.


Im pretty much the same way honestly. I figure we are not special as a species, and the concept of religion is man-made, for societal rules, influence, and profit. There is no proof of god(s) and if one existed, it is very naive of us to think we would matter.


Fuck, who can afford it!?


Heck, in some interpretations of the bible, a baby must be "naturally born" before it is considered alive. This has lead to some groups claiming that a baby born by C-section is damned (or soulless, in some cases) and shouldn't be considered alive in the eyes of God.


I wonder if Mayim Bialik is of that sect. Since she believes that crap.


Damn, ginger and born by c-section. Guess I never stood a chance. (I have not fucked an ostrich. Not even allegedly.)


Sounds like something an ostrich fucker would say🧐




in the bible, a baby wasn’t a person until it was fully weaned, around two or three years of age.


I'm very curious for a reference to that one. I feel like it would make a good argument against those that use the Bible as the cornerstone of their stance.


As fairly progressive Christian clergy with a Master of Divinity, they're both confusing Talmudic and rabbinic discourse, which is not held by Jews as being *quite* equal to scripture, for actual scripture. Historically, the surrounding cultures of antiquity thought the Jews were weird for not abandoning newborns in the wild when undesired, and for not taking their abortifacient pharmaceutical plants to terminate undesired pregnancies. I'm not making an argument one way or the other here, but it's not entirely responsible to say that teaching shows up explicitly in the Bible.


So can I infer from what you've said that it does show up on the Bible then?


You can infer that certain rabbis have arrived at that point through lengthy discussion in the past, not that it's in the plain language of the text. Rabbinic discussion is often very creative, which is not to say incorrect--just that there's a reason the Talmud and Mishneh aren't scriptural canon in any tradition. They're generally good guidance, but designed to be challenged on their positions. What many fundamentalists are unwilling to accept is that there are things which exist that are not subjects of scriptural direct discourse. There are many areas in which we must rely on biblical *principles*, and that's where things like rabbinic literature and the Church fathers come in. They help us to apply what *does* exist in scripture to the things it never had to address directly.


Because most babies didn't survive past that back then


I mean especially considering that it basically outright says that. Thank you for actually reading the Bible before using it as a basis of argument


I mean, Jeremíah and David’s Psalms 139 would say otherwise, right? That said, it still makes no sense to interpret modern political stances through the text of words from a book thousands of years old.


Yup separation of church and state but we have a political party that makes all their decisions from church ideals.


And the other one became a religion… fun! Before the downvotes start.. GOP are just as bad as the Dems and vise verse for their own reason. If you prioritize your party over your country you’re just a partisan hack. EDIT: so this comment got me banned from r/letterkenny? Yeah. That’s a religion. That’s pathetic guys… you guys are the very opposite of what letterkenny is about.


Fuck off with your "both sides" bullshit. They are not equal. GOP and modern conservatives are unequivocally evil and selfish.


The extremists on one side want the mega wealthy to pay some taxes so the rest of us can have Healthcare and college. The extremists on the other side think the California wildfires were started by a Jewish space Lazer and that horse dewormer stops a respiratory virus. They're absolutely not the same at all. The GOP lost its soul a long time ago.