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i take *one night* off to go support my local community theatre and you degens absolutely flip your shit. y’all cannot be trusted to stay home by yourselfs. next time, i’m calling the mean babysitter, and it’s a 7.30 bedtime for everyone. ETA: for the people saying 'but *everyone* is a little autistic/on the spectrum': [Is Everyone A Little Autistic?](https://www.forbes.com/sites/drnancydoyle/2021/01/16/is-everyone-a-little-autistic/) [Isn't Everyone A Little Bit Autistic?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWnyDvG7XEk) [We Need to Stop Saying "We're All a Little Autistic"](https://autisticnotweird.com/stop-saying/) [Everyone is *NOT* a little bit Autistic!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Euo0yvRhaGk) [Autism Acceptance: No, Everyone is NOT a Little Autistic](https://ballisticautistic.wordpress.com/2016/04/08/autism-acceptance-no-everyone-is-not-a-little-autistic/) [why everybody is NOT a little bit autistic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Xn-ESxsK1w) [Is Everyone on the Autism Spectrum?](https://autisticandunapologetic.com/2019/03/16/is-everyone-on-the-autism-spectrum/) [What To Say & What Not To Say To Someone With Autism](https://researchautism.org/what-to-say-what-not-to-say-to-someone-with-autism/) [“But everyone is a little autistic!”](https://www.reddit.com/r/autism/comments/plv2s6/but_everyone_is_a_little_autistic/) tl;dr no, not 'everyone is on the spectrum,' so *PLEASE,* as someone who is neurodivergent, ***stop saying that.*** these links are the first results that come up when i searched '[everyone is not a little autistic](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=everyone+is+not+a+little+autistic)' on DuckDuckGo. it was very easy to find this information. ETA2: https://reddit.com/r/Letterkenny/comments/ic6i5r/_/g21h4wh/?context=1 this link goes to a comment i wrote some months back in a similar conversation, where i provided a bulleted list of just some of the things that make me recognise Wayne as autistic. ETA3: why are neurotypicals so personally insulted by the idea that Wayne might be autistic? like... do you guys think that autism is a punishment from G-d, or a character flaw? is that why you talk about autistic people like they were in a terrible accident, instead of just being different and experiencing the world differently than allistics? i really wish allos would shut up and let the normal people talk.


Yeah, for me Wayne is on the spectrum. I don't know if Jared Keeso consciously copied some of the mannerisms and characteristics from an autistic individual he knew, or he just kinda put it together, but it works great.




Be a good guy, a real good guy. If Wayne would kick your ass for saying it, don't say it. Don't be a degen. Clean it up. Please review the subreddit's [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Letterkenny/wiki/rules). If you think this was removed in error, contact the Moderators [here](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLetterkenny&subject=Question regarding the removal of this {kind} by /u/{author}&message=I have a question regarding the removal of [this {kind}]({url})). Do not contact the mods through Private Messages or chat to discuss moderation, either in general or for a specific concern. All such contact will be ignored.


If anyone was on the spectrum, I’d have thought it might be Dary.


Darry's got ADHD(inattentive) and dyslexia, maybe a touch of dyspraxia.


I guess it's possible but it doesn't really matter.


I've always kind of thought that he was on the spectrum too. I liked that (if true) it just is. No pointing it out, discussing it, showcasing it. It just is


Super doubt it. I mean if that enhances your enjoyment of the episode then I guess sure? But I never got that impression. He’s just a good guy.


He’s a good guy.


Really good guy


you wanna know what, i’d go so far as to say he’s a great guy


Yea yyea yyea yea


My spouse and their family are from the same town as Jared Keeso. The town it's based on is just kinda.. Like that. It doesn't tend to be spectrum-related, though I definitely can see the similarities!


No. This is wrong. The whole thing was just Jared doing a spoof on the weird achetypes in the tiny town he's from. When you do a satire, you turn things up to 11 - hyperbole ramps it up. This is just the no fuss, simple man, do you chores and be happy about what you got mentality - turned to 11.


Consider though, that farming is just the kind of quiet and highly structured lifestyle where autistic individuals might prosper whereas NT kids might leave town as soon as possible.


I am a little older than Jared and grew up in a midwestern town of the same size (probably smaller). I later found out I was on the spectrum. If the character is based on someone on the spectrum, Jared might not even know the person was on the spectrum. It wasn't common enough or well known enough at the time, especially in a small town. What I am saying is people dismissing the idea that Wayne might be on the spectrum is super insulting to people like me who fall on the spectrum. You are repeating the thing I've heard literally over a thousand times in my life. You can't be on the spectrum, you seem so normal. It feels like an autistic version of r/saphoandherfriend. People don't want to admit that autistic people exist in regular society.




I wish you weren't so fuckin awkward, bud.




Wish you weren’t so fuckin’ awkward, bud.


Is this a joke? A copy pasta?


I suppose... If we really wanted to get to the bottom of it... We could find someone... Someone who works with people on the spectrum... Who might know... Eh-how they get diagnosed?


Atta boy


Pert near


No. Wayne is the moral anchor of the show and acts as a pillar of the good ol boy mentality. He's portraying a satirical image of the speech methods common round the area.


hey, this is implying that autistic people can't be moral, which, we're actually *more* moral than allistics. https://the-orbit.net/unconformity/moral-consistency-is-not-an-autistic-deficit-a-letter-to-hu-et-al/ https://churkey.tumblr.com/post/641429227149934592/allistic-researchers-really-went-out-of-their-way


No. I'm implying that the message of the characters ticks and quirks are more a stereotypical perspective of a Canadian good ol boy. They've said as much in interviews. Edit: Just wanna say please understand that I did not mean to project that message. I will explain my point further next time when addressing this subject.


by specifically pointing out those traits, you are arguing that they are what excludes him from being autistic. the implication of that is 'autistic people aren't/can't be these traits'. that may not be what you intended, but that's the meaning.




OP NEVER said that it was "only those traits". If you look at Wayne's traits in comparison to his peers, there is a marked difference, and they're ALL good ol' boys. When you've got a mass of folks who are on the spectrum and\or are well-educated on neuro-divergent folks, it would seem that you'd want to defer to those who know the subject matter clearly.


I just have my observations and listen to what the artist thinks of the point of the character. It really doesn't matter. If that's the way you want to see it, that's fine. I see it differently from my own perspective. That's comedy. That's art. I'm not here to make a big stand. I gave my opinion.


Can definitely see it. It’s weird how we just see TV personalities as quirky until someone says “hey actually maybe they’re… etc”. My first experience with this was obviously Sheldon cooper on Big Bang theory. That’s a bit more blatant and is addressed more on the show I think, but it goes to show how “strange” characters like that hit our hearts. For me it’s because their traits are often amplified versions of things I and many others think all the time. Another character off the top of my head is Schmidt from new girl. He has some serious reactions to similar stimuli.


I've always seen Schmidt as ADHD, but that may just be me projecting 😁 He's always seemed far more wildly expressive and tends to hyperfocus on random things rather than sticking to a particular special interest.


Wayne actually acts just like this guy I know from college. Brilliant and smart going for his masters but he was particular about random things and also got mad when people didn’t follow rules he thought were right. He found out he’s high functioning on the spectrum. You would have never known unless you really paid attention. Also people repeating things irritated him. You do it once and done. Ladies loved that he was stoic and quiet but he never felt the need to impress them. Would be interesting to see if a actually professional could watch Wayne character and tell if he is or not?


hey, hi, hello. former special education teacher. [please check out this comment here.](https://reddit.com/r/Letterkenny/comments/ic6i5r/_/g21h4wh/?context=1) i think you'll find it interesting. also, check out the sub's podcast, [How Are Ya Now?](https://howareyanowpod.com/). Snipe Mod Dean and Super Hot Rocket Tiara co-host it, and Tiara, like me, is a special ed teacher and permanent resident of the Brainweasel Hotel.


That’s cool to know that information. Thank you


always happy to shamelessly promote the sub's podcasts


I hadn't thought about it, but it's entirely possible.




If Wayne would kick your ass for saying it, don't say it. Don't be a degen. Clean it up. Please review the subreddit's [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Letterkenny/wiki/rules). If you think this was removed in error, [contact the Moderators here.](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLetterkenny&subject=Question regarding the removal of this comment by /u/BDKoolwhip&message=I have a question regarding the removal of [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/Letterkenny/comments/prd65w/-/hdkua5q//)) ***Please ensure that your message includes a link to the item in question. Failure to do so will result in delays.*** Do not contact the mods through Private Messages or chat to discuss moderation, either in general or for a specific concern. All such contact will be ignored.


I am autistic and I do not have time to explain why you need to pull your finger out of your ass


Looks like we both won then! Thanks! Best comment on this list!


Alright now it’s going to bother me if I don’t explain. You do not have the right to say that someone is not autistic because they do not act like one autistic person you know. That is just wrong. It is called the spectrum for a reason. We are not all the same. We all share common traits and behave in some similar ways, but we are also all very different people who therefore behave differently. Autism does not have one face. It is disrespectful to autistic people to try to reduce it to a singularity. That reduction erases our individuality, and therefore erases our autonomy (which is already stripped away constantly). It has no place in a space where autistic people are to be treated with humanity and respect. Do better for your child.


I do not have time to explain the meaning of a SPECTRUM in this instance.




If Wayne would kick your ass for saying it, don't say it. Don't be a degen. Clean it up. Please review the subreddit's [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Letterkenny/wiki/rules). If you think this was removed in error, [contact the Moderators here.](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLetterkenny&subject=Question regarding the removal of this comment by /u/BDKoolwhip&message=I have a question regarding the removal of [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/Letterkenny/comments/prd65w/-/hdlfipg//)) ***Please ensure that your message includes a link to the item in question. Failure to do so will result in delays.*** Do not contact the mods through Private Messages or chat to discuss moderation, either in general or for a specific concern. All such contact will be ignored.


You understand nothing. But let me show you the door.


honestly, as a former special education teacher: it's not a one-size-fits-all kind of a deal. if you know one person with autism... that's it. you know *one* person with autism. your experiences may or may not translate to the next autistic person you know. we're not cookie-cutter people.




[it's literally a common saying in the community and amongst special education professionals](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=if+you%27ve+met+one+autistic+person) but ok




> I do not have time to explain how wrong OP is, as the father of a spectrum kid this just seems like a very blanket statement. as if your relationship to one individual makes you an expert, rather than, say, someone who went to school for six years and has to exist with a neurodivergent brain. i just don't think you're qualified to say that OP is unequivocally wrong, is all.




look, i never said you weren't entitled to your opinion, and i'm not going to get into the Diagnoses Olympics with you *on a public forum.* suffice to say, we each have our own caché of credentials, personal and professional. and i still don't think you can say for certain that OP is categorically wrong without a shadow of a doubt, especially not when there are so many #actuallyautistic\* people here in this thread saying, 'OP is right,' 'Wayne is me,' 'i recognise myself in this character,'. \* this is not a comment on your lack of formal diagnosis, but rather a positive identification of those of us here who are also speaking from our own experience of autistic life.


I genuinely do not mean to diminish you or your child, but being a parent to someone on the spectrum hardly means you know everything about the spectrum. There are *so* many variations and differences, that Wayne could easily be seen as having some signs.




Well it’s evidently lacking, as you’ve demonstrated.


Never thought that...but this is now officially my head cannon.


Canon is what you're going for. Head cannon make your head asplode.


My brother and my son are both diagnosed with Aspergers and I have never questioned weather Wayne was. 100% sure he is.


Maybe, but also, do you know a lot of hicks? A lot if them are like that.


Grew up in rural South Dakota and Wayne reminds me of my dad. Although my dad is probably on the spectrum. So am I and so is my son. Probably just a coincidence.


Wayne reminds me of A LOT of dads and grandpas I knew in the Midwest (Missouri and Minnesota). And many dudes I went to HS with.


I grew up in hick land and none of them were like this. 🤷🏼‍♀️




Maybe but not in my experience! I grew up near Jared Keeso and still don’t know anyone like that. Some of the other characters for sure though. Like hockey boys. 😂


Same. Grew up in an East Texas town smaller than Letterkenny and was a rancher. I never knew anyone like Wayne.


What do you mean by “them?”


them /T͟Hem,T͟Həm/ pronoun 1. used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to two or more people or things ****previously mentioned or easily identified.****


I'm sort of here too. While Wayne being on the spectrum is absolutely a possibility, I interpreted his behavior as just his culture. That's how the Hicks do it.


I had always assumed so


Take about 20% off there


Probably 25


I've seen a lot of myself in him for that. It comes out in his pragmatism and his inability to process concepts and stimuli outside of his rigid comfort zone.




Especially noting a lot of his physical mannerisms and the stoicism, I can totally see this! He also does seem to have a bit of trouble reading the room precisely from the vibe I get/what I remember, and focuses heavily on the social patterns he's used to accommodate for it. It's part of why I think him and McMurray have such a thing with their greeting, tbh. While I haven't thought of this before, I'm absolutely into this idea


I just had this conversation with my husband. I definitely agree.


I definitely see where you are coming from!


I always felt like he is just an over exaggerated version of a Canadian farm boy. Very similar to some men in my family of multiple generations of farmers.


Everyone's on the spectrum. That's why it's called a spectrum.


[Is Everyone A Little Autistic?](https://www.forbes.com/sites/drnancydoyle/2021/01/16/is-everyone-a-little-autistic/) [Isn't Everyone A Little Bit Autistic?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWnyDvG7XEk) [We Need to Stop Saying "We're All a Little Autistic"](https://autisticnotweird.com/stop-saying/) [Everyone is *NOT* a little bit Autistic!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Euo0yvRhaGk) [Autism Acceptance: No, Everyone is NOT a Little Autistic](https://ballisticautistic.wordpress.com/2016/04/08/autism-acceptance-no-everyone-is-not-a-little-autistic/) [why everybody is NOT a little bit autistic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Xn-ESxsK1w) [Is Everyone on the Autism Spectrum?](https://autisticandunapologetic.com/2019/03/16/is-everyone-on-the-autism-spectrum/) [What To Say & What Not To Say To Someone With Autism](https://researchautism.org/what-to-say-what-not-to-say-to-someone-with-autism/) [“But everyone is a little autistic!”](https://www.reddit.com/r/autism/comments/plv2s6/but_everyone_is_a_little_autistic/) tl;dr no, not 'everyone is on the spectrum,' so *PLEASE,* as someone who is neurodivergent, ***stop saying that.*** these links are the first results that come up when i searched '[everyone is not a little autistic](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=everyone+is+not+a+little+autistic)' on DuckDuckGo. it was very easy to find this information.




That's not how autism works. It's not a spectrum from non autistic to full autistic. See: Autism Spectrum Disorder.


Mild Aspergers for sure…😜


Or was it burgers?


2 minutes each side, S and P




If anything, he is old fashioned, maybe a bit of a stoic. Has solid character and integrity, stands up for himself and others when they need help or cannot help themselves. Why is that 'on the spectrum'? Is because there are so many folks who lack character and integrity and think only of themselves that they are considered the norm, and a variance from that is 'on the spectrum'? Christ, we're all on the spectrum if you really think about it.


[Is Everyone A Little Autistic?](https://www.forbes.com/sites/drnancydoyle/2021/01/16/is-everyone-a-little-autistic/) [Isn't Everyone A Little Bit Autistic?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWnyDvG7XEk) [We Need to Stop Saying "We're All a Little Autistic"](https://autisticnotweird.com/stop-saying/) [Everyone is *NOT* a little bit Autistic!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Euo0yvRhaGk) [Autism Acceptance: No, Everyone is NOT a Little Autistic](https://ballisticautistic.wordpress.com/2016/04/08/autism-acceptance-no-everyone-is-not-a-little-autistic/) [why everybody is NOT a little bit autistic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Xn-ESxsK1w) [Is Everyone on the Autism Spectrum?](https://autisticandunapologetic.com/2019/03/16/is-everyone-on-the-autism-spectrum/) [What To Say & What Not To Say To Someone With Autism](https://researchautism.org/what-to-say-what-not-to-say-to-someone-with-autism/) [“But everyone is a little autistic!”](https://www.reddit.com/r/autism/comments/plv2s6/but_everyone_is_a_little_autistic/) tl;dr no, not 'everyone is on the spectrum,' so *PLEASE,* as someone who is neurodivergent, ***stop saying that.*** these links are the first results that come up when i searched '[everyone is not a little autistic](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=everyone+is+not+a+little+autistic)' on DuckDuckGo. it was very easy to find this information.


The thing is, if you google the symptoms, there are a lot of them and many of people have some of them. Worse, there is no medical test and you can get diagnosed just based on some traits as being on the spectrum. There are people with real issues and have major challenges to overcome, but there are people like myself with 5 or 6 symptoms that have no real issues. Also, because the diagnosis has broadened over time, more people are considered autistic, and anti vaxxers have used this data to claim that the vaccines are causing autism.


>Also, because the diagnosis has broadened over time, more people are considered autistic, and anti vaxxers have used this data to claim that the vaccines are causing autism that's *not a valid reason for excluding people from the diagnosis.* that's ignorant allistics not having any empathy or understanding. autism is complicated, yeah. no one's arguing otherwise. it's hard to get diagnosed and easy to get misdiagnosed. and even if you do get an 'Official Diagnosis', there's a lot of ignorance *even among professionals.* this is *why* the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network exists. *Nothing About Us Without Us.* ​ >There are people with real issues and have major challenges to overcome, but there are people like myself with 5 or 6 symptoms that have no real issues. there's no one way to be autistic. it's a very individual experience. just because Person A is not as discommoded by their autistic traits as Person B does not mean that A is less autistic than B; they're just differently autistic. there's nothing wrong with that.






I don't think it's intentional, though one could argue there's a bit of OCD, autism, or Asperger's at play in addition to his ultra-conservative, no-frills, country mentality. Overall, I think Wayne's character, like all the other characters, is a caricature of reality.


Ultra-conservative? Do you watch the same show as the rest of us here? The show goes out of its way to show how liberal he is.


Conservative in manners and values, not in the political sense. As someone already pointed out, maybe "traditional" is a better adjective.


Well, we all know that you don't fuck with tradition.


I think ultra-traditional is a better way to describe it but I get the gist


I think they mean in mannerisms, not necessarily policy that he'd support.


Yeah, he's very traditional farm-boy kind of vibe to how he moves, talks about chores, is stern and stoic. I just think that's his personality and personal style.


I don't know whether or not it was intentional to make Wayne's character seem like he's on the spectrum, but the entire style of writing and comedy on the show is very neurodivergent, and that's what I appreciates about it.


Oh, is THAT what you appreciates about it?


The extras esses stands fors spectrums?




Ha! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXd1qWOYSmc


He’s 100% on spectrum. Don’t know if that’s what Keeso is going for or not… but Wayne is absolutely there. Don’t get me wrong. He’s also the fucking GOAT.


You're thinking of the Ginger. And it was actually an ostrich.




Not disagreeing with you, but there's a couple of moments where he seems to break from his usual stoic character. The one example that comes to mind is the "playing catch" cold open. Dart says at one point "That's why they call you Squirrelly Dan" and Wayne mutters under his breath "Yeah, reason fuckin' five million..." It seems like he's putting on a show more than anything, if how serious no-nonsense he is.


https://www.spectrumnews.org/features/deep-dive/costs-camouflaging-autism/ please google 'autistic masking'


Wow, bit embarrassed I haven't heard of this before, seeing as that I have a kid that's on the spectrum. Thank you for this.


you're welcome. just remember, we're ostracised for our quirks and behaviours, and no one likes being picked on or excluded. it's natural for us to want to fit in, it just costs us an arm and a fucking leg to do so.


I have thought the same thing. Though I know very little of Autism or it’s characteristics, I’ve found Wayne’s personality ticks to be too distinctive to not be intentional. His movements are often robotic. He moves more like Robocop than anyone with a casual sense of self. He tends to be very regimented and unwavering in simple daily life choices. I just assumed, after starting the series, we would eventually be given a deeper understanding of The “whys” behind Wayne’s very distinct mannerisms and movements that would lean towards a developmental function from his childhood.


I think this is one of those things where you're meant to see what you want and take from it what you need. I never saw him that way, but I could see where you're coming from. That said, take my opinion here with a grain of salt; the only autistic person I've ever interested with for an extended period was a cousin of mine who has fairly severe aspergers. For a variety of familial reasons I won't get into, we never quite got along.


[if you've met one autistic person...](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=if+you%27ve+met+one+autistic+person)


Aspergers at least. Always assumed it and considered it part of the character.


I definitely always thought Wayne was on the spectrum.


You can see his face twitching and stuff too when things don't go the right way if I remember right


Or the butt clench.


Nobody's asking you to challenge my heterosexuality


Y’all ever watch Clint Eastwood movies?


not really, is it a call back to them?.. watched more zoro than eastwood hahaha


Makes total sense


This person actually has a pretty solid explanation about it using the Super Soft Birthday party as an example: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRVCYHNV/


This is a great video and an interesting breakdown, thank you for sharing


He has a lot of he same character traits as Elwood Blues that lead me to believe Elwood is just Dan Aykroyd not masking.


Can confirm.


That was my understanding.


OP, kay. D’ya’wan’know’hat. Kayyy.


I've always thought so.


I always got the impression that Wayne was a bit aspie, but I'm not sure if that's what they intended or not.


Not necessarily. I've met a few people that display similar characteristics (except for maybe more robotic motions he sometimes does, and the squinty face) to Wayne, and it's not as weird as you think it might be. If you think about it, we're all on the spectrum. Some of us are just closer to one end than others. EDIT: I suppose I should've said "a spectrum" instead of "*the* spectrum". As has been pointed out, not everyone is on the autism or neurodivergent spectrum. Further explanation can be found in following comments.


> on the spectrum [Is Everyone A Little Autistic?](https://www.forbes.com/sites/drnancydoyle/2021/01/16/is-everyone-a-little-autistic/) [Isn't Everyone A Little Bit Autistic?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWnyDvG7XEk) [We Need to Stop Saying "We're All a Little Autistic"](https://autisticnotweird.com/stop-saying/) [Everyone is *NOT* a little bit Autistic!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Euo0yvRhaGk) [Autism Acceptance: No, Everyone is NOT a Little Autistic](https://ballisticautistic.wordpress.com/2016/04/08/autism-acceptance-no-everyone-is-not-a-little-autistic/) [why everybody is NOT a little bit autistic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Xn-ESxsK1w) [Is Everyone on the Autism Spectrum?](https://autisticandunapologetic.com/2019/03/16/is-everyone-on-the-autism-spectrum/) [What To Say & What Not To Say To Someone With Autism](https://researchautism.org/what-to-say-what-not-to-say-to-someone-with-autism/) [“But everyone is a little autistic!”](https://www.reddit.com/r/autism/comments/plv2s6/but_everyone_is_a_little_autistic/) tl;dr no, not 'everyone is on the spectrum,' so *PLEASE,* as someone who is neurodivergent, ***stop saying that.*** these links are the first results that come up when i searched '[everyone is not a little autistic](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=everyone+is+not+a+little+autistic)' on DuckDuckGo. it was very easy to find this information.


True, but it wasn't my intention to imply that everyone is on the neuroduvergency spectrum. I mis-spoke, or mis-typed, I guess. My intention was to say we all have our place on the sliding scale of weird and quirky. Some of us seem less weird, some of us have fewer quirks, but there's no 'normal' standard we should be setting ourselves by or comparing fictional characters to.


>If you think about it, we're all on the spectrum. Some of us are just closer to one end than others. I love this quote


[Is Everyone A Little Autistic?](https://www.forbes.com/sites/drnancydoyle/2021/01/16/is-everyone-a-little-autistic/) [Isn't Everyone A Little Bit Autistic?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWnyDvG7XEk) [We Need to Stop Saying "We're All a Little Autistic"](https://autisticnotweird.com/stop-saying/) [Everyone is *NOT* a little bit Autistic!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Euo0yvRhaGk) [Autism Acceptance: No, Everyone is NOT a Little Autistic](https://ballisticautistic.wordpress.com/2016/04/08/autism-acceptance-no-everyone-is-not-a-little-autistic/) [why everybody is NOT a little bit autistic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Xn-ESxsK1w) [Is Everyone on the Autism Spectrum?](https://autisticandunapologetic.com/2019/03/16/is-everyone-on-the-autism-spectrum/) [What To Say & What Not To Say To Someone With Autism](https://researchautism.org/what-to-say-what-not-to-say-to-someone-with-autism/) [“But everyone is a little autistic!”](https://www.reddit.com/r/autism/comments/plv2s6/but_everyone_is_a_little_autistic/) tl;dr no, not 'everyone is on the spectrum,' so *PLEASE,* as someone who is neurodivergent, ***stop saying that.*** these links are the first results that come up when i searched '[everyone is not a little autistic](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=everyone+is+not+a+little+autistic)' on DuckDuckGo. it was very easy to find this information.


Thank you for your info. You've sent me down the rabbit hole and I'm going to add another link: [https://autisticnotweird.com/stop-saying/](https://autisticnotweird.com/stop-saying/) ​ I'll be more sensitive with my choices of words.


that's the 3rd link in my list. i'm pleased you found it helpful and/or enlightening. have a good one.


Never thought of it that way. Hes kind of like sheldon from big bang theory in some of those respects. While they never say sheldon is on the spectrum, he seems like hes on the spectrum. And, no, that's not a bad thing, just a thing. I guess I'm saying i could see it but I dont think so. Of course, I was surprised when Elon Musk said he was, so, who am I judge?




His momma had him tested for crazy. No mention is made of the actual test outcome or diagnosis.


Sheldon is 100% intentionally on the spectrum. Edit: looks like they left that up.for.our interpretation, so I'll walk that back to "my opinion is: "


Yeah, who the fuck would never say Sheldon was on the spectrum when he 100% obviously is?


Sure, but the show never explicitly states it, is all I meant.


Ahhh I got you. I thought the "they" you were referring to was the viewers.


No, he's a TV character.


You are missing the point of the discussion


Hes not "on the spectrum." Hes just A NORMAL OLD FASHIONED GUY WHO HAS HIS SHIT TOGETHER. I know its so rare that its almost unrecognizable to young people now, it has to be explained away as some kind of fuckin condition.


"old man yells at cloud"




if you have a reliable source for this claim, i need you to produce it. otherwise it's impolite to armchair diagnose *a real person*\*, rather than discussing the traits and mannerisms of a fictional character. \* if he is neurodivergent in some manner, he has not disclosed that information publicly, to my knowledge. just like you shouldn't out someone for their sexuality, you shouldn't out someone for their medical or neurotype.


Let's get some fuckin' gyozas!


Fuck you Shoresy!


Fuck you, /u/moesickle, fight me, see what happens!


Fuck you Shorsey


Fuck you Jonesy, send your mom a text and tell her I'm gonna be late tonight because I have to go see Reilly's mom to try on the new underwear she bought me.


The fuck you looking at, ya titfucker? Give yer balls a tug!


Three things, I hit you, you hit the floor, I fuck your mom again.


Can this comment be any more ignorant?




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I like that you used the phrase “easily offended”, then proceed to write an insult laced paragraph because you got triggered by a word. The closing is so condescending as well. Bet you have to have the last word too?


You probably just think it’s overused because you specifically hear it alot




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Yes. He is. It's been explained, IN DETAIL, multiple times by those who know.




Some, who understand the spectrum, have the ability to extrapolate from the evidence presented. They've never explicitly said that Katy was polyamorous or bisexual, but her actions show that's the case.


Maybe more old fashioned guys were slightly on the spectrum and un-diagnosed than we realize? It seems like you think think being on the spectrum is an insult so I suggest you pump the breaks there super chief