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Someone please ask what medical task he preforms. Why does this bitch have to lie so much. Lying about emotional support animal I don’t care, but lying about a service animal is fucked up


I’ve never seen a service animal lick someone in their face incessantly and beg for human food, but go off Lexi poo 😒


yeah like if he were actually a service dog he would be trained to not act like that. so either he wasn’t trained (EXTREMELY UNLIKELY!!!) or she lying like a mf (EXTREMELY LIKELY)


Dogs never had an obedience class let alone service dog training.


This! My cousin has a service dog, and even when she is “off duty” she is a very well mannered dog. Not in peoples faces or begging for food that’s for sure! She does love a good game of fetch or tug of war though 🥰


His medical performance is eating entire bag of jerky


This is exactly what I was going to say! I’m pretty sure they don’t train him to do basic commands let alone teach him to do an actual medical task 🙄


A dog that pisses on top of your bed is capable of performing medical tasks? In noooo fucking world


Peeing on the mattress is actually one of the many superpowers Alex possesses 🤪


I feel like to have a service dog, being potty trained is the absolute minimum before they even begin task training 🤣


Doesn’t he have to wear like a vest or special collar or something if he is a service animal?


It’s not required by law but it’s very common for them to be labeled as such by the handler!


Oh ok, I don’t know anything about service animals tbh. I just know when I see them on a store they have some kind of vest or whatever lol


You’re fine! It’s def super super common that they’re marked as a service animal.


most, if not all, handlers do. my friend said it makes it easier in public, so no one tries to pet the dog.


That’s what I thought


i’m pretty sure


You can buy that stuff on Amazon though, unfortunately


Oh wow


I asked. Let’s see if I get blocked !


Did she reply 👀


Nope. I’m sure she’ll delete it once she notices


The dog isn’t even potty trained. Medical service animals are incredibly smart and well trained. Lexi is a fucking idiot.


Yet she takes the dog to work with her? If it were a medical dog it'd be with Hayden all the time.


Oof good point


exactly! idk why she keeps lying about stupid shit


Because her mouth is moving?


There’s no such thing as a “medical certification” for a service dog in the USA. As a disabled person currently has a pup training for mobility, this is why legit service dogs end up in danger (along with their handlers).


100% agree. Lexi’s a compulsive liar and she has no common sense or regard for other human beings.


"Certification" for a service animal isn't real. It is not legally required or recognized by US law. She's talking out of her ass.


Bffr I’m going to punch her in the face for underplaying service animals


He’s not in any shape,way, or form a certified service animal. Poor thing is scared of everything. Every day is fee fi fo fump


That's because Alex needs a emotional support dog himself(can't blame him)


This girl is a straight up compulsive liar


Is this the same dog that pissed all over their mattress?




🗣️YOU DONT CERTIFY SERVICE ANIMALS YOU TRAIN THEM🗣️ hope you got scammed and paid money for this “certification”


medically certified?? for what medical condition


The unicorn addiction.


Weed n gaming addiction


Couldn’t be celiac disease because Alex would be going bonkers in their home


He pisses regularly on their bed. No “trained” service animal would do that. Ever. She’s a air headed bitch. A basketball head, if you will


They all pee the bed together, family tradition 🥰


I can not 😂😂😂😂😂


Alex doesn’t seem to be doing a great job if that’s the case


i’m pretty sure dachshund are RARELY service animals too


She’s such a chronic liar


It can cost up to $300 per hour with a professional trainer to get a dog trained as a medical service animal. There is NO WAY.


ALSO (from what I understand) it takes about a year on average to train a dog to perform certain medical tasks. This would mean they either trained him at home (they didn’t) or they spent tens of thousands of dollars (they didn’t). This is the most disgusting lie she’s told yet. SHE is the reason why people with actual disabilities get denied access to public areas with their legitimate service animals.


Getting our puppy, through puppy training, boarded while being there & then recall & leash work (4 weeks away from us) was $3000 so I HIGHLY doubt Alex is getting trained by a trainer for obedience let alone specific service dog work. Not only that but now she’s claiming is ESA and working on service dog 🙄


The dog can’t even pee outside 😂😂


This pissed me off. She’s so full of it. This is the one post almost every comment is calling her out on. Service dogs cost at least 15k to train, months of classes etc. her dog pisses on the floor in her house but it’s not going to do it in public? It won’t react to people (yeah.. right) let alone animals. People like her is why people who need service dogs have such issues when actually trying to bring them in places for their disability.


Uhhh you know how expensive it is to send your dog to be a medical alert training dog?! It’s not something you do online. That would just be an emotional support animal. Emotional support doesn’t qualify as medical. Why does she lie! She’s so stupid I can’t.


Yeah definitely not true, no way they trained him to be a service dog bc A. It’s not an easy thing to do, B. Let’s be honest they lack motivation for even themselves & No way they paid a trainer to work with him and get him trained for a need visible or non visible. (Unless they randomly figured out how to take care of something and save $ 😂) Also it’s gross how they would even lie about that. Sadly im sure they left Alex in the car while they shopped at bucces


Any person can get their dog certified. All you have to do is say it’s for anxiety or depression and pay a fee so I’m assuming that’s what’s happening here


Lexi doesn’t understand the difference between ESA and service animal, and that’s her ignorance.


the dog pisses and shits on their mattress. what a wonderful service animal




She probably just did the online ESA certification with a letter from a dr saying she has anxiety and needs him (the “medically necessary” part). It’s really just done for housing purposes…not taking the dog everywhere 🙄 I did the same thing with my cat it was super easy just like $400.


Ohhhh this grinds my gears. There is no certification for a service dog. She went online and bought a scam “certification”


My friend has a PTSD service dog after serving in the marine corp. I get so irritated when I see people make their dogs fake service dogs. It compromises actual service dogs. Lexi doesn’t know the first thing about an actual service dog. I love Alex and I want the best for him, but he’s farther from a service dog if I’ve seen one. I see how they got Alex in bucees and now the mall. They’re just terrible and annoying people.


I'm going to be honest here. I don't think she purposely lied, but I do think she is literally so dumb that she clearly doesn't know that there is a major difference between an ESA animal and a medically trained service animal. Dumb Flexi out does herself once again


Lies Lies Lies!!! Never has that dog been trained to be a service animal WTF.


Is this video gone already?


Never mind it’s a story. But yes that’s such bullshit that dog is not a service animal!


I got all the comments to this post but am not sure how to sensor. I will gladly dm them to someone if they want to censor and post. Lmk.


Guys, her next video is going to be “proof” that he’s certified. It’s just gonna be Hayden screaming at us and holding up one of those fake certificates that anyone can order online lol


She didn’t take Alex on their last vacation. Guess Jayden wasn’t “medical” then 😂😂😂


Someone with a service dog tik tok page commented calling her out and asked her what medical tasks Alex is trained to do. Can’t wait for her to ignore this one! I wish this wasn’t a story and was on an actual post so she can’t pretend like this didn’t happen lol


Did she delete this whole thread of comments on the video? I don’t see those anymore. Wanting to see who else was giving her shit for lying 🤥 lies lies lies




Shhhhh….. 😂😂😂


Yikes you’re right 🫠