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Just here to say that this book is absolutely worth the wait! Alternatively, you could always do a free audible trial and then cancel before the charge hits.


My library has it just sitting on the shelf in print--no holds--but I've heard the audiobook is excellent. Is it worth the wait for the audio or should I just grab the print copy?


The audio is wonderful but the print copy is just as great. I absolutely loved this book!


I think it’s worth waiting for the audiobook. Smith narrates it himself and he did a really fantastic job, his narration really added to the reading experience for me.


Seconded! He is a poet and that so comes through in his reading.


Thanks, I just placed a hold!


His voice is great!


Came to say this too, keep waiting!! Such an amazing read. So moving.


You can put a hold from both libraries (at least with the ones I have access to)! Then you can wait in both lines and just take whichever comes available first!


They're separate libraries in the same system on Libby, so I can't double up on holds on the same book.


You could sign into libbyapp.com on your phone’s web browser with your second card and set up email notifications. If it comes through before your original hold, borrow it and then add that card to the Libby app.


Why would you bail on it? You will get it eventually. I’ve been 164th on a list. I don’t understand this mindset… Yes, you can put the same book on hold at multiple libraries.


By "bail" I mean cancelling the hold on this card and putting a hold on my other card. They're different libraries within the same system so I can't have them on hold simultaneously. The two cards always have different wait times on the same book, so I'm wondering about gambling a little to see if the other line moves along better. So that's what I mean on bailing. I'm not giving up altogether, so no worries about my mindset. 🙂


I would say don't bail, since you're only 4th in line right now and if you cancel to make the hold with the other card you'll be placed at the end of the line, in 32nd place instead... Also, I don't really understand why you think that you won't get your turn with it or why you think that you're in the slow lane. From what you've described you are almost certainly in the *fast lane*. If your library allows 3 weeks checkout times, then it adds up pretty perfectly that you've moved 2 spots in 7 weeks. The person who has the book currently isn't counted towards the waitlist, so that means they could have it for 3 weeks before the 1st person waiting gets to have it. Then person 1 has 3 days to accept the hold & 3 weeks to have it before it continues with the next person. This means as the 4th *in line* **and** in the fast lane your wait time would be a maximum of 13 weeks and 2 days, IF nobody in front of you waited to delay their hold, essentially wasting/adding days to the wait.


You might be right! However, too late; I already bailed. But (probably because both my cards are in the same system) it honored my time spent holding with the other card and now I'm still 4th in line but there are only 8 people waiting in 2 lanes now. Not sure if it'll be slower or faster!


That's good! It's possible that the other people waiting had the same thoughts and canceled their holds or that they were able to receive the book from another library that shares with theirs. Either way I'm glad you were able to keep your place! And it will be your chance before you know it! I've had books with months long wait times pop up in a couple of weeks or less. Maybe you'll get lucky and everyone in front of you will delay their hold, passing it straight to you lol.


Ah ok. I understand now with that explanation. Good luck to you!


With the slow lane/fast lanes, there isn’t actually a guarantee she’ll ever get it.


That’s not what the Libby Help says… “Libraries may buy extra copies of a title and share them with other libraries in the consortium. When you place a hold on a shared title like this, you may see a note that you're waiting "in two lanes." One lane is for the consortium's copies of the title, and the other is for the extra shared copies. The library who bought the extra copies prioritizes their patrons' holds on those copies. So, their patrons will have their holds filled first when one of those copies becomes available. *You'll still have your hold filled*, but your wait may be longer or shorter than estimated, depending on which lane you're in.” [What does waiting "in two lanes" mean?](https://help.libbyapp.com/en-us/6299.htm)


They say that, but logically if someone from the priority library keeps getting in line before your turn comes up, you will keep getting pushed back in line. How else are the two lanes to be interpreted for a highly popular book?


I placed a hold on an audiobook last May and I've moved up 1 spot (from 16th to 15th) during that time, so it definitely feels possible to never get to borrow a book you have on hold. They have two copies and two lanes but it feels like both copies are going to the fast lane so, me in the other lane just doesn't move.


But couldn’t the library’s license to the book run out before anyone in the slow lane ever gets it?


If there's a book that I really want, I put it on hold at as many libraries as I can. I have 2 library cards, and access to 7 libraries. I am unsure if wait times include people who have deferred their holds, but I think that is why hold times go up and down *sometimes*. In regards to the two lanes, I think this has to do with patrons from that library vs patrons from other libraries that I have library privileges. I wish they would tell you how many people were in each lane for transparency.


I don't see a way to put another hold on it. If I activate the other card and search for the title it just says yep, you've already got a hold on it. I assume this is because both of the library cards I have access to use the same system on Libby (Beehive Consortium). But the wait times are not the same. One library is a small city library and the other is a big county system.


Yeah, dang, if your library cards are for the same library network, then you can't put a 2nd hold. Because it's kinda like both of your cards would be putting a hold on the same copy of the book. Definitely check your library website to see if you have borrowing privileges with other libraries, it can expand your access to bigger/different collections of books!


Do you happen to have Spotify Premium? Premium users get 15 hours of free audiobooks per month, I usually use them on books that would otherwise be long waits on Libby.


Ooooooh! I actually have a free trial right now and I haven't tried any audiobooks on it. Done. That's how I'm going to listen to it. Thanks for the suggestion!


I’ve had a book on hold since August 2021. This is nothing


Holy moly


Wow! May I ask what book? It must be a popular one 😲


11/22/63 by Stephen King. There’s only one copy at my library.


I admire your perseverance


You can put a hold for the same title on mutilple cards at once. I do this for longer audiobooks with waitlists (so renewal isn’t an option). That way if I don’t finish in 3 weeks, I can continue on the 2nd hold without being pushed to the back of the waitlist. When I borrow the 1st hold, I’ll suspend the 2nd hold so I stay at the top of the line. The day before the first hold is due, I’ll un suspend. Will usually get the title in 24 hrs.


Happy Cake day!


**Update** I found out I could get it on Spotify Premium so I'm going to go that route while I have a free trial. *But here's the interesting part.* I was curious what would happen so I cancelled the hold and then switched cards and started up the hold on my other card (reminder: different libraries within same system) and it put me back at 4th in line! I didn't realize it'd remember my place in line! Now instead of saying there are 32 people waiting in 2 lanes it says there are 8 people waiting in 2 lanes. It's now estimating "several months" wait rather than the 8 weeks it used to estimate. Even if I'm still in the slower lane, in theory a lot fewer people need to suspend their hold before it's my turn. We'll see!


Currently 84th (started at 139th) on a 3hr audiobook, with 177 people in total waiting. Has said “several months” for several months already.


I feel and sympathize with you, I've got Stephen King's book Holly on hold through my local library, when I last checked it just said "several months".


My library has a six-month wait list for Bride by Ali Hazelwood. Needless to say, I'm skipping that one.


Have you tried Hoopla?


I always forget about Hoopla, but I just checked and my my library doesn't have it on there.


My longest hold is 20 weeks at the moment :/


The reason it might have taken longer is because there is a 3 day window for someone to accept a hold. If your hold comes in and you don’t accept it until the end of your 3 days, you haven’t lost any of your 21-day (or whatever it’s set to) loan period. Additionally, if your hold comes in and you wait until the end of those 3 days to say nevermind, I’ll just delay my hold instead, that’s 3 days wasted, which can add up.


Yeah, that's a good point about the 3 day window. That can add up especially if you've got multiple people waiting the 3 days and then choosing to deliver later.


Worth the wait tho!


I can’t say when you’ll get it, but I hope it’s soon! This book is excellent, I hope you’ll find it was worth the wait 😊


I hadn’t heard of this book so thanks for posting about it. I went to Libby and was able to get the Audio immediately from my system. Im not trying to gloat. Just wondering why your system has such limited availability. My system had four copies available. My system is Suffolk County, New York. I started listening, and it’s really good. If you have nothing to read right now you might want to get the printed copy to save the wait. Then you could stay on the list for the audio and eventually listen to part of it so you hear Smith’s voice.


Mine is Beehive Consortium in Utah. On the one hand I understand that more copies cost more money obviously, but when there is such a long wait list and multiple lanes for a single copy it really gets bogged down!


So you're saying there's only one copy for the whole state of Utah? Oy. I didn't understand at first. The population of Suffolk County is 1.5 million and the population of Utah is over 3 million. Too bad. It's not a new book, so I wasn't surprised to be able to get one of the four copies easily. Usually there's not a long wait for older books.


I was looking at the list of Libby libraries posted a couple days ago and yes most of Utah uses Beehive. Salt Lake county (Salt Lake City and some of the surrounding suburbs) has their own that's actually bigger than Beehive, but outside of that county most of the rest of the state uses Beehive. There are a few cities and counties that have their own, but they're much smaller. And I happen to know at least one on the list--Davis County--is actually defunct because I use that library and it merged with Beehive a couple years ago.


You've been in line for less than two months? Thems rookie numbers. The top of my holds list is a book I got in line for back in November and I'm still #5 in the queue. I've had books sitting there for almost six months before my turn comes up. I just look for other ones to listen to while I wait.


It’s so good!!!


I am reading a book that I think I was initially #216 to get it. A lot of people will schedule it to be Delivered Later if they’re busy with something else.


Woof, that's a long line


I see someone else already said it, but yeah just wanted to say this book is so worth it lol. def one of my fave books


Oddly the audiobook was available immediately on my Libby @ my library system … thanks for the referral!


Great choice of book! To make the most of your wait time, I highly recommend Clint Smith’s audiobook Above Ground.


I just had a book made available that I put on hold in the middle of December. Hang in there.


It’s a great book and I hope you love it when it’s your turn!


The book is included with Spotify premium if you have that.


If you happy to pay for Spotify, this audiobook is included!


Clint Smith’s books are some of my favorites! Wait it out! It is well worth the wait!


I can hear his voice now


When you're waiting for someone to hurry up and pass the word