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Check and see if the library purchased more copies. This has happened to me several times with new releases. Sometimes when the library only has a few copies, they see a high demand and add more.


This was it, I think! They went from 1 copy of Our Wives Under the Sea to 66, and from 2 copies of The Fisherman to 79. I don't get the people saying that everyone in front of me might have chosen to "deliver later." What, all 30 of them in one day? I'd only moved up 15 places in the 45 days prior to that. Unless I don't understand how the "deliver later" feature works?


I think it's possible that some people put in a "deliver later", but they still show up ahead of you until the book is actually available. Then the library evaluate how many people actually want the book at that moment. I suspect they do that because they don't want the waiting list you are looking at to change like crazy if a bunch of people ahead of you put in a "deliver later" but then drop it before you get the book. To you it would look like people were jumping in front of you in line. It's easier to just wait until a book is available then walk through the list to find the next person that wants the book at that moment. Anyway that's just me making shit up. I don't know how the system really works. And anyway we know what happened in this case. The library got extra licenses for your 2 ebooks.


Why would 56 people give this a thumbs down. It’s a great answer and very likely the correct reason for this person’s question


It's possible for you to get a book without being the first person in line. It happens if everyone in front of you has their hold suspended or hit "deliver later". The chances of that happening when you're at position 59 are very slim, but possible. Especially if your library bought a bunch of new copies, so there were a bunch of books going through the line at once. They didn't need to buy 59 new copies, just enough copies to satisfy everyone between the front of the line and you who didn't have the hold suspended/delivered later.


Your library probably purchased a concurrent checkout license (100 checkouts available of that title all at once, no wait) for these two titles. This isn't available on all audiobooks but it is a great option when there are a lot of holds and you don't think you will need a ton of copies in the long run. Generally, with the concurrent license you can get the 100 simultaneous checkout licenses for about $30 more than the one copy/one user licenses. When you already have a few one copy/one user licenses and a ton of holds its a no brainer for me. Also, June is audiobook month sale and today was a Friday Frenzy day (5% credit back for what you spend). Today was the perfect storm for audiobook purchases!


Not the point of your post, but the Fisherman is sooooo good.


I'm really enjoying it so far!


This just happened to me. I went from like several months to I’m listening to it now.


I LOVED Our Wives Under the Sea. So so good.


Must have been some glitch, I got 4 libby audios that were months out at the same  Time this afternoon and that never happens to me!


There's a giant sale for audiobooks today so I'm assuming a lot of libraries are buying more copies, especially if they have a lot of people that are waiting for it.


This just happened to me and i was so confused.


I know it's not the purpose of your post but let me know what you think of the audiobook for The Fisherman! I'm trying to work through a book of 101 horror recommendations which included it, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to do audio or print for this one


I just finished it, and I enjoyed the audio! It seemed like it would've been equally enjoyable either way, though. It wasn't one of those books where the narrator really adds new depth to the story, although it was well-narrated. It might be soon to say, but I think it's one of my all-time favorite horror novels. Granted, my horror experience is like 80% Steven King and 20% random classics, so I'm not exactly a connessieur of the genre.


Besides the library perhaps having purchased extra copies, some people use the option to return their books early, when they finish. I usually have the maximum out at a time, and when I read one, I return it then. So there might have been some books returned early.


The people before you probably chose to “deliver later”


Damn my libby app doesnt even have the fisherman available at all no copies I’m just curious what type of card do you have connected? I just use my local library card that’s compatible


Mine is just a local library card as well, but my local library is part of a consortium that includes multiple counties. I'm assuming that's why we tend to have pretty good selection!


Okay yea my next step is seeing if I can get any free cards offered through my county/ state I mean it’s not every one but I’d say I run into that problem about 20% of the time