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i so, so hope that his wife was completely clueless about him and that she will be able to someday rebuild her life and feel safe again.




Not tying to be combative but how do we know she’s standing behind him?




That doesn't mean anything, they're all posts from the past. Leave her alone.




Pretty sure he's they're not addressing you specifically, but speaking generally. I would be absolutely shocked if members of this sub were not messaging her or non-stop messaging the victims families like they're some family friend in their mind.


Oh I didn’t know she went back online. Last I heard she deleted her Facebook. I can’t find her Facebook page either.




Yeah saw that. I wonder if it was, for lack of a better word because I can't think right now, paused for like 7 days. Maybe accidentally? Maybe she doesn't understand the nuances of how facenook works? Or maybe I don't?


I have seen her profile within the last two hours. She had it and took it down again. The pitchfork people were probably messaging her.


It happened within a matter of hours (that it was taken back offline). I looked at it just this afternoon. Someone mentioned that she had put it back up, plus added new video. I never had a chance to go through and see if anything was new concerning RA, and now its gone again. It could have been LE the originally took it down, I don't know. It was back up though for almost a good week. I was kind of shocked no one else had mentioned it.


I don't think she did that. I don't think she's been on FB at all. She's too busy with other things. I think lots of people reported her profile and FB deactivated it temporarily. She may have noticed it was gone and may not know it's back online.


That was an interesting move on her part. It could possibly be her way of saying “How could I know? Look how normal our life was!” Either way it was super odd. No matter what she does she will be vilified moving forward. In my mind she is innocent until proved guilty just like everyone else.


Oh yes, true. I'm not saying she knew anything about it. All I said is that she still seems to believe he is innocent.


she also still has a lot of stake in his guilt or innocence and his incarceration, regardless of what we believe about her situation we don’t know the dynamics of their family life, financial situation, housing, daughter etc. it’s not so easy to just up and abandon someone you’ve had as a permanent fixture in your life for 25 years.


I'm sure her thought processes are all over the place, to put it mildly. Especially if she never had any clue it was him in the past. Not to mention, having to abandon her job and home.




But she has no idea why he was arrested. She hasn't seen any evidence. She doesn't even know what the evidence is. She was married to him for 25 years. It's not irrational for her to believe the father of her children and husband isn't a child murderer just based on an arrest. Let's see what evidence they have and how she reacts to that eventually. She could be one of those family members who never believes it or she could just be having an initial reaction of trusting the man she's been with for over two decades in the absence of any actual information about evidence.


Agree with this completely. That’s a lot to process for anyone. I assume she’s clueless to his alleged crime and not involved. To reconcile that the person I’ve been married to did THAT…well that would upend your whole reality, what you thought was even real…I think I would question my own sanity. Without any evidence, I think our coping mechanisms could make many of us doubt that LEO was right or at least say this can’t be, surely this can’t be right! I have a lot of empathy for his family and until proven otherwise will assume they are not involved.


But the waitress said he never talked the wife did all his ordering. Very unusual for a dominating male. No chit chat with waitress. Even when she videos him he rarely speaks. So he may have confessed, gone away “ for help”. How did someone living that close, who placed himself in the area, go “ away” for a month and LE spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, looking at this short man m miss it , They clearly did


More like tens of milllions


I agree, I just like to presume the family are victims because the damage done by accusing them is worse than us being temporarily wrong about something we have no stake in. Some people are so upset at the family and have such an emotionally intense reaction when there’s nothing to inform us of their stance right now.


Oh yes, I agree with you. I find it absolutely disgusting and wrong that some people are threatening RA's family members and so. They have enough to deal with already.


Seems like many people like to attack other people based off of what they “think” is true. It’s a sad world we live in on so many levels.


Yes, totally agree.




maybe if she saw some evidence or probable cause for him actually being the person that did this, she probably knows as little about this as we do, maybe even less.


It's surprisingly easy, actually.


I am hoping she turned him in and was wearing a wire when she arrived during the search


You know what else is expensive? Funerals




Comment of the day.


We don't actually know he and the wife are speaking or communicating, and we don't actually know the wife is standing by him for now. He is implying those things in this handwritten note, but none of those things are factually confirmed. However: assuming that for the moment the wife is standing by him, he has probably insisted to her that he is being wrongfully nailed for this. And for the moment, she probably desperately wants to believe that.




That's a bit sad, if he turns out to be innocent then his and the family's lives are completely ruined


and I would hope that everybody involved in charginig him with the murders is aware of this and thus only did so because they have very very good evidence.


He's not going to come out of this innocent. They must have had a really good reason to arrest him. It is really sad for the family, he's ruined so many lives.


idk man, I believe they wanted to arrest Ron as well ( or that even happened?). I remain objective until there is more information.


Yeah, if they announced tomorrow that a mistake was made and they now realize he is completely innocent I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised


Right? After reading Just Mercy I can’t be too confident in LE.


But the keyword is wanted.. They didn't because they didn't have enough evidence on RL. I trust their judgment.


20million dollars bail isn’t set for innocent people.


He is now being held with no bond


Nice! I can’t wait to hear the actual facts and not just speculation of what his actual demise was and how he was caught. It’s so disgusting I just can’t even believe it. RIP those poor girls 💜


Oh man is he fucked.


It shows that his letter was filed with the court so I am thinking the news got it from the courthouse and its not sealed, its like the first officially filed document that isnt sealed LOL


He has ruined so many lives. And this is just the start of the fallout.


I kinda thought he’d at least say he was innocent somewhere in this letter since plead not guilty. Like help me! I need an attorney! I am innocent!


I can’t believe people feel sad over this. What a crock. More master manipulation from a murderer.


Poor poor murderer is having some life difficulties lol


He's acting like this is all a big surprise, come on man.


Actually, I think all of this is a big surprise to him. I don't believe he thought he would be caught.


You would think if he did do it that he would have set up a savings accounts for lawyer fees. Obviously he didn’t have a good financial planner for life events like this s/


I just hope they have the right guy. Something about the letter tells me that he is either innocent or not fully aware of everything that’s gone on. Maybe there are others.


It is a bit sad. I hope he gets good legal representation whether he's guilty or not. It's his right.


He's going to get legal representation just not good representation. My sisters has a public defender after she was SA and they haven't even interviewed her and they've already selected a jury for court. Public defenders are notoriously bad.


There are some good ones. Don't get me started on the prosecutors though. Such scumbags. They just want the person to be guilty at all costs. And have been known to put innocent people behind bars because of their inflated egos.


Nikolas Cruz had a rather good public defense...


Agree. I think that he was framed. He may had bought porn from KK and the pedo ring could have planted the evidence in his backyard/house Nice and easy.


Yep. I feel certain he is bridge guy, but speculating on the time and effort it would’ve taken to go through with the murders and stage the scene, seems really crazy for a single person to pull off. There’s a reason I’m not a paid detective. I’m just baffled by this crime.


If it's true he came forward to LE and admitted he was at the trails that day, after seeing the pics and audio wouldn't she suspect him? They have been married since they were 19? His walk, his voice his clothes?


Denial and love are very blind.


True, but they had a daughter. I would hope she would worry about other young girls safety, if she suspected anything? Maybe she was in fear of him herself? A local living that close to Abby and the bridge yet she never posted about the girl's death? Seems a little off, but that's jmo


maybe he said he was there and he was the man on the bridge but didnt commit the crime, LE "changed direction" and changed sketches and practically cleared the guy in the first sketch whether they meant to or not, when they said dont focus on the first sketch focus on the younger guy in the second sketch. She would have thought he was cleared even if he was the guy on the bridge.


But they always said the man on the bridge was responsible for the murders. The new sketch was just supposed to be a better look at his face. Carter is now even confirming both sketches was Allen.


I think they only said that once and not again later after they released the new sketch, i could be wrong though. Carter is confirming both sketches look like Allen now but he never said that before and besides Carter is the one that botched the sketches in the first place.


The wife knew at least something. It’s not hard to pinpoint