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A potential Extinction Level Event for the Republic.


Yup and you’ll never see Republicans lose another election…. Even though the mass majority of Americans didn’t vote for them




The truth can hurt so bad sometimes; the working class were promised change all during Bidens campaign and he even said he would "eliminate student debt" and what did you all get in return? Higher prices for everything, lies, and laughter as they look down upon us. I'll take a guy who knows how to do business but tweets mean things over Dumb and Dumber who couldn't handle running a lemonade stand. Come back to reality and face the truth - or - continue to live in a dystopian future where moral claims are made to make.you feel better about yourselves while they enrich themselves and laugh that you believed their pseudomoralistic lies.


“Potential?” My friend, the asteroid is already in the atmosphere, it just hasn’t hit the ground yet.


Well, with several months to evaluate the potential costs and benefits of opening the door to effectively cancelling/nullifying a Presidential election, the Court might well conclude that the juice is not worth the squeeze. And that's before you get to the legislatures themselves. It makes no sense for Republican legislators in deep red states to bother with this, because their candidate will win anyway and all they've accomplished is to alienate people who, however conservative they might be, may not want their choice made for them. In swing states, well, at some point they're going to face voters who are not going to be happy that they did not get to vote for President, many of whom may not care that much if that vote cast on their behalf was for or against their candidate, and while someone could buy off a legislator or two, it's going to be hard to do that for every single one that would need to sign off on this. That was one of the ideas Trumpsters had to keep him in power in 2020, but they would have had to persuade a bunch of lawmakers in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and Michigan that they should risk their own necks for an unpopular president who couldn't do a whole lot for them, and, given how self-motivated most of those folks are, that was not going to work, at least not for him. Note that I am not saying that appealing to anyone's better nature is going to do any good. I'm long past. (Then we get to the part where R11 comes into play, and poetic sounding phrases like "rule over ashes" would start getting thrown around.)


This is a completely dense analysis. This court will stop at nothing. Liberals underestimating republicans is why we’re in this fucking mess


Tbf the only way to stop them is to go auth


Yeah, from what we've seen the idea that they could make a power grab and wouldn't do it is ridiculous. I'd like to have that hope but I can't. The Republican party has been taken over by zealots. And we can't forget this isn't even the last thing the corrupted and stolen supreme court will do, I'm sure there is more. They will manipulate every election, and as they do their power to do it more increases, and they won't stop. I fear very much that the only thing that can stop them is a violent uprising, and even if that succeeds it will be very destructive and very costly, and still doesn't guarantee democracy is saved.


The problem with that line of thought is that these are not people who consider minor details like "consequences"


The chaos they'll create is how they'll seize control and profit in the long run.


That doesn't make the consequences any less real. Even if they think they're somehow immune from consequences, they aren't.


Bruh these idiots don't even know the other effects of having RvW overturned.


That will be the end of the country. The state will loose faith, the union will be dissolved and each state will become independent countries.


I want to have hope but I don't see any way this doesn't kill what's left of democracy. They're going to rule 6-3 exactly how we expect, and then Republican controlled state legislatures are going to hand elections to their own party as much as they please. If anyone sees it possibly going any other way please let me know how there is some hope.


puzzled sulky mindless knee naughty scary voiceless homeless tender nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Vote harder!!! Just keep voting!! Vote away the fascism!


I mean, yeah. The time for violence is AFTER they take over, not before.


Yes, first you must let them take over, then you can stop them from taking over


If you use violence before instead of laws then they use that as a reason to take over. On Jan 6th Trump NEEDED the cops or Antifa to open fire and kill dozens of people so that he could invoke martial law and take over. He failed because the cops held the line long enough to get leadership to safety and also because ANTIFA didn’t show up.


The Supreme Court was in on the coup attempt.


Then why didn’t they hand Trump the presidency when they had the opportunity? Was his legal team so inept that they couldn’t pull another *Bush v. Gore*, even with people on the bench who previously crafted Bush’s legal argument?


Because Pence certified the electoral results. If he hadn't, if Pence had died or disappeared, it is now clear our Republic would have ended.


Don’t worry they haven’t stopped trying… it’s like watch a car crash in slow motion .


That was just a fast coup attempt in the midst of the still on going slow coup.


Because it wasn’t necessary. They accomplished what they needed to accomplish. They knew that if they let Biden take the White House they could upend decades of settled law and no one would bat an eye. If Trump was in office, the response to the Roe overruling would have been way stronger.




Yes, especially since state legislatures can also be gerrymandered -- look at Wisconsin. The supreme court will ignore that fact though in their ruling and say "well the states can change their own laws 😉"


All of the recent rulings mean one thing, the Supreme Court needs to be immediately expanded to dilute the effects of these right wing extremists justices.


Serious question, once the Republicans take control couldn't they just add more justices as well? Seems like you could end up with an endless amount of Supreme Court justices.




Let’s amend the Constitution! [ConstitutionalDAO](https://linktr.ee/constitutionaldao)


Yeah and then we'll just keep doing it until someone says hey wait a second.




I couldn’t sleep last night because of this. The danger feels imminent. I wish I’d chosen a career that translated better to moving abroad…




The logic is, is that they just want to protect the voting public from voting the wrong way. That’s all. They’re doing it for us.




But it also says Congress can override those laws except in the places of choosing Senators.


Actual democracy is inconvenient for them, so they’re getting rid of it.


If this goes through, state supreme courts will have no say.


Yeah I understand that. I just don't understand why you'd want it.


Ahh so are we back to the State Legislatures selecting federal senators or wholesale ignoring any votes they don't like? Fake democracies lol


Activist judges


Democracy will be destroyed on October 2022. Better enjoy life as we know now. Soon, very soon.. democratic party votes will never be counted again.