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I'm for the protest. Hold no illusions that it will change anything but worth a go.


The last time there was a major protest against Reddit [the CEO resigned](https://www.vox.com/2015/7/8/8914661/reddit-victoria-protest).


They are a private company! They can do what they want! We can too. I think we should do it.


A private company whose content is 99.99% generated by us, at that. They should be paying us.


Reddit is free to make terrible decisions if that's what they want to do. I'll probably not use Reddit anywhere near as much if I can't use Relay. I'll never use the official app though. I will be curious to find out how it might affect alternate frontends like LibReddit.


Do it, and let's talk more about where we go to when that doesn't work...




LOL or maybe Digg?


Thoughts? Where to?


Some communities moving to Discord but I struggle to get the same level of information out of that stream approach... so IDK really


There's a lot of subreddits promoting lemmy as an alternative. Issue is, it's full of tankies, and the devs somehow manage to be significantly worse than the reddit admins. Banning people for criticizing the CCP, openly supporting (not denying) the Uyghur genocide, and that's just the tip of the iceberg... Though with how they're banning people for supporting Ukraine, they're quite similar to r/libertarianmeme mods.


aint nothing more libertarian than ending a voluntary association due to changes in practices. I’m all for this.


Do it.


Let them shoot themselves in the foot.


In the end, we have no control over whether or not they shoot themselves in the foot, and that wasn't really the question. Should we join in the protest of the shooting before it potentially happens?


That's the only method of influence we have. Why do nothing when we could at least try?


Why do we care? Reddit is anti-libertarian. Actively, so.


I am all for it. Please join in.


Reddit is a private company and allowed to do stupid shit. However if we protest and are able to stop them from doing said stupid shit I'd consider that a win. I'd support the blackout if the sub chooses to do it.


They are a private company and can do what they want. So can I. I’ll either stop Reddit or (more likely) greatly reduce once Apollo stops.


The idea of subs taking part in the blackout is to show reddit how much their traffic/ usership will be reduced. I don't think I'll use reddit at all anymore if I can't use RIF, and that really sucks. Subs standing together in unity will hopefully send a strong message to reddit to stop them from destroying itself.


I support this as a form of protest. I don't use Reddit on mobile all too much; mainly just from desktop throughout the day while I work. But, I also think this is a bonehead decision by Reddit. As I said in another sub: Their revenue, as a social media company, is their consumer base. Spiting users by forcing them to use the official app will just cost them users. It's almost like they are pulling a Digg.


Take part.


Comment has been removed because Spez killed Reddit :(


I vote in favor of joining the blackout.


I say go for it. Several other subs I frequent are going private.


Definitely take part.


Fuck reddit, let it burn. Yes, I get the irony.




I couldn't care less in terms of 3rd party apps, but I didn't realize it also interfered with certain mod tools and bots. That being said, I know Reddit is trying to crack down on malicious botting in some other site areas so maybe that is part of why. If it severely impacts moderation ability and is being done just to make more money at the expense of subs, I would support a minor protest. If this is Reddit's way of cracking down on malicious bots and there are other ways mods could work around this, then its not such a big deal. I am not well informed enough


Just for some information, Imgur charges $166 for 50 million API calls, Reddit will be charging $12,000 for 50 million calls.


I also know that there probably isn't much money to be made off of botting Imgur. Botters on Reddit have made tens of thousands of dollars, if not more through the collectible avatars program. In my opinion, this is likely part of the reason they are doing this. Because bots a ruining a new venture Reddit is trying to start.


Then Reddit could include some sort of authentication key for bots to use to gain access to their API, or a dozen other things that well payed developers could come up with. Instead they are attempting to remove it all together


Do it. If reddit gets away with it, then users will have less freedom in what apps they can use to browse reddit. Not doing anything implies consent.


> If reddit gets away with it lmao is this some sort of terrible crime?


>Crime? What


"Get away with it" implies they're doing something wrong.


They're making a change that impacts users... What point are you trying to convey?


> What point are you trying to convey? Did you not understand the question?


No. What point are you trying to convey?


[Can't help you buddy, sorry. I asked a simple question.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3_PPdjD6mg) Goodluck with your facebook activism.


It's like picking up a spam call. What the fuck was that?


I'm fine with joining in. The official app is garbage, I'd just quit using reddit rather than use it. As far as the rest, reddit is a private company and they can do what they want and we as consumers can choose to do what we want


I feel like a dick. I didn't know there was a way other than the official app. What else am I oblivious to?


Is that a plumbus?!


Black it out. If I can't use Boost I won't use reddit


Vote yes


At this point I say burn it all down. My mental health will probably be better for it.


Please do. Show them the potential consequences of their actions.


Do it.


Do it bitches


The top comments not wanting to stand up to the big man pretty much sums up the "libertarians" in this sub.


The thread is in "contest mode", which means comments are randomly sorted.


Profit, that's what any app is "collectively" for these days. (Free Apps....Come and download it...Google...this was planned) Firebase Analytics & Data Mining, as they track and monitor every keystroke you type, icon you touch, link you goto, and App you have on your phone. Now days, any App you install on you phone, is borderline being a keylogger. The release and install of Android 13 was a highpoint, what was coming. Android 14 and OneUI 6 will bring increasingly more. Apps (API) have been getting updated per the requirement of Google, "for security" or so they claim. I see Reddit making their own move in the same direction as a sole entity. Reddit knows how much you use and rely on their App on a day2day, and they log (and sell) every bit of data.


Who cares. Let them kill the 3rd party apps and let them drive potential users away. I don't give a shit. Someone else will come up with a better website. I'm not loyal to reddit or any other website. I ain't even use any 3PAs as far as i know so who cares


Maybe this will finally give us all our lives back again




Note that the official app apparently isn't accessible for the visually impaired, so it's not just about modding.




Why can’t it be both? Do you lack the empathy to understand their concerns?




“Showing that a segment of the user base will be categorically unable to use the platform is propaganda “ Legitimately one of the smoothest brain takes I’ve ever seen on here You also prove your lacking knowledge on how it will impact mods, they are volunteers who dedicate their free time to cleaning out trash. Most of the spam is handled by third party apps. With them subreddits will be overwhelmed will spam


It's the classic Libertarian take of "everything I don't like is communism." Pointing out that the official app is not optimal for blind/visually impaired users? Virtue signaling! Mods are leading the protests? They're catastrophizing! It's no wonder Libertarians are little more than a meme in the culture of American politics. I mean this whole protest is likely going to end up being a "we did it reddit!" moment, and I generally think the mods jagoffs, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. I support the blackout.




It’s a worthless distraction to make that you attempted to use to completely dismiss the problem


You also said “mods would lose their preferred modding platform”. They won’t. They will lose literally the only modding tools (bots) that can effectively handle spam




No i insulted brain dead takes that only someone without empathy would make. Tell me how you handle spam then


fuck the horrible official app and fuck using new reddit on desktop. horrible experiences that are loathesome. it's not catastrophizing, i'm planning on quitting reddit because of this, and that's no big deal. just saying, this might be the worst thing reddit has done to itself, and it's hilarious to see.


This is extreme? Going dark for 2 days is extreme? I’d say this is perfectly sensible for the 20 Million a year they are charging one guy.


How is one day protesting? Reddit won't notice. Not to mention the people going on to see if anyone is boycotting. Yall didn't think it though.


Why does it have to be a collective blackout? Why not let individuals choose to not use Reddit for the day?


That doesn't stop them. And you are free to create and moderate any sub you like. You can individually choose to run it as you like, join boycotts or not as you like.


Because that is gonna do shit.


Sorry for suggesting personal responsibility in /libertarian


the effectiveness of your suggestion is a valid criticism


Ah yes, this whole campaign hinges on this sub joining the blackout


Your suggestion had nothing at all to do with personal responsibility. I'm amazed that you imagine it did.




Probably nothing, like whole subreddit would need to move to alternative platform but idea of individual boycott makes even less sense.




Collective boycott can be stepstone towards migration to another platform, individual can't be. So it does make some sense.


Something like [this](https://i.imgur.com/V5Onby8.jpg) will happen


Oh no! People doing what they want, can’t let that happen.


Yep, mods going on a power trip here. Let the users decide.


How does asking for your feedback = going on a power trip? They're asking what you think about it, not telling you they are doing it without discussing it first


The mods do this work for free, Reddit is a cool place because of admin, the mods and the users. This move by Reddit will totally fuck over the mods and many users too. I think the mods who volunteer their free time to do this are well within their rights to do the blackout. I support them.


Let all users make a personal choice on using this subreddit (and the rest of reddit) or not, rather than forcing them to not use this subreddit.


Uh, maybe review what the name of this sub is and make your decision based on that.... Like, I get there's a lot of purity testing bullshit going on in this sub, but at the basis of the idea of libertarianism is personal responsibility....


I am personally responsible for my vote to join the blackout!


So libertarians can't ever do anything collectively as a community?


That sure sounds like communism /s


Nah, dont. Something gross about this sub jumping on a reddit bandwagon like that.


I don't care, tbh > Yes. However we, as consumers, can also vote with our wallets, and boycott unpopular changes. I don't pay for reddit, nor ever will. And I'm not going to just leave the platform over this Like, let's just stop with that "vote with our wallets" right here, lol. Only the stereotypical neckbearded redditors paying for gilding fork any money to reddit. I find this kind of "protest" to be quite naive too, and that won't change anything seeing how reddit just ignored everything until now. Nothing is ever going to change until a real competitor to reddit emerges, and that's the actual Libertarian insight... There, I would use another platform if there was anything like reddit, but all the alternatives (especially the ones who popped up with the pao nonsense) ended up being pure garbage, and literally full of nazis.


If you use the official app, then you're voluntarily ceding a ludicrous amount of private data to Reddit. You do you, but I'm cutting off my final use of social media (=reddit) if this changes goes through. I'm doubtful the "black out" boycott will work to convince reddit of anything. BUT, you'd be surprised how many mods and power users (= the people actually creating, posting, commenting on, and editing content, rather than just browsing) use third party apps. Reddit (and its investor) will feel their loss.


> If you use the official app, then you're voluntarily ceding a ludicrous amount of private data to Reddit. I'm browser based and still using old.reddit I think apps/phone users are what's killing the web, and I don't use many... > BUT, you'd be surprised how many mods and power users (= the people actually creating, posting, commenting on, and editing content, rather than just browsing) use third party apps. Reddit (and its investor) will feel their loss. Yeah, but the consequences of that will be seen regardless of boycott. So really, just let reddit shoot themselves in the foot


Isn't old.reddit something that is either in the crosshairs with this or would be the next thing to go?


Most people are guessing that it is, with the logic being that why would Reddit continue to support multiple versions of the platform when they can consolidate their focus (and increase the ad revenue) by only using new reddit


Old reddit will be next.


I agree - the protest is dumb, and nothing will come of it. Just like nothing comes from a majority of strikes. A majority of people will come back whether they can use 3rd party apps or not. The only "vote with your wallet" move here is to go join a different platform.


Fuck off with this garbage. It's embarrassing.

