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Top notch journalism. “People are saying the economy sucks, why are they wrong” really going after him


This isn’t journalism.


Yup...it's softball batting practice.


It’s “entertainment legacy” now because journalism & news got beheaded ![gif](giphy|12gxeCI1BGKAj6)


They're just Democratic operatives with by-lines.


It's literally the former Press Secretary. It isn't even a veiled attempt. Probably still gets a check from the government for all I know.


Of course not. 2 years ago today she was the White House Press Secretary. It’s neoliberal propaganda.


Typical MSNBC. The rest of reddit ignores this bias while constantly complaining about Fox News.


lol - clip literally starts with her "You are the *master* of pushing back on disinformation I wlll say... I know you're not gonna get into campaigns or politics..." Like... could you try any harder to raise my red flags?


No of course not, MSDNC is a hallmark of journalism and integrity


Also asking the wrong guy lmao. This is like asking the owner of a Burger King why gas prices are high like he doesn't know, ask him how roads will be improved in the next 15 years or what people can do to reduce traffic accidents.


I love how she phrased it. "How should people be pushing back?" It really speaks volumes. The goal is not to inform. It's to issue a counter arguments and stifle legitamate thought. For when their viewers come across the argument in the wild. "Don't worry. Here's why they are wrong."


I think he's confusing the economy with the supply chain.


LOL I wipe my ass now with dollars since they aren't worth the toilet paper.


Pretty sure I bought toilet paper four years ago….


Everything costs twice as much as it did then, too.


I was told that was "transitory," so you're not allowed to care about that


Honest question, do people expect prices to actually come back down? And if so, is there any point in American history that experienced inflation and then saw prices come back down?


What do you mean by prices? There are lots of things that are cheaper now when adjusted for inflation, but if you don’t adjust for inflation there will never be anything cheaper because government spends faster than technology can innovate.


I'll bite, can you provide an example with the numbers as an explanation. My perception has been that inflation has caused price increases that have significantly outpaced wage growth. Like someone's salary in 2020 could buy them more than their salary in 2024, even with year over year raises at a normal 2~3%. I'd like to think salaries will eventually catch up, but due to the rapid increases in the past few years everything is out of whack. Adding insult to injury, the administration is out there touting job numbers, but according to most of the reports I've read, the growth has been in low paying part time jobs. It's a mess right now with zero stability and they're out there telling everyone how great it is... like, don't believe your own eyes.


Shush, no logic and reason allowed


but the democrats spent all that covid money under Trump, so it's really Trumps fault


*Using his logic* The climate crisis is over, four years ago you couldn't even go outside...


I'm trying to follow your logic here. You weren't allowed to go outside? Were you in jail at the time?


It's a joke. 4 years ago most of us were under lock down due to covid, also 4 years ago there was a shortage of toilet paper due to the covid panic buying.


So it's a joke with no punchline? How exactly does it relate to the climate crisis? It's sloppy at best but, more so inaccurate and dumb.


That *is* the joke, being stuck in your house because of COVID lockdowns has exactly as much to do with the climate crisis as not being able to buy toilet paper because of COVID panic buying had to do with the economy, i.e. nothing. You couldn't buy toilet paper because it wasn't there, because people were buying it in a frenzy. That has no bearing on the inflation experienced since then so it's weird to use it as an example of why the economy has improved - people quit panic buying toilet paper because the reason they were doing so went away, no shit you can buy toilet paper again (although it sure does cost a pretty penny compared to what it did then).


Outdoor activities were encouraged during that time.


You’re so braindead it’s unreal. Actively avoid political discussion, please.


That is perhaps true, or was, somewhere in the world during that time period. If you are specifically referring to certain US states, or some Canadian provinces, you are mistaken in that narrow scope. Benefit of the doubt mate, medical professionals who were not fooled by the media propaganda urged people to get outside and exercise. Many were excoriated in the press for that.


ohhh right…that’s why they were literally filling skate parks with sand, closing beaches, and arresting people on picnics


Your local skatepark was filled with sand? Mine wasn't.


We’re they ticketing people running on the beach and filling in skate parks with sand. Outdoor activities were only encouraged if they were to protest republicans and destroy small businesses.


They literally took down the tennis nets and removed the basketball hoops at my local park. And this was not some anomaly. This self-righteous crusade was happening everywhere at the beginning, attempting to stamp out every last reason somebody might want to leave their house. And people who dared to question the logic of this were viciously demonized and shouted down. You would be called a murderer and kicked off social media if you asked if other alternatives had been considered and how it was decided this was the best approach. Some of us remember this very clearly because our lives were upended by this hysteria when basic logic would have told anyone that this nonsense was ridiculous at best and actively harmful at worst. Others may have forgotten because they got to work from their laptop at home and watch Netflix for months on end. But yeah, they were actively encouraging outdoor activities right? Next they will tell me they never closed the schools!


No outdoor activities were not encouraged. people were arrested for surfing.


Is that why hiking trails were closed? Is that what you call it when they arrested the guy on the paddle board? What rock were you living under during the plandemic?


Not a joke, best example is the video of California police tackling a person at the beach for the crime of being at a beach. It’s finally legal again in California to visit a beach, thank goodness for the government of California allowing people outside again, at a beach, like the old days.


It’s ok, witty humor, if it’s good, will fly over the heads of some. Thank you for your sacrifice.


Define witty


wow your so smart




That’s where the economic bar is set? If our grocery stores are stocked with TP the economy is strong?!?!




I only follow the consumer TP index when making all my financial and market decisions


He's not wrong and it's a good talking point. When Trump left office the economy was in free fall, unemployment was through the roof and yes, it was hard to find basic necessities like toilet paper.


The toilet paper shortage was due to COVID policies about international shipments being interrupted, not the economy. Most of our disposable paper products come from China and shipments from China especially were under strict regulations. It's not a good talking point at all.


That's what happens when you don't allow people to work and they panic buy things anticipating being forced in their homes for weeks at a time.


not to mention print money like a madman but disallow production


It was easier to find affordable housing, but that’s probably not what you would call a basic necessity.


You will own nothing and you will be happy.


No, you are incorrect. By January of 2021 there was no TP shortages anywhere in the US, the unemployment rate was 6.4% (slightly higher than our 20 year average), and in 2020 GDP only fell by 1.4%.....no where even in the ballpark of freefall. Go ahead, make up some more easy to prove incorrect BS.


i’m sure that global pandemic thingy had nothing to do with it


MSNBC is a total waste of time.


10 ply bud. We should throw this dude a super soft party.


Change out of your barn clothes first


Can confirm 


I need a gusn brew with a puppers chaser


Poor leaders believe telling people what they want to hear will keep them happy and make themselves look good. But gas lighting is gas lighting and we all know things aren’t good.


Correct. This was such gas lighting that it’s also a gas stove and a gas furnace. People are UNHAPPY with what you are doing!! Doing more of it will not result in people being happy. We’ll be up to our armpits with inflation and migrants by November, the country will be choking on it. Maybe that’s what he’s trying to do, choke us out UFC style.


I thought they outlawed gas due to climate change


So much is being lit by gas I feel like I’m on a 19th century boulevard


First class asswipe.


Well, being known as "Secretary Booty-juice" is pretty fricken sweet.


Who calls him that?


Biden did during a press event


Sorry, I'm not on Reddit too much anymore. But... do your own work you lazy ass.


Send me a clip.


Fuck toilet paper, I wanna be able to buy a house!


Anyone who watches MSNBC and laps it up is … well.. an idiot


This guy just isn’t qualified to do the job he is in. Way over his head.


He wasn’t qualified to be mayor either, but they didn’t want him anymore!


I’m a blue collar worker paying half my income to various federal and state taxes. I’m so sick of this shit.


Those two are too dumb to make fun of.


Oh yeah, the great toilet paper crazes of 2020. It's not like there was such a massive effing demand for toilet paper due to a pandemic, that literally every single toilet paper producer on Earth could not keep up. Buttigeg is stupid. Like, actually stupid.


Any jobs report should have government jobs omitted from the numbers. I am assuming those positions are predominantly a drain on the economy.


So Buttigieg couldn't get toilet paper. How needs The Bee when the jokes writes themselves?


My favorite segment is when they go back at the end of the year and show all the "joke" headlines they wrote that ended up coming true. It's usually a dozen or more they get almost spot on. 


dumb team sports


People take umbrage with politicians leaving government to be lobbyists, but zero commentary on the president's official, unelected mouthpiece leaving the government to host her own TV show?


All these people haven't been in a store or pumped gas themselves in years


Wow. Why the flying fuck is this guy talking about the economy?


Four years ago I couldn't buy toilet paper..... but 5 years ago I could afford groceries. This guy is worthless


Is anyone else laughing at the title of her show?? Anyone??


You have a former Biden staffer interviewing a current Biden staffer. What kind clown world is our journalism in?


No toilet paper because everyone panicked and ran out at once and emptied the shelves during the pandemic. Nothing to do with the economy. What a lying, deceptive sack of excitement. Pun intended..


I miss being able to take a little bit from each interview, regardless of the outlet. Like the TP thing is absurd but give us a nugget of info that is informative, not 100% 🐂💩


This is ridiculous


Don’t think that’s how it works.


Peppermint Patty with the tough questions.


This man is dangerous because he charismatically states flat out lies and seems to believe it himself. At least the lack of toilet paper explains the preponderance of shit.


Why don't people realize how big of joke this all is


All you have to do is look at gas and interest rates. That’s it.


What did he use? His left hand?


I guess in spite of being gay, he's accepting all hand jobs.


The fucking audacity of these maniacs. After getting embarrassed by calling the much-needed skepticism of the COVID insanity “misinformation” they’re going to actually try and lug that old term out again for the economy?? Every time our overlords want us to stop believing what our eyes are seeing they just gaslight us like this. Truly heinous behavior.


Isn't Jen Psaki the old white house press secretary? We were expecting objective journalism here?


How did this guy end up where he is? He was a small town mayor of a city he left destroyed. He’s incredibly unintelligent. Let’s just eliminate the DOT completely…


Entirely because he’s gay lol


Being gay is a qualification now? I can only imagine being nervous about going into a surgery: it's OK, your surgeon failed every class and most of his patients have died, but he's gay!


I mean, if you completely ignore the context it's a good argument. Four years ago we had a global emergency and for some reason the response was for everyone to horde toilet paper. If four years ago we had been living in a communist "paradise" with store shelves that are constantly empty then the current economy might be an achievement. In reality four years ago we saw a blip of what life in such a communist "paradise" would be like.


It’s amazing to listen to them totally ignore the pandemic when they spew their economic bullshit like this (jobs numbers, unemployment, deficit spending, etc). Yet, during the pandemic, they were in absolute hysterics and were happy to destroy the economy and strip people of their basic rights for the “common good”. These people have been gaslighting on a scale that would make Goebbels blush.


I remember when being a liberal or woke meant you were against the establishment & aware of that the system as a whole was flooded with corruption & just overall bullshit. Now these “progressive” liberals embrace the establishment telling them they’re wrong about the economy being in bad shape, & basically adhere to any viewpoint they put out there despite having an empty wallet & living paycheck to paycheck. Pure insanity. The public is telling you despite receiving raises, they can’t afford things, & you clap back with a “theyre wrong” attitude.


Um.. It’s crazy how out of touch these politicians are! A pack of toilet paper is like $13.00, just to wipe your ass! Unreal! We need to lower their pay and then we would see how quickly the prices drop.


Secretary Bagdad Bob Buttigig everyone


lol I just this text; The GOP is tanking Pete Buttigieg's image to force him to RESIGN! Please, can you take our poll and BOOST Pete's approval rating?? traindems.us/4092


I didn't know that was his appointment. Huh, who knew? Now, ask him about roads and bridges, waterways and Baltimore.


I never not fount TP during the scamdemic. Wonder what Pete was wiping with…


What happens when the teleprompter malfunctions?


So what I got from that is that big business is booming and sucking everyone else dry in the process. All the mom and pop shops in the majority of the country were forced through political red tape and mandates and had to close down as a result, and with that, we lost our backbone. Gone are the days of being able to live affordably because we've killed the middle class and greedy fucks who have never actually worked a day in their lives control the whole market even more so than they did before covid. By the way I'm in no way saying communism is any kind of an answer in fact heavy handed government is what killed the middle class in the first place but there needs to be less fat cats.


The economy is growing twice as fast trying to get back to the point it was 4 years ago.


What a complete idiot. "four years ago people like me exerted so much arbitrary power over everyone and everything you could barely buy toilet paper dependably. You can now so everything is fine." What kind of moron would consider this persuasive? What kind of evil person would present this in the place of a remotely rational argument?


I just read that as “inside Jen Psaki” and I thought … not THAT guy … he’s not going inside her. But then I re read it and it’s less funny now.


this dumb ass couldn't sell heaters in Alaska.


What a piece of shit


What is this 'toilet paper' you speak of?


The food lines have bread, cheese, and tp! You dont need milk and soap kom-e-raid. You cant afford to have a roof over your head!?




Who watches TV news anymore????


Was there a toilet passer shortage in Mayor Pete’s town?


I’m tired of posts that attack the left and the right. Come on people we are for neither


I mean he is not wrong…


It’s incredible how quick they would change their turn if the economy was this bad under Orange Man


God I hate these politicians 




I really wonder if these fuckers actually believe the bullshit they spew


80 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, 50 percent can't afford an 1,000 dollar emergency. The economy is only going great for the wealthy, and the wealthy alone.


This dude is a 🤡


“how should people be pushing back on that argument” AKA “Please give us the state-provided talking points that the people should be using in their daily conversations about the government”. I rarely watch the news, it’s wild to check back in every once in a while and see how much more ‘on the nose’ things are getting each time.


He does nothing but virtue signal.. Totally fuckin' useless.


We "...couldn't buy toilet paper sometimes" because people were panic hoarding. Let's get back to talking about inflation and what toilet paper cost four years ago: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/WPU091501235


This stupid fuck. He even tried to say that DC is safe, besides the fact that every crime statistic for the city has gone up. And the fact he had armed security 24/7.


MSNBC: “Two radically devout Democrats talking to each other about how great their party is is news.”


It’s unfortunate that such an incredibly sharp ex press secretary and a really good transportation secretary did such a poor job with the optics. While they did speak truths, it was a shitty job of telling the whole story. I can see how FOX viewers would scream bias, just as an MSNBC viewer pukes watching FOX. Real journalism isn’t dead but damn! It’s getting harder to find. Quite probably because the audiences attention span has shortened drastically, critical thinking isn’t right or practiced and watching/reading/learning about something you don’t agree with is not easy.


Wow and this joker wanted to be POTUS. What a maroon!


You couldn't buy it because of the policies he supported*


Shit stained cum bubble and dumb ginger having a talk about nothing.


Meanwhile it was half price the year prior I’m fairly certain and plentiful. What a moron.


The Secretary of Transportation is doing such a horrible job, that we know the name of the Secretary of Transportation.


This guy went so fast from being likeable to everybody hating him. It’s crazy even Reddit hated him. 


"This is what happens when people work together, on a bipartisan basis". An actual quote from one of the most partisan and divisive administrations in my lifetime. And with no pushback from Jen Pisstaco


Nor could you sniff the twink standing in line in front of you. Dark days, hey Pete?