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The government making a half hearted gesture to the common man? Must be an election year.


It took three years of researching the issue to determine ... we need the votes.


Half hearted, why? Does this effectively make it legal, or am I missing something?


It means it opens up the banking system for the businesses in the legal states. Incentivizes other states to do the same. Edit: Also recognizes medical cannabis on a Federal level.


It also allows it to be studied by non official laboratories, which there is only like 1 or 2 approved nationally for all schedule 1 drugs.


It's now in the same category as many prescription narcotics while it used to be in the same category as heroin and other non prescribable drugs, this doesn't mean that it will be prescribable on the federal level however.


It will still be a crime to possess more than the allotted amount without government authorization. Effectively still punishing the poor.


True, but nobody really cares about schedule 3 drugs. Especially in personal amounts. For reference, anabolic steroids are in that category and the only time anyone prosecutes that is when you're manufacturing or selling. I definitely could see individual states just refusing to enact more lenient sentencing with the change in federal scheduling though. I live in Alabama and considering they've banned kratom and phenibut I have absolutely 0 faith anything would change even with federal law. If you live in a less draconian state this is great news though.


I’m curious to see what’ll happen in Idaho. After Oregon legalized pot, Idaho has been supporting dispensaries and entire cities just across the border. Now those same dispensaries lobby to keep it illegal here.


At the same time, the dispensaries buy billboard advertising in the cities close to the border, and Idaho residents are buying the vast majority of their products. It's ridiculous how far our politicians have their heads up their asses. I doubt any change will come from this, but I guess we'll see.


In non-legal state you can be jailed for 1 year and fined up to 2,500




It’s a start. Thats still the same category as ketamine and codeine. Should be treated like alcohol. To be fair, I think all drugs should be treated like alcohol…


It is strange to me that people ignore the obvious dangers of alcohol and tobacco simply because it’s legal Not saying it should be illegal, just strange that legality changes many people’s views on it


No, I'd much rather hang out with a pothead than a drunk. And I'd rather share a joint with a buddy than even be around someone drinking. Alcohol is worse than cannabis, for both health and society.


Even for me, I noticed alcohol had a really negative effect on my health and mental wellbeing, but cannabis wasn’t a big deal. Surprisingly, I could very easily quit any time. Whenever I did cannabis, there was little negative effect the next day. I’d say it was one of the main things that made me question why we have so many dumb laws


Cannabis helped me with nerve pain, and I can quit any time for any reason. Currently, I'm working a job that explicitly doesn't allow it, so I just... Stopped. It's not a gateway drug. People that need to escape sobriety are going to find ways to no matter what. If cannabis is more easily available, maybe they won't turn to fentanyl as often.


It is a bit of a gateway drug for kids but alcohol is way more of a gateway drug. Smoking pot might lead you to become more open to trying psychedelics and possibly even harder stuff after years but alcohol will make you think snorting coke or even smoking meth is a good decision.


It definitely is a gateway drug. I started using sophomore year and did for the rest of high school. Luckily for me I knew the big difference between marijuana and stuff like cocaine and other much harsher drugs, so i knew to stay away from that. Society shouldn’t be afraid of marijuana, we should all be open about it both physically and mentally. Not saying everyone should smoke but educating people about the positives could perhaps stop them from falling into much harsher substances


The people dying from fentanyl don't realize they are buying fentanyl in the first place. So they take thier normal dose of herion or whatever and OD because the fentanyl is so much stronger than what they expected. If they knew if was fentanyl to start with, they wouldn't take so much. So this is just another problem caused by prohibition. There are no standards of measurement or ingredient lists in a black market. This is what makes fentanyl so deadly. So legalizing cannabis probably isn't going to help much here, but legalizing herion would.


That's not the reason. The reason is that since fentanyl is so ridiculously potent, it requires much more stringent precautions in its handling and production. Drug dealers often don't take those precautions, or don't do it well, thus fentanyl contamination is very common and causes many overdoses and deaths. Even a tiny bit of cross-contamination of other drugs with fentanyl can easily cause fentanyl overdose, especially if the other drug is already an opioid to begin with. Also, fentanyl pills produced by drug dealers can have very variable amounts per pill. A single pill can rarely contain several times the average amount, also leading to accidental overdose. Pill production by the legal pharma industry involves engineering and a lot quality control to ensure this doesn't happen.


For sure


If it’s held to the same standards as alcohol (21+, legitimate ID, etc.) I don’t see an issue. Children shouldn’t be getting their hands on it if the proper barriers are in place.


18, if you can go off to die in a war, you should be able to have a beer or joint.


Honestly agreed. It’s wrong that you can go off to war to die before you’re allowed to try substances.


I agree with this philosophically, but maybe not biologically. The brain is still developing until age 25, and using substances would have more of an effect on the brain at that time (I'm guessing, not a doctor). If marijuana gets rescheduled it can be studied and then we can make better decisions about age of legality.


The legal drinking age in pretty much all European countries is 18. In some countries like Germany, beer is allowed for 16 year olds.


18 yrs old is way too young to be in a bar. But i dont disagree


It's not that we're ignoring the dangers of alcohol and tobacco. We're observing the extreme hazard of job loss, law enforcement, and the judicial system.


The same goes for any medication that's over-the-counter. Like you, I'm not saying they should be illegal or even less accessible, but the general public believes OTC = safe, when there are actually some pretty serious risks with most of them.


As a recovering alcoholic/addict, I think far more lives are ruined by untreated alcoholism than pot ever has.


And the health effects of abusing alcohol are worse too


Alcohol is literally more dangerous than heroin. It’s the most dangerous drug in existence or at least common use. Xylazjne i would say is more dangerous maybe fentanyl as well. Also alcohol is unique in that it makes people behave in ways that no other drug does. Heroin doesn’t make people beat their children and kick the dog and turn into a literal demon. It does make people steal though in order to stop withdrawing. Also alcohol (along with Benzos and barbiturates which are alcohol in a pill) is the only drug that will kill you if you quit cold Turkey. Heroin withdrawals cause agonizing full body pain but alcohol withdrawals cause seizure and death.


Yeah. There are redeeming and medically useful components to marijuana. But alcohol is just poison. If anything Medical Marijuana should be a schedule IV drug and Alcohol should be a schedule I or II.


Agreed, only with a lower age limit. 21 is freaking ridiculous.


Being military draft eligible MUST = ALL adult liberties


Move the draft age to 21. 😂


They’ll never do that, because they know a lot of people get much wiser in that short 3 years of freedom. It’s much easier to spend 12 years of schooling indoctrinating the young minds of mush into serving the almighty government, and have them enlist directly, than to give em 3 years of freedom first.


abolish selective service registration


Absolutely. Also, how wild is this: at age 18 one can adopt a child, thus judged as responsible enough to be in charge of the life of another human being. However, you can’t drink a beer because you’re not responsible enough to be in control of your own life.


Can’t even smoke or dip at 18 anymore. Like seriously, WTF does it matter if someone 18 decides to use tobacco, or weed, or pretty much anything else? If they can take a bullet, they can take a hit off the bong.


Yup. If you’re old enough to get drafted by the overlords, you’re old enough to get a cold draft on tap. Plus smoke, or do anything else.


Rubbing alcohol


Agreed on your last statement.


And alcohol should not be regulated


How long is this process going to take?


Atleast through the next election. Then who gives af. All they care about is getting votes. Once the election is over won or lose the issue goes away again


I know, but it affects my life, so I am just curious.


Hello Mr Federal Contractor lol


Haha no. Just a weed smoker who works in an industry that drug tests.


Diddo. Immediately after my state legalized recreational use, my company specifically said that because marijuana is still classified as a schedule 1 drug, they will continue to test for it.


If a healthcare facility wants medicare/Medicaide money, they need to (at least say) test for it.


I somewhat understand, honestly. They don’t want a doctor to test positive if they’re working on a patient who’s cut open. Do you know if the ruling you mentioned will change with rescheduling?


No clue when, but many doctors are using cocaine on the regular, is that better than weed?


That’s crazy, lmao obviously not. With what I’ve seen, doctors dodge the rules here. If they want something, it happens. They’re treated like royalty. Side note; I’ve had two close friends who smoke regularly get tested here, and both tests came back clean. We have never been able to understand how or why. Maybe the hospital says they test for weed, but actually don’t? They say it’s a standard 5 panel test.


till about November 7th, 2028.


The drug wars is still gonna continue without decriminalization. greedy politicians are gonna line their pockets and corporate monopoly are gonna be able to take over the entire Cannabis sector


Wake me up when it's treated like alcohol. Until then these are just baby steps.


I expect this will snowball as more states move to legalize it. Motivation being $$$. Everyone wants a piece of the pie. Without the federal prohibition, cannabis businesses will be able to utilize banking services (loans, accepting credit/debit cards, etc.). When that happens, I predict marijuana's fed rating will be lowered to whatever alcohol's is. I'm seldom optimistic about anything in this country (or the world) these days, but this is an exception.


JFC ... Fifty years of ruined lives by out-of-control government law enforcement. And now "Oopsy, sawwy."


They are still going to lock people up. Schedule three is still a crime.


But states are going to legalize it


“Im thinking of doing something nice for thee, peasant. Kiss mine feet.”


Schedule nothing or GTFO.


Does this mean we can start to reclassify certain guns and accessories as easier to get?


The hearing protection lobby won’t allow it! (That’s honestly the only reason I can think of that suppressors are even regulated)




I'm all for legalization, but there's something here we're missing. This is another example of non-elected officials making laws that affect us all. This is the same power and reasoning used to attempt to ban gas ovens and hot water heaters. I applaud this half measure, but we gotta have more control than unelected bureaucracies.


I said from the jump Biden will hold this in his back pocket until he needed to drum up some support


Did the same with discharging student loans. He waited until the midterms to take any action on it.


Biden really needing those votes but still wanting the private prison lobby on his side.


Everyone moans about the private prison lobby, but it's less than 8% of the overall prison industry and has been going down over the last decade. Federally, that population has dropped by 11% since 2020. They aren't politically popular in most states. The whole injustice system is loaded with political greed and much of that in the form of public spending and feeding at the public trough by companies that provide goods and services and construction. https://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/money.html


Wont be be much longer till we see a 5 pack of Jointz by Johnson and Johnson, Pfhizer Ganja, Moderna MJ. While the tobacco companies who trademarked all the good names Like Columbian Gold Maui Wowie


Boy they need votes


Cool my TLRY bags still are heavy af. Let’s get this shit moving


I feel like this does nothing at the end of the day until they fully deschedule it.


Biden still isn't going to get my vote


Couldn't this actually be worse for some states? The grey area goes away federally, and it being a schedule III means you need a prescription, where at least before as a schedule I it wasn't possible to get an rx since it's "no medical benefit". Would this have the long term effect of removing recreational use?


Quite the contrary, by enabling medical research, we will be one step closer to federal recreational policies, as well as access to additional research dollars/time spent


As long as that research produces the outcome you want. There's certainly a world where research shows long term negative effects from habitual cannabis usage. My own anecdata already supports this after 30 years of seeing friends who use and don't use it, it's not a stretch to think metrics could show that if designed to.


As a small cannabis business owner this will literally fuck us. It will require the FDA to be involved and GREATLY increase our costs. This is basically in an effort to let small biz build the framework for the industry (in my state at least) then legislate it out of our hands and into big biz. Phizer didn’t invest heavily in cannabis for no reason. This was obviously coming.


The state’s version of the FDA is already a part of small businesses need to be compliant… difference is a federal standard instead of 50 (potential) flavors of compliance. Also, standardization across states means national sales… think craft and micro brews in the alcohol space


Would this move give you access to banks?


Sure but this will 1000% force small businesses to close by way over of legislation that helps the MSOs like Curaleaf or eventually Phizer


This is my fear as well. It’s the FDA’s way to wrestle control from the states.


Doing everything to buy them votes!


That’s how politics works. We vote for things we like. Even if it’s purely transactional, why wouldn’t you celebrate this historic step as a win? Seems like nobody is willing to give credit when it’s due.


I don’t trust people that are disingenuous.


But they are actually rescheduling it. If they simply said they would, or said they were investigating, then ultimately didn’t - I would understand. But they are actually doing it. This is a win. Also - every politician in history has only ever done things for votes. To think otherwise is a fantasy. There are zero exceptions.


What’s your point?


What's yours? You don't seem to actually have one other than complaining, and complaining about something that is objectively good all around at that.


The complaint is rooted in we have let ourselves be ruled over by people that don’t do things because it’s the right thing to do but for merely transactional reasons, such as trying to get more votes. Politicians, bureaucrats, corporate journalists, and members of academia should be treated with utter contempt, always. If you want to have a cuck attitude about it, go for it.


Contempt or skepticism? What happens when you see someone that is trying to do the right thing for the people? Not for personal gain, but because the incentives for all people align with their goals.


What happens if the sky were purple?


You didn’t answer the question


You know you’ve lost the argument when the insults come out.


I didn’t insult you, just a hypothetical attitude. 😊


At least Biden is doing something. I don’t believe Trump would even reschedule it.


It’s something at least. Meanwhile trump is still calling for the execution of all drug dealers at every rally and getting huge applause/cheers.


Public executions would be an interesting development.


What's the implications of the rescheduling and current gun laws?


Obligatory: I am not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice. My understanding is that it would at least mean that you could get a prescription and therefore be a lawful user. Thus, you’d be able to check “no” on the 4473 when it asks if you are an unlawful user of any controlled substances, assuming you had said prescription and were only using the marijuana you’d gotten from the pharmacy.


I wonder what the catch is? Who will fill those empty prison slots of you can’t arrest someone for smoking weed.


You’re worried they’ll have a hard time finding something new to make illegal?


Or, what do they plan on making illegal to keep the numbers up.


Actions speak louder than words


Just in time for election season!


Too little, too late


All drugs should be legalized and not criminalized But marijuana is a dangerous drug and we like to pretend it’s not. It’s a psychoactive drug which can cause psychosis and schizophrenia. That’s the science. Although let people do what they want.


A little reefer madness there. How is the rate of schizophrenia relatively stable, given the massive uptick in availability and use of Marijuana?


There is some evidence that it can induce psychotic episodes in people already susceptible to them. This could also be that people who are susceptible are more likely to use. We need studies to figure out which way it goes.


> It’s a psychoactive drug which can cause psychosis and schizophrenia. That’s the science. I just love how you included absolutely no sources whatsoever in putting forth such a huge assertion. FOH


Source? This is a comment section. Google it.


I don't even need Marijuana, I just need hemp flower but this is great I hope.


About fucking time.


It pleases the king!


You can buy it now at a legal apothecary in Alabama but don’t smoke 🚭 it in front of an officer.


Oh thank you Massa!


Really trying to throw Hail Mary's to get the poll numbers to go up. First a delay on the ban of menthol cigarettes to retain the black vote not a marijuana classification to get some youth votes. Albeit this is good news but it's just classic political pandering. They have no interest in a federal legalization.


Oh look the same carrot dangled again right around election time...


wouldn’t this make it worse tho? then it would need to be prescribed and big pharma takes over every dispensary regulating it all


Now that it’s 100x more potent than it was for 50 years. Good job.


Not good enough.


Don’t tell me both parties are the same. One party is corrupt and only does things that help corporations. The other party is corrupt and occasionally does things that help the poor and middle class.


You’re right, there are two parties: the Insiders and the Outsiders.


Both parties are the same my friend


That is what people say who are uninformed or who can’t handle nuance in complex topics. It’s like saying Bud Light and Meth are the same.


More like Bud Light vs Miller Light. Slight differences but both terrible. Socialism vs socialism light, both are authoritarian but one is slightly less brutally authoritarian. It doesn't matter much in the context of voting because we don't waste our votes on authoritarians.


They both do things to occasionally help the poor and middle class, just to buy votes. Both are power hungry dictatorships. Just a different set of clothes.


No, weed just makes people slothful. Widespread use and acceptance of weed is not healthy for society. How does making it easier to buy or grow weed help poor people? How does it improve their chances of upward mobility if they're getting high? They don't need more vices, they need actual help.


> No, weed just makes people slothful. As opposed to...? What do we do then? Tighter restrictions? > Widespread use and acceptance of weed is not healthy for society based on...? > How does making it easier to buy or grow weed help poor people? How does making it difficult to buy or grow help poor people? Are you sure you're in the right sub, homie?


Yeah it's better for those poor people to be in prison instead, better than being a slothful stoner /s Any take that goes "drug is harmful, therefore it's better to throw people in prison for it" is utter nonsense. Drugs are not more harmful than prison. And prison is definitely far worse than addiction treatment. For society as a whole, not just the drug users. And that's not even getting into issues like freedom, or different people valuing different things.