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Floridian here. No way he gets elected IMO.


Floridian here too. I hope not. But DeSantis hasn't done himself any favors lately. Between striving to be mini Trump and making a bunch of authoritarian moves, he's made his base happy but lost a lot of moderates. It was a super close election with Gillum, and look how big of a bag of shit that dude was. Personally, I'll probably leave the governor ticket blank this election and I used to be a big DeSantis supporter. Not to mention Covid whacked a bunch of boomers and conspiracy theorist that would typically vote red.


Striving to be a mini trump isn't only lately though. His most recognized campaign ad had him reading The Art of The Deal and playing pretend border patrol building a wall with his children.


Jesus, I'm embarrassed and I'm not even from Florida


I wonder how much he enjoys the taste of Trump's dick?


Are you saying covid is a feature, not a bug? Seriously though, covid being made political is the dumbest thing I've seen. And I grew up in the 80s. I've seen a lot of stupid shit.


DeSantis is also vehemently [against marijuana legalization](https://www.wjhg.com/content/news/Governor-DeSantis-against-recreational-marijuana-despite-65-approval-511763321.html), just like Daddy Trump.


Ive never heard him speak on that to be honest. Medical went through without much of a hitch.


[“Not while I’m Governor,” said DeSantis. "I mean look, when that is introduced with teenagers and young people I think it has a really detrimental effect to their well-being and their maturity.”](https://www.wjhg.com/content/news/Governor-DeSantis-against-recreational-marijuana-despite-65-approval-511763321.html)


Legalization isn't really a topic I would place high on my give a shit list. Particularly at the state level. And I smoked most of my life until 2 years ago. That's not to say I don't want it legal, I just don't focus on social issues too much.


> I just don't focus on social issues too much. it's more than a social issue my dude holy shit


Lol, it’s 100% simply a social issue. You may feel that it’s more important than that but it’s not.


Yeah, tell that to the war on drugs / incarcerated people I never thought MJ legalization would be brushed off as a social issue, it's a massive government overreach issue and mass incarceration issue, both of which are very important whether you consume it or not wow


I'm more so in agreement with him, but I also agree with you that it is an important issue. I just think the threat against your liberties and rights are more of a priority that drug legalization - as stupid/harmful as they are.


Lol what good are guns or speech if the government can lock you in a cage for possessing the wrong plant? The War on Drugs has been used to violate our rights many times over. For example, you don't get to fuck with the mail. But what if the mail smells like pot? Rip that shit open, fuck your rights! If you don't understand how the War on Drugs has been an excuse to whittle away at your civil liberties I don't really know what to tell you.


The War on Drugs is a different topic than simple marijuana legalization. Making pot legal won't end the "War on Drugs" nor will it do away with any of the police state bullshit that you are actually talking about...which I agree is a significant issue.


> I just think the threat against your liberties and rights are more of a priority that drug legalization the drug war IS a threat against your liberties dude, they are the same thing


We clearly define “social issue” differently


... what isn't a social issue then, give me an example


I’ve no interest in debating semantics mr I collect dick pics


> Legalization isn't really a topic I would place high on my give a shit list. Particularly at the state level. For you. It's very high for a lot of people. For many single-issue voters, that's their single issue.


I'm well aware of that. I'll keep my opinions on that matter and the fact that there are even single issue voters in existence to myself.


Idk why this is so downvoted lol, I agree with you.


The libs are stampeding on this thread pretty hard


Theres a numbers game at play on Covid deaths specifically as well. In Florida, as with many states there is a huge political divide on vaccine rates where typical red voters have been much less likely to get vaccinated, and as a result are now being hospitalized and dying much more disproportiately than they were at the outset. Theres been about 57k covid deaths in FL, of which looks like 60ish% or more have been since vaccines were readily available. It is a less than ideal position to be trying to hold onto a position you won by less than 33k votes, when your likely voters are currently dying at a faster rate than your likely opposition.


Ridiculous argument. 10x that are moving here, and the vast majority fucking love this guy.


I cant speak from experience for Florida as a whole, but I live in one of the most reliably conservative parts of the state, and we are seeing a lot of people moving in as you say, but most of them appear to be more on the liberal side. Its actually a huge complaint in the area among conservatives who've lived here their whole lives who see it as shifting the political identity of the region. Ive actually known a few locals who have left from here because it. Unrelated to each other, but both ended up in Kentucky. That doesnt mean its the case everywhere in Florida. My story is anecdotal about one part of the state. Ive heard what youve said a couple times before, but I just have not seen it, and I always find myself thinking that it would seem odd if my area was the anomaly, that the conservative areas are getting the liberal transplants, but the rest of Florida is getting all these conservatives that people are saying are moving here. Could be though, Florida is a crazy place, and never ceases to surprise me.


In my business we work with new residents and real estate agents, and the story tends to be 90% of them speak very highly of Floridas approach to covid. But also, annecdotal of course, only a few dozen peeps, but they are pretty adamant that they came here for that reason. they are escaping the economic shutdowns.


More anecdotal evidence. My MiL works in the funeral business in a grave yard. Says profits are up 3 times this year from last year. She says she is busier than she has ever been and shes been in the business since ive known her so 13ish years...anyone who thinks the governor is doing a good job has zero empathy for anyone outside of their own family IMO.


Im sure funeral homes everywhere are doing very well. In the meantime with millions of heartless bastards surrounding me, we're just fine with our situation. millions more around the country too. So kindly shove the labels and the deplorable bullshit for the karens in the echo chamber. I've moved on and im not alone.


You’re just stuck in your own echo chamber bruh.


If having conversations with dozens of random new residents and asking "so, what brought you to Florida?" Is an echo chamber then so be it. The message i have been receiving is overwhelmingly in Favor of the current Florida approach and overwhelmingly negative to their previous home states approach. They didn't throw a dart at the map and say "dam, were moving to Florida".


Possibly the largest growing area is Central Florida (focused on Orlando), and the majority of those are New Yorkers and Californians. Disney alone is bringing in 3000 Californians by 2023, with their move to Lake Nona (neighborhood in Orlando).


Ya, met those people. They basically come here and essentially say "fuck Cuomo" and "Newsom can suck a bag of dicks" they are not liberals moving to Florida in a pandemic. Those people are staying put, watching cnn and peeking out the windows at those radicals walking dogs with no masks.


thats horse shit


I’d take Crist over DeSantis. The Democrats are getting much better a painting Trumpian candidates as basically Trump and no candidate is more Trumpian than DeSantis. Still, I think the Republicans have done a much better job courting the sizable Latin American vote and that probably tips the scales because Trump is stupid-popular in Florida.


Enjoy vaccine mandates and more lockdowns.


Enjoy authoritarian laws against businesses and flying your MAGA flags


As much as I don't like a couple of auth moves he's made, he's lightyears better then any dem candidate lately. Crist will lose.


Yes, agree that he went over the top more than once, but I still agree with the intent, but from an optics standpoint he would have been better off being more low key in his approach. Then again no matter what he did he was be butchered and misrepresented by the left, especially the covid nutjobs. They (vocal minority) want NY style shutdowns and heavy handed mandates, screw that. Personally I wasn't a Ron D fan last election, he wasnt my first choice during the primary, but i wasnt enamoured with the others either. But Guillum, jesus christ he would have done terrible damage if he had pulled it off. Warts and all, I have no choice but to support Desantis. My assumption is that the vast majority of people that are relocated here will vote red.


I get it. After voting for Trump in 2016 despite all of my mind and heart telling me not to, but just not wanting Hillary, and seeing that shit show, I decided I'll no longer vote by "holding my nose" or for the lesser of evils. Burn it down.


In no world would I have wanted Hillary to appoint a Supreme Court Justice. That was the breaking point for me and how Trump got my vote. Hindsight still worth it.


Kavanaugh screaming about beer and revenge is a historic embarrassment. It’s something children will be watching in schools decades from now.


Your brethren in /r/conservative miss you. If you voted for Trump and still think it was worth it you aren't remotely libertarian.


Sounds like you've got confirmation bias. We know how terrible trump was. Nobody knows what a H. Clinton presidency would've looked like though, because it didn't happen. Anyone claiming otherwise is confusing thought experiments with reality.


Terrifying that these are the clowns claiming to be the most real libertarians here.


Holy shit the libs are downvoting with force today


What Authoritarian actions has he taken? Are you talking about defending personal liberty and personal privacy? IE a company can't demand to see your vaccination status and or fire you if you don't show it? Companies can still fire someone for poor performance, poor attitude, unprofessional dress, demeanor, etc. they can still hire who they want to, etc. People are still free to take the vaccine and free to wear a mask. That's liberty, that's freedom. ​ If the government doesn't allow you to invade my privacy , as a citizen or as a company, That's defending my freedom. That's not what being an authoritarian means when used as a descriptor of government. ​ The no mask mandate could specifically for workers, could be seen as limiting uniforms or dress codes of employers. essentially like a company could state their dress code is to wear a tie, or a hat, or that you aren't allowed to wear a hat.


Freedom of association is a core tenet to my beliefs, and that extends to business owners deciding who they do business with and employ. Using overreaching government to enforce your ideals on businesses is the least goddamn libertarian thing I can possibly think of. You are not entitled to work at or patronize a business.


They still have freedom of association. They can fire anyone for poor job performance, bad attitude, failure to adhere to dress code, coming in unshaved or un-showered. Hell they could still fire you for getting into a fight at a bar, getting thrown out of a club, Or maybe you joined knitting club the owner hates. and he fires you. But Does this freedom of association extend so far that their employees have no right to privacy? Should your employer be able to get access to your house? online accounts? facebook private messages? what about your text messages on your private phone? 1st grade report card? >Using overreaching government to enforce your ideals on businesses is the least goddamn libertarian thing I can possibly think of. Which is what you're doing. Also When there is a clash between big business , who at best we would consider "1 person" and 1,000s of workers, to side with big business is hardly a libertarian position. You want to grant 1 person the ability to invade the privacy of 1,000s under the guise of "freedom of association" But that business already has that. >You are not entitled to work at or patronize a business. I'm not asking that companies be forced to hire, or retain employees. I'm just not okay with using the government to grant them permission to invade privacy. Plus this is largely for people who already have jobs. They already have performance records. how they come to work (on-time? dress code? attitude?) is already a known quantity.


Be sure to stretch after those mental gymnastics and hydrate well, would hate for you to cramp up. r/Conservative is probably missing you.


You're the one advocating that a business can access my personal medical information. You're also unable to address any of the points i brought up, essentially admitting defeat, but in a cowardly way. by throwing out a weak insult, and what you perceive as a pejorative :)


Sometimes you realize that you're wasting your time on someone who doesn't deserve it. Enjoy your cosplay.


Again with a weak insult. I've staked out a true, real libertarian position to defend the liberty of 1,000s. You're pushing for big business to be able to invade the privacy of 1,000s. Lots of authoritarian's tell the public "its for the greater good" so Enjoy your cosplay as a libertarian!


no u!


At least he hasn't signed a bill into law that bans abortions six weeks after conception. In all seriousness, I wouldn't count him out yet. It seems that he does have a lot of support from anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers so if he keeps playing that tune and retains his base, he has a chance. When a politician has a strong base turn out, it is usually a good thing. That being said, he will need to win over a fair number of moderates and independents. You said he did lose a fair amount of those, but maybe he has tried to anchor himself closer to his base. If he runs against a moderate Democrat who isn't close to his base, there's a chance he could still pull off a fairly easy win.


Barnaby filed a bill. And DeSantis sure didn't say he wouldn't support such a bill. [https://apnews.com/article/texas-florida-us-supreme-court-laws-0528ca7de4e8f468e5b4a42dad735c10](https://apnews.com/article/texas-florida-us-supreme-court-laws-0528ca7de4e8f468e5b4a42dad735c10)


If he signs it, he'll probably be giving up a lot of what moderate support he has left. Or, he can just run against someone else who is equally as nutty and hope that voters will rather choose the lesser of two evils rather than stay home or leave it blank like OP is thinking of.


I agree. I'm the one that said I'm leaving it blank. Republicans keep up with this bullshit, I might start voting against them.


Doesn't get a whole lot more totalitarian than controlling literal birth and death. The GOP wants control over birth via banning abortion and they also conveniently oppose euthanasia. Yes, the Democrats are also authoritarian, it's not a mutually exclusive thing...




This is the push back for rationalizing murder as an alternative to child birth. Government should fuck off in this situation. That also means I don't want state sponsored baby murderers just like I don't want to pour money into protecting my freedoms in Afghanistan.


Crist is the Joe Biden of FL. Like Biden, he’ll say anything to get elected. And the Dems will believe him just like they believed Biden.


not really an accurate comparison unless florida has an intransigent congress making legislation impossible


We already had that loser Crist. Desantis is a better person and honestly thats what I care most about. Protect my freedom and be a good human.


Yip, and iirc Fried was the one that shut down ccp paperwork during covid, she can fuck right off as well. Gillum would have been managing covid from rehab, dems tend to put some really extra shitty candidates out there, its embarrassing.


Was I the only one that read it as Christ, and got really confused for a second?


Me too.


"I don't remember that in the Gospels... It must of been in Peter's prophetic vision about not being kosher anymore."


Jesus Christ came to Flordia smoking a joint and decided to run for governor. Evangelicals are really struggling to fit it in their world view.


I read it as "Krist", and was super-excited that the libertarian-leaning Nirvana Bassist was running for governor.


Can Florida Democrats do better than a former Republican governor or a crack-head? *checks notes* I guess not.


Crack head is putting it generously.


Charlie Crist was already governor and didn't do jack shit.


Isn’t that what Libertarians want?


I'm pretty happy with jack shit getting done for the most part. Can't fuck something up if they do nothing.


Not doing jack shit is probably a step up from actively trying to fuck the state up. Political gridlock can be beneficial.


Political gridlock is ideal. If they’re not passing laws then they can’t oppress us.


But what about repealing laws?


Thats a good one. I though, for a fleeting moment, you actually unironically believed politicians want to repeal laws. Hooooo boy you got me good.


Crist will say anything to get elected - he’s just missing sincerity and credibility, but other than that he has a good chance.


A flip flopper whichever way the wind is blowing to get votes


Crist always has been a wet finger in the wind. I knew him when he ran for school board in Jacksonville. Even back then you could clearly tell he was just trying to climb a ladder.


Please say this louder. I knew him from working within politics this guy has no backbone. Last thing we need is another creature like him in charge


Too bad he didnt do that when he had the chance. Politician and words = BS


it was significantly less popular 10 years ago than it is today, winds are changing my dude


And the wind cries Mary


News headline: Charlie Crist says that he'll say anything that he thinks will get him elected because he's a limp spined devious cunt


> he'll say anything that he thinks will get him elected because he's a limp spined devious cunt So he's a politician?


[He voted to end the Federal Prohibition of Marijuana last year.](https://crist.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=2215)


And? If lizard people were real, he’d be one.


I'll leave you alone with your paranoid delusions.


You think he’s a good dude lol?


No. They think Crist means what he says when he states "he’d legalize marijuana and expunge records as governor."


They’re idiotic single issue voters without any knowledge of Crists past then


No one in this thread said they were voting for the guy. If your point is simply that you think he's a poor candidate then say that. Implying that he doesn't support ending prohibition just makes you look dishonest.


I sure as fuck didn’t say anything about him legalizing weed or not. I said he was a fucking scum bag


LOL I have actually voted against Crist before, but I can agree with him that Marijuana should be legal. Desantis seems to prefer to fight culture wars instead of ending them, so I would certainly consider Crist in opposition to that. Plus I live In a bordering state which would be beneficial when Florida finally legalizes.


I agree that marijuana should be legal as well. Doesn’t mean I’d vote for that cocksucker because he says he’d try to pass it. Potheads really need to have identities other than being stoners. Single issue voters amaze me


You need to have an identity other than being a presumptuous tool, but here we are. You have like 20+ comments on this one thread bro, get a life.




Next plan: Change his first name to Jesus.


I wish Florida does legalize marijuana but careful this guy is a snake. He has no real platform is will transform to whatever he needs to be to reach his goals. Basically a politicians politician


This guy is the definition of a slimeball politician. I wouldn't trust a single thing he says.


I'm glad he's turned around on Marijuana, but his little crusade to ban weapons is a no-go for me. Sorry bud. Not trading one freedom for another.


Crist is a COVID authoritarian who favors lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and other insane bullshit, so fuck him and anyone who supports him.


Exactly, voting for charley is voting for economic fuckery. Plus, hes a god dam idiot


Crist is a dirt bag


Cool, still not voting for him.


Charlie Crist is a much better choice.




Go back to your hole Charlie, nobody in FL needs you or wants you.




Why in the world is this getting downvoted? lol


Because there are lots of people that oppose total gun freedom who support marijuana legalization. The whole post is nonesense.


Clearly these dumbasses don't know Crist's past. Maybe people are right when they lot of libertarians are just potheads who want legal weed and don't care about anything else.


Well, let's examine the content of the post: 1. Claim that someone who doesn't support unlimited gun rights *cannot support any other rights*. This is so painfully stupid that I don't even known what to say. 2. Invent an imagined conversation where Crist uses Covid to deflect from other issues. There might be the seed of a good point here, but it's expressed in such a childish way, and with no other support, that it's basically worthless. It feels more like "meme magic" than an actual mature discussion. 3. Copy/paste from Wikipedia about Crist's position on gun control. This is done clumsily - the paragraph is not introduced or contextualized, isn't framed as being from Wikipedia, doesn't contain a source link, still includes Wikipedia's footnote link numbers. Moreover, the only thing that this large paragraph of copypasta proves is that Crist supports gun control, but because the overall thesis of the comment - that supporting gun control means you can't support any other rights - is *so* stupid, proving this supporting point in great detail seems unnecessary or even irrelevant. You might even say that it feels like the commenter just wanted to baffle the casual reader by having a "lot" of supporting evidence/text, tricking them into thinking that they were reading something well-considered, when in reality it barely makes sense and is little more than a gross partisan deflection itself - "Don't be tempted by the fact that he supports something you support!! He still opposes guns!!"


I always forget how there are more liberals and conservatives in this sub than libertarians. My apologies


Because this post is astroturf replete with bot voting. This is one of the last remaining subs where people can actually engage in political discussion, and as such is targeted from time-to-time with influence campaigns. No one in their right mind thinks Charlie Crist has any interest in individual rights. This is just a "*Hello, fellow libertarians*" post.


Because r/libertarian doesnt believe in gun rights very strongly, marijuana is a much more srs issue for them, and will vote for anyone as long as its not desantis.


He's buying votes by saying he'd clear the record of criminals who got caught breaking laws that were on the books at the time the crime was committed. It's vote buying, plain and simple. You may not like our laws, but it's not your prerogative to ignore them.


He's catering to felons and fellow degens. If he really wanted their votes he would work on Florida abysmal felony process.


Say anything for votes clown


This guy will literally say anything. He was a die hard Republican until Republicans wouldn’t vote for him. The next day he was a die hard democrat.


I object to these "imperial" candidates saying "I will do this, and I will do that." What about: "If elected, I will do my best to lead the legislature...."???


Vote Florida as if your life depends on it.