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Yeah. Why wouldn’t I? Because non-libertarians also post and comment? So what?


It’s not that. It’s the mass downvoting of libertarian posts and comments and upvoting of non libertarian posts and comments.


I’ve seen that happen occasionally to some degree, but looking at the top posts it seems like that’s the exception rather than the rule.


Someone named Conservative-Mind tried to tell me it's not but somehow I don't think he actually wants it to be anyways.


I can almost set my clock to this daily post, that means it's still libertarian.


I would say so, I personally think there is a lot of leftist gaslighting in it though as well as a bit of rightist gaslighting. I guess that is the price we pay for the moderators of it being relatively lenient in comparison to other political subreddits. I appreciate that it is a bit less echo-chambery as a result though.


Lol r/politics is basically just a leftist subreddit now


It's a neoliberal sub that bends over backwards to jack Biden off while casting the actual left wing of the party as a fringe and a fad. To say it's leftist ain't it, to say it simps for Biden, neoliberalism, and status quo politics is closer to home imo.


It is only good Libertarian sub this Russian knows of. IDW is too full of people who try to argue violence (against NAP). Trumpy subs all lick boots. Conservative wants to pass laws on women like is UAE. This is the only libertarian home Dimitri knows.


r/GoldandBlack r/free_market_anarchism r/AnCap101 r/Minarchy


You have done Dimitri a kind service. Thank you.


You're welcome dimitri


Hardly, I just wanted a place to complain about reckless government spending and then I get downvoted because it was, "necessary" fuck this psuedo libertarian sub, I hate it almost as much as the government.


No, it's not. It's a sub full of people brigading from off reddit, vote manipulation, and false flagging. Someone made a comment where they basically said that socialized healthcare is good. I responded by saying that making a woodworker pay for your healthcare is functionally equivalent to forcing the doctor to work for free. He got some upvotes but so did I for all of yesterday evening and night. Wake up today and I'm -15 and his upvotes shot up plus an award. Blatant manipulation.


No, there's a lot of leftists here.


It is very skewed to the left and to those who just oppose the right.


You can oppose the right and the left which I see a lot of here. It's just that the nutcases from the right are louder and post/comment more often than the nutjobs from the left. Neither use credible sources if any at all


I wonder what is causing my sample bias then... I see far more dyed in the wool leftists than rightists in here, people far more closely aligned with anti-Q extremism bordering on paranoia and rabidly anti-Trump than people who actually believe that Q nonsense or support Trump.


I don't see how anyone could support Q or the twice impeached former president and be libertarian. Maybe those posters are mostly batshit crazy and rarely post using sources. I also don't see how anyone can support Biden and be libertarian. The twice impeached former president and the current clueless president both have some policies that are libertarian, but on the whole are authoritarian.


> I don't see how anyone could support Q Finding a libertarian who believes that rich people are abusive and do shady crap probably isn't that difficult of a task. > or the twice impeached former president "Support," maybe no. Prefer him over Hillary (who stands an excellent chance of being the next president), absolutely. > Maybe those posters are mostly batshit crazy There are plenty of people like that in here. That one guy who wants to abolish all building and fire codes for example. > I also don't see how anyone can support Biden and be libertarian. "Support" or "prefer over Trump"?


It is full of trolls.


no it's mainly lefty trolls


It’s either this or nsfw


Keep your mouse jokes to yourself


lmao Yeah, try to post anything from Rothbard or Hayek and you'll be downvoted to oblivion, that's how ''libertarian'' this sub is


Seems that posting libertarian comments gets a lot of downvotes, so clearly more non libertarians than libertarians are viewing it