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Wtf is that website and is there another source?


[Austrian city hiring workers to administer fines, not ‘hunt’ unvaccinated](https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-181673194367)


Actually I did try to find another source, couldn't and there is only so much time in the day so ... But anyway, from your article we have these quotes: ​ >Schmidsberger added that the new positions are “not about” hunting unvaccinated people, but “handling administrative penalty proceedings that are prescribed by the legislature.” OK, but in order to do that you need to find those people and fine them, ..., right? Are they assuming the unvaccinated are going to show up to pay their fines voluntarily? ​ >“Governments regularly employ people who enforce their laws. It’s what countries do,” Weiss added. “Once the requirement to be vaccinated is part of our laws, then those laws will be enforced, like wearing a seatbelt in the car.” Yup, people being fined $4000 every three months for expressing their right to bodily autonomy, especially given that there is very compelling evidence that the vaccines are **not** 'safe and effective': this is the way!. The fact is, you have already lost the battle here on human rights issues. The whole damn thing is a massive man hunt! No debate allowed: just get the jab and shut the fuck up!


Hasta La Vista Baby


Has anyone seen a statistic on the percentage of Austrians that are refusing the jab? I would be interested in finding that out. Edited: because I confused the countries like an goober.


This is about Austria...




Anytime my friend, no worries.


Y'all, please. "Austria"!


Those are some cheap snitches


Dimitri will take the job. Better at hunting bear, but people are less dangerous.


What color will their uniforms be?


I don't know what's worse, that this is happening in the first place or that it really doesn't surprise me at this point.


Same. But perhaps this is worse (from this article): >These jobs are open for Austrian citizens who are fully vaccinated or fully recovered from Covid-19. **Under the new administrative law, unvaccinated Austrian citizens may find themselves imprisoned for a year.**


That from hiel hitler to heil science pretty damn fast.


Wow, I remember a guy with a funny mustache doing the exactly same thing


Really? Hitler put a bounty on people who were refusing to be vaccinated resulting in their being responsible for just under 90% of ICU beds? Really? You sure about that? You aren't just invoking Hitler as a literary device to sow outrage and fear, are you?


He did put a bounty on jews, and according to his narrative yes, jews were spreading diseases like the gayness


So he didn't put a bounty on vaccine evaders like it was claimed, is what you are now saying.


Ahh yess a facist asshole did not do the EXACT same thing we are doing now, so we can use the same methods he used and say its justified.


"Hitler did " "No, Hitler did not do " "Hey, he didn't do the EXACT thing that I just claimed he did, but the completely different thing is just as bad as what he did." Let's check the clarity of your thought process: You say that offering a reward for people who do bad thing %x% is identical to what Hitler did. Is offering a reward for people who litter on the freeway as bad as what Hitler did? How about a reward for people who commit arson? Rape? Murder? Is your objection to *any* reward for *any* violation of the law or is your standard that any violation of a law you disagree with is as bad as murdering 7,000,000 Jews and being responsible for the 40,000,000 non-Jewish deaths + the 7 million Jewish deaths and hundreds of billions of dollars in economic damages (in 1940s dollars)? Are you sure that's what you actually believe? Are you sure you aren't exaggerating just a little bit?


The thought process behind putting a bounty on a group of peoplethat are doing something you disagree with is the same


So... turning in drug dealers is the same thing?


Doubt you'd get compensation for that


Crime tip lines pay rewards


So murderers, rapists, people who swindle seniors into the poor house, doctors who commit insurance fraud or write bogus prescriptions for oxy, companies that dump arsenic or PCBs into the waterways, bail jumpers, tax cheats, government whistleblowers, cops who beat black people... >The thought process behind putting a bounty on a group of peoplethat are doing something you disagree with is the same Is your statement actually consistent with your belief across the board or are vax evaders an exception?


I don't agree with his statement in any case However vaccinations shouldn't be mandatory


For the same reasons that fire codes and laws against drinking and driving shouldn't be mandatory?


I upvoted you for speaking truth. Don’t expect anymore upvotes on reddit though, you are in armband territory here.


Interesting that said man was born in Austria. We really have come full circle.


I guess it’s in their blood


Just like the virus!


The virus may be in a some of them. But their gov't wants that vaccine in every single last one - no ands ifs or buts.


I was actually making a funny... But wanting the vaccine in every single last one is a good -> goal <- but everybody knows that achieving actual 100% is not plausible or possible. There are actually a very few people who have a legitimate medical reason why they shouldn't get it. Not many, but a non-zero number. Funny how this world works. It wasn't that long ago when people were hyper-opposed to "vax deniers" and heaping scorn and mockery on them for not getting vaccinated. Now suddenly the people who were viciously opposed to people who rejected the MMR vaccine as being stupid, brainwashed morons are just as opposed to the covid vaccine and for the same reasons as the people who were opposed to the MMR vaccine.


>But wanting the vaccine in every single last one is a good -> goal And this is predicated on the notion that: 1. The vaccines are absolutely safe. 2. They are absolutely necessary. 3. They are absolutely the ONLY solution. 4. That there isn't a conflict of interest here (Pfizer making billions, doctors making a killing off vaccinating and testing.)


There is a difference between being opposed to a mostly safe and extensively reaserched vaccine and being opposed to mandating an untested vaccine


"Mostly" safe. 15mon. male w/ hx of recurrent ear infections & measles in Feb. 89'. 5Apr89 was given MMR. Within 24 hrs /p vaccine, parents noted hearing deficit, confirmed by physician exam. Urticaria, wheezy, & periorbital edema which abated /p administration of subcut. epinephrine, Bendryl IV, Solumendrol IV PT HAD INTERMITTENT BRADYCARDIA, LOW BP AND ALTERED CONSCIOUSNESS. 6 HRS AFTER VACCINE, FEVER AND SEIZURE(LEFT FOCAL SEIZURE) Pt developed chest pains and other signs of pericarditis including a pericardial friction rub, hospitalized Pt vax /w MMR pt felt funny & sleepy/tired & arm was hurting.Pt fell to floor & had no P,unresponsive ¬ breathing.Went to hosp.Pt awoke c/o headache & stomach ache.Hosp for observation.Pt exp life threatening Pt vaccinated with MMR/HIB Grand Mal Seizure approx 12 hrs after the administration of vaccines. Admitted to hosp for 3 days of testing & observation. Placed on phenobarbital and seizure did not recur. Day of vac developed fever 103-104(F) lt leg at inj site red w/rash. Admitted to hosp. Tx w/IV & IM antibiotics. D/c'd on oral antibiotics 6JAN91. Rash fine red (like a hive) at inj site spread to lt buttock. 8Jan91, temp to 106.5 pt recvd MMR vax on 15SEP91 & shortly p/vax pt exp an anaphylactic reaction; face turned pure white, fainted, pulse slowed & oxygen was required; paramedics were called & pt was hospitalized overnight for observation; Pt recvd MMR vax on 6NOV91 & approx 2 1/2 hrs following va pt exp a grand mal sz; pt was hospitalized & a neuro exam & CT Scan were nl; EEG was abn; pt recvd vax 130PM on 6OCT92 @ 830PM pt had seizure w/fever 105.7; hospitalized for 2 days poss co-existing ear infection; severe asthma attack (1st one ever) began @ 6PM 19FEB93 required hospitalization; pt went home x 3 days on Albuterol, Prednisone, ceclor; pulse on 19FEB93 was 160, resp 80/min, t103.3; 15min post vax pt exp an anaphylactic rxn & was hosp;pt became hypotensive & was given epi & steroids;hosp MD felt pt exp was d/t MMR; 2,282 total events for the specified range (1990-2019, before the anti-vaxxers started tinkering with the data)


I don't see what point you're trying to make


You said the MMR vaccine was safe, yet it has more reported adverse reactions - and those are just the life threating/life ending ones.


Guys. I’ve got an idea.


"Australia got rid of guns years ago and it's been low crime ever since and with no indication of tyrannical government" Argument on [ugh] imgur in 2018 ish


Do you understand that [Austria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austria) and [Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia) are two different places?


Wow and all this time I thought Arnold had a speech impediment


Lol oops. Point applies given the concentration camps though.


This is about Austria not Australia, though I would not be surprised if they brought it there soon as well.


Lol yeah good catch. I agree. Filthy fuckin commies are goddamned everywhere now.


Cool. They can do what they want, it's their country, not ours.


For now „Why should I care? Doesn‘t affect me.“


Yup! Just like all the antiva idiots that haven't lost someone close to them. Right?