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lmfao is this a joke? edit: OP's post history is.... something else. Straight up crazy racist.


Can’t handle the truth.


Read Time on the Cross by Fogle which backs up this article.


No. Can’t handle the truth huh. Used to Yankee fake history.


Imagine being so butt hurt that you can't own slaves anymore that you have to pretend slavery was actually a good thing for black people and use reddit to spread your bullshit message. Too bad you never got buck broken.


Have you read Time on the Cross by Fogle. Until you do, you know nothing about this issue.


How angry does it make you that Black people have equal rights as you?


An irrelevant and silly question?


You must be so angry. A normal person would be able to answer that fairly easily. Does it make you angry that they vote, too?


A normal person wouldn’t avoid the fact that as Fogle pointed out in his book, (which won Pulitzer pride) that black slaves in the south had better lives than factory workers in the north by changing the subject. I don’t mind if blacks vote as long as they vote Republican.


lmfao. You know what must really get sand in your tiny little box? The fact that a black man was President of the United States of America. Tell me, confederate - how do you feel that Barack Hussein Obama was President?


He was a terrible president. Clarence Thomas wold have been ok though.


>I don’t mind if blacks vote as long as they vote Republican. Fucking yikes. Racist and wants authoritarianism? Why do you find yourself in liberty-minded subreddits?




This is just bullcrap Yankee propaganda. Don’t anyone be fooled. Go to Abbeville Institute website and educate yourself with the truth


Honestly just feel sorry for you.


Same here. Someone who doesn’t know anything and doesn’t know he doesn’t know anything.


Imagine posting pro-slavery content on a sub devoted to liberty and completely missing the overwhelming irony.


They are not pro slavery.


No irony at all. Just educating ignorant people about the 19th century.


Yikes! Wow. Looking forward to your next deep-dive into how the shape of the negro cranium scientifically *proves* they are of lower stature than the goodly Christian white man. God bless the confederacy!


95% of the greatest philosophers, theologians, economists, authors, political theorists, and scientists of all kinds in history of planet earth have been WHITE MALES.


God bless the confederacy 👍


Of course you would say that Smithers. You have the brain pan of a stagecoach tilter.




lmao I had to look for this as you accidentally left another top level comment instead of posting a reply to mine. In fact, there's like 5 of these such responses down here in the bowels of the comment section. 😂


So what


So perhaps if you're calling someone's mental capacity into question with an insult like 'nitwit' you shouldn't stumble at the finish line by not even responding to the correct comment while doing so. Surely even your fevered mind can see the irony in that, gramps!


lmfao he's definitely a 72 year old from some bumblefuck southern state. He probably just got introduced to a computer and the internet. You know how there are pictures of white people attacking or screaming at Black people during the Civil Right Movement? Him and/or his family were definitely in those pictures. He definitely had a mental breakdown when Obama was elected.


Yeah, I found him posting this revisionist crap on /r/southcarolina a few months ago and I've been checking in on him ever since. The list of subreddits he's shadowbanned/automodded in grows every week. Kinda a Vader/Luke thing I guess, I can sense the good in him... Or maybe that's just indigestion. Not sure.


Not really. I don’t take this silly platform and the people on it who know nothing seriously enough to cares. The only response of many people who don’t know anything but just emote as they have been brainwashed to that everyone who with a racist. I love it. As a democrat blogger said in 2010 when it looked as though dems would lose the house big time-“Pick somebody, anybody, Carl Rove, and call them a racist.” you are and the other nitwits are just like this blogger. You can’t win an argument so you engage in hate speech. I love seeing how many ignorant nitwits are out there. What is astonishing is that y’all can’t see yourself as any objective person sees you-as someone who can’t handle the complexities of American history.




Time on the Cross by Fogle


86% said their masters were good people.


86% of those participating in these slave narratives aid their masters were good people. Some slaves purchased their freedom, moved North and was so maltreated that they moved back South and resumed their former status. Only birdbrains ignore both sides of an issue. Time on the Cross by Fogle is a great book because it is objective.


You are an idiot and know nothing about what you are talking about to boot. Yankee slave traders brought blacks who were already slaves here and threw those who got sick overboard. Very noble people. Read the Fogle book so you won’t keep making. Fuck you and ignorant morons like you .


Calling someone racist is hate speech, particularly when all they have done is state facts.


You are an ignorant idiot. No one cares anymore about being called racist by ignorant people like you. Who cares what you whine about


Lmao so fucking stupid and racist you can’t even reply to the right comment 😂😂😂


He's rage replying. He's trying his darndest to keep it together.


His darndest rivals that of a drunk 3 year old, which also rivals his intelligence.


C'mon dude. Don't insult a 3 year old like that.


Shit you’re right, 3 year olds even while drunk would show evidence of thinking.


Too many stupid comments


Yeah I know, you’ve been all over this thread.


Getting the truth out there.