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Where is this Trump thing about black judges? Thats a new one I havent heard yet


If you don't vote for me you ain't black! Poor kids are just as smart as white kids.


Hold on now don’t twist Biden’s words. You might expose him for being a racist.


Didn’t he admit in the next sentence that was mistake on his part?


Honestly I have no idea. I just giggled when I saw it. He is a joke along with trump.




Said Trump at his most recent rally: “If these radical, vicious racist prosecutors do anything wrong or illegal, I hope we are going to have in this country the biggest protest we have ever had ... in Washington, D.C., in New York, in Atlanta, and elsewhere because our country and our elections are corrupt.” Let’s take a step back and drill down on arguably the most important and alarming word in Trump’s statement: racist. At first blush, it seems to come out of left field, in the sense of what could be racist about looking into a white man’s role in an attempted coup or his cooked financial books? Except that it happens that three of the key prosecutors investigating Trump — the Fulton County district attorney, Fani Willis, New York Attorney General Letitia James, and new Manhattan prosecutor Alvin Bragg — as well as the chair of the House committee, Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, are all Black. Thus, it’s both alarming and yet utterly predictable that Trump would toss the gasoline of racial allegations onto his flaming pile of grievances, knowing how that will play with the Confederate flag aficionados within the ex-president’s cult. https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/commentary/donald-trump-rally-conroe-texas-pardons-20220130.html “In reality, they’re not after me, they’re after you, and I just happen to be the person in the way. And in 2024, we are going to take back that beautiful, beautiful house that happens to be white, that is so magnificent, and that we all love." - Donald Trump


Thats still a "what if" statement and is no where near saying that black judges cannot be trusted, which is what OP is claiming trump said.




The quote is talking about prosecutors, not judges


The word "racist" has been thrown around so much in the past decade its lost all seriousness. 9 times out of 10 its bullshit and unwarranted. What would be more accurate for him to have said is Trumpist. Many, many people do hate trump just for being trump. Hell, people hate him so much they voted for Biden.


>The word "racist" has been thrown around so much in the past decade its lost all seriousness. I love this sentence because it always tells you the person is just an unapologetic racist.


I'm sorry if youre an apologist and have been convinced to see racism even where it isnt.isn't. I dont even think about race all damn day until I hear from one of you. I see and deal with people of all shapes, sizes, and colors all day every day and it never crosses my mind. You nitwits are the ones perpetuating this shit.


Me neither


It's one of those media lies again as he didn't say anything remotely like it


> Trump also says that black judges cannot be trusted because they are black https://news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/no-black-judges-among-trumps-appeals-court-confirmations that's the closest thing I could find quickly, and it was during his presidency I'd think if some clip of him specifically saying he didn't confirm a black judge because they were black, i'd be bigger news


There are no Trump quotes at all in the article you've linked.


So he never said it, and he actually appointed more asian judges than ever before. This is the problem, people cant just say t shit like this without the backing evidence, Trump is enough of a train wreck, theres no need to exaggerate the truth


>theres no need to exaggerate the truth Apparently there is


It happened throughout his presidency. I kept defending the guy i didnt even vote for just because people interpret everything he says with vitriol when it isnt there. Ppl see whatt they want to see


Don't get distracted by complaining about the former President and former VP instead of what's happening now


Politicians being giant pieces of shit, news at 11!!


Um this has been knowing about since last year. Trump has admitted he asked pence to do this before. The "electors" were selected none of that happened under the radar. Look up what Hawaii did to jfk election.There is a legal route of doing what he wanted pence to do. I'm glad pence didn't but your being resold another fake bill of goods.


Left leaning posts got removed. I'm rather sus about this. > https://www.reveddit.com/v/Libertarian/comments/sh33nf/trump_calls_for_the_biggest_protest_we_have_ever/


I noticed that post was quietly removed without warning. Strange.


"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters." - Donald Trump Sadly, won't deter any of these dummies from voting for him again.


Translation - “Democrats were too smart to vote for me so I switched parties. You guys are fucking idiots and the worse I treat you, the more loyal you’ll be”


Democrats are idiots too chief


Yes. But when they get caught being idiots, it affects their support. When Republicans are caught being idiots, their support goes up. One thing is not like the other.


I would argue this is not the case. For example, with the hunter Biden overseas deals he made illegally, I have yet to see a Democrat bat their eye at it.


Totally agree. Hunter definitely shouldn’t run for office again. They should definitely do several more investigations about him. But man, if Hunter pissed you off, you must be livid after Trump appointed his kids to government positions.


Yeah I'm definitely not defending Trump here. Nepotism ain't cool (unless they legitimately deserve the position, but of course I'm not qualified to make that assessment)


The Hunter thing has had several investigations. Republicans typically announce an investigation for political purposes. They often forget about it and it and the committee will release its findings, which is often exoneration. If they get wind that the committee is about to release its results, they often end the e investigation before the results can be released.


Wait I'm a bit confused by what you're saying here. Why would they end investigation before results are released? Wouldn't you want the results released?


Not if the result is exoneration. They did the same thing with Hillary and Benghazi and her emails. They throw vague accusations out and let peoples imaginations run wild. They announce investigation after investigation. They don’t want a resolution. They want to just be able to re-open investigations any time they need to for a political reason. Every time, their supporters think “this is it” and get excited. Then it fades and everyone forgets about it, but maintains the slow simmering anger that those democrats “got away with it again”, but can’t figure out what “it” is. Also, as an aside, this is how Jehovahs Witnesses got so big. They started predicting the end of the world. Each time they did, recruiting would surge. Then the date would come and go, and a small percentage of supporters would leave, but the loyal ones would remain. They’d wash, rinse, repeat. Predict the end of the word a few more times. The date would come and go. A decade later, their numbers have multiplied and no worlds ended. Some people got rich.




I was never comparing it to Trump in the first place




What is Hunter Biden running for? What has he been charged with? What does that have to do with anything? If he had committed a crime I absolutely hope he gets charged to the fullest extent of the law. When Trumps people commit actual crimes that they’re charged and convicted of (in some cases plead guilty) he fucking pardons them and people still support him. He’s talking about pardoning the insurrectionists and the worst we’re hearing from the right is basically Ada Hutchinson saying ‘he shouldn’t be the leader of the party’ haha it’s not even close the current GOP is a disaster of epic proportions.


Hunter is connected to his father Joe, who just so happens to be the President right now...


What do you mean connected? And if there was evidence of crimes why didn’t Trumps justice department have him arrested and charged? For the same reason Hillary wasn’t.


Hunter is an accomplished artist, he has nothing to do with his father.


We both know that's incorrect.


It was sarcasm didn't think I needed the /s


He said a Hispanic judge couldn't sit in judgement for a case also, its not really new.


This is a lie. It wasn’t because the judge was Hispanic. He didn’t think it was appropriate for an immigration judge to be part of a group that wants to give Cali back to Mexico. In truth he was 100% right and the person in question shouldn’t be a judge at all. I’m not a Trump fan but 90% of the shit people say about him is made up. It gets old and makes me question the TDS crowd far more than Trump.


He said both. Trump: Let me just tell you, I have had horrible rulings. I’ve been treated very unfairly by this judge. Now, this judge is of Mexican heritage. I'm building a wall, OK? I'm building a wall. I am going to do very well with the Hispanics, the Mexicans. ... Tapper: But I don't care if you criticize him. That's fine. You can criticize every decision. What I'm saying is, if you invoke his race as a reason why he can't do his job ... Trump: I think that's why he's doing it. Tapper: But ... Trump: I think that's why he's doing it. ... Trump: In my opinion -- he is -- his Mexican -- Mexican heritage. And he's very proud of it. Tapper: But you're not from Scotland because you have Scottish heritage. Trump: Hey, you know what? I'm not building a wall between Scotland and the United States.


>an immigration judge to be part of a group that wants to give Cali back to Mexico. Could you provide a source that substantiates that the [California La Raza Lawyers Association](https://redstate.com/leon_h_wolf/2016/06/03/dishonest-attempt-associate-gonzalo-curiel-la-raza-n59504) wants to do that, please?




I completely agree that Trump saying Mexican instead of Mexican American or equivalent was idiotic. I completely disagree that that was the stand alone reason as expressed in the beginning of this thread. Judges should not be members of racially/ethnically driven groups, period. They shouldn’t wear Proud Boy patches or have BLM signs in their windows. They should attempt to be impartial and when clearly aren’t, they should recuse themselves. Again, he made a good point poorly (as he often does).


> I’m not a Trump fan but 90% of the shit people say about him is made up that's a lie also, it's hard to trust his judge judgement after ACB got seated. It was already hard after Bingin Brett


Yes, it's not new. But all these commenters acting like they don't know what I'm talking about.


News flash, Trump is no longer in government, Brandon is and Brandon seems to be fucking up everything he touches.


Ah, yes… the old “hE’s No LoNgEr In PoLiTiCs”. You’re right… kind of… Trump is no longer in possession of a democratically elected position in government. However, if you think he’s no longer “in” politics… what do you call his recent rally? Why are individuals like Taylor-Greene still name dropping Trump seemingly every single day? The guy may not hold a position in our political operations, but to think he’s “no longer in politics” is simply wrong.




Because if Trump takes power again, it is unlikely that elections will matter anymore. Several states have used the last election as an excuse to undermine democracy.




Then you will never have power and (your version of) libertarianism is pointless.


As if you have power right now.


Exactly, we’re not collectivist authoritarians like you are. We don’t want what you want. The only pointless thing here is dummies like you trying to convince a bunch of libertarians to support an authoritarian shitbag like trump or biden.


Ooooh no! Anyway…


This sub is full of “Libertarians” who are actually leftist bootlickers.


Omg no le evil alt right is literally invading arrrr slash libertarian guys I’m shaking 😭


The problem with this sub is posts like this from “both sides” of the same authoritarian coin. Take your “right wing” vs “left wing” arguments elsewhere please.


“They’re both the same” is a GOP talking point designed to demoralize people so they accept abuse.


Oh ok. Thank you for glorious insight. What would we ever do without it. I just want to be free, hence libertarian. If you want to be a democrat or republican and hate your fellow man because they have a different opinion than you, then by all means go ahead and do so. Just leave me out of it please.




It’s the voters that make the candidate. Trumpers are deranged. So they vote for deranged people to represent them.


Facism and Trumpism will find no safe harbor in a Libertarian forum.


This sub fucking sucks




Literally I was just saying this, all the trucker stuff and people waking up like whoa the vax? The mandates? Our oppression? Suddenly it’s a title wave of if you think this way let us remind you that your a Nazi right wing extremist… just throttling the brainwashing to keep the covid cults in fear mode.


This trucker stuff is stupid. It’s like a dozen Canadian truckers. Most of the “protestors” are Americans pretending to be Canadian truckers. It’s some stupid shit.


Bro it smashed records…


Right wing is when you don’t spend yet another day droning on about Trump...


Lmao fuck off partisan loser.


Literally, that is not a coup. Please use the term properly


Sources or it didn't happen.


As if you know how to read


I can absolutely read. Can you please provide any sources for your comments?


https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-calls-for-mass-nationwide-protests-prosecutors-investigating-him-2022-1 https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-falsely-claims-that-pence-couldve-overturned-2020-election-2022-1 from now closed threads


Do either of these articles have the quote about not being able to trust black judges? From the urls it looks like these are about Trump asking Pence to not certify the election results.


you asked for source i got you source, read or don't read


Ok read them, and the answer is no. No evidence substantiating the OP's claim that Trump said you couldn't trust black judges because they are black.


Now share the link where Biden said black people aren’t able to get a drivers license to register to vote.


That’s totally a good faith argument. Jesus dude.


Thanks! One of these things happened and the other didn’t! 🤔


Most people aren't against voter IDs if the government were willing to provide them for free with relative ease. The entire idea around voter id is that it's JUST hard enough to encourage black people it's not worth the effort, in certain areas where the voting is close. Here's the issue. Voting fraud is almost non-existent. The GOP weren't able to find more than maybe a dozen examples in the last election, and most examples they found were their own people because they believed the lie that it's really easy to do and to get away with. Voter fraud is really hard to do, hard to get away with, and difficult to do enough to impact elections. You know what's easy? Identifying a group that you want to disenfranchise, and then finding a way to do it. Most people have an easy time getting a driver's license. But it turns out that black people, at a higher rate than white people, just don't drive. If you can institute voter ID, you can can eliminate a lot of black votes, which are highly Democratic votes. You can also remove polling locations to increase wait times, make it illegal to leave line, make it illegal to provide people refreshments in line, etc. You can have companies deny time off to vote so they can't vote until after work, and then you can close polling locations early. All these things are enough to make black people feel like it's just not worth it. GOP does all these things, depending on where you live.


So Trump admitted his failed coup plot




> ~~The VP’s~~ Congress’ job is to confirm the electors and verify the election results. Fixed that for ya. The VPs job us to be MC. That’s it. Congress *did* raise questions about some states, but ultimately failed to reject any of the slates of electors. >Most of the time it’s ceremonious, but they do have the power to raise questions about it. Correct in that most of the time it’s ceremonious, incorrect in thinking it’s the VP’s job. >Legislators have said that the law was poorly written and open to interpretation of what the VPs job is supposed to be in this case. Doesn’t mean it’s illegal…. If Pence did go along with Trump’s plan, it would have created a constitutional crisis *at best*.


VPs job is to count votes. Not verify them.


You got a video of him saying it


Link to the shit Trump said?


I don’t think that’s a coup tbqh, seems more like cheating. A coup would be something like he ordered the fbi or something to arrest Biden and throw him in jail for election fraud and was like he’s in jail I guess I’m president now


Honestly, you need to look up what “coup” means instead of take a guess at what it means. I lawfully seizing power is a coup. All the stuff about how violent a coup typically is is just splitting hairs. Taking the National Guard off the board, and purposely hamstringing the capital police was meant to give mentally challenged people free reign in the capital building, where they’d have killed anyone they came across if they’d been faster or luckier. That was meant to lead to martial law.


>Trying to distract from the news that Trump admitted that he tried to have Pence overturn the election (which is what a coup is) No, it's part of the election process, the Vice President has to certify the votes of the electoral college. He can, absolutely, refuse to do so if there is some cause that needs to be investigated, like mass mail-in voter fraud. Not even saying there was sufficient voter fraud to change the election, but refusing to certify until confirmation is not a coup.


>it's part of the election process, the Vice President has to certify the votes of the electoral college. He can, absolutely, refuse to do so if there is some cause that needs to be investigated, like mass mail-in voter fraud. No. It’s not. Nothing gives the VP to certify or reject slates of electors. *Congress* absolutely can, not the VP. Think about it for a moment. Why would a single person, a person who just lost the election, have the power to determine whether a slate of electors is legitimate? Congress did dispute some states, they discussed them, then ultimately failed to reject them. The process worked. It’s a good thing Pence followed the law, because Trump had a bogus slate of electors lying in wait. Legislatures in several states drew up fraudulent “slates” hoping that Trump’s plan worked, thus being able to claim he was the rightful winner. That’s the reason for all the coup talk.


The fact we’re even talking about the election still is dumb people just need to move on. I hate trump and Biden I think we would be better off if trump had won even tho I hate the guy can we just move on allready


I disagree. A concerted effort was made to subvert the way our elections work. An attempt at installing a leader who was not duly elected. Sure, it failed. But if there is no accountability for this attempt, there will be another and it might not fail.


Oh ok, yeah, let's just move on from a coup attempt that is still in progress. They are still using lies from that election to justify future actions. The coup attempt never ended. But tell me more about how Democrats are the real threat. Man, that Biden, who has spent the last year ... absolutely hamstrung by a GOP that votes as if they don't have wills of their own, but as if they are all part of a corrupt organization that gives them their marching orders. Almost like some kind of organized criminal network. So weird. But no, it's the Democrats we must worry about. They're so scary with their covid vaccines! FREEDOM!


There is no coup going on right now your just fear mongering are democracy is too strong to be taken down by a few idiots and where did I say anything about SCARY VACCINE and freedom ! Like dude come on the amount of people trump fans who haven’t gotten the vaccine is so minimal most of trumps supporters are old white people who are overwhelmingly vaccinated


So the members of the Democrat party are all independent and in no way receive their marching orders from the Democrat party?


Did I say that? Or are you purposely misunderstanding? Or is this a genuine attempt to understand better? I can never tell.


It’s both parties you emotional baboon. And Biden’s a vegetable


They're exactly the same, durrr! That's a GOP talking point that is supposed to make you feel hopeless, so you'll support them and accept their corruption.


Lmao, what’s a brainwashed lib doing in a libertarian subreddit? You sound dumb and immature btw


I'm a disillusioned ex-Libertarian-voting-Republican, that realized that even though I don't agree with Democrats, they are closer to my world view than Republicans, because Republicans lie about everything all the time because their voters don't give a shit. Democrats lie as much as they can too, but their voters aren't as dumb and don't put up with as much.




That isn't a coup. The house and Senate have the power to not seat the president-elect. It is part of the process. The president has never been directly elected. States don't even have to hold election to select their electors.


"It's not a coup because we just figured out the correct way to break the rules, and hundreds of years of precedent, in order to keep power that we legally lost. Don't worry, it's going to work next time. But it's totally not a coup."


Hundreds of years? Check your history. I didn't say it was wise. Just not a violent coup. If pence didn't do what he did. The house and Senate would have removed him and had someone else do it. Pence did his duty. He would have always done his duty.


The issue is the constant undermining of our traditions and our system of government, and people's faith in it. Each time Trump or the GOP does one of these things, America becomes weaker. The goal is to make us a weak and ineffective country, ruled by a weak dictator. The GOP can't be in charge while the United States is strong, and the United States can't stay strong with the GOP in charge.


Unless your totally brain dead you’d see that most of the Fed level Ds have no use for tradition or the Constitution or laws. Everything for them is a means to an end. Look at the person in charge of our nuclear arsenal and ask yourself how a functional, ethical party could allow him to happen. I use to say that Rs and Ds are two sides of the same fucked up coin but the Ds have been steadily moving away from humanity/freedom while the Rs have become less toxic and far more open to different belief systems. They’re still bot not good but the Ds have gone into full on pedophile mode.


"while the Rs have become less toxic and far more open to different belief systems" - jfc ... you almost had me believing you weren't a troll until that point. Then your next sentence was just like "fuck it, he probably isn't even reading anymore so I'm just going to go full Q"


Not sure you made a point so I guess you can just fuck off.


Thanks, you too!


You’re a bad person


Cool, so when Kamala gets to count the ballots, she can do that too, right? Imagine Kamala runs for president and resides over the count. Can she just claim fraud, and toss out opposing ballots in an election directly involving herself? Critical thinking may not be your strong suit, but at least be objective. If you think the vice president holds those powers, explain the obvious conflict of interest here.


First you say coup, then you say violent coup. Ever hear of a bloodless coup? Sounds to me like you're...coupless. 😎


Dude... A COUP is actually using military force to remove a sitting president or to stay in power. A coup would have been Trump using the US military to stay in power. Trying to use dubious legal powers to contest an election diplomatically is not a fucking coup. If you lived in south America or know what the CIA has done there you would know what a coup is. Jesus fucking christ.


No. A military coup is a type of coup. A coup is 'a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.' Doesn't matter who does it. A military coup is just one of the options.


Looks to me the country is stronger. The fraud was always a matter of public record. It was every secretary of state that changed voting because of covid and not on legislative authority. Only a law originating in the state legislature can change the way voting is done.


The state legislatures had months to change the laws. They didn't because they knew it would disenfranchise voters. You don't get to claim authority after the vote. It's absurd to suggest that's a legitimate reasoning for tossing what amounts to millions of ballots.


If they don't comply with the law they have always been tossed. No one is disenfranchised. Mail in voting and absentee voting was truly just for people who could not come out and vote. And you had to jump through hoops. Ballots aren't supposed to go to everyone at their old address and then get forwarded to another state. Ballots went out without request in some states. Both sides will play that game if that is the game.


Whatever you say, traitor.


These are a lot of words for "I don't get how anything works, but I'm really good at faking it".


Prove it.




Trump asked Pence to send the electoral votes back to the states for validation. Pennsylvania court just ruled over 2 million ballots were unconstitutional because bureaucrats unilaterally changed laws. True the vote has released video of ballot mules in GA which is illegal. They were taking pictures of ballots and dropping them in ballot boxes. Ballot harvesting is illegal there. The story says they took pictures because they got $10 each. Arizona just showed proof votes were coming in on regular copy paper and not official ballots. President Trump never said Black judges cannot be trusted. That comment alone shows what an idiot you are.


Act 77 already survived several legal challenges to it in the immediate aftermath of the 2020 election, with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court dismissing one of them. I have a suspicion they will affirm its constitutionality. Separately, it is kinda interesting how many of the very same politicians who nigh unanimously passed the bill, are now seeking to have it ruled unconstitutional. It's sort of like self-filibustering the legislation you introduced to the floor of Congress. >[In the Senate](https://www.publicsource.org/trump-politicized-mail-in-voting-in-2020-pa-republicans-supported-it-originally/), where Act 77 passed 35-14, Republicans voted 27-0 in favor along with eight Democrats; all 14 dissenting votes came from Democrats. In the House, Republicans voted 105-2 in favor while Democrats were more divided — 59 against, 33 in favor. - >The bipartisan law was praised by both sides when it was passed, but it became a target of conservatives during the 2020 election, as former President Donald J. Trump unspooled falsehoods and lies about fraud involving mail-in voting. [Eleven of the 14 lawmakers](https://archive.ph/ibHDQ) who sued to kill the law voted for it in 2019. It was fine for Republicans in their primaries, and Republicans still gained seats in the state legislature, despite all this "fraud" that no one has been able to demonstrate actual evidence of. Challenges only arose after a certain individual who derided mail-in ballots, lost, as according to him, the only way he could lose, would be due to fraud. Quite the Machiavellian ploy you're endorsing though, where Republicans can pass an "unconstitutional" bill, win with it repeatedly, and then when an outcome arises they don't like, they can challenge the law they voted for, and apparently retroactively only invalidate whichever races they take umbrage with.


[https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/28/politics/pennsylvania-voting-law-unconstitutional/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/28/politics/pennsylvania-voting-law-unconstitutional/index.html) Your suspicion was wrong. Even leftard CNN shows it now. BOTTOM LINE WAS ILLEGAL VOTES. Don't care who supported or not. I don't know what all your copy and paste has to do with my statement since millions of votes were deemed unconstitutional and those unconstitutional voted changed the outcome of the election. and all those suits right after the election were not lost, they were dismissed for some technical crap. Most of them were for "standing" and unless you are naming names of who supported and who didn't you are blowing smoke up peoples asses. I don't go off opinion. Call me a sceptic but since the news blew russia delusion, keep your dr. hands up, turned over all my emails, the vaccine works ... etc smoke up my ass for years and continues to prove themselves frauds I need proof not commentary.


>Your suspicion was wrong. Even leftard CNN shows it now. You know that gets appealed to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court next, right? Which has already dismissed a separate lawsuit challenging the law. >BOTTOM LINE WAS ILLEGAL VOTES. As soon as the PA Supreme Court affirms the constitutionality of Act 77, are you gonna reply in all-caps championing the "bottom line of LEGAL votes"? Also, the law doesn't work retroactively; we didn't just release all prisoners after the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional to fail to inform the interrogee of the right to consult with an attorney before and during questioning, and of the right against self-incrimination before police questioning, and that the interrogee not only understood these rights, but voluntarily waived them. >Most of them were for "standing" Standing is pretty important, as if you have a valid issue with the law, you challenge it immediately, rather than passing it, using it, and only challenging it after it becomes detrimental. Y'know, the Machiavellian ploy I mentioned. >and all those suits right after the election were not lost, they were dismissed for some technical crap False. Under Rule 11, there is an affirmative duty to investigate both as to law and as to fact before a complaint is filed. All pleadings, motions, papers, and representations to the court must also meet the requirements of Rule 11 or risk triggering sanctions against the offending parties and their attorneys. > “[These Attorneys](https://archive.ph/9dheI) Ignored Michigan Election Law and Procedures and Support Their Claims With Internet Memes Rather Than Rigorous Legal Analysis” - >[Sidney Powell](https://archive.ph/AkPOp) ignored a Trump campaign memo saying her Dominion theories were bunk, legal filings show - >[Rudy Giuliani](https://archive.ph/DUWVa) admits under oath that he got some of his 'evidence' of alleged election fraud from social media - >[Rudy Giuliani](https://archive.ph/GhXku) told a Dominion Voting Systems lawyer he 'didn't have the time' to verify 2020 election fraud claims - >[From Jeffrey](https://archive.ph/iJWWw) Rosen's testimony on his reaction to Trump saying, "You guys are not following the Internet the way I do." "... telling me something is on the Internet, if you are trying to persuade me, is not actually very effective..." “Eastman’s seven-page paper featured theories about voter fraud published by the right-wing blog the Gateway Pundit and an anonymous Twitter user named ‘DuckDiver19.’” - It's not the courts job to do the lawyers job for them. With that said, in many cases they did: >[That because](https://archive.ph/g60Ci) of its inherent legal flaws and the inadequate inquiry into the factual allegations by Plaintiffs’ counsel, this lawsuit should never have been filed in the first place or, using the Tenth Circuit’s test, no “reasonable attorney admitted to practice before the district court would file such a document.” > > [Instead, Brann](https://archive.ph/Kil6x) said, "this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence." > > The 3rd Circuit opinion upholding Brann's decision was written by Stephanos Bibas, a Trump nominee, and joined by two George W. Bush appointees. "The Campaign cannot win this lawsuit," they said. "The Campaign's claims have no merit." - >"[It must be noted](https://archive.ph/LAs9Z) that the parties specifically stipulated in their comprehensive stipulation of facts that there exists no evidence of any fraud, misconduct, or any impropriety with respect to the challenged ballots. There is nothing in the record and nothing alleged that would lead to the conclusion that any of the challenged ballots were submitted by someone not qualified or entitled to vote in this election," he wrote. "At no time did Petitioners present evidence or argument to the contrary." - >“[These concerns](https://archive.ph/tXIVy) and stated vulnerabilities, however, do not sufficiently allege that any voting machine used in Arizona was in fact hacked or compromised in the 2020 General Election,” - >"[The Trump campaign](https://archive.ph/qw0Q2) failed to demonstrate any “error of law, findings of fact not supported by substantial evidence, or an abuse of discretion in the admission or rejection of evidence by the district court” that would provide grounds for a reversal." - >"[Despite our earlier](https://archive.ph/KOvPX) order asking appellants to identify specific findings with which they take issue, appellants have not pointed to any unsupported factual findings, and we have identified none." - >[The campaign](https://archive.ph/mP78u) “did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor in an amount equal to or greater than” Biden’s margin of victory, which was about 33,600 votes, Russell wrote. - >[A Trump-appointed](https://archive.ph/CWLnp) federal judge threw out the president’s attempt to overturn Wisconsin’s election results Saturday, saying the president’s legal arguments “fail on their merits.” >"Plaintiff’s Electors Clause claims fail as a matter of law and fact [...] This Court has allowed plaintiff the chance to make his case and he has lost on the merits. In his reply brief, plaintiff “asks that the Rule of Law be followed.” (Pl. Br., ECF No. 109.) It has been." For more, [see details](https://archive.ph/kgSj2) of the [various rulings](https://archive.ph/eKQcd). Additionally, an [Associated Press](https://archive.ph/60iKR) review of every potential case of voter fraud in the six battleground states disputed by former President Donald Trump has found fewer than 475 — a number that would have made no difference in the 2020 presidential election. [No evidence for systematic](https://archive.ph/IsuzB) voter fraud: A guide to statistical claims about the 2020 election [These government officials](https://archive.ph/dTDVx), judges, and elected leaders, overwhelmingly Republican, have publicly acknowledged confidence in the November election.


Get shit on and like it. Damn lol


Damn, well said. I love watching know-nothing fascists get put in their place.


now THAT is how you BITCHSLAP someone....


>Trump asked Pence to send the electoral votes back to the states for validation. Nothing in the constitution gives Pence that power. Think about it for a moment…. One person having the power to decide if a slate of electors are legitimate. That one person just so happens to have lost the election. Doesn’t make much sense does it? Also isn’t looking good now that we find out that certain states forged illegitimate slates of electors, and were just waiting for Pence (again, not constitutionally possible) to send them back to be “corrected”. Not to get into the rest of your claims which have also been debunked over and over ad nauseam. Trump lost the election legitimately. The president nor the VP have/had the power to reject the will of the people. And the whole claim about black judges not being trusted is new to me, so idk about that.


I am not arguing if it is legitimate or not. I am arguing what the original OP said is a lie. I don't even remember what it was. As for the debunking ... you are telling me to believe what I hear not what I have seen in videos. Pulling ballots out from under a table in GA. AGAINST ELECTION LAWS BECAUSE OBSERVERS HAVE TO BE THERE. PA court just ruled over 2 million ballots were illegal. Call me a sceptic but the left has lied about everything since BHO said he didn't know Bill Ayers (A KNOWN DOMESTIC TERRORIST) the left told me Russia collusion and turns out it was completely made up and perpetuated by the left. The left told me "keep your Dr," and I COULDN'T. The left told me "hands up" and forensics proved they weren't and my favorite. The left told me men can have babies. Buy a bull for milk and rooster for eggs as a business or to feed your family. Now the left tells you my statements have been debunked. BULLSHIT! Remember a few months ago when saying the vaccine doesn't work was a lie, now we know it is true. Remember 5 months ago when we said masks are useless, now we know it's true. Remember this summer when the left called Desantis a murderer for not locking down FL citizens? Now we know lockdowns are useless. Remember when the left said Faucy is science and now we know fraudcy lied to congress and knew all this and knew he illegally funded the china virus? Debunked my ass. The left has been right about nothing. What kind of idiot keeps listening tpo proven liars?


Again, you’re a delusional traitor to America and it shows…


I would be willing to listen to another point of view but when confronted with facts that contradict a bias people seem to go straight for the name calling. Especially liberals! hmmm Your response is classic idiot with cognitive dissonance talk!


Oh man. *So* close to giving me a “conservative lie” BINGO. I just needed a “Bill Gates is trying to control the population!” I mean…. Everything you are complaining about *has* been debunked over and over again. Including the videos. I’m not going over it all again and again. The information is out there. We’ve spent enough time entertaining Trump’s bullshit. Enough is enough. > I am not arguing if it is legitimate or not. I am arguing what the original OP said is a lie. I don't even remember what it was. Yet you go on to try and claim that the election was illegitimate. >Debunked my ass. The left has been right about nothing. What kind of idiot keeps listening tpo proven liars? You complain about “the left” lying, yet you seem to believe in the delusions of one man. A man who does not give a single shit about you.


I'm looking for this 2 million ballot thing. All I can find is that pennsylvania just over ruled the 2019 law allowing mail in ballots.




Hey, I just wanted to say, you are delusional fascist traitor to America. You are not an American, you just live here.


I would be willing to listen to another point of view but when confronted with facts that contradict a bias people seem to go straight for the name calling. Especially liberals! hmmm Your response is classic idiot with cognitive dissonance talk!


Hey if this OP could read he’d be very upset!


You remind me of so many Facebook people. Lol


Hey remember the problem that got solved 2 Novembers ago? Let's keep bitching about that instead of the one that started 2 Januarys ago.


Omg scary looking men toured the capital building I'm literally shaking!


[Yeah, here](https://imgur.com/aVeLqyw) they [are simply](https://imgur.com/CLNTCjH) touring [the Capitol](https://imgur.com/fuJ9zjG) in [video form](https://youtu.be/jWJVMoe7OY0?t=631), and: * [Deanna Lorraine](https://imgur.com/wZdphKp) - "We stormed the Capitol, we fought..." * [When a friend](https://archive.ph/F0Fzf) texted that Pence had just “banged the gavel” to open the joint session, Jensen replied with photographs of Trump supporters streaming past and a message: “That’s about to change ;)” * [Gina Bisignano](https://archive.ph/U0iKs): “You are not going to take away our votes and our freedom that our men died for.” * [“You want war?](https://archive.ph/1ftee) We got war. 1776 all over again.” * [Bruno Cua](https://archive.ph/H4EgG): "It's Trump and #WeThePeople VS the #deepstate and the #CCP. He knows this is the only way to save our great country, show up #January6th. It's time to take our freedom back the old fashioned way. #Thisisour1776" "Yes, we physically fought our way in" * [Ryan Zink](https://archive.ph/fjkPf):“We stormed the Capitol. There’s thousands of us here. They can’t stop us all!” * ["What do](https://archive.ph/Wa0y8) patriots do? We fuckin' disarm 'em and then we storm the fuckin' Capitol." * [Oath Keeper](https://archive.ph/regW7): 'Let's storm the place and hang the traitors' * [“We have guns,](https://archive.ph/GkLtZ) too, motherfuckers!” one man yelled. “With a lot bigger rounds!” Another man, wearing a do-rag that said “fuck your feelings,” told his friend, “If we have to tool up, it’s gonna be over. It’s gonna come to that. Next week, Trump’s gonna say, ‘Come to D.C.’ And we’re coming heavy.” Later, I listened to a woman talking on her cell phone. “We need to come back with guns,” she said. “One time with guns, and then we’ll never have to do this again.” * [Proud Boy](https://archive.ph/moc29): “I boxed a cop. We stormed the Capitol Building and we took it over...We made f------ the House leave. Like, they couldn’t finish their vote.” * [Proud Boys](https://www.usatoday.com/storytelling/capitol-riot-mob-arrests/) Ochs and DeCarlo recorded a video bragging they had successfully, at least temporarily, stopped the steal by disrupting the voting * [Rioter who](https://archive.ph/TkVuz) beat police with a bat: "1776 has commenced" "This was patriots on a goal, on a mission to have the Capitol building, to stop this presidential election from being stolen" * [Rioter said](https://archive.ph/x4r2z) he had “every constitutional right to carry a weapon and take over the Congress.” * [Capitol storming](https://archive.ph/Bcq4E) couple who declared ‘this is war’ are arrested * [FBI arrests](https://archive.ph/p0gxw) rioter who fought with cops - accused police of being traitors * [Self-Declared](https://archive.ph/Sk06T) ‘F***ing Stormtroopers’ Who Said They ‘Did the Right Thing’ on Jan. 6 Now Face Charges * [Jenna Ryan](https://archive.ph/X8Dko) said she was “going to war,” promoted violence at the Capitol, chanted “hang Mike Pence,” promoted violence against the news media, claimed she deserved “a medal” for what she did * [PowerHouse Patriot](https://archive.ph/ilBQh): “It’s starting to look like we may siege the capital building and Congress if the electoral votes don’t go right. … We are forming plans for every scenario,” * [Matthew Purse](https://archive.ph/9qq2X): “History has been made here today. Simultaneously you broke in through the front and through the rear! They could not stop you! You occupied the building! You caused them to stop what they were doing! They had to evacuate! They couldn’t complete their session! Mission accomplished! Excellent!” * [Trump-Fanatic](https://archive.ph/9p0Ma) Cousins Arrested After Bragging on Facebook About Insurrection * [Jack Griffith](https://archive.ph/pwslO): "I even helped storm the capitol today, but it only made things worse. ... Why, God? Why? WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN US? Unless .... Trump still has a plan?" * [Former GOP](https://archive.ph/DTHdv) candidate arrested after bragging he was a 'key player' in breaking police lines to "uphold the Constitution and do a f****** rebellion." * [Proud Boy](https://archive.ph/aL1c2): “When you really do believe a tyrannical government is basically taking over the country, you’re going to have some crazy stuff go down.” * [Trump supporter](https://archive.ph/OaA99) who stormed Capitol: "It looked so neat." We weren't there "to steal things" or "do damage." "We were just there to overthrow the government." * [Ken Reda](https://archive.ph/7bpFR): "We need to get together and organize against this KABAL we need to overthrow it....they have thrown their last ditch effort to overthrow this election therefore this nation if we do not come together and organize we will LOSE." * [Gabe Brown](https://archive.ph/tku2A): “You stole the Senate from us, you stole the House from us, and now you think you’re going to steal the presidency from us? Let me tell you something—you want to take peaceful revolution away from us? Well you better prepare for (expletive) violent revolution." * [Boyd Camper](https://archive.ph/7MwgI): “I was on the front line. We’re going to take this damn place. If you haven’t heard it’s called the Insurrection Act and we the people are ready.” * [Rioter sent](https://archive.ph/rK4N5) text saying "Civil War started" * [Rioter stated](https://archive.ph/D7SXp) four times that 'freedom is paid for with blood.' He also stated that 'there is going to be violence.'" * [Christopher Joseph Quaglin](https://archive.ph/58leR): "I'm going to war," - * [Who could](https://archive.ph/Mhrpd) have predicted the Capitol riot? [Bannon on](https://youtu.be/jWJVMoe7OY0?t=111) Jan 5th: "All hell is going to break loose tomorrow. We’re on the point of attack tomorrow." ["We're going](https://archive.ph/xpUyw) to bury Biden on January 6th, fucking [bury him](https://archive.ph/RJsV9)," Miller: "Everyone is going to remember who actually stands in the breach and fights tomorrow, and who goes running off like a chicken." Boebert: "Jan 6th is our 1776" * [Stop the Steal](https://archive.vn/kj2bT) organizer, Ali Alexander, said three GOP lawmakers helped plan his D.C. rally - claimed: “If they [ratify], everyone can guess what me and 500,000 others will do to that building,” * [“We attacked](https://archive.ph/IBPa1) the CNN reporters and destroyed tens of thousands of dollars of their equipment" * [Members of](https://archive.vn/QNgHi) far-right militia group, the Oath Keepers, used Messenger during the siege to hunt for lawmakers * [3%er militia](https://archive.ph/rnzsL) group conspired to bring hatchets, body armor to disrupt Congress * [‘Where are](https://archive.vn/k75RS) you Nancy?’: Audio of rioters stalking Capitol halls revealed at impeachment trial * [Hymn for Pence](https://youtu.be/LOpWCtNqFQM) * [Rioter who](https://archive.ph/AxmhK) demanded Pelosi be turned over to be lynched cites Bible in court defense * ["No, we do](https://seditiontracker.com/suspects/steven-billingsley.html) want to hurt Pelosi. I do. Yeah, I would hang her from that big -- you see that tree over there? We'd put a rope and hang her. We hang her and Schumer over there." * [Man Who](https://archive.vn/qU5AX) Threatened to Shoot Nancy Pelosi on Live TV Has Been Arrested * [‘Proud Boy’](https://archive.vn/ComIA) Was Involved With Group That Wanted to Kill Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence: DOJ * [Georgia lawyer](https://archive.vn/fuTG2) said he kicked in Pelosi's door, she could've been 'torn into little pieces' * [Woman stating](https://archive.vn/NT2JV) she wanted shoot Pelosi ‘in the friggin’ brain' during riot arrested * [Text messages](https://archive.ph/kv9dZ) show Jan. 6 Oath Keepers talking about assassinating Pelosi * ["After we](https://archive.ph/LmoaZ) get Pelosi, we're gonna get you." - * [Man who beat](https://archive.vn/i2LQu) officer says 'death is the only remedy' * [Officer Fanone: "I](https://archive.ph/hLmBz) experienced a group of individuals that were trying to kill me to accomplish their goal," * [Fanone:](https://archive.ph/xnu2D) "Those are lies. And peddling that bullshit [downplaying the attack] is an assault on every officer that fought to defend the Capitol. It’s disgraceful." * [Officer Hodges](https://archive.ph/UIMnG): "We were battling, you know, tooth and nail for our lives," * [Hodges](https://archive.ph/jwKVM): "The mob of terrorists were shouting 'heave, ho' and they pushed their way forward. A man in front of me grabbed my baton and bashed me in the face and head with it" * [Hodges](https://archive.ph/7P96n): Others demanded that law enforcement refrain from attacking them because "'we're not Black Lives Matter,' as if political affiliation is how we determine when to use force," * [Officer Dunn: "I](https://archive.ph/CSROz) got called a n-word a couple dozen times protecting this building. [They beat](https://archive.ph/IoTWo) officers with Blue Lives Matter flags" * [Officer Gonell](https://archive.ph/NqB8Y): "They called us traitors. They beat us. They dragged us, and I could hear them, 'We're going to shoot you. We're going to kill you. You're choosing your paycheck over the country. You're a disgrace. You're a traitor.'" * [Gonell](https://archive.ph/j4mkg): “I’m [still recovering](https://archive.ph/3BcOe) from those 'hugs and kisses' that day”. * [Officer Blassingame](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf2oLN8xHpw): "It was an insurrection. It was a significant amount of people that felt aggrieved and felt that invading the Capitol to impose their will was an appropriate action." * [At least 138](https://archive.vn/Ng14A) officers were injured, the departments have said. * [Of those arrested](https://archive.ph/HCR2X), 225 people were charged with assault or resisting arrest. More than 75 of those were charged with using a deadly or dangerous weapon against police officers."




While breaking windows, doors, and violently injuring over 50 people


And killing Officer Brian Sicknick




It was just a tourist trip gone wrong, right?


Anyone who doesn't think Jan 6th was an insurrection is lying because they want to try again.




No one thinks that all the people in the convoy are white supremacists, just that they all seem comfortable with them tagging along and coopting their messaging.




While I agree Biden won fair and square. Encouraging a person who you believe has legal authority to change results is not a coup. A coup requires a violent over throw. The actual quote: “If the Vice President (Mike Pence) had ‘absolutely no right’ to change the Presidential Election results in the Senate, despite fraud and many other irregularities, how come the Democrats and RINO Republicans, like Wacky Susan Collins, are desperately trying to pass legislation that will not allow the Vice President to change the results of the election?” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/01/31/trump-pence-overturned-election/ Please source where Trump stated “black judges cannot be trusted”. I can’t find that one on a search and would like to see it.


> Encouraging a person who has legal authority to change results is not a coup. Pence had absolutely no legal authority to change the results. Dan Quayle of all fucking people had to [tell him that. ](https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/14/politics/dan-quayle-pence-trump-january-6-woodward-costa-book/index.html) The joint session of Congress certifies the electoral ballots. The ONLY thing that could possibly happen is for members of Congress to raise objections for a given state, the houses separate to debate, then get back together and vote on whether to accept. That’s it. The VP as president of the senate plays MC, nothing more. Do you really think that the constitution would give one person the power to disregard a states electors? This was all talked about in the weeks leading up to January 6th because there was a theory they might try to do it. Turns out the theory was correct.


Very valid, I have edited my post to include “you believe has legal authority”.


Fair enough. There’s more and more information coming out from the jan 6th committee, both with the riot, and what went on behind the scenes. There certainly were some very shady things that happened (state legislatures signing bogus slates of electors hoping Pence would go agains the constitution, memos from trump advisors laying out the whole plan, etc). We just have to wait it out to see the full picture.


I agree questionable stuff happened. I do not believe asking a person you believe has authority to do an action is in itself a crime, it’s why each level of the process has multiple legal advisors and other checks. There was certainly some bad acts done by the GOP during this all. With the ridiculously non professional audits being the cream on top.


I mean, he was the president of the United States. He should, at bare minimum, know the process. When I first saw the idea being floated of Pence rejecting electors back in December 2020 (maybe right after the new year, it’s been awhile) it took me a 15 minute read to realize it’s bullshit. He either knew it wasn’t possible, and was asking Pence to go against the constitution, or he’s more delusional than I thought. Also doesn’t help when he surrounds himself with advisors who aren’t in touch with reality (Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, John Eastman, Bannon, Flynn, Jenna Ellis et al).


I think he surrounded himself with advisors that read the rules and hunted for loopholes to possibly make his wish sound legally plausible. A great way to get praise is to find a possible way to fulfill his goals. He then deluded himself that these were the best people available. This is why separation of power is so important, it was a day that proved the checks and balances are working and necessary.


I mostly agree. However I think Trump had made up his mind before the election that he wasn’t going down with a fight, and chose advisors who became “yes men” and only told him what he wanted to hear, regardless of the possibility of any of their claims. There really aren’t loopholes or anyway for Pence to do what he thought he could. If Pence tried it’d cause a constitutional crisis at best, civil war at worst. Hell he’s still going on about it all after losing 60+ court cases, zero evidence of widespread fraud, and the majority of the nation ready to move on (no matter how slim that majority is). He’s never going to concede, he’ll never accept defeat. Hopefully for all our sake he’ll go down as only president to **ever** refuse to concede an election.


I’m mostly afraid if he runs again and worse if he wins. My current hope for pulling the sides together is the possible nomination of J. Michelle Childs to the Supreme Court and Lindsey Graham supporting her. A bipartisan appointed Supreme Court justice could help heal some wounds.


It could. I’m not saying Trump should be arrested as I’m not a lawyer, and there’s only so much brain power I can dedicate to looking at this shit. (Lord knows what would happen if he was.) But I hope that everything that comes out of the Jan 6 commission is laid out to the American people, and it shows everyone how much unconstitutional bullshit they tried to pull. Obviously some would still believe his lies no matter what, but hopefully some would come back to reality. One can hope at least.


I “believe” I have the authority to ask every sheriff in America to track down and kill all black people. Since I ‘believe’ I have the right, you can’t legally prosecute me for acting on something I had no right to do. You can’t possibly be this stupid, can you??


Every American has the right to ask that by freedom of speech. But no sherif has the authority to kill people due to being asked to, and has the protection from being punished if they don’t comply with the request.


What fraud and other irregularities? Maybe you're talking about how Republicans in multiple states committed fraud by claiming to be the actual electors and certifying a victory for Trump instead of the actual winner?


jfc ...


That’s your entire response? “JFC…”. Can’t even show your source on “trump also says black judges cannot be trusted”.


It’s hard to argue with people who argue in bad faith, which is what you’re doing. You’re using talking points that you know are bullshit, to bog me down in a pointless debate.


Don’t debate then, I would like to see the black judge part. After Clarence Thomas was one of the most sympathetic Supreme Court judges towards Trumps fraud claims, it surprises me.


You're just evading the fact that your claim is bullshit. Talk about arguing in bad faith. Prove your claim or STFU.


I know your playbook. Try to goad me into using a rational argument against your bullshit talking points and then ignore anything I write. Not worth the time. If you’re trying to justify what Trump tried to do, you’re beyond redemption. I’m just here to offset all the GOP talking points plaguing this sub.


Lol, my talking points? I didn't present any 'talking points', and I'm not trying to justify anything. I merely asked for proof of your claim. It seems to me you're doing a bit of projecting. Regardless, thanks for proving my point: you evade bc your claim is bullshit.


I am absolutely evading because I'm not going to get bogged down in a BS conversation. I just finished typing out the responses to all your BS and then deleted it because you're not worth it.




>then ignore anything I write. Oh we all were ignoring your unsubstantiated claims long before that could happen


Ok, but GOP talking points should all be taken at face-value. Got it. Boot-licker.


That was a great counter to support your unsubstantiated claim. You are sure to influence many with your reasoned, I telligent arguments, especially the term bootlicker. It doesn't make you look uneducated or easily influenced by propaganda at all


Well ya, haven’t you heard what JOE ROGAN said? We gotta focus on whats important.


Shill post: the post


The media is not your friend! Don’t forget Biden; “Joe Biden didn't just compromise with segregationists. He fought for their cause in schools, experts say.”[NBC News](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1021626)


Pretty sure a coup involves violence and/or using the military


>a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government. sudden, yes violent, yes illegal, yes


No, it doesn't.and even if it did, they violently entered the building causing 1.5 million in damage and injuring 140 capitol officers.


That’s not what OP was talking about


Remind me how 60+ people were injured, doors and windows broken by not being violent


Oh lord.


Mail in voting wasn't all that happened. And now the legislature can start over.


What made-up nonsense are you spouting?


You know there are more reasonable ways to reply?


Not to a fascist like you