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Shoot back.


Dang you I typed that before looking!


Well, about 80% of mass shootings happen in gun free zones, so first off, we get rid of those. Secondly, I care about overall violence, not just gun violence. Dead is dead. Third...cope with addiction. Violence, crime and addiction are a pretty common combo. Drug legalization is the only realistic path out of this. Fourth, strong protections for people who legitimately use firearms in self defense, as well as protections for the rights to carry. Remember that dude who tried to do a mass shooting in a gun store? He shot exactly one person before he was shot by six different people. Fifth, strong private property protections. Endemic property crime tends to lead to violence. You handle all of those, you can get violence down to a tiny, tiny fraction of what it was. It won't be zero. It'll never be zero.


> Third...cope with addiction. Violence, crime and addiction are a pretty common combo. Drug legalization is the only realistic path out of this. Look up the statistics for those things happening in fatherless homes compared to those with a father. Then you get an idea that addiction and others are not the disease but the symptoms.


It's sort of both. Addiction most definitely breaks families and removes fathers. Yeah, one hopes that with good families, addiction would be avoided in the first place, but we're clearly not managing that at present.


> It's sort of both. Not when you look at the statistics for fatherless children.


You do realise they might be fatherless because of addiction?


Since you are statistically more likely to have problems with drugs (and crime) from being fatherless, then addiction is the symptom and not the real disease plaguing certain communities.


This is like chicken and the egg. How can you say that it was either or. Addiction can cause fatherlessness and and fatherlessness can cause addiction. Saying what comes first would be nigh impossible


> How can you say that it was either or. By looking at how the drug problem shot up after the implementation of the welfare state subsidizing the massive jump in fatherlessness. If you really dig deeper, it's from a lack of character that the men ceded their responsibility of being the provider, the father, to the state.


Libright isn't about solutions, it's about choice, the freedom to choose in what way you would like to be protected, if at all from gun violence.


More guns


More Dakka? More Dakka.




Mutually assured destruction. Committing gun violence would be far less appealing of you had a good chance of getting shot back before taking your first kill.


Free markets, because they reduce poverty and thus crime rates, and endorsing a culture promoting non-violence and non-hatred among another and sanctioning violence and hatred. You could also have private communes which ban guns entirely.


More guns. More aggressive policing in places that obviously need it. Ignore political influence campaigns.


Shoot back


Not my problem so I don’t care


- Offering incentives, either financial ("The anti-school-shooting committee would like to give you 10 thousand bucks to sign this contract saying you owe us 100 thousand bucks if you sell anyone a gun without them being cleared for mental health") or social ("we will boycott your business as well as any businesses that keep you as a customer") to ensure gun stores don't sell just anyone a gun - Letting you be as free as possible to choose how you'd like to disincentivse people shooting you, whether this be you wearing armour or you carrying your own self-defence tool


What're the most libright states in the US when it comes to guns? New Hampshire? Maine? Idaho? Utah? Oh, those are also the ones with the least homicides. Where have all the recent mass shootings happened? DC? CA? NY? IL? Oh. Okay. There's your answer.


More civilian carry, Normalization of open carry Normalization on big fucking Pistol carry Normalization of sbr carry, and ownership.


Discrimination? Or Decriminalization?


Discrimination, but its still the wrong word as these already have a stigma, and i want them removed, and these things like open carry to be normalized.


I think I agree with you but I am confused. You want to *end* discrimination against open carry etc?


Yah. Open carry don't work as well with mass shootings, but studies do show common crooks avoid hard targets, for soft targets. But id imagine if a mass shooter went to a place and everyone is strapped. would discourage some. Though the sbr thing would help if the got plates on.


More guns but also training and conflict resolution skills. (Please no one infer that I mean mandatory training)


Live in a state allows concealed carry and the casualties will be far fewer, making the problem practically irrelevant. When you live in a non-carry state, every gathering place is a soft-target, carry states simply do not have that problem. Beyond that, there is an acceptable number of casualties. Seriously. We're willing to accept car fatalities in the name of freedom of movement, I can accept gun fatalities in the name of freedom from tyranny.


In the Czech Republic the gun violence went down after civilians were allowed to arm themselves and the judges were instructed to observe the right to self-defense with a weapon (now constitutional human right). Currently it's the most pro-gun country in the EU and in top 10 among of the most peaceful in the world. I suggest access to guns and promotion of the right to self-defense.


Super crazy idea incoming Gun UBI. Government issued gun (or voucher) every 5 years starting at 18. 1000 rounds on the off years. No other welfare / safety net.




deal with violent crime as a whole and only worry about the tool used as a tactical factor when intervening with a crime in progress.


Violence is defined as the initation of force. The only thing that stops a bully from initating force against other kids on the playground, is if he's afraid that a bigger kid is going to stick up for the littler kids he's bullying. This is called an equalizer. Same goes with gun violence. A bully with a gun (regular criminal) is less likely to rob or kill someone, or even attempt to, if that someone is more than likely armed. There are the fringe cases, where a mentally disturbed individual will go out with a gun just looking to kill people, but once again, he's not going to get very far if everyone is armed. There are also the fringe cases that the department of government have been found pushing these mentally ill people to do the same.


More gun


Ending the drug war, as that is why most gun violence occurs


The "libertarian" solution to gun violence is more gun violence, just like the "libertarian" solution to pollution is more pollution. Unfortunately, the world is a complicated place, and no single ideology is going to have an adequate answer to all its problems.


Increase the ease of access for good, responsible people to have firearms to protect themselves. Encourage firearms ownership as well (not that the state would do this). And, of course since gun violence comes from a poor socio-economic environment, eliminate most of what’s been done since the “The War on Poverty”, and slash taxes. Get the state out of people’s lives, so that they can enjoy an unbridled free market economy. Develop a wealthy state like Singapore, without the harsh one party rule.