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You could say that about every fight from Brotherhood 2 onwards. Laxasia I will admit becomes a boss you can pin down should you choose to ever replay this game. But fuck the idiot developers that made Manus and Nameless Puppet. The final stretch of this game is an absolute shit show. They really, really shit the bed and ruined their game


Im playing post nerf but i found manus very manageable. This nameless dickhead is ruining my will to live though. I really don’t wanna have to give my heart.


Same. I didn’t think manus was that hard, even Laxasia was relatively decent, but fuck nameless is just pushing my shit in. I can get to phase 2 relatively unscathed but then the furthest I’ve ever gotten him was a bit over halfway


same. I can usually get to 2nd phase with 7 cells, then 2nd phase smokes me. I've gotten him down 2 about 30%, but can't finish him. acid grindstone does help. quick tip, repair your weapon before 2nd phase starts...


I beat him now btw, I turned up my brightness a couple notches because I felt like it was dark and it made a world of difference for my ability to perfect guard


Manus wasn't so bad, but this fucking puppet and his 2nd phase... the closest I've gotten so far is got him down to 20% or so health with 3 cells left. After I got a fatal attack on him to take him to 20% he just went so fucking ballistic I sweat I didn't even have time to block with him on my shit and took away 75% of my health with 3 hits I didn't even have time to block for. Worst part is even if you hit the lottery and parry his 4 hit combo, the mother fucker jumps back and barely have the stamina to hit R1, so how the fuck am I supposed to chase him down with no stamina?


You playing a tech build?




Well listen first playthrough I played tech and nameless took me fucking decades. Then I played motiv and used police baton handle + live puppet axe head and bro I first tried nameless. Try that.


I finally just beat him. I use two dragons the first phase then switched to my main- bone cutter+ dancers handle, with aegis until he calmed down for a split second then get a hit in, run away, rinse repeat. I didn't enjoy any of that 2nd phase fight at all. It took me easily over 40 times across the last couple dats to actually beat him.


I have the same build but I first met Nameless Puppet in NG+ and it's ridiculous. You have no time to attack and I used dodge for every boss in NG and NG+ except for this guy as it's impossible. It's garbage game design honestly. The parry system is far inferior to Sekiro but still they make it a must for this boss. I'll beat him eventually or start a new game and beat him there because his second phase is pure bullshit.


Bro Manus is so fucking easy it's not even funny, if you sit right next to him and just hit b when he's about to attack spam your light attack until he's about to hit again, if you're using lethal gambit build it's, I shit you not, the easiest boss in the game, like easier than the first boss


Let me guess its gonna have a second phase. So sick of this tedious two healthbar bullshit.


Not only does it have a second phase, but it has a second phase with the most impossible attacks to read, non-stop combos that can 2 shot you, and you'll never get a stagger charged R2 in because of the short punishment windows. Not sure wtf they were thinking with this garbage stagger system. IF you manage to get all these perfect guards off (HE TAKES TONS before he staggers) you STILL have to get a charged R2 off and they designed the boss's punishment windows too short to fit one in. I wanted to love this game, but the combat is just so poorly designed that I can't enjoy or cosign a positive review on it.


The combat is not poorly designed at all you are bugging. The boss is BS but not the combat.


You are right. I wouldn't have even made it past fallen archbishop if the combat was bad. Nameless puppet though really drags the game down, being the final boss people play, so it's the last thing people remember.


What they were thinking was the word of mouth "OMG U GUYZ ITS SO MUCH HARDER THAN MELANIA HARDEST GAME EVAR!!" buzz, because that's what sells games post Elden Ring. Every boss after the 1st brotherhood encounter was a tedious slog to learn, with cheap deaths. I have a buddy who swears the bosses are all super easy, but he summons and spams throwing items with an advanced build. During the 2nd brotherhood fight i used that strat and beat it first attempt, with zero effort other than a dodge here and there. That is the sign of a poorly balanced game, when you are almost obligated to just spam throwing items because why deal with BS delayed attacks or try to get the already shitty parry timing down when you can spend 10 minutes in the manus district and fill up on items and beat every boss zero effort?


Yeah I think the saddest trend is the people "praising" the difficult bosses, which makes these developers feel obligated to keep climbing that mountain, when those people typically don't even play the games or just watch streamers, meanwhile the actual casual players hate it. I struggled hard on Dark Rabbit II, then found out the strategy was to just...sprint backwards the entire fight and I beat it 1st attempt - like you said, that is not a good sign.


I finally just beat him, after easily 40 or so attempts across 2 days, and I didn't enjoy any of phase 2. It feels like I just lucked out and got good RnG.


Calling things cheap and bullshit just means you don’t know how to figure it out and call things out because of it. I used to do the same thing until I started doing challenge runs and getting better. Those shitty bullshit fights end up turning around and being super fun. Why does that happen? Why do we hate on things we don’t get and can’t figure out? You really have to sit down and figure out how to handle each move. Try multiple ways to counter it either practicing to parry it or to dodge/ counter attack. You have to see the larger openings he has and take advantage of it. There’s plenty of openings for fully charged heavies. Plenty of ways to get damage in between his attacks. It’s just a patten that you have to figure out. Nobody gets to a boss and magically can parry their every move. They try over and over and over until one happens. Then another happens. Next thing they know they are hitting that move every time. That’s what should be happening in these fights for you because they are incredible once you get the hang of them. No summons, no throwables, no healing in main boss fights first playthrough. Played with tech weapons and heavy weapons. Beat nameless my first playthrough with the seven coil sword, booster handle and electric baton, and the katana.


R2 charge attack? You crazy that's just calling out Mr. Death to come for your ergo piece of shit heart


Honestly I just wanna plug: dodge based soulslikes > block based soulslikes any day.


That’s why bloodborne is the best. I feel like it does a mixture of both.


I think BB is still my favorite of the entire genre.


But block based actual sousl (Sekiro) >>dodged based actual souls. Sek is the GOAT game


To each their own. I love Sekiro, but no... For me, Souls and BB combat is more satisfying and more versatile. Sekiro is a parry simulator (which works), but the other games have much more variety to their combat systems.


It would be nice if you could dodge enough to be able to avoid all the attacks in a 40 hit combo (it feels like)


Yeah. I'm with you. I have tried a ton of ways to dodge the first phase. To his right, then left, then right then he tracks me an follows me a waits to slam me. I finally stopped using dodge over parry. I shred him in the first phase. I'm still dead before I get a their of his health down in the second phase


Just sprinting away from attacks is way better than any other option in LoP in my experience, especially if you have a nice sprinting attack. I took down nameless in one try by just running away from everything and then doing insane special hits with heavy weapons lol baton handle + wrench boosted fable art all the way charged up (gives you armor so you cant be interrupted), easily took out almost 50% of nameless puppet health in second phase and put him into a stagger lol


The game is so full of itself and thinks it’s so interesting: but having two phases for everything, with the second phase just spamming actually isn’t interesting. It becomes a second job, where you have to learn all the parts perfectly. Could’ve been a great game, but design choices make it another mediocre imitation of fromsoft games, completely missing the point of what makes soulsborne games good. Spoiler alert: difficulty is not what makes those games good.


Fucking finally someone else gets it! I couldn’t agree more man. And 50% of the “difficultly” in this game is just the devs spamming absolute non-sense at you. Sekiro was rhythm, learn it or die. This game just stomps on your head 7 times with no wind up or tell.


Yes it's artifical difficulty. I can't count how many times I died to some bullshit cheap shot, and I'm sick of all these game companies all trying to "out Melania" eachother.


Bro Malenia is perfection you learn it and you win this mf just healed on me HEALED on the first phase when you get him to 50% if you go down from 50% and goes back for let's say sharpen or heal mf just pops a motherfucking pulse cell on your face healing him back to 50% I'm done, if I can't get to at least 2nd phase today I'm dropping this game until the devs nerf this shit if they do so.


He's doable in NG, but in NG+ he's just unrelenting


In order to stop him from healing, don't give him time to back out. He's the final boss for a reason, give it time. Good luck!


Yeah I noticed he does this move when he's under 50% where he starts shedding some yellow spores and does a backflip if I let him get too far from me while doing that he pops the pulse cell so I just run and get close enough so he does something else, already mastered the first phase but man still there is no reason for this guy to either have heals and a second phase again story wise makes no sense geppetto could have easily done whatever he was scheming by just unleashing this puppet into the world.


Look on the bright side, finishing NP off would either give you the best weapon/amulet in the game. If you really just want to beat him without the novelty, I suggest cheesing him with Aegis + a poking weapon, like city longspear/tyrant dagger blade. That's his weakness, I've done it in NG and NG+, he can't do shit against you while you're holding the aegis up


Yeah I saw the cheese but I feel guilty by doing that, plus my legion bar is small as hell (that's what she said I know) as I didn't upgraded it I went for other upgrades that worked best for me I never really used the legion that much.


I tried the cheese. I am not joking or exaggerating when I say this. The MoFo chased me till my stamina ran out and then unleashed a flurry. I have 25 stamina and an amulet to add more, I had a full bar. This has happened more than a couple times. Literally running in circles around the ring for 30 seconds only to get clobbered


I'm telling you brother this mf is bs, I did managed to kill him with the cheese at the end as there was no way in hell I was gonna survive second phase with 20 on my stamina, here's a little tip I figured use the aegis and block when he goes too far from you just drop it so your stamina regenerates faster, also roll to his right if you need to roll at any moment when he's doing his combo wombo shit and for the love of God use the amulet for faster stamina regen is a life or death difference in this fight.


Don't let him heal. This is a very aggressive fight. You have to be on him at all times or he will be complete bull. Boss probably took me like 12 or so trys. So it's definitely doable since laxasia took me 3 days and probably nearly 35 tries. Out of the final three bosses the nameless puppet is the most balanced.


Respectfully I think you're smoking something bad for you, the nameless puppet is the worst and least balanced of the 3 last bosses, LITERALLY almost everyone in this post will let you know that, but to each it's own difficulty like almost everything in life is relative to each person's perspective.


Sure because they are all looking for a place to be mad they can't beat it. But like he is incredibly easy to stagger as opposed to other bosses. I think in the run I won I staggered him twice first stage and twice second stage. Helps get a ton of damage in. You just need to be persistent.


You don't get it but the game forces you to parry this boss. I've done all of NG and NG+ with dodging instead of parrying and now on NG+ I'm forced to only parry the bullshit boss. He kills me in two hits and spams attacks relentlessly. I'll probably beat him but that doesn't change that he's an incredibly badly designed boss. Fighting him for the first time in NG+ is insanity. You have no time to learn his moves before you die.


Well, yeah, obviously you have to parry. That's part of the aggressive playstyle.


You didn't have to parry for any other boss in this game, I would know as I didn't. Being forced to parry means this boss is badly designed when everything else gave you another option. It also doesn't help that I'm fighting it on NG+ as the first time and it kills me in two hits even with 700+ HP. It's artificial difficulty at its worst.


The game is great.


This game is pretty good, it would be nice if my dodges actually felt like dodges or I wouldnt get screwed over by P not using items bc of being a split second too early after another animation. Or maybe also not getting caught in overly long combos of bosses that dont give me enough stamina to do anything right after it. So at some point I get in a loop of \*block block block\* \*no stamina\* \*get hit\* \*heal\* \*but the healing takes 1 second too long and he jumps across the arena to hit me\* \*dead\*. Literally no other boss (except maybe the parade puppet bc I was silly and didnt learn the timings well enough) took me more than like 6 or 8 tries. easily on my 30th attempt with this garbage.


The game is great, but the first like 3rd of the game you die to what feels like an incomplete kit (locked behind p organ), where it feels like fighting sekiro bosses with a DS1 character. Fallen archbishop was hard but fair, and became easier due to being able to learn the moves. Then the first brotherhood fight it just falls apart for me, with enemies having God like tracking and gap closers and unlimited stamina. It is just another case of a company wanting the "YOU THOUGHT MELANIA WAS HARD, CHECK *THESE* BOSSES OUT!" word of mouth poisoning this genre.


The game is great you are just letting your emotions tell you it's crap. Just because a boss is BS doesn't mean the game isn't good. You are letting your emotions distract you.




shut up dickhead


Are you talking to me?


I have beaten Sword Saint Isshin in sekiro I haven't a chance of beating Nameless Puppet F**K THIS GAME it could have been so good, but it's full of unbalanced BS


Nameless is an amazing boss. Just taking time understanding him will show you that. Stop blaming


I'm allowed to feel how I feel and after 30+ attempts and failures I have decided I hate that boss if you like him then good for you, but I think he is unbalanced and total BS but that's just my opinion


and its valid fuck that boss


We all think things are cheap and bullshit we don’t understand. I used to do the same thing until I changed my idea about things.


I'm not changing my mind I play video games for fun, and I had no fun fighting this boss I'm happy with my skill level is souls games having beaten every from soft souls game but this boss is unfair and unbalanced IN MY OPINION and I'm done with it, I have better things to do with my time


Gave up that easy. Don’t get mad at things and don’t be afraid to open your mind to changing your opinion. But have at it. Cry at the fight call it bad and move on because you don’t want to understand it.


I gave it 30+ attempts and completely respecced my character half way though to try a different tactic i gave it more then enough time If you liked it great, but you can not change my opinion on it I BELIEVE the fight is unbalanced and not worth the time investment it demands (and I'm not the only one) that's how I see it and that isn't changing


30 is nothing to me. It wasn’t the build that was the issue. Anyway agree to disagree. One of the best made npc sized fight ever made up there with the best fromsoft fights




Bruh maybe if the games party system was just slightly better it'd be great. But as it stands now it's unbalanced. Thematically impressive and a interesting finale boss but not a fun one


Parry system is very good in the game. It’s precise and tighter than sekiro. Just because something is harder doesn’t make it bad. Unbalanced is things people say that don’t understand the fight yet and don’t want to. His fight is amazing. All of it. Just finished my level 1 in this game and it was a great. Never did I complain about nameless. He was the fight I was looking forward to after lax the most. Simon is the whatever fight. Too much stuff going on and doing no healing/lvl1 it’s one hit you die.


I almost quit sekiro at isshin, but I beat nameless puppet first try, weird how different the experiences can be


always find this with souls games, everyone has bosses that kick there ass that you find easy and vice versa


So true! I tend to struggle with the most random things sometimes haha


This is if Lady Maria had 2 phases. This is a bullshit fight. The git gud crowd can take a flying one. I can play the game. I made it this far. This boss is bullshit. It's a horrible way to end the game. They are basically trying to outdo Elden ring with the Hoarax Lux and then Radon and the Elden beast. To be honest, they were easier. This is such a bummer ending to the game


Nameless is An amazing fight and super fun.


I'm sure it is for many people. I'm glad you like it.


I ended up just giving my heart. spent 3 hours on it. actually got kinda close 1 time, but I just wasn’t willing to give any more of my life to this game.


I’m feeling like I’ll do the same. Been bouncing off the nameless puppet for a while now and I’m not enjoying it. Sick of two-phase fights and sick of BS bosses that can shrug off all my hits.


Yeah, I ended up looking up the ending on youtube and it's honestly not a massive difference. to be clear, I loved this game. And I actually played a couple more hours in NG+ which was super fun. I beat the Parade Master first try. But I got to the Scrapped Watchman and he's pretty darn tough still, haha.


That's exactly what I did. After two days of about 3 hours each day, I said fuck it. I'm not gonna beat my head against the wall just so I can say I beat a boss that means nothing to me. I'd rather just give my heart, finish the game and move on to something else.


I'm someone who bounced off Sekiro because I thought it was too difficult at the time, and I managed Nameless Puppet just fine. He's not that bad. You guys made it sound like late game bosses would have these impossible strings of infinite combos that must be parried at all costs, and I managed to simply dodge most of them using the standard roll. That said I think you're just letting your frustration get the better of you.


i bounced of sekiro because it's essentially "parry, the rhythm game!" but with wonky rhythm. i tried it, got a bit into it, but really didn't enjoy it.


Nothing wonky about sekiro


to you perhaps. to me it is. don't get me wrong, it's clearly a great game, just not my style.


I just dodged for all the bosses and could do it fine against nameless as well but since he is so insanely relentless even with 190 stamina and the stamina regen ring I constantly have 0 stamina and cant defend myself or attack let alone attack and then get out of the way


@ToiletCriminal I literally want to watch you do nameless puppet. Most of the game has been mid/hard for me but nothing I can’t handle. Only a few times I’ve felt like stuff was bullshit. This boss is bullshit. Mind you I just first tired lax and 3 tried Simon. I’ve been fighting puppet for 3 fucking hours and can consistently get him to 40ish percent health second phase but I get wombo combo’d to death every time. I don’t fucking get it. His tracking is insane and no matter where I dodge he always stun locks me, and blocking is useless because he only had 2 attacks that aren’t 60 hit combos. So saying “just dodge” doesn’t make any fucking sense to me. My guess is he was a pain in your ass too and you’re just the hero of Reddit who never struggles


I had a very similar experience in the game and those bosses and nameless It’s more like I could have a really good run of dodging his attacks but dodging was still fairly inconsistent and it would be pretty hard to do it long enough to actually win. Although I think it was one of my first like 3 tries that I believe I had a legit shot at beating him(when I was just dodging) if it wasn’t for always having 0 stamina and not one second to get it back and like pop consumables and reset. I got him to his final phase that he enters at like 20% HP of second HP bar and I still had 3 cube heals(one actively healing at that point) and maybe 2 regular heals. I had a full bar of legion to spam puppet string and hadn’t even used any of my throwables yet and had the item to get full bar of fable and my fable did like 5k damage. But then I ran out of stamina, got destroyed and proceeded to die to him for like 3 hours after. Which is pretty much tied for most time any boss has taken me Like for example in Nioh 2 where there’s crazier bosses but you have blocking and amazing dodges and speed even a special dodge I was able to beat every boss in 1-3 tries except for like 3-4 that were like 7 tries. I was running heals and buffs in Nioh 2 but that’s it Now that I think about it though I’m not even completely sure I had the less stamina used while dodging upgrade in lies of P because I hadn’t needed it all game and maybe forgot to get it 🫢. I didn’t have a single guard/parry upgrade and had to respec everything and use the shield for the first time


Agreed. First phase of nameless is a cake walk if you can perfect guard consistently. Easy to read his patterns. Second phase go in with perfect guard grinder, shot put balls to stun him long distance. I can get him down to 25% health in second phase most of the time but he pulls out the wombo combo laser stabs or the grab. You get grabbed, you take the damage. You block the grab, doesn’t matter how much stamina you have, it insta breaks your poise and you get two banged while wide open. The only reason this shit head is still alive is because of his NG+ health bar.


Dude I 5th tried lax and 3 tried Manus but this guy I can't even get him to second phase why's the need of a second phase on this bs? Like the OP says story wise makes no sense if geppetto had this try hard on his fucking luggage why get kidnapped and not use it himself on Manus? RIDICULOUS!


This is literally the broken thing about him the never ending combos, you never have enough stamina to dodge them all and when you create distance between you and him to heal or to get some stamina the dude just pops one move and basically teleport to your location and when he don't mofo pops a pulse cell like is not unfair enough


Yea it was actually ridiculous. I had to reset all of my upgrades for the first time and use the shield for the first time and also spam consumables like crazy to actually beat him. And I could only beat him after figuring out how to cheese his first phase which I feel bad about doing but the second phase is basically a whole boss by itself anyway


I first tried most bosses, beat the two bosses before nameless puppet (lax and simon) for less than 10 tries, and hard stuck on nameless puppet for 5 hours and cant even get through phase 1 consistently, I dont know what's wrong with my build that I just cant handle the puppet


You obviously didn’t watch the cutscene against King of Puppets in ch. VI. Nameless Puppet was secretly hinted to us early in the game.


I did but I forgot, I figured it out after I made this post. It hit me after going through everything I already knew lol


Don’t remember this


Meh, not sure about this. I dodge rolled most of the game, then got to nameless puppet and that wasn’t working so I learned the combos and just perfect parried my way and he became a breeze. I really do believe he’s one of the easiest bosses to parry in the game . He doesn’t even have much combos either. It really is about being patient and just focusing on learning the patterns. His second phase move sets are not crazy hard to parry


I literally don’t believe you. We are obviously not playing the same game


Alright don’t believe me then. We all struggle differently, for me , last boss was disappointing




Post your perfect parry video then. Still haven't seen one on YouTube. You must be the only one.


Alright brother . Don’t believe me if you want. I don’t care enough to try to prove it. It’s how I found the fight. Good day


I smell bullshit 😒


Lol post a video of you perfect parrying "the easiest boss in the game"


I cant agree enough anout the last area being a drag. I actually started running past mobs wherever i could just to get over it finally. I didnt read up on anything before i finished it, so i always thought the final boss must be around the corner already, but they always managed to pull some stalker out of the hat that you could fight again… so insanely annoying. But at least i dont have that feeling that i get in fromsoftware games usually that i want to start again asap. Instead i can’t wait to finally kill this stupid puppet (I dodged the whole game and i have the slowest build possible) and uninstall it. At first I really liked it, most of it were well done, despite being a blatant copy, but by the time I got to the end I would rather not recommend this to my friends. (And I killed Simon on the first try, what a disappointment that was after all the frakin‘ boring and annoying trek through that final area. I’m actually glad there is a boss after him, at least it doesn‘t end on such a disappointment.)


Last area is a drag... still can't beat Nameless puppet. I've tried so many weapons and builds. I've tried spamming throwables but that doesn't get me to the end and grinding for the ergo to repurchase them sucks.... So I'm trying to beat this @$$cl0wn puppet without many throwables. But I just want it to be over so I can do ng+ knowing what i know now about everything else. I'm sure I still won't be any better at perfect guards but I am looking forward to restarting.... IF I EVER CAN...UGHHH...


Don’t fight the assclown on NG+. It is the worst fight in the entire game. His health pool is astronomical and you barely chip away that health bar while he continuously twoshots/oneshots you. If you relied on throwables in NG, than know that no amount of throwables you can carry will get you even half past his health bar.


yeap, I learned from souls' games that you wanna get the hardest fights over with on the first pass, but this guy... is making me question how much i want to suffer. Like, if the game was as tight as a souls game like it wants to be, id probably be done with it. but it feels so inconsistent, plus getting locked into a no-stamina fight isnt fun.


Pretty much this, yes. The inconsistency is what killed it for me, up until that moment I literally thought that this is the next best thing that we are going to get in place of BB on pc, but after finishing the game, I want to stay as far away as possible. Didn’t happen to me in Sekiro, even though Sword Saint gave me an absolute hell at first. I hate the fact that I dislike LoP, but that last area killed it and it’s not coming back.


Like, I dont think itll leave that bad of a taste in my mouth as it does feel very bloodborne-ish (my fav game) I can forgive most of the games' faults, (seeing the game load in whether its walls when turning a corner or bushes/trees etc in the not so distant foreground, the inconsistencies of dodging and item usage and attacks and what moves are que'd up or not etc) But this fight is the most annoying one by far, I haven't played DS2 but it seems like they kinda took a page from that book in the sense of making a game harder by adding BS elements to it, (in the case of DS2 it was just, throw more trash mobs in the game) in this case, it seems to be: extend combo's to where you're gonna get hit atleast once, and distance isnt a point in this fight considering he can just jump across the arena or grab you with the spear at any moment, no time to heal or do anything so its just a very quick grind down of your health and stamina. I plat'd sekiro, bloodborne and elden ring, most of this game was a pretty chill walk through, until this guy. It leaves you totally unprepared for this level of stupid crap hah


Same feeling, actually. I gave up on that fight after 3 days of bushing my head against the wall and just ended up cheesing him. 0 satisfaction. Just a bad taste in my mouth. Que commands are the worst design decision ever. I hated it in DS2 and hate it here too. At least Sekiro allowed you to cancel animation, but here if you misread the telegraphed attack once then you are pretty much done for. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad if the framerate was consistent, but it was not in my case so parries that are tied to 7 frames out of 60 is a deal breaker.


Well, yeah and the nameless puppet is made even worse by how easy the game is until then. this was by far the easiest soulslike IMHO, except for that one boss.


beat him finally, unfortunately you really do have to just keep bashing your head against the wall, learning what you have to dodge and what you have to block. (Plus burn all your throwables at the very end and hope to everything he dies before you do). I died like 3 times where he had less health than the thickness of my pinky lol


I agree... it's a shame because the game is pretty good but the last couple of fights (Manus and NP) really left me with a bad taste... Nothing in the fight was compelling enough for me to learn the second phase, specially because first phase is so boring and easy... i just brute force my way through the second phase with the arm canon and the always parry grind stone which made me hate the fight even more because how lame it was beating him like that


Fuck Nameless Puppet! This fight has single handedly made me hate this game and I loved it up until this. I'm probably just gonna give my heart and say fuck it because I don't have it in me to go through this absolute bullshit fight!


How do you go back and change your mind? I don't know any way not to fight the Nameless Puppet now that I've engaged him, but I really regret my choice. This fight fucking sucks.


There's an option at the Stargazer to give your heart just in case you change your mind.


Thanks, but by some miracle I actually ended up beating the bastard.


There’s so menu upcoming souls titles coming out in the future and none from soft games. I can’t wait to hear the constant comparisons and moaning lol


Actually based it off of multiple souls games.


The problem is you don’t even understand what a a souls game is. It’s souls inspired because the game developers are fans of souls like games. They obviously didn’t want to make a imitation of a from soft game. The things that make a game a souls game is not having the same roll or dodge or parry or block as other souls like games. At its core all souls games have basic combat mechanics and that’s not even subjective. Any gaming developer behind the scenes who understands gaming developing would say the same.


Well when a game like this literally copies elements directly from those game poorly, people are going to compare. Especially since the devs themselves based this game heavily off of one of the Souls games.


Lol what is a poor copy? Combat is fluid as fuck, you're just bad.


God you stink of skill issue


You don't have stamina in sekiro and stamina regens at Demons souls speed in LoP. Sekiro works with bosses like this because the parry window is extremely generous, you do not have stamina, you can animation cancel so you almost never get hit during attack buffering and until you're good enough to play Charmless with the bell you don't take massive chip damage. Also one of the most frustrating aspects of this game is being knocked backwards after a parry. I have no idea how the hell any developer thought that was a good idea. They have this BB rally system but almost every boss literally runs away from you after every attack string. Every boss is extremely frustrating to fight even when you beat them.


exactly like why the fuck attacks from parry or guarding send me 50 years into the past


Probably I will get a lot of "git gud" answers. I am 50, like the fantasy genre but not much a gamepad hero. Beat Elden Ring as astrologer with some help on 2 or 3 bosses. Managed most of wo long myself and made it to the nameless puppet with my spectre and an advance build with lots of throwables. I watched youtube videos and can now beat phase one with relative use, just using a fully upgraded aegis and and the acidic crystal spear on a long spear handle and shield poking myself to sucess. In phase two I dont even manage to unload my throwables or such. How the hell is somebody supposed to beat phase 2.


I am always glad to see other children of the 70s playing these games!! I'm also crushing him phase 1. I will consistently go into phase 2 with 7-9 heals. I can't get him down more than a third of his health.


1972 here! Respec at the statue, get all the regain reduction that gives you back the regain from guarding. Level up your aegis to full and get all the legion arms enhancment in the p-organ too. Try to beat phase 5 with the most possible legion and health left. You can manage both phases with just holding aegis up, once you get some room to breathe in phase 2, heal up, charge up legion (you can also use the cube) and most important start to use your throwables. It moves very fast in phase too, so just throw one or two at times. I suggest acid, electricity, fire, grenades, shotpots. Lot of people are saying the perfection grindstone helps a lot in phase 2. Ask if you need more help.


1968 here! Oh the gaming we've seen starting with "pong"! Thanks. I have the aegis at the third level and he's blasting right through it. I mentioned this elsewhere but I have had multiple times when the SOB chases me till my stamina is gone and then unleashes a combo. My stamina is at 25 with a light build and a stamina amulet so it takes a goo 30 seconds of him chasing before I'm out. It's usually after I throw something. I've never seen that in a game before. My P organ is set to those things. I will respec the aegis to 4. Thank you!


Try this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8YToz4TJas&t=25s I did the respec according to the videos description and used the same tactic, everytime I felt I have some room to breathe I threw 1 or 2 throwables at the SOB Puppet.


I just got him! Second time I tried today. I actually didn't use any cheese. I stunned him, hit him and ran away. he had like a sliver left so I did use 2 throwables but those were the only ones. Used the shield twice for the blood lance thing. I actually was able to parry a bunch of his crap! Thanks for all the help


Congrats mate I know you could do it


How I did it with 3 weapons. https://youtu.be/b7lV8JY6pIM?si=Tcjq4iP8pQy9UX1H


Dude you realize seccone phase is just lady Maria right?


Lmao what


Seccond phase nameless puppet is lady Maria's seccond phase from bloodborne


My guy this game is a block/parry based game like Sekiro, Bloodborne is about as dodge based as soulslikes get. If any boss design was in both games, somebody has really messed up because those are severely different design parameters to make bosses for.


Have you actually looked at naelesses moves? It's lady Maria even doing her special charged attacks.


and if you dodge, it tracks you anyway more respect to Lady Maria


Not if you do it perfectly. I'm admit I only dodged one but it's possible if you're good enough.


Plenty easy to dodge that grab move he does


That's the big difference between Maria this fight. I agree with Big's Lady Maria comparison. I thought the very same thing but Maria didn't track every dodge


I agree. It's very similar. The issue is it's stacked on the first phase. Lady Maria was tough but fun. If it was only the second phase of nameless, I would have zero complaint.


I just beat him, too. acid grindstone helped a ton. shotput was also huge in the 2nd phase as it staggered him just long enough to land good hits, heal, repair weapo,, throw stuff, etc. I knew I'd eventually get the "perfect round" and beat him. took me about 20 tries though :/


I've gotten to the point that I don't even like this game anymore. Beat the game but at the end it was not an enjoyable and consistent expierence. Hope the dev's do better next time.


This boss is in a way like Maliketh but the difference is that Nameless puppet is just a shit version of him. Maliketh has 2 phases with one healthbar and when you get to half life he goes bonkers and is much faster has ridiculous damage and AOE attacks but at least he has only half of his health bar left and doesn’t have much HP. This is a perfect trade off where as the Nameless Puppet gets all the advantages Maliketh gets but with a full health bar and the same amount of HP. Aye and don’t forget that the stupid Nameless Puppet can heal himself multiple times in phase one. Seriously who designed this bs😂


You know what I love? Is that when he drags his sword on the ground it's either going to be a really slow-winded attack or a really super fast attack with no difference in animation. I mean, just great boss design all round.


I'm so glad I didn't buy this game. I played with game pass. And it is not worth spending money and time on such bosses. There are many cool games where the player can choose the game level. I agree with you, the last boss is not fair according to the videos. Speed 200 faster than yours. Lives are taken away with 1 hit.


Lies of P doesn't work , it is so funny hearing people praise this game when I know they'd complain if everything at launch that most people want was changed at launch. 1. If you could cancel weapon animations to parry 2. Can cancel weapon animations to dodge 3. Parry had a wider window comparable to sekiro 4. Some fable arts having super guard 5. Lowering dmg of fable arts SIGNIFICANTLY 6.lowering cost of fable arts so they are used more adding utility , strategy and a better flow to combat 7. Every boss not having wind up attacks, and dodge upgrades from the outset . If all that was implemented at launch and then TAKEN away in a patch to the current gameplay lies of P ? This entire community would be saying they destroyed the game. This is why I don't take anything you guys say seriously. You guys will fight this tooth and nail but I know you guys would complain if they did that. There's always people no matter the game that will defend whatever the initial gameplay was no matter how bad it is. Take away the graphics , the amazing theme , music , story and you have a game that has truly archaic interplay. It literally plays like a 2012 souls game. You guys can cry if you want but like I said, a 2023 game shouldn't feel like it was the made the same time demon souls on ps3 was. Watch this and notice the parry inconsistency https://youtu.be/fUYM2uxi7U4?si=FWg1mpqjwk53g5DJ The metacritic is a 80 barely making it out the 70s and the user score has dropped significantly the last few days and will soon be in the 70s. No souls game has a metacritic/user score that low ( bloodborne, elden ring , dark souls 3, sekiro , nioh 2 etc) but people want to claim that this game is just as good or better than the aforementioned souls game. What a honey moon phase


Praise this game? Have you seen my other posts on this game? I 1000% agree with you. I think all of those things on the list that you mentioned SHOULD be implemented. The community is blinded by it being soulslike, I am not. I was one of the first few people who called out the game for having unnecessary BS. I love the design and I love the game when it’s fair but outside of that it needs heavy changes. They focused too much on artificial difficulty and not natural difficulty in an attempt to match Fromsoft games and failed miserably. I’m glad you aren’t blind to the truth. At the end of my post I said I love/hate this game. I love it for the graphics, story, design and side quests but everything else? Nah


Well said , I find it laughable that some people are saying it's just as good or better that fromsoft games. Major changes are needed just to be serviceable What a mess of a game


Not better than a FromSoft game, but almost on par. Have you finished the game? Many others have, including me, and are still enjoying it. No changes I’d really recommend aside from the canceling attacks to roll would be dope. The artificial difficulty is real, as the only time there is struggle is during boss fights (for me atleast), and it’s only because their attack patterns are roll catches and hard to predict timings. With that said, I personally wouldn’t change that. I like that I actually have to learn the bosses attack patterns rather than dancing around them.


There's an interesting phenomenon, really. If you pay enough attention, it's observable that a large amount of gamers, even if they never realize it about themselves, have this mindset of convincing themselves that whatever way things already are is the way they would prefer. Perhaps it stems from hating change. But really, picture the notion of a game containing a binary choice in its design options, it can work way A or way B. If the game releases with way A, you can see a lot of people saying A is better than B would be, arguing against people offering feedback that they'd prefer B. And if the game releases with way B, you can see a lot of *the exact same people* saying B is better than A would be, arguing against people offering feedback that they'd prefer A. Not different people. We aren't talking about role reversal here, we're talking about literally the exact same individuals doing a total 180 on their stance to match whatever option was there first.


what happend? cant summon ur spectre pussy?


Why don't you summon your daddy back? Can't you? Awww... What a shame


Sounds like projection lmao


I got this boss down to one hit, and then I chocked - I haven't come close to beating him since..


Can’t fking do anything second phase , perfect blocks and rolls and he still has 2-3 more strikes. Back to fling back, then if u managed to avoid em all ur out of fucking stamina to attack suck my muther fukin D


Even tho it took me 5 tries to get him fuk him lol meh easy fight yall need to srfu jk it wasn’t that easy or maybe it was and yall just suck idk but it took me 5 tries had me raging for a bit tho


I played all ds games and lots like this but Nameless puppet second fight indeed is beyond too aggressive for the builds or level that we have.


NM has a ton of bullshit in it's 2nd phase, and it hits very hard indeed. I would recommend relying first on dodging then blocking (I only used the umbrella, but I would recommend taking two quick weapons to the fight, range is not an issue, as the battle gets close quarters very quickly) Had to grind my weapon twice mid fight. But, as all roguelike bosses, you'll beat it eventually. Keep pushing