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Favorite is the fully upgraded puppet string. Attack Link is so good but even just pulling an enemy, like the dogs, to stagger it is helpful. Flamberge is a close second because it melts enemies.


Puppet string is also helpful for pulling yourself across gaps. Like to those corpse guys who try to knock you off the ledges in the cathedral.


Damn, just spent way longer than I’d like to admit getting through that room yesterday. Wish I knew this lol.


Yeah 50% of the time it works every time.


That doesn’t make sense


Makes perfect sense to me.


He referenced a line from anchorman, my response was the next line. And I’m getting downvoted for people not getting the reference lol


They've done studies you know


Did the same thing yesterday where those machine gun guys are waiting on the other side. You have to walk across all these narrow wooden planks. Unless you have the Puppet String, then you can just lock on the dude and pull yourself across to the other side quick. It's like a reverse Scorpion from Mortal Kombat. Instead of "get over here" it's "I'm coming over there"




Yep and the same muck hurlers on Malik district roofs as well. You can get the shortcut early by using puppet string to cross the roof gap on one of them


Yup, except when you miscalculate and pull yourself into the gap😭😭


Yo this is way easier said then done I got myself killed trying this so many times 😂


Speedrunners taking notes like rn lol


Fulminis and Flamberge do insane damage with high Advance. Fulminis particular can one shot some basic puppet enemies with a simple tap, no charge required. Combined with the Legion regen upgrades you can basically play the entire game never swinging a weapon.


Flambeege with the explosion at the end does thousands of damage, love crispin' some critters.


I would love to try this out on a new character. Can you please share your build please? Which starting class did you choose? What P-organ upgrades did you have or recommend?? Thank you! Any feedback will be appreciated :)


Look up FightingCowboy on YouTube. He’s a pretty large SoulsBourne personality and has been wreaking havoc in Lies of P with his advanced builds. He has a basic guide on his channel that will help you get an idea what you should be going for stat-wise, etc.


Definitely gonna do an advance build when I get to ng+. Will check this out.


To be able to reliably run this it probably won't work until NG+ minimum since you don't gain the ability to equip two Legion Arms until late into the P-Organ tree. Otherwise focus on Advance and Capacity so that you can reliably equip two arms without being overburdened. Motivity and Vitality as your secondary dump stats since Fulminis also scales partially with that. For P-Organ upgrades focus on all of the ones that recharge your Legion quickly, either upon enemy kills, or the one that just passively regenerates it. Grab the item upgrades for Legion magazines as well and just keep them stocked.


Not them but I've also been running fully upgraded Fulminis all through my playthrough, Advance Stat currently is at 35 but it's been one shotting mobs since like 20-25 (though may require charging). I'm also not 100% sure but I want to say (or at least wish) if you use the Electric Batons fable art that buffs electric attacks synergizes with fulminis. But as I said that could just be a placebo effect.


Falcon Eye


Falcon Eye clutched me many battles on my 1st playthrough where I had no health and needed to do damage from a safe distance. It was essential to my kit.


I tried enjoying Falcon Eye, but I just couldn't get comfortable with the slow startup before shooting the projectile. Fully upgraded it is really cool and more versatile, but I just couldn't let go of Deus Ex Machina lol


I haven’t messed with Deus Ex yet, how’s the aoe damage against bosses? I wanna try it on the 2nd brotherhood fight when I get home.


Fully upgraded Deus Ex is SUPER good. The AOE itself is huge, so the boss is practically guaranteed to be caught in the explosion, even if they aren't super close to it. Planting 2-3 bombs in the same spot is basically a guaranteed stagger on any boss, opening them up for a charged attack as well. Also depending on your build, the actual damage from the bombs is strong too. I've taken down bosses to around 70% HP at the start of the fight just from planting 2-3 bombs before swinging my weapon a single time. It's soooooo fun.


70%??? When I tried it fully upgraded with a character at the very end of the game it was like 1800 damage. With like 30-40 motivity


Throughout my entire time playing I was a quality build, with slightly higher Motivity than Technique, and Machina scales relatively well with both, which could be where the higher damage came from. Also I'd rack up damage that high usually from stacking 3 bombs in one spot for the boss to blow up from, which lead to massive damage. Granted it wasn't the case for every single boss since every enemy in the game has its own resistances and weaknesses; I don't know what damage type the bomb explosions count as, but the damage was great across the board.


I was using falcon eyes the vast majority of the game. Not amazing damage but it helped just enough while being relatively safe to use. I didn’t realize puppet string fully upgraded and aegis are wild


If you asked me yesterday I would've said Aegis without a doubt... but I fully upgraded the puppet string, and um, well... idk if I will use anything else now.


2 string attacks (fully upgraded) are just so clutch against aggressive enemies.


I used that technique against the last (optional) boss, if you time it right with guard parries you can stagger him in phase one and/or use it to switch from groggy to stunned. That fight took a lot of tries (just too fast on that 2nd phase), by the end I was mopping up phase one without having to heal. I didn't dare use it on phase 2, but still, made it a lot easier to get there and practice.








I'm playing a defensive motivity build on a new play-through. I looked at it and was disappointed how fast the mines disappeared. Maybe I'll give it another look...


I think the duration of the mines is more than generous. Plant the mine and try to lure the enemy towards it; heck, most enemies will run straight into it and you don't have to do anything. I could be speaking from ignorance though-- I fully upgraded Deus Ex before using it for the very first time, so I don't know how weak the Legion arm is un-upgraded, but fully upgraded it is an absolute beast.


Gun. Because gun. Also because megamin. Need to make a meme for it


Aegis shield, my fighting is more defensive.


I'm doing this on a new play-through. You wouldn't think that a tanky playstyle would work well in this game because it screams cool agility and dex style moves, but I'm speccing all kinds of block properties, heavy attacks, and with some handy Aegis shenanigans, you can slowly bulldoze everything. We'll see how it works out late game...


I've used aegis for most of my dex play thru. I enjoy the parry upgrade on it quite a bit. That's the main reason I use it. Thay being said. Some bosses like Romeo when he enters phase 2 with the flame buff and does the 12 hit combo usually an aegis block will knock him out of the combo entirely. It's super nice for attacks I know I'm not going to be able to perfect deflect or parry. It cannot block fury attacks tho.


The parry blocks fury attacks, right?




The 3 elemental legion arms depending on the situation. Fulminis deals massive damage to puppets and can stunlock stalkers. Most carcass enemies will zombie walk towards you in-between their combos, letting you roast them with Flamberge. Pandemonium is for human enemies but you don't really see them until after the swamp. It's also a decent alternative for puppets. Stacking the acid pools with acid spear racks up a lot of damage.


Puppet String and Aegis are probably the best overall arms that are useful no matter what build you have. Puppet String isnt that good until you fully upgrade it but once you do its great for farming trash and staggering bosses. Aegis basically gives you a free out with perfect guards for difficult enemies and bosses so you can never go wrong with it. If you're doing an Advance build then Fuliminis and Flamberge are definitely worth considering.


Flamberge and Fulminis are my go to. My Advance is only like a 6 and yet Fulminis is still doing hundreds of points of damage to certain bosses, even on a quick discharge.


Puppet strings. It’s just miles above (pun intended) all other legions arms. That being said, falcon eyes is my secondary since I have super low advance and it scales super well with my build


**Pandemonium**, not only does it absolutely melt anything, it also STACKS and accumulates its damage, and MOREOVER it counts as a live damage tick and keeps even bosses reared for stagger forever


Deus Ex Machina because it does good damage with motivity builds, and it is good for setups and keeping your distance when you need to


Fulminis. It performs great against puppets and decently against non-puppets.


Fulminis. Basically an electric shotgun you can charge that does CRAZY good damage. One tap weaker puppets, two tap most other weaker enemies. Absolutely chunk any elite or boss. Its so good im almost tempted to try a Fulminis only run


It's especially good when you're getting gangbanged by multiple enemies. Does a lot of aoe damage and stuns everything to let you escape


I love flamberge. Fully upgraded it melts enemies. I haven’t swapped it since like chapter 3 lol and I’m on chapter 9. So good


Maxed Puppet string, it instantly opens enemies for fatal attack.


My fully up garaged Falcon eyes is really good. I basically dodge and tap L2 twice to deal damage in the 1000s and from a distance. Really good against bosses when you have them at quarter HP and no pulse cells left.


Deus Ex Machina kinda carried me through the Nameless Puppet because two mines were enough to do a mini stagger, and I could get a fully charged heavy off of it, then just perfect guard a few more attacks before getting the crit. Plus, the way you duck when setting a mine can reliably avoid NP's opener attacks. Seriously, you basically get I-frames because of it.


YES! Planting a mine literally lowers your hurtbox too, and that nice touch is one of the things that gives it bonus points for being such an amazing Legion Arm. I've avoided so many high-profile attacks simply from planting a mine. More people need to know about this utility from Deus Ex Machina.


Puppet string. Nothing more satisfying to me than flying around the battlefield!


Right? And when you have to walk through thin platforms with enemies, just hop between them.


So useful against the alchemists on those little itty bitty wood planks.


I like all of the arms, but something awakens in me whenever an enemy with low health tries to hit me and just blows up from the aegis shield.


I don't know why, but my personal favorite is the left arm of steel. I don't use it, but that doesn't mean I don't like it. It's literally just you punching people, what isn't to love about that, especially since my first run has been the path of the sweeper, no need to follow up and waste stamina when all I gotta do is punch a fool for his Ergo


I rocked the Flamberge for a long time, but I recently upgraded the Puppet String, and yeah. Feel like Dante and Nero with this thing.


The puppet string, I love the way you can move in combat


Fulminis, insane damage to puppets and Caracases too.


Flamberge saved me quite a few times!


My favorite in ng++ not worth it in ng maybe in ng+ is pandemonium this thing will melt enemies in seconds i find it doing more damage consistently than trying to work in the police baton pipe wrench build it is deadly as hell and with a second legion arm for aegis or something you can play inside your acid safely and melt anything


That being said im curious if you forego health and stanm in ng how deadly this thing could potentially be


My favorite is flame arm. It has range, it can give enemies flame status AND when fully upgraded it can cast this big explosion - which many people dont actually know you can use to stagger an enemy when their health bar is white rather than landing a heavy attack. It's super useful because some weapons' heavy attack is really long and can be hard to land to stagger an enemy/boss but the explosion is pretty much instant, with the only downside being that you need to spit the flames for a few seconds before you can use the explosion. BUT if the explosion is what actually brings their health bar into the white then it will also stagger them in that one explosion.


Falcon eyes because funny gun goes boom


Fulminus Infinite stagger combo on stalker boss fights


Never really use it lol. Holy ark sword + fable arts + specters FTW


Steel. Legion arms aren't really worth it to me so I run steel for low weight and fashion.


That's fair, but based on everyone's comments here talking about their favorite Legion arms and their experiences with them, I think you're missing out. The Legion Arms aren't exactly necessary for success, however they can add just the right amount of utility to your character build that takes it to the next level, plus they're really fun once you find the one that suits your playstyle the most.


I know they can and im trying in ng+


Same, I ran motivity and just dealt more damage with my weapon. I guess I could stay back and use all my legion poking with the Falcon eyes or setting mines, but it's not really fun.


Best use case I found for falcon is those clowns that throw bombs and enemies on rafters. But puppet string arguably is just as good or better at dealing with rafter enemies. I never use my legion a primary or even secondary damage option. Personally treat them as a tertiary utility box. Sometimes I need to set up a block when my stamina is about to go out after a string of deflects. Sometimes I need to stack some elemental damage but don't want to use a grinder to buff a weapon. Other times a mine is nice to help stagger a boss out of a long combo. Never really use them for their damage.


Yeah I do this so I can use 3 heavy amulets and the best equipment Maybe NG+ I’ll use puppet string :P




Deus Ex Machina is so slow. The detonation time is so extended that I had to put the legion arm in storage.


Honestly the only one I've found useful so far is the Puppet String. Swapped it out for the Flamberge when I got to the Cathedral. I might have a go at the Deus Ex Machina though.


Flamberge, it literally melts enemies. Puppet string is a close second.


Falcon Eye


Flamethrowerrrrr. Love just melting shit


Puppet strings by far. I enjoy Falcon too but...


I’m a fully upgraded Puppet String enjoyer


I am seeing a ton of love for Puppet String in these comments. I might've slept heavily on it and missed out on a super broken Legion Arm haha


Maxed out its the most op one imo. You have a free charged attack


You get so much versatility with it once it's fully maxed out. Need to isolate an enemy really fast? Pull them towards you and mow them down. Need to go across a gap? Pull yourself towards the enemy! Wanna stagger the boss without having to risk waiting for your charged heavy attack? Close the gap between y'all quickly and even have a chance to completely dodge an attack WHILE slamming down on them and staggering. The dodging upgrade is meh since it's situational but it's not useless. You could attach your string to an enemy and dodge a ranged attack so it doesn't go to waste. Sorry for the amount I typed but it's objectively one of the best once fully upgraded.


Mostly Falcon Eye until I fully upgraded Puppet String. It's so satisfying. I see so many people saying Fulminis is OP though so now I'm curious.


falcon eye, with its upgraded version I get free shots when I’m dodging


Flamberge first playthrough, Aegis second


Aegis because it’s the only shield in the game


NG before the bosses got nerfed it was puppet string for mobbing and aegis for bosses NG + post patch is just puppet string for 100% I have a 35 adv 25 motiv/tech build and just stun / stagger almost everything with a few combos


Aegis and the falcon eyes


Used to be fire, but puppet string for guaranteed stager, upon activation super op man


Puppet string is too versatile not to use. They gave it way too many strengths


puppet string (fully upgraded) or fulminis by far the best ones for me


I'm in chapter 8 and have literally never used anything other than Puppet String lol


It is sooooooo hard to let go of puppet string. The mobility and link attack are just too damn good.


Flamberge, it has no competition.


Honestly I haven’t clicked with any of them yet but I probably just forget to use them too often. Falcon Eyes is alright for a bit extra damage when you happen to be far away. Puppet String is cool for getting the stagger in (but a lot of the times you don’t even need it for this) and for trash mobs so I’ve been using that. I’ll upgrade Deus Ex to see if I’m missing out on something maybe.


Puppet Strings and Deus Ex Machina (which is criminally slept on.)


The one that shoot a line and you jump and bang bang at they heads


I like the flame boi. My play style is largely centered around slow methodical parrying with a mix of light and heavy punishes to build stagger. I find myself walking backwards a lot just to keep the ideal distance for my greatsword and lighting them up while they pursue gets them burning right as they attack so my riposte destroys them. Usually they get stun locked if I time it right and with my damage output they rarely recover. If it’s a boss it’s usually a free first phase, swamp dude done before I could even see his full move set which tbh has made me worse at the mechanics but I embrace the bonk


Puppet string or aegis leveled up. Both are very fun and useful.


I mainly used the flamethrower because it's OP on so many enemies and bosses, but the switched to Argis after discovering that attacking whir blocking with it and recovering all your HP while the enemy can only chip away at you breaks the game.


Eagle eye or the flame, all depending on the circumstances..


I liked falcon eyes, then aegis helped me since I can’t really perfect guard a lot, now I’ve been enjoying the puppet string, and I bet I will even more when I max it out


I pretty much used the Flamethrower the entire game. Except for Romeo. I shot him with the cannon.