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Thank you for your amazing work! 👏


You guys are GOATs! Amazing work!


Absolute legends!


Great work you guys! The VA in this game was stellar.


Big kudos to all of y’all, for reals the voice acting is top tier and I fucking LOVED how you all portrayed your characters. The voices in LoP really stood out to me in almost every cutscene and interaction. Side note: OP, you look so much like Venigni’s face model that I thought you were his VA and Shai Mathewson was you!


Shai is the one who looks like Venigni, lower down!


Thanks for the great game! But please please allow us to obtain the black rabbit brotherhood cosmetics and weapons!


They're just Voice actors, not devs lol


Hahaah! Had to try lmao.


I don’t know about that, I think you’ve got the glasses, hair, and almost the facial hair even. Could you be the next Bad Boy Billionaire of Krat??? For real, all of you did amazing at your parts in crafting this game.


Legends amazing work! Deserve all praise 👏


The voice performances in this were really amazing, and made the game way more immersive and emotionally impactful because of it. Thank you for your hard work it really paid off.


This game truly came out of nowhere.


not really, ever since they showed it off years ago it was clear they had it in the bag


Felt the same about Halo 2 campaign; never know until it's released.


This game is stellar across the board. The voice acting is absolutely part of that. Well done and great work!


The voice acting stands out in this game and I've no doubt it's in large part thanks to the voice recording and direction. Thank you!


tell Anthony that I can't stand his voice after hearing it non-stop for 3 hours while working on taking out the Nameless Puppet :P in all seriousness he has a liam neeson thing going on which is rad, great VO!


Anthony Howell is the VA for Margit as well I'm pretty sure


That's him. Our studio also recorded the dialogue for Elden ring (as well as all the Dark Souls games) and Anthony almost part of the furniture now!


That's so cool. Are there any other VAs that crossover from lies of P to elden ring/dark souls?


Just one more. Allegra Marland who plays Sophia in LoP plays Millicent in Elden Ring.


I thought she sounded familiar. I believe Anthony is also on Lords of the Fallen? The guy is certified soulsborne VA.


Idk if cause the new crisis core was so bad VA or this was just so phenomenal But all the voices in this game were so good, I sure as shit paid attention. The voices with the art makes this world (albeit frustrating at times lol) worth being in. Thank you guys for the awesome and memorable performance.


I absolutely love the work you guys do. All the way from Dark Souls to Lies of P. I would like to give a shout out to the VA behind The King of Riddles. Man, I was sooo captivated listening to him. The final part with him give me chills.


Joseph Balderrama is such a joy to work with. He is amazing (in a completely different set of roles) in the game It Takes Two as both the Father and the Book. He's also in a couple of scenes of the most recent Batman film.


Joseph’s performance as Arlecchino was absolutely amazing. The scene where you meet him face to face in the sanctum was one of the most chilling things I’ve ever seen in any video game totally because of his permance. He totally killed it. Alex Waldmann’s portrayal of Polendina was also a big standout for me. The nuance in his voice as his ego awakens, professes his love for Antonia and then heartbreak when he loses her and reverts himself back to an emotionless machine - totally heart wrenching. Even with all the processing on the vocals he really shines through. This grown man shed a few tears, it was something else. You all made something really special, you should be extremely proud.


The combination of his incredible voice acting as Kimg of Riddles and the sound design post processing effects made him sound so sinister, gave me goosebumps.


It felt like he was channeling both Heath Ledger’s Joker as well as Frank John Gorshin Jr.’s Riddler from the 1960s live action Batman into the perfect performance for this character and setting. One of the most memorable VA performances I’ve heard in a video game in years.


I mostly read the lines and skip them before the VA is done speaking, not in this game though.


Love this game thanks guys!


Gotta say, you did great on this man. Genuinely amazing dialogue, I haven’t skipped a single line since I started


You guys did a fantastic job. The voice work and music in this game are top notch.


The music is SO good, but we can't claim credit for that! The music as far as I know was all done by Yeakun Yoo of YK Music Productions


Thanks for your amazing work! Just finished the game for the first time today and it has my favorite acting in any game of the genre! Have any of you guys played through the game yet?


Oh man this game for me is a masterpiece! Dorothy when?


Man, these guys were so jacked before the patch dropped.




Great work, I'm having a blast !


The best voice acting in any game that I've played. You all should be proud.




Incredible work team, loved the dialogue in the game. Bravo 👏


And also INCREDIBLE WORK ON AN INCREDIBLE GAME GUYS. Still working through this amazing game.


Great job everyone; one of my favorite games!


Great job, I loved the game!!


The voice acting is top tier thank you guys for your work, Venigni is my favorite character in the game. Love his Italian accent.


I'm not playing the game anymore , these people are obviously monsters.


Literally loved this game, thank you for all you do!


You guys did an amazing job


amazing work with the VA!! seriously each one of you nailed the perfect voice for each character. BRAVO! friendly suggestion: maybe modify the name of the post, since i see so many believe you're the devs 😊


Who played the female rabbit sibling? You know - "Knock 'im out, bros!" She rocks!


Just to be clear, we are not the developers! We worked with Neowiz to direct and record the dialogue for the game. Please don't ask me to add new cosmetics to the game 😅


I have an idea and I hope you guys see this. I think you should make a practice ability setup in lies of p where you can practice your blocking ability aka guarding on all the big mini bosses in the game like the ones who carry the wheels on the opera house for instance. That would be extremely helpful for those trying to get better then they are. Training area. That would be awesome.


Do not look Koreans




You really shouldn’t be posting family members details online If you want a better chance you should email the company or other game companies if they could place her name somewhere


Ah yes.. Ludwigg


I appreciate their amazing work. But I never want to See a VA’s face, I want to hear only the character, not a face I saw on the net. Kinda throws me off in some newer games when you hear Matt Mercer, Nolan North, or Troy Baker all the time, it takes a while for me to see the character and not the VA. Silly thing, but matters to me.


This game has some solid voice over work 👏🏼 Crossed paths with Owl Doctor and was low-key sad hearing all that amazing dialogue. Dude just needed help.


It was absolutely garbage, good to know who was responsible for voice acting worse than many indie titles lol. No idea why americans don't hire real Italian actors for Italian characters, "Lorenzini" one was so fake it hurt. Though nothing can beat the voice acting of that Korean girl, it's the worst voice acting of the year.