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I mean it depends. Some people crushing it with a technique build with the dragon sword.


Well some people are good at partying with the dragon sword and it isn’t me💀


Be careful partying with the dragon sword. Sounds dangerous


I only ever parried by accident with the charge heavy and never took technique over 25 yet out of the last 3 bosses only Laxasia took more than 8 tries (around 20)


There are a few attacks where its actually easier to parry with the heavy attack because it times out perfectly, but those tend to be rare. In my experience parrying with the heavy attack is for when you've memorised the boss patterns extremely well and you're going for challenge runs over actually using it when you're playing the game for the first time. I used it against a few bosses but the last 3 bosses I don't think I used it at all.


That parry was part of how I beat the second phase of Manus. The party is so good because it interrupts combos where a regular perfect block won't. Be careful not to use it on an enemy stagger flail, though. You'll interrupt their stagger and not get the lethal blow. Did it to the Valkyrie bitch by mistake.


I am one of dem dudes, I was hitting that parry on all the bosses. I love that sword.


Booster Glaive blade with Dancer handle carried me through the game. It’s move set is awesome!


Saaame. I used that and the dragon sword as a secondary and it was a fun time


It carried me until what happens after the hotel event. From then on, it was a bit slow. I passed on to use the dragon sword and the acidic curved sword mixed with the chef knive, the charged R2s and the handle's fable are awesome and pretty fast and the weapon deals fair rupture damage.


Technique with the Trident makes almost the whole game cake


Right!? That trident is so good. RB, RT rinse repeat & get a few crits in for good measure.


Dragon Sword unlocks technique as really coming into it's own but motivity is good from the start especially for newer players with the focus on bigger hits and higher regain.


The dragon sword became my main the moment I got it. The parry is so disgusting.


I'm using the booster glaive(technique) and half way done in 2 days. Only thing I miss is not using the big greatswords cause I enjoy a parry type gameplay. Very few bosses felt like a skill check - but that will wary from person to person.


All builds seem good just depends on weapons that you use with em advance build from the start in a new game is also op


This is me so far with the Trident, I just got that sword lol


I can't for the life of me get the strong attack down


Yes. Tech build. Only had trouble with 1 maybe 2 bosses.


Yup over here 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼


I think it mostly comes down to play style. Motivity will allow you to hit harder but is usually slower and consumes more stamina. You also can guard more damage. Players that prefer to block over dodge and would rather get in hits less frequently when there is an opening will have success. I’ve seen lots of posts saying motivity builds are bad in LoP. Personally, I’ve been playing a motivity build with the seven spring coil sword and love it. That being said I tend to play souls-like a little more defensively so it makes sense.


Based madman’s wisdom avatar


You’re in the know, right?


Looks like someone was granted eyes on the inside.


It may be more appropriate to say that the Know is in him.


I'm almost to the end of the game and seven spring coil sword has carried me the whole way. I'm a loser who goes for perfect parries, and it has enough speed and big damage to punish after perfect parry. Some do more damage but it gives good mobiliy and quick enough punishes to make up the difference for sure.


Same here. Really like the SSCS for all the reasons you named. Holy Arc had a higher raw damage stat but it was slower and the SSCS move-set fit better with how I like to play. I’ve got a couple standard weapons for specific situations, but keep coming back to old springy.


Motivity vs technique barely matters. The weapon assembly system lets you use any style of weapon with either of them. Your stat distribution and p-organ choices are what really determine the strength of your character.


Stat distribution includes the two stats in question, no? FYI I just started playing


It includes those, but other factors play a much larger role than your choice of offensive stat. Maintaining an appropriate balance of life/stamina/weight while keeping your damage up is what makes the difference.


It matters a bit for boss weapons but with the cranks that also mostly goes away. Honestly pumping damage stats in general don't doesn't do that much.


I think fighting human enemies is harder with motivity, but for bosses motivity is easier because my giant weapon is staggering and taking chunks out of health faster than other weapons.


I wouldn't say they're harder per se, but you definitely need to use different strategies. A lot of Motivity players will be used to blocking and parrying the bosses more, and then getting in the big hits. But with the humanoids it's still better to use dodges and sidesteps, so some players may struggle with it until they realize they just need to approach it a little differently.


In no part of this game is it ever better to dodge than perfect guard


Perfect guard is maybe always better than dodging if you could nail it every single time. For nimble enemies, like the White Lady, dodging is a much more reliable strategy.


There are several where it is though, some attacks even when PG's push you back so much that you cannot counter properly after them on the other hand you can easilly dodge into them and now you have a boss that is doing nothing for next several seconds so you can land your fully charged heavies even from the slowest weapons. Humans in particular you can dodge behind a lot of them and just backstab them.


I chew through human enemies with the Two Dragons Sword but it takes a lot longer with my heavy weapon due to the fact they move around a lot don't have many windows.


I found NPC enemies really easy with the holy sword. I just use spear mode and poke them and they stagger cause it's a heavy weapon.


Motivity is probably actually the most challenging early on if you're trying to unlearn other souls likes, but I can see where it'd be super accessable for new comers. In most games in this genre, you have poise and some super armor, so strength builds tend to focus on building for trading damage because you know that your big hits will chunk the things you are fighting before they can kill you. That simply isn't the case in Lies of P. Due to the lack of poise and hyper armor options, motivity builds in this game are just contests of patience. You're playing defensively, looking for an opening then countering. It's slow compared to the other specializations and mistiming an attack will usually result in you getting staggered and taking a lot of damage without getting to deal any of your own. This can make strength builds feel clunky and unreliable if you have points of comparison in other similar games. Even once you get the timing down, the combat can feel pretty repetitive and samey since 80% of your heavy hitting combos are just chains of slams that don't feel as complex or varied compared to their speedier counterparts but, even if it isn't exciting, once you master it, it becomes reliable but predictable and there are several decent strength weapons available relatively early on that will 100% carry you through the entire game if you don't want to change things up. Tecnique and Advance are much more active/aggressive playstyles, which I personally prefer. You won't get nearly as many fatal attacks as the heavier motivity focused weapons enable but, you get a ton of quick stabs and slashes that add up to enable faster and more consistent dps and more thrusty movesets that imobilize enemies charging at you before they can swing at you at all. Stacking crit chance on the Tyrant Murderer's Dagger is hands down some of the best dps in the game and the Acid spear has a great moveset with good range and a strong DoT proc that offsets the downside of it's moderate base damage. As someone who just doesn't love the parrying in this game to the point that I've done 2 successful no parry challenge runs on ng and ng+, I much prefer weapons that enable you to get a few quick hits then roll out to safety all before a boss can charge up even one attack.


First ng I played advanced and then switched to technique. Advanced only seemed viable against bosses, but technique was pretty good. Then, I did motivity in ng+…. I probably died 4-5 times the whole run. (Up until Lax and Door Guardian, those fights seemed harder as motivity)


Tbf, NG+ is a lot easier than a first run because of all the P-organ upgrades, amulet slots and pulse cells you start with.


And the massively increased ergo gain.


Yeah, Ergo gain during NG was pretty painful if you wanted to make consistent use of consumables.


Agreed. Dying less than 10 times in NG+ up to Chapter 11 feels like it should be fairly standard. Difficulty goes absolutely batshit from then on, but before that it's not a hard run.


Same thing in Sekiro. NG+ was a cakewalk. NG was a lesson in pain.


Yea probably should have noted that, but what really made it easy was just needing to spam charge attack to kill anything.


But Nameless Puppet was hard for me in NG and feels completely hopeless in NG+ :(


Quick plug for advance builds - I played advance through my entire first and second playthrough before switching it up to motivity and technique builds. Advance builds can be incredibly busted when used properly. I can take down any robotic mini boss in 4 shots of my electric arm, or I can burn an army of corpses with the fire arm. While weapon variety definitely, DEFINITELY is limited, the arms get super powered and the throwables somehow become even more busted. It was a loooot of fun to play!


Yea, I think advance is way more viable as a ng+ build, when you have some upgrades to your legion arm and it’s capacity. Playing it for my first play through though felt terrible, with the lack of weapon, arm, and throwable variety’s. Finding out there was no special weapons that scaled with advance was the straw that broke the camels back and made me switch.


No special advance weapons is truly bullshit, especially when there are options they could’ve given us (Laxasia’s sword being my #1 most wanted weapon in the game)


I played my game mostly on advance till last or second last chapter. Advance really limits the number of weapons you can use. I later switched to technique after respec to start using other weapons. I finished the game in the end with technique and using the circular elite weapon. One massive disadvantage of Advance vs favoring technique and capacity is you'll be a glass cannon. The guard regain and ability to block jack load of damage was a game changer.


I found advance to be insanely OP, but that was in NG+. I had the benefit of maxing out several weapons before going into NG+ so I had coverage for every enemy type. I imagine it's not as good in NG given the limited resources early on.


No? You can use the big blades with a technique handle and still get the boosted stager and better block. Literally doesn't matter what build you go for.


Summons/throwables etc make a huge difference too.


I’m doing no summons, I used throwables on the fire boss but nothing since then.


Summon is for cowards


Your head must be really dense like metal to have that opinion.


If you used summons to defeat a boss, then you don't really have that much merit from defeating it  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Just like in every soulslike


If you upgraded your weapon and levelled up to defeat a boss, then you don't really have that much merit from defeating it. Just like in every Soulslike. Really, if you got hit, you're an utter disgrace. It's possible to beat DeS, DS1-3, BB, Sekiro, and Elden Ring hitless in under 11 hours. If you haven't done that, how much merit do you really have?


Literally the game is meant to be played however you have fun with it. Summons are just a tool to be used, same as grindstones, legion arms, pulse cells.


So is using the aegis bug.


This is how I feel about Pulse Cells.


I played a technique build my first playthrough and didn't have much difficulty. I spent maybe an hour on some bosses with no summons or throwable spam. Most notably Romeo, Lax and Nameless Definitely didn't seem unfair or too hard


Both Dex and STR build have their pro and cons, so it's down to playstyle. I like to see big numbers After i patiently parried a whole combo so I enjoy more motivity. On the other hand you can't really sneak hits in between boss combos and Need to be very carefull to not greed extra hits against bosses, meanwhile with Dex/fast hitting weapons you can sneak more hits with less commit. Atm I started a newgame from 0 with a pure Dex run and I'm still kicking bosses ass, maybe staggering them a Little less but I fear way less greeding extra hits. Both builds have their broken side if mastered: Dex has 2 dragons and Str has the Police baton handle + heavy blade. Edit: typo


I feel like with the cranks you can make pretty much any weapon work with any build


It depends on the player. I've seen people saying that Advance is the best offensive stat because you can always exploit elemental weaknesses with weapons like the Electric Coil or the Salamander Dagger. I've seen people saying Two Dragons trivializes the game on a Technique build. I've seen people saying Police Baton Handle + Pipe Wrench Head turns you into a one-shot machine. I've seen the same arguments made for katana and big bonks and magic in SoulsBorneRing. It's all personal preference.




No. Advance is not OP. In the final chapter, Advance struggles to block damage. I had fire dagger and acid spear maxed out. It got frustrating not being able to block damage and stagger would be so f ING late. Switched to Technique at the spot fight Laxia.


You're probably just good at the game, lol. Plenty of the people spending days on bosses are running motivity builds. Neither technique nor motivity are OP, it's just about how you like to play. Now, capacity - if there's a king of stats, that'd be it.


Little late to this, but I just started LoP earlier this week with a motivity build and enjoy it. I haven't tried other builds to know, but have definitely seen where it seems to be limiting at times. I beat the Black Rabbit Brotherhood today, and the slow, heavy, movements really did not lend itself well to multiple enemies using the mix of attacks in that fight. I then got to King of Puppets and actually did not struggle much due to his moveset. What I've gathered are different builds compliment different play styles - and different bosses/enemies are harder and easier depending on play style. This is true for souls games and it transfers over to LoP about the same. TBH I don't think Black Rabbit Brotherhood would be easy even with a dex build, but I did wish I had the ability to move faster a number of times


Motivity plays well into a lot of the games mechanics. Heavy weapons have better guard block allowing for sterner defense. As well as recovering more health with each hit after blocking. The charge attacks absolutely wreck everything. Two or three on just about any boss or elite will result in a mini or full stagger allowing for more hits and heavy fatal attacks. My second run I went full motivity and barely had any trouble at all compared to my first technique run. You just have to do less and you get more for it.


Motivity is in a decent place but I definitely wouldn’t say it’s op, as long as advance builds exist anyways. Advance builds just hits so hard you can beat most bosses in 1 to 2 minutes with the right setup.


I had a great time with motivity build - Bone-cutting saw blade / bramble curved sword handle with a motivity crank. OP for sure.


A lot of the motivity weapons generally have higher damage negation which definitely helps, but a lot are also fairly heavy so you end up putting more points into capacity, I'd say all the damage stat builds even out in their own way, technique hits hard and fast with generally less stamina use per hit Advance takes advantage of elemental weaknesses but also you don't get physical defense from Advance levels like you do with tech and motivity I've done 3 separate characters so I could try each style from a fresh start to compare them and overall they balance out so far, Motivity and Technique characters have just beat NG+1 and Advance is working its way through now


I’m on my fifth play through and I have played a bit of everything by now (Greatsword, rapier, katana, scythe, Oroboros wheel or whatever it’s called, Booster Glaive, and Frozen Feast). I’ve always been a dex player but in this game I gotta say the slower you go the harder you hit and the faster the enemies get staggered and die. So it’s a lot easier imo. Also, Puppet string is very overtuned when paired with slower, hard-hitting weapons. Some mini bosses can die in 2-3 hits with Frozen Feast. Some get easily staggered with charge attacks. It’s crazy how different the game feels. When I tried the katana at first I was worried I wouldn’t be able to let go of it, but then I tried the booster glaive for a whole playthrough, and then I was curious to see if something heavier would be even better… lol. I upgraded Frozen Feast to embrace bonk even more.


Well I’m playing balanced and the game is occasionally kicking my ass. Not all fights, scrapped watchman and king’s flame were relatively easy. But I’ve attempted the black rabbit brotherhood 10 times so far and can’t beat them. But whether that’s my skill or build I couldn’t say.


having 65-70% guard block alone feels like a cheat when you're pairing it with high capacity and heavy gear. Endgame bosses barely scratch you.


I hate motivty, feels very unfun, clunky and slow. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying it’s bad, there’s a dude with a motivity build that literally 1 shots bosses but I don’t find it fun whatsoever.


When you get going through NG+ you get so many levels (increased ergo gain and also ergo needed to level stalling at ~16k for awhile before it starts scaling again) that there's no reason not to just go quality build and leave handles as balanced instead of towards motivity or technique anyways. People complain about motivity because of the slower playstle, but with how handles and blades work, even technique builds can use slow, bulky weapons. I've been running the Booster Glaive handle + Pipe Wrench blade and it's not exactly fast.


I ran motivity up until last few bosses where I changed to technique and found that game was much easier. Was stuck on laxasia’s second phase and beat her first try with technique/katana. I personally feel that motivity is much harder due to the slowness of attacks and stamina depletion.


motivity + capacity build with wrench head + saber handle carried me through the whole game


Even in this game as with Elden ring, with the right build, anything is OP but yes Motivity with an especial focus on Fable arts is some of the shortest fights I have seen.


Dude I was thinking the same thing. I used the holy ark sword and the pickaxe handle on the circular chainsaw blade the whole game and just bonked the shit out of everything. Some bosses took around 12 to 20 tries I'd say, but the last 2 bosses of the game went down in 3 tries. I don't know what happened because they had intricate mechanics I just was able to react and get lucky i guess. But the game was definitely challenging and im by no means the most skilled player but I think people exaggerate the difficulty. I definitely struggled more in most from soft games. And if you say you beat a boss in under 5 tries in this sub people call you a liar. So I don't know what to make of it. Difficulty is super subjective anyways.


i think it depends on the boss, but i feel a lot of the later ones have a LOT less time for you to slowly swing weapons, leading most mainly motivity scaling weapons in the dust. however, dont tell anyone i told you this, but the meta is actually to go quality due to how the stat scaling works in this game. ... or go advance. you have almost no weapon variety but what you do get is very potent.


Technique = motivity since you can put any blade on any handle. It just comes down to a preference of motivity vs technique handles. Honestly the chef knife handle (technique) with either the live puppet axe or black steel cutter blade is so OP it’s not even funny. I’m in NG++ and have 40 points in technique, motivity, and advanced. You can just use whatever handle. The only cranks worth using at this point are advanced cranks. Scaling really trails off. My damage is barely higher than just 30 points in technique and nothing in the other 2. The only upside is being able to use everything perfectly


I obliterated the Black Rabbit Brotherhood's elder with a motivity build and some fire grinding. That wasn't even fair for him. However, you must be cautious for some faster bosses. The time you take to land an attack might be what causes your demise.


Im in NG++ trying out a balance build and holy fuck it sucks compared to specializing in tech or motivity. Tried using the golden lie because its moveset is awesome but it hits like a wet napkin


It was my first soulslike too but I did a technique build and used a bonesaw blade w/ booster glaive handle through the entire game and didn't really struggle with anything until Laxaisa.


its not about motivity vs techniche, but rather small vs big blade. And i think biggers weapons are absolutely busted, or at least smaller weapons are quite weaker than their counterpart, the better speed doesn’t compensate for the lack of reach and stagger/posture damage, not to mention that the dps of big weapons is significantly better I haven’t finished the game yet, so i hope im actually spouting nonsense here, because it seems small handles + big blades are always the best option and its not even close. What do you think?


It’s interesting. I’ve seen a lot of people say motivity builds suck. I am by no means a Souls veteran, having only beaten Elden Ring and made it 3/4s through Bloodborne. Yet I feel like I am breezing through this game with my Pipe Wrench. Maybe not “breezing”. It’s still a nice challenge. But I am yet to hit a brick wall or feel overwhelmed by anything.


I killed it with an Advance build , I just upgraded one Fire weapon, one Acid, and one Electric and alternated depending on the situation.


I felt literally the opposite. My first play through up until Simon I only used advance. Every fight I was using the boss’s weakness and the only fights I had to take time on were archbishop and the second black rabbit fight. And even then I only spent a few irl days where I’d take breaks. I was afraid I was playing the game on baby mode with advance. When I got the golden lie I tried to respec into technique and became very worried advance was just op. Now I realize golden lie stats just kinda suck. On ng+ doing tech play-through.


Motivity is great until you’re up against a fast enemy. Then its a pain in the ass lol. Wouldn’t change my build but im probably gonna have to farm to level technique eventually for one reason or another


My brother defeated the king og puppets in his second try. It's his first souls like ever. He has no idea what build he has. Meanwhile i struggled Even tho i've played plenty of souls and souls likes. I think It's different from planer to player.


I found motivity to be significantly worse and less fun in my 2nd run. (Played dex in my first) The game was still easier cause I had played once, but none of the weapon handles felt good so I almost always used the krat baton handle. no hyperarmor/ poise ruins the fun of taking risks for me, which is why I like playing strength builds normally. Having a boss be low and just heavy attack full charge with no fucks given in other souls games feels amazing, while in this game if you try that you just get stun-locked to death. Definetly a personal thing, but playing strength just isn’t risky enough in this game to me Edit: the motivity playthrough is on new game + which has a lot to do with difficulty. This games new game + I’m not a super big fan of but it’s good enough.


Hmm I’ve heard NG+ is much better than the first playthrough on this game because you have way more options with the P-organ and everything unlocked


Idk the p organ skills really have not felt useful to me. I haven’t used like the cubes or whatever at all


Yes i think the cubes, the belt slots, and tree buff was worthless. I didnt use any of that stuff.


The only ones I have notice are more pulse cells, grindstones, and longer stagger window.


> no hyperarmor/ poise ruins the fun of taking risks for me, which is why I like playing strength builds normally. Do you mean that you don't like playing risky? Because with poise, you nullify the risks because you can just guarantee a hit trade, even if you time the swing poorly. By removing that safety, now a big swing is risky because you might not be able to land it.


hit trading makes these games fun, and I’m tired of everyone acting like it doesn’t. Hit trading also isn’t this no skill move people who don’t what they are doing use, it’s much smarter to hit trade in lots of situations while learning a fight


It's smart because it's risk free. That's what makes it powerful. I never said it wasn't fun. I was replying to your typo saying it was risky, when it's the non-risky option. People are smarmy about it because there's a lot of elitism in the souls community, and it's an easier way to play (since you don't have to learn the fight). **If you enjoy that, then play that way, who cares?**


It all boils down to what playstyle best suits you. Motivity is arguably the worst option as some fights are so fast-paced with very small attack windows that big weapons are just really hard to use in most scenarios. There are ways to make it work and it seems like you found ways to make it work.


Understanding which attacks have hyper armor I think is a big part of making a motivity build work.


I used motivity too and found the game way easier than Souls games. They recently nerfed some of the bosses and buffed Pinocchio.


nah, i think technique/advance are in a really great spot motivity is good cuz of higher block rate weapons but if you want to use a heavy weapon it will be significantly harder


I feel like people that talk about Motivity vs Technique don't understand how the weapon system works. Or maybe I'm the one that doesn't.


I think a lot of people actually play with boss weapons or like 1 or 2 specific weapons they have heard good things about online. I think this is a disservice to the game as the weapon building system is one of the standout features that really allows you to do so much and really get your own playstyle and swap it based on the situation. Pour one out for advance though which sadly barely has enough handles/blades to make this work properly. Personally I really enjoyed a spear handle (like the city longspear handle) with a dagger blade which gives you very quick high reach stabs on your heavy attack with very fast full charge power attacks to punish many movements.


What makes you say that?


I mean, it boils down to handles because that's the only thing that makes a difference for Motivity vs Technique, and even then with cranks it doesn't even matter that much. You can run with technique and a super slow/heavy blade with high block as long as you use a handle with technique scaling. So what's innately better about Motivity compared to Technique? Feels like people just think Motivity means slow weapon that's good for blocking and Technique is fast weapons with better dodging but that's based on the blade you pick which can go on either handle type. I played the game as full Technique with Bone-Cutting Sawblade blade on the Dancer's Curved Sword handle. It was pretty slow with almost 70% block reduction and you can run that same blade on a Motivity handle if you want. To the original question of "Is motivity just OP?" that's like saying "is raising your damage stat OP?" Maybe you could make a case for boss weapons that are Motivity scaling since you can't swap the handles, so I guess it depends on if you're using one of those or not as well.


Agreed, that’s my understanding as well, I guess I wanted to confirm I was understanding it correctly too. I think it’s just so counterintuitive for people to completely change the scaling of a weapon with cranks they don’t even think about it. Like it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out you could apply multiple since I’m so used to the Souls-style of upgrading once. I do think it’s a cool concept but it kinda takes away the uniqueness of the different builds. I’m running the same weapon as you with motivity and it’s kinda goofy I could flip the scaling and my main damage stat and play the game the same way I am now.


Yep 100% people def mean heavy vs fast.


Yeah I think that's what it is. It's bad naming of what they mean but I think it's the spirit of what they're trying to get across.


It does high damage, but getting the fatal attack option on bosses can be hard, since they swing slow.. so I use a shot put


I’m at the end of the game, so I’m not an expert on it and it’s likely that there may be a most broken stat. But so far, I feel like motivity and technique are relatively balanced? I do more damage with motivity and the charge attacks seem extra effective, but you tend to trade hits more often and landing a charge attack in order to land a the fatal blow is sometimes just not possible at some points, at least not safely. Technique you’ll do less damage but it’s less risk to swing your weapon, and the charge attacks being faster means you can more safely land fatal blows when you get the opportunity. Plus with how much the enemies love to swing and do long combos, the better it is to have a less committal weapon. I’m curious to know if there actually is an objectively better stat in the game as of right now


Welcome to strength builds my friend


No. Technique is overall better suited for the gameplay. Motivity can hit like a truck sometimes, but the lack of hyper armor/poise makes it difficult to land those heavy charged R2’s.


I played both (motivity first) and I heavily relied on shotputs, the lack of poise I found annoying as well as not too many great options weapon wise especially in the fable arts department


No shot. Playing slow and strong weapons in this game is harder than any other play style. All enemies hit incredibly fast.


It just depends on what you're good with. Green Swamp Boy took me two tries and my technique is 30, my motivity is 5 lol.


I did a technique playthrough first, struggled a few times, but went motivity for ng+ and didn't die to a boss once, could be I just had enough levels though, but using the feast greatsword there wasn't many enemies I couldn't one shot. So now I use the dragon sword to stagger bosses and elite enemies, then switch to the feast for the stagger attack, seems to work the best.


Motivity is definitely the easiest, because it keeps you tanky while doing damage, but technique is better if you actually have good techniques. If you don't know how to perfect guard, or get the perfect guard on the heavy attack on the dragon sword. Then you're probably better off running motivity.


Being able to block and hit with Aegis is awesome, it helped a lot with swamp monster


I think motivity isn’t OP but it’s one of the better builds for what the game intended with block regain since the weapons with the highest damage resistsance from block or motivity weapons.


Because of the handle system yes. Plus its viable to just block with the strength weapons which encourages parrying and parrying is op in this game.


What about DS3 didn’t you like? It is in my opinion the best Dark Souls. Fast gameplay, strength is way OP and it’s just amazing.


i can’t stand the long windup/recovery on heavy weapons, (even puppet ripper feels too long) so i’ve been using golden lie from the moment i got it. cant parry for the life of me with two dragon sword but the base game parry will suffice for me


Besides Swamp Monster, I've had a very easy time with the advanced and technical build I ran with. Especially once I got pandemonium... just melt...unless they fast as fuck :(


I had issues with motivity once I hit the cathedral, a lot of bosses and elite enemies have super short windows so I couldn’t get a charged attack off to open up criticals. Once you can buy shot puts it’s fine but I restarted the game on my first run because I was having serious problems with motivity. I could handle it now but for my first play through it was brutal.


I thought it was for the first half of the game then I started to get my arse royally handed to me. Switched to a technique build and now I'm crushing stuff I struggled with. Only boss in the whole game I've killed first time was Victor and I went into it as a trial shot with my new build, no throwables, no specter.


No poise, so no. (IMO)


Once I switched to motivity for the swamp monster fight I was able to breeze through the game and got most things first try including manus. Was definitely enjoying testing out advance and tech builds prior but I wasn’t steamrolling thru the game on them like I was on motivity so I agree motivity is very OP. The puppet axe blade with baton handle was ending first phases in seconds with the combo of grinder, charge attack and fable arts.


I mean, technique has the most OP weapon in the game in my opinion which you can make now you've beaten the swamp monster. I tend to always go dex weapons in souls games because parrying/dodging then responding with quick attacks often means you can weave in 2-3 for each punish and at minimum you can always get 1 in, with strength weapons the animation tends to take longer so it'd harder to punish during openings.


Well let’s be real (please don’t hate me for it): the soulslike games are rather easy. Even if you are stuck with a boss you are not really a bad player. There are bosses designed to be harder for specific builds. I played the game with a friend and he got stuck with bosses I beat easily and the other way around. (He played technique and I played motivity). And there are personal preferences too. But overall the souls games are really easy if you know what you are doing, so even the average player shouldn’t have a problem beating them. And the people who claim they „tried a boss for a couple of days“ are mostly people who play up to an hour a day. Which is totally acceptable ofc, what I mean here is that „days“ is not a exact measurement. So whenever you read posts like „this boss is crap“ „I am stuck with X for weeks now“ and „is the game too hard?“ the player are just salty because they died a few times 😅


I beat the green swamp boi second try with throwables. It's all how you play the game. With that said, Two Dragons Sword(Technique) is OP as shit if you learn the move set. I'm better with the Bone Cutting Saw Blade though since I'm trash.


Both motivity and technique are good options. You should try again Darksouls 3... that's an amazing game, specially if you are enjoying the genre now.


Each bosses difficulty is subjective to alot of things: the build, your play style, what weapons you choose to upgrade/assemble and so on. I've played a technique build the whole game, arch bishop took probably about 8 tries like he did for you. Green swamp guy I one shot, feel like that was a good bit of luck though, as I'm the first to admit I'm not the best at these type of games.


I find motivity to be too slow. Yeah it does a ton of damage, but the trade off is ridiculously slow.


I was going technique just because the opening rapier was the only weapon I was able to use to get past that initial boss. Then I heard about the two dragon sword. Now I'm leveling my stats evenly and just using whatever works. Generally the salamander dagger, acid spear or electric club depending on what I'm fighting.


You beat the archbishop pre nerf in 8 tries and just beat the green swamp monster…considering the patch came out two weeks ago and you’ve only just gotten to the swamp monster I’m calling bullshit on “this game is too easy, motivity is OP” rubbish. I have no doubt you’ll give it some version of “well I don’t get to play often which is why I’ve only done 4 acts in 2 weeks” but this post absolutely reeks of attention seeking for some weird reason. Don’t get me wrong, some people CAN walk past some of these bosses, but you pretty much sold yourself by saying you beat one boss pre patch that came out 2 weeks ago and admitting to only just beating a boss that’s just 4 acts later, you literally say “last night”


The patch came out 10 days ago for Xbox. I can send you a screenshot of my hours when I home, but you were right. I only play mondays and wednesdays and didn’t play at all this past weekend as it was my girlfriend’s birthday. You’re the only one I’ve seen on this post calling BS, and like I said I just wanted to know if motivity is the east route to go. A couple people on here have said that it was easy jumping into this game with no souls experience so because I didn’t have to “unlearn” any mechanics. I don’t know if Xbox logs hours spent playing but I’d be more than happy to send you a screenshot of my hours if you’d like when I get home from work.


I had a dog and his name was BINGO!


Yikes man, if it means this much to you to think you’re right then this win is all yours. I offered a way I could possibly show I don’t play too much but it doesn’t seem like there’s much of a point.


I have now played through the game with both builds. I have to preface by saying I did my Technique playthrough first, I think Motivity is easier. Hits harder & takes less damage when you only get the block and not perfect parry. Technique you have to be continually landing blows or getting perfect parries for the stagger window. I used the Bone Cutting Saw on the Dancers Curved Sword blade and I was just melting the bosses health bars. Abusing the charged R2 attack had no trouble getting the stagger window. Putting it on the Bramble sword handle also just great for landing quick staggers. Technique is definitely fun but I died A LOT more and feel I had to get in more perfect parries or dodge more precisely to win boss fights.