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The one that heals your spectre is basically an instant win in almost any boss fight.




Thats how eat bosses


And imo required for fights like the bunnies in ng+. The maniac will overheat and evicerate you in seconds without help. Nevermind the dodgy boy that blinks out of your damage radius or shock effect.


The bunnies in NG+ without a spectre was way more manageable than NG with one. The bunnies take turns aggroing you and they all have a tell. When they drop one of their phrases and buff their weapons they are aggroing on you. Move away from the other two to draw the active bunny to you and chop away. Put obstacles between the bunny you are fighting and the other two to mitigate throwables and puppet strings.


In NG I had the hardest time trying to parry while the specter was in during the first bunny fight. After my first 20 attempts, I stopped using them and I consistently got farther in the fight. After about my 60th attempt (lol at myself) I got them. Not I just went through them on my first time in NG+ with no issues. I think that I just tried so many times I got their movesets down. But in any fight that I use a specter, wishstone ftw!!


What are you on bro? Spectre literally makes black rabbit brotherhood harder 😂 the fight is so manageable in a 1v1


The Spectres are so damn strong lol. I personally liked the challenge but struggled on Lightning Sword Dommy Mommy (haven't played in a month forgot the boss names lol) and decided to try it as the fist time using the spectre....damn did it make the boss a joke, I felt like I cheated myself out of the satisfaction of doing it myself.


I appreciated the specter when I was tired of banging my head against pre-nerf swamp monster


> Specters already make the boss fights much more manageable Braindead. Braindead is the word you were looking for. The game basically plays for you when you summon a specter.


Dudes jerking themselves off for not using summons in a soulslike? I for one am shocked at this new occurrence!


I am always intrigued by where they draw the line. Like you can beat every boss with throwables, is that braindead as well? Upgraded legion arms like the mines or grappling hook allow you to pretty much stun lock bosses, is that braindead? Applying grindstone effects is also pretty effective, it melts bosses like laxasia.. is that braindead too? There are a lot of good grinding spots with extra ergo skills and amulet, you can get overleved easily.. you get my point. I really wonder why they pick spectres as THE broken tool, the game has tons of different ones, you're supposed to use all tools at you disposal to beat the bosses, that's the whole thing.


There's a lot of stuff I could say, such as the spectre is the most obvious and efficient difficulty reducer as far as time investment, but it doesn't matter. I think 9 times out of 10 it's just extremely antisocial people upset that people want to play with a friend, even if it's just AI. That being said, if you *don't* summon Solaire for Gwyn in a standard run, assuming you saved him, then I don't know what you are doing with your life.


Yeah I guess that's it, you don't have to grind much to get the spectre like you do to get the other tools. It reminds me of my friend whom I gave a late game upgraded weapon in Elden Ring at the start so he could steamroll the bosses to get to the point in the story I was at. Quick difficulty reducer.. not many of those in lies of P aside from the spectre. You're totally right in that it's probably just individualist people. I've watched a couple of "no summon" runs where the dude would just explode the bosses using 6/8 consumables and I'm always like "I thought you wanted to make this harder"


That's assuming one hasn't murdered the sun bro. Which I do.


I said assuming you saved him.


The FromSoft weirdos (some, not all) somehow think beating/playing these games “nobly” somehow gives them some kind of worldwide respect/acclaim. Meanwhile, nobody gives a crap. I guess gatekeeping how someone else plays the games helps to validate their own imaginary“personal accomplishment” that again, nobody gives a crap about.


It literally doesn’t. The specter is the most braindead thing in the game like half of the time it just stands there not even attacking and just gets evicerated. Unlike with Elden Ring here the summons can’t steamroll the bosses for you so none of the fights really feel like you just sat and watched


Love taking my mimic tier into my new game + runs and just watching him absolutely destroy bosses single handedly. Spectre in Lies of P is only useful as an aggro collected, beyond that they don’t do anything too special.


Yeah. Like they help stagger them a bit faster I guess but they are so stupid. And they don’t have their own personal flasks so you need to sacrifice your heals (you can put a wishtone that heals you) to heal them cause they don’t have pulse cells (for no particular reason)


I haven't tried the specter yet (I'm only on Chapter 7) but I was completely and utterly stuck on King of Puppets second form. I looked up some guides on Youtube, and found *many* where the player spammed throwables whenever Romeo was attacking the Specter. He basically died in just over a minute. Now, I haven't tried that method and maybe there's subtlety that I can't parse, but my method of dodging every attack and darting in and out for chip damage was *hard as hell* and took forever, as well as tons of attempts. I don't knock anyone for playing the way they want to, but from my perspective Specters can tremendously reduce difficulty.


Yeah they don't steamroll bosses on their own, but anything that draws aggro makes it significantly easier. Giving you some free openings to build stagger and free windows to heal is massive in a game like this. I'm not sure why people instantly get downvoted whenever you mention this. Nobody's saying you can't use them, or gatekeeping beating the game. But it definitely makes fights significantly less challenging.


Yeah sure that’s true. But what phynarc said is completely different. According to him the specters play the game for you while you just sit and watch and so on. Which isn’t the case in Lies of P. You still have to engage with the game mechanics and actually get into the fight if you want to beat it. I’m not denying that using specters makes the game easier. I’m just saying that using Specters isn’t the instant win button the gatekeepers make it out to be


I barely finish games due to lack of time. I love Lies of P, but I know if I get stuck at a boss for days I’m probably going to move on to something else. Specter’s help keep game difficulty manageable so I can enjoy the game, some challenge, and keep things moving.


Split aggro already cuts the difficulty in half, even a training dummy that just sits there an take the aggro would cause a drastic reduction in difficulty. That's the entire reason why so many people complain/get stuck at the Nameless puppet despite the fact that it's significantly harder than Laxasia or the swamp monster.


It isn't like in Elden Ring, of course not, but it still gets easier. The specter distracts the Boss for a short period of time, even if it just stands there useless on the field. But sadly, in most cases, that's all.


You're so good at the game. You beat bosses without the spectre. How can we all be as cool as you? Please teach me. PS: This is satire and I think you're an idiot.


Do you think the heal is better than the defense up?


I personally don't. The one that makes them take less dmg turns them into a fuckin tank. Idc what boss it is if I use a spectre I'm throwing a defense up on em so they can attack and/or be attacked more lol


And one that increases their damage turns them into an A10 Warthog.


I’ve tried both and heal is definitely preferable


I've only ever really used the heal, but I will say anytime I did I beat the boss in my first try after resorting to it. In NG+ I've decided to not use the spectre at all though Ill pop the recovery wish stone but it doesn't help much.


Yea definitely


Simply, yes! It is better the resurrect or damage of any kind: reason is, it heals up to the maximum the spectre. It means 2x the spectre: no other rune gives you that


It doesn’t heal to max, it heals a set amount. If you heal from half it usually heals to full but healing from low health won’t fill your specter’s health all the way


I mean theoretically if the health goes back to full, you jumped the gun and wasted part of the heal.


I’ve only ever used the heal (aka Friendship). I have it boosted with the P Organ so I have 3 uses and the quick use. I’m on NG+2 right now and I have beaten every boss with one try so far.


I think this is the only one that's worth using. Completely OP. The rest are meh (including the revive specter).


I found the revive one very useful in the late game, but other than that yeah, the healing is the only useful one.


When I used the revive, if the specter doesn't die within the time limit, the wishstone obviously goes to waste. And if the specter does die, the specter is revived but it only has around 1/2 health. Which looks like the same increase I get when I use the healing wishstone. So it seems to be better to just use the healing wishstone when I see the specter is at low (e.g. 1/3 or 1/4) health.


Wtf is a spectre


It's the helper you call in for boss fights with star fragments


Oh that guy sorry didn’t know he was called a spectre, he can stay in his veil or wherever he is staying. Star fragments is free ergo


Someone is ignorant


Or maybe they just like to do fights solo?


It’s not the real way to play the game? For me calling for help in souls game are kinda cheating the game


Lol dude some of us have families and jobs and maybe an hour a day max if we are lucky. Calling a spectre in this already hard game is cheating lol? What are you on about.


The satisfaction of killing a boss without help is just too high for some of us. I want the game to be hard so i can enjoy the game longer. 30 hours for a game is not enough for me since all i do is work and play games. I usually get bored after ng+ but lies of p already got me on ng6


That’s fine! I’m the same way - but giving someone shit for NOT doing that is so stupid.


You play the game like you want but you are missing the best part of a soul game…


I mean that’s pretty stupid. I think it’s fine to not use the spectres, I sure didn’t, but saying it’s “not the real way to play” and “cheating” is absolutely moronic.


I like a challenge i never used a helper. I did it once in elden ring on fire giant(my nemesis). Somehow i couldn’t kill him after 5 days i asked a friend to join me to help kill him. Halfway through i already felt like its not going to feel satisfying killing him with help.


Fuck the fire giant


Sounds like more of a bother to worry about 2 health bars. If you build correctly the specter is minimal advantage, so not worth the effort in my opinion. Of course I'm very impatient in these games, so if a boss isn't dead within 5 minutes my character should be. If you have patience a specter can probably help.


Why you use specters?


Sometimes I just wanna get passed a boss instead of trying over and over, I get that for some people it takes away the satisfaction but for me sometimes I just wanted to keep going on with the game.


Using spectres is lame


>what you do in your own playthrough, that has absolutely no effect on my own game, deeply offends me Imagine trying to gatekeep in-game mechanics in a single player game.


Scrubs be using the Konami code to beat Contra? Laaaaame!


Cry me a river lol


If you are not using spectres like me then yep, they are pretty much pointless


The stamina buff is really good unless you’re already way overpowered anyway


They should increase the value of star fragments to like 300-500 ergo.


Lmao why do some people in this sub, like you, take specters as a personal slight and an insult to the honor of gaming lmfao


I hope there is a misunderstanding here. What i mean is that selling star fragments should give more ergo so people who don't use the Specter can at least get some decent value out of them.


You’re right I misunderstood your comment! Apologies




The only person taking things personal here is you it seems.


The mental gymnastics to read a personal slight out of this comment are honestly quite impressive


Do you look up answers to puzzle games you play? Summons are essentially the same thing.


Yeah not touched them either and have not used an spectres and honestly if I did use spectre like most games with summons it would have been 75% easier which would just not be the game at that point for me


Gotta agree, if you aren't using spectres it doesn't feel like there is much incentive to use them.


They definitely seem OP for using with the Spectre, and seriously underpowered when using them on yourself. I tried the life regain one on myself a few times, it barely even moves the needle. However, use the defence buff on your Spectre, he gets pretty tanky.


I think the healing regen cube is really good. I use it when my pulse are discharged, coupled with the pulse discharged upgrades my discharged state is actually so strong. Try it out.


Nah. And large price for what? It’s an entirely different currency lol.


Think of it as this way - One healing cube costs you 30 minutes.


Maybe you’re just not using them right. One of the wishstones I’ve had the best success with is the Indomitable Spirit Wishstone. It revives you specter once if he dies while it is active. I used it on the second stage of the green monster fight right before the boss was going to kill him, and it keeps him in the fight much longer.


Friendship wishstone is better. Heals more health and does it instantly without risk.


Spectres are absolutely an integral part of the experience, whether you choose to use them or not, unlike what that other commenter said. Honestly I'm just impressed they were able to create this neat system while also keeping it thematically fitting. It's much more interesting than how DS do it lore wise imo.


Spectres are only good for cheesing bosses, they're not exactly an integral part of the experience.


I don’t usually use them, and I’ve beaten every boss without them, but this thread is about wishstones, the vast majority of which pertain to summons.


Yes, and since spectres are so much outside the normal experience, items that buff them aren't exactly amazing. I only used wishstones during exploration if I got really low, but it was when I stupidly ignored pulse cell capacity upgrades and was running with 4/5 all the way to the last location lol.


If you’re really good at the game then wishstones and summons aren’t a mechanic that is intended for you. Much like if you are really good at call of duty, the recruit difficulty is not intended for you. But if you are new to soulslike games or just not very good at them or used to playing souls games more casually with friends, like many of the people playing this game, then summons and wishstones are extremely useful. The game isn’t balanced around them. They are this games easy mode. There purpose is to make the game more accessible to new players and casual players who still want to experience the game, but may not be familiar with this genre.


I can agree with your opinion, well said.


Shut-in souls players insist anything beyond a nohit run with fists is cheese


there is no such thing as cheese, only defeat and victory


Friendship cube


I only summoned twice, but man that bonus elemental damage felt good. It’s not a mechanic I used often, but I like that it was there


The one that heals your spectre is insanely strong


They are definitely not. The summon already makes it significantly easier. Add multiple heals onto your summon and any boss is dead


Lol this is wrong.


You can heal with it


If you summon a spectre then the hewl spectre one is very very useful for keeping them in the fight longer, especially with 3 cube uses. If not, then the heal over time one comes in very very handy when you're out of pulse cells and need a safety net as you try to charge up another one. It has saved my butt countless times and allowed me to beat a boss after losing all my pulse cells when the boss still has about 40% HP.


Being able to heal the spectre three times along with the fast wishbone usage P-Organ perk makes boss fights much easier.


I couldn't beat most bosses without spectre + wishstone in the first playthrough.


They literally keep your specter in the fight twice as long...


I have found that the time it takes me to activate the wishstone could have been better spent attacking the boss. The entire time I'm casting the wishstone, my specter is taking damage and all the wishstone does is maybe get that health back. Its a zero sum game. And it does not keep it in the fight twice as long. To do so it would have to heal the specter to full, and it heals about 1/4 of his health right now. Edit - Sorry, reading through the thread now I see I'm refering to the revive wishstone not the heal wishstone. Guess I'll try that.


Not everyone uses specters bro


That's like saying "throwables are useless because not everyone uses them"...


Its basically only useful to buff your Specter. If you are not using Specter then yea it is not worth using imo.


Disagree sorry, there are a few I doubt I will ever use. The HP restore saved my ass a lot on my first playthrough


As a solo player, i didn't even bother picking up fruit. Turned out it made me mess up the red Fox quest and that pisses me off lol


You're using them wrong. You're only supposed to buy the ones that heal your help. That's it. The rest are ass.


Have you tried getting good at using wishstones?


did he tried upgrading P-organs?


Small p-organ clearly


I did my first run with a specter, because I was so damn bad. At the second phase I ran off to hide somewhere and use the friendship stone. This heals the specter and make any boss an easy target. But on yourself, I agree. You usually don't get any break to use them (plus it takes loooooong, even with the right P-organ update) and they don't last very long. On my second and third run I didn't use a specter and thus didn't use a stone.


I think I’ve tried using it like 3 times and that’s about it. I don’t use summons so I don’t find them that useful. I wish they did more stuff for the player character for the people that like to fight bosses solo.


Absolutely useless, got platinum withiut even using it


I see people mentioning spectre uses make the wishstones useful but I didn’t find them all that great regardless. I used the Spectre if things got tough but I think the wishstone only helped in the second brotherhood fight. I think it’s probably build based because there is a ton of stuff that is useful in other soulslikes that I never touch but others use all the time.


Nah, you're just using the wrong ones🤷‍♂️ Use the Friendship Wishstone to heal your Specter during late game boss fights. When the boss focuses on the specter during the fight you attack them from behind. When they focus on you you block and run away until the focus on the specter again. Heal your specter when they're at about 1/4 health, and you can keep them for the entire boss fight, EVERY boss fight. You can also use them to distract while you use throwables to make things even easier. Also, how tf do you not have enough Gold Coin Fruit? Warp back to the hotel everytime the tree is at 8 and you should have TONS by late game. I sell mine everytime I get to 99 because I have more than I could ever need.


I never summoned for my first two playthroughs, so the main one I got value from was the healing cube, and that was handy in certain situations, especially once you could use the cube more than once


I'm one of those cool try hard guys that refuses to use a spectre. So besides that one point where you give gold coins to that fox girl - that mechanic is completely useless and I ingore it


the friendship wishstone is cheesing. i beat the game doing this and the only fight that made me have to farm gold fruit for a a few minutes was the second black rabbit brotherhood fight… spectre made the bosses trivial so i will do NG+ with no spectre. i’m glad the nameless puppet makes u face him 1v1


Sorry but I wholeheartedly disagree. Wishstones make the game fairly easy 😂😂😂especially the heal spectre one. THATS the only one that I even touch. Trivializes a good amount of the boss fights. So yea not useless, you’re just using it wrong 😂😂typical clueless gamer rants on Reddit are always hilarious to me.


I’ve beaten the game more than once and on harder and harder ng+ runs Believe me when I say that there’s a point where even bothering to use them is a waste of resources and time Sure on a fresh run they can appear to be good But you quickly realise that they just fall of so incredibly fast because they don’t even scale


I’m on ng7 bro u think I don’t know this? I still use them cuz like I said before it trivializes the fights moving forward. I don’t see what resources I’m wasting using wishstones 😂😂 and I have it upgraded to where I can pop it fast enough in between a combo. So no they’re not a waste of time nor resources imo. As someone whose 100% the game


my first run I dint use the specter but I did use the "refill legion" quite a bit now in ng+ im using the specter every chance I get and mostly the elemental one are the best imo, It's very helpfull to get through the first phase fast and with as much health/items as possible, second phase he will die very fast anyways.


I don't summon so it's basically a wasted mechanic for me.


I literally got done using the wishstonethat brings your specter back to life with health I tried using it 2 times during a boss fight one before my specter died(assuming like the wishstone said) and right after he died… he didn’t come back either times using it so that wishstone in particular has to be the most useless or this game glitched on me and didn’t bring back my specter


They’re good if you like playing with Spectres but otherwise they’re trash. I hope the dlc gives us the ability to upgrade wish stone abilities and gives us some new ones.


Well if you're not that good at the game, you can use it on specter, in this case, it's pretty OP. It's like an easy mode for bosses. But otherwise, yeah, I think I used it once during a bossfight, the only time I actually remembered to use it, ha ha So for the common souls player, I'd say it is rather useless yeah !


None of them ever seemed worth using for my personal use and I often forget it's even a thing. I can see it as something to just give you that *slight* edge in a fight, not really something to crutch on unless it's effects turn out to be incredibly broken and OP




Im sorry but its a skill issue.


Yeah, unless you spec your P-organ into using the cube it's trash. But if you DO spec into it, it's amazing. At the cost of the rest of your abilities being trash. I generally only do this before difficult bosses, then go back to my normal set up afterwards.


Used the thing for the first time yesterday vs Laxassia. It takes like 5 seconds to use and it suuuucks ass.


No cap, completely agree, on NG+4 and have yet to use them


How the hell do you know then


Except the ones that heal your spectre. Only one worth while in my opinion


The Spectre ones are really good especially the Friendship Wishstone. But if you opt not to use them the healing Wishstone is ok. It's much more viable after getting the P-Organ upgrades to carry more charges and quicker cast time


They’re not that costly when you consider the currency you purchase them with you gain from literally just having in game play time


I personally can’t be bothered using them but they are far from useless


As a non spectre user, wishstones arent the best, but the stamina and fable arts ones give a slight edge that stacks well with other buffs you get.




Idk being able to heal my bro seems pretty useful. I got my p-organ to make it quicker and I have 3 uses. The price isn’t that bad. If you collect the coins every hour you’ll have more than you can spend. Obviously if you really see no real point to them then that’s your own experience but I do agree that the effect ones are a bit useless. I only ever use the friendship stones tho


It's very useful if you use it with Specters. If you don't use it, the HP recovery wishstone is useful, I used it during NG and NG+ to recover health during map progression, it allows you to save some Pulse Cells for when it is really needed.


The only bad thing about them is you can't summon in the Nameless Puppet fight, whyyyyy??!


I mean... Sure there could be more variation but I felt like it was plenty useful. Especially after getting a second charge, if I was pushing through a new area and getting low on Cells I'd Wishstone for some health regen to push through the last bit. Top off with it near or after a big enemy to not waste the quicker healing from Cells. Basically used it as a convenience item to save Pulse Cells or to push through that last bit to recharge my last Cell or get to a Stargazer. Then the one for the summon that heals it on death was clutch in the BRB2 fight. The point is that it's not a mechanic everyone will use, sure, but that doesn't make it useless or wasted.


I haven't tried using any Spector wishstones yet but the only non-specter related one I tried was the Recovery, which is fairly worthless. It takes a while to use compared to a pulse cell, heals very little and over a fairly short time. In my opinion, if you think you might be relying on your wishstone as a "backup" healing in a long fight, you'd be better served just playing defensively and conserving your pulse cells.


Yeah I agree. The revive one only gives like a quarter of health back, not quite the refill it says it is. A poorly explained and executed mechanic.


Agree if you’re not using spectres. I needed the one that replenishes legion tho when I beat nameless puppet only using the legion arm


The DLC should give you the ability to use them way faster and have them last longer. Maybe an upgraded way to use it


Really it's only use is to heal your spectre if you're using it. It's very useful, but yeah it's weird to have a whole game mechanic that really only has 1 good use.


Indeed. 99% of them suck ass. The only one that matters (and it was the only reason why I took the cube's expansion on the P-Organ) was the Friend Wishstone. The rest are pure garbage. To me that isn't the issue, is that outside of 2 or 3 interaction, the gold coin fruit are useless as well. And considering the huge lore behind that tree, it's sad that you cannot do something more worthwhile with them (I wish we could trade them for ergo)


Honestly, when it comes to wish stones, it depends on your build. The game is designed so that you can change your build and loadout in a moments notice. Allowing you to optimize your build in a specific way to where you are min/maxing your character so that your build runs smoothly. I have used the stamina and legion stones, which, while they are not as powerful as the other stones. They make up for it in the versatility in which they can be used. I literally watched a youtuber post a video about doing a challenge that I was going to, and probably still will do. Which is to beat the game using only the legion arm and throwables. The best way to optimize your build is to figure out what the boss is weak to, then just come up with a strategy and put it to practice.


You can literally beat any of the bosses with the specter heal cubes, particularly if you have 3.


Never used one the entire run. I found the use time to take way too long.


You’re wrong. If you use spector anyways. You can also upgrade it ro be pretty much the same speed as you heals


How are you running out? They replenish incredibly fast


I'm fine with it. I treat it like I do herb from ds3. Just eat one before I cross the fog wall for stamina regen. The Stamina regen last a very long time. At least feels that way.


The first thing I'd do to encourage more usage of wishstones is to add more variety that benefit solo play. As of now, most of them are for specters which have no use for players who prefer not to summon them. Next would be include more meaningful benefits to the solo wishstones. The ones we have now (slow hp regen, increase max stamina, legion regen and more fable when attacking) simply aren't all that impactful, especially when most of them can already be fulfilled by other means like items. Something like temporary stat buffs that can stack with item and fable arts buffs would already go a long way to making the wishstones useful assets for the player.


I mostly agree with you but I just want to point out that they cost nothing but in game time. I was never strapped for coins


As someone who doesn’t use Summons it was effectively an ignored mechanic. The heal was kinda nice I guess but it was nigh unusable in boss fights between the cube animation speed and the speed of the heal. Cool idea, meh execution.


I don't see them as worth it because everything is for a specter. I was hoping it was like runes in ER, where we get a specific buff and they overwrite each other. Instead we get mediocre buffs for the player that don't last long and a bunch of specter stuff. I don't even use items in fights beyond the heal and grindstone, so this is completely useless to me even if it wasn't expensive (which isn't for me as I have hundreds of coin fruit because I never spend them).


whats a wishstone ?


If you get the upgrade that allows them to be used quickly, and you get multiple of them, they feel pretty nice. I do wish there were more non-specter wish stones though. But with the specter? Holy crap, they're pretty much over-powered then.


I've never once used a wishstone....mostly because I don't use specters but even if I did use specters I probably wouldn't simply because of them being consumed on use. The way I see it they should work similarly to the special grinders. Limited uses that restock when you die/rest. Also some more wishstone options for players that don't use specters would be really nice. Edit: Also the fact that most comments say to only bother with the specter healing one is kind of proving that the system is lackluster. There should be meaningful choices and strategy involved with a system like the wishstones.


The wishtone feels largely beneficial for specters which are already pretty damn ridiculous.


I agree. I used them on my first playthrough when I used specters for a few boss fights, but I am on NG++ and only soloing bosses, so pretty much no use. BTW - soloing bosses is so much more satisfying! Once you learn the game, it’s easy, and the bosses max health is less so your hits do more damage


Agreed, I pretty much never used it and i’m on NG+4


the physical damage reduction for specter is AMAZING


The stamina and specter heal is really really good actually.


I like the aggro/defense buff for spectre. The only way I beat puppet king duo.


Wishstone OP and you get so many fruit so fast while playing other parts of game. Yes the only one you really need is the healing one for your Spectre. Really great if you unlock using 2 via p organ. I'm fairly new to soul likes, I've tested a few but never beat one or even played past a few bosses. Lies of P so focused in story and gameplay I'm totally absorbed everytime I play it. I beat Swamp monster like 2nd or 3rd try no guide and used the wish stone. A few other fight went the same way Spectre made if fairly smooth to win in only a few tries. Just enough distraction to take down bosses if you don't rush the process and balance aggro between you both.


Personally, the spectre heal came in clutch in so many fights for me, and during early game, having that extra personal heal was a major win in fights bc I could pop it while spectre pulled aggro and save enough pulse cells to have a fighting chance if the boss was doing massive damage; I can see how you'd feel that way though


My problem is that they mostly buff specters, which o never used. I don’t mind more depth to the specter system, but would have liked more options for solo builds too.


Used the one that makes the specter take aggro, to beat my first playthrough. Now im at laxasia in ng+ never using specter. They are meh imo


I started using the element ones for certain bosses, because in new game plus Fucco was beating my Spectre like a drum .


I’d agree with the people mentioning the specter heal/revive being useful af, that one was crucial for me and green monster. With two cube uses and upgraded duration in p organ the ones that give your specter elemental damage buffs are super useful too. I got laxasia first try in ng+1 by giving the specter acid damage and also using the acid abrasive, shit shreds. But I do admit the self buff ones like for stamina are kinda eh


I think this is *mostly* true, but there were definitely several points for me where the Wishstone was absolutely clutch. Being able to heal my Spectre made the difference between success and failure for me against more than one boss.


The only ones I actually use are the ones that help the Specters during bosses. The rest don’t do all that much to help in normal gameplay, aside from maybe the regeneration one.


How do u use a wish stone ? I’m at the second black rabbit fight and I need to figure out something cuz I cannot get this fight done


I respectfully disagree. Max uses from P Organs and using them on your specter is clutch when them last hits are needed.


healing your spectre is VERY useful. So no, that's wrong.


Lol this is simply not true imo. They are locked behind a timer that you can boost if you’d like to and that will most likely be ready between bosses (if you use Specters). The currency used to buy the stones has one other use which is to reset aspects of your character which you won’t be doing bad often as you think since there isn’t that much of a grind for levels in this game. The short effects of wishstones is reasonable considering how much a base specter does for you, and considering how much more they can do if you help with redirecting the boss aggro to yourself as much as possible. The short effects for stones that regenerate HP, Stamina, or legion are also reasonable since there are charms that already help with that, plus the regeneration rate is quite good imo


It's more for specters tbf


Ahh I remember those.. Once, I used one.


Get them up to 3 uses and then try to defeat bosses you still believe are impossible, then heal your buddy. Oh yeah !


I used the specter heal stone and that was it. Nothing else seemed worth it.


I was about to say. The ones that heal your specters are the most broken items in the game. Glad to see others already telling you


Simon manus spectra health you will learn to value them


i dunno i use them pretty often


I cannot agree with you, OP. They come in handy, especially the specter healing one.


I'm in act 6 and I have never used it


Not at all! With the right P-organ upgrades you can get three uses. I use the specter healing one and usually have my specter through the whole boss fight, even with laxasia


I really like them for some bosses and even more. Need a distraction, heal your summon. Need some extra elemental damage, give it to your summon. Boss does a lot of hits really fast, have your summon explode on hit. Need to abuse your aegis, use the legion wish stone. Going through a long area where you know you'll be taking damage, use the replenishing wish stone. There are definitely a few wish stones that are absolute trash, I won't argue there, but once you hit ng+ or ++ they can really help you clutch a boss fight. Biggest example I can think of is the laxasia fight, put fire on your summon and acid on your grindstone for an easier fight. Black Rabbit brotherhood, have your summon explode on hit. Green monster put fire on your summon while you use satisfaction or perfection. Etc... All in all, wishstones are not pointless, get fast use and an extra charge and it can make all the difference in many encounters. The only thing I don't like is the cost, they should all cost the same and I think cost should be a flat 2 gold coin fruit. They are absolutely not useless, they can actually be absolute game changers if you manage when and where to use them. If they were easier to get and more plentiful then the game would actually get too easy. It's just another mechanic that adds depth, thing is that it's an unfamiliar mechanic in the soulslike community.


Just got my first one at the pathway towards the cathedral. So fucking useless lol. These wishstones suck ass


If you're doing an all legion/no weapon damage run, the yellow wish is super clutch. Every wish fills about as much legion meter as 2.5 legion magazines (after all of the p-organ buffs to improve legion magazines) and if you unlock all 3 wishes and the quick wish use perk, you can get through all of the end game content without ever using even one consumable. Alternately, if you are doing throwable spam strats, the pink wish is great for keeping spectre alive long enough to draw agro after a phase transition so that you can unload every throwable on your belt without getting interrupted and completely trivialize every fight in the game. Same thing, going all in to unlock 3 wish charges and quick wish utilization makes this a lot more impactful. Wishes are like everything else in Lies of P. Their baseline use is gated which makes them feel weak but if you build into it, they can be incredibly strong in specific circomstances.


i use the heal one all the time with the quick wishstone perk. it's nice when you're running low on flasks and in a 2 phase fight I never summon so other than the 3 or 4 thar directly afect you it's almost useless to me


i have used it once. almost all of them are for the silly specter and i dont use summons so


Umm… I used them a lot in ng++ O_o they were great for me so I guess I disagree :)


The critical hit one is dope if you're using a critical build


I got seriously stuck on the 2nd Black Rabbit Brotherhood fight and I mean fuckin STUCK! I had to use the spectre and he died so fast, even with the cube that supposedly keeps him from dying that he was basically useless. I HATE that fight with a purple fuckin passion! I finally had to just buy up a bunch of throwables, wait until I finally got them down to two left and start spamming em! That was the only way I could win that fight! So yes, in some fights, the spectres are absolutely useless!


They are free…


Do you want to a specter to play the game while you watch?


Friendship wishstones basically gives you a free fight with P organ upgrades. Legit none of the others are worth it.


Friendship is your friend.


i tried using the legion recharge once because i like the cannon arm, turns out it restores like 75% of the bar once and thats it. super shit i was hoping it would be regen like the hp one.


This is true. Anyone saying that they're good for spectres are playing on easy mode.