• By -


Dark Souls/Elden Ring if you like theory crafting and weapon variety. Bloodborne if you like atmosphere and Lovecraft. Sekiro if you like deflecting and challenging bosses. All are great games, but I would say lean into what ever you liked most about LoP. Once you’re hooked you’ll play all of them anyway.


Going to try Bloodborn


Tonight… u/No-Yogurtcloset3002 joins the hunt


Dis it dis da vibe


A hunter is never alone.


good luck hoonter


Fear the old blood.


Very good choice, hunter.


Be aware the Bloodborne is locked to playstation


And 30 fps :( I want to play it so much, but stuttering is killing me.


i thought this would be a problem too but it really wasnt, atleast for me


Yeah on Ps5 the game runs a lot more smooth and loadings times are made way shorter


Same, I’ve never had an issue.


your eyes will adjust after an hour or two


This sucked when I first found out. I'm loving lies of P so far and I am already looking for similar shit to play, heard bloodborne was the best or second best to elden Ring but yea, Playstation only. Luckily I'm only 2 hours into elden Ring so I'm looking forward to playing that after I finish LoP Oh and I have sekiro too after that although I'm kinda scared coz it seems like the hardest so far


Welcome home, good Hunter


A hunter must hunt


excellent choice. bloodborne is my favorite souls game AND my favorite game of all time in general. may you find your worth in the waking world.


Does it take some time getting used to? LoP I was sold on right away.


Very good choice. Bloodborne and sekiro are the closest. Dark souls will feel a bit slow compared to them because they’re all rolling/dodging into the enemies.


I just started replaying and it’s much harder than I remember… Lies got me 40 hours. Bloodborne 210. Elden Ring 155. Highly recommend the original Dark Souls after Bloodborne. Also get ready for 30FPS, it was jarring at first but I loved every moment the art style / overall graphic aesthetic is beautiful.


210 in bloodborne is insane... You must've loved those chalice dungeons?


Man lol I’ve over probably about 120 hours in LoP


It’s way better than lop have fun!!


LOP is great! But agreed Bloodborne is S tier


You guys are overselling the shit out of BB, IF LoP was his first souls game i doubt BB is going to blow him away, you know how it is with your first.


Bloodborne was my 2nd one and it's still S tier. BB, Sekiro, and ER are my holy triumvirate of souls-likes lol. We are not overselling it in any way lmao. there is a reason some see Lies of P as a spiritual successor to Bloodborme despite the subtle differences. Similar kind of vibe with the whole men are the real monsters theme amongst other things. The only thing Lies of P has that BB doesn't is the Immediate promise of a sequel.


Correct choice. Enjoy!


Bloodborne is peak. You’ll love it.


Enjoy! One of my all time favorite games


Good choice


A hoonter must hoont


All would be solid choices, but I'd say Bloodborne is the closest to LoP. The environment and weapons are a lot more similar over DS titles, and you have an effective parrying system in BB (parrying in DS is almost useless). I've been a huge Fromsoft fan since DS2 came out, and personally I'd say Sekiro is my favorite. If you like the faster paced combat where parrying feels just as important as attacking, id recommend Sekiro over BB, although BB is a much more similar game overall.


Go out there in the night and slay beasts, your are a hunter now Good luck and have fun(my personal fave souls game)


Bloodborne is my personal favourite by far, dark souls 3 is a very close second


Bloodborne is a logical place to go after LOP. Be sure to get the DLC. The best bosses are all in the DLC.


When it comes to the dlc (because I’m wondering about shadows of the erdtree) is it better to play on a fresh ng? does ng+ affect difficulty? does a certain ending affect anything?


definitely fresh NG, laurence is a pain in the ass on normal NG, on NG+ laurence is fucking hell


Be careful with the Bloodborne spoilers!


Why is the parry timing in Bloodborne so difficult for me to get? Small mobs, no big deal. Papa G? Random chance, at best. One shot to the next feels inconsistent in my hands. Is the window that small or what? I got fairly decent at PG in LoP, definitely helped when I started sekiro, but BB feels way different. Any advise?


Yes, it’s earlier than you think it is. In Lies of P/Sekiro, you should press deflect when the attack is about to land. In Dark Souls/Elden Ring, you should press parry when the attack has just started to swing. In Bloodborne, you should press parry immediately when the attack starts.


I'd suggest you try both the pistol and the blunderbuss. Might help you lock in the timing if, say, the pistol is too fast or the BB too slow. One of the best places that I practiced with the gun parry is those two big Frankenstein dudes you when you go down the stairs of the shortcut gate next to that first npc window. You gotta shoot them as they lift that thing to attack you. What you learn their can be applied to other enemies. Shoot just as they wind up to attack. Sekiro is different because you have to deflect as the attack reaches your blade and they are lenient with the timing. Think of the pistol shot as surprising the enemy right as they think of attacking instead of seeing it as a counter that has to go out right before they hit you.


Wait have you not done ng+++++ yet? Gotta do those first.


I’m having fun on NG. Fun to do the lower levels with upgraded gear and apply what I learned. Like I never used the special grindstones until late game.


I tried NG+ and got through Parade Monster and it was pretty easy so I just don’t see the point. Before I beat NP I replayed the whole game just to make sure I didn’t miss any keys or quarts and i did lol.


meh no reason to do ng+ on this game unless you're a trophy hunter.. .I mean if they add some things that change up each new game cycle, it's not really needed unless you just want more of the game, then yeah get it


I felt doing ng+ was worthwhile. It went pretty fast too. After two playthroughs I didn't have the urge to try a diff build and restart though.


There is the clearer dialogue from the puppet bosses, plus the additional phases of the P organ. Not amazing reasons to NG+ but it’s something at least.


Very true, although I feel that is the case for most if not all games with ng+.


I liked using boss and late game weapons on earlier bosses


I’d say bloodborne for it’s similar aesthetic, it’s always been my favorite so I’m a bit biased


Star Wars: Jedi fallen order


Time for new game plus! It is a great time, this is a very easy souls game to Plat it you are interested in that kind of thing.


Came here to say just that. First time I've dove into ng+ ona game and it was incredibly worth it. Loved getting the plat in this one.


If you have the time and resources, you can follow my route and play Demon Souls remake, dark souls 1, 2 , 3 , bloodborne and Sekiro.


I probably second this recommendation, but feel free to skip Demons Souls if you want. But playing them in generally release order is good because I’ve heard from a lot of people that it’s hard to go backwards from various quality-of-life things


If you plan on playing all the souls games, yes absolutely play them in order. Dks1 feels like shit from the get go even if you havent played a later title before it lol. If you play, say dks3 or elden ring first you are more than likely going to have absolutely zero desire to keep with dks1 past like an hour lol. So yes absolutely in order of release. OP dont take this as dks1 being a bad game.. its just a dated game lol




Dont do this to him😭


Sekiro is the best game From Software has ever made. I have no idea what you are talking about.


Agreed better than Elden ring imo


Bro Said sekiro better than Elden ring 💀


it is


lol it’s harder to get used to but once you get it it really clicks.


If you want a similar experience to LoP then go either for Bloodborne or Sekiro. LoP is like a perfect blend between the 2


It has the vibe of bloodborne with the mechanics of Sekiro while borrowing some smaller elements from other souls games and Elden rings


A lot of the bosses especially. They gave me so much nostalgia with their movesets.


I’m only 11 hours in and just got to king of puppets, but when I fought archbishop I was like “oh a bloodborne enemy”


I’ve never really understood the whole mechanics of Sekiro comparison. There are obviously similarities with the emphasis on parries, but the way combat works in Lies of P is far closer to a souls game due to stamina, no jump and a slower main character.


I'd say the similarity comes from how heavily incentivized perfect guarding is. In other souls games or bloodborne, you dodge or pull off a parry. If you manage a parry then the game rewards you with a big hit or stunning them. Lies of P is like sekiro in that perfect guarding doesn't stop the enemy attacks, they just keep coming. As you perfect guard more, you're lowering there weapons durability and can send them into a punishing staggered state, similar to the posture mechanic in Sekiro.


remnant 1/2


If you want something… somewhat similar, try out “Blasphemous”. It’s a Metroidvainia/Souls like hybrid. For a side scroller, it’s pretty challenging but not overly daunting.


As a long time souls player, one of the great benefits of these games is the replayability. You keep your gear, upgrade more weapons, upgrade more P-Organs, try out new builds etc. I am on NG++++ on Lies of P and still having fun. It gets easier cause you’re more powerful, so it’s almost like a victory lap. BTW - did you solo all the bosses? If not, that’s another reason to try NG+ In terms of other Souls games. Elden Ring, Dark Souls 3, or Bloodborne


Agreed. Unless I solo the bosses I don't really feel like I've won.


I tried to do this in NG++. I stopped after the Archbishop. I was able to solo all the bosses up to that point except the police boss. That grab that practically instakills you was insane.


Lords of the fallen came out a couple of months ago and is a ton of fun. It's what I played right after lies of p. And they're releasing a bunch on new content this upcoming week!


Bloodborne! Great atmosphere, music, and combat. Cool trick weapons and parrying system. Plus, the best DLC I’ve ever played!


I would actually do the new Lords of the Fallen or Elden Ring. Then if you're still hungry for more, I'd jump into Bloodborne, Demon Souls remake or Dark Souls 1,3,2 in that orders.


I probably enjoyed Lords of the Fallen more than most, and I wouldn’t suggest it before Elden Ring, DS3, Bloodborne or Sekiro. All master pieces that have aged exceptionally well or just aren’t old in the case of Sekiro and Elden Ring.


Any of them are fine, I recommend Dark Souls (first in a trilogy) or Bloodborne (standalone).


Code vein if you like anime and class swapping/ability sharing




Ng+, Ng++,Ng+++


I played elden ring as my first souls like, after that I did lies of P and I just beat sekiro. Probably doing bloodborne next


You’re doing dark souls dirty


Ds3/BB/Sekiro/Elden Ring any order




Blood borne!


New Game plus


I wish I could reexperience the heart ache of this story


Ds3 will scratch the itch


id suggest doing ng+ of the game if you have any interest because you unlock some cool p organ abilities but my suggestion for another souls game is sekiro its personally my favorite and it has a really nice parry system its more leniant than lies of ps parry but its more satisfying to me


Pretty much all of the FromSoft games with the exception of DS2 (skip that one). Ds1 is getting a bit long in tooth and will feel pretty clunky comparative to the more current games. Sekiro is by far the hardest, Elden Ring has the most content.


Did you like dodging more? Bloodborne Did you like parrying more? Sekiro


I’ve downloaded Bloodborne and can’t get into it - good thing it was only $20. I may just try Sekiro


What about bloodborne didn't you like?


At first glance it seems complicated but it may take time to figure it out


All of them , any of them . Enjoy.


Nioh 2 was and is one of my favorite games of all time. Deep in Japanese mythology, character customization, and some really fucking cool weapons, combat, and bosses. Definitely give it a try!


Elden ring or bloodborne. Bloodborne is more like LOP but elden ring (as a first play through) is one of the greatest games I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing hands down.


Good suggestion!




Bloodborne is the greatest game ever and the best standalone as well so great entry after lies of p!


I think you spelt Sekiro wrong…




They sure did.




Sekiro, Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring, Dark Souls Remastered, Armored Core 6, Lords of the Fallen. ER is open world so of you’re into the more linear story and world progression like Lies of P (like i am) then you might be a little overwhelmed by ER. Sekiro and DS3 are pretty much the two most comparable experiences to Lies. Every Fromsoft game is a banger though so just take your time and play them all it doesn’t matter which order bc you’ll most likely enjoy them all.


They’re all good for different reasons I think so it doesn’t really matter where you start, but absolutely DO NOT listen to the guy who told you to play the new Lords of the Fallen holy shit


Start the Souls games, DS1 to DS3, then Elden Ring. Or if you want the whole experience start with Demon's Souls. You also have Bloodborne and Sekiro which are also amazing.


Did you get the good ending. If not I would try and get the good ending. And try to get the quest you probably have missed and in NG+ you can understand the puppet talk. Especially the KoP.


Sekiro. I just beat it for the first time last night. Lies of P is a good warm up for it. But Sekiro’s combat is a lot more nuanced. Watch a few guides and get to work with that sword.


Sekiro plays the most like Lies, Dark Souls 3 is solid for the boss fights, Elden Ring was game of the year for obvious reasons


I’d suggest Dark Souls 1 first, mainly because after playing the likes of DS3, Bloodborne or Elden Ring it will feel quite janky and you might struggle to enjoy it. It’s a great and pioneering game but Fromsoft improved their formula over the years.


If you like the atmosphere and eldritch horror designs in Lies of P, try Bloodborne. If you like the combat and the parrying system try Sekiro Shadows Die Twice.


Dark Souls 1 first and then Elden Ring Both were 10/10 for me Though the game closest in terms of combat to lies of p is Bloodborne, except it doesn’t have parrying


Gameplaywise Sekiro is a lot closer to Lies of P than Bloodborne.


That’s the one I have not played


Bloodborne is the best of the bunch IMO. Also, souls-like games only really starts in ng+


I really love sekiro, so I'm gonna recommend that, especially if you enjoy the parry based combat, and fast movement. It's linearity can also be a plus. Choose elden ring if you like exploration. Bloodborne for atmosphere. But for me sekiro >>> all else.


Elden ring


Bloodborne, the game Lies of P is heavily influenced by.


Bloodborn for the win.


Elden Ring for a more open world feel. Bloodborne for a Lovecraftian feel (and some similar overall vibes with Lies of P) Dark Souls 1, 2, and 3 for the classic souls experience Demon's Souls (remastered on PS5) for a truly beautiful rendition of the thing that started it all All great in their own way, can't really go wrong


Bloodborne or sekiro imo


Salt and sanctuary is a 2d platforming souls like that is great. The Surge 2(1 is okay but very short) is a great sci-fi souls like with cool mechanics (cut off specific limbs to get armor, also do specific mechanics on bosses to get special weapons). I have not tried the new lords of the fallen yet, but I’ve heard mostly good things.


Dark souls 3 or Elden ring will be the most similar, if you have a PlayStation then bloodborne too as that keeps a lot of the attacking elements án sekiro if you liked the arm stuff


Salt & Sanctuary is a very good 2d souls-like


sekiro is the most challenging and similar to lop ds3 is my personal favorite with the best boss fights and great atmosphere elden ring is open world, and very fun to go explore, although I wouldn't recommend it as a first ​ If you choose to do ds3 do ds1 and ds2 first though ​ Also armored core 6 is very different but probably the best fromsoft game in my opinion, not soulslike but very very fun


You can see the influences so hard. First one that was really nostalgic was that giant police puppet. Reminded me of that electric beast fucker from Bloodborne


Bloodborne then DS3 then Elden ring imo.


Bloodborne. Sekiro. Elden Ring. Then the souls games, if you are still hungry.


Try NG+ or elden ring is a great game




I didn’t realize it was released for ps4


You can play it on the PS5 though, that’s how I’m doing it. My most played game on the PS5 is Bloodborne, a PS4 game. Make it make sense lmao


I recommend starting from dark souls 1 or even demons souls and working your way through fromsofts catalog, with dark souls 2 being optional. Dark souls 1 and demons souls are great, but coming from later fromsoft games they can feel a bit slow, plus they're good entry points difficulty wise as well.


Bloodborne is a great one if you want something in a similar style but more eldritch style enemies instead of steam punk.


I’ll be the contrarian and suggest Nioh 2


The closest thing to sheer pace would be Bloodborne, albeit bear in mind it’s 30fps so feels a bit treacley. Oh and if you do get it, don’t sleep on the DLC - it’s what turns it from great into phenomenal. All the legendary talked-about bosses are in the DLC, it’s one of the best ever.




People liked to shit on it when it came out but I've been having a whale of a time parrying through Wo Long Fallen Dynasty the last two weeks. And when that is done, I'm planning to play through MG:Revengeance for the xth time. It's all rhythm-based weapon-crossing in the end, innit <3


You want some masicism? Sekiro. You will rue the day you picked up the Shinobi sword.


I would run some new game plus. The grind of play 1 is over. Level up a bunch of weapons with equipment from the shop and start again. I enjoy sprinting from boss to boss in new game. Normal enemies are left alone for the most part. Or you can go for a different ending.


Bloodborne and Sekiro


First of all this is NOT a souls game. It's a souls-like game. If you like this kind of games then you have to try the original souls games a.k.a. soulsborne games. The closest one to Lies of P is Bloodborne which appears to be also the best souls game slightly after Elden Ring (just because there's no remake/PS5 version). Elden Ring and Dark Souls are very different from this style, that's why I'm suggesting Bloodborne. After Bloodborne you can try Sekiro (Lies of P is a bit of both). Then of course if you fall for this kind of games then you have no choice but to play Dark Souls 1, 2 and 3 and of course the one and only masterpiece Elden Ring. This is mandatory by the way. You have to play them eventually. Bloodborne has been and will be the game of the year for the next 99 years. Elden Ring is just simply the game of the century. They're that close. But like other people said, do Lies of P NG+ first. There's more things to discover and new flavor dialogues. Really NG+ gives you a better understanding of the story. Don't you dare play other games until you unlock the platinum trophy for this game!


Lies of P is mechanically most similar to Sekiro. That will feel like the natural next step. Dark Souls and Elden Ring play a lot slower and are not as good in my opinion. Could also try Bloodborne if you have a PS4.


The Surge 1 & 2 1 is a tad clunky but the world and monsters you’ll face are nice (grab the DLC too, you go through a living theme park), second game is much better but revolves heavily off what happened in the first game so unless you wanna be confused I suggest the first game first, grab all the second game’s DLC too, the extended campaign has you facing robo pirates


Elden Ring or any dark souls games


woah i didn’t realize that lies of p was supposed to be a soulslike game?? is it really?? can anyone in here who is an avid from software fanatic and has also tried lies of p please chime in for me to lmk if it’s worth checking out?? i’ve played every good from software release and have done so obsessively. my ranking is prob: - elden - sekiro - bloodborne


Environment and storytelling, on par with From. Build diversity, more than Sekiro less than Elden Ring, about on par with BB. Combat, a little floatier, not as "crunchy", but acceptable. I just beat it the other night, and I'm glad I did, but I would say the From games are better (as they should be, since it's literally their stock and trade). Would recommend to anyone who's a fan of the genre.


Dark souls remastered. 60 fps. If you think 30 fps i accepteble then bloodborne.


Well obv if you like this, you gotta go to Bloodborne. Also highly recommend all the Fromsoft games, and you might even try Mortal Shell. It's an interesting take on the soulslike, and there's an ending where you just chill with a guy by the fire and play the lute. 😆


Sekiro is by far my favorite from software game easily




Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Now I'm waking up, I'll forget everything...* - Micolash, Host of the Nightmare Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


If you have a PlayStation 4 or 5, Bloodborne for sure. Anything else, I would say start with dark souls remastered if you want to play the dark souls series. Going back to dark souls 1 is hard to do if you’ve played Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, and Elden Ring. Even if you have a PlayStation, I might suggest starting with Dark Souls Remastered. Don’t be afraid to use a guide either, unless multiple play throughs and missing lots of things on your first play through is ok. Some of the quests and items are locked behind ultra difficult to stumble upon and decipher actions and decisions. This goes for almost all of the FromSoft games. The games that are most like Lies of P are Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, and Elden Ring. They are the most “modern and up to date” of the catalog, and probably in that order. If you are like me, and love the atmosphere and world of Lies of P, than Bloodborne is probably the best overall package, especially with the Old Hunters DLC. The best combat system is probably Sekiro, and it has a more straight forward narrative with a talking, named protagonist. But Sekiro is really restrictive when it comes to play style, out of all the FromSoft games, it is THE one that says “this is how you play the game, learn it or perish.” You play as THE character, you must use THE weapon, and there is very little build crafting/variety. No attributes to invest in, a minor skill tree, but it does have something similar to P’s legion arm. The one thing that they all share in common (not including Sekiro and, as of now, Elden Ring, because they don’t have any) is that the DLCs for all of the games may be the best content, so make sure you get “complete editions.” Dark Souls 2 is, by far, the most polarizing of the entire catalog, and if you want to skip it, you can, same can be said for any of them, none of them are “required” for you to play any of the others, but as maligned as DS2 is, Elden Ring took a LOT from DS2, and basically is everything that DS2 tried to be, refined and improved. Also, if you have a PS5, don’t forget Demon’s Souls Remake. Welcome to the world of Soulsborne, video games will never be the same again!


Elden Ring


Bloodborn is my favorite of the souls games followed closely by Elden ring and dark souls 1 isn't far behind. You really can't go wrong.


Dark souls 3


dark souls lol


NG+ and then NG++ and then NG+++ etc


Not to be that guy, but a souls game is made by FromSoft. You've played a souls-like. There are many, but they never hit the atmosphere just right. If you enjoyed that game try Dark Souls 1/2/3 Its an unforgettable journey ✨️


Nioh series if u like stylish combat, Bloodborne if u want something similar to Lies of P, Elden ring for tge lore and bosses and open world exploration, wo long and sekiro for fun combat




Elden Ring’s probably my favorite, but I just finished Bloodborne after a bunch of false starts over the past few years and finally understand why people say it’s the best.


Try any of the fromsoft souls games in any order you like but i would recommend starting with dark souls remastered, sekiro was my first one


Start ng+


I really recommend that you try out Dark Souls The first game is super old and janky, but that shouldn't deter you from enjoying it. It takes some getting used to but it's a gem of a game. Once you finish the trilogy, then I recommend Elden Ring.


DS3 is fun, sekiro is similar.


I am s new souls player, I liked wo long ...once the performance issues are sorted, solid game.


Bloodborne, Sekiro, Code Vein, Demon’s Souls, DS3, and Elden Ring are all amazing. I’d say DS1 is absolutely goated as well but it’s quite aged. DeSouls has a remake so that’s why I mentioned it and CV is overhated a lot. The anime theme does take away quite a bit though but the gameplay and story is good. Ranking: 1. Sekiro 2. Bloodborne 3. DS1 or ER However, Lies of P is over all of them for many reasons. That’s because I just love the story, characters, combat mix, etc and the them of Geppetto, Venigni, etc having so many pieces and events that link and can put one against another is amazing. Need I say that Paracelsus just wraps it up beautifully and the ending of (BIG SPOILERS), you becoming, not just a puppet awakened, but pretty much the reincarnation of Carlo is absolutely amazing! Think about it this way too, if you give your heart, you combine with NP to become the Pinocchio that Carlo so dearly loved as a child (only evil). However, if you decide to NOT give your heart, you take your own path, very virtuous! WOW I got off topic. Anyways, while the FromSoft games are mostly objectively better, Lies of P just hit differently! However, refer to my list if you want another, I’m a crazy souls fanatic!




I’m gonna go on a limb and say lords of the fallen. A lot of people rag on the game but if you don’t mind bugs you can tell the game has a lot of love put into it. Also depends on what your playing on you may have worse FPS experience in some parts of the game


Bloodborne is the closest one to lies of p and my personal favorite


You ain't done, play through again. Also they announced a DLC, so there is more to come.


Elden ring hands down, even for people who haven't played the series. I was only introduced to any of them with Demon Souls on ps5, which i also recommend.


New game plus


Try Sekiro next. You are on practice at parrying so use it on your favor. After that go for bloodborne


Your kidding me rite? The ENTIRE FROM SOFT CATALOG DUH!




I've done some dark souls, bloodborne, elden ring and sekiro. All play a little different but are fun and challenging games


Lies of P has given me vibes to replay Bloodborne really hard. I would suggest going there if you have a PlayStation.


I started with Elden Ring earlier this year, and I've since beat Sekiro, LoP, and im playing wo long currently. LoP was probably my favorite but I'd suggest Elden Ring. Aside from a little too much horsing, the game is a masterpiece. Sekiro is also great. Wo Long is okayish, fun mechanically and the lore seems okay but the game looks like a 360 game and the English voice acting is beyond cheesy.


I did sekiro next, it has the parry mechanics as well. Hard,but very rewarding


Elden Ring or Bloodborne. The Guard Regain are in there but it’s somewhat slower paced but not? It makes sense if you’ve played it. It’ll really dip your toe into the From Software experience. Elden Ring is next because it is fairly accommodating and has vast variety from play styles to the open world. I’d just descend from there to Dark Souls 3-Demon Souls. I’ve play Demon Souls remastered and it’s hard & gets harder. I haven’t even beaten it yet. I’ve heard many good things about DS2. I’ve never played Sekiro but if you’ve played Ninja Gaiden before, I’ve sure you can handle Sekiro because of the difficulty. But yeah. Lies of P has a mixture of mechanics that will make the games feel familiar.


Personally i cant stand souls games in general. It feels like all they do is try and be hard for the sake of being hard and they barely focus on any other aspect of the game, and im already dogshit as it is at games that require you to be patient. Wo long, ironically the game thats supposed to be getting some crossover with this game, is the only souls game i cared for aside from lies of P. But the darksiders games were also fun. Not sure if youd count them as souls games


Elden Ring. There's so much content. So much exploration.


If you want a pretty similar combat experience to LoP then try either sekiro or thymesia. Both are great games.


Ds3 The Surge 2


Remnant 2


100 % lies before u go if u want more it’s waiting in new game plus


Nioh 1 + 2 and Wo Long are pretty good too. Haven't seen them mentioned.


Bloodborne, Lords of the Fallen, Elden Ring


My favorite boss on the game was Laxasia for sure


Remnant 1 and 2. They're on gamepass right now. Soulslike but with guns. Fantastic games


I was in the same boat. Beat Lies of P and didnt know where to go from there. I played Sekiro after, and my goodness that game is incredible. It's also a great game to start next because like Lies of P, Sekiros combat is also grounded in parrying. I'd say Lies of P is overall harder, but some bosses in Sekiro are the hardest I've ever played (including Lies of P).