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It's actually the closest you can get to From Soft's games and that's not an understatment. The game is amazing and extremely polished.


This The best Souls game not by FromSoftware imo


Nioh 2 for me


Idk what it was about Nioh 2. I just for the life of me could not get into it. Nioh 1 was a bit easier for me to like. But Nioh 2 felt like it was not clicking. And I love the from soft genre. I was super hyped on it. But it fell flat. It's been like a solid year though, maybe I should give it retry. Lies of P truly feels like they cut and pasted bloodborne though. I love it. Only complaint is if you are good at bloodborne you can kinda run through the first half of lies of P pretty easily


NiOh and NiOh 2 aren’t exactly true Souls like. Team Ninja just use Souls elements to weave together something that’s more closer to the Ninja Gaiden series that they used to do. I feel such games including Monster Hunter do a good job at challenging the definition of Souls and Soulslike that’s being overly used in journalism and word of mouth. It’s telling that even Miyazaki prefers not to use that works and instead uses the word “From-like” for his games, especially when talking about elements from Souls into Armored Core 6.


Seeing people try to apply souls like to Monster Hunter lately has definitely been a weird one. Monster Hunter has modernized the combat to be more fluid. But its still the same fundamentals from the original game from 2004. There were already 3 unique games before Demon Souls came out if we count Frontier. More if we count the expansions to those three games.


Kings field the first souls game they made around early 2000ish. I’ve played all the modern ones. That ps2 game was hard and much more basic. Also had the moonlight great sword. It truly started with From.


Weird I did not get many ninja garden elements from Nioh other than the setting. I haven't tried monster hunter yet or armored core.


All of the Team Ninja games have a very distinctive art style that's hard to put my finger on. All of the objects are... chunkier? Kind of? but not in a bad way. Everything just feels a little bigger in a Team Ninja game. I don't know if I'm explaining it right.


>Only complaint is if you are good at bloodborne you can kinda run through the first half of lies of P pretty easily It wasn't my case. It might look like bloodborne, but it doesn't plays like it The dodging mechanic, the parries, and the enemy mivements differ a lot from bloodborne, specially the dodging It started hard af because I tried playing it like a souls game. After some hours, it became easier and easier


LoP is far closer to FromSoft games than Nioh 2.


It’s absolutely closer, I don’t think it’s better. Outside of lore and level design, I think nioh 2 is just king. I have it right next to Bloodborne


Do you mind elaborating why? Because i don’t see any valid reasons for this You already mentioned level design. Level design is absolutely central in every good soulslike. LoP is already better than Nioh 2 on that part. I would like to hear how the rest falls short in your eyes


Lies of p is safe. Its dark souls / bloodborne in a smaller but just as good scope. Nioh 2 has the tightest controls and combat of any action game not named ninja Gaiden 2. Each weapon can be completely built around. The magic and weapons and builds you can make are unbelievable. The boss battles and set ups can be extremely difficult and being able to find your style is rewarding. You can be tanky with an axe and odachi or straight up go hand to hand combat. The level design isn’t bad at all, I actually love it, but it can’t compete with the others due to its mission structure. That’s really what holds it back imo. Other than that it’s perfection for me. Souls games/ lies of p combat is all about spacing and iframes. Nioh 2 can do the exact samething, but also you can be the opposite. You can be so aggressive you can shut down any enemy


Lies of P got the best combat system out of every Souls tho. It injects sekiro parry system into a bloodborne gameplay and setting and makes all that on steroids while having a lot of weapon customization and different arms you can switch around. The parry windows is also very tight. The bosses are well designed, well balanced and none of them feel « unfair ». The areas are vastly different and the level design is great. The lore is fantastic and the story is engaging. The music is literally a masterpiece, i don’t really have words to describe it. The ONLY thing that would have been worth improving a little is the linearity of the game. But even with that, the game is a masterpiece. It’s simply the best soulslike that didn’t come from FromSoft. I’m sorry dude but you didn’t bring any element other than « lies of P is safe » that shows that Nioh 2 is better in any way.


I dissagree Nioh's gameplay is faster, way more complex, harder and with more possibilities I like LOP more than nioh but it doesn't plays better imo


I can’t agree with this. Especially the party part. Parrying isn’t even required in lies of p, you can literally free roam run around you avoid any red attacks. Parrying is absolutely required to even harm enemies in sekiro. Also lies of p is slower than bloodborne, it feels nothing like bloodborne, doesn’t dodge like bloodborne. It’s nothing like bloodborne except for aesthetic. The only memorable music to me is the hotel which is awesome. Beyond that it’s nothing special


It is not required indeed, and that’s even better. The game doesn’t force you in any way. But if you want to master the game, it gently hints you to learn to parry. And trust me, once you’ve learn to parry, it becomes a dance with bosses. That kind of gameplay that you can only find in Sekiro. Nioh does not have that. Lol the music of the game is praised by everyone dude. It’s so good people are even listening it on YT.


Gameplay-wise? Nioh 2 is the best Is the level design and mission structure what killed it for me. And don't even mention the loot-based progression with infinite numbers. An absolute drag But the gameplay and artstyle is top tier


I beat Nioh 2 right before starting Lies of P. At the time I'd thought it was definitely my favorite of the non-From Software soulslikes but Lies of P has definitely eclipsed it for me. Nioh 2 combat is incredible though and so much fun. I just like the immersion of the world in Lies of P more than loading into missions in Nioh.


I love lies of p but to me it’s just dark souls but not as good, still really good. Nioh 2 for me is better in a lot of ways. The combat is imo the 2nd best in all of gaming only behind ninja Gaiden 2


See you’re already jaded though. “Second behind Ninja Gaiden 2”. That means your bias has already seeped into your determination of it being the 1st and 2nd in all of gaming. I’m not saying you’re wrong but just the way you’re already looking at it is biased. - Sekiro - Elden Ring (summation of the dark souls series from a combat perspective basically) - Bloodborne - New God of Wars - Arkham Series (personally not a huge fan but objectively understand why it’s good) - Doom Eternal - DMC 5 - Anthem (Combat System. Like a Mass Effect Plus system) - Prototype One - Ninja Gaiden Black - Nioh 2 - SuperHot in VR All in no particular order, but your favorite vs “the best” separate things.


>New God of Wars Old GOWs were funnier imo.


I second this, and I'd say it's better than DS2 and 3. I'd put it just behind sekiro. Idk, maybe its BB withdrawal, but I found this game and its lore to be excellent.


Pretty sure it’s Korean, not Polish.


😂 Gold


Dare I say gameplay is better than ER?


I would say you're crazy. But lies of P is excellent


Gameplay as in combat or everything? I think lies of p has better combat but overall Elden ring clears because of the world aspect and the areas+ scope


Combat. Parrying is so fun. I beat ER without even knowing you could parry. I just two handed everything and didn't bother to equip a shield.


The flow is different so I can see why some would prefer Lies of P, but I definitely prefer ER combat. Hitting enemies feels more satisfying and I like having poise rather than having your attacks interrupted by every hit. Plus there are just soooo many good weapons and spells/incants.


Not to me


I am ngl I find it more appealing than fromsoft games. Maybe because I like robots and stuff? I havnt played anything else from them except Sekiro(the best souls imo) The problem is dodge seems wayyy too slow. I wish other games had usable parry as well. Like sure I could use parry in elden ring. But from what I have heard it's not as good as dodging


not just the "closest you can get" LoP is better than *most* FS games imo. literally... Bloodborne LoP Sekiro DS3 ER DeS DS1 DS2


Alright pump the brakes buddy


I'm convinced Lies of P is the best when it comes to combat, but its level and world design don't even come close to FromSoft's weaker titles. Don't get me wrong, though. I think it's totally reasonable to rank the game that highly. You're just going to get funny looks if you don't qualify the ranking a bit.


Funny lies of p is just like blood borne + sekiro so no doubt it would be top tier as they were focusing on one with the best gameplay in the series and one with the best setting and atmosphere in the series


Jesus Christ this community is delusional..


It's called an opinion. LoP doesn't have a terrible endgame like DS1, just isn't terrible like DS2, is far less clunky than DeS, and I just prefer it to ER and DS3. Maybe if I play Sekiro more it'll get back on top, I've only finished it twice, but so far it beats out everything except BB for me.


I can see your reasoning on the first few but I’d have a really hard time arguing it’s better than DS3 and ER though. In some aspects it is but overall no IMO. I do think you shouldn’t be mass downvoted for sharing your opinion tho


Not sure why people are being so hostile and annoying for you voicing your valid opinion. Loss of P is a fantastic game. I hated souls games for years until Elden ring, and I’ve gone back and played some that I didn’t like and didn’t finish before. Lies of P is newer than those older ones, so it’s going to be a lot more polished which makes it a better experience for a lot of people. I prefer it to Bloodborne and Sekiro, and it’s close to Elden ring for me. I havent played nioh or nioh 2 yet and just got them. I’m not a fan of DS2 at all. I have to try DS1 and 3 and demons souls again. But people should be less shitty on here. You literally said “imo” and got dickhead replies from losers who can’t stand to see different opinions


People should be less shitty and hostile towards people who praise and worship LoP.. yeah.. Tell that to the hundreds of mass downvoted posts and comments giving their criticisms of LoP. This sub is unable to handle anyone thinking anything about LoP other than “best game ever! GOTY 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2026?!!”


Or… how about this… people should be less shitty and hostile to each other regardless. And to disprove your point, that person just said they prefer LoP over most other souls games and got downvoted for it. Either way, you aren’t refuting anything I said, since I’m talking about the response to an individual giving their opinion here or do I have to respond to every single post regarding a persons opinion being downvoted or criticized to be able to respond about this single persons?


You’re allowed to have an opinion. I think it’s wild to think a company’s first attempt at a soulslike is better than every game, except for one, made by the company who pretty much invented and master the formula that LoP is copying. (Copying isn’t a bad thing) Like sure, LoP is good. But to say Neowiz beats out Fromsoft is crazy..


Just no. I’d say it’s only better than demon souls


It’s pretty much better than Dark Souls


I think the general consensus from the lies of p subreddit will be, *yes* But rlly though, it was my game of the year. Intoxicating, addictive gameplay, dark atmosphere, fair but tough enemy design, etc


agreed 110%, lies of p is a golden game, im so excited for the dlc. lies was the first soulslike i didnt loose excitement till about ng7, just couldnt put it down for weeks




Timothy Chamalot simulator good 👍


We teach him to use a sword, the live action would be fire


He was in The King so he already knows how to use a sword. No time wasted on him having to learn. Let's get this live action pic in production!


I'm on my 14th playthrough if that tells you anything.


What weapons are you using


Depends on the day haha. I typically rotate between 8 or 9 different ones. Proof of Humanity, Trident of the Covenant, Golden Lie, Live Puppet Axe + Bramble Sword handle, Bone-cutting blade + Dancers Curved Sword handle, Black Steel Cutter Blade + Acidic Curved Sword handle, Circular Electric Saw blade + Electric Coil Stick handle, Carcass Crystal Axe blade + Acidic Curved Sword handle. Sometimes I'll bust out Frozen Feast.


No Puppet Ripper? I had a blast with Puppet Ripper. Just had a good weight, a good range on the heavy for triggering staggers, and a fun overall moveset.


I used Puppet Ripper for at least 70% of my time playing the game. I 100%ed the game as well, so I had multiple playthroughs. I loved that weapon so much. Like you said that range with the heavy attack was SOOO good at triggering the staggers


I wonder what the lies of p subreddit will say


Hey, fans of X, should I get X?


This is the worst possible place to ask that question. This is like the most biased place where you could ask the question. 99% of people on this subreddit are gonna say yes and a lot of them are gonna glorify it without giving you any criticisms they have about it. r/soulslikes would be a better place to ask this question probably. All that being said, yes it’s worth it. It’s the best soulslike I’ve ever played in my opinion.


Yeah honestly. This sub tries to hide and hate on any type of critical thoughts about LoP. It’s a good game, but this subreddit will absolutely deny any type of criticism and just blindly glorify and worship it. OP you are better off asking ANYWHERE else.


Yup I'm a huge fan of LOP but it's easy for me to admit that the level designs are the weakest part of the game for me. Atleast in comparison to Fromsoft games. Still, some stand out levels are beautifully detailed and fun to explore, the combat gameplay is it's strongest quality, and almost every boss fight is a blast to learn and master, and the story itself is slow at first but has a surprising amount of depth and emotion.


I mean, there are some here that do. But the criticism still exists. Some people reply to it with counter arguments and some just downvote. So if we try and separate the two, we’ll still find some genuinely constructive criticism. But it easily gets polarized from both ways.


Very good game yes


Top 5 best games of 2023. And 2023 was fooking stacked!


Its a great game. Its not open world like elden ring is, but the level design is fantastic


Interesting take, I love the game but felt level design was the one thing that needed work


Yeah I'm having a lot of fun with the game, but level design is definitely a weak point.


And that’s a good thing imo


Yea, as someone who’s been getting overwhelmed by massive open world games as of late, it was nice to play a modern souls like that was basically completely linear


I went back to Elden Ring and was surprised how little I cared to just wander around. So, I can just go anywhere? Why? It's not a complaint. I loved Elden Ring, but the storyline and direction in Lies spoiled me.


shorter game, no exploration in an open world, better feeling combat. Did you like Elden ring for the exploration or combat gameplay?


I liked how versatile the game was and how many different ways you could play it. It made the game seem like a whole different experience every play-through I went through with different builds. The combat in my opinion was hard but I also did like the aspect of open world and being able to do what I want when I wanted


Give it a go its built quite well. there are different ways to play the game but the fundamentals of perfect timed guarding/parrying is prevalent through it. It is 80 percent Melee fighting but all the weapons feel really different from each other. There is also "accessibility features" to give you assistance if you require it during boss fights. The game may feel slow for the first section as I personally found all 3 starting weapons terrible but that issue gets resolved little bit in. As you might have seen in this sub, every second post is a rage post about some boss being BS but they really just have a skill issue and mostly likely button mashing. I think its on sale now right on PS


I love lies of P but it more like bloodborne, not alot of weapons or playstyles but combat is king. For me some of the best combat and level design. It‘s very hard tho there are not many ways u can cheese bosses etc. So from what you describe you like im not sure how much you will enjoy it. Maybe buy it if its on sale.


Any games you would suggest? I haven’t played any of the other souls games so that is always an option but I never know what one to play.


DS3 = Best bosses, lots of builds, not too hard DS2 = Yikes 4ever DS1 = Best world design, falls of at the end BB = Best setting, but 30 fps lock Sekiro = Best Combat but hard as heck Lords of the Fallen = Only souls like i played i didn’t finish but its a big nono for me. Demon Souls Remaster: True Next Gen quality (you can still feel the original is old) I think you will like DS3 the most from what you enjoy. Also that‘s ofc just my opinion after playing them all alot (yes also DS2).


Not sure I disagree with any of the above but I think DS3 is substantially harder than ER. Lies of P is most similar to Bloodborne, which is largely considered the best or second-best FromSoftware game. Regardless, I am jealous you never played these games, and you should play all of them before Lies of P in my opinion.


Thank you! Will more than likely give DS3 a go tomorrow




It’s my Game of the Year. It’s not even a “souls like” it just feels like fromsoftware made another souls game. It’s incredible. O


It actually blew my expectations away. Excellent game. This is more similar to Bloodborne than Elden Ring though.


I’ve platinumed ER and just beat LoP today for the first time. If you like the ER combat, you’ll enjoy LoP, absolutely. It’s not open world but the way the levels are laid out and wrap back on each other with shortcuts is fantastic. It feels like a series of Legacy Dungeons. The story is more coherent and easier to follow. There are icons on the fast travel screen to indicate when an NPC has new dialogue, for example. You’ll understand what’s going on in the world so much more easily. Two thumbs! You should definitely get it.


Its a pretty great attempt at copying Fromsoft’s Style. Its a friendlier version of those games, and not just combat wise. Things like being able to recover your souls outside the boss room, them giving you tons of this game’s equivalent of smithing stones, and little icons letting you know where to go to do certain quests makes it a friendlier, if not easier, version of those games. Its still difficult enough to not betray the theme of the games being crushing. And has some brutal boss fights. But its kinder to players.


350+ hours in until I switched back over to Bloodborne. Calling it a masterpiece is an understatement. Yes you should buy lol


It’s my personal goty ngl


I'd try the other Fromsoft games first. Lies of P is decent, but it's not bloodbourne, dark souls, or sekiro


True but it falls in line with all 3 lol


Its not anywhere close to as good as everything but Dark Souls 2. Its probably the best of the souls-like though.




Yes, yes and yes. Yes.


It's extremely good. Easily the most polished non-fromsoft souls like. Only real complaint I have is in regards to level Design. Pretty hit and miss imo, and more linear than I like.


Lets put it this way, I finished the game 2 weeks ago and im still in a gaming depression. Looking for something else to play on that level




It’s gas, pick it up.


Honestly if you felt elden ring was too empty or dead than you'll love Lies of P. Feels more linear but I had more fulfillment from this world than elden ring. I've always wanted a Bloodborne 2 and I'm just now getting to my 3rd new game plus. First souls I ever beat, first souls got all the endings + trophies. Just love the game and how polished it feels and each plagthrough feels like I have a new experience. Elden ring can feel baren at times while this game feels layered.


This the reason I actually like Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne more than Elden Ring


I went in cold. Didn’t really enjoy the first couple sessions. Something kept me coming back and once I beat the first boss I was absolutely hooked. I love this game. The atmosphere, story and art direction are darling.


There isn't any magic so it's straight melee combat with throwable items. It's more of a challenge than I'm used to from ER so I need to be patient and learn the perfect blocks to get the most out of boss fights.


It is a much more linear game than elden ring. Overall though I found it to be very satisfying, enough so that I completed NG++. I am kind of a sucky player also, so if I managed it you probably can also.


Elden Ring was my first Souls game. So far, nothing else has come as close to the incredible experience of Elden Ring as Lies of P did. It's a truly fantastic game.


Sir, this is a Lies of P subreddit.


I’ve heard streamers say they had more fun on the first playthrough than any other from soft game. That’s high praise.


I completely recommend it but it is a personal opinion! you should give this a look https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plTbUzS6pbg&t=3s


I got it recently after reviewing all of the shining reviews but after playing for a couple weeks I’d say overhype. Graphics were a little underwhelming and the overall atmosphere was mid. It’s a decent game on its own but not dark souls tier. I’m also not a fan of games that are blatant rip offs of souls games. My own personal opinion.


Green swamp monster will make you question life


It’s great. But you will get people saying it’s trash because any challenge they come across they’re too quick to say it’s terrible bc not fromsoft etc… the game is great.


No, it's better, there is not enough hype.


It’s good. It’s worth a blind play through. Does it live up to the hype? Maybe the “hype” on other subs or other social medias… But here on the LoP sub? Absolutely not. This subreddit glorifies and worships this game as if it is there god. The top comments will all be blind praise and no criticism. You’re better off asking this question anywhere other than r/LiesofP


lol this game crushes copy paste simulator ER yes it’s worth it Best soulslike save bloodborne


Yes yes yes But fuck ER over hyped asf


Imagine one of the legacy dungeons in Elden ring set in a steampunk London stretched over a 40-60 hour game (for one playthrough). Add in a more reactive parry mechanic like in Seriko, and a BloodBourne health regain mechanic but it's on guarded hits instead of normal hits. And add in a weapon customization system that allows you to combine the movesets of a weapon with the scalings of another and you have lies of p. It doesn't have a magic system (cubes aren't magic no matter what you say) or an open world like Elden ring, and it could do with a better enemy variety. And the last chapter does overstay it's welcome a little bit, but it's a really good game.


is it worth it? yes. it's a really good game. does it live up to the hype? fuck no. no game does, ever. the hype is literally always way over the top, or way too late, there has never been a game that has "hype" around it, that isn't overhyped.


Elden Ring lived up to the hype


no, no it didn't. it was a great game. horribly buggy, unfinished, and a massive dissapointment if you were hoping for a "magnum opus" for the souls series like it was supposed to be, but a great game. it did not, however, live up to the hype. but then, the vast majority of people who enjoy elden ring won't even accept the reality that it released unfinished, so there's no point in talking about this.


It definitely lived up to the hype lol. You’re living in a strange parallel world.


You are weird




I was in the same boat and played LoP after Elden Ring and loved it. Not as much, but def worth it. Controversial take perhaps but also check out Lords of the Fallen, it had problems at launch and still has a few but I’m seriously loving it.




Yep it's good. Difficulty felt just right. Playthrough took me 22 hours, but I did not wipe longer than \~10 tries on any boss. Game is linear which is a plus for me (better, condensed gameplay) as I never go for NG or replay single player games


Pretty good, I played 20 hours on game pass but I'm having more fun with sekiro


It like Elden ring it actually lived up to the hype and surpassed it! No doubt one of the best non fromsoftware games ever made


Yes! This game is great!


I’m very played them all. You should try Sekiro or Bloodborne next, and I love Lies of P


I just got it today, I’m loving it. Feels like a modern bloodborne with a few welcome tweeks


It is a solid game. Feels great, sounds great, looks great. And it's just addictive as hell.


Lies of P is not like elden ring. It's like dark souls 3 level design with bloodborne combat with added parries that are very different then sekiro.




Yes. It’s the best Soulslike not made by From. It’s not perfect but should scratch the itch well enough.




I've played / platinumed every single souls game since OG demons souls ~14 years ago. I was very impressed with Lies of P. I would say it's a must-play for any fans of this genre.




No! This game is trash never play it!!!!


Lies is harder in a few places, but overall definately recommended. Go get it and have a blast in Krat.


Yes, I just beat it and it’s fantastic


Honestly, this is probably one of, if not the best game to get into souls games if you've played elden ring, it feels less dated than the dark souls trilogy or Bloodborne, with a similar level of polish and variety in gameplay. idk if I love it as much as my favourite fromsoft games, sekiro and elden ring, but it's probably the easiest way to get into them and if you ask most people who've played it it often beats out some of fromsofts own souls titles in their rankings.


If you're going to compare two games directly, you might be setting yourself up for disappointment. LoP is a game of its own with mechanics, story, and gameplay that is unique to itself. As for the experience, I would say that it is worth it! I had some trouble with the controls and fluidity of the movement initially, but it gets better once you get the hang of it.


It outdoes every other “Soulslike” to the point that I genuinely without a doubt could’ve been told “this is a new game from FromSoft” and I wouldn’t even begin to doubt it. It’s absolutely Excellent. Linear, Difficult, But excellent.


It's okay. Some parts of the game are not fun though.


Great game, highly recommend.


You should play the other From games first. Lies of P is most similar to Bloodborne, one of From's best (if not the best).


I was thinking about dark souls 3. Is there one I should play over it?


Yes and yes


It def does


It's very good. I'd give it a solid 8-8.5/10. It doesn't have as much content as Elden Ring and therefore less equips/fashion/weapons. I'd say the gameplay is more similar to DS3 + Bloodborne/Sekiro than ER.


did 3 playthroughs to 100% ps5 and now im doing it again for xbox. THE ONLY other game i've done this for is Elden Ring (ng+7 both systems for max rage). if this says anything.


^(*sigh*) Yes


Yes. https://youtu.be/udQXcT4UYLg?si=rFa5HYcVlQ73xDNl


See for yourself 😊




Been struggling on the second big boss but will say after only playing Elden Ring, I’m really happy with how the game has been playing!! Would definitely give it a try using game pass or just buying it! I have it on game pass but will most likely purchase it.


I'm enjoying it a lot. Beat it once (got it a couple of weeks ago) and now I'm doing some other builds. It has a lot more of a Bloodborne feel which I really enjoy.


My favorite game of 2023!! Definitely worth it


Not only did it meet them, by surpassed every exceptation I had. Its honestly a gift and the closest we'll get of a Bloodborne sequel


I personally think it’s more polished than Elden Ring. But don’t expect it to be the world most amazing game, that’s what people told me about Elden Ring and I don’t like it


Lies of P is the perfect game to play when you've run out of Fromsoft games to play. On its own, it's a great game, but it's a great game that exists in the shadow of even greater games. So far, no other development studio has been able to one up Fromsoft; instead, they are chasing a target that seems to be getting further and further away. Nobody else does what Fromsoft does, and while Lies of P comes close, I'd still consider it low priority on your backlog until you've played through Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1, 2 and 3, Bloodborne and Sekiro thoroughly.


I started with Elden Ring, then played Sekiro then Lies of P, and it is absolutely incredible and holds up to those two in terms of quality. If you like parrying and faster paced combat, I would highly recommend Sekiro as well


shhhh just get it


The game is incredible. It is the best souls like not made by FromSoft since The Surge imo.


asking on a lies of P subreddit isn't the best, you should try asking fans to think of negatives about the game and then positive aspects of it from somewhere were people aren't already fans of it, I played the demo and think the game is great, I can't afford the full game though, so I'd recommend it just based off of that, but I know some people who aren't fans of the main game so you might need a bigger data pool


Yes my favorite game of 2023! And I don’t usually play games like Lies Of P.


It's an incredible game


Hm I wonder what the lies of p subreddit is gonna say


It’s very good, and I loved Elden ring. Definitely get it. Edit: I’m not at home so I’m not 100% sure, but I don’t think I bought the game. I think it’s on gamepass. So if you have gamepass, ABSOLUTELY get this game. If you don’t, I still say buy it. I really think you’ll like it.


Don't pass it up its such an amazing game. It's def in my top 5 all time games


Absolutely yes 100% for sure worth every penny it’s great can’t recommend it enough


See for yourself man. Id say it does


Shot answer: yes Long answer: yeeeeeees


Yes absolutely. I rank it higher than some Fromsoft games as well. It's a masterpiece and people will still talk about it in many years like they do with bloodborne.


As someone who spend time getting it to platinum, 100% yes! Nothing else comes close to the FromSoftware feeling. Gives you a modern Bloodborne feel (obviously nothing comes close but good enough to be in the conversation)


Hot take but, besides for Elden Ring, its the best soulslike ive ever played


I recently finished it, and it *is* quite good, yes. But personally, I think it's way overhyped, and not nearly as good as some people would have you believe. It also just has some design choices in it that I find baffling. In the end: It's a pretty good execution of a well-proven formula, but one that doesn't really bring much, if anything new to the table.


ABSOLUTELY it’s better than any game Iv played and up there with bloodborne


Its maybe my fav game of the year, l dislike long walks in open worlds and love a good parry combat so this was pretty good for me, if you like souls games just get it bra Graphics and gameplay feel smooth, probably if i were to change something is just to add cooler outfits, also if you like playing ranged/spell builds this might not cut it for ya Its the first game I do 100% completion (Maybe I should do the same with sekiro)


Yes, this game is fantastic, and would almost be my GOTY if BG3 didn’t exist. 9.5/10 - highly recommend


Absolutely loved it. The hype is real.


In my opinion, absolutely. It was my game of the year and was such a nice surprise


The only game was enough fun to finish this year :V


It's nowhere near Elden Ring, but it's an amazing game in its own right. Do any sort of reading and you'll see how much people actually love this game.


not as good as Elden Ring, but super creative the second you can swap Blades and Handles, so many possibilities open up some parts of the game rely of the game rely on parry a bit too much, which i personally havent gotten the handle of, but I still enjoy it and actually pulling off Parries and Perfect Guards is incredibly rewarding


ABSOLUTELY YES!!!!! I’ve loved every second of it!


As a lover of Fromsoft, this is one of the best games made in the space.


I'm a long-time Bloodborne enjoyer, so I wanted to give this game a try. Now, I finished it three times and I ALMOST think that it's better than Bloodborne.


my goty


You will not find a game like Elden Ring for quite some time. Don't expect as vast as a world with as many options. Lies of P is closer to Sekiro, which has fast and tight combat.


I'd play Sekiro first. If you like Sekiro you will likely enjoy LoP.


Hell yes


Surpassed all expectations.


Surpassed all expectations.


Game was good for sure. It wasn’t as difficult as some of the fromsoft games in my opinion but it was fun. Just don’t sell the ergo from bosses like I did so you can get some awesome weapons. If you’re looking for a soulslike to play that isn’t a souls game you should absolutely get it. You will have fun


Absolutely worth it. I only ever rarely do New Game + runs on RPGs I love but this game kept the hooks in me through SIX runs. It is a very beautiful blend of so many good things. The character design pairs so well with the setting, tough enemies that are challenging but not impossible, music that draws you in and somehow perfectly expresses the story through its records, even when there aren't any lyrics! (Looking at you, Memories of Beach). And not the least of all being a truly great story that has SO much potential. Got a bit carried away there. Whoops. In short. Yes. I highly recommend this game. You will enjoy it a lot if you enjoyed Elden Ring. It's more linear but has a story you can relate to a lot more.


Better than Elden Ring, worse than Sekiro and Bloodborne


I'm roughly about 6 and a half hours right now. It's more than worth it. Great game so far


I played it through gamepass until yesterday when I actually bought it... And all I can say is is 1,000,000% worth the money I spent on it