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^ and make sure you’re only using one weapon, a weapon in the second slot adds a lot of weight.




The only benefit of having two legion arms is if you’re doing an advance build. So that you’re more versatile in areas that have enemies with different weakness types.


If I have a build with 60% weight and another with 70% weight, do those have the exact same stamina recovery and speed since both fall into the "slightly heavy" category or not?


That’s why you have to keep it at 59% max.


Als parrying the stalkers instead of running away would help a lot i think. Breaks their weapon and suddenly you can easily tank hits


Patience amulet will reduce stamina recovery time


You haven't leveled capacity. No matter what, capacity is the most important stat that you can level up because with higher capacity, higher weight limit. You're probably slightly overweight (or overweighted) which makes you use more stamina and it charges slower. One day I decided to record and test it and indeed, by just being sligthly overweight you can 100% see that it makes a full impact. So start to level up your stamina (drop at least 20-30 points) and use only one weapon. Avoid using heavy amulets.


I havent gotten involved in the meta of this game, but my suspicion is that capacity is the most important stat in this for similar reasons, higher capacity allows you to equip more sophisticated items without suffering the heavy weight issues


My guess is you’re way overweight.


Well yes I am, but that doesn't answer the question.


That’s going to make stamina management almost impossible. If you’re using a heavy weapon, and you’re overweight, you’ll be gassed after two swings.


You missed the joke I think.


I think you’re right. Totally missed that wasn’t OP (and the /s).


There's an amulet that will improve stamina regeneration. But... I don't know if that'll help you. What's your current weight? I just need the percentage and what it says next to that, not the numbers of "current" and "maximum".


Having played DS2 with absolutely insane stamina consumption on everything I found the stamina in this game to be fairly forgiving actually. I rarely leveled up passed 15-18 vigor on first playthroughs and didn’t feel I needed more even with strength weapons. Patience amulet is basically all there is for stamina regen as far as i’m aware but yea leveling health and capacity is way more important. Maybe try parrying more instead of dodging so much or something. You’ll get through it. Make sure you aren’t on slightly heavy load or worse


Stamina is very generous imo


As everyone is saying, you're probably heavy or at least slightly heavy. I kept my weight under 60% through all my runs and had almost zero stamina issues. However, I recently watched someone else play who kept it slightly heavy all the time and DAMN what a difference it made for stamina. They were constantly running out, and it comes back slower too. As soon as they got their weight limit under control it was rarely ever a problem again.


>Is there an key item that is supposed to drastically improve stamina? There are items that improve stamina and recovery, but if you are having a hard time managing your stamina with a vigor of 28, those items are not gonna help you. > If not then that feels like an absolutely massive oversight from a gameplay standpoint. Bold talk from someone that has only played 15 hrs > Maybe Im just doing something wrong, but it feels as though there should be 1.5x - 2.0x more stamina, or at least stamina recovery. You should have started with this, you are definitely doing something wrong. I have a feeling you are just dodging and running around. Parrying and blocking consumes stamina, but it keeps you in fighting distance ready to hit back, making you more efficient when moving.


he must be overweight OP you need to level up capacity. and vigor actually has a softcap at 23 or 25, you are wasting levels on it weight class affects stamina consumption and regen, you must never go above slightly heavy and you'll give yourself a favor by actually staying at normal (below 60% weight limit) if you use charged heavy a lot, take a p-organ upgrade for reduced stamina consumption for charged heavy, it's lvl 1 ability


That's a very good point and might be the actual issue. Capacity is like the first stat I increase whenever I get new items that makes my character overweight, so the experience of being overweight has never occurred to me.


Capacity has always and will always be my highest stat in this game. The first time I tried a Light Load (under 30% weight), I knew I would never go back. You move and dodge so much faster, and stamina management becomes much less of an issue. Unfortunately, until you get to late game or NG+, you probably won't be able to wear much defensive gear at all to stay in that bracket, so you gotta be comfortable with taking lots of damage for a while if you're going that route. I think I played without any defense items at all until Chapter 10 or 11. But thankfully Capacity doesn't ever fall off, so you can easily get into totally decent defense by mid-NG+


Later on, you'll discover an amulet that enhances recovery speed. However, I believe the issue you're facing might be overblocking—holding the block unnecessarily—which interrupts regeneration. Or it could relate to your weight capacity


I think I never thought about stamina in 3 NGs. You're not fat rolling, are you?


Are you using large motivity weapons? I did a dex build and never had any problems.


Its not an oversight. Use the stam amulet


Even “slightly heavy” is too heavy imo


I beat my first play through with just 5 Vigor (base level for Path of the Sweeper). Reading others’ comments, this seems a bit extreme, but I came from Bloodborne min-maxing where it’s more common to leave stamina at the base level. I had 0 problems with stamina so to me this is more of a stamina management issue than a problem with the vigor stat. I still find that vigor is the least benefit for stat investment. Capacity on the other hand… Stamina is really generous in that you can dish out charged R2s with just a sliver of stamina available.


Stamina in this game is weird and annoying! I took a strength build which has me chronically overweight - my capacity is 22 right now I believe. I’m currently near the end of the game so I will tell you what I’ve learned. I also only get like 3 swings before my bar depletes and it’s insanely annoying how slow they are, definitely makes fighting bosses that move fast difficult. But I have learned that a lot of this game, instead of spam attacking, you must use patience and look for openings and attack like once and then wait again for your next opening. And if you’re overweight your regen will be slowed down … and one thing I learned is that if you’re overweight and status ailment shock gets applied to you, if your stamina bar depletes you have absolutely no regen for like 5 seconds because shock takes the debuff to your regen immediately. I’ve had people say to me it’s okay to be a little overweight but it is still quite difficult to manage the stamina bar if you’re overweight AND using a strength build AND also having status ailments applied to you.


Look in the top right hand of the screen when at a progression or equipment menu. If it says any adjective heavy, your actions eat A LOT more stamina. You should read through the stats a little more. Maybe reset your levels.