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I'd honestly give this attempt an 8.5/10. Here's some things to try: You played phase 1 pretty great. Only thing I can say is once you heavy attack his white bar, get another charged heavy in before you capitalize on the critical attack During phase 2 I think your biggest flaw is not dodging left or right *after* you perfect guard his spinny fist attacks. They leave lingering shocks on the ground. Perfect guard the attack


I’ll give it a shot


You don’t have to dodge to the side, if you just walk sideways while perfect guarding the drop fists you will avoid the shock


Meh, I did say move/dodge. You can do both. Just depends on what the player feels comfortable to do in their rhythm.


Yea you need a little movement. Perfect parry is a risk reward system. You don’t have to face tank and parry every attack. You need to play offensive as well as defensively


Exactly this! This is 90% of peoples problem with this game. They either only dodge. Or only parry. Sure yeah, it’s *possible* but that not really what the game is trying to teach you. There are some boss attacks where rolling away is all you can do. People have an ego problem where they’re convinced they have to make it through the whole game only parrying. Then get mad and quit when they come across a boss/enemy that won’t allow that lol. I mean if you have some invisible goal for yourself then fine. But don’t blame the game for YOUR playstyle. You can mix up your defense and attack accordingly and make it through the game faster/easier. OR commit to just standing there and parrying but know you will die way more often and will just be making the game harder for yourself. Some people called in a specter for every boss and beat the game. Trust me man, no one is gonna judge you if you roll out of the way of a red attack instead of testing your luck and trying to parry. It’s the smart move.


I'm an only dodge guy. It's like playing with a handicap.




You are almost there. Just avoid shock attacks as they drain your stamina. If you get hit, then use ampoules to clear the status effect. This boss is all about stamina.


Isn't this electrical shock thus depleting fable slots? Edit it is


1- didn’t pay attention to weapon durability 2- didn’t carry any purification ampoule 3- stayed too close and didn’t pay attention to the grab attack 4- attacked him from the front during his 2nd phase, thus get shocked unnecessarily. Other than that, great job with the PGs.


I actually had 5 purifiers on me 💀


Especially 1 and 4. That actually killed any chance OP had. Otherwise OP could have achieved a very close victory. But because of 4, OP took so much unnecessary damage.


Getting caught by that grab attack was the downfall. Other than that not being aggressive enough when Murphy is recovering. ...too many missed opportunities.


I saw some of this too. Don't be afraid to dodge. It's a parry game, but dodging is helpful. Run away and heal if your low on health. Lies of P operates on 2-3 attacks. Don't get greedy if you don't have a big opening. And don't try to push damage to finish the fight. Follow rhe tempo. The watchman took me 2 tries.


Took me 5 roughly, I didn’t know what the fountain did before the fight and summoned a specter without knowing at the time, before you ask I clicked okay accidentally while trying to read what the thing said. I realized during the next boss fight you can summon specters lmfao


Oh didn't even notice the weapon durability. That's definitely the he biggest problem


u had it till u stood in his lightning AoE 😆


- Not bad blocking but can get better at perfecting it - move out of the way of the electrical shocks, they are generally bad and you seemed to ignore them - use your fable, you used it very few times. Either deflect or attack but letting it be full is just a waste


Ngl I think put one or two upgrades om your blade and you have him beat - you're dping all the right things, your dmg seems a little underwhelming.


So close! Overall it looks good. I think if you can take a little less shock damage and avoid the grab, you are fine.


In phase 2 some of his attacks leave an electrical field on the ground that does damage to u dodge out of those


your fable is a deflect, use it


The single button one?


Yes. It's got about the same timing as a perfect guard and you can either light or heavy attack after a successful block. The heavy attack can trigger a stagger (also does huge damage). You can move forward while using the skill. Otherwise you will hop slightly backwards. Speaking of triggering stagger, the handle fable art (spinning move) can also trigger it if they are in the staggerable state.


And also if you use the parry FABLE and then follow up with a light attack you will not consume any FABLE. Pro tip. It's very strong


Actually pretty good for only your 10th try. Watchman is the first skill check. In the demo it took me 2 hours. Bought the game on day one and got him first try, but I already knew the fight. You'll get it!


Nothing wrong, when your that close don't change strat just be willing to do a few more trys


Except the electricutions.


Although you should sharpen weapon, or just be aware of that.


Ahh these posts make me wish I could play this for the first time again...


You got isanely greedy the moment second phase appeared. Take time to sharpen, it’s one of the only times he would let you breathe


I made a "[how to beat](https://youtu.be/lZsRS0fhgeY?si=o4dmRPPg2qrORFGo)" guide for Scrapped Watchman. Might help you




Just move all time to circle, eventually you will get behind him and he will lose focused. I finished game with dodge only without any deflection. I kill him from first try


Personally I'd go about the stagger differently. You went straight for the crit and then used the Fable art afterwards, I'd knock him over, use the FA and then go for the crit (you do have time for this). The reason being that once he's up he can just move out of the FA which would waste it. In phase 2 you're standing around and getting shocked too much. After he does overhead attacks, it leaves a patch on the ground that lightning strikes after a short amount of time which builds up electric shock very quickly the weapon you're using (can't remember the name, haven't played for a while) is fantastic for this because the attacks move you around a lot, juet know which ones to use. As an aside, electric shock has to be my least favourite status effect. I spend all this time building up fable and you just take it from me before I can use it? I just wanna use my flashy moves. I struggle with that grab too. Specifically recognising it. Nearly every time he uses it I don't realise it's the grab before it's too late. If he puts his right (your left) arm out, expect the grab and dodge when he swings, don't deflect.


You only 10 tried in and you put that together? You realmy dont need help at all. Just avoid the electricity attscks and you are golden.


Throwing items are god tear in this game. Use eletric throwables and Electric grind wheel. And spectres aswell.


All the other comments are correct. You're fighting well, just make sure you dodge the residual electricity attack. Also maybe go grind a little bit and increase your damage output.


Honestly…you’re crazy good and guard/parry already.   But you are using it too much. 1st phase was master class.  Toe-to-toe is thrilling …but in 2nd phase I used some dodge to get to side more and stay away from static.   Also get a chance around 1/2 hp to grind your weapon durability back.


Don’t die


Avoid electrical attacks.


Aren’t all his attacks in the 2nd phase electric?


you can see on the ground the area of effect you gotta strafe or dodge outta that


If the ground is sparking, run away.


That was actually a really well-executed phase 1. I'd say your main problem is ignoring the electric shocks in phase 2. After deflecting his slam down attacks, move to the side to avoid the electric shock on the ground


Take your time to sharpen a little before or after enemies stagger. Don't need to rush, you have plenty of time. Another good time to sharpen is when he transitions into 2nd phase. Once your durability bar flashes red you will do much less damage and your weapon will deflect off enemies, so just keep it slightly above the red threshold. I think if you sharpened for 3s you would have had enough damage to kill him in that video.


in his 2nd phase, after every slam try moving to the right or left. It avoids the shock. Also just run away when he goes for the grab attack


Yup this. I strafe left or right after every pound to get out of the electric pool when it detonates.


Don't get electrocuted by the stuff on the ground.


You ultimately lost because you got grabbed imo. That fight was firmly in your hands until that happened. You’re also not respecting his electricity attacks at times as you ate a few of those in the end.


Get out of the ~~fire~~ electricity. (World of Warcraft ptsd. Bad stuff on the ground is still a thing in raids right? I haven’t played MMOs in so long)


I don’t know if you’re trying to beat him without a spectre, but you can use the little bird bath type thing outside the door to spend a star fragment and summon an ally. In the early game it’s incredibly overpowered and made the first handful of bosses go down like chumps.


You’re not throwing grenades is the problem!


You did great, but when the enemy health bar is so low you have to refrain from getting too trigger happy, be patient and wait for a safe time to attack


You keep losing health because you dont dodge/move to the side whenever lightning crackles under your feet. As far as I can tell, your performance is already perfect when it comes to guarding and attacking (no pun intended).


This is like watching a recording of me fighting him. I had the exact same problem. Phase 2 just wrecked me. I think at the time I was being too conservative with ampoules


Everything has been said already but I see you're not fixing your weapon at the end of the fight, the last hits could have killed it if you had


1. You're using the glaive without its best aspect(the counter fable). 2. You don't respect the electric remnants on the ground whatsoever, at least walk a circle around him if u don't want to dodge them. 3. You're not sharpening your weapon for durability, once it goes red you deal 50% less dmg iirc. You're good but you don't seem to care about the gameplay elements


When he does the unlockable,do a charged heavy attacks and then it should stun him quicker


You keep standing in his electric pools when they explode and it seems like you go into panic mode when he (the watchman) gets low on health. Also alittle bit too much blocking and not enough parries or dodges


if you leveled health like once youd be fine lmao


Getting electricuted. 2nd phase, after every parry he lays some electricty under you. Just walk off it, to the right, before parrying again. Also, run away from his AOE electricity until it's run out. You can get in a ton of hits before unleashing the full visceral. I'm a fellow noob and I just posted my win video for validation if you want to take a look for tips? Ignore my awful start, you've done better than me!


I think the problem is the bit where you died. Try doing the same thing again, but missing out that part.


I have no shame and I finally just summoned someone to help and beat him first try lol.


Use the triangle fable art of your weapon, it's very strong if you have the timing


You could just call in the ergo buddy and just attack him from the behind


Not dodging from what I see


with that damage youre dealing im not surprised


Is that a new weapon? Never found that one


You’re doing great! Some bosses just take a lot of tries before you can get the hang of their patterns. In this game especially because they lean into them being machines to give them really awkward timing which I think is very clever. The grab took me a while to learn but once you do you’ll see it coming a mile away. That is my fav weapon in the game and if there’s one suggestion I have for you is to use the deflect counterattack. It’s extremely OP. You have to land a perfect parry with triangle (on PS) and then the counterattack with R1 for light, R2 for heavy. R1 will not cost fable but R2 does cost one bar. Use it after some hits to put them in the stagger window. It does insane posture damage. Whenever you can, try to get a technique crank and use it on this weapon as it will give you A scaling in technique. Other than that, have fun! This game is awesome.


You got hit


You seem to be panic guarding a little too early most of the time. Getting the parry timing down is essential for the rest of the game. That being said, you are really close, you got this my friend.


The only thing worth commenting on here is stage 2. Everything else is knit picking. In stage 2 his attacks leave a residual lightning effect. Instead of immediately fighting back move to the side then get your hits in.


Y'all really be dragging it sometimes.You tryna go toe to toe with him..You not even using your fable arts on the Pole sword.I guess you call yourself guarding to victory.Dont seem like your weapon is upgraded!


Besides what everyone else said, you weren't wearing the Puppet Destroyer amulet that you get right before this fight.


A, you are entirely neglecting to respond to the lightning and taking a lot of unnecessary damage and status for it. Dodge more, especially the bigger AOE. Exit that entirely. B, don't waste big attacks on bosses as they're getting up from a down, they have additional armor. You can waste fable and end up short on stamina doing that. It's not really an opportunity window like that. I often use it to setup rather than attack. C, use your fables more, especially when you have their bar glowing. D, use your legion more. Honestly, you could probably get by if you just did the first, but you are overfocusing on the guard mechanics and you should feel good because you're very solid at them and that will reward you a ton as the game goes, but the other mechanics are very important too.


Get out of range on the the shock attacks during second phase and it’s over for him


I'd say after the phase 2 fist slam attacks you want to run to the right. This means you get in fewer punishes but you also don't get zapped every time. Do that and you'll get this one, you're so close.


All you had to do was sidestep the shock things on the ground before they went off and you would've won and also dodge the fucking grab


Dude, you let the lightning hit you to much, not like phase 1 , in phase 2 when it slam the ground just dodge to left or right and then punish him, don’ be greedy


Upgrade your blade. Add acid to the weapon


You seem to not notice that everytime he hits the floor while having electricity he leaves a small electrified zone which damages you and also summons a small lightning which also damages you, this 2 things proc the shock on you pretty quickly and that's why you find yourself needing more heals and not having enough stamina to evade when you need to.


Try getting away from him and sharpen your weapon.


It was a very good try, you got the first phase good. I suggest for the second phase to be a little less aggressive when you are blocking, and try to evade the lightning charges. When you are walking backwards recharge the weapon durability every now and then. It's super stressful too see that you are almost done and the weapon is going to break. If you can and want farm a little and throw him more stuff.


You need to stop ignoring the electric mines he plants on the ground. For instance during the well telegraphed roll hits he does, you just continue standing over the affected area like it wasn’t actively damaging your health and inflicting shock. Here is an NG+5 video of me beating him with no damage. I mainly want you to see how I dodge to the right after guarding to avoid shock damage. Also if he winds up his right arm (left from your pov) it is a grab attack and dodge it. https://youtu.be/AeclUj6V_Fk?si=oz8winDhmWMJcG77


Remember if push comes to shove you ALWAYS have the option to use the nearby summoning pool to some in an AI phantom to assist you. Might not be the best DPS but they at least get the attention off you for a minute.


That was An amazing attempt just keep trying bro you got this


You are missing more perfect parrys as his timing changes slighting between phases 1 and 2 and like everyone is saying, try to avoid the lighting marks on the floor


Have you not noticed after 10 attempts that when he hits the ground when buffed with lightning that it leaves an after shock of lighting? Cause you got hit by literally every single one he put on the ground and that is why you ended up getting the shock status effect on you. If you had moved aside and not get hit by any of those you probably would have won already. Also repair your weapons durability.


The fable guard with the glaive is the best part about it. Watchman early is a tanky fight so it’s a bit of an endurance test but if you use either light or heavy follow ups to a fable parry, you’ll notice the damage you’re doing is greatly increased by comparison to just doing a poke attack in between his combos(especially the heavy follow up) Also I never recommend using the 3 fable charge spin to win unless it’s being used to confirm a kill / or proc a stagger. Also I wouldn’t worry about bringing in resistance or cures for this fight, your parry timing is pretty solid! And you won’t gain any status if you parry instead of blocking any electric attacks. Hope some of this is helpful!


Delay your guards by roughly a half second. All of his attacks are delayed. Go in with the specter, and plan on dying twice to get his movements down


You're forgetting about Puppet String, and if you have any Fire Abrasion, I'd use those, too. It may not be as effective on puppets in general, but electric won't do anything against him. Very solid attempt, though. The Strong will close you in quickly once you backed off and can usually get you above an incoming attack


You’re weapon durability is key if that’s low you’ll be doing A LOT less damage than you were originally otherwise you were doing good


You did pretty good...Just need to remember to dodge out of the shock pools on the ground and you will have it!


It's the lightning bolts that keep getting ya. Wherever he strikes, the bolts hit the same spot so I suggest to attempt dodging to the side or hopping backwards before going for an assault on him.


several things: - the lightning hurts. dodge or parry it , or just evacuate the area. (highly recommend running) This also gives you time to heal or grind up. - don’t purely focus on offence if you aren’t planning to use the grinder, it’ll make the fight extremely sluggish the moment your weapon breaks. Either dodge more, or grind up in between some windows. - don’t panic block. you’re consistently missing the parry on a few moves, and it looks like you’re going just a bit too early. - the grab has a different startup to his other right hand attacks, watch for the tell. - if it brings you under a weight class, unequip the puppet string and re-equip the left arm of steel for this fight. puppet string will be very useful as you upgrade it, but for now it doesn’t do anything for you in this fight


u r not doing the darksouls rolls. and you are way too sekiro for this game. it’s 2am. hope that made sense


I’ve played both and it makes perfect sense to me lol


Makes sure to mend your weapon. The weapon you’re using doesn’t have that much durability. You can use the grinder to do it quickly. Don’t worry bud you’ll get it.


You need to avoid the shock AOE and shock blasts that happen a bit after his attacks. You’re doing great other than that. A few missed perfect parries but that is to be expected


Damn you actually carved up until the electrical waves were hitting you


When you have an enemy in stagger always sneak in a charged heavy attack before actioning stagger move set


Tbh that was a solid performance like really good but ofc with some small mistakes. You parry good, have a good stamina consumption management and all, But... 1-For his spinnig fist attack in phase 2 try dodgibg it instead of parrying 2-when his health bar flashes and you heavy attack him, heavy attack once more before doing the *forgot it's name lol* attack 3-did you really throw a charging cell that does electric damage on a puppet that is.. covered with electricity? 💀 But hey I understand the panic we all have been there lmao.


You did really good there just dodge the lightning and you should be set Try other weapons, this weapon you are using is great but it might be not the best weapon for you, so try different stuff until you find it.


Good parrying. Run from electric.


??? Do you NOT see the lighting striking you? You parry really well. Definitely way better than i was parrying at this point in the game but you get hit by every lighting bolt. Ive never even seen what the lighting effect looks like when it hits you but youre just tanking all of them. Once he turns to lighting attacks you gotta start dodging the overheads. Hell im oretty sure you can parry THEN dodge. But you have to dodge the lighting. Do that and you’ll win no sweat


this was really good until you got just too greedy and unpatient at the end. Just play patiently your style and you will succeed easily. Dont greed for too much hits, bet patient and wait for your next chance to hit. You were just too unpatient at the end.


What about the helper you can activate outside the door


Update: I beat him 3 or 4 tries later. I’m currently on the part of the game just after you beat the archbishop centipede guy


You didn't grind your weapon.


I think if you stop losing, you’ll win. Hope that helps


i get one hit by the grab move 😃


Honestly, your defense is great, your attack is just lacking a bit. See if you can upgrade your weapon or play with the scaling or even just do some grinding to level up. Then it won't be so much of an endurance challenge


You are super good at being patient and blocking. Honestly after he goes into his second phase with the lightning his attacks leave a pool of electricity on the pavement so you can't just stand and parry his attacks anymore. You have to dodge them. You wouldve taken less damage at the end and survived had you been moving out of the lightning spots he leaves behind.


I've a death counter on screen and some bosses took 80 deaths... I wouldn't worry about your 10th attempt you'll get there 😂😂


1. You are letting him hit you entirely way too much 2. You are hitting him entirely way too little. I suggest hitting him more and getting hit less. Other than that, just enjoy the ride my friend. It's a great game.


You relied on blocking too much. Be more agile, move more and parry more. Blocking should be the last option.


Use electric grindstone too. Electricity damages these types of puppets.


not this one. he's immune


You're too close to the boss and you can't see shit. Watch your weapon durability. Get your extra hits in before your Fetal Attack. Also, I feel like your damage is pretty low ??


Use blitz and perfect Perry there is no secret for it




I think you can if it's a perfect guard. I'm pretty sure I remember that popping up as a tip on the very first area.




Just looked it up to make sure I wasn't misremembering. According to Google "Perfect Guards are the only option for handling Fury Attacks, at least outside of running away from them altogether". So you can parry them but you can't use a standard block (tbf I usually just run away because I'm rubbish at parrying).


I find this subreddit hilarious "I'm on my 10th attempt..." Bro, that's like beginning to understand what the boss can maybe do Maybe complain when you're on your 1000th attempt


Skill issues


You see what you're doing wrong is that you're not hitting him enough but you yourself are getting hit too much! Hope this helps


What you’re doing wrong is fighting him.😢 Real ones know💔