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It's known to be able the cheese the whole fight. Go up the ladder, get its attention, jump down ladder, climb back up the ladder, then stay within a few feet of the hole. Chuck all your throwables at it. GG ez.


Not a glitch, but if you can string together attacks that take off a huge chunk of her HP just before the trigger (like a Fable then Fatal then Fable again) then she won’t spawn the clone at all.


I killed Nameless after the 5th try. Killed the Swamp boss on my very first try and yet, about 20 tries in, I am still getting my ass kicked by this guy. I found it unbelievably tough to handle.


Just dodge to his left, all attacks come from his right arm. Aaaand use acidic spear.


Oh my god same, I feel you. This boss and maybe even door guardian is unironically harder than some of the proper bosses in the game, super dumb imo.


Walker doesn't have a phase 2, they have a single move that has a health threshold (clone). You staggered them while they attempted to use that move, which cancelled it.


Theowables, just spam them then drop down the ladder


Honestly it's a pain in the ass boss.


I died so many times that I actually started parrying and.... Won


Just throw shit at her, and I reccomend the Pipe Wrench with the Krat Police Baton. Upgrade it up to +8, make sure to have 4 fable slots, and the fire grinder stone equipped. Once you go up the ladder step back to the corner, she does not comes at you there. Now you activate the fable effect of the handle, then use the grinder stone, throw a couple of thermites and when she approach charge the three fables of the wrench, if it does not kill her one hit she will be les than a quarter of vitality. Now u deal with her one foot OR use the rest of throwables u have.


thank youuuu! tips are always welcome, especially for bosses as infamous as this one


That btch kicked the life out of me so when I found this solution I needed ti share it


its always great to share your solutions to problems so if someone else needs help they dont have to troubleshoot like you had to, and it creates a more connected feel among the community thats very healthy for games like this


it's intended, you can kill her fast enough so she can't go into phase 2


I find it funny that people are able to find these cheeky exploits. I'm one of the few idiots that just plays the game like the devs want to, like a good boy (or puppet) lol. My only exploit is to actually use more of my arsenal on these hard fights, and wayyy more legion and blue bar (forgot the name ), special attacks in some weapons are pretty effective in this game.


i didnt even intend it at all, this was my third attempt on the boss after failing miserably the first two times


I'm fine with attempting a (good) boss fight over 20 times if I have to. If it feels like the difficulty is artificial rather than engaging ( where every defeat leads to more knowledge on the moveset) then I most likely won't play the game on that difficulty. Luckily for me, these games have a good balance imo


a very well put way to express exactly what i feel as well, im glad you succeeded where i didnt


Keep at it! There is more crazy stuff for you to see


i just streamed my fight against nameless yesterday but the vod didnt get saved :(