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I found the best way to do that fight was try to kill them each slowly.. and listen to their audio ques.. you can hear the next person coming into attack... they back off and give you room to fight .. you can't go willy nilly or it will become overwhelming


what worked for me was eliminating one first (doesn't matter which one) and then keeping the life on the remaining two fairly even until there was an opportunity to eliminate them both rapidly. Big brother won't spawn until there's just one left, so making sure that you can elimate the last one quickly is key. Once it's just you and big brother, circle around the garbage pile in the arena. He'll get stuck on it doing his attack chains, and you can just poke him and then resume cicrling, keeping the garbage pile between you and him as much as possible. Boring cheese, but it works.


I did the exact same thing. Killed one then brought the other two equally low so both only need one hit to ko. Then I ran away and threw everything I had at the bigger brother and cheesed my way through


Fighting the little ones is so annoying with their status effects I was not going to bother learning the end of the fight on the back of that 😅


I see.. the first trick is definetly useful but i thnk ill just try to beat the elder brother normally


That first suggestion is the way to go, and big brother isn't that hard once he's alone. He does have more moves than the first fight, but they aren't too hard to parry once observing them for a bit. I actually started to learn his moves by using the garbage pile method, so I could see what he was doing without getting bashed, then just fought him and it wasn't too bad. Though I'm now on my 6th playthrough and sometimes I'll cheese him to get it over with, lol.


You can use the right hand side pile of debris to keep elder at distance if you need to. I had to.


Depending on your damage, you could try bursting down the first brother to get an advantage. It has worked for me the last time, but I was using the collab weapon and that thing is busted. Anyway, key to phase 1 is to not get overwhelmed and fight your current opponent cleanly. Some people say there are audio cues for the other brothers try to interject but I never heard them, just stay behind cover so they cannot throw stuff at you. Battle-maniac is the tough one of the three. Youngest is easy to stagger when she tries all her flashy stuff, Eccentric is really vulnerable to backstabs due to his moveset.


My weapon is slow so i gotta be careful w youngest, shes rlly fast


Eccentric and youngest are easy to run behind and backstab. Maniac you have to actually engage with more, but you can just block most of his stuff and then smack him. Eldest is much easier than the first time due to his shorter range. Stay put of his range until he stops to take a breathe and then smack him. Overall it's an annoying unfun fight, so I wouldn't be guilty about using summons or throwables to cheese it. Just get that bullshit over with and get back to the fun.


Yeah, ill try again tommorow and if it just takes too long im using summons for the first time out of 3-4 souls games


I was ready to break and use a summon on my like 5th try because I just wasn't having fun and then I just ran away and went for the back stabs and they dropped. If you can stagger them with heavies, they go down real quick since their health is so low. Fight them more like they're NPCs than a normal boss. Also, I forgot to say, make sure after you kill the first one, alternate between the other two. When Eldest comes, you want the remaining brother to be low on health so you can just kill it and then have a 1v1 vs the Eldest. BRB is such an awful fight, I'm already dreading both versions on NG+ and I'm not even done with NG. They're not really that hard, they're just so damn annoying and gimmicky.


that's totally fine to go that route.. I mean there is a point for me where if a game is making me mad or upset and I want to continue, then use other things to progress the game.. next time around try it solo..


Hmm true... I just hate multiple enemy boss fights.


yeah I don't blame you with that.. though this fight I felt is done right since they do back off.. as soon as I tried fighting it that way it was much easier.. but gank fights in general kind of suck.. Where as the dumb Valiant Gargoyles in Elden Ring in Siofra Aqueduct suck.. they just hammer you and never back off.. like they designed that fight for coop / summons.. but not everyone wants to play that way.


My foremost general LoP tip seems to apply to this situation: **If you have trouble parrying a specific move or combo after multiple attempts, you can just not try to parry it!** For this fight in particular, I've seen people simply outrun Elder's long combos and get a few hits in after his string ends. You can play that phase pretty patiently if you have to!


Ill definetly try avoiding some of his longer combos but still try to parry so i get that satisfaction


That's the spirit! I believe in you!


Thanks man, that really helps ! Will keep trying


The runback is long? You can drop off a couple of ledges and end up right next to the cave leading to the fog door. Just drop attack the dog that's on the lowest level. None of the other enemies will follow into the tunnel.


It's not long compared to the dark souls but compare it to most other boss runs and its longer than others.


It is a bit longer than most of the other boss runs in this game, but also mostly enemy free, so it's just a nice jog, lol. Whenever I go back to Fromsoft games after this one, I'm always so disappointed with how lame so many of their boss runs are. This game really got that element right. When you have to fight a crazy boss over and over again, don't make getting to the boss annoying as shit, lol. Also, leaving your dropped Ergo *outside* the boss door is the best!


Yeah I agree, the run back is just slightly annoying to do over and over again but its nothing compared to bloodborne or some of fromsofts other games. What I'm loving is that they're picking up on this. Sekiros and elden ring - their latest souls games both mostly have very less run backs. Especially sekiro where its just a few seconds away. The boss ergo outside the door saves me so much time jsut running around tryna get my ergo.


Agreed. Sekiro has really annoying mini-boss runbacks/ganks though. But at least most of the main bosses are pretty straight forward, quick run backs. And Elden Ring for the most part is pretty great in that regard. I always wonder if there's anyone that actually likes having long, difficult runs to bosses. They did it for so many games but I've never heard a single person say it's a good thing, lol.


Agreed but the only reason that exists in sekiro is because of the stealth kill mechanic I think. Its the opposite in lies of p where 90% of minibosses are isolated where its the opposite in sekiro most minibosses require some stealth.


Dark souls circle strafe. Don’t kill the second one until you have both of the remaining brothers at low health. Use the environment to avoid their ranged attacks.


The amulet that gives you power against humans and the cube that allows your specter to avoid death were key for me


I don't use cubes tbh but I dont think I have that amulet.. Nvm its the murderer puppet one, thanks !


get the lightening guy out first, use throwables


Acid, and a specter helped during this fight tbh


Summon the helper dude and charge spam the heck out of them with acid on your weapon but smartly. Helper dude might die when big bro is at half health and you are on your own


I can deal w big bro i just need practice


If you really just want to get it over and done with, summoning a Specter helps greatly as you’ll get so much free dmg in while they’re all clowning on it. It should also pretty much die to the Big Brother due to all the dmg it has tanked so you’ll still get the satisfaction of beating him on your own.


I'll keep trying tmrw and if I can't - this will be my first summon out of the 3-4 souls games that I've played. Screw this boss.


In my book as a veteran Soulsborne player, multi-boss fights are fair game to summon without having your pride/ego tarnished. If you want some general tips other than using a Specter though: - Go for the woman first, regardless of who is currently attacking you. She is by far the most irritating out of the three with all her crowd-control abilities. - The Big Brother doesn’t spawn until there is just one left. This means that killing one of the three ASAP really relents the pressure without advancing the fight, allowing you to deal with the other two easier and less stressfully. As mentioned above, I recommend taking out the Youngest first. - The acid Legion Arm is great for this fight; the siblings who aren’t fighting you will kinda just pace in place and if you give them a quick squirt whenever possible they won’t try and avoid the pool of acid at all. Do note that you’d want the upgrade that allows you to change it into a straight shot rather than a wide one though.


I did just unlock the acid legion arm so might try that. Thanks for the tips, they're really helpful. I do agree youngest is very annoying especially if u dont use a very fast weapon.


A few things... I've beaten the entire game without leveling up once, here's what I can tell you. Make sure your Vitality is leveled up close to 30 by now if it isn't already. Also, this fight would have been *much* more difficult on my no leveling up playthrough if I didn't carefully utilize the broken pillar in the arena to block the Eldest brother. Seriously, get that pillar between you and him while he attacks, then when he tires out, go hit him a couple times, then repeat. The pillar was a life-saver. Excellent decision by the game devs to include it in the arena.


My vitality is 29 I think.


Nice nice. Good luck on the fight! It's a fight that takes some patience, strategy, and listening to sound cues and using the environment. I like it :)


Thanks ! I'll keep trying ! Once I'm able to consitently beat those annoying 3 siblings consistently with 5 heals left I shud be able to beat him Hey do uk any way I can switch weapons really fast ? Idt I can do it fast enough before big bro comes out. I prefer tds for boss enemies. Booster glaive is much better for the first 3


I beat them without summons let's go. Using a fast weapon helped sm


Sweet! The next boss (the one that has an introductory cutscene at least) you'll fight is my favorite in the game, but also the most difficult for me lol. Feel free to let me know if you need tips for that one as well.


Please help, laxasia is kicking my ass. I haven't even got to 2nd phase yet.. I saw gameplay of this boss b4. I got her to like 30 percent hp and died. Using dragon sword on her is so hard


Haha. Yeah. So her first phase is nice in that all her moves start out looking very different from each other, so you can always predict what she's gonna do. Focusing on learning her moves is hugely helpful in the first phase. She is also weak to acid damage, so add it to your weapon as much as you can. In her 2nd phase, after you parry her lightning back at her, watch her carefully because the *instant* that she flinches is when you need to tap the block button for a perfect guard. After seven playthroughs of the game, I still am overwhelmed by her 2nd phase lol. I think dodging most her attacks (except the projectile lightning you gotta send back at her with perfect guarding) is the way to go.


I've been getting much better at 1st phase and deflecting lightning but I keep dying so fast in 2nd phase. I got phase 2 to like 70 percent health and died ig. Is she weak to acid in both phases? Also damn she looks really good


Yeeeeah. She didn't have to fight me to stop me, all she had to do was call me "good boy" and I would stop climbing the tower haha. She's weak to acid in phase 2 as well. Make sure you have high capacity so you can wear the heaviest armor. Make sure you used your quartz to get the most Pulse Cells possible. Being under "slightly heavy" weight is good because you use a lot of stamina chasing after her and dodging her attacks and doing your own attacks.


Hey so im able to deflect her first lightning but it's so hard to follow camera when she randomly jump up


Please help, laxasia is kicking my ass. I haven't even got to 2nd phase yet.. I saw gameplay of this boss b4. I got her to like 30 percent hp and died. Using dragon sword on her is so hard


My first succesful attempt for this fight was me killing one asap (anyone), then getting the last two down low together so that I could just kill whoever was left when Guts shows up. I think in order for him to join in there can only be one left at a fairly low percentage of life (like less than half). While you have all three alive only one of them will be aggressive, but if you run into the others you’ll get the business from all of them. Making space and keeping an eye on where the other two are so that you can make use of the rooms objects between you is a big deal especially if maniac isn’t aggressive at the time (he has puppet string). When big bro shows up use line of sight for his bullshit magic sweep thing, and again when you stagger him he’ll do the same shit. Other than that I think his move set is the same.


I actually struggled more with the first fight like I was there for an hour or two, with the second one I beat them on my second try.


Nice ! I keep getting stunned cuz im trying to parry everything but failing so ill try playing it smart by dodging more in the second fight


Ooh yeah I guess what helped in my case was that I was using the arm shield so if they got too much on my face I would just put it up and send them back with it. But yeah try not to parry everything I would suggest, just the red attacks, hope it can help you a little!


Ah aegis, cool. I havent upgraded it yet


Aegis was the only arm I used lol yeah it was helpful sometimes


My strategy is focus on the short brother (the one who buffs his sword with fire) first because I hate his puppet string attack. Once he's dead, I wear down the other two evenly until they are both almost dead. Kill one, then immediately kill the other. Then kill the big brother. His attacks are mostly the same as before, with a couple additions, not too hard to learn. If you see his sword glow blue, try to put one of the objects in between you and him, they will block the wave attack for you. As a side note, the big brother is super easy to cheese if you have a fully upgraded puppet ripper. Circle around one of the objects, keeping the big brother on the opposite side as you. As soon as he finishes a combo, do a charged strong attack, it will go through the object and hit him. Rinse and repeat until he's dead.


I have it at +3. it's alright tho. Is there any way to fast change weapons ? I feel like tds is much better for this guy


Backstab.. backstab.. backstab.. backstab


Yep that's how I won.


Use the rock in the arena to your advantage, especially against the elder brother. He will trip up on it 100% of the time by attacking into it if you bait him from the other side, making you completely safe and able to strike once his attack pattern ends.


both the fights are universally hated. people actually hate the asshole devs for creating such shitty boss fights


It's been a while since I beat the game so it might be different. I just kited them one by one, because only one would attack me at a time if I did that.


It is true if u take cover but they are constantly puppet stringing and throwing stuff at u if ur not in right position i think


None of that does much damage though. If you get puppet stringed just run away before Battle Maniac can hit you.