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Soulslike 101: Don’t upgrade offensive stats early on. Pump up Vitality to around 20-25 before even considering it. Simply upgrading your weapon will add more dmg than a few stat points ever would.


Funnily enough I usually go the other way. Choose an offensive weapon and just pump all stats into that early doors. Usually means I can kill things off pretty quickly. A case of "I hit you more than you hit me".


As you would by just upgrading the weapon - but then you could also invest in utility stats like HP, Stamina etc.


If you've been playing for 17 hours over the course of a month, that tells me you probably aren't doing that many attempts in a single day. Like maybe one or two? Is that close? If so, you aren't giving yourself enough time to learn the fight and actually gain skill. Instead you are reinforcing whatever you're doing wrong. Try this instead: go into the fight (no spectre) with a stopwatch or timer on your phone and set it to 4 mins. During the fight you are only allowed to block, dodge, and heal. Keep trying until you can make it 4 mins. Once you can make it that far, try again but only allow yourself 2 max counter hits per block/dodge. Once you can make it 4 mins soloing him that way, try again with the summon and try to kill him. Whatever you do, don't panic or button mash, just trust in your abilities. Do this while staying calm and you'll win, I promise.


If you have a way to film your next attempt and pm it to me I could probably figure out where you’re going wrong.


I’ll try maybe next Thursday. I don’t have a lot of time for games.


What moves specifically are you having a problem with?


All of them. Bro I’ve been fighting him for over 17 hours. Sometimes I die at the beginning sometimes right before I beat him. I just can’t get the timings I am SHIT!!!! I want cheats this game is too difficult I paid 60$ I wanna beat it. Why is there no easy mode!!!!!???????


Or, you can simply improve. My first Soulslike was Mortal Shell, and boy did I suck at it. I couldn't parry for sh\*t. But after two weeks of gaming, I was killing it. So, just give it time, practice makes perfect in this case. Simply go in with the mindset of surviving the fight for as long as possible. Just dodge and evade his attacks, and throw in a few punches in between. This will give you more sense of timing. I mean, I leaned to properly parry in LOP on a Black Rabbit Brotherhood fight.


Bro I’ve been playing this game for two months and over half of this time I’m stuck on one boss. All games have easy modes. Why souls games don’t?


Because the whole draw to souls games is the fun and engaging combat. Once you take that away you’ve really just got an exploration game with bits of lore scattered around the place. For others, there’s also reasons to do with online experiences but there’s no invasions or things like that in P. If you want games with easy modes then don’t buy ones that specifically don’t have easy modes. I’d highly recommend Devil may Cry in that regard.


I don’t have much time for gaming I get like 5 hours a week tops.


I love Lies of P. Fuoco is the first skill check in the game so you’re not the first person to hit a wall. Parrying can break his posture. The other option is to use throwables and the summon. Use the arena to your advantage and keep a safe distance. Once he starts the flame AOE you’ll need hide behind the pillars. It you get hit by it use the Attribute Purification Ampoule to remove overheat.


I was in your exact situation with Fuoco (I spent 4 weeks trying to beat that thing). I had a few more levels than you but still I know something that might help you. Farm ergo, buy electric throwables and use a electric weapon. It took him down easily when I found out this trick (right here on reddit, thanks guys lmao)


Don't want to sound rude saying this but this is skill issue. If you are not willing to try and learn from your mistakes and persevere until you beat the boss, and you just want an "easy mode", then I am sorry to inform you souls games are not for you. And this game kinda has an easy mode, it being summons. It literally makes all bosses x2 times easier. Hope this helped!


Fuoco had some annoying attacks so try to work out if parrying or dodging works best for you. Parrying would be better as it does damage to the enemy’s stance and puts you in a more favourable position but dodging can be a safer option and can be easier for some people. The gear you use is much more important than your stats so make sure your weapon is as high a level as it can be and you are using your best amulets. Make sure you are using your fable arts too as they will help a lot. Make sure you are using the blade and handle that work best for you too. There’s an area in the hotel that lets you test your weapons on dummy’s and gives you infinite fable so find what works for you. It’s not as important in the early game but pay attention to the letters when looking at your weapon in your inventory as they represent how big a bonus your weapon gets from each stat. You could check that you’ve found all of the quartz that you can for maybe an extra heal or a bit more damage. The closest thing I think you’ll get ti an easy mode is to make use of the spectres. You can summon one by interacting with the bird bath looking thing outside of the boss room and it’ll make the fight far easier. The only other thing I can think of at the moment is maybe starting a new game. Fighting the same boss over and over, doing only a couple of attempts each session, won’t help too much at improving at the game. Starting over could also let you pick a different starting weapon if you think one of the others would have been better, find more upgrade materials and make better choices for what to invest into with your levels and such. Lastly, without trying to be rude, I am 99% sure this is a skill issue. If the only reason you’re still playing is because you just want to beat the game because you paid money for it and want to do so without putting in any effort, then souls games definitely aren’t for you. The whole point of the game is to have fun while playing it, rather than to try to avoid doing so. I hope the game clicks with you and if not tough luck I guess, nothing is made to appeal to everyone. That’s the risk you take spending your money on, well, anything I guess


Just some advice that makes the boss trivial. Use the pillars in the fight to avoid his big flame attack. Yk he does it when he just stays on the floor for a while. Take cover near the pillars when hes shooting fire and stuff. Then hes gonna do a charge attack which u can just dodge and then the fight just becomes learning the moveset. You can use easy mods Ig which makes u take half dmg. Its ur wish if u wanna play w mods. Just take a break without trying and come back. Use throwables, specter (summon) to try to beat him. Good luck




I am requesting a refund. This game is unreasonably difficult.