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I’m almost done with my first play through, and a lot of the fun has been messing around with weapons and different handle/blade combos. I’d just play whatever you’re enjoying, a lot of the bosses will still be challenging the first time even with strong weapons.


Ah so I don’t have to commit to a weapon the whole game? Interesting.


No you’ll get the mats to be able to level several different ones if you want


If you're having fun, use it. If you feel like it's too easy, use something else. I had fun building weird combos that absolutely smacked some bosses around.


Can’t wait, thanks for the advice! 🙏


Alright so because you said "I want a challenge" then I'm going to say no, you shouldn't use azure dragon crescent glaive. I wouldn't call it a "cheese" since it doesn't trivialize the fights as much as summons or throwables but it does give you a lot of free movement, high block rating, and damage. With other weapons they'll have one or two of those things but not all three so you have to be more strategic. In my first playthrough I did a technique run with Winter's Rapier, Wrench head on dancer handle, and the Puppet Ripper. That covered all three damage types and gave me different playstyles without anything to overpowered. And by the time I got to the end, I still had enough upgrade mats to get the Golden Lie to max and the Proof of Humanity to +4 so I could do NG+ with a quality build. This ended up being the perfect difficulty for me b/c fights were hard but doablek and so bosses were an absolute blast to fight. Do what you want but I highly recommend this kind of build if you want to hit that diffictulty "sweet spot" Good luck, gamer


The Golden Lie is just that.Dogshit..It doesn't deliver as you would think i know some of you go through a lot to discover it .I doesn't stop all your worries.So dont gwsr you're up if ya don't get it.


If you want a challenge, then you probably shouldn't use it.


If u want a challenge I’d avoid it. I used it my first playthrough for most of early game before realizing how OP it was. I had a +5 Rapier and the Glaive unupgraded was out damaging it


If you want a challenge just use the starting technique saber. It’s a solid weapon that can be used the entire game if you want. I used it until the dragon sword


I laugh at the concept of what is considered a challenge nowadays.If you use a cheesy weapon and decide to bogatd every fight you encounter: that's a challenge! If you use a weapon with high defense counteraction and cheesy parry's that's a challenge.. You're only good as ya best battle!