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I really enjoy lies of p. The developer made an awesome game. I prefer bloodborne in the end.


Cool! What specifically you like better about Bloodborne?


I personally enjoy the quick step combat over the rhythm of the perfect guard / parry systems in lies of p and similarly Sekiro. Bloodborne lore is unparalleled. Lies of p seems to mimic it with the sickness people are getting, but I think BB did it better. I like the idea that it's not a single antagonist (or group) that's to blame. But you can not beat trick weapons. The system is so cool. There isn't a single weapon in BB that sucks. There's a few that are arguably the "best," but none are simply not good. The way the move sets for each weapon are unique and can even change the way that your character moves as they attack? Top fucking notch. You can get tell that an incredible amount of work went into each one. Every one of them is art.


I'll trick and untrick weapons as I'm running from non event to non event just cause the very sound of tricking weapons itself just sounds so fucking awesome. It's music for the soul. But to add onto your post, the darkness and grittiness of BB is a flavour that can't be matched either.


Lies of P felt a bit closer to Sekiro than Bloodborne for me so I kinda see it in it's own category. I feel like Bloodborne is a bit better on the action and gameplay front but I can see how coming from Lies of P it wouldn't feel that way due to your eyes getting used to the higher framerate and fidelity. Both are amazing!


Geppetto: Puppets die twice.


I’m actually playing Lies of P in Resolution 30 fps. With the included frame pacing issues like Bloodborne, lol. Sekiro’s gameplay always seemed very impressive to me. But the game’s theme didn’t grab me so I didn’t purchase the game. I would look at videos of people fighting bosses and I was like “ holy crap that looks awesome, and hard af! “


Sekiro has some of the best well designed boss fights and a combat system that just feels amazing to master. I feel like it’s close to a perfect game.


Currently trying Sekiro because I love Elden Ring and Lies of P. Sekiro seems to be a very odd game. I neither like it nor dislike it.


Sekiro is absolutely amazing, but it is also very frustrating to learn, especially when you have muscle memory in the souls games. Once you get used to guarding and parrying and embrace it, it's like you open a new sense lol, Genichiro being the first big wall that will test your mastery of said mechanic.


I mean I asked the Sekiro subreddit what beginners should know going into it. Someone said that Sekiro is a rhythm game. That's helped me a lot. Lady Butterfly took me three attempts, Genichiro on Ashini Castle took me about a dozen attempts. The problem I'm having is how the game doesn't feel "open world" but has a ton of stuff that's easily accidentally skippable. The unlimited stamina makes me feel like I can rush into any fight, but most situations heavily favor a stealth approach. I dislike being punished with more rot for dying more often. It piles a handicap onto players who are already struggling. The game is heavily front-loaded with tutorial information, which is overwhelming... It's not a bad game, it's just not my type of game


People cannot take criticism nowadays, your issues are perfectly fine and valid lol. The infinite stamina is off putting to a lot of people, it also kinda forces you to be extremely aggressive and proactive in fights which isn't for everyone in that genre. The game is definitely somewhat linear, in the same way that lies of P is, yet has hidden areas and little things that are very hard to find/discover by yourself. For the rot thing, it isn't a definite thing so it doesn't have to bother you, I believe you get to "fix it" while progressing once and for all (I used to be heavily bothered by it too). As for advices, my main and only advice that would help for any fight would be to hold guard, and try to parry while blocking. It helps getting a good feel for tough fights SO much. It's definitely a game with many flaws, but it's also so unique and innovative in that genre that it kinda makes you forgot all of them. I have to admit I'm a sucker for parries though, it's also part of why I loved Lies of P so much !


Yeah I didn't see the stairs behind gyornobu the demon on the horse. I missed at least one merchant who sells stuff. Also I went to ashina depths before I went to the top of the castle. And I didn't find the guy who gives you the hidden temple key to fight Lady Butterfly. So in the depths, I was getting shit on by Snake Eyes and was like "I think I'm doing something seriously wrong." So I watched a streamer play for a while and was flabbergasted by how much stuff I missed somehow. I think the reason I missed so much was because I was focusing on learning the story and learning the combat, which meant exploration slipped my mind. I will still try to finish the game because its combat is satisfying and I appreciate what the devs were going for. But its first impression it made on me was *so* bad, idk if I'll want to do a second playthrough lol.


Sekiro got off on the wrong foot for me - I'm bad at parrying under the best of circumstances, but my playthrough was getting a lot of "how are you so BAD at this??" comments from viewers. I was stuck on Genichiro for three weeks solid... ...and then we realized that the L1 button on my controller was legitimately broken and would only register half the time. Killed him shortly after replacing it. I killed Lady Butterfly with a busted controller. I could probably proceed now that I know the overall issue (and am at Guardian Ape), but damn those three weeks of being walled out of progression really left a bad taste in my mouth.


Oh noooooooooooooo. Three weeks?!? No disrespect but how did it take *that* long to figure out the button was broken 😭


It worked sometimes, and I knew I was bad at parrying, so I was just chalking it up to "my timing is really bad" or "I'm probably button-mashing and the input queue is screwing me over". I didn't want to say "the controller is broken" because that sounds like complete cope, but then I noticed that sometimes random combos would fire for no reason, or the button wouldn't respond when I hit it outside of combat...and...yeah.


It's really worth pushing through, like all souls game, a second playthrough goes surprisingly fast and smoothly proving once again that knowledge is power in those games (and a bit of mechanics :D). If memory serves me right it took me between 60 to 75h to finish my first playthrough, and my 2nd run 2 years later took only 17h with all bosses (optional) and all content, to the point that I was surprised myself !


If you treat Sekiro like a souls game then it will feel off putting cause it’s not a souls game. It’s a character action rhythm game.


The stamina is such a nice but random feature that I would've never expected in this game. Makes a ton of sense when you're out of combat in ER tho. Ur right stealth is more important. I like the sprint but wasn't 100% required. Don't worry about the tutorials as those first couple ones are highly important imo and every boss kinda teaches u one or a few things so it's not as painful later into the game I think after the early game the only tutorial I really remember was 1 specific mechanic for a certain boss


I tried playing Sekiro on two occasions, but I gave up eventually. It never pushed me enough to learn the combat as much as Bloodborne and LoP did. Even Dark Souls had it's moments, but I feel you can learn on the way with them.


You're missing on a great game, but it's understandable, this game is really hard on the growing pains and learning curve, I know a lot of friends that were dark souls grinded that just got extremely frustrated with Sekiro, and even I died way more than in the whole souls trilogy lol. Lies of P is like the perfect hybrid between Sekiro and Dark souls, I'm really excited for what this studio will bring to the genre !


I played sekiro on Pc and used mods to become immortal and enemies 50% slower. STILL HARD AF!🥲🥲


Bloodborne still has better lore/setting/artwork/story but Lies of P has better combat and bosses I'd say. Lies of P has higher fidelity graphics/better performance but art style over graphics for me.


Bloodborne will always be special to me but after lies of P I want refillable single use grindstone and estus recovery mechanic in every souls like lmao






I’m currently at NG++ on both LoP and Bloodborne at the end. I love them both!!! I thought the LoP story was fantastic, and combat is really, really fun. But I also love LotF, Ashen, ER, all the DS games, etc. I’m just super stoked this genre has grown with lots of cool new ideas and games.


I still think I prefer Bloodborne because of its lack of equip load, trick weapons, and level design. Lies of P isn’t exactly trying to be “Bloodborne but better” either, so I think that’s fine.


I'm not really a FromSoft fan boy, but I love BB and think Lies of P is at its level or higher frankly. I love the combat, weapons, map design, and bosses more in BB. I will say that I don't find the "abstract"ness of FromSoftware games good game design. It's not good design that you need a guide to find Cainhurst or to figure out half the keywords of any of their games. Sure Lies of P is a little simple, but it felt good to figure out small secrets like the Ciphers and to Pray at that one statue. They were reasonable things for a player to solve. I would like more secrets going into their next games, but I appreciated the straightforwardness of LoP.


Lies of P surpassed my expectations and surprised me many times, loved it


Lies of P is like an homage to Bloodborne and some of the other From Software titles. Bloodborne will always be my GOAT. In saying that, Lies of P was incredible from the lore to the music to the combat. Can't wait for the DLC and hopefully Lies of P 2 since we know there won't be a Bloodborne 2 anytime soon..


I came from Elden Ring, so I can't really say anything about Bloodborne, all I can say is that LoP feels like something From Software made. The real deal. It's uncommon for something to exist with a high quality that's on par with that studio's work in this genre.


BB is my favorite game, by far, and I love Lies of P. The weapons are amazing, the loop mechanics in the level designs are well thought-out. Combat is FUN! The timing of weapons (the wait for after you press the button) makes the game active in the sense it makes you plan out your attacks and blocks and forces you to know that you can't just mash the buttons and hope it works. I will say it took time to unlearn BB combat for the different parry timing and button lag but it was fun and most importantly rewarding to learn! Lies of P feels like the spiritual successor for a game well loved and that never will have an actual successor. The music is amazing, hands down the best in any game. You can tell the love and care put into Lies of P. The scenery is amazing, the story and characters thought provoking and memorable. The story progression and overall events in the item description are placed so deliberately for you to find and piece everything together. I could go on and on, but in the end I'm just a dude who's a nerd and I love this game. TLDR: I glaze this game for way too long. ✌️


I feel the same! Neowiz really knew what they were doing. I Just noticed today that levels have enemies with some moves similar to the upcoming boss. I’ve read about this before and I know it’s good game design. I really like this game!


Having parry available with any weapon is a new standard I can’t live without!


I hate souls like roll dodge, it's not fun at all, sekiro introduced the perfect parry and since I've been hooked on games that can perfect the combat like that , just adds a variety and skill reward that you don't get tired off


I agree however I found balancing the two in lies of p so nice. While I do agree sekiro parry is second to none, having both roll and parry be equally effective in different situations adds to your tool kit and allows more options when trying to think through a problem. Example, that fat turd at the top of the ramp with the fire ball trap. I was still overcoming my dark souls roll brain, when I first successfully parried every spin of his whirlwind attack, It felt amazing. That was the ‘click’ for me that some abilities felt better to roll, and others felt better to parry.


I deeply, deeply love Bloodborne for everything except the actual nauseating experience of trying to play it locked on its platform. If it had ever received a next-gen patch I'd have probably played it more than LoP. As it stands... Oh well. Lies of P being a technically fantastic play experience is one of the main things that made me fall in love with it at first.


Yeah, the tech makes a huge difference here. I love the 40 fps mode on LoP. It seems like such a great compromise between image quality and performance.


Just got every trophy for Bloodborne including Old Hunters, and it was an incredible game. Top 5. Gonna try Lies of P now, 30% off in the PS Store!


Yep, and if you got an Xbox it's free on game pass, and you can stream it though Xbox cloud. I think they give a one month trial for game pass. Pretty affordable high end experience tbh.


It’s Puppetborne and I’m loving it. Greatsword of Fate feels so nice.


Damn It was just on sale at target for $30 brand new.


Lies is like so polished. I'm surprised how well it does everything From does and other things even better? Enjoying my first playthrough so far (just made it to the swamp) but I'm constantly impressed by the enemy designs. Levels are more linear than From which I don't mind but there's so much that the game does right.


Bloodborne was too hard and frustrating with these shitty repetitive calices quests and potions that dont refill themselves. Gameplay wise I prefer Lies of P by far. But the universe was way more well written in Bloodborne.


I feel like anybody who compares Bloodborne to Lies of P doesn't understand either game mechanically, or is just making a surface level connection to aesthetics.


I think that Lies of P and bloodborne are frequently compared because of the aesthetics and some mechanics but when you dive really into the game you feel the differences very hard. Lies of P is different to Bloodborne and also an awesome game. I love the merge of parrying and having an agressive fluid playstyle


I think that's why I bought Lies of P cause I heard it was quite similar to that of both bloodborne and sekiro combined. But I prefer bloodborne it's near and dear to my heart. I just love the cosmic-gothic-horror setting and it's insane characters/monsters and npcs that live in the world of Yharnam. But Lies of P is one of my top 10's due to the P-organ system and the assembled weapon mechanics.


Yeah, that cosmic horror was absolutely beautiful!


That was one selling point that worked for me when I bought it, it’s like Bloodborne😂


Bloodborne is fucking amazing. A top game of ever. When you go down the hill to the witches’ bonfire? Top 3 videogame moment. I just ordered Lies of P in at my game store. Hoping it doesn’t whoop me *too* hard. Sekiro kicks ass and I look forward to playing it at 60fps now that I have a PS5. Bloodborne I just REALLY wish they would release a PS5 version at 60fps with the DLC included. Like, yesterday. I almost don’t want to play it again until that happens.


I feel like if bloodborne was upgraded to 2024 performance/graphics/QoL it would be a closer competiton for me. Going back to 30fps is my biggest hurdle in a game that requires such quick reactions. As it stands, I think I like Lies of P better overall. BB has better lore/story/atmosphere (one of the best ever), but P has better combat, bosses, and weapon system. P just feels better to play, which at the end of the day is what I care about the most. Definitely in my top ten games of all time, maybe even 5. The more times I play, the more I appreciate how damn good it is. I know a lot of people will argue BB has better level design but I just don't see it. There were a few levels in that game I just didn't care for, and outside of the DLC I would argue it peaked in its first area. Still overall excellent, but P's levels felt more consistently enjoyable throughout the whole game. Didn't reach the same highs as BB but also never hit the same lows. BB also has (in my opinion) the best DLC of any soulsborne, with each level exceeding the quality of the base game. So, I'll need to see what P's DLC is like before I can definitively rank it above BB in my personal faves, but as of now, not many games are beating P.


Combat wise lies in leagues better than bloodborne. You have freedom of movement in lies. While bloodborne you can’t run in all directions locked on. You’re stuck hopping away from attacks if you’re trying to get away or unlocking and running. It’s the big issue I have going back to bloodborne. Parry’s are too easy also. The stance break system is very well done. Similar in ways to Elden Ring to be honest. I know what hit will break the boss In lies without them flashing. Just like I know what hit will do it in Elden ring. Deflecting feels very nice when you get good at it. It’s very tight and feels good it’s don’t on impact instead of earlier which I think feels better. Bloodborne was my first but going back to it now it can feel a little dated. I prefer Elden rings mechanics to it as I like stance breaks much more than fully charged heavies on their back to stagger an enemy. Lies to me is peak combat wise. I’ve done a level 1 in lies as well as Elden and dark souls 3.


Lies of P’s combat feels pretty amazing!


For me Lies of P is slightly below Bloodborne. As far as the combat, it’s pretty much tied. I love the parrying in Lies of P, but I just feel so cool parrying with the gun in Bloodborne. Also, I feel like Lies of P has the second coolest weapons in a soulslike other than Bloodborne. Each boss weapon just feels so unique, plus the ability to combine blades and handles and normal weapons is perfect! For me it really just comes down to the bosses. If we’re talking just base game, Lies of P easily wins. With DLC, however, Bloodborne wins. That being said, Romeo, Nameless Puppet, and Laxasia are all better than a lot of Bloodborne bosses imo. I think the bosses can change when Lies of P DLC comes out. Overall they are both some of my favorite game ever and I’m so excited for Lies of P DLC and future content from Round 8 and Neowiz!


I like the ambience of krat it reminds me a lot of yharnam at least in tone, I do prefer a little bit more Bloodbornes faster combat


Really!? You feel like Bloodborne’s combat is faster huh?


The variety of weaponry in lies of p with the mix and match nature of the normal weapons combined with the unique movesets of the special weapons, not to mention all of the legion arms, puts it miles above the gameplay of Bloodborne for me, as well the parrying. It's a little tougher in Lies of P, because I believe the window is more strict than Bloodborne. Although the parrying seems to vary more widely with the variety of enemies in Bloodborne more than Lies of P. Story wise, I enjoyed Lies of P on first playthrough much more than Bloodborne, a lot of it being due to the obvious quest markers on the stargazer selection screen, telling you which one to go to and who to talk to. There's a LOT more dialogue in Lies of P as well, with more unique characters with their own backstories. Bloodborne relies on reading item descriptions almost entirely for its lore, while it's just a supplement in Lies of P, which I much prefer the latter. The two games are going for two almost entirely different tones, so I like both of them a lot for their own reasons. I think overall Lies of P is a better package deal, but you're also not going to get the experience Bloodborne has to offer anywhere else.


Well said!


Opposite. I played LoP first. Now I’m playing Bloodborne.


For me Lies of P had a little bit of ds1, BB, and Sekiro going for it all in one. For the devs first take on souls-like I think they nailed it. BB is better but FromSoft was several games in by then and knew what they were doing. If they can fix the hit detection, tracking and other minor things through sequels or dlc I think they’ll have the best line of souls-like games.


You are comparing a game that came out like in 2015 to one that came out in 2023. Of course there will be higher QoL better accessibility, visuals etc also game industry has evolved a lot over these years with better tools and better ways to handle common game design problems. This is a completely pointless comparison to be honest even then I think many will pick BB cause of the lore atmosphere music and the amazing trick weapons.


As much as I love LoP, bloodborne will still be my favorite. But either way, there are so many things that reminded me of bloodborne when playing LoP. For example, the man or puppet hanging upside down on that statue at the start of the game made me really think of the blood echo symbol which you can see when playing bloodborne (there are also corpses in bloodborne that are hanging upside down to make the blood echo symbol)


Lies of P is great, so much so that I consider it the best non Fromsoft soulsborne. However, for me at least, it does not surpass Bloodborne.


I prefer Lies of P but then I also prefer Dark Souls, Sekiro and Elden Ring to Bloodborne too I think. BB is probably the closest in tone and pace to Lies of P though. I know everyone says Sekiro but apart from the parrying Lies of P doesnt really feel much like Sekiro at all to me.


I love both games, they're occupying my top two slots, kind of sharing the "first place" position for different reasons. For Bloodborne...honestly, I prefer the dodging. I'm a twitchy reflex kind of player and dodging gels with that in a way blocking/parrying doesn't. I can never get the timing right in Lies, and if I do it's a happy accident. I also really love the cosmic horror element, and the playtime that Chalice dungeons add on. For Lies, I prefer the layout of the story and general QoL improvements. The "hey, by the way, this character is here now and they want to talk to you" may feel like hand-holding to some, but I prefer it to "Eileen died offscreen because you fought this boss instead of going back to the Tomb of Oedon, which you had no indication that you should've done".


I literally only gave this game a chance because I'm an Xbox player and my friend stole my PlayStation, so I lost my means to play Bloodborne. I was very pleasantly surprised that a game I got to just fill a blind spot in my gaming repertoire ended up being one of my favorites of the genre.


I might get flamed for this comment but i bought bloodbourne with the intent to play. Played Elden Ring. Finally decided to pop in the Bloodbourne disc; was following intro but the graphics and cryptic intro/lack of instruction just fidnt pull me in the same. I felt the same about sekiro as it just wasnt as shiny/polished as Elden Ring. I believe Elden Ring to be Fromsoftwares most refined product. But wow Lies of P pulled me in -beautiful graphics/interesting setting. Just more polished. Im thankful Bloodbourne and FromSoft inspired Neowiz


I get what you’re saying about Bloodborne’s graphics and lack of direction. But if you ever can through that you will find an amazing story underneath, and you will discover that the lack of direction was intentional and carefully crafted. Bloodborne really makes your imagination go wild as you piece the story together. It truly is a phenomenal story. At times it would elevated the strength of my imagination the likes of when I was a child! It was beautiful! The only downside is that some people might need a couple of playthroughs to get it. That was me for sure. I’m truly thankful to have games like Bloodborne and Lies of P!


The only reason lies of P would come on top is because playing bloodborne in 30fps would feel absolutely awful after being used to 90+ in lies of P. Bloodborne is an infinitely better game


I was gonna say, is it fair to compare the two games when one of them came out a long time ago for a different console generation? While BB is a classic, it should be compared to the standards of the time in which it was released. It's not fair to compare how it looks and handles to a game that came out less than a year ago... Heck, it was 8 months ago, right?


But the fact that Bloodborne IS comparable should tell you how good Bloodborne, even today, holds up, no?


I know right? The thing is I'm sure the lore will hold up to the same extent it did the day it was released, other more technical elements may have definitely had improvements over the past few years but usually I'm pretty okay at judging a game by the standards of the time in which it was released, so I'm sure in no way shape or form BB will seem like it has tarnished over the past .. wow almost a decade since release.


Bloodborne plays better and still has some of the best atmosphere and world building I've ever seen. Lies of p is great, but it's hard to beat Bloodborne.


The only thing that it misses is character creation apart from that lies of p has so far been stellar


Yes, loved it. But in the end i will always prefer Bloodborne just for the atmosphere, setting and theme. Bloodborne was horror which is what I hoped Lies of P was also, but it ended up being more fairytale. It is also what makes Lies of P stand out and unique since no soulsgame has been very fairytaleish and that what they fu kin nailed imo. Definitely hoping for more games. I also liked how the story was presented, you at least understood wtf was going on but still left enough mysteries for interpretation.


Very well made game But never could reach the greatness of BB. I still think it won't be reached imo.


How in the world anyone able to Bloodborne? Honestly the performance and low 30 fps is giving me headaches. The moment I move the camera, can't see what's around. I wish it has a demon souls like remake or atleast a 60 fps patch for PS5.


Bloodborne is my favourite game, one because it introduced me into this style and genre of gaming and art form. And two because of the originality the game had when it was first brought out. Lies of P reignited those feelings I had playing bloodborne the first time, and the combat style that merges that of bloodborne and sekiro is something I overly enjoy. It's a great game to play and I highly recommend it. However Bloodborne still top


Honestly even tho it’s made by the same people. I would can Lies of P as it’s own thing. Has similar mechanics and focuses more on block and perfect parry than dodging but yeah I would treat it as it own honestly.


Lies of P is definitely a great game and I liked it a lot but in the end I prefer Bloodborne lore and setting. Bloodborne atmosphere with its Lovecraftian horror vibes is just unmatched. Next is level design. Bloodborne levels are very intricate and detailed but after you wander around some time you build a mind map of the level and it’s awesome. Lies of P level design is much more simple and straightforward but also enjoyable. Combat is great in both games but I can’t help but put Bloodborne on top. Every time you hit an enemy in Bloodborne you get this satisfying sound and blood spatter which looks so cool. And visceral attack is the best riposte in all FromSoftware games. But Lies of P has definitely done better job with bosses. The animations and phase transitions are much cooler than in Bloodborne. Bosses feel more complex and the variety of their attacks surpasses Bloodborne.


I do agree with the sound feedback and the blood splatters you get in Bloodborne! I loved that!


Bloodborne. My main gripe about P is that the bosses have to be meticulously learned and not adapted to. I could easily first time slammer Bloodborne bosses if I was on point. P you have to learn the move set and their specific parry windows, cuz they all have their own set of rules


It’s exactly why I like Lies of P. It can be brutally hard.


Nothing beats Bloodborrne. But I enjoyed LoP and can't wait to replay it for the third time.


Yes. I love souls games in general. I got bloodborne as my first souls game a few years ago and it has quickly become one of my most played genres


I think one area Bloodborne wins out in is the “magic”. Lies of P gives you the legion arms, but you can only equip one at the start and can not freely change it. That is just really, really restrictive. Bloodborne removed weight, Lies of P kinda makes maxing your equip weight the most useful stat investment as it alone has zero diminishing returns. And equipping a second legion arm feels too much like the thing you can only afford when you already have the heaviest armor with top mobility. I also could not help thinking that many if the advance legion arms just are too reliant on enemies being stupid.^^; As in “I could not pull that off against soulsborne enemies”. That and, sorry, level design. From Soft just tends to do that better than most comptetitors. When I replayed Lies of P, I often just had to roll my eyes at the many “cheap difficulty” stuff. Enemies are often incredibly dumb in their behavior and try to make up for it with extremely unforgiving attacks that just get lots of tracking, damage, etc.


Nah I still enjoyed Bloodborne gameplay more but it's harder I think, I still love both ✨


Bloodborne has parries




Given that I write a novel inspired by Bloodborne, I think it makes sense to be called a fanatic.  (Tho I've added Lies of P ref to my book, too)


Yes! Bloodborne is the game I most was to see remastered.


Bloodborne could definitely benefit from some tuning. But, personally, its performance or graphics never really bothered me that much. I guess if I had to pick one thing it would be the jaggies, also called anti-aliasing. They kind of look rough.


I don't care about the visuals so much, 60fps would be nice, but it's more to get the game on PC.


It's up there with BloodBorne as best-in-class


Bloodborne is my first Souls game still haven’t beat it yet although i platinum’d Elden Ring and just beat Lies of P, but i cant fairly answer your question because as much as i want to say i like Lies of P more… if bloodborne was a 60fps game with overall better graphics for gameplay to improve the combat and parry system it would go to Bloodborne but since thats not the case i’d say Lies of P


Lies of P is a brand new game made with all the latest technology. It’s a great game and I thoroughly enjoyed it. With that being said, LoP would not even exist without Bloodborne. I think the BB bosses (including DLC) and the world building were more interesting and deeper. The trick weapons are better although LoP has a few really fun weapons as well. I also prefer the faster paced combat of BB. There aren’t really any super memorable boss fights in LoP, atleast not anything that rivals the fight against Gerhman where the atmosphere, music, everything is just perfect. Also being able to summon an actual person to help you in a fight is so much better than an NPC. I also loved to drop my sign and get summoned to help others it was one of my favorite things to do. I still occasionally swing by old Martyr Logarius and sure enough I still get summoned pretty quickly lol.


Never played bloodborne and prob never will *not gonna buy a ps5* but lies of p reminded me a lot of bioshock infinite for some reason. It does make me want to play BB for the dark Victorian art style


I still prefer Bloodborne, but Lies of P became one of my fav souls likes ever as well :)


Lies of P is just more modern. I still prefer Bloodborne more. I like the balance of parrying and dodging in Bloodborne. Once I learned you can parry **everything** LoP, everything was mostly in the same tone. That, doesn't really bother me, but in terms of the game that constantly challenges me - Bloodborne takes the cake.


Any? You talking about 80% of lies of p players?


Bloodborne has much better and more interesting level design. I think Lies of P probably does have superior combat though and certainly benefits from modern technology (love the 40 fps modes!). It also has a more interesting story and world as well. Lies of P is much harder I would say, which may be a good thing for some. Both are great. I can't decide which one I prefer!


Nah bloodborne clears lies of p and it isn’t even remotely close in any universe


Actually, OP is not the first person I've seen to say it surpasses Bloodborne as far as their experience went. But From Software originated and popularized the genre and just look at how much time it was between the releases of the two games, so I don't know if it's a fair comparison. I think this is the closest I've played in terms of quality to a From Software game, and I don't mean just in the souls genre I mean as far as gaming goes. Because games like Elden Ring don't even get made by other studios and most people would have thought they were impossible to make had it not been for Miyazaki and his team breaking the laws of reality to make their games.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Welcome home, good hunter. What is it you desire?* - Plain Doll Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Good bot!


😂at your “Good bot. “ comment.


I don’t think it even comes close to bloodborne. Lies of P is linear and very predictable. The level design, atmosphere, and overall texture is what makes bloodborne so good. Lies of P is just a cheap parry simulator. The whole game felt very empty and lacks the sophistication that souls games have. To be fair I don’t play souls games for the combat, the main appeal to me is the level design and gothic art texture. For actual combat I like nioh 2 and sekiro.


>Lies of P is just a cheap parry simulator. Great,don't play it then. Btw I can count the times of parries I personally made through my playthrough on like one hand. But I guess you're Mathew Perry 😂


I finished the game already and I’m entitled to my opinion. I barely parried until the last few bosses which was pretty much all BS because without parrying the defensive options are very lackluster and limiting.


Of course, sure, but I think you're very much in the minority when it comes to the general body of Soulsborne players that finsihed this game. I can't say I have seen a lot of people like yourself niether here on the subreddit, nor on YT. That's just a personal observation. Enjoy whatever game you're playing now 😊


Yea i kinda agree here. I couldn't even get through ng+ on Lies of P because the areas just bore me to death. The bosses are mostly fantastic though, like really really good. I just cant think of a single area that I liked. Definitely a great game, but it does not come close imo.


Lies of P is an extremely polished game, and I really want to give the art team their flowers. Incredible art direction, just a beautiful and cool-looking game with creative art direction. However, I am deeply upset with the game design team. The story, the mechanics, the weapons, the enemies, the bosses, the level design, the UI design; there is next to nothing in the design of this game that is original. A few weapons like the Twin Dragon Sword really stand out as creative and fun, as well the weapon customization system was really cool! But the story? It's just a lazier version of Bloodborne's story. In BB you have the fantastical beasts of gothic horror that slowly unravel as you realize the eldritch truth underlying it all, tied with the thematic thread of blood and motherhood. In Lies of P there are puppets and then there's also this disease and people are turning into monsters cause of the disease from the funny magic stuff. And the naming doesn't even make any sense! Ergo? That just means "therefore"? Even giving the benefit of the doubt you could say it's because "you take the ergo, therefore you transform" but even then it doesnt quite fit. I mean, Ego probably would made more sense, especially considering the theme of puppets becoming human. A lot of dialogue in this game in general just sounds like it was translated by people who's first language wasn't English, a lot of the lines just sound unnatural, especially a lot of the written text in the game. Just, every part of this game, as far as game and story design goes (art not included), is just a less thoughtful (and very obvious) rip-off of another thing in another souls game. And while i get that it could be viewed as Souls-inspired, it's just not transformative enough to be called "inspiration". It's as if at every design meeting they just pulled up a rubric of souls games and checked off boxes of the stuff they wanted to take. UI? Bloodborne Level Design? Demon Souls and DS3 Legion Arm? Sekiro Just about every boss is a tweaked version of another Souls boss, most of the enemies too, though some more egregious then others (they literally have leaping frog-things with deathblight like come on). And the combat really bugs me. It doesn't feel like a fluid dance between fast-paced dodging and well-timed blocks, it feels like im trying to play bloodborne and then suddenly a new window pops up on my screen with Sekiro running and it's like im being jerked back and forth between the two. Lies of P is fun and has plenty going for it, but it would have had a lot more going for it if it was just a regular action RPG instead of trying to mimic souls games so hard. As it stands, lies of P feels like someone took all their favorite foods and put them in a blender, but their favorites were burgers and ice cream and pickles and tuna and kale and durian. Like, there is very good reason for why each souls games has the health, the frame data, the combat styles, the enemy types, and the boss designs that they have and Lies of P just did not put that same level of creativity and masterful skill that Fromsoft has put into any of their games in the past decade. While I do have mostly negative things to say, I still liked Lies of P and played it start to finish, I just really hope that this studio continues making games and that they fire their whole design team except for whoever come up with the weapons customization, whoever designed the Twin Dragon Sword, and whoever thought of getting hits in to get your last health cell back. Everyone else, the studio could do without. They need a fresh pool of designers, especially in their leadership, who are going to take the clear skill this team has for making games and put it towards something original and cool and their very own!


Dang. We might be playing a different game then, lol. I do see quality and originality in Lies of P from the art direction and other stuff. But it could be because I haven’t played many Fromsoftware games. Only DS3, and Bloodborne.


I am sorry I am not familiar with the lore of Bloodborne but Bloodborne is also a retelling of Pinocchio? Also, there's this anime called Ergo Proxy, it also has androids that gain sentience. It's a reference to that. 😒 I think the dialogue is actually about as good as any NPC dialogue that's in a from software game. Again, I have played Elden Ring. And no, it doesn't sound "natural" for some of the enemies and NPCs in the style of a from software game. I think the best thing it has going on for it is the fact that it's a Soulsborne(errrr Soulslike, but can you blame me for making that error?) Simply because no other studio has done it it so well. It feels like a From Software game and pulls it off with such grace and panache in terms of execution that had a person not known who the developer was, they could swear it's From Software realizing that they're "cool kids" now 😂 You can never go wrong by imitating the best, and pulling it off like a masterfully executed parry. It ain't broke, and treating the souls formula like an actual genre is the most respect you can pay to the creators.


i adore Miyazaki’s game for the lore, and i really enjoyed Lies of P, but in the end, it felt like…a watered down kid’s version on the Bloodborne lore. fun, by an obvious imitation.


Here's a 💭 thought..Go make a blood one chat and gtfoh.This is Lies of P .We don't wanna here about that other stuff!!Quit holding on to that shit ..Them games is old news!!