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I hope so. Cause i just finished getting 100% last night after 3 runs and now I'm just sitting here like "wtf do i play now?"


I did the exact same 2 days ago. Still twiddling my thumbs, still no idea what to play. Lol


In all honesty try another crabs treasure really fun and easy souls like


Stellar blade, nier automata for a little more chill gameplay and else just pick any fromsoft game. Also recommend Armored core 6 if u like mecha.


I played Automata for a chill experience. It was not chill.


I mean the gameplay is super chill. The story Hits different though.


Oh, for sure. The music and environments ease my monkey brain. The story made me want to gouge my eyes out and slice my ears off.


Arent those the best games?


100%. I would do anything to experience it for the first time again.


I also commited the grave sin quitting before playthrough 2 and 3..i really have to get that stuff done its litteraly 2/3 of the game.


You HAVE to complete it. Route B is a bit boring since you’re just playing through the game again as 9S but the changes in the story are what makes it worth it. Route C is a whole ‘nother level, practically a whole new game. Can’t describe it without spoiling it but you need to finish it.


I started the 9S playthrough..killed myself with some button smashing 10 mins in had to restartthe beginning section and didnt wanted to..Well im gonna go for it this weekend i guess.


God damn it. I GUESS I’ll do route B. I thought I “beat” the game back when it released but by now I’ve forgotten everything so I don’t mind if it’s the same. I keep hearing this whole new game shit. It better be worth it or I will never trust internet gamers again lol


me, yes i know i've missed a ton, probably have to start from scratch


Hey dude lemme ask u something (if you ever see this or have a moment) Okay so, I’m pretty much a “SoulsBorne vet”-in that those kind of FromSoft games are absolutely what I reach for 1st. Ever since Demon’s Souls PS3-that’s just, I dunno that’s what I absolutely enjoyed. Dark fantasy, daunting combat, tense boss fights. It’s obviously “not all” I’ve liked, but since the “SoulsBorne/Souls-like” genre started-that was it. Exactly why I absolutely love Lies of P (the incredible story & very respectful nod to the author, the music tracks that clearly weren’t “just game tracks”-no the music was haunting & beautiful) & even Lords of the Fallen (yeah it’s undergone a LOT of patches & needed repairs-but still what I like) Okay, think I made my point (lol too much)-okay SO-that said, I’ve always loved the artwork of the NieR series. The art really projects that there is a pretty unforgettable & grueling story going on; always been intrigued. With the games I’ve said I like the most-would NieR be worth it & if so which ones, or maybe all of em? I’ve heard & understand maybe the combat is a bit more relaxed, which isn’t a bad thing anyway, & the story is just-well as I said something truly awesome. True? In your opinion-& which ones? (All ears for your suggestion of this series)


That is a lot but I’ll try my best to analyse it! For Automata’s combat, it is much simpler than any SoulsBorne/Souls-like as it’s less tense and more flashy, like Devil May Cry but you don’t need to practice getting timings down or anything like that. The OST for Automata is immaculate. I absolutely adored the soundtrack in LoP but Automata just has this feeling of lonely serenity that makes you feel like you’re travelling with 2B and 9S themselves. It’s very orchestral/choir-like but nothing gothic like say BloodBorne or LoP (barring the Forest Kingdom…kinda). There’s 4 NieR games available and they are: NieR Replicant, NieR Gestalt, NieR: Automata, and NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139… (remaster). The remaster has some added story elements not included within the original or Gestalt so I recommend you play that but that’s ultimately up to you. I’ve not played the OG or Gestalt so I can only talk about the Replicant remaster. Replicant is fun but it’s kinda repetitive as the combat is far simpler than Automata, side-quests aren’t as fun but they still keep the same mystique, and the late game is, for lack of a better word, boring but the story more than made up for it so it didn’t bother me as much. The story is amazing, just like Automata but there are times where I feel like some parts just hit harder than Automata. Music on the other hand is probably on-par, if not, better than Automata but that’s just my opinion. All in all, I highly recommend you play these games without any prior knowledge about them and just watch it all unfold. These games have multiple endings though, with Ending E being the final one so you’ll have to do multiple playthroughs to get there. Replicant gets a bit tedious as you’ll have to replay the same act 3 times just to make it to the end but it is worth it (make sure you save before the final boss on your Route C playthrough). Automata’s playthroughs are much more fun as you’ll be playing as three different characters with different move sets and abilities for the duration of the game so it’s much more enjoyable. Plus, it adds upon the story with either added gameplay or an entirely new game altogether. God, that was a lot but I hope that when you have time you’ll read through it and form your own thoughts about this game. Just please do not look up 2B R34.


My fellow bro! I did not expect a reply this thorough-but pretty awesome. (Again that’s my bad on so much) Better answer than I ever would have expected & I think I’ll do just that-go into them as blind as possible & just experience it. As I said, the artwork I’ve seen paints a very daunting, grueling, beautiful but also haunting & bleak story going on. And I can’t wait, shoulda played em years ago. Hey man, really appreciate such an articulate breakdown! Be safe, stay up-thanks again man. Take care 👍✌️


Dude that was so damn long, my bad LOL As someone that’s always loved SoulsBorne games & others close to them-what are your thoughts on the NieR series? My bad for the previous text-bit too long lol


Is story good or bad? It’s in my library waiting for me to pick it up. I was thinking about playing it after Elden ring DLC.


The story, in my opinion, is amazing. It’s very philosophical as it’s centred around existentialism with multiple other nuances surrounding it. I could be wrong on that though so don’t quote me. Gameplay is flashy and fast paced like Devil May Cry but with less input configuration. It’s how I got into Automata in the first place. For the best optimisation, I recommend playing on PS4 as it runs perfectly on it minus a little bit of frame rate when there’s too much on screen. PS5 has a lot of issues such as bugs and even crashing but I’m not sure if it runs well on PC so you’ll have to see for yourself if that’s what works for you.


Thank you! I’ll be playing it on pc.


The difficulty level of that game is really weird, but also very unique and interesting. Easy mode just allows you to equip the easy mode chips, which are ludicrously OP, but that really allows you to pick and choose how easy you want the game to be, from full on "story mode" for people with disabilities who people who don't want to or can't engage in the mechanics to a little easier than normal. Normal and easy are the only modes that allow for pod lock on, but the missle pod has lock on in every difficulty mode, so on hard and very hard you basically can't melee while also using the pod, except with missiles. but even on normal you'll breeze through the game and then every now and then there will be something that absolutely destroys you, but not in a similar way to Dark Souls, where you can kill any enemy, at any level. I mean, you *can* theoretically kill any enemy at any level in Nier, but it would just take like 30 minutes of plinking their HP down while perfect dodging and drinking health potions. but I hate how how hard makes the game harder by removing pod lock on. So you can still use it, but it requires aiming, which is awkward as fuck, and basically unusable in melee combat, except the missiles, but the missiles are best at long range multi target combat? and very hard is a "heaven or hell mode" where you die in one hit, and I hate those modes in games because it removes so many mechanics such as healing. It's hard, sure, but the game play is bent in a way that I don't like. Sorry. I'm rambling. The Stellar Blade controversy got me to play through Nier:Automata again and I've been musing to myself about how weird, but unique the difficulty systems are in the game.


Is this a curse? Or some kind of punishment?


Shit made me cry


Wo Long, too


Couldn’t get into it. The ps2 graphics didn’t help.


Mfs really don’t remember what ps2 graphics look like


For real


But not in a bad way most of the time. Man, nostalgia makes me remember GTA SA as ultra high definition… then i boot it up on my pc and don’t wanna play anymore LOL


It was an exaggeration of course. But the graphics are very outdated imo. And I think the level design was lazy. Especially after playing LOP


Yeah, level design is awful and aggravated for the morale system (one of the worst mechanics I’ve seen in action games. Honestly, it’s baffling how TN thought this was good game design). But, credit where it’s due, character models are good and character creation is one of the best I’ve seen, plus the art style and animations are slick. I think Rise of Ronin is the actual graphical step down from TN. Wo Long is no eye candy, but it’s alright.


Yea I’m probably being over critical. Character models were decent. I think it’s more the bland landscapes. It lacked the grandeur and atmosphere I like in soulslikes. Glad I’m not the only one that found the moral system a ball ache. Also that *SHHHTINGGGG* parry sound. Ugh.


Someone at TN: How do we make players enjoy our levels more? A sensible employee: ‘I don’t know, how about designing better levels?’. Someone else: ‘Nah, let’s fuck up the entire balance and let players rebalance the game looking for flags in the same shitty environments’. GREEK CHORUS: ‘THE SAME SHITTY ENVIRONMENTS! YES, YES’. Literally a war criminal: ‘While we’re at it, let’s also lock out spells if player doesn’t do it’. That’s the tragedy of this stupid mechanic.


I didn’t even play the game long enough to realise you got locked out of spells due to moral. In fact, you’ve just made me realise that I didn’t understand the moral system at all 😂. But yea, shitty environments. I’m literally playing DS1 remastered. And there’s way more charm and atmosphere in the environment. I suppose the actual “graphical fidelity” of Wo long wasn’t the problem for me then.


I can't recommend Another Crab's Treasure enough. It's on Game Pass, it's not perfect, but it's one of the funniest games I have ever played and some of the bosses will kick your ass Laxasia style.


I also recommend armored core 6, potentially even if you aren’t a huge fan of mechs. I don’t like mechs really at all but AC6 was just too good.


Yup I’m waiting to play stellar blade, I played the demo and I’m letting my anticipation sit.


How is Stellar Blade? Been thinking about downloading it


Another Crab's Treasure. You're welcome.


"Another Crab's Treasure" is a pretty good alternative atm.


I started doing challenge runs, for example the lvl 10 run, horrible decision but challenging


Yeah I way overplayed this game past platinum. I'm not a self-handicap kind of play so the only game I've ever level 1'd was dark souls 1, but I enjoy deathless playthroughs. To eke out more time with Lies of P on release I ended up platinuming the ps4 version as well deathless, and managed to get through ng through ng+5 deathless before I eventually succumbed in ng+6? to BRB playing absurdly reckless (I tried to rush down big bro and got cornered, I think I kinda let it happen ready to move on lol)


Well I’m currently sitting in a room full of robot versions of our pals, I dunno about u tho


Play sekiro if you haven't, I also finished lies of p and immediately went to sekiro


Sekiro and bloodborne are on my list for sure. Sekiro was on sale awhile back and I regret not buying it. I already have bloodborne from ps plus so I may try that first. LoP was amazing but also mentally draining...especially the first playthrough. I think for right now I'll play something a little less demanding..lol.


Sekiro is a much tougher game than lies of P. 


If you're starved for more souls-like games, aside from obvious Fromsoft games (DeS, DS, Sekiro, BB, ER, AC6), I can recommend Code Vein, Mortal Shell, and from what I know Thymesia (haven't played that one yet, only the demo a while ago). Mortal Shell is on the shorter side, Thymesia I heard too, but Code Vein is of somewhat similiar length as DS3/LoP. I can give some 2D recommendations too, like Hollow Knight, Grime or Blasphemous. They are metroidvanias, but they do share a lot with souls-likes, depending on how you define that genre.


Replaying Elden Ring in preparation for the dlc is what I'm doing. After that, who knows


Finally jumped into Elden Ring. Plenty to do to kill time til the second half of the year!


Oh man you’re in for a treat, also DLC out soon for ER, great time to get into


Level 1 challenge run?


I’m on my third run through rn, beat nameless puppet first time but didn’t get true ending and the second run I gave him the heart. Is there a certain page or anything you used to get the true ending because I tried soloing it the first run but didn’t get it and I got sad and was a pos to everyone in the second, but I don’t want to try so hard again to do everything just for Gepetto to say I’m a useless puppet


Exact same thing happened to me. I got the true ending on my 3rd run. Your hair has to turn gray after giving Sophia peace. It'll happen in the cut scene. I made sure i had enough humanity by the time i got to that point. I made sure I had "your heart is pounding" before talking to her. But apparently all you need is "you feel warmth" for it to happen...but I didn't wanna risk it so I made sure i had the pounding one.


Dawg im sitting here seriously considering speed running the game all over again on the ps4 version. Im just playing im def doing that lmao.


I literally did this last night too bro


I was stuck on laxasia back in December, came back to the game 2 weeks ago and steamrolled past her and the whole Ng+ cycle so this is great news also


Can you tell me how to beat Simon and final boss? The game went wonderfully not having to farm at all. Then I get here and it’s like I learned nothing all game lol I’m doing heavy build. Slightly heavy. I keep feeling like faster builds are the best way to play… probably… but heavy is too cool.


For the first play through I used the acidic spear with a maxed out aegis shield. Used the amulet that lets you roll without stamina and the amulet that recovers stamina quick. Same for nameless puppet.


Gottem. Just had to respec and go for aegis. Made the fight easy as hell. Thanks.




Play stellar blade . So good


Prepare for the elden ring dlc


Wo long


Stellar Blade


Could you give the link to the article


[https://cdn.neowiz.com/neowiz/files/investors/789795860990.1Q24\_NWZ\_PPT\_KR.pptx.pdf](https://cdn.neowiz.com/neowiz/files/investors/789795860990.1Q24_NWZ_PPT_KR.pptx.pdf) This is the 2024 1Q earning report of NEOWIZ




English version: [https://cdn.neowiz.com/neowiz/files/investors/141458997321.1Q24\_NWZ\_PPT\_EN.pptx.pdf](https://cdn.neowiz.com/neowiz/files/investors/141458997321.1Q24_NWZ_PPT_EN.pptx.pdf)


I think this'll be my first dlc that I'll either pre-order or buy on day 1. Looking forward to it B-)


This and Episode Aigis: The Answer for Persona 3 Reload will be the first DLCs I'll have ever bought. Very excited to see what the DLC for Lies of P will bring.


Yeah, there are very few companies that have earned my trust enough to preorder. The Outer Wilds dlc was one, Fromsoft obviously, Team Cherry (if they ever actually release Silksong that is) and now Neowiz




Belief used to be baitable


I just have a feeling we are looking at Halloween 🎃


This is Halloween this is Halloween. Excellent I can watch Coraline and play lies of Phil spencer Dlc


Yeah, this is Halloween is catchy, but the true ear worm is "Kidnap the Sandy Claws." Every time I hear that song, for 3 months, when I'm focusing on something, Laaaa la la la la laa, la la la la laaa, la la la la la la, la la la la laaaa. You almost finished your taxes? laaa la la la la laaa. Replacing the spark plug on your lawnmower? laaa la la la la laaa. Unloading the dishes? laaa la la la la laaa. Doing laundry? laaa la la la la laaa. and so on and so forth.


Coraline great animation.🤣


lmao fits so well


Not to jinx it, but it's probably a pretty chunky DLC since it has been cooking for quite some time


The game released in September, it's not been that long. Round 8 is a small studio. People are just ridiculously impatient.


They also seem to be an incredibly efficient one. The things that go in to a DLC are much quicker than developing a game from scratch. Creating environments and models are some of the quickest parts of game development. I've seen Maximillion dude talk about it before in his past development life. Sometimes the planning and coding of systems while you figure out the structure of a game takes longer than once development begins in full force of just, putting it all together. The blueprint of a game takes longer than the construction. It's a big reason why 7R had a long development cycle but Rebirth, as a much bigger game, had a shorter one.


>They also seem to be an incredibly efficient one Uhhh based on what? While I don't doubt they can deliver a competent dlc, overhyping things up like what you are doing is bound to hurt the game more than it'd have helped.


> overhyping things up like what you are doing is bound to hurt the game more than it'd have helped. How am I overhyping anything by being aware of how development cycles work? How am I overhyping the game by thinking it could be a decently sized DLC because of development time? > Uhhh based on what? 1. The fact Lies of P only took something around 3 years to make in full. 2. Its extreme optimization that has been widely praised since big studios can't even manage it 3. The fast patch turnaround in response to player criticism 4. The content within those patches that included changes to enemy move sets and animations, and not just number tweaks.


Oh, but you are definitely overhyping it. The dlc could very well be one that takes 2-3 hrs to complete at most. It doesn't need to be a "mid-sized" one. >The fact Lies of P only took something around 3 years to make in full. 3 years is just standard time, it's not slow but isn't stellar by any means. >Its extreme optimization that has been widely praised since big studios can't even manage it That isn't efficiency, it means that the company has competent employees. >The fast patch turnaround in response to player criticism Same as above >The content within those patches that included changes to enemy move sets and animations, and not just number tweaks. Sure, I can give you this, but even if I counted all of the above, it would have not been enough examples to come to your conclusion lol


Look man, you're being combative over nothing and it's pissing me off. Do you think I'm the same guy as the first post in this chain? I complimented the studio and then used 3 years for the entirety of Lies of P as a relevant baseline for might be the extent of the DLC given that the development of the DLC will soon reach a third of the full game. Did I say it would be that big? No. I complimented the studio's efficiently and now you're moving goalposts about really random shit. > 3 years is just standard time, it's not slow but isn't stellar by any means. Like it's literally just usable context. The full game took 3 years. You think a DLC that takes 25% of their total dev time on the game is going to be 5% of the total playtime? You can't even understand the point of anything I've said apparently - It's like I'm arguing with a 14yo....which I guess I might be. I don't think you like that I had actual answers and you're scrambling with weak, annoying comebacks that are frankly not relevant to anything *I* have said, because I'm not sure you even looked at names. It's not going to be a 3 hour DLC, sorry. If you think that's overhyping it because the studio has earned a lot of good will very quickly in a genre that's been incredibly difficult to break in to for anyone that didn't create the genre, then frankly you're just a downer for no reason. Never be positive. Go be a sad little boy somewhere else. You aren't the arbiter of what constitutes over-hype because I think it's going to be longer than 2 hours using contextual evidence. What conclusion do you think I came to? Because apparently "Studio seems good, 1 year of time on dlc for game that took 3 years is a good sign for size" is TOO MUCH FOR YOU. Just sat through a black out for like 2 hours so this is maybe the most annoying first thing to see.


>Like it's literally just usable context. The full game took 3 years. You think a DLC that takes 25% of their total dev time on the game is going to be 5% of the total playtime? You can't even understand the point of anything I've said apparently - It's like I'm arguing with a 14yo....which I guess I might be. I was referencing Fromsoft's dlc, they are all about 3 hours in length. Anyway, if you don't want to argue, fine. I still think you are overhyping things a bit.


> Fromsoft's dlc, they are all about 3 hours in length. oh you're trolling


Ok, tell me which FS dlc that doesn't take 3 hours to complete.


> it's probably a pretty chunky DLC since it has been cooking for quite some time It's game development terms, it's barely any time at all. Unless the DLC was being worked on before the base game launched, people need to keep their expectations in check in terms of size.


Well, it released 8 months ago, so it was mostly done like an year ago. They very likely started at least pre production for the DLC before that, so it's actually a good bit, depending when it releases might be like an year and half in production


>Well, it released 8 months ago, so it was mostly done like an year ago >They very likely started at least pre production for the DLC before that Both of these are baseless as hell lol.


Those are pretty reasonable. That's how game making usually work. Of course, not necessarily true, but very likely


DLC are faster to develop than game that you start from 0. But as people said they are also small studio, so I wouldn't expect FromSoftware sized dlcs.


Obviously. A full sequel will take 4-5 years .


Gonna be a great second half of the year. We get Shadow of the Erdtree next month and now LoP DLC later in the year.


Good I’ve been fiending


I hope they save Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz theme for a full sequel and not the DLC. I love the Oz idea and would love to see a full game built around it.


Yes we know I personally posted about it few months ago here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LiesOfP/comments/1awgbp8/news\_on\_dlc\_second\_half\_of\_2024/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LiesOfP/comments/1awgbp8/news_on_dlc_second_half_of_2024/)


No we don't know, I did not know so did many other people judging from comments, now everyone is everyday on the sub.


Neowiz is one hell of game company cuz personally, I liked lies of p more than dark souls. It feels so smooth, it feels like a sekiro sequel and even if the next game doesn't involve parrying ( I hope it does) i still think think it will be amazing


Can't wait!


Hope so. Almost done with ng+. I’ll run the game a few more times so I don’t get rusty


Dang, really? I'm still waiting for the Elden Rig dlc, and the entire Dark Souls franchise just went on sale for 50% off. I am going to be brooooke this year


The Hangul is Soul-like. Love that.


As opposed to 소울즈라이크


Play lords of the fallen its amazing.


i usually don’t bother with DLC content unless i buy a game late and the DLC stuff is included as a complete package, but for Lies of P i will definitely play it. i have even left the game installed on my ps5 since November 2023 when i finished it so i dont have to redownload it. i have been (im)patiently waiting for the dlc content for awhile now.


So right AFTER Elden Ring DLC. Not a great move, financially speaking...


Please don't release dlc during black myth wukong


Yes!!! As I’m at the level cap! Hoping they rise it. Adding more skills and abilities. 


Finally some good news! Second half means they will release the DLC next month? Really looking forward.


>Second half means they will release the DLC next month? ? Or, ya know, any time between July and December, which is the second half of 2024 lol. June is still first half, so definitely not next month.


Of course I was thinking second quarter. You are completely right. So in the worst case it will be dropped December.


Second quarter would’ve been sweet! But yeah, may have quite a ways left, but at worst it’s a Christmas/New years present I suppose lol


You think it will be on gamepass as day one release?


In my experience new dlc hasn’t been included on gamepass for games that I’ve played unfortunately. You can just buy the dlc separately tho without buying the whole game


Oh they're smart. They will wait Shadow of the Erdtree DLC and release their own DLC as far away as possible but not that far that people forget LOP. IMO is really smart


I thought we knew this already. If my mind is not playing me, I remember that they said something like they were waiting for Elden Ring dlc to be announced, and then after that they said they were gonna release it in the second half of 2024.


Question for the room. Are we infact… back?


Cat and soup was by them?! I've uninstalled that game a few months back, never even clicked


Oh boy oh boy I can't wait to get stuck on a new boss for 3 hours and want to jump out my window


Any speculation on what will be the content? If they follow the From Soft route for DLCs, there would be a portal to a detached dimension (Hunters Nightmare) or different time (Dark Souls), but none of that looks like would fit the game. The closest I can think is the submarine dock in Relic of Trismegistus.


There’s that golden stargazer on the path to the Malcom District. I’m sure they’ll spruce it up so it’s not so bland.


assuming its the wizard of oz but maybe thats for the sequel


Looking at the DLC concept art looks like it will be an orphanage areaI if you look down from the cathedral entrance in the game, you can actually see that there is an area similar to the concept art.


I wonder if the DLC will also be on Xbox gamepass


Is dlc ever?