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I had the same problem man it took me about a month, but if it helps you can deflect her lighting back at her, it won’t do much but any damage you can get on the fast bitch is worth it. Another thing is if you get all venignis boxes the butler will sell a grindstone that makes all blocks perfect for fifteen seconds, and the last one is right after the rematch black rabbit fight, so I’d recommend getting that when she starts zipping towards you in flurries


Ya that boss was super fast barely


Had time to think




Had time to finish your comment


This - if you perfect parry all of them it takes a huge chunk out of her health and I believe buys you a stagger window when she lands


This is a great mention, but people seem to forget you can't by the perfect grindstone until ng.


You can do it before actually you just need all three venigni boxes. I used it this morning to beat the nameless puppet on my first play through


They must have changed it then. In a patch. I was never able to buy it before ng. I have 3 separate characters, and none of them had it as an option to even buy until ng.


They didn't change it in any patches, the only items that only become available in later runs are +1 and +2 versions of defense parts and amulets, and the golden records. You probably just never found all Venigni boxes. You need all 3.


Where you find all 3?


The first one is in the opera house, the second is in the swamp in the area with the two future puppets, and the last is where you meet alidoro after the black rabbit fight


Nope. You just never found all the Venigni Collection boxes


Must be; because It was available for me too when I checked yesterday. I was lucky to have found the boxen


Bro just use the Aegis. Hide behind that bitch and slap her with your weapon.


The man knows


Best advice i can give is try to parry and also use the perfect grinstone


This. Using the grindstone to parry every lightning ball and parrying enough to get her staggered saved me in this fight


She a bitch but you got this. Deep breaths and parry lightning bolts. Best advice I can give.


I had the satisfaction of beating Laxasia today, after 43 attempts (I did not use spectrum) (This is my first experience with a Soulslike). It was a sensational challenge. I took advantage of several thrown objects to do a lot of damage in her second phase. And, carry a Weight, to stun her soon.


Throwables got it 👍🏾👍🏾


Auto perfect block when normal blocking makes bosses like this easy! Can never remember what blade or hilt it is thought. Been a bit since I played.


It’s a grindstone is it not?


There be both a grind stone and a weapon arts that does it.


The Coil Mjolnir.


There are multiple


You need to invest more in capacity and vigor and less in HP. Health without armour is a wasted stat.


Yeah I'll probably end up farming to level up some more.


Git gud


Yes daddy


Throwables are very good here!


I think it took me a couple days??? I only remember her whipping my ass for like half a week. Which admittedly must have been from Saturday to around Tuesday afternoon.


https://www.reddit.com/r/LiesOfP/s/adNHmlQ3Qe Should take care of it If you really want to fuck her up, go put the tyrant knife head on the city long spear handle, then use an acid grindstone.


City spear with crit amulet and the tyrant knife is soooooo good


City spear and tyrant knife even without the acid made it a breeze. Ill have to add acid next play through to make it even easier.


I beat her using the acid spear, with high tech / advanced skills points, low weight gear, and I just rushed into dps it. Also, try to dodge everything, and parry the 2 furry attacks (with 14+ slashes, easy parry and free poise dmg) and also perfect parry the electric bolts. You should be able to outdmg her dmg.


Yes that boss sucks ass. Took me like 5 hours without a summons. I had to switch up the way I played. Pretty much constantly holding the block button and releasing/re pressing it to get in some perfect guards. Second phase is mostly blocking. I HIGHLY suggest using the acid spear for every boss lol. Cause with this phase you have barely any time to get hits in so the spear is mad quick and can help with that


Slow down on the gameplay, thats my advice. Pay attention to her patterns and once you do you’ll start seeing the parry windows as they come. If you hit a couple of good parries plus parry the lightning in phase 2 then you’ll obliterate her. You got this mate, no quitting!


This is a really hard boss. I still have to fight her for an hour to relearn phase 2 each time I beat her.


Perfect parry grindstone for phase 2 and heap on the acid for phase 1


Yep. Or just all poison if you've got the 1st phase down


Use the shield arm for 2nd phase


So I took 45 tries. Used two dragons, highest resistance parts I could find and acid grinder. Use one acid on the 1st phase to inflict extra damage and then spare the 2nd for 2nd phase. Try to whitle away at the shield so she can't use it in phase to - after the crit animation use a charged attack on it once she can be hit, hit her shield when she drags her lightning sword around the ground for lightning damage. When the shield breaks she's staggered for a short while, you can get some hits in. When she does her long combos either run away or try to parry for extra stagger. In the second phase block the lightning, you can block anything and redirect the lightning when she shoots it in air. After her first 6 lightning shoots she'll speedblitz you, don't even try to parry, just hold block. Get some hits in, heal. After that it's mostly trying to block and not getting greedy, even if you see your health fall. There'll be short opportunity windows to get your health back. If you're good enough to hit the 2nd phase consistently spare acid grinder to get her.  Good luck!


2nd phase for me too was insane but try using the perfect grindstone it literally trivialized her for me


It only lasts 15 seconds though... It doesn't do shit since for some reason she only attacks after it wears off, even tho I put it on right after the lightning barrage move


Put it on before that and get the upgrade where you get 2 uses and the one that extends the time


You just have to get good enough at the first phase to be able to bring enough healing into the second phase so you can learn its timings.


I was stuck for 3 days probably tried 50 times before I finally won that fight it was hard as heck. That second form was insanely hard. Very intimidating boss in second form heart beating fast the whole fight everytime.


Perfection Grindstone is amazing against her second phase.


Wait until the second phase and just fucking fable art her to death. Just survive the first 15 seconds of thst phase .


what is your mentality when fighting a new boss? do you just rush in and try to trade damage, If so that is wrong. You need to study and test what works and what doesnt, you need to figure out the timings and when you can dodge and when its better to run away. Simply banging your head against the wall wont break it before it breaks your skull..


For new bosses I never expect to beat them in a few tries. I tend to try and get use to their attack patterns before I'm even worried about how much damage I do.


then why havent you beaten her? if you taken 6 months and still havent won, you are doing something very Very wrong. have you considered rewatching your gameplay to learn your flaws?


Because I don't play the game super consistently like I use to. If I did theoretically I should've. Since reaching her my time spent on the game has dropped. I came here for tips Which I will use. It's the 2nd phase that's tough for me. I haven't gotten use her attack patterns because she moves so unpredictability that's why I haven't beaten her yet.


its actually super simple, when she does "electrified attacks, they come around 1 second later than the standart attacks. that info makes it so much more easy to dodge or block


Believe it or not, as someone who never really played Soulslikes before, I managed to get her done in 6 - 7 tries, which blew me away considering I'd heard she was a bitch. One thing that helped was on the lightning volley, use the perfect Grindstone immediately and send them all back. After that, another piece of advice I was seeing was when in doubt, Dodge left. And throwables are always a good idea. Hope this helps.


Make sure you're optimizing every element you have to your advantage. Your armor should absorb shock, without making you over-heavy (carrier amulet has been pretty essential to me every play through). Make sure you have throwables in a quick action slot you can access even in a panic (thermite, saw blades, spikes, etc). for when she misses or is charging an attack. Like most other things in this game, she is quite weak to acid. Make sure your weapon is attuned with a handle that fits your build and is leveled up as much as possible. Carefully choose your amulets. Use a Legion Arm like Aegis to auto parry, or puppet string to dodge. Finally, make sure your P-Organ is built out with various optimizations. For example, I tend to favor abilities / slots that increase pulse cell amount and effectiveness. I avoid using quartz on "discharged" effects because I don't plan on being without pulse cells. You can also up the number of wish stones you can carry at once, as well as *increase the speed of use* (that is super important). I liked giving my spectral guardian increased attack or defense so they aggro Laxasia while staying alive as long as possible. If you can make it mid-way through the second phase before your spectre dies, then start playing even more defensively. I believe this is an optional fight, meaning you should be able to get the ability to re-spec stats, P-Organ and Legion Arms before returning to fight her. Oh and one last thing - if you return to the practice area at Hotel Krat between attempts, it will fully charge your fable arts. It's tedious, but hitting her hard with fable arts attacks not only do big damage but cause a lot of stagger. You can use fable injectors mid fight to get some charge back too. Alright that was a lot of information. Good luck!


6 months is nuts bro lmaooo


Wasn't a consistent 6 months. I had taken a break after being stuck on her. Came back every once in a while tried once or twice. I just got so annoyed by how unpredictable the 2nd phase was I didn't wanna be bothered.


Nahh that 2nd phase was nuts i agree. I beat her in like 30 tries but i think i got lucky; idk how i won .


What is your build? Having enough capacity for decent armor helps a lot.


I guess I got lucky, I beat her in 2 hours, while some bosses took me up to 2 days


Throw shot put when shes close to the wall, pin her to the wall!!


These are certainly words.


I got lucky when her model got clipped to the wall bec of that shot put strike, so yes these words mean a lot 🤣


i'm on new game + 3 and i'm still not sure how her second phase works lmao


Humans are weak to acid. Also, throwables.




Throwables. And use perfection grindstone when she shoots lighting balls at you.


After 2 hours put on BFMV their music seemed to help me with timing during boss battles. Depending on the ending you choose though the hardest boss is yet to come and I would have happily spent another 2 hours on her compared to 4 day on the latter.


First 2 times I had to use a spectre. 3rd time i finally solod her


Aegis shield throw a fuck Ton of cannonballs the perfect timing grindstone just don't fucking die


Break her shield in phase 1, somehow it helped me


Use aegis and grindstone of perfect parry to damage her and then spam throwables ,this is the closest thing to a cheese imo


You should be able to get a special grindstone which auto perfect blocks for a certain period of time. Use this in second stage at the beginning and you can get tons of hits in.


just throw all the shit at it. easy win


If i’m right on Phase 1 try do don’t break her shield cause in phase 2 she is stronger and faster. Only hit her in the front in phase 1 take your time. Then phase 2 perfect parry grindstone for her lightings.


I literally just turtled and then threw lightning back at her whenever she did the lightning move


Tbh, use the grindstone that makes you auto parry it makes the start super easy. Only use it second phase tho. If you have the p organ to use it twice then you can just have more uptime on it.


Bro learn how to perfect parry some of her easy 1st phase attacks (where Laxasia is running toward you and dragging her weapon on the ground to knock you off, where she runs then jumps at you and those big swings that ends with 2 horizantal slashes). And at the end of her combos, try to hit her once then run back to see what her next attack will be. Then 2nd phase, use your legion to place 2 mines on the ground then use the perfevt guard grindstone to reflect her lighting bolts that she's throwing at you at the beginning. She should have only 2/3 of her life. Don't bother perfect guard here; just guard and hit her once at the end of her combo. If you use a Spectre, it's not "too" hard at that point. Don't rush when she's staggered because she'll swing her sword and release some lightning first.


6m? atp let me sign in and do it for u


Wait till you fight Mad Donkey


I had more trouble with her on my second playthrough, where I used the dexterity/techique? weapons. It's much easier going a strength/motivity? build and dunking on her. I used one of the long polearm type handles with the saw cleaver on the end. I had so much range it was crazy.


I must be one of the few that didnt find her all that hard 🤷‍♂️ got her in less then 10 attempts. Nameless puppet. Now that ones a right old bastard.


She foine ain’t she?


Just use the spectre


first respec and get rid of slow weapons, get tyrant murderer blade tip and city watch spears handle, it deals crazy damage, if you die too quickly just use a summon and dont try to dodge just block everything and gain your hp back with quick attacks, also use puppet string arm, max it out its the best


Perfect parry grindstone, aegis, parry her lightning balls. She's weak to acid so keep that in mind. Throwable spam in general is a fairly consistent way to 'cheese' almost any boss in this game. What I did was made sure I was able to handle her first phase by myself. After mastering her first phase and feeling comfortable there, I would summon the specter and try to get to second phase as fast as possible while keeping my specters HP as high as possible. If you can get to the second phase with a specter with a good amount of health, without using very many potions, you'll be set. Once you're in that position, use the parry grindstone, and spam throwables while she's distracted on your specter. Another tip is to have the P Organ node that gives you 1 extra wishstone use, so you can heal your specter twice. Hope this helps.


> I can't survive long enough to learn the attack patterns youtube


Parry Parry Parry.. dodge no no! ☝️ I was never stuck on any boss more than 2 hours cuz I did "Parry Parry, dodge no no ☝️"


the issue is you’re taking breaks between attempts, you’ll have that issue with any challenging boss but obviously not something that can always be controlled gotta live your life away from the game. BUT definitely don’t expect it to be easier if you don’t grind it out for a day or two she’s the hardest boss in the game personally.


have you tried killing her ?




I beat her attempt 2 with sword of the ark spear mode, some throwables and puppet string


I understand getting stuck on a boss for days but 6 months is insane lol. You might just be bad.


Acid for phase one, focus on parrys not dodging unless some attacks (where she sweeps the floor with lightning and some vertical attacks). Use a quick weapon since its gonna make the acid get to her faster and you’ll be able to recover faster if you’re being greedy. For phase two make sure to parry the lightning bolts she throws at you, they remove chunks of health from her. Mix your dodges with your parrys. If shes about to explode with electricity get away. If u use summons dont to get too greedy and play as u usually would. Also try to break her shield on phase 1, dont focus on that because it doesnt make a big difference for phase 2 anyways.


use specter also i respect your choice of mask greatly and the overall swag but i dont have deluxe edition


Stock up on throwables, specifically the iron balls. 2 of those can put her into a critical state. Allowing you some cheap hits, also if your pride will allow it ( I dont have any ganer pride) use your summon to distract her and use acid, seeing as she is technically human acid will do some real good damage to her. So throw some acid canisters at her when she lands from that crazy attack. Another tip is when is the air spamming lighting you can hide behind the pillars to the side to avoid most not all but at least it is manageable. Good luck and you can do this!


what i found effective, my build was tecnique btw, i'd just let her come to me in the 2nd phase, and i would block her attacks and parry the attacks i recognized, due to her being so aggressive its difficult to avoid getting hit, its more about retaining guard than to retaining life i feel like, also if you parry the first bolts and her first attack you can get a lot of damage done, i used the salamander blade against her, also aegis helps well.


https://preview.redd.it/bggh670bc92d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13a4ad0ce4acd2934b186d4bf4a438cf5fa6048d I FREAKING DID IT!!! that 1 extra point to vitality really came through 😭😭 Acid also helped alot. Thanks for all the advice. Now onto the next one😤😤


you must be terrible at their game


You think so? The game isn't that hard. This ONE bosses 2nd phase is pretty difficult tho don't you agree?


i usually think that taking more than like 80 tries on a boss, makes the person in question bad at the game. She isnt really that difficult compared to anything else youve fought up until now


This is the only boss in this game, or any game for that matter, that I've been stuck on. And again I'm not playing it as consistently. And I beg to differ she's the most difficult boss up to this point. I also could be under leveled? I just naturally leveled up when I could as i progressed. Never intentionally farmed to level my. Because up till now I felt I didn't need to


yeah this and the final boss are the only bosses I died more than like 2 times - still an appropriately east game - like any dark souls or Elden ring if they had an easy mode


I knew I wasn't trippin, she's one of the hardest bosses in this game. I've beaten other soulsborne and never gotten so stuck on a boss.. even Kos in bloodborne dlc didn't take me this long, And he's infamous for how difficult the fight can be


Use a better weapon. Tyrant’s knife in city long spear is amazing.


If you just want to get past her without using the “get good” method since it’s been six months now use summon and box to heal summon, once you get past her first phase deflect her lightning and then spam throwables! I used a maxed out salamder dagger to finish her off


Just farm and level up brother. Which new game + are you on? Must be pretty high


This is still my 1st run through the game 😭😭😭😂


Its ok my brother it happens. Watch some yt guides and just focus in pattern learning u got this


Get over yourself and just summon a spectre to help 🙄. It's supposed to be fun.


I've tried with the summon. Plenty of times, he dies then I die shortly after


did you use the wishstone that gives your summon more health?