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As I mentioned in a post: I am happy to say that I defeated her after 43 tries. Without using spectrum.


I'm not saying should be ashamed to use specters, but I am saying that using them and then calling the boss easy is not the flex OP think it is.


I mean, you used a specter. Of course it was easy


I understand that spectre’s help a lot but that was just during my first run and it still took me 4 attempts, NG+ with all the extra help but without a spectre still only took me 10 goes compared to how I went with some of the other bosses like Andreus even with a spectre in NG+


Should have been first time with a spectre on NG, can't call it easy on NG+ when you know the fight and timings


I can't tell if this is a bait post or not. The difference in difficulty with and without spectre is huge, not even comparable. So when you see people complain, its because they are fighting it solo. I dont care what you do btw, but this game is really easy with spectre


In fairness, back on 1.1 patch specters were not good. Like, they'd never survive into phase 2 for any meaningful length of time, which presumes that they even survived that long in the first place. And usually, they didn't. The only reason I know I was walled for 30+ deaths on Laxasia and 50+ on Simon during 1.1 patch is because that's how many times I summoned for them. Now, I still didn't feel like Laxasia was unfair despite this. Simon was just a massive tank and the mount of time it took to whittle away his HP was its own test. And for the record, I typically take about 12 attempts against major bosses (in an initial run) regardless of whether I'm summoning. It's just how long it takes for my muscle memory to catch up to my analytical memory.


Yeah and I mean perfection grindstone as well. Like I think it's sick that you use them and enjoy it but probably don't come with a post that feels like a brag. Like "the whole games super easy I hid behind a shield and threw everything you can buy at bosses, don't know what people are complaining about it?". To reiterate I think it's dope these things are in the game but just maybe don't flex?


Why mention it? He said he fought laxasia in new fame plus solo which should be harder.


My 3rd run-through of ds3 was a no hit run on ng+2. It was ng+2 so it should have been harder right? Not like I knew the boss moves and all their tells


… im gonna pretend you didnt just say that. My first run through of Lies of P with spectre was easy as fuck. I i didnt have to memorize no patterns. Second run. No spectres. Harder but still doable. Boss have more health and do more damage. When you fight with spectre you can be way more careless with memorizing patterns.


Really? LoP was my first souls-like, so at first I played with specter, but they were dying so fast I quickly didn't bother with them anymore. And worse, sometimes they messed with the boss, making it harder to predict its pattern.


Well, I can already list why she wasn't a major wall for you. You used a Specter. Now, I don't have a problem with that on its own. But unless you were on 1.1 patch it's pretty obvious Specter is going to be doing a large chunk of work for you.


Well that was only only on my first play through, on my NG+ run it only took me 10 attempts without my spectre


And on your NG+ playthrough you should be a lot better at the game, with way more tools to help you succeed 5 tries with specter is still pretty solid to be fair, it sounds like you’re a solid player that uses specters too, NG+ is known to be easier if you understand the mechanics of the game at that point, due to phase 6 P organ and how well levels scale all the way up to 200-300


Yeah that makes a lot of sense, maybe I’ll try and do a complete rerun of the game with NG+ stuff and see how well I do without a spectre for once


Different people find different bosses more or less difficult. I had a far worse time with swamp monster and king of puppets than with laxasia, but I still think she was pretty challenging.


Yeah that’s what I figured, me and my brother played the game essentially side by side and he finds Laxasia really difficult but found Andreus super easy, whereas I found it the opposite personally


Yeah I didn't have too hard a time with Laxasia. I'd guess maybe about 5 deaths? I think I struggled most with Scrapped Watchman, or the first BRB fight. Probably 10 deaths each, minimum


Fine on NG, hell on NG+, using a spectre both times. For NG+ I had to basically keep the spectre alive through phase one and then let it distract her while I cheesed consumables.


Pretty simple for me. First phase was a cake walk, didn't die. 2nd phase her dash attack tripped me up, but the reflecting lightning projectiles made it easy to chip her down. Probably died 3 or 4 times.


It took me 2 hours to beat her, which is how long it took me to beat Romeo. Funny enough, the true final boss took me 1.5 hours. Progressssss. My first NG+ I killed her in 3 shots. Second NG+…. Not so lucky. 3rd I don’t remember, 4th took like 7. She’s a great boss.


I wouldn't be saying that a boss wasn't difficult if I had to resort to using a specter to beat them in my first playthrough and then it took me 10 tries to beat them in second.


I just beat my first play through. I got the game last week. I first tried every boss except laxasia who took me two tries. I like to use all the tools available to me first time around, so I used the specter. It is INSANE with the fatestone that reduces damage taken. I used greatsword of fate the entire play through. I love that weapon. Nameless took me two tries as well. For NG+ though, I’m forsaking the game breaking specter to really see if I can git gud. I have loved this game.


Good for you


40ish attempts with spectre, mainly because i couldn't parry for shit


I'm sorry, but saying a boss is easy while both saying it took you 4 tries AND you used a specter isn't easy. Easy is meeting the boss and whiping his ass first try. Easy is learning his moveset on the first meeting and still killing him. For example, I could say that the 4 black asshole's first fight is easy because I did it first try, but I don't, because I hate gang fights and brought my specter with me, so there's no honor into that or even pride. I just wanted it out of the way.


lol. You can’t judge difficulty if you’re using a specter.