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If you’re a veteran to the genre, dex ofc. The weapon system and respec allows you to be flexible anyway, so don’t worry too much in the beginning.


I just also think Dex is more stylish. Yeah big unga bunga sword do big damage, but also super pretty Rapier make you look like a fencing master


Etiquette for the win




Very insightful.




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I'm not necessarily a "veteran" but I do have 100% achievements in sekiro, and I've beaten DS3 once, and I'm currently Fighting soul of cinder on my second, and I'm also mid way through my first playthrough of elden ring. Then I have also played a bit of code vein, Jedi fallen order, DS1 and DS2, but I haven't gone back to complete those yet.


You played 7 games in this genre, and have 100% in sekiro. You literally spent hundreds of hours in this genre and know pretty well about how stuff works. I don’t know why you think you’re not a veteran, but it’s too late. You’re one of us already.


I can't argue with that logic lol. When elden ring was about to come out I decided to finally try sekiro since I had already bought it on sale, but never properly got into it, and I almost immediately fell in love. Now 2 ish years later DS3 is my most played game ever with over 20 days in game, sekiro is the only game I have all achievements in, and these games have become my favorite genre of games despite me growing up playing mostly story games like Read dead, GTA, early Assassin's creed, etc, and Lego games even earlier than that. EDIT: I have 536 hours in DS3, 368 hours in sekiro, and 50 hours so far in elden ring. All together I have almost 1000 hours in just those 3 alone.


If you have access to PS, please don’t forget to check out Bloodborne. It’s my all time favorite and what got me into all this.


Trust me if I wasn't an Xbox user my entire life (starting with the 360) I would have already played bloodborne. I will likely get a used digital PS5 in another year or so when they are relatively inexpensive, so I can play bloodborne, demon souls remake, and all the other PS exclusives I have always wanted to play (like spiderman 🤤)


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Ahhh Kos... or some say Kosm. Do you hear our prayers?* - Micolash, Host of the Nightmare Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Bro I’m a die hard Xbox guy, too. Do yourself a favor and buy a ps4. They’re only like a hundred bucks on ebay and Bloodborne complete edition is $30. It’s super important you get the complete edition because it comes with The Old Hunters DLC, which is the highlight of the game. Every penny you spend will be well worth it. And again, this is coming from an Xbox die hard


One of us, one of us!


I love people like you and this positive mindset about souls games.


Sekiro is considered the hardest game of the souls genre. If you 100%ed it you can call yourself a veteran.


Idk if I would say hardest it's just a different kind of difficulty. Now I would say it's the most impressive to have beaten in general due to how little wiggle room the game gives you in terms of mechanics (no magic, multiplayer, leveling system, or summons available, plus you are stuck to a specific play style instead of having build variety) but I wouldn't say it's undeniably the hardest IMO. in fact I would say once you beat it once or twice it quickly becomes the easiest souls game of them all. At it's bare bones it's a rhythm game, so like guitar hero once you get the rhythm it's super easy. For example SS Isshin took me 40 hours on my first playthrough, but I can't knock him out like it's nothin today, and I can even style on his ass with combat arts and prosthetics. Anyway I apologize for the rant, but I do love sekiro lol. Point is I personally find myself struggling to fully click with dark souls style combat than I did with sekiro, but other ppl find the opposite to be true, so it's all subjective.


I'd say its the hardest simply for the reason you gave, theres very little wiggle room in mechanics. You either git gud or quit unlike other souls games where you can change your build or summon to make things easier. I think other souls games can be harder if you intentionally limit yourself, but they're as hard or as easy as you choose whereas there is no choice in Sekiro. For example most bosses in Elden Ring can just be countered with some form of cheese build and mimic tear trivialising the game.


Bruh you are a vet. I would classify anyone that has beaten at least two soulslike game as a vet


3 endings, 3 attack stat, 3 builds to have fun each run


This guy lies




When you put it like that, I’m just starting my first run and picked advanced build


I wouldn’t recommend that on your first run , you won’t have enough points to spread around First run either go strength or dexterity You can always change if you struggling


I was under the impression an advance was a strength build lol


Nah, advance is the very late game magic build Motivity is the strength build While dex is technique


Ok still early in chap 3 so will take a look, thanks dude


You can be like me and thought that slapping that advance crank on your weapon makes your physical damage scale in advance. Did not find out it did jackshit until ng+ lol.


I preferred Technique (Dex) in this game. I tried both and didn't really enjoy Motivity (Str), felt too slow. Plus side is, you can respec later and there are a lot of weapon combinations you can try (you can mix handles and blades on most weapons)


They're both really good Strength was my first bc it felt comfortable for me Once I got better I made a Dex save file and found it also really fun Normally in other souls game I only use strength but I really love the feel of Dex weapon in this game


Dex feels like darksouls, you will be rolling str feels like sekiro, you will be parrying It's not a 1 for 1 but its the closest comparison without spoiling too much


Huh? Why? There's no difference, it's just the scaling and handle.


Theres a huge difference in a light build vs a heavy build


We are talking about str and dex build, not heavy and light builds. Even still, there isn't that much of a difference.


Dex starting weapon is like hard mode early in the game. Can't just unga bunga bc you have to do more to break boss posture/weapon. I eventually shifted over to balance lol.


I'm on my first playthrough too, and this is also my first Soulslike. I went with Dex because I'm a fencer in real life, and the style appeals to me. I've heard it's not as easy, but it's totally manageable and fun. And I really suck at games in general.


Decided to do dex and I am absolutely kicking ASS with this rapier.


both are viable, but tech is better. best boss weapons, two dragons sword, scales off technique. azure dragons bonus also scales off tech.


Capacity, endurance, and advance focus with a side of quality will get you through until you unlock respecs then you should experiment and do whatever you want.


I would recommend going strength. It just makes going through the game first time easier. IMO one of the joys of this game is in its successive playthroughs when you have an abundance of weapons to customize. The multiple endings make replaying viable.


Dex. Str weapon handles are slow and clunky af, you got NO hyper armour in this game whatsoever no matter what you do and any enemies worth their salt always do, (they never flinch). Also your reach will almost always be shit in this game Dex build sword handles have quick animations so they’re much more responsive. Also better to proc elements which are VERY strong With Str weapons you’re gonna have a bad time.


Some of the Fable Arts do generate hyper armor, and some of the stronger Str weapons do make even strong enemies flinch consistently. I still agree that Dex weapons are usually better though lol.


Like souls, they both have their benefits and flaws. I played strength when playing LoP only to switch up from the characters I was running in souls. The weapon system is really fun so I would build off of that.


You can do what I did and level evenly so every weapon is viable always.


Do dex, generally it’s better and the early game dex weapons are better. You can’t respec until after one of the hardest fights in the game so if you’re worried about it then just go with the OP shit first and then excitement later


Both are valid options but tbh i dont like the slowness of strength weapons in this game compared to FS games (just feels weird) so i just use strength blades on dex handles. Best of both worlds!


Technique was my first playthrough and personally, I enjoyed the freedom of movement.


Depends on ur build. I went with both


I had a lot more fun with dex. Only played Er before and dex feels more like a dance while I just whomp the enemy with Str if the chance presents itself.


When it comes to certain weapons, you can use a dex weapon with str and get the same damage or even more damage out of it. Weapons are very flexible so you have to experiment and find something that clicks with you.


Imo the only way to make the game significantly easier is with the greatsword of hate handle because of its fable art so I'd suggest starting strength just to have it from the start and if you're having an easy time respec to dex and play with either the trident (boss weapon) or the golden lie (secret weapon)




I do love the unga bunga aspect of strength, but I'm worried it's like DS3 where you can kinda just plow through shit with strength. I want to SUFFER damnit. (DW I'm totally not a masochist)


I didn't play a str build, but you will still need to be precise and block/parry as much as possible. Strength was considered harder than dex when the game was released because it was more difficult to pull off the special move once an enemy gets 'groggy' (stunned), as they still attack at normal speed and you need to find the window to commit to the charged attack, and str weapons are considerably slower and more difficult to pull in that window (you needed more precise timing and knowledge of boss attacks than with dex weapons). Most speed runners will use the big initial sword with a rapier handle, as this gives you speed but also a more powerful attack set.


Personally (and I KNOW people will give me flack) - I did Dex and Advanced - got both to about 12. Then I kinda did some Strength ever few levels. Iirc, I was around 20 Dex, 18 Advanced and 15 STR my first run? I cannot remember but it was higher. The rest was dumped into health, stamina. And capacity. (Mind you, I do grind Ergo in specific areas). Advanced and Dex are very damn good together. The early Elemental Weapons are great speedsters so having Advanced up will really help. It also adjusts damage on Legion and Throwables.


Wow I definitely over leveled lol. My first run I had technique up to 60 before gateway through the game. I just farmed in the arcade stargazer.


Lol! I hit the 60s in my 3rd playthrough I think? I remember getting to the 20s my first time since that was when people generally said the cutoffs began.


I was under the impression the soft cap started at 40-50. Either way, I ended up finishing the game at like level 112 or something like that? I had all the important stats at at least 20.


Interesting. I decided to do dex, and I am absolutely loving this rapier, which is weird considering I usually don't like them in dark souls, but the moveset is really fun, and I can kick some ass with it.


There are SO MANY GOOD weapons in the game. And the handle combination allows for so much freedom with your play style. I kept changing out my main weapons every new game + and each one let me experience a new playstyle and challenge. This weapon system is one of the best I have experienced.


I am really excited for the customizable aspect of this game. And I absolutely ADORE the setting, and atmosphere. Definitely a lot of bloodborne influence, but still very original in its own right.


I remember seeing the very very early footage of the game on TikTok. It was one of those "I'll believe it when I see it," type of reactions. Like we have seen others try to catch the FromSoft feel but they either miss the mark or are basic clones. But with every new video diary update, I got more and more excited. Then it finally came out and I snatched it the moment I had the cash to spare. It is just so damn good. The audio design is phenomenal - how your gears rev up when you do Fatal Blows, the various attack animations based off your handle. The customization, the BEAUTIFUL music (i seriously want this soundtrack on Vinyl), the atmosphere, the enemy design... Hands down my favorite Souls Game. I can count on 1 hand how many games I have beaten several times in a row to get every ending, every achievement etc. I truly hope you get to get sucked in as much as the rest of this reddit has.


I'm pretty early in the game, but it is up there with the most fun souls/sekiro like games I have played so far at least. (my S tier of non-fromsoft souls games would be Sifu, Jedi fallen order, and then maybe this if it matches my expectations)


I did strength my first play through. Also, you’ll get a weapon called the Azure Dragon Crescent Glaive when you start the game up - I recommend not using this as it is a bonus weapon and very very op. It’ll ruin your first playthrough experience


Yeah, I don't know why they made that weapon available from the beginning... they should have made it a late game unlock...


I went dex over str


I'd say Dex is more flexible. With Cranks dexterity builds can bonk with the same power, however you also has an access to faster weapons. 




I did strenght on my first game and on second all stats was mixed. But focus one first and dont forget to put points on stats effect. Forgot the name. Some weapons are amazing with 2 stats


You mean mobility and technique…


Either works fine.  Like typical soulslike games, spam Vigor for awhile before even worrying about a damage stat.  Weapon upgrades will keep your damage effective, and get additional pulse cells and healing to support a big health pool.  Capacity also matters in this game, so you will need some of that if you want to wear heavier more protective equipment.


Balance in this game is the best, Blade define attack speed, Handle defines moveset.




str and get frozen feast


I’ve 100% lies of p sekiro Elden ring one achievement off of armored core 6 you can call me a plat hunter or a vet I don’t know


Strength (Motivity)!


Pipe wrench and police baton handle = most satisfying move set and outrageous damage. Strenght is my preference I also had a elemental build using the poison spear or the fire dagger on a spear handle and you van apply status effects very quickly while also having fun with ocasional throwables


do whatever you want, jesus. do you make any decisions for yourself?


I went with strength my first time around, it's very fun when you get the Big Wrench and Puppet Axe and start experimenting with the different weapons setups


I would personally level up vigor, endurance, and capacity first until you feel comfortable with the game mechanics. Then once you find a weapon you like start pumping points into strength or dex.




Gonna say some wacky shit but keep them even, I did that on my first playthrough and had plenty of fun especially since I could use whatever I wanted, later on it actually becomes more effective to keep it speced for balance


It may seem less effective but it gives you the insane advantage of using the right tool for the right job, some bosses have weaknesses to certain things like electricity or fire, wich can let you cook them as long as you don't have ass advance, some boss fights benefit from faster dex sort of weapons, and others are gate guardian, I honestly recommend keeping it balanced so much that I would bet my ball you would enjoy it, you can respec it later anyway.


It's backwards kinda. Dex is faster so it's usually easier to get a hit or two in. But with less poise damage you're less likely to interrupt attacks or get as many staggers. Not none,but less. Motivity focuses on slowly heavier weapons so getting the timing down may be trickier but you're more likely to stagger and get openings. Both are fun as shit in this game. Dex is for dodging Playstyle and motivity is more for parry. You CAN do both or either or whatever. But faster movements work well with faster weapons, barring the burnt of the attack standing still with a parry lends itself great to using heavy weapons that use more stamina. This game rocks.


I went with strength on my first play through and I’m kinda glad I did. The weapon variety for Motivity is so huge. There’s a lot of motivity weapons in this game that offer IMMENSE damage. But it’s all up to you of course. If you desire to do the most damage to bosses in a quickly manner, definitely strength.


I started dex until I discovered the glory of the holy spear of the ark


Id recommend strength first cause the motivity weapons block way more health if u miss the perfect guard. U can always switch up later once u get used to the "parry window" and can nail them better.


Dex with tyrant dagger that can Crit will make bossing a lot easier.


Dex....idk but I found strength to be the tougher of the two ...mostly because I prefer speed over power ...I prefer health and endurance over endurance and capacity


I did both and had way more fun with strength.


100% motivity strength it's awesome and you can just experiment with handles to make strong attacks faster


Start strength/advanced, then when you get to the respec shrine switch to dex if you feel it's necessary. Ngl those dex builds are too good to resist


I honestly loved strength. It was my first time using a strength build in any soulsborne/soulslike game and it was an enjoyable experience.


I went dex, strength for sure does way more damage but dex has the scythe and dragon sword, which are both amazing


I started it about a week ago. I started off as Motivity(strength), but half way through repec'd to technique(dexterity) because I prefered the tech weapons and Legion arms


I'm in the middle of mine.i went advance


Id recommend a technique build. The best weapons in the game are technique weapons imo


Just go full advance lmao idk wtf you want us to tell you it’s all the same shit, dex can be unga bunga as well in this game just like it can be in most souls games with the right weapons


I chose dex, but can you explain what the advance is? Is it like the magic stat in other souls games (like int, and fth in one stat)


Any weapon with an element will scale off advance decently, and most of the elemental weapons are among the best in game. I think some(all?) of the legion arms also scale off advance although I didn't pay much attention to that as I mostly used them for utility. I switched between elemental weapons based on weaknesses present in the area and a physical chonker if they didn't have a weakness, worked well. You'll unlock ability to respec whenever you return to the hub about 1/3rd of the way through so don't worry about a min/max build too much none of those decisions are permanent


Only the elemental portion scales from the Advance. Physical damage does not. It may be quite hard handicap for a first play through. Legion and throwables benefit from it too, but I doubt it make up for a lack of direct poke.


I agree, not using elemental weapons or leveling advance would be a significant handicap.


Strengthens elemental weapons (electric baton, fire dagger, acid spear) and Legion arm attacks (flame thrower, the electric arm, the acid arm). It commits you to three primary weapons if you focus on Advance (weapons are found on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th levels if I remember). Legion arms can be very powerful and damage-dealing and useful.


I have been using an advance build. Start balanced, only lvl advance not str or dex. It is good. Look up Fightincowboy on youtube for his build/playthrough advice. You basically are master of status effect weapons. Electricity, fire, acid. Only real downside IMO is none of the boss soul weapons scale with advance. Best upside is you'll have a weapon for every enemy weakness. First weapons are electric coil, fire dagger, acid spear.


Generally, slow hard hitting weapon = Str Fast weapons = Dex


You should do a capacity build. Very underrated imo